
Published on Apr 17, 1996



  1. Chapter

"You're still changing, aren't you." Linda exclaimed from the slightly open bedroom door.

The words startled Joe, who was standing before the mirror, looking at himself, deep in thought.

Joe looked at her and smiled meekly.

"Yeah, I guess I am." He admitted. "Not much, I suppose, but something is happening."

"You simply look gorgeous. I can't believe how soft... how young looking... how... absolutely feminine you've become." Linda exclaimed, as she looked at her fiancee, standing before her, embarrassment showing, feminine curves concealed only by little white shorts and a bra.

"It's really hard to accept this is really me...that these things are mine." Joe said, gently cupping his breasts with his hands.

They were attached to his body...he could certainly feel them when they were touched, but still, it was as if his still growing breasts were not really a part of these soft bulges were actually part of a costume he wore. But there was no zipper in this birthday suit.

He moved his hands to his butt. He ran them up and down along noticeably widening hips, wondering just when the changes would finally stop.

"Maybe it's a good thing you're going with me." Linda exclaimed, a teasing inflection evident in her voice. It was plain she too noticed the continuing change in that area.

Joe looked at her and grinned.

"I guess I am getting a little broader in the beam." He conceded.

It was so weird. To watch your body continue its transition toward female, and know there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. But the interesting thing was, he didn't really care anymore. It was as if his will... his very being...everything he was...was starting to accept what he had apparently already physically become. A woman.

Linda stood in the doorway and watched Joe as he examined himself. They didn't speak. They was no need. The look on Joe's face made it plain that he was becoming more and more content with his acquired shape...his new gender. They could no longer consider themselves man and woman. Until now, they both sometimes ignored the physical, talking and teasing, as if Joe's situation was just some temporary thing, like some kind of complex costume.

"Not bad for a girl, Bates. You really are a woman, I guess." Linda said, finally breaking the long silence.

"What does it be a woman?" Joe asked. "Is it growing boobs? Is it having this?" He ran his right hand along the sleekness of his crotch.

"I don't know, Joe." Linda said. "But it sure looks like you're beginning to enjoy it. Do you agree?"

Joe looked into the mirror. He gently rubbed the silky, nylon cups of the bra.

"Do I like it?" He repeated. "It feels good. The softness...the new sensitivity... It really feels good. Yeah. I guess I am starting to like it. Is that so bad?"

"No, it's not bad." Linda responded. "Maybe it's a good... I doesn't look like they can change you back, so if you have to be like that...if you have to stay feminine, it's probably good if you can enjoy it."

"Yeah, that's what I keep telling myself." Joe said. "But it's a complicated feel masculinity slip away. I guess I can't explain it to you...but no matter how much begin to like this...the way I am now...there is still a real...a tremendous sense of loss."

Linda looked at Joe. He looked so much like a teenager standing there. A pretty, young woman. But his words, if not his voice, were still those of the Joe Bates she knew.

She put her arms out and went to him, taking him to her. He was still taller than she was, but he was no longer the strong muscular man she loved. Joe had become completely soft... feminine... He even smelled feminine. Her hands brushed the strap of the bra. Every physical aspect about him served to remind her the person in her arms was no longer the man he had been.

Joe eagerly returned her embrace. When they stood close together, his pert breasts came above Linda's, just below her chin. Her face brushed the soft skin of his chest, and she felt the warm hollow of cleavage. She looked up at him, and they kissed. It was like always, and yet, so very different. They could never again feel the same about each other. They were still in love, but the powerful feeling of heterosexual affection, and yes, lust, had almost vanished. They were becoming more like best friends... sisters. Something good, real... but not lovers. At least not at all like before.

"You smell very good." Linda said, trying to hide the awkward embarrassment.

"Thanks." Joe said. "It's your cologne. I put some on this morning. It holds up pretty well I guess."

"We better get going, don't you think?" Linda continued.

"Yeah, maybe so." He agreed.

He grabbed the white top and deftly pulled it on.

"Do I look Ok?" Joe questioned, holding his arms out. "Will I fit in?"

"Don't worry, Joe, you'll fit in." Linda advised. "If there's any problem, it'll be cause the other women will be jealous."

Joe looked at Linda.

"Do they all dress in the locker room?" He asked.

"Are you hoping you'll get to see the others in the buff?" Linda teased.

"I don't care about that. Not anymore." Joe said truthfully. "Maybe it's hard to believe, but I really don't find that stuff exciting now, not usually anyway."

"Yeah, but it can be a real ego boost." Linda mused. "Some of the ladies make me feel pretty good about the way I look."

"I'm still trying to get used to being like this, remember." Joe said. "I have a lot of trouble thinking of myself as one of the women. No matter what I happen to look like...or how they look. Sometimes, I tend to forget that I'm one of you guys now."

"Well, the other girls won't guess there's a guy in the locker room, don't worry about that." Linda promised, smiling at him.

"Yeah...great." Joe said, very unenthusiastically.

He finished gathering his things up, putting them in the colorful gym tote. Since he'd be changing clothes there, Joe wondered what else he might need. He considered the mini-pads.

"Should I take some panti-liners?" Joe asked Linda, who was still intently watching him pack.

"I really don't know." She responded. "Think you need one?"

"Well...I'm worried that some of that medication stuff is going to run out. It sure felt like it might. But it hasn't so far." Joe said.

"If you haven't had a problem by now, I doubt you will." Linda considered.

"But what about when I start jumping around and stuff?" Joe went on.

"If it will make you feel better...more confident...then use one." Linda advised.

Joe went into the bathroom and grabbed a couple from the box. He tossed them in with the leotard, then zipped up the brightly colored bag. It was bigger, but a lot less embarrassing to carry than a purse.

"Ok. I'm ready." He exclaimed.

"Let's get going then." Linda said, taking her bag and walking briskly to the door.

They went to the drive, and without asking, Linda went to her car. This was another difference. Before, anytime they went anywhere together, Joe drove. Linda didn't even ask. She always rode along. It was different now. It was plain she was looking at Joe differently, more like an equal...a peer.

Joe rode along in silence, thinking about that, and wondering what it would be like, participating in a women's exercise a woman.

He'd know soon enough.

Linda pulled into the half full parking lot, and they climbed the stairs, side by side. Joe had to resist habitually taking Linda's hand as they walked. That was something he could never do anymore, not in public anyway.

They showed their membership cards and went inside. It was still strange for Joe to enter the "wrong" side of the familiar place. The typical locker room smell greeted them when they went inside. Well, not exactly the old locker room smell, Joe thought. The women's side included a faint trace of perfume, or something. Subtle, but very different than the musty sock odor on other side of the hall.

Not so subtle was the difference in appearance of the other occupants of the room. No muscular, sweaty jock hairy men. None.

There was no way to describe this sight to a man. There must be thirty women in here, Joe thought, and over half of them well under thirty. A lot of them were under twenty. There were all shapes...all sizes...but they were all women, that was plainly evident. Joe had never seen so many bare breasts in one place, at one time, ever before. Jay wouldn't believe it if he told him.

Such variety. It was like some kind of dream. Women...naked women...all over the place. Large boobs...small boobs...tiny boobs. He didn't know they could look so different, so...such variety of shapes. All this female flesh, and not a cock in the room...including in his own shorts.

Joe instinctively felt himself...there had to be at least a trace of embarrassing bulge there...he could detect a bit of excitement stirring. But no...nothing. His new shape offered nothing to the outside. Even his "erection" now felt different than before, even since the change. After the last experience with Jay, he now knew the subtle differences between the sensations of his old genitalia, and the way he was now. That little clitoris might still feel like a "hard-on", at least sort of, but now he could also recognize the pleasant sensation of the labia minora as they engorged with blood, spreading the new vaginal opening, making it ready for penetration. At the same time, there was the warm feeling of those lubricating secretions. Thank heaven for the pad, Joe thought.

Winding her way among the throng of dressing and undressing women, Linda found a spot near a vacant locker, and claimed a little bench as hers. There was enough space for Joe too, so he put his bag on the bench along side hers.

Linda opened the locker and started placing her stuff inside. Joe chose an empty one a few spaces down and copied her actions. Though he tried his best, it was completely impossible for him resist the temptation to ogle the women and girls around him. It was too ingrained a habit.

It was just too different...too much. Joe had been in a women's locker room before, in fact, this very one, but never when there were so many good looking women...girls. Boobs and beavers...everywhere.

"Joe...try to keep your eyes to yourself." Linda said quietly. "You're staring at everybody."

"I can't help it!" Joe hissed softly. "I've never been any place quite like this before. Give me a break."

Linda looked at him with a big grin showing.

"Not as easy as you thought, huh?" She asked.

"Easier now than it would have been two days ago." Joe responded, his head swiveling to follow a rather well endowed teenager as she bounced her way to the shower.

"Well, try to keep your eyes from popping out, at least." Linda said, obviously enjoying Joe's strange predicament.

No one realized that the attractive young girl who seemed to stare strangely at one could have imagined that inside that pretty head was the brain of a thirty year old guy, his male urges heavily dulled by lack of testosterone, but still retaining the memories, and the visions... All that still worked the same.

Joe slowly placed his things in his locker, but eventually he had to undress. He didn't know why it bothered him since there was no way for anyone to tell his secret, he had the best disguise imaginable. But the thought of undressing in this crowded place, with all these strangers...even if they were women...

He pulled his top over his head, and carefully hung it on a hook in the locker. Then he reached down and unsnapped the bra, then pulled it off his shoulders.

There were little marks where the bra had pressed on his body. Linda had them too. He hadn't noticed them on other women before, but it must be normal.

Joe sat and untied his Reeboks, then pulled them off. It was time to remove the shorts.

Slowly unbuttoning the shorts, he pulled them down, then stood momentarily in his panties. He pulled them down, and immediately noticed the panti-liner. What should he do with that? He decided to leave it in the crotch until later, when he'd have to wear them again.

Completely naked, Joe fished around in his bag till he found the sport panty, and quickly stepped into it. He was about to pull it up, when he considered using protection. Should he put a pad in right here? Among all these people? They'd probably think he was menstruating. But what if they did. He probably would anyway...eventually. He cautiously reached and felt between his legs with his finger. It was moist there...but it seemed clear, like it might just be from the excitement, not the greasy medication.

Joe decided to go without the pad. If it felt funny later, he could excuse himself and put one on. Maybe it would be a bit more private then, at least.

He pulled the panty in place, enjoying the secure feeling the snug fit of the garment provided. Rubbing his hands over his butt, Joe relished the silky smoothness. Maybe he might look female...he obviously did...but there was no way he could deny pleasurable sensations. He moved his hand to the front, between his legs. The fabric there was even softer satin like fabric, and his totally feminine shape was becoming familiar, though it still felt a little weird sometimes, not having a penis. Not bad...but weird.

The cool air and underlying sexual excitement made Joe's nipples stiff and sensitive. He looked over at Linda, who was also undressed. Her's were the same way. She wasn't paying any attention, so it must be completely normal. Apparently it was possible to get accustomed to the extra sensitivity a female body provided. Maybe it would just take some time.

Joe watched as Linda slipped her arms into a beige colored support bra and deftly pulled it over her head and shoulders. Just as Joe's, her own bra had no clasps or hooks, it had to be pulled over the head. Joe put his head and arms in the proper holes and adjusted his soft breasts into the cotton cups. The supportive athletic bra actually pressed the breast tissue down until it was mostly just a flattened bulge on his chest. When he wore it, he hardly jiggled at all. He could still see the little bumps of his hard nipples, but otherwise, it was almost like being a guy again. He looked down and rubbed his sleek crotch. Well...not exactly a guy.

Here he was, in a room filled with beautiful women in various stages of undress...and he was no different than they were. Though he still felt many of the familiar stirrings, it was now not just physically impossible to carry out most of things that went through his thoughts, the very thoughts themselves were changing rapidly.

As these things went through his mind, Joe slipped on the shape hugging exercise wear. The Capri pants, the leotard, and then the little crop top. Although he felt his new femininity was rather exposed, he was actually wearing a lot of clothes. But even with shape subduing exercise bra, it was quite clear that he was not a male. The stretchy clothes emphasized his narrowed waist as well as his widening hips and rounded buttocks.

Ready to go, Joe felt a little self conscious but generally pleased with himself. He looked at Linda, who was also putting her gym bag into the locker.

She still looked good, there was no hiding that basic attractiveness, even to Joe's changing mind. Joe couldn't see how much older than he was she looked. Some in the room might have even thought she could have been his very young looking mother. But Joe didn't see that. She still looked the same. He was the one who changed. The relationship between them was changing, and had already changed a lot, but they were still best friends.

Linda saw Joe watching her and smiled.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

"Let's do it!" Joe said, with exaggerated enthusiasm. His heart was pounding with the combination of excitement, apprehension, and fear.

Joe saw that Linda took a towel, so he too grabbed one from the neat stack. He followed her out the door.

The aerobics room was already filled with women, who were spacing themselves in an orderly fashion on the floor. The entire front wall of the room was mirrored, so everyone could watch themselves as they followed the fit looking instructor.

Joe looked around at the other women. He recognized some of them from his many other visits to the health club. They were probably the same women he had just seen dressing, but maybe it was the different light, maybe just because there was no longer the distraction of naked breasts, whatever, he hadn't recognized them in the locker room. He wondered if any of them would recognize him.

That was highly unlikely. Even though his face was somewhat similar to the way it used to be, no one would have dreamed that the young shapely woman was formerly a thirty year old male. If there was any recognition, no one gave a hint.

Doing as the others, Joe placed his towel on the floor at his side. He looked up as the instructor bent over to place a tape into her boom box, her well-formed derriere catching his eye. Directly in front of him was a young woman probably no more than twenty years old. She too was very trim. To the others, she probably seemed more Joe's age than Linda did, but to Joe she was much younger. It was hard enough to think of himself as female, much less twenty years old again.

He was admiring the view of the young ladies backside, which her purple leotard and white stirrup pants did little to conceal. He was staring intently, examine the lines the leg elastic of her panties made on her butt, when she suddenly turned around and noticed him.

"Hi. my name's Susan." She said, smiling. Unlike a man, she didn't extend her hand along with the greeting.

Joe was surprised at the innocent openness of the young woman. She obviously didn't consider him a threat. Not that he was.

Joe held out his hand.

"My name is Joe." He said, as the girl took his hand.

"Joe? I've never seen you here before, have I, Joe?" Susan asked, snickering slightly as she spoke his name.

"No...No, I don't think so." Joe said. "I've never been to the exercise class until today. I came along with my friend Linda." He pointed to Linda, who was in the in the same row as Susan, but two spots to the right.

"Oh, yeah, I've seen Linda here lots of times." Susan said. Do you live here in Phoenix?"

"Yeah, I do. Joe said. I live at Linda's." He said awkwardly.

The music started. It was time to begin the stretching exercises.

"Well, I guess it's time to get to work." Susan said, turning around.

"Yeah, I guess so", Joe agreed.

The exercise instructor raised her arms over her head. Everyone in the room followed suit, and for the next five minutes or so, they bent and stretched in harmony with the music. Joe had never exercised to music before, but he had spent enough time watching in the back of the room, while waiting for a racquetball court, to know the procedure. At those times, he could never have imagined that some day he'd be wearing a sexy leotard, joining in with the OTHER women.

Joe found that time went very quickly. The exercise itself was quite exhilarating, and the scenery could not be faulted. As he bounced up and down, dancing to the rhythm, he watched Susan's buttocks, trying to remember if he had seen her in the locker room. Joe began to feel like a dirty old man. But luckily, his thoughts were invisible, and his body gave no trace of his feelings.

Soon the music slowed, signaling the start of the cool down phase. All the exertion had caused sweat to show through Susan's leotard, around her bra. Joe wondered if he looked the same way, and since most of the others did too, he figured that was highly likely. Women sweat too, he thought grinning to himself.

Then the tape stopped, and the instructor said "Good work ladies, I'll see you in a couple of days."

Joe took his towel and wiped sweat from his forehead. Susan turned and spoke again.

"Do you go to school?" She asked.

"Oh no." Joe answered instinctively to the unsuspected question. "I work at Honeybone."

"Really, what do you do there?" Susan asked innocently. She was obviously trying to strike up a friendship with Joe, who she probably considered to be about her own age.

"I'm an Electrical Engineer." Joe blurted, almost immediately realizing it might be hard to believe what he was said.

"An Electrical Engineer...rad!." Susan said. "You must be really smart."

Joe didn't know how to take the conversation. He wasn't used to carrying on an extended communication with a young woman who didn't know about his experience.

"No, I just find the work interesting." Joe answered, hoping to not sound too nerdy.

They walked into the locker room with the other women. Another strip show, Joe thought to himself.

Susan's locker was on the same aisle as Joe and Linda's, and they each went to their respective bench, but were still within speaking distance.

Joe opened the padlock on his locker, and saw Susan do the same. When Susan had her locker open, she quickly removed her shoes and socks, then the leotard and stirrup pants. Standing there with her long hair flowing down her back, in white cotton panties and only a wisp of a bra, she looked like an angel. Joe found himself spending more time watching her than he did undressing. Earlier, Linda had noticed him and Susan talking, but had let them to themselves. Now she noticed him watching Susan as she undressed.

"She's pretty, isn't she." Linda said, low enough so only he could hear.

"Yeah, I guess she is." Joe agreed, trying to look away, and continue to undress.

"Maybe you should get to know her." Linda said.

"What for?" Joe asked. "What could we possibly have in common?"

"Well, I think Susan is a nice girl, she probably thinks you two are the same age." Linda responded.

"Yeah, but we're not, remember." Joe said.

When Susan slipped off her underwear, she wrapped herself in a bath towel and walked past Joe on her way to the showers. He quickly got his clothes off and went to the showers too. Susan was there, and they stood side by side in the communal facilities, letting the warm water rinse the sweat from their bodies. Out of the corner of his eye, Joe watched Susan as she washed herself. They dried themselves before returning to the lockers.

"Are you going to the concert tonight?" Susan asked.

"No. No, I have to go back to work later." Joe said.

"You have to work tonight?" Susan asked. "Tonight?"

Joe wondered what the big concert was. He didn't want to sound out of touch, so he said nothing that might give himself away.

"Yeah, I do. I don't usually work in the evenings, but I do tonight." He said.

"Where do you hang out?" Susan continued.

Joe didn't know what to say. He wasn't sure where young women "hung out." He though of the places he always went, and the age of the women there. Sure...there were plenty of women in their twenties at a night spot currently known as Spectrum.

"Usually the Spectrum." Joe responded after a moment.

"Oh...sure, I go there sometimes too." Susan replied. "I'm surprised we haven't met before."

Joe picked his brain, trying to remember this young, cute blond. He couldn't, so she probably wasn't a regular there. Neither was he, for that matter.

"I don't go out that much really." Joe said.

"We'll have to go together some time." Susan suggested.

"Yeah...maybe we could that." Joe said cautiously, watching as Susan toweled her pubic hair.

They went back to the lockers, and Joe slowly put his street clothes back on, heart pounding as he watched Susan doing the same. He liked her. He didn't know if it was just because she was attractive, or because of her almost naive friendliness. Well, maybe not naive...he was forgetting he wasn't male, so to her he was not a "threat", just another young woman...a peer.

"Are you ready soon?" Linda asked.

She was obviously watching how Joe dealt with Susan's attempt at friendship. She knew Joe sometimes thought of women as sex objects, even now, and found it interesting to watch how he dealt with now quite out of place feelings. It was quite evident that Joe experienced at least a little sexual excitement watching the cute young woman, even though he now looked almost like her.

Men...who could hope to understand them.

Joe on the other hand had a different problem. He actually wanted to be around Susan, though he wasn't sure why, and here presented a definite opportunity.

"Yeah, just give me a minute." Joe responded, a little irritation showing.

He went over to Susan, who was brushing her hair.

Will you be here Thursday?" He asked.

"Sure." Susan replied. "I come three times a week."

"Well, I'll see you then, I guess." Joe said, sounding relieved. "We can see about going out."

Susan looked at Joe. Going out? That was a strange way to refer to it, she thought. But she got the idea.

"Yeah. Maybe we can do that." Susan responded. "Your aunt don't want to come along, does she?"

Aunt? Who's the aunt, Joe wondered?

"My aunt...?" Joe repeated.

"Linda." Susan explained. "I just figured she was your relative, she didn't look much like your sister, so I thought maybe she was your aunt."

Joe laughed.

"Oh no, she's just my friend." He explained speaking slowly and carefully. "We've known each other for a long time. I don't know if she'd want to come or not. I'll talk to her about it. But I have to go now. See you later!"

"See you, Joe." Susan repeated. "Thursday, right?"

So... He'd be doing this again. That was ok with him. It was kind of fun, definitely interesting, and good exercise besides. What more could a guy...or a girl...ask for?

Joe gathered his things, looking around the room, taking in the sights one last time. The incentive to exercise was about as strong as it could get.

He followed Linda out of the room and to her car.

In about an hour he'd have to meet Norm at his hotel. It looked as if this was going to be an interesting night.

Next: Chapter 35: Chapter04

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