
Published on Apr 17, 1996



  1. Chapter : A Clue

When Joe followed Karen out of Dr. Krell's office, he saw Mike and Dave waiting outside for their turn to talk to the doctor. Mike Osborn looked very uncomfortable next to his rotund partner. Joe greeted them, and asked what they had been up to.

"Well, I've had blood drawn, they even took hair samples, and they gave me a CAT scan," Mike replied. Dave was cordial, but did not add to the conversation. Joe told them Jim Matheney would be there at two o'clock, and that he would see them in a little while. Then he followed Karen down the hall to leave the building. They went out to the employee parking garage, where Karen's car was parked. She walked up to a glistening white Toyota Supra, with expensive alloy wheels and very wide tires.

"I'm crazy about cars," Karen said, grinning as she buckled in. "Maybe I'm a woman, but I still love a good handling sports car."

"Me, too," Joe said. "I have an RX-7 GXL, and I love it."

Karen's Supra ran great, and she knew how to drive, making the short trip to Wendy's a brisk experience. "She drives like I do," Joe thought, grinning as he watched her go through the gears, her white uniform skirt hiked well above her knees, exposing more of her long, white, hose covered legs than most women would allow. Karen saw Joe looking at her legs, and pulled the skirt down to a more demure position.

"I know I should be more careful about that," she said, looking at Joe with a devilish grin. "It's been about two years now, and I just love it, but I don't always remember to sit like a lady."

They pulled into the Wendy's lot, and parked the car in the back, so that the car would be less likely to be subjected to door dings. They walked inside, and looked at the menu board.

"I come here a lot, cause it's close, it's cheap, and I like the salad bar," Karen said. "In the last year, I have really had to watch what I eat, since it all seems to go to my butt, and I absolutely don't want to be a fat broad." She was grinning widely. Karen sure seemed happy to be a female.

They ordered. Karen ordered the salad bar. Joe, deciding that he might as well try to get used to the bird-like portions that women seemed to eat, did the same. They took their plates, filled them, and sat across from each other at a little table. Joe was dying to ask Karen some questions about herself.

"Dr. Krell told me a little about you," he said, not really knowing how to start the conversation, and not really sure if Karen would even want to talk about her transfiguration.

"I figured he might," she said, with a smile. "He's a great doctor, and I know he's as proud of how I've turned out as I am."

"So you really were a guy then?" Dave asked with a trace of skepticism.

"Well, I was married to a very nice woman for about a year, and we even had a child together," Karen said. "I tried to be a guy, and I suppose I was one physically, but I've always felt I was really a female as long as I can remember. I never felt right acting like a man, but since I looked like one, I did all the guy things, and I even enjoyed a lot of them. I still like to do some of them. Cars and computers don't seem to care of you're an innie or an outie." The grin never left her face as she spoke.

"Well, you sure fooled me," Joe said. "I never would have guessed that you were an outie." Dr. Krell was right, he and Karen were a lot alike.

"Joe, hormones and Dr. Krell's magic worked so well that even I sometimes forget that I used to look a lot different than I do now," she said proudly. "For a while, after my surgery, just looking in the mirror was one of my favorite pastimes. I couldn't imagine I would ever look like this. It's like a dream come true."

"I'm still in the looking in the mirror phase," Joe said. "Of course, it's hardly a dream come true for me, but it is interesting, and I guess I'd better try to get used to it."

"You're certainly attractive, Joe," Karen said, "and you have a big advantage over me, since you've even changed biologically. You probably won't have to worry about hormones, or anything like that. Dr. Hopkins thinks you can even menstruate. I wish I could. A lot of women think of it as an inconvenience, but it's a significant part of being female. You can probably have children someday. That's impossible for me now, of course." Her grin subsided for the first time, but only for a moment.

"I don't think that I'll ever have children," Joe said. "Not if it meant having sex with a man."

"It's not that bad," Karen said, grinning at Joe. "You quickly get used to the differences."

"Have you slept with a guy?" Joe asked. Joe didn't feel strange, asking Karen such personal questions, since they thought so much alike.

"Yeah, I have. A few times now," Karen answered simply.

"Did you like it?" Joe asked. He was curious about what it felt like, and wondered if he could ever get up the nerve to try it.

"Well, I was sort of like you," Karen explained. "I never thought I'd ever want to get intimate with a male. I knew them too well. I liked being around women. They were so soft, smelled so nice, and wore such sexy clothes. I didn't want anything to do with my old world, but after about a year, it sort of just happened. I didn't plan it, or anything. I met this guy at an auto-cross, a student pilot from Williams Air Force Base. He was racing his car, an '86 Corvette. We started talking about cars, and he asked me to dinner. I had never gone on a date with a guy before, or anything like that, but almost before I realized it, we were in bed together. You know how pilots are." Karen grinned, and winked at Joe.

"What was it like? Was it better than when you were married?" Joe asked. He felt like an anxious teenager, questioning a more experienced peer.

"Gee, it's hard to compare," Karen answered. "I never felt comfortable having sex as a male. It did feel good when I'd ejaculate though. I guess I do miss that, in a way." Karen seemed to stare into space as she spoke.

"Don't you climax?" Joe asked. He was thinking about his recent experiences with Linda. He never missed the ability to ejaculate. He really wasn't even sure he had lost it, he got so wet, and his climax was so powerful.

"Well, to be honest, Joe," Karen said, "as far as I can tell, I look exactly like a normal woman. My breasts developed, my body has changed so much that even my weight distribution has shifted to be more like a female. I think you know what I mean. My body... My genitalia are completely functional. I can have intercourse, but the sensation is not all that great. It feels sort of numb. Oh, I guess it's getting better, I could hardly feel anything at all, for almost the first year, but it's got better. It's still getting better, I guess, but I've never been able to come since my surgery. I don't regret the change, and I would never want to go back, even if I could. Intercourse isn't that big a deal for me. I can live with it, or without it. I like the closeness. I love to cuddle." Karen tried to explain her feelings to Joe, who listened intently to every word.

"Gee, I don't think I have any problem with feelings, or sensation," Joe said. "Actually I think I have even more feeling than before. My whole body seems much more sensitive. It even feels like I still have a penis. It's just kind of recessed now, and I think I can get off, just by having my boobs touched in the right way."

"Yeah, mine are sensitive too," Karen said. "At first, after I started on hormones, when they were just starting to develop, they were way too sensitive and they hurt all the time, but after the surgery, they really grew, and yeah, I guess they're my most sensitive area. Sounds like you've been trying out the new equipment." She chuckled.

"Well... I have this girlfriend, my fiance actually," Joe said, "or at least she was.... If I'm gonna stay like this, I guess I have to stop thinking of her like that. Anyway, Linda and I have continued sleeping together since this has happened to me. It's been an experience."

"When I first started down this path, I only wanted to be around girls, women, too," Karen admitted, "but as time went on, and I got used to the new ME, I've been more willing to experiment, to see what it's all about. Joe, I'm... We're women now, and there's nothing wrong with us experiencing ALL the pleasures of being female. God knows, there's enough pain."

"Speaking of pain, I have to go to the bathroom," Joe said, grinning at Karen. "I just know that my sore bottom isn't going to like it."

Joe got up, and excused himself. He walked down the short hall, and almost entered the men's restroom, catching himself as he put his hand on the doorknob. He walked on to the ladies, feeling like an invader as he did so. In all his experiences so far, he had not been into a public women's restroom. This would be the first time.

Joe opened the door. As he went in, he noticed that the room had a small, padded couch to sit on. There were no urinals along the wall. He very self consciously went to one of the stalls, and closed the door. Joe unzipped the blue jump suit, and pulled it off his shoulders. "Before the change," he thought to himself, "I could just stand here, whip it out, and be done with it. Now I have to practically undress." He took the down to around his knees. He tucked his thumbs into the narrow waistband of the nylon panties, and pulled them down. As he did, he could see that the white cotton lined crotch of his beige nylon panties were stained with a little streak of blood. It was not much, it did not penetrate to the out side, but it was another reminder that he was a lot different than he used to be. "You really are an innie now, Joe Bates," he thought. He was relieved to find it did not hurt when the urine flowed.

He finished quickly, and found no more blood on the tissue when he wiped. He hurriedly pulled his clothes back on, and left the stall. Joe went to the sink and was washing his hands when someone else, a teenage girl of maybe seventeen, came in and went into a stall. She did not even seem to notice the nervous woman at the sink. Joe dried his hands, and went out.

Karen watched Joe walk back to the table. As he sat, she looked at him with that perpetual grin she had.

"Joe, it must be ninety degrees outside. Why in the world are you wearing that long sleeve jumpsuit? Aren't you hot?" Karen questioned.

"Yeah I guess I am a little," he said. "I just feel better, more secure with this on."

"Well, girl," Karen replied, "if you're going to be one of us, you're going to have to get used to dressing lighter. If I wasn't working, I'd be wearing cutoffs and a tank top. We're going to have to get you some proper clothes, if you're going to make a go of it."

"I have other clothes," Joe said, grinning. "Linda helped me pick some out. I'm just not used to wearing that skimpy stuff yet."

"I saw what you look like under that coverall, and you haven't got anything to be ashamed of," Karen went on. "If you got it, flaunt it a little."

"I'm still getting used just to having it. I don't think I'm quite ready to flaunt it yet," Joe countered, smiling.

"It's about twelve forty-five," Karen said. "You don't need to be back for about thirty to forty-five minutes. Anything you want to do?"

"I don't have anything in mind. Do you?" Joe asked, wondering what the tall blond was thinking.

"I thought we might go over to Dillard's, and find you some summer clothes," Karen said.

"I have stuff at home," Joe said. "It's only about ten minutes away, if you want to take me. It's Linda's house, but she won't home till about three or four."

"I've got some time to kill, and I'd just as well not rush back to work," Karen said, getting up. She walked out, and Joe followed her out, telling her the way to Linda's. She listened, and repeated his instructions back after he gave them, almost like a pilot's read back of his clearance.

"You read that back like an IFR clearance," Joe said, figuring that the term would not be understood by the tall nurse.

"I used to be in the Air Force," Karen replied. "I guess I still have some old habits left."

"You were a pilot in the Air Force?" Joe was impressed.

"No, not a rated pilot," Karen answered. "I was a flight simulation specialist. I did learn to fly instruments, and get my private while I was in, though."

"Where were you stationed?" Joe asked. "I was in the Air Force too."

"I'm originally from Tulsa," Karen said. "I went to school at Chanute Air Force Base, in Illinois. From there, I was assigned to Davis-Monthan, in Tucson. That's how I ended up here in the Phoenix area. I went to school at University of Arizona while I was in, and for a year after I got out. While I was at D-M, my mother died. My dad died when I was a little kid. I was kind broken up about it, and went into a kind of depression. I guess I always had a problem with my gender, but it really came to the surface after my mom died. I decided I would look into what I could do about it. That was not too long after this male ophthalmologist, Richard Raskin, decided to have gender reassignment surgery, and became Rene' Richards. You may have heard of him, or her, she also was in the news as a tennis player for a while. Anyway, I took pre-med courses at UA, and spent most of my spare time studying about transsexualism. I met Dr. Krell some time later, and this is how I've turned out. I'm a licensed RN, but now I've got about six years of schooling behind me. I guess, if I got my act together, I should become a doctor. My family was well off, and I don't need to work. I've just been working for Dr. Hopkins because I find it interesting."

They pulled up Linda's drive, and parked on the side, near the entrance to the pool. Joe got out, and Karen followed. "Nice place," Karen said. "This is your girlfriend's house?"

"Yeah, she's in real estate, and she got a good deal on this place," Joe explained.

Joe went to the door, and opened it. They went inside, and Joe went straight to his room. Karen followed closely behind him. He went in and went to his closet, and turned on the light. His few items of women's clothing hung on hangers in the large closet.

"This is what I've got, so far," Joe said. "It isn't a lot, and if I'm gonna stay this way I guess I'll have to get some more. I had been hoping that they'd have something that could change me back."

"Nope, there's no magic pill. I'll attest to that," Karen said. "Let's see... How about this? It would look great on you." She picked out the little top with the balloons, the one that Linda had picked out for him.

"Yeah, I've worn that once already. I guess it's okay, but I always feel like I'm hanging out of the big armholes," Joe complained.

"Ridiculous. I'm sure you look great in it. Get that hot coverall off, and put this on. What do you have to wear with it?" Karen asked.

"I've got some shorts. I don't have any longer pants, yet," Joe said.

"Get the shorts," Karen ordered.

Joe went out into the bedroom, went to his dresser, and found the white and the blue shorts. He had just put them there that morning. He placed them both on the bed and sat on the side, taking his Reeboks off. He pulled the jumpsuit off and lay it on the bed. He stood there, in his underwear, waiting for Karen to bring him the little tank top. She came out of the closet, and looked at Joe.

"My God, you're beautiful," she said as she looked at him, "and you just woke up the other day, looking like that?"

"Yeah, I guess that's about it," Joe said. "I haven't any idea what has caused it. That's what I'm trying to find out. Something apparently happened to me, Dave, and Mike, while we were flying. We all have similar symptoms."

"Gee, I wish I could have made the change that easy," Karen said with a grin. "Maybe we should go flying together." She gave Joe the top, and he slipped it over his head. He looked at her and showed her the way his bra peeked out the large arm openings.

"Aww, Don't be so paranoid," Karen said. "It's not that noticeable. You can't really see anything. Guys will think it's sexy, and women either won't notice, or won't care."

Joe decided Karen must be right. Linda had basically said the same thing, so it must be true. He grabbed the blue shorts that Karen handed him, and slipped them on. It was more comfortable out of the warm, but wonderfully concealing, jumpsuit.

"I guess we had better be getting back," Joe said, looking at his alarm clock by the bed.

"Give me a minute, I need to use your bathroom before we go back," Karen said.

Joe pointed to the door to the attached bath. He sat on the bed and waited for Karen. As he did, he thought about his tall new friend.

They were so alike, and yet, so different. They had both started out in life as males, and even had relationships with women. Now they were both learning to live as women. Karen was much further along, having been living like this for almost three years. Joe had only four days behind him, and Karen WANTED to be this way. He was not a volunteer, but now they were both in similar situations. They had almost identical interests, and seemed to get along very well. He was glad to have found her when he did. Karen might be a good person to have around when learning to cope with the things he would probably need to learn in the next few months, but what would Linda think of Karen, or how would she feel about him having another female friend? Joe was pulled away from his thoughts by the sound of the toilet flushing.

"Okay, now I'm ready," Karen said, as she reentered the bedroom.

Joe got up, and arranged his credit cards and ID in the tiny pockets of the blue shorts. He would have to do something about where to put this stuff, if he was not going to carry a purse. Karen saw what he was doing, and laughed.

"I still have the same problem," she admitted. "I just can't get used to the idea of carrying a purse around all the time, but there just aren't enough pockets in women's clothes. Luckily, these uniforms have pretty large pockets," She pulled a few dollars, and her hospital ID, out of a pocket of her white uniform dress to demonstrate.

Joe went out, and locked the door. Karen looked at the pool area. "Linda sure has a nice place here," she said. "How does she take it, with you looking like a woman now?"

"I don't know," Joe answered. "She says she doesn't care what happens. That she wants to be with me, no matter what, but I have always insisted to her that this was a temporary thing for me, and that I would do all I could to get back normal. If I come to her now, and say that this is how it will be... I don't know. I don't know how she'll take it, and I don't know what I'll want to do... as I get used to the idea myself, if that's possible. It still seems like a strange dream to me. so far."

The drive back to the hospital was quick, and they did not talk much. As they neared the parking lot, Joe started to get apprehensive. Although the little top and the shorts he was wearing were much more comfortable in the heat, they were also much more revealing. Except for his experience in the health club, he had never been in a public place with so much of his new shape exposed. It seemed different when he was around strangers, or, close friends, but Jim Matheney, and who knows who else, would be there this afternoon. They'd be in for a surprise when they saw him like this.

"Oh, well," Joe thought. "I might as well get used to it if I'm going to be like this for the rest of my life. The rest of my life..."

It was about one-forty-five when they got back up to Dr. Krell's reception area. There was nobody sitting in the waiting area, and Joe wondered where his two friends were. He sat on one of the couches. Karen sat behind the reception desk and started to read something, probably the appointment schedule.

"Your friend Dave is at lunch, and Mike is upstairs at OB-GYN," Karen said. "Dr. Krell is at lunch. He might have Dave with him. They should be back by two." She got up, and started down the hall.

"Will I be seeing you again today?" Joe asked, calling out to her. He did not want her to leave. He felt better having Karen around because she gave him hope that he could still have a normal life, even if he stayed the way he was.

"Sure Joe, I'll be back down later," she said. "You'll be here all afternoon. I'll see you before you leave today."

As Joe sat there, waiting for everyone to return, he used the time to think. If he was going to be this way permanently, he had to make some plans. He did not have enough clothes, of course. His identification problems would be taken care of, he hoped. He wondered about his job. Surely, if he, Dave, and Mike all had problems, it must be job related, so he doubted that they would fire him, or anything like that, but would he even want to go back there? What would his friends say? The guys who knew him as Joe, the airplane and sports car nut. Joe, the bachelor. Joe, the guy.

He looked down at his smooth, tanned legs. If they were somebody else's, he would be one of the guys, critically checking them out, but these were his. They really did not look all that much different than they used to, except that they were now smooth and hairless. He rubbed his upper leg with his hand. It felt different than before, though. Much softer. He was in good shape before this happened, and he still had good muscle tone, but now he also had that thin layer of fat, just under the skin, that makes females feel so soft. He thought it might be even softer than yesterday. Maybe he was still changing. The skin felt more sensitive, too. His light touch felt good; sensuous. He could feel his breasts, his nipples actually, stiffening. Whenever they did that, he could feel them when they rubbed the soft material inside his bra. He liked that sensation, too. It was a sort of tickling feeling, different than anything he knew as a guy. When you really thought about it, having breasts was not bad at all, he considered. It was going to be a little more difficult getting used to not having a penis anymore, though. Even though it usually felt like it was still there, it was not. While its substitute might be interesting, it was certainly a lot less functional at least for what it was used the most. Like urinating. It sure seemed like he had to do that a lot more often now, and of course the darn thing even might have some other surprises. Dr. Hopkins said he could probably get pregnant. No immediate problem there, but it meant that he would also probably have menstrual periods. What would that be like? Would it hurt? Would he have cramps, and get bitchy, like Linda did, sometimes? He did not want to think about that, but having blood, and other yuck, coming out of your body, as a 'normal' occurrence? His examination today, and the probing, made him painfully aware of this new orifice. No, he decided. Having a vagina was not all that great. It might feel good, great even, sometimes, but it was probably more of a liability than an asset.

"Then again," he thought, "if I gotta be a girl, it's best to have ALL the parts." He was glad he was not stuck halfway, like Mike seemed to be. That seemed like a real problem. Maybe he was lucky to have the body he did. "It could sure be worse," he thought, lightly stroking a breast with the tips of his fingers.

"Got a little itch there, Joe?" the tall nurse asked, grinning widely as she walked up to him.

Joe could feel his face turning red. He had been so deep in thought that he did not notice Karen and Mike come up the tiled hallway. Mike was walking stiffly, and looked uncomfortable. Karen motioned for him to sit, and when he tried, Joe understood what his problem was.

"I've got to go back upstairs," said Karen, excusing herself. "Dr. Krell should be here any minute. It's almost two."

"Well, how's it going, Mike?" Joe asked. He was trying to picture him on the examining table with the stirrups.

"Don't ask. You wouldn't believe what they did to me upstairs," Mike said. He seemed to be in very low spirits. Joe could imagine why.

"If it's the pelvic exam, I had one this morning, and I know what you mean. The pain has just recently worn off for me," Joe said, trying to make Mike feel like he was not alone in this.

"Joe, Dr. Hopkins said it looked like I was a completely functional female," Mike went on. "He said it's possible I might even have periods. He stuck a thing, sort of a stretching tool, into my vagina. My VAGINA! I've got a vagina. Can you believe it? He even said I had an intact hymen. On top of all this, I'm a virgin!" Mike was so shaken, it looked like he might cry.

Joe did not know what to do to help his friend. He thought about what Dr. Krell told him about gender reassignment. Maybe, for Mike, it would be the thing to do. He knew Dr. Krell would know what would be the best for Mike. He touched Mike's shoulder, and Mike looked at him. Tears were welling in his eyes.

"Joe, I just can't be a woman. I just CAN'T! Look at you. You LOOK like a woman! A good looking one, too. I don't even look like an ugly woman," he moaned.

"Did Dr. Hopkins have any thoughts as to why your body has stayed masculine looking?" Joe asked.

"Yeah, he did," Mike said. "He looked at me... at my cock... my vagina... I guess... and he asked me if I have been taking anabolic steroids."

"Did you?" Joe asked, knowing the answer before he heard it.

"Joe, I was careful," Mike said. "I didn't take too many. Just enough shots to get my pecks in shape. I never thought... Hell, who would? I never thought that it would make me look like a man when I changed into a GIRL! Joe, I didn't know. I just didn't know." Mike was almost pleading with him.

"Mike, don't worry," Joe said. "I think you'll find Dr. Krell can help. I don't know how just yet, but I'm sure he can help."

"Can he change you back into a guy?" Mike asked.

"Well, for me, he recommended that I stay this way, at least until we can figure out what caused it. For you, maybe he'll recommend something else. You look a lot more like a guy than I do, now," Joe said honestly.

"Yeah, a guy who has periods. A guy with a cunt. Joe, he's just GOTTA help me!" Mike pleaded.

Joe looked down the hall, and saw Jim Matheney walking their way. "Well, here it goes," he thought. He felt the blood rush to his cheeks, and tried in vain to arrange the tank top so that his boobs would not be so obvious.

Suddenly, Jim Matheney realized who it was, sitting there on the couch. He recognized Mike first, but his eyes did a double take when he saw the other person. This was one of his engineers, maybe his best pilot, sitting there, wearing women's clothes, and if he saw it right, he even looked like a woman.

No doubt about it, Joe Bates looked like a woman. He seemed much smaller, especially sitting next to the big technician, Mike. "Holy cow!" Jim thought. "He's got knockers, and everything. What's going on here, anyway?"

"Hi Jim," Joe said, breaking the awkward silence, as Jim stared at him, his eyes wide, and his mouth speechless.

"Joe, what the hell is going on here?" Jim asked. "Mike what's the matter with you? Where's Dave?" He was overwhelmed with what he saw.

Joe tried to give a quick explanation, saying, "Well, Jim, we don't know what's happened, exactly. Me, Dave, and Mike here, seem to have received some kind of chromosomal damage, or something. Our genes have been changed somehow, so that we're all females now, at least genetically." He was careful about what he said in front of Mike. He did not want him to break down again.

"Females? What do you mean females?" Jim asked.

"Women... Girls... You know," Joe explained. "Damn it, Jim! Look at me! This is not some kind of costume. We've undergone some kind of transformation. When I woke up Friday, I looked like this, and I guarantee it was much more of a surprise for me then than it is for you now."

"All three of you? What caused it anyway?" Jim asked.

"Well, that's what we're trying to find out," Joe replied. "Since it happened to us three on the GPS test program, it must have something to do with the Learjet, or somewhere we went in it. Damned if I can figure it out."

"So you're telling me you've all become females? Then what about you, Mike?" Jim asked.

Before Mike could say anything, Joe broke in. "Mike has changed too," Joe explained, "but mostly internally. His secondary characteristics just haven't developed." He voiced what was his best guess, not wanting to bring up the steroids.

"Jim, there's something wrong with that damn Lear," Mike said loudly. "Look what it's done to us. You gotta find out what's causing it. The company's gotta help us get back to normal."

"Mike, if Honeybone is at fault, they'll do everything possible to help you. How do you know it's the Lear, anyway?" Jim asked.

"Jim, we three were the only ones working the ground tests with the portable transmitter," Joe reasoned. "We were all on the airplane for the touch and go's too. It has to have something to do with the Lear, or where the Lear went, on Thursday."

"Where did you take the damn thing?" Jim asked.

"We hardly got out of the pattern," Joe answered. "I know for sure we never got more than eight DME from Deer Valley." Deer Valley airport was north of Phoenix and was where the Learjet was based.

"What can we do?" Jim said. "How do you think we can test it? I wouldn't want to be the pilot on this one."

"I don't know how we can do it," Joe replied. "Maybe somebody here has some ideas. I don't know what we gotta do, but I don't think anyone should fly the Lear till we figure out what's going on."

"Yeah, but don't worry, when the guys find about this, I don't think I could drag anybody into that airplane," Jim agreed.

"Jim, I don't know what's going to happen, but it's just possible that we're stuck like this. What's your opinion on what Honeybone will do about it?" Joe asked.

"Damn, Joe, I don't know," Jim answered. "I never heard of anything like this. I do think that they should do everything possible. They will, if I have anything to do about it. What do you want Honeybone to do, Joe?"

"I don't know," Joe said. "I know I look different, but I just hope that the company doesn't decide that I would be better off unemployed."

"If Honeybone is at fault here, I'll raise all kinds of hell if they try to get rid of any of you," Jim said. He meant it, too.

Doctor Krell, followed closely by Dave Skinner, came through the door at the end of the hall. Jim turned around and watched as his other pilot/engineer came down the hall. Dr. Krell held out his hand to Jim.

"Mr. Matheney, I'm Benjamin Krell. I guess you see what kind of situation your guys are in," the little doctor said.

"What's causing this, doc?" Jim asked. "What can be done about it?" Jim Matheney was a problem solver, and he was used to getting things done, not just talking about it.

"It is a difficult problem," Dr. Krell said. "I know of nothing, no phenomenon, which can cause this. It seems as though their bodies' chromosomes have been altered. We have just started the analysis, and that's all we have so far. I will have to look at the results of the other physical examinations, but I know that Joe here, has the total outward appearance of a normal female."

"Can you correct or reverse this thing?" Jim asked.

"I don't know," Dr. Krell answered. "I don't see how, but I really need to study the problem some more. I'd like to see what you have at work; what they were operating in the Learjet airplane. I'd also like to get them to my clinic in San Diego where I can run more tests, and where we have more people skilled in this area."

"If you need to go to San Diego, then get over there," Jim said. "Joe, you can take the 421 if you want. Nobody's using it, and there is nothing scheduled on it for the rest of the month. Can you still fly?"

"I don't know why not, Jim," Joe answered. "Maybe I look like a woman now, but I haven't had the urge to sit home and bake cookies, or anything like that. Of course I can still fly." Just the question rankled Joe a bit.

"Sorry Joe, I didn't mean to offend you," Jim apologized. "It's a little difficult to comprehend that you're the same person. You sure look a lot different."

"It's okay, Jim," Joe said. "I know I look different. I feel different too, but inside, it's still me. I'd sure appreciate it if you'd try to treat us the same as before, much as possible anyway. It's hard enough to get used to this, without everybody treating us like we were entirely different people. Our bodies have changed, but our brains are the same." He hoped that was true. He was starting to have doubts.

"Joe, can we get you over to San Diego tomorrow?" Dr. Krell asked. "I'd like all three of you there, if possible. I have called, and we can begin running tests in the afternoon, if possible."

"What about the Lear?" Joe asked. He wanted to know what caused this to happen to him.

"I'd like to go over to where the airplane is later this afternoon," Dr. Krell answered. "Maybe we can figure out a way to run some experiments on it. I'll need to see what you are talking about. You won't have to be involved in that, however. Some of my people, and maybe Mr. Matheney here, can do that. I want to find out the extent of your symptoms, as soon as possible."

"If Dave and I fly the 421 to San Diego, we might get checked by the Feds," Joe said. "What do you think they'd say about us? Our tickets still have an M in the sex column."

"I'll call Fred, and get an opinion from him," Jim answered. "Maybe he can make a decision himself, or can call Oklahoma City." They both had a low opinion of their FAA representative's ability to deal with new situations.

"Well, I've got to get back to my office," Dr. Krell said. "Dave, I think they're about ready for you upstairs."

Joe looked at Dave. He saw that Mike looked at him too. They both knew what was in store for their friend. Dave just looked at both of them, with a confused look on his face. Mike and Joe just grinned smugly. Dave followed Dr. Krell into his office. Mike sat on the couch, and began squirming around trying to get comfortable. Jim saw him wincing, and asked what his problem was.

"Well, ah... I ah... Jim... Well, you see," Mike stammered, "they have this stainless steel tool. It looks kind of like a safety wire pliers with spoons on the end. Well, they take this thing, and they put it inside you, and they open it up. I'll tell you, you wouldn't want to try it." Mike, with his face red with embarrassment, tried to describe his pelvic exam.

"You had one of those, Mike?" Jim said, eyeing the big guy carefully. "You've changed that much too? I didn't know... I didn't realize you had changed that much. You look pretty much the same."

"I'm not the same, Jim," Mike said, a bit of sarcasm creeping into his voice. "I'm not the same. You should see what I look like without this stuff on. I may still look like a guy, but right now I don't feel like one. Right now, it feels like my balls were cut off with a dull knife. Hell, it kinda looks like it too."

"Well, if there is anything that can be done, it will be done," Jim promised.

Joe, Mike and Jim sat outside Dr. Krell's office for about forty-five minutes. Dr. Krell had taken Dave upstairs after interviewing him. He came down alone about thirty minutes later, and went into his office. About ten minutes after that, Karen brought a stiff walking Dave Skinner back down, and took him into Dr. Krell's office. She came back out alone, and sat down on the couch with the three of them. Joe introduced Karen to the others. He did not mention her past.

"This is Dr. Krell's nurse and assistant, Karen Simpson. Among her other talents, she's an instrument pilot," Joe added.

Karen said hello to each of them, and asked Joe what he was doing later. Joe looked at Jim.

"I guess we're going to look at the Lear, to see what, or how we can try to find out what happened," Jim said. "We'll have to wait for Dr. Krell's word."

"Would you like to come along?" Joe asked. He liked to be around Karen.

"Yeah, I would," Karen answered. "This whole thing is so bizarre. I'd like to know what caused it, myself."

She remained sitting on the couch. It was obvious that she was also waiting for Dave to finish with Dr. Krell. Finally, the door opened, and a long faced Dave skinner came out. Dr. Krell was right behind him.

"Would it be possible to see this airplane, and the equipment they were using?" Dr. Krell asked.

"I'm ready to go whenever you want," Jim answered.

"Dr. Krell, if you have no objections, Joe's invited me to come along, and I'd sure like to," Karen asked.

"Sure, Karen. It might be helpful to have you along anyway," Dr. Krell said.

They all followed Jim out, but when they got to the parking lot, they stopped to decide how to split up.

"Dr. Krell, I have a company Ford sedan, and it will hold four, or five, easily," Jim said.

"I'll take Joe, and follow you," Karen said quickly.

"Mike, you and Dave want to ride with us?" Jim asked.

"Sure, why not?" Mike answered. He and Dave followed them to the Ford in the public lot. Joe followed Karen to her car, in the employee lot.

Karen and Joe were out first, and they headed straight for Deer Valley airport. When they came down the road near the field, Joe pointed out the hangar, and Karen drove right up to it. Joe was getting nervous again, as he knew there was a guard on duty who knew him as a male. He did not have his company ID, and he did not want to have to explain his problem to the guard anyway. He suggested that they wait for Jim to arrive with the others, in the Ford.

Before long, Jim drove up, and parked next to the white Toyota. Joe and Karen got out and went over to the others. They went to the gate, and Jim showed his badge to the person in the guard shack. The guard handed them a clipboard, and asked them to sign in. Joe quickly signed his name, and hoped that the guard would not look at their names. He was wrong.

"Joe? Joe Bates? We have somebody here by that name," he said. When Dave, and Mike signed on, he looked at them carefully. Joe did not say anything, and neither did the others. They quickly walked through the gate, and into the hanger.

"There's the Lear," Jim said, mainly for Dr. Krell's information. They walked over to the sleek aircraft, and Joe spun the handle, and opened the two piece door. He peered inside. "What's in here that could have caused this to happen?" he thought. He looked around at the test gear that was attached to the seat tracks.

"I believe there is a portable transmitter, or something?" Dr. Krell asked.

"Yeah, that's over in the lab," Joe answered. "We can go look at that if you like."

"I believe it may be something worth looking into," Dr. Krell said. "I have heard that high power radio energy can cause cell damage, and there is very little information compiled about how it affects the chromosomes."

"Well, it would be easy to set up, and operate, but how would we test it?" Jim said. "We have a cage back at the plant which we could use to isolate the RF from everybody. Maybe we should try that."

They walked passed the Cessna 421. Karen walked over to one of the engines, and ran her hand down the leading edge of a prop blade.

"How long since you've flown?" Joe asked.

"Almost four years," Karen said. "I've never renewed my medical since I started on hormones. I guess I do miss it a little."

"Maybe you could come along to San Diego," Jim said. "I'll get you time in this thing if you want."

"Wouldn't miss it if I can get away," Karen said. "I'll have to ask Dr. Hopkins."

"Well, if you can get away, I'd like it if you could come along," Joe said. He liked having Karen around.

Jim and Dr. Krell discussed the possible ways they could run tests on the equipment. The possibility of using animals was considered. Dr. Krell said he'd have to study the idea, since he was not familiar with that type of testing. He said he would consult some of his colleagues.

Finally, they were finished looking at the aircraft and equipment.

"Let's go talk to the guys in the lab," Jim said. "I'll show you the transmitters."

Joe, Karen, Mike, and Dave all followed Jim and Dr. Krell into one of the labs located in the rooms on the sides of the big hanger. They went in, and saw the yellow painted chassis which contained the relatively low power test transmitters used for functional tests of the new GPS navigation receivers.

"How close to the antenna are you, during ground tests?" Dr. Krell asked.

"Well, as close as a few feet to as far as a mile," Mike said. The operation of the transmitters was his area of expertise.

"How can we test this in a controlled environment?" Dr. Krell asked.

"Back at the plant we have a radiation containment room, a type of wire cage," Jim answered. "Little or no radio energy escapes from the cage."

"I think that's what we should use to test the transmitter," Dr. Krell said. "Since we are unsure of the area of danger, it would be best to contain it completely."

"We'll bring a transmitter to the plant tomorrow," Jim said. "How can we test this? Don't we need a test case, a volunteer?"

"I'm not sure yet," Dr. Krell said. "I can get access to some animal subjects, and I think we should start there. If it happens that it seems to be the transmitters which cause the cell changes, and I would suspect that it is. I think we could easily get human volunteers if it was likely that they might result in changes like those on Joe here."

Joe blushed as everyone looked at him. It was probably true, if there were others like Karen, this machine could be the answer to their prayers. An operational "Instant Sex Change" machine would surely be a revolutionary piece of hardware. A far greater technological advance than the GPS Navigation Program. Unfortunately, he was perhaps a victim of this new discovery, and might have to live the rest of his life with the result.

"I think we should call the Feds," Joe said. "I want to know if I'm legal when I fly. I'm worried when I drive, and if I and Dave have to go to San Diego tomorrow, I want to know what my status is."

"Well, let's call Fred," Jim said. Fred was the FAA GADO Rep. who dealt closely with Honeybone.

They went into the empty flight planning office and picked up the phone. Fred Holmes' office number was on the quick dialer. He answered almost immediately.

"Fred, we seem to have a little problem that we need an opinion on," Jim said. "Three of my guys seem to have received some kind of cell change or something, and we think it might be something we're doing here on the GPS project. We don 't yet have any proof of that yet, but we'd like to run some tests on it. We have a Dr. Krell who specializes in chromosomal problems, and he'd like our people to come to his office in San Diego. I'd like to let them go in the 421, but they aren't sure what the FAA's feelings are on things like this."

Jim stopped talking for an instant, as he listened to what the FAA man was saying.

"Yeah, it's my two pilot/engineers, Joe Bates, and Dave Skinner," He said. "Well, it's weird. They seem to have changed sex, or at least they look like it."

Jim waited, as the man on the other end did something that took a few minutes.

"No, they haven't been taking any drugs, or hormones, or anything like that," Jim said. "I don't think so anyway." Jim looked at Joe, and Dave, who shook their heads to the negative.

"No, they haven't had surgery, or anything like that either," Jim said into the phone. "They have just come from Hillcrest were they were given a clean bill of health. There don't seem to be any health problems at all. It's just that they have undergone some unusual changes. They both look sort of like they've changed into females. That's all we know, so far."

"Yeah, that's all. We've just turned into women. That's all," Joe thought. "It's a lot different to say it than to have it happen to you."

"Sure their medicals are current," Jim said. "Yeah, I can give them a quick check ride. I know that they don't have any physical problems." Jim was a flight instructor, as was Joe, but he was also a designated flight examiner.

"Okay, sounds reasonable to me," Jim said. He hung up the phone.

"Fred says that if you two haven't been taking any drugs or other prescription chemicals, and haven't been subjected to any major surgery, he can't find anything in the books to keep you from being legal," Jim said. "He suggested I give each of you a check ride. He said that a note from your doctor would be necessary to get your ticket changed, and to present it at your next physical."

"Well, that sounds unbelievably easy," Joe said.

"I'll give you the papers you need tomorrow, at my office," Dr. Krell said.

"If you have an hour, right now, I'll take both of you up in the 421, and make a logbook entry," Jim said.

"Can you wait?" Joe looked at Karen.

"Sure, no problem," said the tall nurse

Joe and Dave took the little tug and pulled the 421 out of the hanger. Joe went to the phone and called the fuel truck to top off the tanks, as Dave started the pre-flight inspection.

When they were ready, the three of them boarded the little twin. Jim sat in one of the passenger seats, as Joe and Dave adjusted the crew seats to their new proportions. Soon the engines were started, and they taxied out to the run-up area. They checked the piston engines, and called the tower for takeoff clearance. Jim told them to remain in the traffic pattern.

Jim sat on the left, and made the first takeoff and landing. Then Dave got the chance to show his capability. Then Jim asked that they set the left engine to minimum thrust, and Joe made a simulated single engine landing. Dave also demonstrated he could still fly the 421 on one engine, and then they returned to the Honeybone hanger.

"Nothing wrong with your ability to fly," was all Jim said. They both had their flight bags in their lockers, and they presented their logbooks to Jim, who made an entry as suggested by the FAA rep.

When they had the 421 chocked in the hanger, they were ready to return to the hospital. Jim took Dr. Krell, Dave and Mike along in the Ford sedan, while Joe again rode back with Karen. When they arrived back at the hospital, Karen parked the car and they walked in.

"Let me find Dr. Hopkins, and see if I can take a few days off," she said. "I don't think there will be any problem. He has three assistants, and I usually just answer the phones."

It was about four thirty by the time they had talked to Dr. Hopkins, and made an appointment to meet with Dr. Krell and his staff, in San Diego, tomorrow at noon. Dr. Krell suggested that they plan on remaining in California for at least two days. Jim said it would be no problem for them to take the plane, and keep it as long as they needed it.

"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning, about eleven," Dr. Krell said. "I'll probably leave here tonight."

Karen, Joe, Dave, Mike, and Jim walked to the parking lot. They discussed the plans for the trip in the morning. Dave and Joe decided to meet at the hanger about six o'clock. The rest could arrive about seven, or seven thirty. Jim said he could not go tomorrow morning, but if they wanted him there, he'd come up in the afternoon. They said they could not think of any reason why he'd have to be there, but they'd call if they needed him. That seemed to satisfy him. To Joe, Jim seemed to be worried about the liability that Honeybone might incur with all this, and especially what Mr. Mayer might think about it. Mayer was Jim's supervisor, the VP of operations. Joe asked him about it.

"I talked to Mayer on the phone," Jim said. "He said that I should do everything I could to help figure out what was going on. He was worried about you guys too. Don't worry, Joe, the company is going to help you with this." Jim put his hand on Joe's shoulder, but quickly pulled it away when he felt its feminine softness.

"Thanks, Jim," Joe said. "I appreciate your concern. I don't know what's going to become of this, but I appreciate your concern, and I appreciate what the company is doing to help."

"What you got planned for the evening, Joe?" Karen asked.

"I don't know," Joe answered. "I guess Linda is home by now, I'll have to tell her I'll be out of town for a couple of days. I guess I'll have to get some things to take along. It looks like I'm gonna be this way for a while, so I guess I better invest in some more girl stuff." A funny grin formed on his face as he talked.

Joe looked over at Dave, and said, "What about you, pal? Are you going to need some things if you're going to be away for a couple of days?"

"Yeah, I guess I do," Dave answered. "I'll get Cindy to help me find something. I'd like her to come along to San Diego, but I guess she'll have to stay home with the kids."

"If you want to go with me, give me a call," Joe said. "I'm staying at Linda's house, at least for now." If he was to stay a woman, it might be best if he moved away from Linda.

"I wouldn't mind if you came over, maybe about six, or six thirty," Joe said. "We can go to the mall and get something to eat. Linda might want to come along. I'd like you to meet her."

Joe went to his car, and Dave go in with him. They drove to Dave's house. Dave did not say much until they were almost to his house.

"Joe, Dr. Krell said that I was a genetic woman now, and that he knew of nothing that could make me a functioning, normal, male again," Dave said.

"Yeah, I figured he did," Joe said. "That's the same thing he told me. He said that any operation to make me a male wouldn't be acceptable to me, and that he thought it would be best for me to remain the way I am until they can find a way to reverse the process, or just get used to being a woman."

"Basically the same thing he told me," Dave said. "I told him I was a married man, and I just couldn't buy some dresses and get on with a new life. Dr. Krell said he wasn't sure how to handle my problem, but he would look into it, and he would get therapy for me. I told him therapy wouldn't help me to sleep with my wife. It wouldn't explain to my son why his daddy was now a woman. He didn't have any answers to help me at all."

"I guess they haven't had a situation like yours before," Joe said, "but Dr. Krell is pretty wise, he might be able to come up with something that will help you."

They pulled into Dave's driveway, and Dave got out. "I'll see you in the morning," Dave said, the frown momentarily turning to a tiny smile as he said bye to his pal.

Joe drove to Linda's house. When he pulled in back, he saw Linda's car in the drive. Joe got out of his car, and walked into the house. Linda was sitting at the table in the dining area, going over some paperwork. She still wearing the clothes she put on that morning. Joe walked up to the chair she was sitting on, and put his hands on her shoulders. He started to massage her neck. She leaned back, and putting her head back, looked up at Joe.

"Hi there," she said, almost purring as Joe rubbed her neck and soft shoulders.

"Hi," Joe said. She looked so sexy, and he could see her black teddy through the neck of her suit.

"Did you find anything out today?" Linda asked.

"Well, I guess I did," Joe said. "I found out that I'm genetically a woman, which is what I already suspected."

"Can they help you get back?" she asked.

"They recommend that I stay like this, at least until they can figure out what has caused it and try to reverse the process. That's all the hope they can provide," Joe said. "So I guess I'll be a girl, for a while anyway. I gotta try to get used to it."

"We can make the best of it," Linda said. "I think it will be okay, even if they don't ever find a way to make you a male again."

"Dave Skinner and Mike Osborn have the same problem," Joe said. "They were with me in the Lear Thursday, and they found the same symptoms when they woke up Friday."

"You mean that you're not the only one changed like this?" Linda asked, amazed.

"That's right, and Dave is married, with two kids. He's really got a problem," Joe replied. "Mike Osborn, you've never met him, Mike has changed too, but he's a muscle builder, and was taking steroids. Now, he's female internally, but he still looks like a guy. Compared to my problem, it's really a bad situation."

"I've got to go to San Diego in the morning. Dave, Mike and I will fly over in the 421. A Specialist named Dr. Benjamin Krell has a clinic there, and he wants us to come over so he can examine us," Joe said.

"When do you have to leave?" Linda asked.

"I've got a six o'clock show," Joe said.

"Will you need anything? How long will you be staying?" Linda asked.

"Well, I guess I should look through my things, and see if I have everything I'll need," Joe said. "If I'm going to stay this way, for a while at least, I guess I can invest in some more clothes." He knew Linda liked to shop more than any thing else.

"You'll have to go to the mall then," Linda said. "I have to finish this paperwork. It looks like I've got a buyer on that big place over on Canyon Road."

"I've met a nurse," Joe said. "She works for Dr. Hopkins, the Gynecologist who examined me this morning. She's coming over in a little while. I'd like you to meet her." He hoped Linda would like Karen but he was not sure how she would feel about him having a woman as a friend.

"Oh, really? I'd like to meet her," Linda said. "If you don't mind, I'd like to get out of these clothes and into something more comfortable."

"Sure, good idea. Karen should be here in about a half hour," Joe said.

Joe went to his room. He looked through the few items of clothing he had. He wondered what he should take to San Diego. He wondered what he should wear when he flew the 421. He had a Nomex flight suit in his locker at the Honeybone hanger, but that would not fit now. Besides, this was more of a personal trip than a work trip. He seldom flew now, except as part of his job. He was instructing Jay so that he could get his instrument rating. He used Jay's plane for that. Jay had a Mooney 201. He used it to fly from Phoenix to Tucson, Casa Grande, and other points around Arizona. For that an instrument rating was not really necessary, the weather was almost always VFR, but since he bought the speedy little Mooney, Jay's insurance took a big hike, and he was advised to get his instrument rating. Joe brushed off his instructor ticket, and was getting Jay ready for his check ride. Jay let him use the speedy single whenever he wanted, but he seldom felt the need to fly, except for work. He decided he better call Jay, and tell him what was happening. He went to the phone by the bed, and lay down as he punched in Jay's number.

Jay answered, "Hello."

"Jay, this is Joe. What's up?" Joe asked.

"I was hoping you could tell me," Jay answered.

"Well, I do have a bit of news," Joe said. "I saw a doctor today. He confirmed what I already suspected. I'm genetically a woman as well as physically. I also found out that two of my crew on the Lear have also have the same symptoms."

"They've turned into women too?" Jay asked, as if he could not believe it.

"Yeah," Joe answered. "Dave Skinner and Mike Osborn have turned genetically female too. We think maybe it's the GPS test transmitter which has caused it. Jim Matheney and Dr. Krell are trying to set up some tests to find out what and how it could cause such a thing. It looks like Honeybone is worried about a lawsuit, and is doing everything to help, and keep us satisfied."

"Well, they better," Jay said. "If they are responsible they better be willing to help all they can." Jay was an attorney.

"They're going to do all they can, I think," Joe said. "We have to go to San Diego in the morning, to see specialists. They will help us get our records in order there too. Dr. Krell say's he's familiar with this type of problem since he deals with transsexual patients."

"Do you want me to go with you?" Jay asked.

"I don't think it will be necessary," Joe said, "unless you want to go along."

"If you don't need me, I'd better stay here," Jay said. "I've got plenty to do, and I'll get behind if I go off to California with you. If you feel you need my assistance just call. I can be there in a couple of hours."

"Since I don't know what they'll be doing with me, I don't think you need to come along, at least this time," Joe said.

"Be sure to take all your license, birth certificate, and military records," Jay reminded him.

"Yeah, I'll have to go to my place to get them," Joe said. "I don't know if I should move back there, or what. It's beginning to look like I'm going to be like this for a while, maybe forever. I don't know how to deal with Linda, if that's the way it's going to be." He did not know how his buddy would take the news either.

"They can't change you back?" Jay asked.

"Hell, they don't know how I got this way, much less know how to get me back," Joe answered. "They recommended that I don't resort to surgery, or anything like that. They said that would surely leave me disfigured if they did find a way to change me back to a male, and recommended that I stay this way until they examine all options. I guess I'd better get used to being like this."

"Well, try to make the best of it," Jay said. "We'll have to get together again, when you get back in a couple of days."

"Yeah, we will," Joe said. The relationship was changing between him and Jay, and they both knew it.

"See you in a couple of days," Joe said, hanging up the phone.

He went back to his drawers to decide what he needed when he heard the door bell. "That must be Karen," he thought and went to the door. He opened it, and the tall attractive blonde came in. She was wearing bright pink, sort of fluorescent, shorts with a white top. Out of her nurse's uniform, she looked even more attractive.

Next: Chapter 5: Chapter14

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