
Published on Apr 17, 1996


46 Joe_Bates_Saga________________________________________________________

  1. Chapter

Joe woke when he felt the bed shaking. He looked over to see Jay rolling to the side to get up.

What time was it? He wondered. In a moment, he was alert enough to fix his location... His own apartment.

The digital readout indicated 0600.

Six AM! Morning!

The night was over. He had slept like a rock.

Joe felt beneath the sheet... He still had his cotton panties on. He sure didn't remember Jay trying anything, but then, he had slept soundly...

Who knows what the horny guy might have done?

Actually, Jay behaved like quite a gentleman, content to simply fondle Joe's breasts, butt, and between his legs... There only through the cotton underwear.

It seemed that Jay took Joe's warning of infection seriously, and didn't insist or try forcing Joe into anything he didn't want.

Joe found the intimate hugging and touching surprisingly satisfying. Sure, he would have liked to let Jay in, but didn't think it would be a wise idea. He certainly didn't want to spread the infection.

The dim light entering the room was enough to illuminate the clothes strewn about. He saw the shorts, top, and satin bra laying on the dresser.

How many times had he woke to see some girls intimate things there? But now the dainty things were his.

On the chair were Jay's clothes. All of them.

Jay got up and went into the bathroom and Joe confirmed his friend was completely naked. When he turned to face him, Joe could see Jay's penis bobbing around as he walked. The once familiar sight now seemed almost comical, though Jay didn't seem to notice.

It was so soft. But that's not the way it was last night. When they finally agreed to sleep together, Joe wanted to shower first, to wash off the pool chlorine smell. When Jay curled up next to him, he began rubbing his erect penis against Joe and poking his buttocks with it.

It was strange, having a guy do that, but Joe was sympathetic. He spent a few nights with Linda when she didn't want sex because of her period. He once did the same thing to her. He remembered how Linda responded, taking him into her mouth, but he wasn't quite ready to relieve Jay like that, not now anyway.

Not that doing that really repulsed him, but he wanted to be sure that Jay wasn't already contaminated by the dreaded yeast infection.

Although Jay insisted he was symptom free, Joe insisted he see his doctor to get a clean bill of health. Jay grudgingly agreed.

As a compromise, Joe fondled Jay's penis till he came... His first actual "hand-job" to a male.

Joe found the warm, stiff penis captivating. He was also amazed at the amount of semen that emanated from it when Jay ejaculated. He teasingly rubbed the slippery substance all over Jay's softening organ and his cool testicals. It was definitely sobering to consider that this milky substance might cause him to become pregnant. The concept was both frightening and intriguing.

Joe rolled into the warm spot where Jay had been. He could detect Jay's scent on the pillow. Or, maybe it was his own old, male smell, but he couldn't tell the difference. He hadn't washed the linen since the change and he thought he could recognize his old smell. Before, he didn't even know he had one, but now... It was all over the room... MAN smell. Was it just his nose, or did all women smell it? It was kind of musty... a pleasing smell, he thought. He wondered if he smelled like a girl now. Probably... Why not?

He had all the girl parts.

Speaking of girl parts... Joe should have inserted more medication last night, but he couldn't. The tube was in his room at Linda's.

Tightening the muscles of his crotch, Joe tried to determine if his vagina burned or itched. It certainly didn't seem to, but he'd know for sure when he went to the bathroom. If it was going to burn, it would when he peed.

Hearing the tinkling sound emanating through the closed door. Joe imagined Jay standing and peeing. Life was so simple for a guy...

In a moment, Joe heard the shower running. For an instant, he considered joining Jay in the bath, then decided against it. It would be too hard to object if Jay insisted on taking him in the shower. He just didn't think his will to resist was that strong anyway.

What would Linda think when he straggled back this morning wearing the same clothes as last night? Would she know? Would she ask questions? Surely she would... How could she not? She probably expected it.

Joe stretched his arms over his head... He felt so good in the morning. All this female stuff sure agreed with him... With his body... at least.

He felt his breast. Last night, Jay had been so considerate... so gentle... He even touched Joe differently, softer, when it became clear that they weren't going to have intercourse. Just gentle fondling... The warm security of Jay's arms... Joe really enjoyed it. Who said intercourse was everything?

As he slowly moved a fingernail along his erect aerolea, Joe felt some pleasant little shocks that went straight down to his penis, or clitoris actually.

He experienced an immediate erection sensation.

Joe slid his other hand under the waistband of his panties. He moved down the pubic hair till he touched his genital cleft. Running a finger along the sensitive tissue, he found the tiny, slightly protruding nub that was his clitoris. It was usually hidden and difficult to touch without causing an almost painful sensation, but a light tickle could be simply fantastic. The little organ reacted to the attention by enlarging till it extended just slightly beyond the moist labial folds. Joe fondled it with a feathery lightness till his whole body shook with orgasm. He moved his legs apart, spread-eagle, wishing Jay was finished in the shower. If he just came out right now, Jay could screw him as long as he desired.

But Jay remained oblivious to the treat that lay just the other side of the wall and kept on soaking in the warm water spray.

Joe placed his palm flat against his pubis and pressed down firmly. Doing that caused a feeling that was strangely pleasant and helped overcome the almost unbearable urge to be penetrated.

He lay there, breathing deeply, squeezing his breast with one hand, and cupping his yearning vulva with the other. Joe closed his eyes and savored the sensations, oblivious to practically everything going on about him.

Joe was brought out of his stupor by the shower pipe clanking as it was shut off. He pulled his hand out of his underwear, wiping his fingers on the bed linen. His panties were going to be wet once more.

When Jay finished drying off, he came back into the bedroom. He was still naked, and Joe watched him intently. Jay looked at Joe and realized he was being stared at.

"See anything you like?" Jay asked, raising his arms and pirouetting.

Joe grinned sheepishly.

"Maybe... Maybe not." Joe answered, attempting to hide his embarrassment

"You look so darn cute in the morning." Jay exclaimed, ogling Joe's bare breasts, just visible in the dim light.

Joe pulled the sheet up, and smiled demurely. His own eyes were locked on Jay's growing erection.

Jay looked down at his appendage. He grinned.

"Sorry, but you do that to me." Jay apologized.

"Come here a second." Joe ordered, holding his arms out, the bed sheet falling from his chest.

Jay went to the foot of the bed and quickly made his way to Joe. He pulled the sheet away, exposing Joe completely.

Joe wrapped his arms around Jay's powerful chest and opened his legs.

Jay let his stiff organ rub against the cotton panties covering Joe's crotch, enjoying the mutual stimulation.

Joe ground his vulva up and down against Jay's penis in response. The sensation was exquisite.

"God, I need you!" Jay exclaimed, his breath coming is gasps.

"I want you too." Joe admitted. "But we gotta wait till next week."

"Easy for you, Mother Theresa." Jay panted.

"You'd probably be amazed how similar it feels." Joe announced. "If anything, I think it might be worse now."

Jay moved his hand to between Joe's legs. He touched the wet underwear.

"My God!" He exclaimed. "Have you had an accident?"

"Maybe I'm just glad to see you." Joe said, smiling widely, but feeling a flush of embarrassment warm his cheeks.

"Do you always get this wet?" Jay asked incredulously.

"Well Doc, I guess it's only been the last week or so." Joe said, calmly. "And usually, only when I'm around you."

"I don't see how you can stand it." Jay sympathized.

"Not much choice, is there?" Joe asked.

"I guess maybe it's sort of like that boner of yours..." Joe went on. "It can be embarrassing sometimes, but it can come in handy, too."

"All this is just from being turned on?" Jay asked again, rubbing his moist fingers together.

"Don't worry, I didn't pee, or anything." Joe advised. "I can't help it. It just happens."

"I don't think I've ever seen another woman who got this wet... This excited." Jay continued. "Have you?" He added.

"I really don't remember." Joe responded. "I guess not. Maybe I've just never turned somebody on this much." He grinned.

"You're really that excited?" Jay queried again.

"If you really knew how much I wanted it right now..." Joe pushed his crotch against Jay's stiff erection for emphasis.

"It can be arranged..." Jay told him.

"No... No... We better not." Joe warned. "I'll still be around next week. We can do it then. It'll be great too, you'll see."

"I don't doubt it, old pal." Jay said. "But I don't know if I can stand it till then."

"You'll live." Joe told him. He'd been there before himself.

"You've got it easy now." Jay reminded him. "It's much harder for a guy."

Joe reached down and took Jay's cock in his hand. It felt so huge and stiff. He began to pump it, knowing full well Jay was almost ready to erupt.

He felt strangely powerful, to cause this intense reaction in his friend.

"Ahhh! That feels great!" Jay exclaimed. "Don't stop... Please don't stop!"

When he heard that, Joe pumped ever faster. He knew Jay liked to be handled much rougher than it seemed he should. Joe remembered the way he felt before the change... His own body had become far too sensitive to tolerate such treatment now.

Jay tried to reciprocate by stroking and fondling Joe's breasts. Joe didn't have the heart to tell his friend it did little for him. What Joe wanted... What Joe needed... was Jay's stiff manhood inside him. Deep inside. He wanted to wrap his legs around Jay, and he did, all the time keeping up the pumping action, rubbing the tip against his own soft, sensitive, panty covered genital mound every chance he could.

It took tremendous discipline to keep from slipping the panties aside and sliding the penis in. It would have gone in so easy too. It seemed as if it was simply meant to be there.

Suddenly, Joe sensed Jay tense up. He squeezed Jay's penis hard and could feel it pulsing slightly as Jay ejaculated. It was not quite as strong as before, but it still had enough force to hit Joe's belly.

Jay just seemed to lock in position as the powerful sensation wracked his body. When he finished, he looked at Joe, embarrassed.

"I'm sorry I did that." He said seriously. "I just couldn't help myself."

Joe looked at his friend. It was so strange. For some reason, he felt a powerful need to comfort this man... This person he had long known as a peer.

"No problem, I understand." Joe said, gently running his sensitive fingers through the coarse hair on Jay's chest.

Joe couldn't help but feel content with himself.

"That's what I like about you." Jay said. "You become this sexy babe, but you still think like a guy."

"Huh! Babe? Jay, it's still just me!" Joe exclaimed. "But I doubt if many regular guys have their mind on what I'm thinking right now."

"Oh... Yeah?" Jay asked. "What's that?" The curiosity evident in his voice.

Joe smiled.

"I was just imagining how you might feel inside me." Joe said, winking seductively.

"Give me ten minutes or so, and we can both find out." Jay declared. "I'm afraid I'm just a little out of service right at the moment."

"Nope. We gotta get going." Joe announced. "I still need to clean up for work."

Joe rolled to the side of the bed and threw his legs over the side. When he sat up, he experienced a slight twinge as his still growing breasts reacted to the pull of gravity. He rubbed a hand across them and looked down. The erect nipples were still painfully sensitive. He took one and rolled it between his fingers, examining the way it felt.

"Feel good?" Jay asked. He had been watching Joe intently, and found Joe's self-fondling a tremendous turn-on.

"Hurts a little, if you really want to know." Joe explained. "Not much really, I suppose I still have to get used to the way they feel in the morning."

"It would take me longer than that." Jay said. "Joe, do you realize you look positively drop-dead beautiful?"

Joe looked at his friend. He didn't feel beautiful.

"I feel sweaty." Joe countered, feeling the sticky semen on his abdomen. "I better shower again."

"Can I watch?" Jay said, sounding just like a little boy.

"Get dressed." Joe ordered. "Enough show and tell for now."

Joe went into the bathroom and closed the door. He looked in the mirror over the sink and saw the attractive, short-haired, young girl staring back. Jay was right... He didn't look too bad...

He ran his fingers through his hair, and then shook his chest, partly to check for the little ache, but mostly just to see his soft breasts wiggle once again.

He pulled his panties down, examining the wet crotch. He'd need to do something about that.

Joe sat and relieved himself, noting no burning or pain as he did so.

The infection must be getting better, he thought.

When he finished, Joe went to the shower and started it running. As the water warmed, he retrieved the panties from the floor and looked at them again. His own secretions on one side, Jay's ejaculate on the other. He couldn't possibly wear them later. What could he use? He only had male undershorts at the apartment.

Joe dropped the underwear on the counter and went to the shower. He made a final adjustment on the water temperature, and stepped inside. The sensation of the warm water spray hitting his body felt almost sinful. He detected a slight razor stubble under his arms and retrieved his Trac II from the sink drawer. Jay had already used it, but the blade was still sharp enough for underarms, and to touch up his legs. It was quite nice not having to shave his face anymore, he thought. Legs and pits were an acceptable trade-off. When he finally finished, Joe stepped from the shower and dried himself.

He brushed his short hair as he looked in the mirror. His hair was obviously growing faster than when he was male. While still too short, it seemed to be a little longer already. It wouldn't be long before he stopped looking unusual.

Finished, he examined the panties once more. No way would he put them back on. He picked them up with two fingers and carried them to the bedroom.

Jay's eyes followed him as Joe walked to the bed and dropped the panties on the end.

"I can't wear these." Joe announced.

"What about your guy stuff?" Jay asked, knowing what he meant.

"It's all I got." Joe agreed with a shrug. "I guess it'll do till I get to Linda's."

"I think it might even look sexy." Jay considered. "A real contrast."

Joe looked at him and frowned.

"Please stop staring at me like that!" Joe ordered. "I feel like you'll burn a hole in me."

"But... You're so beautiful." Jay protested. "Can I help it if I just can't take my eyes off you?"

"Well, do you have to leer?" Joe asked. "If you ain't real careful, I'll make you leave the room."

"OK. OK." Jay said, grinning. "I'll divert my eyes... Get some clothes on."

Joe went to the dresser drawer where his male underwear was kept. He opened the drawer and sorted through the white cotton BVD's and Fruit of the Loom's.

He finally decided on a pair of emerald green cotton briefs.

Stepping into them, Joe noticed the little slit provided so a guy could urinate without pulling his undershorts down. Can't use that anymore, he mused, rubbing his hand over the now familiar, sleek shape of his pubis.

"Let's see." Jay called from the bed.

Joe spun around and held his arms slightly out in an attempt at a modeling pose.

You said they'd be too loose." Jay said. "They fit pretty good, I think."

Jay was right. When he tried his undershorts immediately after the change they had been very loose, but now, except for the waist band, they actually fit pretty good. Of course, the crotch was cut a little too full for what it now contained.

"Yeah. I really think my butt has been getting bigger every day." Joe agreed, turning to examine his reflection in the dresser mirror.

"Looks OK from this angle." Jay complimented.

"Feels huge though... Like a balloon." Joe commented. "Seems I got smaller everywhere else, but I think this thing is actually growing."

He went to the chair and retrieved the brassiere. Jay watched as Joe deftly slipped it on.

Joe grinned, embarrassed at being watched easily performing such a feminine task.

"Maybe I'm getting used to these things." He admitted, "But, you know, a bra actually feels pretty good when you're like this."

Jay smiled. There was definite infatuation in his eyes.

"I can hardly remember you any other way." Jay said softly.

"Me too." Joe agreed. "It's getting easier."

Joe sat on the bed as he put the rest of his clothes on.

"Jay..." He asked carefully, as he dressed.

"Yeah." Jay returned.

"Jay... Do I really seem like... like a girl... A woman... A female, to you?" Joe queried.

"Do you...? Absolutely." Jay stammered. "What do you think? Are you concerned I might be gay... Or something...?"

"No... No, nothing like that..." Joe hunted for the right words. "It's just that... You know... I mean... I really am a guy, you know... Or at least I was... Don't it seem weird, what we've been doing together?"

"Does it seem weird to you?" Jay returned. "I mean... You're the guy, if that's really what you are now. You sure look, act and even smell like a girl."

"I smell?" Joe asked. "How?"

"That was meant as a compliment, Bates." Jay corrected. "Yeah, you smell like a girl. And I like it... A lot."

"And I like the way you smell." Joe informed his friend. "I never noticed it before, but you actually do smell kinda nice."

"Well, I shower regularly." Jay teased.

"You know what I mean." Joe objected. "You smell like a guy, and I can notice it now, too. It... It even sorta turns me on, I guess."

"That's great!" Jay exclaimed. "You know how I like to turn you on!"

"But..." Joe continued.

"Yeah... Go ahead." Jay pleaded.

"But, I want you to know... I still like girls, too." Joe added. "Not just exactly like before maybe, but close... Is that a problem for you?"

"So we share similar taste." Jay considered. "How could that ever be a problem?"

"Damn it Jay, be serious, for once. I don't know." Joe agreed. "I just want you to know... If we happen to decide to do... something... I still like GIRLS."

He looked into Jay's eyes, and smiled.

Jay gazed at his friend. He returned the smile, and winked.

"Don't worry pal." Jay consoled. "I accept you as you are. In fact, I think I actually like you better this way."

"You don't have to live it." Joe said. "I just wish you could be like this, just one day."

"If you guys can make that machine do it, I'll try it... For just a day though." Jay agreed.

"If we can make the Cage change us back, it will completely revolutionize gender as we know it." Joe added. "Maybe it's done that already, I guess."

When they were ready, Joe and Jay drove to Linda's. It was after seven, and Linda was getting ready to leave for work. She smiled when she saw Joe trying to sneak in the kitchen door.

"Have a rough night?" Linda asked.

Joe looked at her. She was smiling, and didn't seem angry.

"No... Not really." Joe told her. "And it wasn't what you're probably thinking either. We didn't do anything."

"Why not?" Linda asked. "You two are consenting adults."

"Linda..." Joe interjected. "Let me explain. I still like you.... I love you... But things are different. I'm different... Physically... Mentally... Give me some time."

"You've got it." Linda told him. "I want to understand. But you've got to let me in on everything. If I'm going to be part of a threesome now, I want to know about it."

"Linda... Please understand." Jay was standing in the doorway and tried to get into the confrontation.

"I'm all ears." Linda said curtly. "Please explain."

"One... I'm NOT trying to take Joe away from you. I'd never do that." Jay said.

"Have you slept together?" Linda asked.

Joe and Jay looked at each other. The answer was obvious.

"Linda... Look at me." Joe explained. "I've changed. My body... My whole concous has changed. I'm just curious, I guess. Jay just helped me explore my new situation, that's all."

"And how about your NEW situation?" Linda asked. "Is there any place in it for us? For ME?"

"I'd like to think so..." Joe answered. "I guess that's really up to you though. But it will be surely different than it was. It has to be."

"Then, we really need to talk, I think." Linda declared.

"I agree." Joe said. "Is now all right?"

Linda looked at the clock on the oven. "I really have to leave now. But let's get together again, this evening."

"Should I come?" Jay asked.

Linda looked at Joe.

"That's up to MISS Bates here." She said.

Joe had never heard Linda using that tone before.

"Yeah... You better." Joe decided. "Come over about seven."

That would give him some time alone with Linda.

"I've got to leave." Linda said. "I'll see you both tonight."

They watched her walk to her car.

"Should I stick around?" Jay asked.

"No need." Joe answered. "I'm just going to dress and head to work."

"I'll be over tonight." Jay said, looking at Joe.

"OK I'll see you then." Joe said.

Jay just stood very near Joe, saying nothing, but looking uncomfortable.

"What is it, Jay?" Joe asked.

Jay took Joe in his arms and kissed him on the lips.

Joe just melted in his arms.

"How was that?" Jay asked when he released Joe.

"Hmmm... I ahh..." Joe was speechless. He couldn't hide the pleasure he found in Jay's actions.

Jay grinned.

"Face it Bates, you liked it." Jay said.

"Please ask me when you want to do that." Joe said, regaining his composure. "You just can't do that any time you want!"

"I'm sorry." Jay said in mock apology. "Will you forgive me?"

Joe grabbed Jay's neck and pulled his face to his own. They kissed again, this time even longer than before. Joe was surprised how enjoyable the simple act of kissing had become.

"There... See how you like it!" Joe exclaimed. "And if you don't leave right now, I might even do that to you again!"

"Yes Maam!" Jay exclaimed, walking to the door.

"I'll see you tonight." Joe called as Jay walked out the door.

"Yeah... Tonight, at seven!" Jay repeated.

Joe went into his bedroom. He saw the clothes on the bed, and thought about last night. About changing clothes, with Tim... The young man had become so beautiful since undergoing the metamorphosis to femininity.

He went to the bathroom. Time to put the medication in. Joe opened the little box with the tube of medication and its applicator. He filled the applicator, pulled down his shorts and undershorts and, placing one foot on the commode, placed the medication. When he finished, Joe pulled up his underwear, but stepped out of the shorts. It dawned on him that he was wearing men's underpants, so he took them off.

Joe rubbed his hand over his pubis. He had just inserted at large amount of ointment inside himself, and yet, he could feel nothing. As long as it was past the sensitive nerves at the opening, there was hardly any sensation of having anything inside the vagina. And yet, sometimes, the urge to put something in there...

Joe walked out into the bedroom, trying to decide what to wear to work. He had just bought some new clothes yesterday while shopping with Norm. He bought a suit. At least that's what the sales lady called the matching gray skirt and matching jacket. He liked the sophisticated look of women who wore clothes like that. While the dress code at Honeybone was liberal, and anything from jeans to a dress was acceptable for women employees, many of the women and most of the secretarial pool tended to dress up for work. Now Joe knew why. It was fun.

Looking at the pile of panties, Joe considered wearing some of the new silk one's, but decided that his infection required another day in the cottons. His last pair. Time to do the laundry tonight.

Joe slipped the cotton panties on, but chose the new, gray silk bra to wear under the light gray satin blouse. When he had them on, he rubbed himself, luxuriating in the slippery softness. He felt absolutely sexual.

Pantihose... Now he's need pantyhose. He went to the drawer and found the nude colored silk-reflections. Although he hated wearing them, Joe knew they made his legs look (and feel) sexy, He grudgingly pulled them on.

Joe then found a suitable half slip to wear under the fine wool skirt. The weather was very warm, but it was always cool in the office. He buttoned the skirt around his hips.

There was no doubt about it, it was impossible not to feel sexy when you were dressed like this.

Dave should get some clothes like this and then try to say he didn't like being a woman.

A return to the bathroom, for one last brush of his hair, and he was ready.

Joe realized he'd need a purse. He still wasn't accustomed to carrying one of those, but he selected the smallest of the two that he had, and placed his wallet inside.

Looking in the purse, Joe noticed a couple of mini-pads. Good idea, might need 'em, he considered, hoping he wouldn't.

Ready, Joe went to the kitchen. A quick bowl of grape-nuts, and he was ready for work.

It was nine AM. Most everybody would already be there. No problem. He didn't need to follow any schedule anymore, not that he ever did, unless he was flight testing.

Joe drove to Honeybone, and walked passed the guard, displaying his badge. The guard smiled and waved him through. Joe knew he would be watched intently as he walked the fifty yards from the gate to the main building. All the guards watched the women. He did it too, when they walked ahead of him. He loved to watch the way their hips swayed as they walked. He wondered if his own tush was moving like that now. Probably. He could hear the almost undetectable sounds his pantyhose made when his upper thighs rubbed as he walked. He tried to remember, but didn't think his legs ever touched as he walked while he was male.

When he got to the lab, he was greeted by Jim Matheney, Michelle, and Tim. They were sitting at their desks reading the Company newsletter. They all greeted Joe as he entered the room.

"Hi Joe." Jim said. "I wasn't sure if you were coming in today."

"Sorry." Joe said. "I was just running late, I guess."

"No problem. Not much happening right now. Dr. Krell took Norm over to the hospital for some tests." Jim said. "You really fixed him up, didn't you?" He grinned.

"It was what he wanted." Joe explained. "I just helped him get what he wanted."

"I can't believe what he looks like now." Jim said. "But he does seem to be happy."

"Yeah. And we've proved that the concept really works." Joe added. I think we can recreate the phenomena any time we want."

"Just don't try anything on your own anymore." Jim warned. "We want to be professional about this."

"If I didn't try it, we'd still be watching chimps for another month." Joe said. "Now, at least we understand what we CAN do."

"Its kinda scary, how quickly and completely Norm has changed." Jim went on. "And how young he's become. He looks more like twenty or thirty than sixty."

"Fifty-nine." Joe corrected. "He's fifty-nine."

"We're all getting younger." Tim reminded them. "It's still happening to me, and I already look like a teenager.

Joe looked at Tim. It was hard to tell, but maybe he was even younger looking than yesterday. When was it all going to quit?

"Well, I like it." Mike/Michelle said. "I don't mind being younger looking, and I'm starting to love the rest."

They all looked at Mike/Michelle. He just smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

"Is Norm coming back over here today?" Joe asked to no one in particular.

"I don't know." Jim replied. Norm, Karen, and Dr. Krell left almost as soon as they arrived."

"Is he OK?" Joe asked. "He's not sick, or something?"

"No, not at all." Mike/Michelle answered. "In fact, I think that's why they want to examine him, because he, or she, is getting so healthy."

"You feel like flying?" Jim asked Joe.

"Yeah, I guess so. Where? When?" Joe asked. The thought of a few hours in the air did appeal to him.

"Not today." Jim answered. "Tomorrow. We need to fly a couple of people down from Minnesota."

"Sure." Joe replied. "I wouldn't mind getting away from here for a day."

"It'll probably be an over-niter." Jim added. "If you go up tomorrow afternoon, you can be ready to return early the next morning."

"Can I go along?" Tim asked. He had been listening to the conversation.

Jim looked at the very young looking woman. Tim seemed far too young to send on such a trip.

"I don't know, Tim..." Jim responded.

"Aw, come on..." Joe responded. He knew that Jim's objection were based solely on his appearance.

"Tim may look like a little girl, but remember, he's twenty-one." Joe continued.

"It's hard to think of you that way." Jim admitted, observing the pleading look on Tim's face. "OK, Go along. But you two stay out of trouble."

"We'll be careful." Joe assured him. He saw the look of glee in Tim's eyes.

"Get the 421 ready for launch right after lunch tomorrow." Jim said. "I don't need you till then. You're free to do what you want."

"I think I'll go over to Hillcrest to see how Norm's doing." Joe announced.

"Can I ride along?" Tim asked in his little girl voice.

"Sure, why not?" Joe said. "Let's go."

They left Honeybone and started to go directly to the hospital.

"Are you hungry?" Tim asked suddenly.

Joe looked over at him. He was wearing denim jeans and an off white shirt or blouse. Tim looked just like a hungry teenager. Joe had to laugh.

"Hungry? Already?" Joe asked.

"It's almost eleven!" Tim retorted. Besides, I hate the food in the hospital cafeteria."

"OK. I guess I am a little hungry myself." Joe agreed. "What are you interested in?"

"Anything!" Tim said. "Burgers, fries, anything!"

They were just coming up on a Red Lobster.

"How about fish?" Joe asked.

Tim looked ahead. He looked back at Joe. It was plain that wasn't his favorite food.

"Yeah... Fish would be alright." Tim announced.

Joe could tell Tim's heart wasn't in it, but he just wasn't in the mood for a burger.

They entered the restaurant and since they were a little early, there was no crowd. The place was one of Joe's regular lunch time spots, but he hadn't been here since turning female.

The Hostess didn't recognize him.

"Ladies... Smoking or non?" She asked.

"Non." Joe answered.

They were seated, and in a few moments, a male waiter came to their table.

"What can I get you to drink?" He asked Joe.

"Iced tea." Joe answered. "No sugar."

"And how about you, young lady?" The waiter asked Tim.

"The same." Tim answered.

The waiter left with their drink order. Tim looked at Joe.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to being a 'young lady'" Tim said.

Joe grinned. He certainly looked like one, none the less.

"He probably thinks I'm your mother." Joe said.

"Thanks... Thanks a lot." Tim said.

Joe just grinned. He knew that, deep down, Tim liked what had happened to him just as much as Joe did.

If only the darn de-aging thing would stop...

The waiter returned with their tea. They asked for a little more time to scan the menu.

The waiter returned again, and when he left with the food order, the conversation resumed.

"What's going to happen with Dave?" Tim asked.

Joe stared into his tea glass.

"I wish I knew." He answered. "I think he's badly depressed now, but I don't know how to help him."

"Yeah. He's depressed all right." Tim agreed. "He came in this morning, and when Mr. Matheny said there was nothing going on, he went right back home. How can he get help if he won't ask for it?"

"Dave's my friend." Joe said. "But I can't figure him."

"It seems like all the rest of us, Me, you Michelle and even Norm have accepted what happened to us. There's not much we can do to change it, so we might as well get used to it. Dave should mellow out a little bit." Tim said profoundly.

"That's a lot easier to do when you don't have a family."

"Yeah... But... Hell, its not that easy for me either." Tim announced.

"You seem to be getting along pretty well." Joe mused.

"Joe... I'm a guy! I'm twenty-one! My hormones are raging! And here I am, looking like a thirteen-year-old. A thirteen-year-old GIRL." Tim announced.

"Yeah...?" Joe answered, not quite knowing where this was going.

"Joe... I like girls. They STILL turn me on." Tim continued. "I don't look the same. I don't look old enough to drive anymore, but inside, I'm still an adult male!"

Joe continued to stare into his glass.

"Women turn me on!" Tim continued, speaking in a little girl whisper. "Girls turn me on! YOU turn me on!"

Joe looked into the young man's eyes.

"I do?" He asked.

"Damn right." Tim said. "That outfit... It's a knockout... But all I can think about is what you look like under those clothes."

"That's definitely how a twenty-one-year-old would think." Joe agreed.

"Do you feel like this?" Tim pleaded.

Joe returned to his tea glass.

"Yeah, maybe I do." Joe answered. "But I doubt it's as bad as you say it is for you."

"I'm not making this up, Joe." Tim said. "At first Becky was really private... She agreed help me, but, at first, she always stayed dressed and all that, just like when we were brother and sister. But now I guess she's getting accustomed to seeing me, the way I am now, and I guess she thinks I'm really just a regular girl."

"You do look like one." Joe admitted.

"Yeah, and so do you." Tim said. But now, sometimes, she walks around the apartment in just underwear. She comes into the bathroom when I'm showering to shave her legs. She washes her hair with me, without wearing a top. Do you have any idea what it does to me? And she's my SISTER!"

Joe grinned at his friend. He had a pretty good idea what he was going through.

"What do you want?" Joe asked.

"Hell, I don't know." Tim answered. "I mean, I am a GIRL now. A teenage girl, at that."

"I know what you really are." Joe said. "You turn me on too."

That admittance made Tim grin.

"Do I?" Tim asked. "You don't think I look too young?"

"Tim, you got a pair of the sexiest knockers I've ever seen." Joe explained. "Yeah, you do look a little young, but a lot of guys actually dream of robbing the cradle."

"Do you?" Tim asked.

Joe looked straight into Tim's eyes.

"Look at me. In case you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly equipped to deal sexually with a woman or a girl anymore." He said.

"That's not what Linda said." Tim retorted.

"So... What do you want? Do you want me to sleep with you? Is that it?" Joe asked.

"Does the thought hold any appeal for you" Tim asked.

Joe's eyes went back to the tea glass.

"Sure... Of course it does." Joe admitted. "But, do you really think we should do something like that?"

"What will it hurt?" Tim asked. "I sure won't get you pregnant... And you won't knocked me up, as if we really need to worry about stuff like that."

"Worry about it!" Joe ordered. "You don't want to get knocked up. We've all got enough trouble without something like that."

They ate their food. Joe paid the bill, and they were off for the hospital.

Next: Chapter 41: Chapter45

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