
Published on Apr 17, 1996


50 Joe_Bates_Saga________________________________________________________

  1. Chapter

Joe woke to a slight movement of the bed. It was hardly anything, but enough to wake him. The room was still pretty dark, the early light was just starting to shine through the open curtains of his bedroom.

He made it through yet another night. Rolling on his back, Joe noticed Linda still in his bed. He pulled the sheet down, exposing his bare chest. The sudden cool air made his nipples stiffen to hard, sensitive points. Sometimes, just the larger aerola was visible. He placed his hands at the side of his chest and pressed his bosom forward. Doing so made the moderate endowment very evident, even in the dim light. He grinned, thinking about strange thing that had happened to him. A few minutes in the path of some invisible radio waves... And I end like this. He had only a little chest hair before, but now there was absolutely none at all. Just these soft little mounds. And this...

Joe placed his hand under the sheet and let his fingers brush his body at the pubic hair. He remembered the feeling last night, as Linda carefully fondled his changed anatomy, causing him to explode in pleasure again and again. She knew just how to gently stroke the sensitive tissues so the narrow boundary between pleasure and pain was never once crossed.

A man could never have done that. A man just wouldn't have any idea just how close to the surface the nerves felt. But Joe knew now... He remembered then... Before he had his own, he always figured a clitoris felt much like a man's penis. Not exactly... While there were definite similarities, when you considered it, a penis was really more like an overgrown, rather numb, clitoris. At least that's how he remembered it. A little over a week, and already it was becoming difficult to remember the sensation of his old male parts.

Joe couldn't honestly say he missed them. At least not as sex organs anyway. No, what they had become was easily just as good, if not much, much better.

Joe gently ran his index finger along the now familiar moist cleft, letting it gently brush over the sensitive little glans near the top. The sensation was as if something had somehow amplified the nerves at the underside Of his penis. But it didn't look anything like a penis anymore. Just a small nub of flesh protruded from the sensitive labia. Joe's clitoris was not protected by the little hood of tissue most real women had, since his circumcision when he was an infant boy caused the required tissue to be absent. It manifested itself after the transition as no clitoral covering. As a male, Joe's most sensitive part had been deprived of its natural protection but he hadn't even missed it at all. Of course, since his parents had it performed when he was so young, Joe had no idea what it might feel like any other way. It was the same way now, too. Everything was more sensitive, but it was always that way...

But now, at least when he wasn't aroused, Joe's clitoris was quite small enough to remain partially concealed between the new labial skin folds. Unlike his penis, it could sometimes retract, completely concealed by the labia majora. He was often able forget about it, something he seldom could do when it was a penis. That huge thing was always there, reminding him to be on the lookout for the opposite sex, and frequently standing to attention when a pretty girl was nearby. Hard to not think of sex when you were always being reminded like that.

Everything was comfortably retracted now, thank you, just like a real female, like it or not.

It was strange being on the other side of the fence, Joe considered. He found it amusing to watch Jay innocently attempt to catch a glimpse of cleavage when he bent over to pick something up. He remembered doing juvenile stuff like that himself, less than two weeks before. Now, it just seemed silly. If he really wanted to see his breasts, all Jay needed to do was ask, and Joe would let him stare all he wanted. Hell, he could even touch them if he liked. It felt so good when he did that, even if it was kind of embarrassing, being so intimate with his long-time buddy. Joe knew Jay had developed the "hots" for him, but he was still trying to decide just how he felt about Jay. Or, any other man, for that matter.

He idly fondled his right nipple.

Women were different. He still loved being around them. Sure, it was different now. He had essentially become one of them. He looked like them. He was generally accepted by them. Even by Linda, who knew who, and what, he really was. He obviously couldn't enter a men's room anymore without causing a disturbance, but Joe also couldn't help but feel out of place every time he used a public ladies room. Maybe he was "anatomically correct", but in his own mind, he was still a guy, and he was entering no-man's-land.

Anatomically correct. Yeah, he was that, all right, and more. His poor changed body, while it honestly enjoyed the loving attention Linda provided, craved something else... Something... Something Linda couldn't provide. Joe knew what it was, but he was afraid to admit it.

He preferred sex with a man.

Why should that be so embarrassing? He had become about as physically female as anyone could possibly get. He had already done about everything a normal woman could do besides menstruate and get pregnant. And even that might happen one of these days too. At least the menstruate part...

The pregnant thing required a lot more thought.

He cupped his left breast in his hand. The thought of a tiny, living creature, something that came from his own body, receiving nourishment from this small hunk of fatty tissue on his chest... Now that was heavy...

Giving birth...

It could happen... Dr. Krell said it... It appeared that he had not only become externally female, but even his internal organs seemed to have reverted to those of the other gender. Most likely, if he was ever to be a parent, he would be a mother. That was a little hard for a thirty-year-old guy to accept.

But then, most thirty-year-old guy's didn't look like this, Joe thought, gently massaging his own soft breasts in the dim morning light.

He looked over at Linda, who still slept soundly.

Last night was really something. After the discussion with Linda, Joe went out to a movie with Jay. It was sort of a date. He felt self conscious walking in public with his pal, with everyone assuming he was Jay's girlfriend. Maybe he was. Jay opened the door for him, and generally treated him with loving respect. Joe had to admit, it was enjoyable, but it was also weird.

Once, as they watched the film, Jay placed his arm on Joe's seatback. He then moved it to his shoulder. When that happened, Joe looked into his friends eyes. They both smiled with embarrassment, and Jay moved his arm.

Later, they drove to a small pub for a bite to eat. Joe made sure he sat across the table from Jay, not right beside him. The conversation ranged from airplanes, to what was happening in the lab. They didn't talk about their own relationship, and Joe was glad of that. Jay kept staring at him, his eyes blind with love, but Joe didn't know how to respond. He did let Jay pay for everything, deciding not to start an argument.

When they got back home, Joe decided to reward Jay with a quick, awkward peck on the lips. It hadn't been nearly as embarrassing a he thought it might be, and Joe realized he actually enjoyed the evening. Maybe he could get used to living as a female.

When Jay left, Joe went to his room to get ready for bed. Tomorrow might be a long day, and he wanted to get plenty of sleep.

Shortly after he slipped into bed, his bedroom door opened, and Linda quietly joined him under the sheets. He hadn't expected that.

It was embarrassing. Joe had decided to sleep nude, the way he always slept when he was male. Now he was in bed with his fiance, naked. His entire body was exposed. It was dark, but Linda wanted to cuddle.

Linda wore his favorite nightie, a soft, silky shortie that left her bottom hang out when she didn't wear the little matching panties. Joe knew she wasn't wearing them now, cause she never did. He wished he had something covering his top too.

Linda placed her arm around Joe's shoulder, and here fingers brushed his breast. She began to gently fondle the nipple, and Joe felt it immediately stiffen in response. It was embarrassing.

Only moments before, in the bathroom, Joe had dutifully inserted the little applicator of vaginal medication, then quickly jumped into bed before any of it could run out of the new opening between his legs. Now, he was worried it would soon be all over the bedclothes, as he sensed his vaginal lips opening in response to Linda's soft touch.

Linda continued her gentle stroking. Joe just lay there, not reciprocating in any way. But Linda was persistent. Joe felt her other hand on his belly, and in a few moments. her fingers were brushing through his pubic hair.

They gently explored and fondled each other for what seemed like hours.

Now, it was already time to get up.

Joe silently entered the bathroom without turning on the light till he closed the door. He sat and relieved himself, then took a quick shower. He used the razor on his underarms and legs, but ignored the bikini line, since it looked fine to him, and he was trying to keep it from itching down there. Too short hair seemed to cause that.

Joe brushed his hair and teeth, then carefully applied lipstick and light make-up. It was getting easier, even if it did seem silly to do it. A glance in the mirror was met by a very attractive young woman looking back. Joe grinned at his reflection, and shook his naked chest just to watch the way it made his breasts move.

A little deodorant, followed by a very small spray of cologne, and he was ready to dress. Joe went back to the dark bedroom. The morning sunlight was just bright enough he didn't need the light. He went to the dresser to select the days underwear. He selected the black bra and matching thong. He felt wicked wearing it, and he hoped to get a chance to show it off to Tim. He didn't know why that was so important, but he felt a strange affection for the young man-woman. He took the underwear into the bathroom and slipped it on.

He inspected the image in the bathroom mirror. No matter how many times he saw himself, it was still weird to see a flat little triangle of nylon where the bulge of a penis ought to be. Would he ever get accustomed to it?

The sexy underwear was followed by a black silk teddy, and then covered by his favorite gray suit. He watched Linda sleep as he carefully snapped the crotch of the teddy, glad that she wasn't awake to watch him dress. It was still embarrassing being so feminine looking, and he knew Linda could tell he liked wearing clothes like these.

Finally dressed, Joe packed his overnight bag with clothes for another day. He tossed in his new one-piece swimsuit, and his exercise wear. Who knew what tonight might be like? He also took another suit for the flight back tomorrow, as well as slacks and a blouse. Two extra panties and bras, and he was ready. He then went to the bathroom to get the things he would need tomorrow morning. It took a lot more stuff for a woman to look professional than for a man, he thought.

Linda was waking as Joe left the bathroom. She smiled at him when she saw how he was dressed.

"You look very nice." She said.

"Thanks." Joe returned. "I don't know who I'm going to be seeing today, so I thought I better wear the best stuff I have."

"You look very sophisticated." Linda complimented. "A total professional."

"I just don't want to look like a freak." Joe said.

Linda frowned.

"Do you think you might?" She asked.

"Why not? Here comes the woman who's really a guy..." Joe lamented. "That's what they'll all be thinking anyway."

"If they do, that's their problem." Linda insisted. "If you present a professional image, they'll forget who you used to be."

"I'm not sure I want that either." Joe reminded her. "I'm more than just this body, you know."

Linda smiled at what Joe just said.

"I never thought I'd ever get to hear you say that." She said.

"I hope you get more out of it than I am." Joe said, smiling.

"Come here Joe Bates." Linda ordered.

She pulled Joe down to the bed and kissed him on the lips. They hugged each other for a long minute.

"It will all work out." Linda insisted. "I know it will."

Joe slowly rose from the bed and straighted his skirt.

"I hope so." He said. "I feel like I'm really two persons now. I can't go on like this."

"I love both of you." Linda reminded him.

"See you tomorrow night." Joe said, picking up his handbag and overnighter.

"I'll be waiting for you!" Linda said, winking seductively.

Joe went into the kitchen and fixed a bowl of cold cereal and orange juice. When he finished, he placed the spoon and bowl in the dishwasher, straighten his cloths and hair, and went to his car.

It was another absolutely clear morning in Arizona. Joe wondered what the weather would be along the route of flight. He pulled into the hanger parking lot and parked his car. He wondered who the mechanics would be this morning. Before, he enjoyed the regular banter in the flight lounge. The conversation ranged from airplanes to women. Usually women. It wouldn't be like that anymore when he was there. He could almost feel the eyes on him when he walked to the coffee pot, looking at his legs, and his butt.

A few weeks ago he did the same thing.

"Morning Joe." Buck, the head crew chief greeted him as he entered the room.

"Hi, Buck." Joe answered awkwardly. "How's the 421?"

"Fully fueled, and no write-ups." Buck answered. "You should have a good ride."

"Hope the weatherman agrees." Joe said, going to the coffee pot then to the phone.

Joe had the Minneapolis trip "canned" in the computer, and only had to enter the tail number, take-off time, fuel load and souls-on-board. The printer then came to life with the route of flight, and complete trip weather.

The trip would be rather uneventful, at least the weather part. Only a stiff head wind for most of the flight would be a factor. The 421 wasn't all that speedy, and the wind could be a factor for total trip time. They would likely add almost an hour to the run.

Joe was sitting at the table looking at the weather printout, sipping his coffee when Tim entered the room.

Two weeks ago, Tim Werner was a twenty-one-year-old college student working his way through school as a line boy.

The Tim Werner who walked in looked very different. Instead of wide, muscular shoulders and narrow hips, this Tim was much smaller and quite feminine. A short skirt barely hid cute legs. Tim wore a suit much like Joe's, but the skirt was much shorter. It was four or five inches above the knee, and he couldn't help but expose a LOT of leg as he sat down next to Joe.

"That's quite an outfit." Joe commented, after Buck regained his composure and went to out into the hanger.

"I know, I know, it's a little short." Tim conceded. "I told the sales girl that, but she insisted it was just what I had to get."

"Well, at least nobody will think you're a guy." Joe teased.

"Is it too much?" Tim asked. "I have another outfit... And I brought some pants..."

"No, if you like it, I like it." Joe said, laughing.

"I worked so hard just to get it on..." Tim continued. "I might as well wear it."

"The weather will be OK." Joe said, changing the subject. "But we'll have headwinds most of the way. Be sure to stop at the potty before we launch." He winked.

"I really need some of that coffee." Tim insisted.

The cups are over there." Joe pointed. "We leave in ten minutes."

Joe watched as Tim got a cup of coffee and returned to drink it. He indeed looked so very young. Only his breasts, and the sexy skirt, kept him from looking almost pre-teen. Joe wondered when it would stop.

"I went shopping with Norm last night." Tim said. "Norm's actually pretty cool, you know."

"Yeah." Joe agreed. "And he's ate up with the "girl thing" ain't he?"

"He sure is." Tim conceded. "But he wanted it, didn't he?"

"He sure did." Joe admitted. "I helped him. I didn't know if I should, but I'm glad I did."

"Norm sure seem happy about what happened." Tim agreed.

"That's for sure."

Tim finished the coffee.

"I'm ready." He said, getting up, and pulling at his skirt as Joe watched in silent amusement.

"I didn't know it would do this." Tim conceded. "I guess my butt hangs out half the time."

"It's an awful cute butt." Joe teased.

"Cut it out." Tim whined, half-heartedly. "Lets get in the air."

Next: Chapter 48: Chapter54

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