Joels Life in College

By R A D

Published on Sep 6, 2001


If you are not yet 18 years of age or not yet 21 years of age, depending on the country, you are too young to read this and should depart from here until you reach the legal age

If you are offended by domination, submission, humiliation or discipline activities between young men then you should not read this. In fact you should not even be here.

I ask that if you wish to reproduce this story or part of it for anything more than your own private use you seek and receive my permission in writing first.

(c) axeldarke 2001

Joel's life in College, So Far.


When I first arrived at my college dorm I was still only 17 years old. My birthday is in December so it was a few months yet before Id be a full legal adult. It was my first time away from the supervision and control of my parents, who are strict and conservative people, so I was excited and looking forward to my new freedom.

I got myself registered that first day, found my room and stowed my gear. My roommate had not yet arrived. As it turned out my roommate had cancelled out and never did show up so I lucked out and got my own room but only paid for a double.

After I stowed my gear I went exploring and met this guy Scott, who was about 24, and seemed impressive and mature to me. He turned out to be the 'floor chairman' who was kind of like a social organizer and class president for the floor I lived on. I also met Steve who was a 'wing senior' on my wing of the floor. He was kind of a deputy to the floor chairman. I figured that those titles didn't mean much and usually they don't. Just titles with little actual authority.

Steve was 22 at the time and was obviously a serious weightlifter and major stud. He is 6'1, about 200 pounds with sculpted muscles, beautifully proportioned body, black hair and blue eyes.

I was very deeply closeted at the time but he definitely caught my eye. Scott mentioned, in a kind of joking tone, that since I was not yet 18 for a while they'd have to keep an eye on me to make sure I stayed out of trouble. We all just laughed at that and I didn't take it seriously because I didn't think they did either.

The place filled up over the next few days and college life began. Parties, intramural sports, noise and even, sometimes, schoolwork. I noticed that there were lots of guys in the dorm who smoked pot openly. They drank beer too though they were not really allowed to do that until they were 21 and few of them were. I enjoyed the parties but I was not experienced with beer or with pot so I didn't consume much of either.

About the 3rd weekend I was there I happened to be at a little get together in another guy's room on another floor on Saturday night. That night I was drinking a beer and sharing a few tokes.

Steve happened to arrive with some others and he saw me drinking beer and taking tokes. Steve himself neither drank beer nor smoked anything. He kind of got a scowl on his face when he saw me but I didn't think about it much because I was pretty far gone by then.

The next morning there was a knock on my door at about 7am, which was way early for me since I liked to sleep in Sundays. Since I got to school I was able to do that, which I could never do at home. Sleepily I got up and opened my door to find Steve there obviously just having finished his morning run. He kind of pushed by me and came in, taking the seat at my desk, which was the only chair in my room. He said he had something important to talk to me about.

I was not real happy to see him and didn't want to do more than go back to sleep but the serious look on his face and tone in his voice caught my attention so I was ready to listen. I was kind of embarrassed standing there because I sleep nude and had only wrapped a towel around myself to answer the door. I was gonna put on a pair of shorts but Steve said not to bother, it would not take long. There was a serious tone in his voice and it had me worried so I obeyed him.

He told me that he had seen me the night before drinking beer and smoking that joint. I knew that already but since it was such a widespread and routine activity around that place I didn't see what the big deal was. Steve asked me to get my dorm contract that we all signed when we came to school. My dad had actually signed mine because I was not yet legal to sign contracts.

When I had retrieved it he told me to read a portion of the contract that was titled "Minor Students" It basically said that students who were minors, not yet 18, would be subject to the ' reasonable supervision' of resident officials, which he told me meant floor chairmen and wing seniors like himself. This surprised me because I had never really read the contract and didn't realize that that section was in it. I recalled that it was mentioned that Steve and Scott would keep an eye on me that first day but I never took that seriously. Apparently Steve did.

He asked me how my parents felt about my drinking beer. I was worried when he said that because the truth is my folks don't drink and don't allow me to either. They are conservative religious people and don't take to drinking. I was reluctant to say anything but Steve could see the worry in my face so I told him the truth. When he asked me what they would think about me smoking pot I felt like about an inch tall because I know they would think it was one stop short of hell on the road to damnation.

Steve told me that in the past when they had minor students who drank the procedure had been to inform the student's parents of this to protect the school from lawsuits if anything should happen as a result of future drinking. The prospect of my folks being informed of my alcohol use terrified me because I knew that my dad would insist that I move home instantly and go to a local college where he could keep his eye on me. I knew too that he would paddle my ass. And god help me if the pot was mentioned.

I was suddenly very worried. I told Steve that I would be yanked home immediately if my dad was informed of my drinking. I pleaded with him not to tell and I said I would not drink again until after my birthday. He told me that to do that was taking a major risk for him because as a wing senior he had a contract to obey and enforce rules and that was one of them. He told me he could get kicked out himself without notice if dorm management found he had ignored underage drinking.

I so dreaded the prospect of being forced home and losing my relative freedom that I got onto my knees and pleaded with him. I let go of the towel I wore and it fell to the floor leaving me naked but that was the last thing I cared about then. Steve was not very sympathetic to me and asked what my dad would do with me if he were informed. I confessed that I would end up getting paddled. It was not like I wanted him to know this, it was just that he intimidated me with his tone and what he was telling me so I told him the truth.

He told me that he would consider ignoring my lapse if I promised to obey the rules and obey him from then on. But he said he felt like I needed a paddling like my dad would have given me if he had been told of my behavior. I didn't want any paddling at all but if I had to take one and could escape being yanked home I figured I could accept it. I was naked on the floor on my knees all this time as he spoke to me, ready to plead for his mercy, and I felt great relief because it seemed like I had gotten it.

I said I would take a paddling if he felt I needed it and I would obey the rules and not drink again or smoke pot either. He said that would be ok and feeling huge relief I suddenly became self-conscious and wanted to get up and put on some shorts. But when I moved to do so Steve told me to stay where I was. He reached into the pocket of his shorts and retrieved his keys and he handed them to me. Then he told me to run down to his room and look in his closet where I would find his paddle hanging on a hook. He told me to bring it back to him.

I stood and moved to put on a pair of shorts but he slapped my butt and told me to get my ass in gear and get the paddle. I wanted to wear shorts but Steve told me that everybody in the wing had seen my bare butt in the showers by now so I didn't need them. He told me if anyone asked what I was doing I was to tell them I had been a bad boy and Steve was gonna do something about it. He also told me I had one minute to be back with his paddle or I'd pay for it. I really didn't want to have to run down there naked but I was scared as hell by then so I just opened my door and took off down the hall.

My room was at the one end of the wing and Steve's was at the other end so I had to run the length of the wing waving my bare butt. There were 2 guys in the hallway right then and they laughed at me and told me to put some clothes on. One of them even slapped my butt as I ran by him.

I got down to Steve's room and opened the door. Just as I did Todd, the other senior in the wing, whose room was opposite Steve's, opened his door. I guess I didn't hear him because as I searched for the paddle in Steve's closet I felt Todd's hand on my butt. I was shocked by the touch and when I saw who it was I was kind of scared too because Todd is this big football player, about 23 or so, and a very macho aggressive type. He is like 6'3 or so and 220 lbs of muscle. I am only like 160 and 5'9 so he towers above me. I had a feeling like he knew I was gay and didn't like me because of it so I felt very uncomfortable with him there like that.

" Hey Joel (that's my name, Joel McBain) what are you doing here in Steve's room?" he asked me. As he did so I found the paddle and retrieved it from the closet. Todd meanwhile still had his hand on my butt and was fingering my butt hole with his middle finger. I was feeling aroused by this hot guy with his finger on my butt hole but very humiliated to be standing there nude and holding that paddle. To my utter shame my cock began to get hard in response to his finger and within a few seconds I was hard as a rock.

" I am getting this for Steve, he is in my room." I said trying to get out of there with as much dignity as I could.

" Oh yeah? So why does he need the paddle?" Todd asked me

" Well see I have been a bad boy and Steve is gonna do something about it" I said, burning with humiliation and, I am sure, red as a beet.

" He is huh? Well I figured you would be getting it sooner or later kid." He said, chuckling. He slapped my poor butt and told me to get a move on or it would be worse for me.

As I stepped back out into the hallway, my hard cock waving in front of me, I saw that Jay and Tomas, the two guys who had first seen me in the hall, had been watching the exchange between Todd and me. Jay just smiled at me as I ran by. Tomas whistled and yelled " that boy is gonna feel wood today!"

I bolted back down that hallway praying that nobody else would see me but several doors opened when guys heard Tomas' whistle and shout. I don't know if I was more frightened of what was to come or more humiliated about being seen that way.

When I got back to my room Scott was looking at his watch and seemed to be pretty unhappy. " That took you a minute and ten seconds. Pretty damn slow Id say. Aren't you serious about this Joel?" he asked " I can just call your dad now and we can end this if you like." He told me.

"No sir I am sorry to be late I am very serious please don't call my dad." I said to him, clenched with fear that he might make that call and shaking with shame from the humiliation I had just endured.

"Ok then give me the paddle." He said.

I gave him the paddle and he stood up and told me to come over and bend myself over the back of the chair and take hold on to the front legs. That left me stretched over the chair with my butt hi in the air, a ready target for his paddle. I was filled with dread about what was to come and I noticed too that he did not close my door. Everyone in the hallway was gonna hear my paddling. I was absolutely mortified to realize that.

"Joel where are my keys?" he asked me.

I realized that in my haste I had left his key in his door! SHIT

" I am sorry sir I forgot them. They are still in your door." I replied, my voice cracking.

"Listen Joel I am really doing you a favor here and you just keep fucking up." He said, anger rising in his voice. He laid 5 hard smacks across my butt with his paddle and said

"Go back down there and get em. Fast!" in a hard no bullshit tone.

I stood up and bolted out the door and down the hallway intent on getting those keys as fast as I could. By that time the hallway was half filled with guys who had heard the whole exchange including the paddle strokes. I am sure my poor butt was glowing red but my face must have been a goddamn beacon I was so humiliated. All I wanted to do was get those keys and get back to Scott.

I am sure that there were looks and comments from all those guys in the hallway but I didn't hear any of them. I ran as quick as I could down to Scott's room and to my horror the keys were NOT in the door. I ran into his room and looked around on the floor and into the closet and was damn near in a panic when I heard Todd ask me

"Is this what you are looking for kid?"

He was sitting on a chair in his room across the hallway dangling the keys in his hand. I ran across he hall and stopped at his door and I asked

"Yes it is could I have them please"

He said, "Sure you can" and then chucked the keys over my head thru the doorway.

They flew into the hallway, bounced off the wall and fell to the floor.

Tomas walked up and placed his foot over them and I was so damn panicked I wanted to push him off them but instead I said

"Please let me have those keys" in a voice of total desperation.

Before he could respond Jay pushed Tomas of the keys and said

"Let the poor guy have them, he is in enough shit!"

I grabbed the key chain and began to run but I was not half way back before I met Barry Boswell, who is also 17 and a big arrogant punk type guy. He always seemed to take long showers whenever he could get next to me in the washroom and I guess he decided to have some more fun.

"Hey Joel I see you got a red butt there huh? Why is that?" he asked me, standing in a block stance so I could not slip by.

I sure as hell didn't want to stop or say anything to him but I knew Steve could hear and I didn't want to get in more shit than I was in already.

" Well Barry I been a bad boy and Steve is gonna do something about it" I answered him which was hard to get out because my voice kept breaking. I was almost beyond humiliation by then, just working mechanically trying to get back as fast as I could. But I know my face still glowed with shame because I saw it in his doorway mirror as I spoke.

"Move your ass Boswell, let him by or you're next!"

This shout was from Steve who was standing in the hallway outside my door and he definitely meant business. Barry moved out of the way fast.

"Don't sweat it Steve I was just jokin," he said. He tried to sound very butch but I could hear an edge of fear in his own voice.

I finally made it back to my doorway and handed the key to Scott as I stepped back into my room.

He closed the door and motioned for me to bend over the chair and clutch those legs once more. My punishment was about to begin.

End of part one

Well that is Joel's life in college so far. I always greatly appreciate readers response. and I reply to all I recieve.

Next: Chapter 2

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