Joels Life in College

By R A D

Published on May 16, 2005


If you are not yet 18 years of age or not yet 21 years of age, depending on the country, you are too young to read this and should depart from here until you reach the legal age

If you are offended by domination, submission, humiliation or discipline activities between young men then you should not read this. In fact you should not even be here.

I ask that if you wish to reproduce this story or part of it for anything more than your own private use you seek and receive my permission in writing first.

(c) axeldarke 2005

JOEL'S LIFE IN College, So Far 6

It took me a while to regain my composure after escape from Barry in the washroom. I felt a lot of relief both from my pissing and from escaping a spanking from him. But Id been filled with dread and humiliation in there and I was shaking in my knees for a while after I escaped. So I stood there back in my corner with my hands on my neck and my knees rattling away.

The weird thing was that Id been nude and exposed for more than an hour by then but even after all that had passed the part about being nude wasn't what was bothering me the most any longer. I mean I was still embarrassed and all but by then I was getting very hungry too. I hadn't eaten since dinner the night before and I was really hoping that Steve would come back soon and let me go. I hoped he'd let me go anyway.

About then I heard the exit door open and slam so I knew someone had come onto the floor. I was sweating freely because I knew it could be anybody in the hall and I was standing there fully exposed. Yet I didn't dare move because I definitely couldn't take any more paddling. I fervently hoped it would be Steve come to release me but whoever it was, I was not going to move. The shame of exposing my paddled red butt was way less painful than what I might get if I didn't obey and stand where I was.

I heard footfalls as someone walked toward my door and, hoping it was Steve, I kept my face toward the corner and my hands firmly on my neck.

Fear and hope both equally gripped my guts as those steps approached and I was just about to wilt when the footfalls ended outside my door. I could feel eyes on my naked butt and had to force myself not to look back.

"Oh man Joel he did a number on your butt!" it was Jay talking. I felt a kind of relief. While it wasn't Steve, I knew Jay knew the score and somehow it didn't shame me so much for him to see me. He walked into my room and closed the door.

"Listen Joel I know you've been standing there a long time. That asshole who backed into Steve's Jeep took off so he had to call the cops to report it. They just got here now so he's still gonna be a while because he has to fill in the report. I figured you'd need a break."

He put his hand on my shoulder and said "Don't worry you can relax a while. I know he is still with the cops down in the lot doing the report"

I turned to look at him and he had a friendly look on his face. He stepped over to my bed and picked up my pillow and placed on my chair.

"I know your butt's gonna be a little sore. Come over here and sit down for a while."

I walked over and sat in my chair. As I did so, I could feel that my butt was in fact very tender and was grateful for the pillow.

"Look Joel Steve is really not that bad a guy. I know you probably feel intimidated by him right now but other guys have gotten the same treatment from him before. You're not the first. He's going to have a few rules and such for you that you'll have to follow until you are 18 but if you obey and do like he tells you you'll find out he can be a great guy when you please him."

Tomas had told me pretty much the same thing earlier.

I had been very worried that maybe Steve was gonna be a hard ass on my tail all semester but Jay's words reassured me.

Jay lay down on my bed directly across from my chair.

I was relieved that he was there. Id been thru a lot that morning and I was glad to have a friendly face to talk to.

"You know this is Steve's third year as a wing senior. He has never had a complaint about guys on his wing getting out of line so the management is happy to have him. I don't think they have any idea of how he really runs his wing or maybe they just turn a blind eye to it. Minor students here can be a real problem for them so when they find a senior like Steve who seems to handle them without trouble they like to have him around."

"I don't know if you noticed it but most of you first year guys on this wing are minors. There are not many who are 18. There are guys like Tomas and me too but that's because Steve asked for us to be put here. He can't have all minors and they pretty much let him have who else he wants on his wing."

I was feeling relieved about things after what Jay and Tomas had told me though I still felt a little shame plus some fear about what Steve had in store for me. My shame intensified again because despite my shame and fear and stuff I was throwing a hard cock again. I felt very uncomfortable with Jay laying there watching at me get hard but I couldn't stop it.

I could see him kind of laugh to himself and get a sly look in his eyes and I began to have a little fear that he might be up to something himself. He looked at his watch and asked me "hey Joel I bet you are getting hungry huh? Breakfast closed in the cafeteria 15 minutes ago. I don't think Steve meant to prevent you from going to eat but you were smart to stay here and wait. This is kind of a test and he would not be happy if he came back and found you were gone."

Right then my stomach growled and despite my shame and humiliation I was reminded once again of my hunger. Lunch at 1 o'clock seemed very far off. I just prayed Steve would return before then.

I told Jay that I was famished but I didn't have anything at all to eat in my room. Jay said "sorry Joel we don't have anything either, Tomas always eats anything I buy. Anyway I don't think Steve would want you to eat before he comes back."

Then Jay got that sly look in his eyes again. "There is one guy on this floor who has some food. I don't even think Steve would mind if you ate some either. I'm not sure you'd want it though."

Like I said I was very hungry so I asked him "hey who has this food? If Steve doesn't mind Id eat it for sure. That is if I could get some. I mean whoever has it Id go later and buy some to replace it. Just that I can't really go now, you know?"

Jay held up his hand. He kind of lowered his voice and said "Joel the thing is the guy who has the food is Steve and it is canned food. Canned dog food. I know it because I've eaten it before. So has Tomas and other guys last year too."

I was very shocked by what he had said to me. I mean Id never heard of a guy eating dog food. It sounded so gross.

"You ate it!? Why?" I mean isn't it gross?" For a few seconds I forgot my naked state and my situation and just stared at Jay in surprise.

"Well it isn't great no but it's not as bad as you might think. With a little salt or seasoning it wouldn't be too bad. Maybe a little greasy but not all that bad really."

Jay sounded like he was talking about the bland and crusty Chicken Pot Pie creation we had all suffered thru the previous night in the cafeteria and not Alpo.

But he WAS talking about Alpo.

"Jay you want me to eat Dog food?" I asked him, surprised and, well, actually shocked that he'd think Id want it.

Jay held up his hand again to calm my outrage. "Listen Joel I may be telling tales out of school here a little bit but I've eaten it and so has Tomas and other guys on Steve's wing from Last year and probably before too."

"Why? Did Steve make you do it?" My shock was receding replaced by a feeling of dread in my gut. I figured dog food was no doubt in store for me too.

Jay gave a wry laugh and said "Yeah of course it was Steve. Usually for mouthing off to him or fucking around and missing classes or something."

"With me I went off on a Thursday with some buddies from home. We got very drunk and partied. I didn't get back till Saturday. Id actually missed all my Friday classes and when I got in Steve was asking me about it and being a little hung over and very tired I mouthed off to him. I got my ass paddled and spent until Tuesday on all fours eating dog food and a lot more too. Very definitely learned that I needed to respect Steve and stay on his good side."

"I didn't have Monday class that semester but thankfully I did have one Tuesday. I was so tired of dog food and being on fours and trying to obey and be a good dog by then. I was afraid I might be there permanently so I was very happy when Steve let me up and allowed me to dress and go to class. I definitely learned not to mouth off or to skip class again."

I was pretty stunned by what he was telling me. I mean it seemed so harsh and shameful to be made Steve's dog. Yet god help me but my goddamn cock was rising again as he related his tale and I was rock hard and almost dripping again.

Jay watched me get hard as he related his tale and that sly look returned. I was feeling a combination of embarrassment at my hard cock, plus fear about what might be coming with Steve and so on but also I was feeling uneasiness with Jay which I hadn't felt before. That look in his eyes made me nervous about what he was up to. I was no longer feeling so easy with him there and me nude and hard.

I stood up and went back over to my corner, placing my hands back on my neck. I said

"Thanks for coming by Jay and you know talking. It makes me feel a lot better about this but I wanna be standing here when Steve comes back."

Jay stood up and walked up behind me. He rubbed his hand on my back and said "Joel it's gonna be ok. Steve is not a mean guy just a strict one. What I've told you here about the dog food and stuff, well that's part of it too. Don't worry the concept of it sounds a lot worse than the reality."

Jay moved my chair back to my desk and put my pillow back on my bed. Then he walked out my door leaving it open and said "later Joel" like we'd just had a coffee or something.

I was pretty disturbed by what Jay told me about dog food. I mean like I had my dog Bowser at home and I fed him canned food sometimes but I definitely never felt like sharing it with him! Always smelled kinda gross and looked very greasy. But Bowser liked it so what the Hell maybe it was at least edible if not appetizing.

I reached a point where I had to piss again and this time I was gonna avoid the washroom. I wasn't gonna get caught in there again.

I walked back to my desk and took the soda bottle that was there looking at it carefully. I wasn't sure how easy it would be to piss into it with its narrow opening but I figured I had no choice.

I held the bottle under by cock and held my cock with my other hand. It came slowly at first but then flowed well and only a little dribbled out. By the time I was done the bottle was almost full to the top.

Concentrating as I was on getting all into the bottle I had not realized I had an audience but just as I was done I heard clapping. I looked out my doorway and saw Barry and Rick standing there with big triumphant smiles on their faces. The site of them immediately reawakened the mortification I had felt earlier in their clutches in the washroom. Wishing to avoid a repeat I immediately placed the bottle down on my desk and turned into my corner again, replacing my hands on the back of my neck.

"Well boy I guess you have learned" Barry said. I could hear that he and Rick entered my room and were now behind me. I also heard as one of them closed my door. My anxiety level shot strait up and I knew trouble was coming with these two.

A few minutes before Id been ready to blow this room whatever the consequences but Barry's return intimidated me. I knew he'd love to paddle me himself given half an excuse. I was determined not to give him that excuse.

"Yes sir I have learned my lesson. I want to thank you for your idea about using the pop bottle. That way I can stay here in my corner as I am supposed to."

I said this in the most respectful and submissive voice I could muster hoping Barry and Rick would just go and leave me in peace. No such luck.

"You're showing an improved attitude to your superior's boy" Barry said, walking up behind me and placing his hand on my butt.

"Thank you Sir. I hope that I am showing you the proper respect." I was playing along hoping to stay on his good side.

"Well boy respect is shown in actions more than in words and we think its time for you to show some respect to Rick here like you did to me earlier." Barry said with a leer in his voice. My heart sank.

I knew damn well what he meant ^Ö he wanted me to lick Rick's boots just as I had his own. Maybe rim his asshole too. I definitely didn't want any part of this but I knew I was trapped. Barry could still tell Steve that I had left my corner or just use the paddle himself. I was still pretty fearful of more paddling but it was more by then. After my talk with Jay I felt like I wanted to demonstrate to Steve that I could follow his orders, do as I was told and earn some kind of respect from him. I felt like if Barry told him I left my corner I'd lose all that.

"Yes Sir I respect Rick the same as I respect you." I said hoping words would be enough.

"Boy turn around and down on your knees." Barry ordered curtly. I immediately followed his order kneeling and looking to see Rick and Barry with hard cocks visible in their jeans and leering nasty looks on their faces.

"Joel we are going to give you a chance now to show your respect to Rick as you did to me earlier." Barry said. "You can start with his boots."

I really didn't want to do this but I knew I felt like I didn't really have an option.

Rick was wearing a pair of steel toed work boots that were fairly worn but mercifully fairly clean. He strode over eagerly and stuck his boot into my face. He was now just standing on one foot and so Barry pushed my chair over behind him and he sat down. That put his boot right in front of my face and so, resigned; I just began to lick it.

To my intense shame I soon threw another hard cock.

"Look at this fag he loves it. I can't believe this!" Rick said, with lustful delight in his voice.

"Oh I know it man. Just wait till he rims your asshole!" Barry said.

They talked to each other as I continued my task but I tried to just shut them out. I just wanted to get thru this and get them out of my room.

I was only maybe half done the first boot when Rick shoved the second one into my face. He was obviously more excited by coming attractions than by a thorough job.

I wasn't half done his second boot before he suddenly pulled it away, stood up and pulled his shorts down. His cock popped out as hard as mine but neither he nor Barry said a word about it.

I think Barry was a little surprised at Rick's rapid move but he very soon recovered.

"Ok boy now you need to show Rick that you have the same respect for him that you have for me. I expect you to do a very good job of cleaning his asshole. Do it with enthusiasm and with gratitude and I might just be able to forget that I seen you leave your corner and leave this room. Otherwise Steve will have to hear about it. You understand me boy?"

While he was talking to me my cock, if anything just got harder and I know that my face must have been redder than my butt had been just after Rick paddled it that morning. Still, I knew I had to get this over with and so I groveled like I knew I had to.

"Yes Sir I do understand you and I will eagerly lick Rick's asshole Sir." I said

"And you will thank him when you are done boy?" He asked me.

"Oh yes Sir I will definitely be thankful to Rick for allowing me to lick his hole when I'm done it Sir." I felt very conflicted by the groveling I was doing that day. I mean it was fucking intensely humiliating yet I had never been harder.

Rick meanwhile had bent over and presented his butt in front of my face. This was the second time that morning Id been presented with an asshole I had to lick. I had never even thought about licking butt before this day but god help me despite the situation or maybe because of it I wanted it. I wanted to do this. To me at that moment my desire seemed like the most humiliating part of it all.

Rick had backed himself up so his crack was just inches in front of my face. It was a very smooth, very white butt with a small almost hairless crack and it looked hot as hell to me. So help me god I was damn near panting at that point and I just dove in, swiping my tongue fully up his crack bottom to top.

Rick, experiencing this for what I think was the first time, let out a moan of pleasure and said " fuuuuk that is soo hot oh man do it boy do it to me."

Well it was something like that anyway. It is not so easy to hear when your head is deep in a guy's crack. But I got to it and licked and pleasured Rick doing my best. I was so goddamn hot right then from the situation and all that had happened that day that I wanted desperately to jack my own cock. I figured that might earn me a paddling however well I did rimming ass so I kept my hands on my neck.

I was so occupied with my task that I was shocked when Rick pulled his butt from my face and I saw Steve standing in my doorway.

"Just what the fuck is going on in here?" his anger obvious in his tone and expression.

"Oh me and Rick were just havin some fun with your boy Steve. He's a very good asshole rimmer and I wanted Rick to feel his tongue. He's never been rimmed before "Barry said. His tone was enthusiastic but also arrogant.

I don't think Barry imagined that Steve would be annoyed at his presumption. I don't think he thought it was presumptuous for him and Rick to take advantage of me. Rick had an idea that all was not well however.

"Hey Steve sorry if I'm outa line here but Barry told me it was cool." This was Rick. He knew trouble was coming. He was trying to back out of it as best he could.

"Oh fuck man it's no big deal. This boy is being punished and we were just teaching him some respect. "Barry said. At that point he actually believed he was going to get away with his presumption.

I stood and placed my hands on the back of my neck facing the corner again. I wanted Steve to know I was complying with his orders. I figured at that point that I was no longer the resident of our wing in shit that day. I was right.

The story continues. Looks like Barry and maybe Rick too are in for some trouble. And what about Joel? Will he be dressing for lunch and eating at a table or will his punishment continue? Is there Alpo in his future? I'm not yet certain. Let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 7

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