Joey and Sigma Nu

By moc.liamg@u4iobtlhcs

Published on Dec 23, 2013



The following story is fiction and any resemblances to persons living or dead are entirely coincidental. This story contains graphic scenes of male homosexual erotic acts. All characters are 18 years of age or older and legally able to make decisions about their life and fully aware of the consequences of their decision. If it is unlawful for you to view or receive such content, or such content makes you feel uncomfortable, then you are instructed to read no further than this disclaimer.


This story and its characters are copyrighted by the author and protected by the governing copyright laws of the country where this material is published. Any use or publishing of this story and its characters, in any part or entirety, is strictly forbidden.


This is my first attempt at publicly displaying any of my written works. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Please make all feedback in the form of constructive criticism. While this is a homo-erotic story, this story's purpose is for conveying a depiction of characters that you will enjoy. Feedback on the entire story is appreciated, not just the erotic sections. You may send constructive criticism and feedback as well as questions to:

Joey & Sigma Nu

Excerpt from end of Chapter VII

"Fuck! How did you zero in on that so quickly?"

"You're the one who told me that this position would drive a guy crazy because my curved cock would hit their prostate every time."

"I know, but damn. It's right on my button in no time. I've only let two other guys fuck me, and they were both smaller than me. They didn't hit my prostate all the often or as hard as you are now, and I'll bet that you aren't even halfway in yet."

I chuckled and pushed another inch in making sure to press hard against his button as I did ensuring to drag the head across his prostate. "Now, I am!"

"Fuck, I already feel like I'm being ripped open."

"But your cock is drooling like crazy and your hips are gently rocking on my cock. Your mind is telling you one thing, but your body is saying the exact opposite. But, I respect you and don't want to hurt you. If you want me to pull out, I will. But, if you want what your body is telling me it wants, then I'll make sweet love to you as you did to me." Before he could answer, I flexed my cock and felt it thicken and push a little more into his hot, tight hole. He grunted and grabbed a fistful of sheets. "So, what'll it be, sexy stud?"

Chapter VIII

I could see the look in Sam's eyes. His eyes were rolling back into his head with pleasure as I pushed a few inches in so that the curve of my dick was rubbing against his prostate. Although, his face was scrunched up a bit, I realized I was probably hitting areas of his insides that had never been touched before.

"Oh God, Joey!" Sam moaned, "You're just too big. I don't think I can take any more."

"Ok, I'm sorry," I said trying not to sound too dejected while letting Sam hear the disappointment in voice. I started to pull out, but I wanted to enjoy the tight confines of Sam's ass around my thick cock as much as possible. Slowly, I pulled my cock out an inch at a time. Sam's head was moving back and forth and his hole was gripping my cock so tightly. After I'd pulled about four inches out, Sam said, "Do you think you can just fuck me with half of your cock?"

"Sure!" I exclaimed as I quickly pushed back in those four inches dragging my head slowly across his hard prostate. Sam moaned again, I reached down to caress his cock, it was already hard and starting to drip precum. "I'm so glad you're letting me do this. I just want you to feel as much pleasure as you've been giving me." I pulled his head around and kissed him as I continued to push in and out of his fiery hole. My instincts were taking over, and as Sam and I were in a deep kiss, I felt his hole relax a little. My cock naturally started to slide in another two inches. I broke our kiss and looked down. I estimated from the five inches that were still outside that Sam had about eight inches of cock up his hole. I was in total pleasure feeling his hole pulsate and milk my cock with his ass muscles.

I started fucking Sam with regular and quick strokes. My hips started to move on their own and led my body to what it wanted. Sam was moaning quite frequently; he even sounded like he was having a hard time breathing. I wasn't sure if his moaning was from my cock putting constant pressure on his walnut-shaped prostate or if it was from my hand working over his cock and balls spreading his precum all of his big head while teasing his foreskin back and forth over his flared and blood-engorged head.

Then something took over me. I guess it was instinct or nature itself, but I took my arm closest to the bed, snaked it between Sam's arm and body that were lying flat against the bed, and then grabbed his opposite shoulder. I pulled his back up to my chest lifting his chest from the bed. I bent my neck and started kissing lightly his back and shoulders. My other had abandoned his oozing cock and grabbed his hip bone. Holding him tightly by his hip and shoulder, my hips started going faster than I knew they could move.

Sam's groans turned into load moans, and my balls were drawing up very tightly against my cock. I wasn't going to be able to hold out much longer. It was hard for me not to push my entire cock in Sam's now very willing ass, but every time I got about eight inches deep, it just felt like I was hitting a harder barrier that would not let me go any deeper. My hips were moving so fast now that the bed started to creak with our movements.

Moan after moan was being matched by the creak after creak from the bed. Suddenly, Sam cried out, "Argh. Ugh. FUUUCK!" I looked down over Sam's shoulder and saw his cock shooting hard spurt after hard spurt of hot jizz all over his body and the bed. My cock grabbed my attention and made me take notice of these new feelings that it was feeling. Sam's hole was pulsating around my cock and gripping it super tightly as each spurt went flying like a rocket from his body.

My hips lost all control, and the animal that nature made me came alive roaring to the surface. Gripping both of Sam's hips quickly, my hips made sure the last five inches found their ground inside my lover's hot hole. My entire cock was encased in his ass and it was milking all thirteen inches with the most wonderful pulses and waves of tightness. The tip of my cock felt like it has busted through a second even tighter sphincter muscle. Those two sphincter muscles were rhythmically milking my cock as Sam continued to spurt ropes of cum from his hard cock.

"FUUUCK!" Sam yelled as I implanted all of my cock in him. His next few spurts were shooting over the edge of the bed and splatting hard against the dresser next to the bed. My hips went to pull out and thrust again into this wonderful milking canal of ass muscles, but Sam's grip on my cock was so tight that I couldn't move it. Now, I knew why he liked my tight hole and fucking me so much. This was the best sensation I've ever felt.

His orgasm started to subside, and his cock was leaking a steady ooze of cum. My hips were able to move again now that his vice grip had loosened, and they went automatically back into super-fast mode. I started fucking Sam with every last inch of my cock. Sam was moaning and mumbling incoherently. His hole really started to loosen up after his orgasm completely subsided, and I was able to make long strokes again. I started pulling my cock out of that second sphincter just enough to feel it close deep inside him, and then I used my hard flared spongy cockhead to head to open in it back up again as it gripped it tightly at each invasion.

Sam's body started shaking again, and I felt his holes grip my cock so tight. I couldn't believe it, but he was cumming again! My cock went into sensation overload and lost it. I started shooting and my hips were slamming into his body hard. Sounds of flesh pounding flesh were just as loud as the sounds of our mutual moans and groans drowning out the creaks from the bed. My hips kept trying to get my cock as deep as possible into Sam's ass. It was like it was on a mission to make sure that it had plundered as deep as it could into the warm enveloping ass canal that made it orgasm like never before.

Sam reached around and grabbed my hips and pulled me hard against him. I was in so deep my hips just did small thrusts as I continued to spurt hot molten cum into the area guarded by the second sphincter deep in Sam's ass. His second orgasm quickly subsided, but my cock was still unloading in his ass. It was as if my balls had reserves built up just for the purpose of breeding his ass and making sure every last drop of semen was deposited deep inside him. They were shooting so much cum my balls even developed a low ache, either from shooting so much or being crammed against his hot hole.

Slowly, my orgasm started to subside, and as the fog lifted from my brain, I started to kiss Sam's shoulders and back. Our sweaty bodies were pressed tightly together, and I didn't dare move my cock. Sam crooked his neck backwards, and we kissed a long and sensual kiss. His kisses took me off to space, and I was almost ignorant of where I was until he arched his back and pulled his hips forward causing my cock to slip out of that second sphincter's grip. I moaned into his mouth, and he pushed his hips back to me slowly pushing my still hard cock against it and working its way in again.

The squishing sounds coming from his ass and my cock were amazingly loud and vulgar, but also sounded like sweet, satisfying music to my ears. They were a testament to just how much my first load for Sam was. As we continued to kiss and embrace, my cock was methodically rubbing my huge load all into the walls of Sam's ass and all around his anal canal. My cock never went soft, nor did Sam's.

But nature eventually took her course, and Sam's ass was starting to get sore, so he slowly extracted my cock from his ass by lying flat on the bed in exhaustion. As my cockhead was expelled by his butt, a large glob of thick white cum fell out of his open hole, ran down his perineum and over his balls, and finally resting on the bed. He turned over, and we kissed as our hard cocks were sword fighting with each other, just like our tongues were in our joined mouths. Pulling our bodies closer together, I could feel the cum left from his two orgasms that painted his chest and the bed were being spread against my body. This must be what heaven feels like!

As our kiss came to an end, Sam pulled back from my and looked into my eyes. I felt a connection like no other and felt drawn to him through his eyes almost as if I could get lost in there and never feel the need to leave. Somehow I felt safer than I ever had before, almost is if there weren't any more reasons to be afraid. When we finally did speak, we did so at the same time, as if we were a chorus of one mind.

"I love you."

After just having admitted our love for each other, a loud knock came at our door. Before either one of us had the change to respond, the dead bolt turned, and the door was opening. Sam and I quickly separated as a voice from the other side of the door made its way into the room, "We've gotten a few reports that is sounded like someone was hurt in here. Is everyone ok?"

The door by now was completely opened, and our RA was standing in the doorway wearing a pair of athletic shorts with one hand still holding his master key in the dead bolt. Unfortunately for us, there was not enough time to even untangle our legs and get the sheets up over us. Sam and I were still close on his bed desperately trying to pull at the sheets and naked as the day we were born. It was not hard to miss our quickly deflating boners and our bodies covered in wet smears of cum.

"Oh, umm, wow. Umm, I'm sorry guys. I didn't mean to...umm, oh, umm, interrupt anything. It's just like I said, I was getting a few reports that it sounded like someone was hurt in here." Sam finally managed to cover us both with the sheet, which was also spotted with our cum. Both of us were blushing beyond red and out comes my verbal diarrhea.

"I'm sorry. We're sorry. I guess we didn't realize we were being so loud and disturbing others. We will try and keep it down..."

"That doesn't seem possible with those impressive tents you two are making," laughed our RA. As big as Sam and I are the sheet was still easily tented even with embarrassment making our cocks soft at having been caught. Sam blushed even more red, if that was possible, and pulled the sheet over his face. Our RA closed the door, locked it, and sat down next to the bed. He pulled the sheet back from Sam's face and tried to comfort him.

"Listen, Sam. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. This kind of stuff happens all the time. In fact, it's by design. From the personality profiles that you both filled out when registered for school, we try and match roommates based upon those profiles. The tests don't directly ask you your sexual orientation, but they are pretty accurate at letting us know if a person leans straight, bi, or gay. We use those results and pair roommates accordingly so that we don't put people together where there's likely to be a clash."

"In fact, this entire floor is made up of guys who leaned more likely to be gay or bi. That's also why I'm your RA, because I'm gay and willing to help you guys deal with any issues from being bi or gay or even coming out. So again, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. All of us here are in the same boat, and I'm just glad that the tests are usually right. I was worried the test got you two wrong. But, it seems that Joey here was just the right roommate for you."

"Are you serious? All the guys on this floor are most likely gay or bi?" Sam asked.

"Yes, most likely. But, please don't tell anyone unless they confide in you. It's not something that needs to be forced on those who aren't ready yet."

"Wow, that's amazing! I thought I was lucky when Joey came out to me. I knew I was attracted to him, but I figured he was totally straight. This is an eye opener."

"You can say that again," our RA laughed. "Now, I know why it sounded like someone was in pain in here. Both of you have major equipment to wreck an asshole with." Smiling at us, our RA pointed to our lessened tents and gave us an evil grin. We couldn't help ourselves but to laugh and smile back. "Joey, are you ok with all of this? You've been kind of quiet."

"Yeah, I'm just counting my luck. I have a school that cares about my sexuality and not only accepts it, but makes sure my living situation is as safe as possible. I have an RA that is willin to hep and guide me through this, not to mention he's got a smoking hot bod. I have a floor full of guys who can possibly become friends for life. And, I have a roommate who turned out to be the most wonderful person, with a very kind soul, a loving heart, and the person I gladly have my virginity to. Both top and bottom, in fact, and I love you with all of my heart, Sam."

Sam leaned over and kissed me. "I love you too, JoJo."

"JoJo?" I asked quizzically with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, like those potato wedges you get at an `Aunt M's' convenience store. They are big, fat, thick, plump slices of whole potatoes that taste just right when you bite into them and are oh so juicy!"

Now I was blushing, as Sam and our RA just busted out laughing. I punched Sam in the arm and told him to hush, but he and our RA just kept on laughing, in fact even harder. "Well, we'll just see if I let you have this JoJo again," I said as I looked away in total embarrassment and hurt.

"Aww, Joey, I was only teasing." Sam tried to turn me back to him, but I resisted his prodding. "Joey, please. I didn't mean anything by it. It was just a little joke, a term of endearment. If you don't want me to call you that, I never will again." I turned and looked at him looking as hurt as I possibly could.

"It's ok, I guess. If that's all you meant, I'll be ok with it..." and I grinned an evil grin and continued, " little Asian dumpling."

"Dumpling?! Little?! Now you're just being mean. I'm not little, well compared to that monster JoJo I am, but I'm not little by any normal means."

I smiled again and chuckled. Our RA also chuckled. Sam looked at me and punched my arm this time. "You weren't hurt at all, you little shit. You just did that to play with me and make me think I had hurt your feelings!"

"Yes, my little dumpling, and you fell for it...hook, line, and sinker."

"I'm not a little dumpling. I'm a big dumpling!"

"Oh, I know, but you deserved it for that JoJo nickname, although I kinda like it."

"Well, I can see you boys are good. I'm gonna leave you to it. Again, I hope I didn't interrupt anything. From the looks of your chests you've both had a nice time." Our RA get up as we both looked at our cum covered bodies. "Try and keep it down next time. By the way, I'm not sure if you guys are committed or not to each other, bit if either of you is ever on the lookout for an ass to wreck with that JoJo or that dumpling, my sweet cheeks are open at any time to you two. I'm not gifted like you boys, but I can top too, but I definitely love to be plowed mercilessly. Later, boys!" With that, he shut and locked our door.

Sam and I just looked at each other. Not only had we learned our floor was filled with bi or gay guys, but our RA was gay and had just hit on both of us by offering his ass for us to fuck. This was shaping up to be a great college experience and classes hadn't even started yet. Sam leaned over and hugged me and put his head on my chest. As he did so, he king of chuckled to himself.

"What's so funny?"

"We are covered in cum. This room smells like cum and sex. I can't believe you made me shoot without touching myself. TWICE in fact. Oh my god, that was the most intense sex I've ever had. You were in me so deep I thought my lungs were being poked." I just pulled Sam closer to me and hugged him tightly.

"That was amazing for me as well. I didn't think fucking someone could feel that good, but I shot the biggest load ever."

"Tell me about it," Sam giggled and farted. It sounded like his asshole was gurgling as he pushed out a huge amount of cum in that fart. It sounded super juicy and Sam reached back and scooped up the cum that he just pushed out and brought it to his mouth and licked his fingers clean. Ge moaned as he tasted it, looked up at me, and said, "That's my tasty JoJo!"

We both just laughed. I reached down and scooped up some cum off his timed pubes and licked my fingers clean as I said, "Not as tasty as my dumpling!" We giggled some more and kissed, not a long sensual kiss, but the kiss of lovers showing each other affection and caring. "We should shower, my Dumpling, before we both stink up this entire place with the smell of cum, sex, and cum farts." We both laughed again.

Same got off the bed and went to the closet to get a towl. As he bent over, his cheeks parted and his rosebud showed still slightly open and puffy from my vigorous pounding. More cum oozed out and started running down his thighs. He farted again and a whole bunch more cum came out and ran quickly down to the back of his knees. "Damn, JoJo! I feel like a leaky faucet. You opened me up good. I've never been fucked like that." I got up, got behind him putting my deflated cock in between his pert butt cheeks, pulled him close, and hugged him tightly.

"I'm glad you liked it. I thought I was going to hurt you. But, you did cum twice so I figured I was doing something right. Don't get me wrong, I still think I like bottoming more, but I definitely enjoyed your hot ass!"

"And it enjoyed your massive cock. I just never knew it could feel like that. When you were all the way inside me, something went off in my head. My body was going crazy, and I was feeling like I couldn't get enough of you inside of me. I wanted more, even deeper inside me, and I don't normally bottom, so those feelings were weird for me." Sam turned around and hugged me grabbing my butt cheeks and pulling our bodies together tight. I grabbed his cheeks too, and we just held each other.

"Ok, stud. It's shower time. I've got cum running down to my ankles now, so I need to get cleaned up." Sam wrapped a towel around his waist, and then another around mine. "Don't forget the key this time!" He walked out the door as I grabbed my key and followed him to the showers. I couldn't believe it was already 10 AM.

As I walked into the shower, I head Sam talking to someone. I turned the corner after hanging up my towel on the wall next to Sam's and saw him and an unknown guy under the shower stall.

"...can't believe that it woke me up. I'm a pretty heavy sleeper."

"Joey, this is Dominic. He's just been telling me about how he was woken up earlier by the sounds of someone in pain coming from what sounded like the room next to his. Dominic, this is Joey, my roommate."

"Nice to meet you, Joey." Were you woken up too by it?" Dominic asked me as he shook my hand. "Sam said it was loud in your room too."

"Yeah, I hope that guy is ok. He sounded pretty out of it." I smiled a small knowing smile at Sam.

"Well, I go the RA. He said it was ok after a while."

"He came to our room too," added Sam nonchalantly.

"Well, hopefully I'll be able to sleep in tomorrow. Classes start soon, and I'm still not used to living her yet," Dominic said as he started to wash his hair. He closed his eyes as he lathered up, so I took the chance to check him out. He was about 5'8", solid chest, very thick thighs, brown hair, brown eyes, and a good spattering of chest hair on his pecs and around his nipples that were the size of quarters. Continuing down his chest splaying out over his stomach and into a happy trail, his hair widened out to a neatly trimmed bush over a nice sized cock resting against an average pair of balls hanging loosely from the shower heat.

He had a good amount of hair for someone our age, but he wore it well. It even looked trimmed to keep it nice and not curling like the hair in his armpits and on his legs and thighs. As he turned around to wash the soap out of his hair, he ass came into full view, and it was a nice bubble butt that equaled mine if not even bigger and meatier to fit his fuller framed body. I looked over at Sam, who was also checking out Dominic's ass. We looked at each other, and I just raised one eyebrow. Sam smiled and started to wash his hair.

"So, what are you guys studying?" Dominic asked as he turned back around with no more shampoo in his hair.

"I'm studying Computer Science," I said.

"No way! Me too!" Dominic smiled. I couldn't help but see him check out Sam's body as he looked back and asked what classes I was taking.

I started to tell him and noticed he looked over at Sam again as she turned to was the soap out of his hair. Dominic's eyes bugged out a little as he looked at Sam. I looked too and saw a huge glob of cum running down Sam's thigh. It couldn't have been mistaken for shampoo because Sam hadn't gotten his head under the water yet. I didn't show that I knew what Dominic had seen. I just asked him what his classes were as I turned my back toward him.

I grabbed the soap and washed my butt and specifically opened my cheeks to expose my hole. I put a finger in my hole and worked it in knowing that he could see, when I pulled it out a huge glob of cum came out after it from one of the many loads Sam gave me. Dominic stuttered in his listing of the classes that he was taken as he had to have seen the cum come out of my hole. I wanted to see if Dominic would say anything seeing cum come out of both of our asses, but he just kept on listing his classes after the brief pause.

When I turned back around he was staring at the pole and looked deep in thought. I looked over at Sam and he had a knowing look in his eyes, almost as if he knew exactly what I did to Dominic. He just smiled and winked at me with an evil grin across his face.


Sorry guys for the long pause in between chapters. Chapter nine is coming soon. Any opinions as to what should happen next? Is Dominic game for fun? Should the RA get a go with the boys? Again, if you wish to comment, please send constructive criticism and feedback and/or questions to:

Next: Chapter 9

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