Joey's Life

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Aug 30, 2002


This is the 8th chapter in my ongoing story.

All comments are welcome at

Joey's Life 8

Tom and I ran around the farm with nothing on while we did the different jobs around the garden. There were a couple of rows we had to weed, but fortunately for us Grandpa had used some chemicals that helped control the weeds. It only took about thirty minutes to pull them up. We then had to make sure that the sprinklers were in the right place to water some of the other vegetables. A lot of the plants were through making and we had to pull them up.

We got very hot and worked up a big sweat in the garden. When we had to start moving the sprinklers me managed to squirt each other with water. We ended up on the ground rolling around several times as we fought over the control of the water hose. As we rolled around we managed to rub against each other as our cocks got hard. We both were up for some fun but knew we needed to get the work done first.

Tom managed to grab my cock every time we got close and it was obvious he wanted to play with it. I was getting very close to letting him when Grandpa yelled for us to come to the house. We started running when Tom stopped and started laughing real loud. I stopped and looked at him. He was holding his sides as his whole body shook from the uncontrollable laughter. He finally calmed down enough to tell me that he was laughing at me running with my cock swinging from one hip to the other.

We managed to make it to the house where Grandpa was waiting to let us know he was going to town and we could go along if we wanted. He mentioned that he had to go by the doctor's office. He said he had to have his checkup and we could come along if we wanted. We said we were up for a break as we started locating some light clothes to wear.

When we got to the doctor's office we were happy to find that there was no one there at the time. The doctor told us that unless there was an emergency that no one was due in today except Grandpa. Grandpa moved to the back room as Tom and I took a seat to wait on him. The doctor told us to come on back with them since he was sure there was nothing on Grandpa that we had not already seen up close.

Tom and I grinned at each other as we followed the doctor into the back room. Grandpa had started taking his clothes off. When he was nude the doctor told him to sit on the table as he started listening to his heart and doing all the little things a doctor does when he gives a general physical. He then had Grandpa lay on his back as he tapped around on his chest and then pushed his hands against Grandpa's stomach and side.

The doctor didn't take but a few minutes before he looked at the two of us and said it was time for the fun part of Grandpa's physical. He had Grandpa slide down to the end of the table as he had him place his legs up in the stirrups used for women. The doctor then spread some lubricant on his fingers as he slowly spread some on Grandpa's asshole. Grandpa relaxed as the doctor pushed a finger inside. We moved in closer as this part of the exam was beginning to have an exciting effect on the two of us.

We watched as Grandpa's cock started to grow as the doctor moved his finger around inside. The doctor said it looked like Grandpa's prostate was in good working order, but he didn't remove his finger. He actually slid in a couple more as we watched him push them in and out. We both knew that the exam was over and the doctor was just enjoying himself.

The doctor reached out with his other hand and groped my hard cock through my shorts. When he let me go I immediately pushed my pants off and moved closer to the doctor. He tossed me the tube of lubricant as he pushed another finger inside Grandpa. Grandpa had started moaning as more and more of the doctor's hand made its way inside. When I had finished rubbing the lube on my cock I noticed that all most all of the doctor's hand had disappeared from sight.

The doctor pulled me closer to Grandpa as he slowly pulled his hand out and placed the head of my cock in its place. The doctor slapped my ass as I started feeding my cock into Grandpa's asshole. Grandpa grunted with my initial entrance but relaxed as I started slowly pumping more and more into him.

The doctor moved to the other end of the table as he dropped his pants and sat on the edge. Tom moved toward him as he removed his shirt and shorts. He wasted no time as he forced the doctor's cock into his mouth and down his throat. I heard the doctor gasp as Tom surprised him. Tom continued to suck on the doctor's cock as I managed to feed all of my cock into Grandpa.

I was pumping fast enough to keep Grandpa moaning but was holding back from what I wanted to do. Grandpa started moaning louder and louder just before his cock started spraying cum into the air and on his chest. The doctor said that Grandpa had passed that part of the physical. Tom pulled his head out of the doctor's groin to see what he was talking about. Tom stood up and said he wanted someone inside him. The doctor looked at him and me as if to ask a question, but before he could I told him that we had done it before.

Grandpa had managed to remove himself from the stirrups and was getting off of the table when he suggested that Tom take his place. Tom didn't have to be told twice as he jumped upon the table and spun his legs around to place them in the stirrups. My cock was still lubed up but the doctor said he wanted at Tom's asshole before I stretched it so far apart that he would fall in. We all giggled as the doctor moved in and after applying some lube started pumping his cock into Tom's asshole.

Being a doctor he knew just where to apply the most attention. Tom was really enjoying the doctor's cock. The doctor was very excited and it didn't take him but a few seconds before he was ready to shoot his cum inside Tom. As the doctor started picking up the pace we watched Tom's cock erupt in a volley of white clear cum that sprayed almost to his face. That was all the doctor needed as he rammed his hips as hard as he could into Tom's ass. The doctor jerked a couple of times and then fell forward on Tom.

Grandpa said it was his turn as he moved the doctor out of the way and pushed his now hard cock into the juicy asshole. He tried to make it last longer but after a few moans from Tom and the way his cock was pulsing, Grandpa couldn't control himself as he started pounding himself into Tom's ass. There was a squishing noise and a loud slapping sound coming from the two of them. Grandpa tensed up as he emptied his cum deep in Tom's asshole. The doctor moved in beside Tom and asked him if he could take any more. Tom nodded that he could as I lined up to have my turn.

I took my time as I slowly pushed my cock into Tom's hot sloppy cum soaked asshole. It took all of my willpower to keep from ramming it all the way in with one thrust. I noticed that Tom's cock had started growing again so I picked up the pace and managed to get all of my cock into Tom. Tom had closed his eyes and was rolling his head from side to side as he fought between the pleasure he was getting and the apparent pain my huge cock was causing. The doctor reached over and applied some more lube to my cock as I pulled it almost all the way out. This seemed to relieve Tom of some of the pain and he actually had started pumping his ass toward me.

The doctor moved his hand away as he made some comment about being smashed between the two of us. I reached up and grabbed both of Tom's tits along with a handful of flesh as I tried to pull myself inside Tom. I was really pumping away as my thighs slammed into his ass. I had closed my own eyes, as I was now engrossed in the pleasure of Tom's hot asshole. I continued to pull on his tits as our bodies slapped against each other.

I opened my eyes as I felt the hot sticky cum from Tom's cock as it sprayed against my lower stomach. Tom had a glazed look on his face. His eyes were open but it appeared he wasn't really looking at anything. He took a couple of deep breaths as his body recovered from its orgasm. After a few more thrust of my cock his breathing started building up to another climax. I was so amazed watching him that I forgot about my own desires. All I wanted to do was to see how many times I could get Tom to cum.

Tom had cum or his cock had tried to cum at least three times before the doctor slipped a finger up my own ass that caused me to shoot my own load into Tom. If felt like most of my body emptied inside Tom before my cock went soft. The doctor grabbed me as I started falling forward and placed me in a chair. I noticed that Grandpa's cock was leaking a little cum and there were a few wet spots on the doctor's white jacket. Guess they had their own little fun while Tom and I had enjoyed each other.

The doctor took out some towels and cleaned the cum that was running out of Tom's asshole. I watched as he applied some ointment to and inside Tom's ass. He said it would keep him from getting sore. Tom told him that he had not been sore after the last time, but the doctor told him that this time he had taken on the three of us and there was a chance he could be sore the next day.

We all took some small towels and cleaned ourselves up as we got ready to leave the doctor. The doctor asked if he could come out for supper and join us in some more play. Grandpa said it was fine and that we would be looking for him at about six o'clock.

I managed to get Tom back in the truck as Grandpa said his goodbyes to the doctor. By the time Grandpa got the truck running Tom was almost asleep. It was apparent that the fun had taken everything out of him. Tom was leaning against me as his breathing slowed down as he dozed off. Grandpa told me to let him sleep that he needed the rest. Tom stirred from his nap just as we pulled into the farm. Grandpa suggested Tom go on into the house and finish his nap.

The phone was ringing as we entered the house and the doctor was on the line when I picked it up. He wanted to talk to Grandpa about what he needed to bring over for supper. I handed the phone to Grandpa as I decided to join Tom in the bedroom.

Tom was already under a sheet when I entered the room. I crawled underneath with him and snuggled up against his soft hot body. It didn't take me very long to be asleep as well. The next thing I remember is Grandpa shaking Tom and me while he told us to get up and take a shower. He said that the doctor and a friend of his were due in about an hour. The two of us helped each other in the shower and had found some shorts and t-shirts to wear.

When we entered the kitchen Grandpa started telling us little things to do to get the meal ready for our guest. There was a lot of food but he assured Tom that he could eat any of it. He said that it was all prepared with Tom's diet in mind. Tom grinned as he stole a mouthful of salad. Grandpa scolded him and then handed him an apple to snack on while we waited for our company.

Tom and I had been playing around and hadn't heard the doctor's car when it pulled up. We heard the knock on the door and looked a little surprised. I ran to the front door and opened it for the doctor. I stepped back to let him in and froze in place as his friend followed him in.

The doctor introduced his friend as Fred. He said that he had known Fred almost as long as he had known Grandpa. The size of the man was what had made me stare. He actually dipped his head as he walked through the door. Of course he wouldn't have hit his head on the door facing, but when you are as tall as he is I guess you do tend to duck a lot. Besides the height he had a round face that was covered with a very well groomed beard. The overalls he was wearing were strained to their limits. If I had to guess he had to be pushing 400 pounds.

He actually was neat and clean looking unlike a lot of men of his size. He reached down and rubbed the top of my head as he asked the doctor if I was the one he had told him about. I could feel my face turn red, as I was sure the man was referring to my sexual condition. The man grinned and rubbed my head some more as he noticed my face blush.

Tom entered the room and stopped when he saw the man also. Grandpa was right behind him and almost ran into Tom when he stopped so suddenly. Grandpa extended his hand to the man as they made their introductions. Grandpa said that supper was ready and that we should all move to the table.

The table was piled with bowls of food, which we all started passing around. The men started talking about whom they knew and where they were from while Tom and I just stuffed our faces. We had really worked up an appetite from the visit to the doctor's office. We finally had satisfied our hunger and started listening more intently to the men's conversation.

Fred had stopped eating and was just sipping on his tea as he continued to glance over at me. I was getting uneasy from his stares when he told the doctor that they had better let the boys in on why they were there. The doctor looked at the two of us as he explained that he had told Fred about my large condition. He then informed us that Fred had a similar problem that Tom had but had decided to live with his weight. He then told us that Fred loved to be ridden by other men if we got his drift.

I had to think for a second, but my cock knew what the doctor was talking about as it started getting hard and actually was hurting because my pants were restraining it. The man noticed my squirming in my chair and asked if something had come up that was bothering me. I could feel my face turn red again. Grandpa noticed and said that we should all move to the den so we could get more comfortable.

Tom and I followed the men into the den as I noticed the doctor and Grandpa start to remove their clothes. I wanted to pull my shorts off but for some reason was embarrassed because of the guest. Fred motioned for me to help him as he started unfastening the straps on his overalls. The front flap flipped forward but the buttons on the sides held them up. Fred started unbuttoning his shirt, which exposed a thick patch of hair that was nestled between his large sagging breast.

He removed his shirt and then grabbed his breast as he held them up and licked each nipple. Tom and I watched as the nipples started to grow and stick out. He pushed a breast toward each of us offering the nipples for our inspection. Tom needed no prodding as he grabbed one with both hands and sucked the nipple in his mouth. Tom seemed to be enjoying himself so I latched onto the other one.

I heard Fred moan as Tom and I started sucking and massaging his breast. They were large and soft to the touch all but the nipples that had enlarged and become hard. I felt Fred's hand as it started groping my hard cock through my shorts. When he finally go his hand on my cock he pushed me away and said he needed to get a look at what he had found.

I didn't need any help as I pushed my shorts off. My cock sprang up while Fred did the staring this time. He grabbed my cock and started moving his hand up and down on it. Tom had not released the breast he had been sucking on and the doctor had moved behind him. The doctor and Grandpa had removed their clothes and were about to join in on the fun.

Fred asked if the rest of them wanted to watch him swallow my cock. They all said they would love to see that. Fred moved over to the sofa as he held onto my cock and used it like a leash to pull me with him. He sat down but not before removing his overalls. He had me stand on the table in front of him as he licked his lips and then the head of my cock. I reached out and grabbed the sides of Fred's head as he started licking up and down my shaft. He was making sure that all of my cock was wet.

He placed the head of my cock in his mouth and then looked up at me. He swallowed deeply as he forced my cock all the way down his throat. My eyes grew large as I watched my cock disappear down his throat. A few seconds later I felt the pleasant feeling of his warm throat covering my cock and all I wanted to do was pump it in and out.

Fred must have know what I was feeling as he started bobbing up and down a little. He then pushed his face into what little pubic hair I had as he started swallowing in a continuous manner. The rippling affects of the muscles in his throat was unbelievable as I almost instantly started shooting my cum into his throat. He moaned a time or two but didn't stop his action on my cock until it started to go soft. The others had moved in close and watched as he slowly inched my cock out of his throat.

He placed his hand at the base of my shaft and squeezed as he pulled his hand toward the head of my cock. When the head popped out of his mouth, a small amount of cum started beading up on the slit. He flicked his tongue out and collected the last drop of my orgasm. He stood up and wrapped his massive arms around me as he lifted me from the table. The feeling of his warm body and the soft fur of his chest hair was getting my cock to stir again.

Tom was very excited and was looking for some relief from someone. The doctor and Grandpa noticed Tom's reaction as they told him to move to the sofa. They had him lay on his back as the doctor started rimming his asshole. They pushed his legs up as Grandpa offered his cock to Tom's mouth. Tom sucked as much as he could into his mouth just as the doctor forced his cock into his asshole. The three of them were enjoying themselves as Fred started massaging my cock back to attention.

We moved to the floor where Fred sprawled out on his back. I moved down to his groin but stopped when all I could find was a dark wrinkled up hole where his cock should have been. I ran my hand down the round mound of fat that covered his cock and balls. My finger located the hole and entered it. I could feel the head of his cock about two inches inside. Fred lifted his right leg, which gave me access to his asshole.

As my hand slide down I was greeted with the moist lips of his asshole and remembered it was strange that his asshole was so moist. My cock only took it as an invitation as it jerked a time or two. I tried to move to where I could fuck him but even with the length of my cock I couldn't enter his asshole.

Fred told me to be patient as he rolled over on his stomach. He told me that I probably would find it a lot easier in that position. As I placed the head of my cock on his asshole it seemed as if it was opening up for me. I had almost no trouble as my cock entered him. I felt a little pressure as his asshole tightened up around my cock. Fred moaned a couple of times and then started talking out as I fucked him.

Fred kept saying things like, "that's it", or "That's the spot", as it only excited me more. I had never had anyone respond to me fucking them in that way and all I wanted to do was see how much I could make him talk to me. I was no longer feeling the warmth of his asshole but was using my cock to really fuck him. I wanted to continue until he could no longer stand it. I picked the pace up as he continued to tell me how much he liked what I was doing to him.

I felt his body tense up and then relax about four times as his body shivered as he came. This only drove me further on as I tried to fuck him faster. Both of us were covered with sweat and were not even aware to the other three who had cum and were now watching the show that Fred and I were giving them.

Grandpa had moved up behind me and was toweling me down as he whispered in my ear. He was telling me to keep it up and he would help me get off. I felt his hand as he squeezed it between my legs and rubbed my balls. This did the trick as my cock started exploding inside Fred's asshole. Fred started telling me to fill his ass full as he felt my cum inside him. This had the same affect as his other mumblings had and I tried to pump even harder and faster.

The extra action had kept my cock hard as Fred could only mumble "yes, yes", as he was getting close to another orgasm. Grandpa told me to keep pumping into Fred as he toweled my back off.

I managed with Grandpa's help to continue fucking Fred for a good ten minutes before I shot my second load into him. The physical exertion had taken everything out of me as I all but collapsed into Grandpa's arms. He lowered me to the floor as I took one last look at Fred's asshole. It was gaped open with cum streaming out and running down toward his cock. That was the last image I saw before I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

The warm water brought me back to life as Fred started bathing me off. He said he was happy to see that I was back to the land of the living. He took his time and gave my body a complete and thorough bath. He picked me up and started toweling me off as I moved my hands through the thick hair between his chest. We moved over to the bed and I snuggled up on his stomach and chest. I dozed back off to sleep.

When I woke up I was still lying on top of Fred with a sheet pulled over the two of us. I looked around but didn't see anyone else in the room so I pushed my face back into the soft hair on Fred's chest. I felt his hand move up and start sliding up and down the crack of my ass. This seemed to wake my cock up as it started to grow again.

Fred pushed me up and turned me around as he sucked my cock into his throat. My cock continued to grow as he started swallowing of my cock. My cock took only a second to grow to its fullest and then erupt down Fred's throat. Fred moaned as he drank ever drop of cum I could give him. When my cock was soft he slowly pulled it out and spun me back around. He pulled me into his chest as we both dozed off again.

Next: Chapter 9

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