Joeys Super Hero

Published on May 19, 2002


Boybands - Joey's Super Hero - Chapter 13 - Demonloque Saga - Part 4 Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

  4. The X-Ternals and all superhereos part of that group are copyright by John Poole, created by John Poole.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

Story Legend - ' ' = Thinking, "" = Speaking, (<>) = Sound Effects


Joey's Super Hero - Chapter 13 - Demonloque Saga - Part 4

by JT Poole

  • 'N Sync's Tour Bus *

"Who the hell is that? What the fuck is going on here?" Chris spoke as he jumped up out of his bunk.

"Oh my gosh, I don't believe it!" JT shouted as he floated down to the little child and lifted his face.

"Please save me, the DemonMaster is after me. Please save me, he is after me! He's trying to git me, he might kill me!!!" the little boy said as everyone wondered where this little boy came from.

"Who is this little boy? Who is Zeos?" Justin said.

"That little boy is JT from the past. I just don't know what the fuck is going on! How the hell did he get here, is someone messing with time again?" Hank said as he looked at Wanda.

"Don't look at me, I have nothing to do with this, this is not my doing!" Wanda yelled.

"Well I don't understand what's going on, where did you come from little one?" JT said as the little boy tried to hide behind the seat.

"The last thing I remember, I was with uncle, and then this big black man was trying to get me, then I see you, and then the light flashed around me." the little boy spoke.

"I don't believe this, is your name Timothy?" JT said as he psychically changed back into his regular street clothes.

"Yeah, how did you know my name was that?" the little boy said.

"Everyone, get to the back of the bus now, this is another trap of Marek's, but I don't know why or how he's messing with time, he can't be trying to get me in the past to make me fall under his control is he?" JT said allowed as though he was thinking.

"JT that could be a possibility. I don't think Marek was dead when we left, since you teleported us out of their quickly." Tyler said.

"Wanda, do you have a magical spell to put him back where he came from? If he was with his uncle at the time that this started happening, then my uncle would know what to do to protect him." JT said as Wanda's eye's started to glow.

"He must be around three years old, if his uncle is around then things are going to get rough. When he returns back to where he was uncle will take care of everything. Soon as he speaks about anything here, then uncle will erase his memory, and then he will try to found out who this new person claiming to be the DemonMaster is!" JT said as she grabbed his hand to channel his power through herself and the little boy disappeared.

"Well, if I remember correctly your uncle was a sorcerer, correct?" Wanda said as Hank looked at her with a confused look on his face.

"Yep he was, so when the little one appears back to where he came from, Uncle will solve the problem on that end." JT said as Joey approached him slowly and wrapped his arms around JT's waist.

"What do you mean solve the problem on that end?" Joey asked as he started to kiss JT's neck.

"Joey what are you doing? If I remember correctly, you broke up with me, you said you were scared of me." JT said as he pulled away from Joey.

"JT, Honey, I am sorry, I was scared and I didn't know if you in the state of mind you were in was going to hurt me or not." Joey tried to explain.

"Well, I think we will have to talk about that later. To answer your question, my uncle, before he died was a very powerful sorcerer. When the younger me returns to the past and speaks about anything of what he saw, my uncle will erase his memory and then he will travel to the spirit plane to find this guy claiming to be the DemonMaster, since my uncle was the DemonMaster and there isn't any reason for him to be chasing me as a child." JT said as Wanda and Hank looked at him now confused.

"What!!! Your uncle was DemonMaster??? But I thought DemonMaster was a centuries old demon that didn't die." Wanda stated.

"No, that isn't true. When my uncle first started out practicing the dark arts, he was approached by one of God called Legion. Legion warned uncle that if he continued to use that form of magic, that he would be bound to it forever and that his soul would be entwined with it throughout time and space. So my uncle didn't change his ways and he was approached by another God and he was cast into Limbo as the DemonMaster to be the Gatekeeper there." JT explained, as he was interrupted by Hank and Tyler at the same time.

"I though you were the Gatekeeper of Limbo...Didn't you tell me that?" Hank asked.

"Yeah, I thought that's how you developed all of your magic powers, by being the ruler of Limbo." Tyler said.

"Actually I am the Gatekeeper of Limbo. Uncle was first, and when his physical body died, his spirit lived on just enough to teach me the dark arts. A few years back, after the Fall of Gideon, I was approached by the Elders of the Universe and the basically made me an offer I couldn't refuse, so I took it and now I am the Gatekeeper of Limbo, granted all the powers and status of that title, even though it's an evil one." JT stated as Joey backed off again.


"Not this again. I am getting tired of this. Wanda, help me out, let's teleport the whole bus to the new location to where the guys are going and we can get them in the hotel and finally take care of Marek." JT said as he and Wanda joined hands and started concentrating to build up enough energy to teleport the bus.

Within moments, the tour bus was flooded with a gold-ish colored energy that seems so bright to look at. When the light had faded, the bus was no longer in it's current location. Tired of the ordeal that they just went through, JT and Wanda collapsed on the floor of the bus.



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AIM: swainsboroGABoi

ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 14

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