Jogging Park

By moc.liamtoh@yddub_elcsum

Published on May 24, 2005


Kneeling there on the patio with a raging hard on and sore abused torso, I could only think how great and unexpected the afternoon had turned out. After meeting Larry from high school, then him coming to my house and punching me till I landed here on my knees with hard dick. Life is good I thought.

My cock was so hard. I reached down and began to stroke myself. I was leaking so much pre- cum my fingers were wet. Thinking about each blow to my muscled torso. And that one shot that came close to my groin. I wondered if he would go there? Would my nuts be next? I fall on my back. One hand stroking my cock, the other tugging at my large nuts that almost rest on the concrete where I lay. My abs can still feel where the punches landed. My pecs are still red from his fists. If he were punching me now I would shoot instantly. I spread my legs out wide. Arch my back off the patio. And BLAST the first shot up to my right pec. Still pulling on my big balls the next couple of shots cover my abs. In 40 years I can't remember coming that forceful and shooting that far. Laying there covered in my own cum. Dick not going soft to quickly. I begin to rub my juice into my skin. Still can't get Larry's hot body, and his dominating fists out of my mind.

We did not even exchange numbers. I panic at the thought of not being able to get in touch with him, as I jump into the cool water of my swimming pool. Rinsing the cum from my body. I had a great work out at the gym and then an even better work out by pair of fists that knew their way around a muscled torso.

A few days later I am out mowing the yard. A truck that I do not recognize pulls into my drive. I stopped the mower when Larry got out of the truck. Hoping to have a repeat of the last visit I pushed the mower to the porch.

"Hello Larry." I said as he approached.

Damn he looked good in his khaki slacks and work shirt. Sleeves rolled up just enough on his wrists to show his hairy arms. Top two buttons undone and that dark hair spilling over his t-shirt. I got an erection in my denim shorts staring at him just walking across my yard, he had not even said hello yet and I was hard.

"Hello Jeff. I had a few hours this afternoon. I thought I would see if you were busy" Larry has a way of saying this that tells me I am not too busy for him.

"Come on in Larry. Sure I got time." My mouth is almost watering remembering the last time. "You want a beer or something to drink? " I ask.

" A man built like you probably should not drink too much beer. Should he?" he replies with a grin.

I grab us a couple of beers thinking that he has already mentioned my body in the first minute he is here. My cock stiffens in the tight denim shorts.

"I need to rinse off. Mind if I jump in the shower?" I start taking off my boots.

"No need to take shower Jeff. I think you look good with your muscles all sweaty." he steps closer.

Instinctively I stand tall. Body at attention. Remembering the last time and his sneaky punches when I was not expecting them. I harden my abs. Chest out. Feet planted. Hands behind back.

"Good job. You learn quick." He places both his hands on my pecs.

"Now get those boots and shorts off" he squeezes my pecs hard.

As fast as I can I unlace and remove my boots, and I rip off the shorts. No jock or underwear. My hard cock springs up. And my large nuts hanging low between thighs. Naked I get back in my stance ready for whatever he decides.

"Lets go out back" With out even waiting he goes to the back yard, knowing with out any question I will be right behind him like I should be.

He begins to strip out of his clothes but stops.

"Undress me! " like the idea just dawned on him.

I wasted no time getting his shirt, shoes, socks, and pants off. He is wearing a jock strap that must be one size too small judging by the bulge. I reach to remove the jock.

Wham! A hard left jab to my right sides knocks me back a bit.

"I'll get that. Don't go near my cock until I tell you that you have earned it. I thought I made that quite clear the last time I was here!!!!!" His eyes pierce deep into mine.

Stunned back into obedience I assume my position as he removes the jock from his tight lean body. I might have been drooling by now I can't remember. That huge slab of meat looks obscene jutting from his small frame. And those big balls that ride high near the base of his cock are just perfect. I wonder what I have to do to "earn" that big dick, I intend to find out someway.

He paces around me. Looking me over. He winds up behind me places his hands on my ass.

" I did not get to see much of this ass last time I was here." As he rubs his open palm on my smooth ass.

"This ass is as hot as I thought it would be Jeff" More to him self than to me.

My ass is high and tight "bubble butt". From years of heavy squats in the gym. Many men think it is my best asset. I am glad they do. I brace for a slap or fist.

"Are you sore from last week?" He asks softly in my ear.

"No Sir." I reply.

"You're not?" he quizzes. "Hmmmm?"

"I will make sure you are very sore all over when I leave today. That is a promise!"

With that remark he open palm slaps my hard ass. The echo of his hard palm on muscled ass is

erotic to my ears.

"I was sore for a day or two. You have a great set of fists. But I am ready for more .Sir."

I tell him

He continues to rub my ass with his palm. Massaging the muscles deeply. My instincts automatically push my glutes out farther. Arching my back. Trying to push his hands onto my waiting ass. My hips try and get into a groove with his hands. I cant believe this is happening again.

He walks around to face me. He has a serious look on his face. All business. But that body he has. WOW. Solid lean fit and hairy. I can't help but look at it. Makes my cock begin to drip just thinking about what might happen today.

He raises his fists and he starts feigning jabs at me. Not making contact. I stand holding my position. Never wavering from my pose. Looking at his awesome body. Watching him move. Not knowing when or where his fist may land. Finally he lands a HARD left jab square into my gut. He had all his weight behind this one fist. I grab my abs. Double over just a bit. Damn. I was not ready for such solid contact on the first throw. While I am bent over he throws a right into my side. Forcing me to loose my balance I stumble. I loose my footing and fall to my side.

Larry is quick to land on top of me. Pinning my biceps under his knees he leans all his weight on my arms. I forgot he wrestled in school. But the view. Looking up all I can see is 8.5" of hard fat meat and big nuts right above my face. The weight. The fact that I am pinned by much a smaller man is worth the pleasure of having his knees planted on my biceps His knees in my arms are nothing to endure for the pleasure of him to be on top of me.

He shifts his weight back. Less weight on my biceps but I am still pinned. Not that I really wanted to go anywhere or get his body off mine. His butt resting on more of my lower chest. Making it difficult for me to take deep breath.

"What a way to start the day!" Larry comments.

" I could spend the whole week end repeating what happened here last week!" I tell Larry.

"You may get the chance. I enjoy this as much as you do." He grabs my hard cock with his hand as he tells me this.

He places my arms above my head and I leave them there. He rests his butt on my abs. His knees on either side of me. He forms his hands into fist and begins to hit my pecs. Nothing hard yet. His fist making solid contact but nothing to wince about. The pace picks up but not the force. He keeps this pace up. Nothing harder not slowing down either. The staccato of his fists is intoxicating. He appears to be getting his sparring practice on my pecs. I flex them out father for him. My smooth slabs of muscle make a good target for his rapid firing fists. He makes contact in exactly the same spot with each punch. Damn he looks hot on top of me.

Sweat begins to drip off is face and torso onto my body. His concentration never wanders. He scoots up on my abs closer to my pecs, his fist work their way to my biceps. I flex the guns on the first hit. DAMN! I think to myself , This stud can pound on muscle.

He continues the pace on my flexed biceps for about 30 more punches with each fist. His

huge dick laying in the valley of my pecs now is hard as a rock. Small amounts of pre-cum are dripping out the tip landing on my skin.

The fists finally come to a halt. His hands resting on his narrow hips. His eyes burning into mine. He is not even breathing hard. Cool. Casual. An every day occurance for him it appears.

He slides lower down my body. His legs on either side of my thighs. Getting to his knees he extends his hand reaching for mine.

"Here. Let me help you up." Larry says.

As he pulls me to my feet, our hands locking each others wrists, he yanks me forward lifting his right knee. His knee catches me square in my low hung nuts. I double over in pain.

"Those big balls are a hot target Jeff" he brags

" They are just begging for it"

He still has my wrist in his grasp. He yanks me into his knee again. My large balls flop back and forth swinging in pain. I can't believe he is capable of such power. He is using my weight to ram my nuts into his knee. He forced my 185lbs around like it was nothing. He may be small, but damn he is strong. If my nuts were not on fire I'd like to see what else he could manage with me.

As painful as I find this. I am more turned on by him with each minute. His sadistic mind never stopping. And me never knowing what abuse is next. He lets my wrist go. I am doubled over grabbing my nuts. He grabs each side of my head and forces my face into his crotch.

To my surprise he takes the fat head of his dick and begins slapping it across my chin, and mouth. Holding it by the base it becomes a club in his hand.

"This is what you have been wanting all along anyway?" he asks.

"Open wide" is all I hear from him

My mouth engulfs his fat head before he changes his mind. Licking my tongue over the tip. Nursing the crown. I open my jaw and take almost the entire thing down my throat. His fat 8.5 inches do not fit the first time. I back off a bit and dive on his cock again. I will show him he has the best cock sucker possible sucking his huge cock. I intend to take care of this stud.

My nuts hang between my thighs aching and red. They have not been beat like that in several years. For Larry to go after them as hard and aggressive as he did was a HUGE turn on to me. Most guys see me as a muscled body. He abused everything. Total domination. Letting me know from now on he is in control and I am his TOY. My cock throbs. Pre-cum oozing from the tip.

Thinking about the stud I am sucking. Thinking about my beat up body. Thinking I need it again. I take the whole fat cock to the base. Swallowing it all. Those fat round nuts of his are mashed against my chin. His cock is flexing as I nurse the crown with my tonsils. Milking the big dick.

He grabs my face in both of his hands and he starts pumping. Guiding my mouth up and down his dick. His hands are strong. He is fucking my face. His legs and ass are using all their force to drive his cock deeper and deeper into my throat. I am on my knees and my mouth is being raped.

He is an animal. He pistons that cock in hard and deep with a pace that is better than any cardio work out I have ever had. .He bends his knees slightly to get a better angle and rams it deep. He does not pull it back this time. The fat head is lodged in the back of my throat. The head starts flexing, filling my airway. I grab at his strong hairy thighs. Holding on trying to get a breath of air. I can feel his ass flexing as he impales it in my gullet.

Finally he pushes me off his cock. I gasp in a deep breath. I wipe the spit off my mouth and chin with the back of my hand. He steps back a few inches. He is holding that fat weapon by the base. With his other hand he begins to jack his meat so close to me I feel it brushing my face.

"OPEN UP MUSCLE BOY!!!!" he yells.

My mouth is agape waiting on his cum. He lays the tip of his cock on my outstretched tongue and blasts the first shot clear into my throat. The first blast is like a geyser. The splattering cum rockets past my tonsils. I don't even get to taste this shot. The next few bursts are full of force but I capture them in my mouth before swallowing. The volume he unloads is impressive. I can barely swallow as fast as he shoots it.

He is dribbling the last few drops when I feel a swift kick of his knee into my chest knocking me on my ass. He does not even look at me. Both of his hands are still gripping his cock. His head is tossed back while he is stroking the crown. Massaging his still hard cock.

Looking down at me he gloats "that is one hot mouth stud! I intend to get a lot of use out of that."

I am laid out flat on my back, my cock hard as a rock sticking straight up in the air, when he starts getting his clothes together. Ignoring me like I am not even there. His cell phone rings.


"ok - ok. I'll be home shortly"

"No. "

"G bye"

He finishes getting dressed.

"I `ll take care of that hot ass next time Jeff! " he says as he walks out.

He was right. I am more bruised and sore than the last time. And I am left alone with my hard cock once again wondering about the next visit from Larry.

More to CUM

Next: Chapter 3

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