John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Apr 4, 2004


Hey guys in response to your e-mails I'm changing the introduction to my chapters. No longer will I apologize for the grammatical and spelling errors. I don't have an editor,

so I proof read all of this by myself. As I've said before this story will move rather slow. All the e-mails are great. Thank you all for taking the time to write. As I've stated many times, your e-mails are what keep me going. All comments are welcome. The addy is (under score between john_mateo) Please write and tell me if you like my story. I hope to hear from you.

The usual disclaimer don't read this if you're too young or it's against the law where you live. This story is about gay men.

Thanks guys and now on with the story of John and Mateo


John and Mateo disembarked from the plane at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. There standing outside the security area and waiting for his friends was the faithful Pierce Turner. PT smiled at his friends as he waved his arms like he was trying to take flight. Mateo smiled big as he neared his friend. "PT! What up dude?" Mateo asked as he bumped fists with PT and then embraced his friend. PT returned his smile, "Not much Mateo. Same ol' thing." PT turned and smiled at John. "What's up John?" PT asked as he bumped fists with him and then took him in a bear hug as well. As soon as John got his breath back he answered PT, "Same as you PT. Nothing new. Just glad to be home." John smiled at his big friend. "Cool dude." PT replied with a gleaming smile.

"You ready to go dude?" Mateo asked his friend. "We need to go to the luggage claim area." PT smiled, "Just a sec I need to wait for my boy." Both Mateo and John stopped and looked at PT. "Your boy?" John asked. He looked at PT with a cock eyebrow. "And what boy would that be?" A smiled spread across PT's face. "Chill dude. He'll be right back. He heard the call of nature." John and Mateo pounced on PT with a million questions. Their mouths were working over time shooting out questions, they wanted the 411 (information) on this new guy in PT's life. They were so caught up in the conversation that they didn't hear the approaching footsteps. Both Mateo and John froze when they heard the smooth baritone voice. "Ciao guys, welcome home." Both John and Mateo swung around so fast that they almost knock each other down. John and Mateo said in unison "Gino!" Then they both turned to PT, "Gino?" Both boys looked at PT for an answer. PT laughed as he nodded his head. "Gino." he repeated Gino's name for the third time. Gino had a confused look on his handsome face, "OK what's going on?" He stood with his hands on his hips looking so cute. PT came to him and placed and loving arm around his shoulders. "I was just telling the guys here that you and I are seeing each other. By the looks of things it looks like they're in shock." PT looked at the slack jawed Mateo and John. To break the silence Gino spoke, "Yes we're seeing each other. When you guys were in Mexico PT was lonely so he hung out at the restaurant. We talked and got to know each other better. One thing led to another and we came out to each other. That was on Tuesday. We've been going out ever since." Gino smiled as he continued, "We've grown pretty close." He looked at PT with a smile. PT blushed as he returned the smile.

"Wow, that's great guys!" John said. "Gino we had no idea that you were gay." John said as he collected his music bag from the floor. Gino laughed, "Yup 100% gay. Wanna see my membership card?" John laughed, "Nah that's OK I be believe you. That's awesome dude. Now we can double date."

PT chuckled, "Yup." was all he said.

The group of young men collected the luggage and headed out of the airport. They walked up to a dilapidated avocado green VW bus. It looked like it was ready for the junk yard. "What's this?" Mateo asked. "These are my new wheels dude. I just got it out of the shop." PT said as he yanked the door open, almost losing his footing. "Why didn't you bring my truck?" John asked as he looked at the ancient car. "Well Gino and I were already out and I didn't want to go all the way back to campus just to pick up your truck." John laughed, "Is this thing safe?" He smiled at PT. PT puffed out his chest. "I'd stake your life on it John." He said trying to hide his laughter. PT looked over to Gino, "Will you tell them that it's ok?" Gino looked at John and Mateo, "Guys this is a perfectly safe vehicle." Mateo smiled, "Why don't I believe you?" This sent all the boys into fits of laughter. They were having a blast giving PT a hard time about his bus. Finally, PT managed to convince John and Mateo to get in his car. With luggage tied to the roof rack, and gears a-grinding, they pulled out of the parking lot. Gino turned back to John and Mateo from the front seat. "Oh guys before I forget, I told Mama that you were coming home today and she wants to see you at the restaurant for dinner." At the mention of food John and Mateo's stomachs growled. They both had turned down the airline food. After talking it over with John, Mateo said, "We'll be there about 7:30. You guys can join us if you want." Gino spoke, I have to work tonight so I'll be there. I'll plan my dinner break at 7:30." Gino turned to PT, "You going to come?" PT looked back at Gino, "Wouldn't miss it for all the tea in China." Gino smiled, "Cool, then it's a date."

Mateo and John were each dropped off at their dorms with plans to meet at John's room in an hour for dinner. John and Mateo would take John's truck and PT would drive himself in his van.

John walked into his room to see his room mate Carl Greene with his nose buried in a book. "Hey Carl." John greeted him when he entered the room. Carl replied with a low "Hello." John and Carl never really talked a lot. Carl was a science geek and John the nerdy musician. John always pictured Carl in a "mad scientist`s" lab somewhere in Transylvania with a humped back friend. The image of electric probes, wires, and a monster on a cold stone slab always caused John to smile. "How was your holiday?" John asked trying to be polite. "It was OK, my dad and I built a model of the Voyager 1." John looked at Carl waiting for him to return the courtesy and ask about his holiday. Of course it never came. "Why do I even bother" John thought as he pulled his luggage in from the hall. There was no offer of help from Carl. He remained on his bed engrossed in his book. John tried to glance at what the title, but wasn't able to see it. Once all of his clothes were put away John decided he needed a shower. He stripped off all his clothes but his boxers, wrapped a towel around his waist, "I'm gonna go take a shower." He said as he left. He only heard a "hmm" come from Carl as he shut the door. John rolled his eyes.

Mateo was unpacking his suitcase. He hadn't realized he'd taken so much stuff with him. He was sorting clothes when there was a knock on the door. Mateo opened the door to see Snake leaning against the door jam. Mateo looked at Snake but didn't say a word. "Well aren't you going to invite me in?" Snake asked as he straightened his body. Wanting no trouble from Snake Mateo stepped away from the door leaving it open. He went back to his unpacking. Snake walked into the room shutting the door behind him. "PT said you went home for Spring Break. How was it?" He asked trying to make small talk. "It was good." Mateo said not bothering to look up from his task of sorting clothes. Snake watched as Mateo continued with his work. Finally he had enough of awkward silence. "Mateo what's your problem dude?" Snake asked causing Mateo to stop his folding. "Are you still mad because of what happened at Dominick's?" Mateo's hands involuntarily formed fists. He turned towards Snake. His eyes glaring, Mateo spoke, "You have a lot of lot to learn about people Snake." Snake's face reflected his confusion. "What are you talking about dude?" Mateo took a deep breath, "I'm talking about John. You don't even know him and yet you assume you know enough about him to judge him. Well, let me tell you something Snake you don't know shit about him. You have a lot of growing up to do. You need to learn that just because a person doesn't fit into your mold of what you think is right doesn't mean you can ridicule or criticize that person for being different." Mateo's body trembled with anger. "Nobody has that right."

Snake looked at Mateo. "Dude it was just a joke. Lighten up." Mateo stepped closer to Snake, "Sometimes jokes can go too far Snake." Snakes eyes suddenly got big. With a shocked look he spoke, "Oh my god, you like him, don't you? That's why you're so fucking mad." A feeling of dread flooded Mateo's mind. Had he said too much? He really didn't want to come out to Snake. He looked at Snake with pleading eyes. Before he could respond Mateo was interrupted by Snake, "Dude you're gay huh? Your silence gave you away." Mateo's anger started to rise in his body as Snakes mouth formed a wicked grin. Mateo said, "Snake, my life and who I share it with is private. I hope that you will respect that." Mateo studied Snake and his body language. He anxiously waited any response. Snake chuckled, "Damn Mateo I never thought you were a cocksucker. Wanna lend me a hand?" Snake grabbed the front of his shorts. Mateo could see the outline of Snake's cock through his jersey basketball shorts, he had a hard on. He looked into Snake's face. "No thanks." Snake laughed, "You sure? Maybe I can change your mind." Snake pulled the front of his shorts and underwear down to reveal his huge cock. Mateo stared at the hard cock. Snake started to stroke his cock. "C'mon Mateo, suck my cock. I haven't blown a load in a couple of days." Mateo's heartbeat pounded in his ears. He had always wondered what Snake's cock would look like when it was hard. How he dreamt of the taste. Snake's cock was perfectly smooth. The foreskin hid the huge head even when fully hard. The perfectly trimmed fiery red bush was breath taking, not too bushy and not too short. Mateo felt his cock stir in his shorts. He couldn't control the rush of blood to his groin. His mouth suddenly became dry. Snake said, "C'mon faggot. I know you want it. Drop down on your knees and suck my cock." Mateo could see a drop of precum on the tip of Snake's cock. Mateo suddenly snapped out of his trance, his head suddenly snapped up, "Get out." he shouted. Snake sneered. "Your loss dude." He pulled up his shorts. "Too bad, I bet you can suck a good cock. Maybe I should go ask John. I bet he'd like to suck my cock."

"Fuck you Snake!" Mateo spat.

Mateo walk over to the door and yanked it open. Snake walked out with a shit faced grin. With shaking hands Mateo managed to close and lock the door. He went to his bed and sat. His hands came to his face as he released his anger in a flood of tears. His body shook as he sobbed.

John took great care as he got ready for his dinner-date with Mateo, and his friends. He wanted to look nice for Mateo. He wore his old navy cargo pants and a light gray sweater. Before he put on his sweater John admired the golden charm around his neck. "I'll never take this off" he thought to himself. Just as he pulled the sweater over his head there was a knock at the door. John opened the door to see Mateo. John couldn't help but smile when he saw his lover. He stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. "You about ready?" he asked with a huge smile on his face. "Yeah, just about. Take a seat, all I have to do is fix my hair." Mateo noticed Carl on his bed. John spoke, "Oh Mateo this is my room mate Carl Greene. Carl this is my friend Mateo Villasenor." Carl looked over his book, "Hey" was all he said as he returned to his book. "Hi Carl." Mateo said, "Nice to meet you." Mateo heard an barely audible sound come from Carl's mouth. "Nice to me you to" came a very quick response.

Mateo watched as John put gel in his blond hair and spiked it.

"OK I'm ready." John said rescuing Mateo from any further dialog from Carl. "Cool." Mateo said as he stood up. John smiled, He noticed the somber look on Mateo`s face, "Is there anything wrong?" Mateo opened the door as he and John walked into the hall. "Yeah we need to talk. I got a visit from Snake." The young men walked out into the parking lot. John gave Mateo the keys to his truck. Once they were in the truck and on their way Mateo told John what happened with Snake.

When Mateo finished telling his story, John sat there quietly. Feeling a little tension in the air Mateo spoke, "What are you thinking about?" Hoping to hear that John was OK with what had happened Mateo held his breath. "You OK?" He asked, praying that he was. John turned in his seat. "Yeah, I'm fine Mateo, but I can't believe he wanted you to suck his dick. What are we going to do? What if he starts spreading rumors around school?" John looked really nervous as he looked out the window at the passing cars and homes. They pulled into the parking lot at Dominick's. Mateo shut off the engine and turned towards John. Taking his hand and looking into John's beautiful eyes Mateo spoke, "Let Snake do what he wants. I don't care if he tells the world about us. I know I said I wanted to keep this private at school but now I don't think we have a choice." Mateo began to inch closer to John, "I wouldn't mind telling the world about my love for you John." He smiled, causing John to melt into his arms. They embraced, holding each other tight. "Mateo you know I love you. I wont have any problem coming out. I know with you by my side, we can face anything." Mateo smiled at John, "I think you're right Guerito. We shouldn't have to hide our love. We wont broadcast that we're gay but we wont deny or hide it either." Mateo leaned in and kissed John. They lost themselves in the deep passionate kiss. They didn't hear PT's VW bus pull up next to John's truck. Mateo and John jumped when they heard the loud obnoxious horn. They glanced out the window at a laughing PT. Both Mateo and John flipped him the bird. PT held his side as he continued to laugh.

The evening passed quickly. Everyone was happy to see the boys back from their trip. The group of boys ate till their stomachs were filled to capacity. Mama Anna outdid herself making a wonderful dinner of all their favorites. She wasn't happy until the last crumb of food was gone. John relayed to PT and Gino what took place between Mateo and Snake. Both PT and Gino warned them to be careful with Snake. They all agreed to watch each other's back.

That evening John and Mateo discussed the living arrangements. Mateo's room worked for one person, but would never work for two guys, it made better sense for him to move into John's larger room. They came to the conclusion to ask Carl to switch places with Mateo.

Just as they thought, Carl liked the idea of having his own room. The only thing that needed to be done was to go to the housing administration and have the paperwork changed. Mateo planned to do that Monday.

On Monday evening after a long day of moving, John and Mateo were finally in their room. Because of John's busy schedule Mateo did most of the moving. He did a little rearranging of the furniture. The desks were pushed together. Both computers were set up next to each other. Both beds were pushed together to make a huge bed. It wasn't the ideal bed but it worked out well. Mateo also helped Carl set up his room and move his things. The housing administration had no problems moving the boys living arrangements.

John and Mateo went to bed early. They were exhausted from all the activity of the day and needed the rest. John's piano lesson with Jacob went well but he was still a little nervous about the concert on Friday. Jacob assured him that the piece was ready for performance. He reminded John that he needed to go to the tux shop to get measured for his tuxedo.

Classes were to start next week for both of them. Mateo's football team had weight training everyday from 11am to 1pm. He saw Snake there along with Jose. The two joked and laughed. Mateo missed the laughter and banter he shared with his friends. He wondered if Snake told anything to Jose. Jose gave him no indication that he knew anything about what happened between him and Snake. He was relieved that nothing happened while in training.

John and Mateo kissed as they cuddled in bed. They still had lots of stuff to do before the concert on Friday. They finally drifted off to sleep. Each holding the other in loving arms.

Hey guys, sorry this was a short chapter. Hope you weren't dissapointed. Please write and let me know how I'm doing. Hope to hear from you.


Next: Chapter 12

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