John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Apr 19, 2004


Hey guys in response to your e-mails I'm changing the introduction to my chapters. No longer will I apologize for the grammatical and spelling errors. I don't have an editor,

so I proof read all of this by myself. As I've said before this story will move rather slow. All the e-mails are great. Thank you all for taking the time to write. As I've stated many times, your e-mails are what keep me going. All comments are welcome. The addy is (under score between john_mateo) Please write and tell me if you like my story. I hope to hear from you.

The usual disclaimer don't read this if you're too young or it's against the law where you live. This story is about gay men.

Thanks guys and now on with the story of John and Mateo


John rushed out of the dorm room. He was late. Professor Graham had called, waking him up from his sleep. Last night's festivities ran rather late into the night. After dinner He and Mateo along with their parents went to a coffee house near campus. Being so close to the campus it was opened 24/7. There they ordered coffees and sat and talked. Before they knew it, midnight struck. They all agreed it was time to leave. John and Mateo said their good byes and left to go home. The Villasenor and the Clarks agreed to meet in the morning for breakfast and then spend some time together. There was an art gallery in town that housed many fine works of art. Both Anita and Shelia agreed that they both would enjoy seeing the gallery.

John ran for his truck. He carried his music bag and his tux. He could still hear Professor Graham's voice. "John! Where are you? We need you here to begin the rehearsal." John immediately had shot up in bed. Still a little groggy he looked at his clock. "Shit!" He had said seeing that it was nearly 10:00am. He jumped out of bed naked as the day he was born. He quickly apologized to the professor and said that he'd be there as soon as he could. He rushed through his morning rituals of showering and shaving. He removed the peach fuzz from his chin.

When he arrived at the music building he was ushered to one of the many dressing rooms. He felt kind of funny seeing his name on the door. He walked in to see a beautiful arrangement of flowers sitting on a small table near the mirrored dressing table. He hung the tux in the closet, and walked over to the flowers. He noticed a small envelope with a card. He opened the small envelope to read it: "John, Wanted to let you know that we love you! Break a leg. Mom and Dad."

His face spread in a smile as he reread the card. "Oh my gawd, that's so sweet." he said. He wiped the tears from his face.

There was a knock on the door. "John it's professor Graham, may I come in?" He walked to the door and pulled it open. Professor Graham was an older man of about 60 years. He had white platinum hair and blue piercing eyes. His upper body was round, while his lower body supported his torso with two thin legs. He was for the most part a calm man. But there were times when John saw his face turn a dark crimson when he was angered. He was dressed in jeans and a polo shirt. "So glad you could join us." He gave him a sly smile, " I thought maybe you were getting cold feet." John blushed, "I'm so sorry Professor, I over slept. The alarm clock didn't go off. I hope I didn't hold up things too much." The professor smiled, "No not at all. Actually it turned out OK anyway. It seems one of the spots in the ceiling blew and they needed to power off the stage lights to replace it. So you're lucky this time. John grinned sheepishly, "Cool." He smiled, "I mean for me of course, not for you." Professor Graham chuckled, "We'll be ready on about 15 minutes, if you'd like you can hang out here. I'll send someone down to get you when we're ready." John nodded his understanding, "Thanks Professor." He said as the he opened the door to his room. "I'll be on time, I promise." Professor Graham chuckled as he left the room. "OK, I'm counting on it. See ya in a little while."

A few minutes passed when there was another knock on the door. John opened the door to see a huge flower arrangement with legs. There was a voice that came from behind it. "John Clark?" it questioned. "Yes I'm John Clark." The flowers turned to reveal a short man with glasses. "Delivery." He said as he handed the flowers to John. "I have another one in the truck, be right back." He returned moments later with a smaller flower arrangement. John signed for the flowers and gave the man a five dollar tip. "Thank you sir. Enjoy the flowers." He said as he tipped an imaginary hat and left.

John closed the door and looked at the beautiful flowers once more. He found the card on the smaller one. It read: "John, Hope all goes well tonight. Knock `em dead. All my love, Jacob." John had a grin from ear to ear. He looked at the larger flower arrangement. It was from Mateo's parents. The words were in Spanish. "John, Gracias por todo que tu haces en la vida de nustro hijo. Dios te bendiga. Con amor. Rafael Y Anita Villasenor."

Underneath was the translation. "John, Thank you for all you've done in our son's life. God Bless. With love, Rafael and Anita Villasenor." John's eyes began to moisten as he reread the note. He was touched by all the support he felt around him. He felt like the luckiest guys in the world. To be surrounded by the love of family and friends was an awesome thing.

His phone rang. "Hello?" With caller ID John already knew who it was. "Hey Guerito. I snuck out of training to give you a quick call. How are you?" John's heart sped up. "I'm good now that I hear your voice. I was almost later this morning." John heard an intake of air. "Oh shit I thought I reset the alarm clock. You looked so peaceful sleeping this morning I didn't want to wake you. I went for a run this morning and when I got back you were gone, so I figured you got up on time. I'm sorry babe." John chuckled, "It's cool babe. Professor Graham called and woke me up. No sweat. There was some kind of technical problem with the stage lights so it held up the rehearsal anyway." Mateo exhaled, "Oh good. So tell me what's on the agenda today?."

John said, "Well I have rehearsal from whenever to 4pm and then I have this dinner with the orchestra and music committee. Then they have this cocktail gathering for the alumni, they want me to meet and mingle with some of the people there. Then the concert. I'm afraid I wont be able to see you until after the concert." John could hear the disappointment in Mateo's voice. He wanted to cry himself. "It's cool babe. I'll see you tonight after the concert. I'll be in the front seat, cheering you on." There was a pause in Mateo's words, "I love you so much John." John's voice cracked, "Oh babe, I love you too. I wish I could see you at least for a few minutes before the concert." Mateo echoed John's wish. "Me too baby. We'll celebrate afterwards, OK?" John smiled, "OK, can't wait." They said their goodbyes and hung up. As John was closing the phone there was a knock on the door. A male voice called out, "John they're ready to start the rehearsal." John called out, "OK be right there." He grabbed a bottle of water from his bag and left for the stage.

The rehearsal went well. They did two full run-throughs and ironed out a few more winkles and details. John preformed perfectly both times. He was glad that he had that talk with Jacob earlier in the week. He felt ready for tonight's performance.

The orchestra and stage staff were treated to a dinner by the university. They went from the music hall to another room in the building. The caterers set up tables with mounds of steaming food. John hadn't realize that he hadn't eaten yet. His stomach grumbled when he smelled the food. He ate his dinner of chicken and rice and a few servings of veggies. He sat with the string section of the orchestra. Over the past week he'd become friends with a few of them. They all complimented John on his performance of the piece and wished him well tonight. He thanked them all and soaked up all the good vibes in the room. About five o'clock he returned to his dressing room to dress. He needed to be at that cocktail meeting at five thirty. He took a quick shower in his dressing room and dressed in his tuxedo.

At five thirty he walked into a room located next to the performance hall. He was greeted at the door by a couple of women. Immediately he was recognized, "Oh! John Clark is here." The taller woman said to the shorter one. "Go run and tell Professor Graham." The ladies became frazzled, their blue tinted white hair catching the lights as they rushed to greet him. One of the women smiled at John and raced by him muttering something about finding the professor. The other stood before John with a gleam in her eye, with her red lipped mouth forming a croaked smile. "Hello John, my name is Hildegard Buckley, class of 1966, it's very nice to meet you." John smiled as he returned her hand shake, "It's nice to meet you too Mrs. Buckley. She glowed, " I am looking forward to tonight's performance. I've heard nothing but good things about you John." He again smiled, "Thank you. I'll do my best." She smiled, "Well here comes Professor Graham I better get back to my job. It was a pleasure meeting you young man." Once again the pair shook hands and Hildegard Buckley returned to the door to resumed her job of "greeter".

The professor and John made the rounds of the room twice. He was introduced to many of the alumni. John shook so many hands he wondered if his arm would fall off. He met so many people from all walks of life. Doctors and lawyers seemed to make up the majority of alumni in the room. The professor told him as they walked that the people in the room were largely responsible for the facilities in the music department. Without their financial backing, many of the programs would have been discontinued many years ago.

As it neared 6:30 John was finally able to free himself from the alumni and return to his dressing room. He double checked his clothes. He made sure that he was ready for the performance. He washed his face in the sink. After he was finished he sat on a little couch in the room. As he sat, he fingered the piece he was to play tonight on his knees. The fingering was flawless and John felt very confident. He took several deep breaths to calm his nervousness.

A knock came to his door. "5 Minutes John!" The voice shouted out. "OK!" Was John's only reply. He left the small room, ready to face the world.

As he neared the stage he could hear the audience in the concert hall. All the voices mixed together in different stages of conversations. It sounded like the place was packed. John edged his way over to the side stage. There were other members of the orchestra peeking out. He managed to peek out at the audience without being seen. He was right, The place was filled to capacity. His eyes quickly scanned the hall. People were dressed in their finest.

He looked to the front row to see his family and friends. Everyone was there, Mom, Dad, Rafael, Anita, Jacob, Chris, Gino, PT, and Mamma Anna. John didn't see Mateo. Where was he? He furrowed his eyebrows. He looked at his watch. "Five minutes." He said under his breath, "You have five minutes Mateo." John took one more look out at the audience. He was starting to worry when he heard a voice behind him, "Looking for someone?" He turned to see Mateo. He was dressed in the same tuxedo John wore. He looked beautiful as he stood there with a gleaming smile. John almost ran to him. "Mateo, I thought you weren't gonna make it." Mateo smiled, "I wouldn't have missed this for anything baby. You look great in that tux. Almost good enough to eat." John giggled, "Well you're looking mighty sharp too love. We're wearing the same tux." Mateo chuckled, "Yeah I went and saw our friend Tyson at the tux shop. He told me about the confusion with our tuxedos." John's eye's lit up. "You mean that was your jacket I tried on?" Mateo smiled, "Yup, it was mine. By the way, Tyson sends his best wishes." John smiled, "Yeah he was a nice guy."

John cocked his eyebrow, "How did you get back here?" Mateo snickered, "I have my ways." John hadn't noticed that Mateo held his right hand behind his back until he brought his hand from around him. He held out a single long stemmed red rose. John took the rose and smelled it fragrance. "Oh Mateo, Thank you." Mateo smiled as he took John in his arms. John melted when he felt his lovers arms surround him. Mateo whispered in his ear, "I'm so proud of you John. I love you." At those words John tightened his embrace around Mateo's body. "Oh babe I love you so much. I love you, I love you, I love you." Without a second thought of who might be looking they kissed. The kiss was amazing, those who did see it only smiled. They separated as the kiss ended. "I better get going before this things starts. I don't want to miss any of it." John nodded his agreement, "Yeah, you better get going. Thanks again babe." Mateo grinned, "I'll see you after the show." He blew a kiss to John as he walked away. John felt all the nervousness leave his body. He was ready to do this.

At that moment John heard the applause. "Ladies and gentlemen, fellow alumni, we want to welcome you to tonight's Quarterly Alumni Concert..." As the speaker went on John watched as the members of the orchestra made final adjustments to their instruments. Strings and bows were tuned and tightened, reeds were adjusted, and valves were blown clean. Everyone was ready. "And now, without further delay, may I introduce to you the members of the Anderson-Buckley symphony orchestra." Again there was applause as the heavy curtain lifted. The stage lights went up as Professor Graham made his way to the podium. When he finally reached his destination he stepped up on the platform and was handed a microphone. "Good evening and welcome. Tonight we have a very special treat in store for you. We have, making his first public performance ever, John Andrew Clark." At the mention of John's name there was applause. John smiled from the side stage as he heard the hoops and hollers from the front row. As the applause died down Professor Graham continued, "Ladies and gentlemen, will you please help me in welcoming John Clark to the stage. Once again the concert hall was filled with applause as John walked out onto the stage. He walked out carrying his rose. He walked to the podium and shook hands with Professor Graham. John leaned in, saying something into his ear. The professor smiled and nodded to John. He turned to the stagehand near the stage and asked for the microphone back. He handed it to John and stood back. The concert hall became still as John began to speak.

"Thank you. I'd like to say a few words, First I'd like to thanks those who supported me in my life. My parents, Shelia and Adam Clark, my piano teachers Jacob Finley and Edward Marrs, and my family and friends." John looked down into the audience, "But there is someone so very special to me and I would like to dedicate this performance to him." John's eyes sparkled, "Mateo, this is for you." He blew a kiss to the front row and to his love. Applause again arose from the audience. Mateo smiled and blew a kiss to John as he wiped the tears from his cheeks. John placed the rose on the piano and sat behind the huge instrument.

The music began. The wonderful full melodies filled the corners of the concert hall. The adagio and allegro of Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 26 in C Major filled the ears and hearts of the audience. John sat at the piano. His eyes were closed as he listened to the music. He loved the sound of the violins, his body moved to the sound. He still had a few minutes before he would actually start to play. As he sat there he thought back to that day in the practice room. That day seemed like years ago rather than a few weeks. How he felt with Mateo in the room. This young man who filled his empty world. He unknowingly smiled as he remembered so many things. The laughter and tears they both shared.

The time was nearing. The familiar phrases of music let him know that it was time that he played. John readied himself. He took a deep breath as his fingers touched the keys of the piano. His body moved with music as his fingers flew up and down the black and white keys. The music enveloped him as it always did. His eyes closed , lost in the spell of music. His body reacted to every phrase of music, every "crescendo", every "dolce". His head kept time with the music. His breathing was shallow. His heart beating to the rhythm of the musical wonder. He felt the music rushing through his veins. His mind totally focused on the emotions of the piece. The piano became a living soul. It's own heart beat. It's own emotions. It's own voice. It came alive under the touch of John's hands. The music filled the hall, touching hearts and lives.

Mateo watched in amazement. His mouth dry. The hair on the back of his neck stood up as he listened. Once more he felt as he did that day when he was alone with John. He couldn't help the tears that rolled down his face. The music spoke to his heart. He saw his lover. His soul mate. His John. As he sat there, others around him felt the same way.

People listened to the wonderful music. They unknowingly took deep breaths trying to understand what they were feeling. The music drew them into it's mystery.

John's hands flew up and down the keys. He was feeling confident as he played, no doubts or worries. He was having so much fun.

The orchestra played him on. They played for John. Their own bodies moving to the music.

Finally, the final crescendo of the orchestra exploded into the hall. Bows danced upon strings and horns sang out triumphantly as the piece finally ended. Professor Graham stood there red in the face, breathless. His white hair matted to his head with sweat. There was a moment of silence. Then the hall erupted in thunderous applause.

The audience stood, cheers and shouts of "BRAVO! BRAVO!" The front row was no exception as John's family and friends cheered. John stood from the piano and took a bow. He smiled, taking another bow. He turned to Professor Graham shaking his hand, "Wonderful! Excellent! John." He almost shouted over the applause. "Thank you!" John said as he pumped his hand. John then turned towards the first violin. He shook hands with him as well. The orchestra clapped as well. He turned towards them all and shouted a thank you to them. They responded with more applause. As it was rehearsed earlier, John left the stage as the orchestra and the professor took their bows. A minute later he walked out again. One more hand shake and bow and he left the stage.

The words echoed from the audience, "Encore, Encore."

With a panicked look Professor Graham walked off the stage, "John please tell me you have something else to play." He looked like he was going to pass out. "Oh god I didn't even think about an encore." he looked at John with pleading eyes.

"Oh yeah, I have something I can play. I've played it before and I reviewed it with the advice from my teacher. Just in case this would happen." The professor's face lit up, "Thank god, I'm glad one of us is thinking." Without another word he walked out on the stage. "Once again ladies and gentlemen, John Clark." John walked out to the non stop applause. He sat at the piano. The clapping finally died away. The professor stepped up to the piano, he held the microphone away from his mouth. "What are you going to play John?" John took a deep breath relaxing his body. "I'm going to play, Fantaisie-Impromptu, by Chopin." The professor turned to the concert hall. "Ladies and gentlemen once again, John Clark with Chopin's Fantaisie-Impromptu."

As with all good things, the concert came to an end. After the second performance John received a second standing ovation. Minutes later after all the applause and bows things finally calmed down and John was able to breath. Professor Graham thanked him one more time as others lined up to speak with him. John was able to pull himself away and leave the stage area. He went down into the concert hall to find his family and friends. When he finally reached them he was gathered up in the smiles, hugs, and back-slaps. His parents glowed with pride as their son hugged each of them. He received hugs all around. Mamma Anna smiled through her tears as she hugged and kissed John's face. Anita Villasenor also hugged John as Rafael pumped his hand. All his friends surrounded him congratulating him with hugs or handshakes.

Everyone knew what John was thinking as they cleared a path for him leading to Mateo. He still sat in his seat watching all the activity around him. John walked up and smiled down at his lover. He smiled in return. Mateo stood up, standing there with that funny silly smile. He was at a loss for words as he looked into John's eyes. A single tear ran down Mateo's cheek. John leaned up and kissed the salty tear away. He held Mateo's face in his hands. No words were needed between them. As it was that day in the practice room, once again the love they held for each other surrounded them. Their eyes locked, they came together once more. The world faded away. They held each other. Their lips coming together in a passionate kiss. No sound, no world, just John and Mateo.

Hey Guys, Well that was the concert. I hope I did good.Thank you all for reading my story. I'm going to be taking a little break and do some thinking on where I want the direction of the story to lead. So, please give me a little time to get my thoughts together. If any of you have any suggestions I'm always open to them.

Again thank you all for reading and being an encouragnement to me.


David S

Next: Chapter 14

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