John and Mateo

By David S

Published on May 14, 2004


Hello again guys. Here after a long wait is chapter 15 of John and Mateo. I want to extend my welcome to Ray. He has donated his time to edit my story and help me. Thank you Ray kisses One thing I need to share. With the support of my partner Dale I'll be returning to school. This will take much of my time. I still plan on continuing the story but chapters will be less frequent. I love you Dale. Ok guys enough of my rambling. Take care. David.


Gino had called about 2 minutes ago. Mateo and PT abandoned the broken-down VW bus when they heard the news that John had been attacked. The 1966 red Mustang sped through the streets; Mateo was behind the wheel, with PT as his passenger. "Mateo slow down." PT spoke as he gripped the dashboard with white knuckles. You're going to kill us." Mateo didn't hear his friend's voice. His mind was not even on the road. He had to know if John was OK. "MATEO!" PT shouted, pulling him from his thoughts. "What?" He said not bothering to look at his friend. "I said slow down, if you keep driving like a maniac you're going to kill us."

Mateo pulled over to the side of the rode. He placed his head on the steering wheel, and tears began to flow from his eyes. With a cracked voice he tried to speak, "Sorry Bro, I don't want to do that. I'm just so worried about John." PT looked at his friend with compassion, "I know dude, he's going to be OK. You have to believe that." Mateo felt PT's hand on his shoulder. PT tried to encourage his friend with a gentle squeeze. "Get out, I'll drive." Mateo nodded, "OK". They exchanged seats, and, once again, were on their way to the hospital.

Minutes later, Mateo ran through the sliding doors of the emergency room. He looked around until he spotted the information desk. An older woman sat behind the desk reading a fashion magazine. Mateo spoke, "Excuse I need some information about a patient that was brought in about 15 minutes ago. His name is John Clark." She looked up, annoyed that she had to put down her magazine. Without even acknowledging Mateo, she turned to her computer and punched a few buttons. "They're still working on him, Sir, have a seat and I'll let you know when I have any more information."

That was not good enough for Mateo, "I'd like to see him please." She looked up at him her eyes just over her reading glasses, "Are you family Sir?" Mateo hesitated, "No, I'm not related to him, but I am his boyfriend." She picked up her magazine dismissing him, "I'm sorry only family members are permitted into the emergency room. Have a seat and I'll let you know as soon as there is any news." Mateo's Latin blood began to boil, "No! I don't want to have a seat. I want to see John!" She glared up at him, "Look, I've told you, only family members are allowed in. Either you sit and wait or I call security, and have them escort you out of the hospital."

Mateo felt PT's hand on his arm. "Dude, let's sit and wait. You don't want to be thrown out." Mateo exhaled, "Fuck." he said under his breath. They turned around and walked toward the waiting area. As they turned, they saw Gino enter with two police men. Gino spotted them and ran over. "Hey, how's John?" Mateo spoke, "We don't know they won't allow me to see him. Only family is allowed in."

The two police officers approached the trio. Being a small town most of the work, from traffic cop to detective was handled by the officers. The police kept a handle on the goings-on in this small college town, but there were times when they were overworked and underpaid. The first officer was white, 6'2", muscular with a clean shaven face, soft brown eyes and dark hair. The other was a bit shorter at about 5'9", a stocky build, and dirty blond hair and a moustache. The blond spoke first, "Which of you two is Mateeo Vill-senor?" He butchered Mateo's name. "I'm Mateo" he spoke looking at the cop. "We have some questions for you, do you mind stepping over here son?"

Mateo walked across the room with the two officers. "OK, tell us what you know about what happened tonight." Mateo began to speak, "Well, I left John at about 11. My friend's car broke down, so I went to help him." The taller officer took notes, as the other stood with his hands on his hips. "Do you know if John had any enemies?" he asked. "No I don't think he did. John's the sweetest guy. He wouldn't hurt anybody."

The shorter cop smirked at Mateo response. He continued with his next question, "What's your relationship to John?" Mateo looked him straight in the eyes, "He's my boyfriend." The husky cop snickered. The taller one began to speak trying to divert Mateo's attention away from his homophobic partner. "Mateo, has John ever received any kind of threatening notes, phone calls, e-mails, anything that might cause you to think he had any enemies?"

Mateo looked at the taller officer shaking his head, "Nothing, I can't think of anything."

The door leading into the emergency room opened and a young looking doctor came out, and went to the desk and began speaking with the volunteer. Mateo looked as she shook her head, she then pointed in his direction. The doctor walked over, "Are you here for John Clark?" He asked. "Yes, I'm Mateo Villasenor, how is he doctor?"

The doctor acknowledged the policemen standing with Mateo.

"Hi Carl, it's good to see you again." he said as he shook hands with the taller officer. "Jack." He said to the other, not bothering to offer his hand.

Carl answered with a smile on his face, "Hey Ted, good to see you too." His partner gave the doc a silent nod.

The doctor turned towards Mateo extending his hand, "You must be John's friend, I'm Doctor Stewart. He's had a very rough night, but, he's sleeping right now." he said as he shook hands with Mateo. "Is he going to be ok?" Mateo asked with worried eyes. "He'll make a full recovery but it's going to take a while. Do you know how we can contact his parents?" Mateo nodded, "Yes, I'll call them." Mateo's eyes pleaded with the doctor as he spoke, "May I see him doctor? I really would like to see him, if that's alright." He couldn't stop the tears that began to roll down his cheeks. The doctor looked at him with compassion.

"I'll see what I can do. It's hospital policy that only family members are allowed in with the patients.

Officer Carl spoke up, "Hey Ted may I see you over here for a minute?" Dr. Stewart and Officer Collins moved to a corner of the waiting room and began to talk. While they were talking the other officer strolled over to the information desk and began talking with the volunteer.

Mateo pulled out his cell phone and called John's parents. He explained the situation to them. They told him that they would be there in a couple of hours. After about five minutes spent giving them details, he hung up the phone. As he finished his call Dr. Ted and Officer Carl were walking back to him.

"OK Mateo, let's go see John." the doctor said, as he smiled at him. Mateo's eyes locked with the doctors. "Really, I can see him?" A smile lit up his face, as he realized that the doctor was sincere. "Yes you can see him. Officer Collins explained your relationship with John. I don't want to stand in the way of true love." Mateo smiled at the doctor, "Thank you. I'm glad you understand." The doctor gave him a knowing smile. Mateo had the feeling that the doctor understood exactly how he felt.

Both doctor and police officer accompanied Mateo as he entered the room. Dr Stewart spoke, "Mateo, remember he's under a lot of sedation and may not know who you are or where he is. Don't be surprised if he doesn't react to you." Mateo only nodded his head, as he entered the room. The smell of disinfectant and rubbing alcohol burned in his nostrils. He wasn't prepared for what he was to see next. He stopped, the site of John laying in that hospital bed was too much for him. He began to walk; his knees became weaker and weaker, with each step he took. "Oh god." he said as he neared the bed. John was hooked up to a monitor. The steady rhythm of his heartbeat was the only sound in the room. His face was hardly recognizable, and black and blue bruises covered his beautiful face. His tender lips were cracked and split. Mateo wanted to pick him up and cradle his body against his own. He carefully placed his hand over John's trying not to disturb the IV which was inserted into the top of his hand. John's nose was covered in a nose brace

The doctor stood beside Mateo, "His nose is broken, he has a slight concussion, and three of his ribs are cracked." Doctor Ted Stewart placed his hand on Mateo's shoulder as he continued to speak, "Mateo, he was raped. He was torn and the healing process will take time." Mateo's body began to shake as he listened to the doctor explain John's injuries. He felt a gentle squeeze on his shoulder, "He's going to be fine. Your boyfriend is a very strong person." Mateo began to cry, "Who did this? What kind of person would hurt could do this?" His questions went unanswered. He stood looking down at the still form of his lover.

He lowered his lips, and gently brushed against John's lips. John's body stirred but he remained asleep. Gently, Mateo ran his finger tips across John's cheek. "I love you baby." he said in a hushed tone.

Mateo, then, did something that he hadn't done in a long time. He knelt, bowed his head and crossed himself. He began his prayer. "Dear God, please help John. We both need you right now. I know that I haven't been a very good person, but please, he needs your help. I love him so much; I hate to see him like this." Mateo's shoulders began to shake as he sobbed. Doctor Ted and Officer Carl stood behind Mateo holding hands with their heads bowed saying their own silent prayers. They both saw the wonderful love Mateo had for John. Tear drops rolled down their cheeks, as they felt Mateo's pain.

Mateo jerked his head up when he felt the pressure on his hand. John had squeezed his lover's hand. Mateo stood up quickly. "John?" he looked for any signs of movement. Again, he felt John's hand squeeze his. "John, are you awake?"

A small moan came from John's mouth. He opened his swollen eyes. He tried to smile but the pain was intense. "Where am I?" His voice was a whisper. "I'm so thirsty." was his next statement. Mateo's voice cracked as he spoke, "Hi babe, you're in the hospital. You were brought here by ambulance. John, someone attacked you." Mateo's eyes filled with tears as he tried to explain what had happened. John's deep blue eyes found his lovers. "What happened?" The doctor stepped up to the bed next to Mateo. "Hello John, I'm doctor Stewart. You were brought in about an hour ago. You may have some memory loss. Your head took quite a hit. You have a slight concussion. You're going to have a nasty headache when the pain medicine wears off." John groaned as he tried to turn his head, "Yeah, I can feel it already."

Officer Carl stepped up to the bed, "Hi John, I'm Officer Collins, would you mind if I asked you a few questions?" John looked into Mateo's eyes; Mateo squeezed his hand telling him that he wasn't going anywhere. "OK" was his reply.

"We have a statement form your friend Gino DeAngelo, according to him you left the restaurant around 11:15 pm. Can you tell me what happened, after you left?" John shifted in the bed; he looked, from the officer, to the doctor and then back to the officer, "I can't remember. The last thing I remember is saying good bye to Gino. After that, it's just a blank until I woke up here." Officer Collins closed his memo book, and placed it back in his chest pocket. He reached into his other pocket and pulled out his card giving it to Mateo, "Take this, and when he begins to get his memory back, give me a call and we'll come and take his statement." Before giving him the card Carl turned it over and wrote something on the back, "I put my home number on the back if you need anything give me a call." Mateo took the card and put it in his pocket. "Thank you." he said with a slight smile on his face.

Mateo turned his attention back to John. He gave John a sip of water. After a few minutes John was asleep again. Mateo stood by the bed caressing his lover's face.

"Two more minutes Mateo." Doctor Stewart said. "He really needs to get his rest."

"OK Doctor" was Mateo's only response. He looked up into the glass cabinets near John`s bed. He smiled when he saw the doctor and the officer share a quick kiss in the reflection of the glass. "Don't forget to call Mateo. We want to get who ever did this to John." Officer Collins said. "Yes sir." Mateo said.

Once more Mateo leaned over John's face. He kissed John's lips and forehead. "I love you baby, we're going to get the bastard that did this. I promise you. You get well and I'll be back as soon as I can. I called your parents and they're on their way."

Mateo backed away from the bed. He didn't want to leave him alone. He wanted to stay and care for his John. Finally he walked out of the room and into the lobby of the emergency room. Gino and PT were anxiously waiting for his return.

He talked with his friends, and brought them up to date on John's condition. "Gino, do you remember seeing anyone outside the restaurant before John left?" Gino shrugged his shoulders, "No I don't, I didn't see anything. The only reason I even knew it was John was because I saw all the activity on the corner, and went to see what was going on. I'm sorry Mateo, maybe if I had offered him a ride home, then none of this would have happened." Gino's face was a mask of concern, and tears began to roll down his face. Mateo pulled him into a hug, "Gino, it's nobody's fault. Don't blame yourself. The only one to blame is the bastard that did this." Mateo's voice was filled with anger as he spoke to his friends. "If I ever find out who did this, I don't know what I'll do." His body was tense with anger. PT stepped up to Mateo, and looked straight into his eyes, "Mateo, don't do anything stupid. I know you want to get the fucker that did this to John, but don't make matters worse by trying to get back at the dude. You might end up really hurting him and if that happens you'll get into a load of trouble. I hate to say this, but let the police handle it."

PT saw Mateo's eyes begin to glisten with moisture. He surrounded Mateo in his arms as his body began to shake with emotion. "You're right PT, but he looked so helpless in that bed. He looks like a truck ran over him." Mateo said into PT's chest. "Why did it happen to him? He didn't deserve this. This is all fucked up." PT tried to comfort him as he cried into his chest. "Mateo, John's a very strong guy. He'll pull through this." He rubbed Mateo's back as his sobbing subsided. "Why don't you go to the men's room and clean up." Mateo stepped back wiping his face with the palms of his hands. "OK, I'll be right back." He walked like he was in a daze. PT turned to Gino, "I'm going to go with him babe, see if you can find some coffee. It's going to be a long night." Gino nodded his head, "OK." he smiled at his boyfriend, "You were really nice to him. I'm glad that you're here for him." PT smiled, his face blushing, "Thanks babe." They kissed quickly and headed off in different directions.

He sat under the hot scalding water watching the remnants of blood wash down the drain, and vanish forever. He was still numb from tonight's catastrophe. It wasn't his own blood he watched. It was John's blood that disappeared down the drain. He had hoped that the shower would wash away the horrible feeling of what he had done. It failed miserably, and he realized it was going to take a lot more than hot water and soap to wash away the guilt and shame that he was feeling. He continued to sit with his arms around his knees, as the water ran over his naked body.

`What am I going to do?' he had asked himself that question hundreds of times after he left John in the alley. He had walked in a daze back to his dorm room, not knowing how he found his way back. He was grateful for his private bathroom. He didn't want to face anyone tonight. "Why did I do it? What kind of person am I?' These questions echoed in his mind as he sat under the shower.

He lowered his head and wept. He knew he had to go to the police and turn himself in. He had wrestled with the thought all night long. It was his only option. John had seen his face he knew who he was. It was only a matter of time, until the police would be knocking at his door. He stood up shut the water off and grabbed a towel. He quickly dressed and was out the door in 15 minutes. Ten minutes later, he pulled his car up outside the police station, and walked into the building.

He was scared as he walked into the station. He envisioned himself in a prison cell. Alone and afraid, he knew he had to do something. He wanted to turn and run, but he knew that wasn't an option. He needed to tell someone what he had done. He walked into a small office. There was a small desk with an officer behind it. It was nothing at all like he imagined it would be. He thought he would see some majestic looking desk with an old crabby cop answering calls from concerned citizens. Instead there was a plain desk, with a regular looking guy, in a uniform, doing some paper work. He stepped up to the desk and took a gulp. It sounded like he had swallowed a watermelon. The officer looked up into his eyes. "May I help you?" He asked as he eyed the young man standing in front of him.

"Um...yeah, I need to talk to somebody. I did something and I need to tell you and well, um..." The officer put down the pen and turned his attention to the young man. "Well what did you do?" He asked expecting to hear about some kind of prank or joke that might have gotten out of hand. He was never prepared for what was next.

He nervously stroked his forehead. Looking down at the floor he began to shake, "Um...I...I..." Tears began to roll down his cheeks. His voice shook, he looked at the officer with pleading eyes, "I...I...never meant to hurt him, it...I...I only wanted to talk to him...honest, I don't know why I lost it. You have to believe me. I never wanted to hurt him." The officer stood from his chair. "Hold on Son, let's start with your name, and then we'll figure out where to go from there. " Patrick O'Dell." The officer motioned for another Officer to come help him. "OK Patrick why don't you go with Officer Chavez, he'll help you and you can tell him about what happened.

He followed Officer Chavez into an interview room and was seated at a table. Chavez looked at him and asked if he had any ID, he quickly took out his wallet and gave the officer his driver's license.

The officer looked at him "OK, Mr. O'Dell, what seems to be the problem?"

At 2:30 in the morning Adam and Shelia Clark entered the hospital. They looked exhausted, but were anxious to hear any news about John. Mateo's phone call had come, just as they were getting ready for bed. They had planned to leave Saturday morning, to go back to Phoenix, after spending the week with Adam's brother. Mateo had been crying, when he'd called to tell them that John had been attacked. The first thought Shelia had, was that this must be a gay related attack. Someone had hurt her son because he was gay. She cursed the person who had done this to her baby. On the road to the hospital Mateo had called again to update them on his condition. He had explained his injuries, and the fact that he had been raped. Sheila began to cry when she heard about the rape. She couldn't fathom anyone who could do that to another human being. Bones would mend, but being raped was much more serious. She prayed that the rapist would be caught, and hung by his balls.

They exited the elevator on the fourth floor. The hallways were empty. They walked, quietly, to the nurse's station. Adam spoke with the nurse behind the desk.

"Hello my name is Adam Clark, we were directed here; we're here to see our son."

The older black nurse smiled, "What's your son's name, honey?" Adam told her, and she stood, to lead them to John's room. "That nice young man has been here all night. I told him to go home and get some rest but he said he wasn't leaving him alone." They followed her down and around the corner. They immediately saw Mateo sitting in the hallway in a chair. His body was slumped over he looked very uncomfortable. Shelia walked over to him and placed her hand on his shoulder, "Mateo." She rubbed his back as he stirred in the chair. His eyes were puffy, as he looked up at the Clarks. He jumped to his feet.

"Hi" he said before giving her a hug. He turned to Adam, "He...he.. I should have been th...there.."

Adam pulled him into a hug. "It's no ones fault son." He felt Mateo's body shake, and placed his hand on the back of Mateo's head, gently stroking his hair. "Shhh... it's OK son." The nurse looked at the touching scene with sadness in her eyes. "His vital signs are strong. The doctor expects him to make a full recovery." She said, trying to cheer up the sorrowful trio. "You can see him but only for five minutes. The IC unit has awful rules. I won't mind if you take 10 minutes." she winked, and smiled. She led them to John's bedside. The room was dark but they managed to make it to his bed. She turned on the light over the bed. John lay there, peacefully sleeping. A small weeping sound spilled from Shelia's throat. She looked down at the abused form of her only son. "Oh Adam, who did this to our sweet boy?" Adam slipped his arm around her and tried to comfort his distraught wife. "He's a fighter babe, he's going to be OK." he said, trying to convince his wife. "He's going to be just fine." He said that for his own peace of mind. The nurse moved around the bed straightening the bed covers. She took John's vitals and was pleased that everything seemed normal. She gave the trio a warming smile as she slipped out of the room. "Any more updates from the police?" Adam whispered to Mateo. Mateo shook his head, "Nothing. They don't know anything."

At that moment, the nurse returned, "The police are back and they're looking for you." She looked at Mateo. "I think they have more questions."

They all filed out of the room and into the hallway to meet Officer Collins, he'd returned without his partner.

Mateo introduced the Clarks to the Police Officer.

After the introductions Officer Collins suggested they go to the hospital cafeteria. He had more questions for Mateo. The mention of coffee seemed like a good idea. They took the elevator down to the second floor and walked into the cafeteria. They all sat around the table sipping the hot beverage. Finally Officer Collins spoke. "Mateo, do you know anyone by the name of Patrick O'Dell?" Mateo thought for a moment, and, finally, shook his head, "No I don't. What does this have to do with what happened tonight?"

Officer Collins placed his cup down on the table and took his memo pad from his pocket. Reading from his pad, he spoke, "When we returned to the station tonight, there was already a suspect in custody. He told another officer that he had hurt someone, and that he was there to turn himself in. Mateo's eyes widened, "Did you arrest him?" Officer Collins shook his head. "We haven't arrested anyone." Officer Collins cleared his throat, "Ted, I mean Doctor Stewart, preformed what we call a "rape kit" on John. Samples of DNA and hair were taken from his anus and the surrounding area. If the DNA matches the suspects DNA then we have a case. At the moment John is the only one that might identify him. Currently we're holding him for 24 hours. If we don't get an ID from John then we'll be forced to set him free. The DNA tests will take about five days."

He flipped through his memo pad pulling out a photograph. "I've a picture, of the suspect, for John to look at. It's our only chance." Shelia grabbed Adams hand, "May we see the picture officer?" He handed the photo to the Clarks, "I don't know this boy." She said as she looked at the picture of a red headed, young, green eyed man. She looked at her husband's face and said "Babe?" Adam Clark shook his head as he looked at the young man. Mateo spoke, "May I see the picture?" Adam gave him the photograph of the suspect. He looked at the picture, "This can't be right. I know this guy." His hands began to shake as he looked at the photo of John's attacker, "No I...I can't believe this."

Officer Collins spoke up, "Mateo do you know this kid?" Mateo sat there for a full minute, trying to work out what was going on. "Mateo, do you know who this is? This guy is saying he attacked John." Officer Collins repeated the question. Mateo looked at him and nodded his head. Right now, all he could feel was rage. How could he have done this to his John? Mateo stood up, his rage building, "FUCK!" He yelled, "Fuck!" he repeated. He began to pace. "Mateo please sit down" Officer Collins said as he tried to get a hold of the situation. Mateo continued to pace around the room. "I should have known. I should have stopped it." Adam stood and placed his hands on Mateo's shoulders. "You know this kid?" He looked into Mateo's eyes, and could see the anger in Mateo's face. "Yeah I know who he is." He looked into Mateo's eyes, "You need to calm down. Sit back down and let's talk about this. If you're going to get angry, that's fine, but don't do anything stupid. You'll only hurt yourself and John. Mateo knew he was right. He sat in his chair. He buried his face in his hands. Again Officer Collins spoke. "I thought you didn't know anyone named Patrick O'Dell?" Mateo spoke without looking up. "That's because I only knew him by his nick-name, "Snake"

Guys thanks for reading another chaper of John and Mateo. I finally have an editor. Ray, thank you so much for your help. You're the best! Please e-mail me and let me know your thoughts about the story. Thanks again guys. David Santibanez

Next: Chapter 16

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