John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Sep 4, 2004


Here is chapter 18 of John and Mateo. This story involves two college age young men engaging in homosexual acts. If you're under age of offended by gay love then stop reading and exit this site. You have been warned.

Chapter 18

John & Mateo

The clean morning air surrounded the small town of Glenville West Virginia. The small community awoke to the singing of the birds and the smell of approaching rain. The gloomy day matched the somber mood of Patrick (Snake) O`Dell. He had been sitting in the hallway of the courthouse for the last hour, waiting to see what his fate would be. He was guarded by an enormous court deputy. This guy's arms were like tree branches. Snake's eyes had bugged out when he first saw the behemoth of a man. He had wondered where the guy purchased shirts to fit his upper body. The buttons on the shirt looked like they were ready to launch into orbit. Snake wondered what the huge man looked naked.

Snake's attention was pulled away from the guard when the heavy doors, which led into the court room opened. David Carson, Snake's attorney emerged, talking and walking with a beautiful woman with golden blond hair. She was carrying a brief case and looked very smart in her business suit. The two attorneys walked in Snake's direction, talking very fast and with smiles on both their faces. The women was the first to speak.

"Thank you Al, we'll take it from here. You can un-cuff Mr. O'Dell."

"Sure thing Ms. Stewart. Stand up kid."

Snake stood up. He watched as the guard unlocked the handcuffs which were starting to imbed themselves into his wrists. He rubbed his wrists, trying to get the feeling back into his fingers.

David noticed Snake rubbing and gave the guard a stern look. "Next time try not to cut off the blood circulation."

The guard mumbled something and walked off, happy to be on his way and not babysitting some teenage kid.

Snake looked at David with a look of "Well, now what?"

"Snake, I want you to meet Sandy Stewart. Ms. Stewart works for the District Attorney's office. She'd like to talk to you about your future."

"OK," Snake said. He quickly thought that things had gone from bad to worse. Why would the DA's office want to talk to him? Weren't they the guys that wanted him in jail?

The trio walked down the hall into a little conference room. They all sat around a table.

"Would you like anything to drink Patrick?" Ms. Stewart asked.

"Please call me Snake Ms. Stewart, I'm more comfortable with that name. And yes, I can go for a coke."

"Sure Snake, one coke coming up." She stood and turned to David. "David, would you like anything?"

"Water sounds good right now." David replied.

Sandy Stewart walked over to a wall phone, picked up the receiver and dialed, "Yes, can you send up two cokes and one water to conference room five? . . . . Thanks."

She returned the phone to it's cradle and returned to her seat.

Once seated, she opened up her briefcase. She began to speak, "Well, Snake I'm sure you're wondering what comes next in your case. I have to admit, the DA's office wanted to put you away for a long time. Rape cases usually get 10-15 years."

She looked over at the now scared Snake. He was certain that he would be spending years in prison for what he had done to John.

She began to speak again. "But, you have some very influential friends, and a very good lawyer."

Snake wonder what she meant by her last statement. He was just about to ask her when there was a knock at the door. David walked to the door and was handed the drinks they had requested. After a few moments, everyone had their drinks in front of them. Snake took a long drink, expecting it to be his last coke for a long while.

He looked once more at Ms. Stewart and spoke, "Um, what exactly do you mean? I don't understand what you said about having influential friends."

Sandy opened her brief case and pulled out three file folders. "I have three statements from people who have some kind of connection to you. This helped your case with the judge. Let me summerize them for you." She took out a pair of golden reading glasses, and put them on. "The first one is from an Officer Carl Collins. In his statement to the court he gives his opinion on your case. He tells the court about the circumstances with your current family situation. He also gave his statement about an interview you had with the victim, John Clark."

Snake didn't know that Dr. Ted Stewart was Sandy's brother and that Ted had called in a huge favor. She had listened as he and Carl had explained to her what had happened. By the end of the conversation they all were in tears. She then agreed that she would take Snake's case and do whatever she could.

She then looked at another file folder, "The second statement is from a Pierce Turner." Snake's eyebrows shot up. He didn't think that PT still considered him his friend. "He basically is a character witness for you. He said in his statement that you're an all around "righteous" dude." Sandy laughed at the statement as she read. "He still considers you a friend."

Snake lowered his head. He was happy to hear that PT was still his friend. His eyes moistened as he remembered all the ugly things he had thought about PT. Although he never voiced his opinion, he still felt bad.

Sandy looked over at Snake. His face was a mask of sorrow. He looked like he would start crying at any moment. She continued.

"The last statement we have is from John Clark."

At the mention of John's name Snake sat straight up. He unconsciously spoke John's name. He caught himself and blushed, trying to hide his embarrassment.

Sandy pulled the thick file from the stack. "Snake, in all my years with the DA's office this has only happened one other time." She pointed to the thick pile of papers which sat on the table. This statement explains in John's own words what you did to him."

Snake's heartbeat began to increase as he remember that awful night.

Sandy continued, "He goes into great detail about the rape and how you made him feel. He describes the event as pure terror." She looked into Snake's eyes. "John thought that he was going to die that night." Her voice became thick as she continued, "He felt every blow to his body. He heard his own ribs crack. He tasted his own blood...."

Snake couldn't hold onto his emotions any longer and began to cry. His body trembled as that night replayed once more in his mind. He wanted to die right there. "Stop, please stop. I don't want to think about it." He pleaded with her. He covered his hands with his face. His body shook. He whispered into his hands, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

Unknown to Snake, in the next room, behind the mirrored glass, stood Carl and Ted. They both, silently, shed tears as they watched the heartfelt emotions in the next room. They held each other trying to comfort one another.

"Oh babe, are we doing the right thing?" Ted questioned his partner.

Carl squeezed Ted, "He needs some stability in his life right now. I think we can give it to him. It's not going to be easy, but I'm willing to try. He kissed Ted gently on the cheek.

Back in the other room there was silence. The only sounds were the soft sobs coming from Snake.

Sandy dried her tears. She noticed the trail of tears on David's face as well. She reached out and placed her hand on Snake's hand. She cleared her throat and tried to steady her voice. She spoke, "But he also writes that he forgave you." Her words were just above a whisper. She felt like she was going to lose herself to her emotions again. "He said that he doesn't blame you for anything. He said that he understood."

She withdrew her hand from his. She flipped through John's statement to the last page.

She looked at Snake with tender eyes. "Let me read to you what he wrote."

Snake sat up. David handed him some tissue. He wiped his tears and blew his nose.

She looked at him, "You ready to hear this?"

He nodded his head.

Sandy adjusted her glasses on her face.

(John's words)

"I have learned in my short life that we as human beings need the close relationships of others in our lives. Be it family, friends, or lovers, we need to be cared for, unconditionally loved and forgiven when mistakes are made.

Life is too short to be concerned about tomorrow. Tomorrow may never come. We and especially I, need to learn to live life to it's fullest. How much sorrow can one heart amass? How much pain can one person take? We as people need to lay these burdens down and focus on life. Life is too short to live with bitterness and hatred.

I know people will look at me and wonder how I can forgive Patrick (Snake) O'Dell for what he did to me. To be honest with you, I don't know. What I do know is that he, like the rest of us, needs love. So, I ask the court to try to understand. To understand that people make mistakes."

She closed the folder and looked at Snake. Sandy herself didn't understand how John could forgive Snake. She wanted to meet John Clark someday. She turned her focus back to Snake.

"Your attorney and I talked to Judge Matthews this morning, while you waited in the hall. Taking in account that this is your first offence, she has decided to be very lenient with you in this matter. Considering the circumstances with your current situation. She has decided on 5 years probation. You will not have to serve any jail time."

Snake visibly shook at her statement. His body stiffened. He looked at her with huge eyes. "No jail time?" He questioned, not believing what he had just heard.

She shook her head, "No jail time." She repeated.

She folded her hands together. "There is one more thing, since you're still considered a minor in the state's eyes, the court has ordered you into foster care.

"I'll be 18 in two months" Snake reminded her.

Sandy nodded, "Because of the probation, the court has ordered you into foster care until your 21st birthday. You will need to meet, and set up regular appointments, with a probation officer of the court. If you fail to keep any of these appointments, a warrant for your arrest will be issued and you will be placed in jail. Is that clear Snake?" She asked looking at him over her reading glasses.

"Yes M'am."

She continued, "Also I have some bad news."

She looked at Snake with compassion in her eyes. "Your father has signed over his parental rights to the state. That means that he has given you up to the state of West Virginia."

Snake slumped into his chair and shook his head. The tears began to roll down his cheeks. He couldn't believe that his father would just give him away like that.

Sandy looked into the two-way mirror, and nodded her head. She turned her attention back to Snake.

"I do have some good news. We've found a couple that is willing to take you in and be your foster parents."

At that moment there was a knock on the door. Carl and Ted walked in. Carl waved toward Snake. Snake returned the wave wondering why Officer Collins was there. Snake didn't recognize the other guy. `Must be his partner.' he thought.

Snake suddenly realized why he had come. He was there to take him to his new foster home. He had to admit it to himself, he was very nervous about meeting a new family and moving in with them. He hoped that they didn't mind having a gay foster son.

At that moment Sandy spoke. "Snake I think you already know Officer Collins. The other handsome guy is Ted Stewart. Ted is a doctor at Community General."

Snake offered his hand out and shook both Carl and Ted's hands. Now he was really confused.

He looked down as he spoke, "You guys here to take me to my new foster family?"

Carl cleared his throat, "Yup, we're here to take you to your new home."

Snaked looked at the big smile on Carl's face. He didn't have a clue as to what was going on. He turned to Ms. Stewart. "Who's going to take me in?"

She smiled, "Well, you're looking at your new foster dads."

Snaked looked at Carl and Ted, "Them?" He said pointing to Carl and Ted.

Sandy smiled, "Yes, they have agreed to take you into their home. You see, Carl and Ted are life partners."

Snake looked at Sandy and then at Carl and Ted. He then looked back at Sandy, "You mean they're queer too?" Sandy chuckled as she tried to keep as straight face, "Yes, as a three dollar bill."

This caused a roar of laughter in the room as the "Queer" joke sank in.

Snake's face was then masked in confusion. He turned to Carl and Ted, in a voice that sounded like he was about to cry he asked, "You really mean it? I'm very grateful that you're willing to take me in but I don't understand why you'd want me."

Carl looked at Snake for a second before he began to speak. "Well, we just want to help you. We know that many people don't get second chances in life. You need a family and we're willing to be there for you."

Carl glanced at Ted, for support, and then back to Snake, "You see, I was like you. Thinking I was alone. Nobody wanting me." Carl looked into Snakes green eyes. "But someone was there to help me. Someone was there to give me a second chance."

Ted slipped a loving arm around his partner, "We want to give you a second chance Snake. We want to be there for you when others weren't."

A single tear rolled down Snake's cheek. His eyes told the story of how lonely he had felt been. He had not felt needed or loved since his mother had passed away. He felt that he'd only been existing- not really living.

He slowly walked over to where the couple was standing. His head lowered to the floor as he tried to find words of gratitude. He turned his head up and looked at the two men standing before him. By this time, the tears were flowing freely. Snake stood there, for what seemed like hours, rather then seconds, as he struggled to put his thoughts into words. Finally he gave up and whispered a small "Thank you."

Both Ted and Carl were moved to tears, as well, as they saw the young man struggling with his emotions. Before anything else was said, they pulled Snake into a hug. The three stood there locked in an embrace. The two older men practically holding up their new foster-son. Snake, after years of loneliness, finally felt he belonged to a family.

Once again, tissues were handed out, and everyone cleaned up, as best they could. Both Sandy and David were touched by the scene. They were happy to be a part of the beginning of this new family.

David handed Carl and Ted some paperwork. He explained that by singing the papers that Snake would become their foster son and then they would have full guardianship over him. Also he explained that although rare, the state would also aid them financially until Snake turned 21.

After about 15 more minutes of signing paperwork, they were finally ready to leave. David shook hands with everyone and left quickly,saying he needed to meet his fiancé for dinner.

"Speaking of dinner, who else is hungry? I could eat a horse." Carl said as he rose from the table.

"You said it. I'm starved." Ted echoed.

"I can eat something too." Snake said.

"Well, that's three of us. How about you Sis?" Ted asked looking at his big sister.

Sandy looked at the three of them. "Sounds good fellas. I'll even treat. In celebration of the newest member of the family." She smiled at Snake.

"Hey free food!" Carl exclaimed. "Come on guys let's go before she changes her mind." He looked at Sandy with a silly grin. "You know lawyers, you can't trust them"

Sandy slapped him on the shoulder. "That's not true! You take that back."

Carl let out a loud "Oow" as he rubbed his shoulder.

Carl looked at her with puppy dog eyes, "Ok, ok. You win." This sent everyone into fits of laughter.

Mateo stood in the airport terminal waiting for his father. He had driven into the city to visit him, while he was on his lay-over. Rafael had a few hours to spare before his flight left for Spain. He was on his way to Madrid for business and purposely used this airport for his lay-over. He wanted to see how his son was doing after the incident with John.

He knew that Mateo loved John very much. He recalled that night, when Mateo called home crying that John had been hurt. Rafael and Anita were both shocked, and concerned, for John, as well as their son. They tried their best to comfort their distressed son. Finally after an hour on the phone, things had settled down a bit, and they were able to get the whole story of what happened to John.

The announcement of the arriving plane came over the loud- speaker. Mateo anxiously awaited the arrival of his father at the luggage claim area.

The sharply dressed Rafael Villasenor emerged from the throng of people to spot his son waving wildly with both his hands. Rafael gave him a wave back, and motioned for him to wait while he stopped, and asked an airport porter something.

Minutes later both were in an embrace as father and son finally met.

"Papi, how are you?" Mateo questioned his father.

"Ay Mijo, estoy bien. Muy Bien." (Oh son, I'm well. Very well.)

"That's so good to hear. How was the plane ride?"

"It was good, but long. I'm hungry and I need to drink something. The porter gave me the directions to a nice steakhouse near here. He said the food was good, but I'm more interested in the company." He gave his son another smile, and messed his hair.

"That sounds good Papi. I haven't eaten anything since breakfast." Mateo said as he rubbed his stomach.

"Good! Vamos a comer." (let's go eat) Rafael said as he draped his arm around his son's shoulder. The two walked out of the airport, talking and laughing. It had been a long time since Mateo had laughed. He was happy to have this much needed time with his father.

True to the porter's words, the place was fantastic. Both Mateo, and his father, ate until they felt like they were going to explode. They didn't talk much during the meal. Rafael shared the latest news of the family with him. He didn't want to push the subject of what had happened to John, unless Mateo brought up the subject.

Finally, impatience won out, and Rafael broached the subject while they were having dessert and coffee. He tried his best not to upset his son.

"Mijo, how is John? I know this must be very hard on the both of you."

Mateo nodded his head. He knew this question was coming sooner or later. "He's doing better then I am Papi. He seems to have got over what had happened to him."

Rafael interjected, "I don't think anyone can get over something like this for a very long time. You may be mistaken. Is that what he says?" He looked at his son with questioning eyes.

Mateo sat there thinking. After a few seconds he spoke, "Maybe not so much as got over it as getting past it." He looked at his father, wondering if he knew what he was trying to tell him. He, again, started talking to explain further, but was cut off by his father's words.

"I understand what you mean Mijo. He's moved on with his life. He's not letting something, like what happened to him, cripple him in any way." He nodded his head in understanding. "He's a strong boy Mijo. You should be very proud of him."

Mateo picked up his spoon and slowly began to stir the coffee, that had grown cold as they talked.

He stared at the spoon as he spoke, "He's strong Papi, much stronger then I'll ever be."

Rafael looked at his son, knowing something was troubling him. "Mateo, are you two having problems?

The stirring stopped, as Mateo looked into his father's charcoal eyes. He saw nothing but love and concern in them. He shifted in his seat as he began to speak. "No Papi, we are not having the problems. I am having the problems." He then explained to his father the feelings he was having. The outrage of what Snake had done, and the feeling of hatred he was holding inside.

"John keeps telling me that I'm making myself sick. He said that if I don't release this anger it will eat me up."

"That's true Mijo, you need to release this anger before you get sick." He picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth. "Bitterness is an monster that eats you up. If you don't get past this it will destroy you."

Mateo nodded his head in understanding. "I know, I know, it's just that when I stop and think about it, it makes me so angry."

"You need to stop thinking about it and move on." Rafael spoke to his son. "What is preventing you from doing this?"

Mateo shook his head. "Nothing is stopping me. It's just sometimes I think I want to hold on to my rage. I guess I'm using it as an excuse not to mend things with Snake."

"Mijo, you may never mend things with Snake, but you must put to rest, in your mind, the anger and bitterness that you're feeling." He reached over and placed his hand on his son's shoulder, "Do it, for John. Do it, for the love that you two share. Do it, because it is what you should do. Intiendes?" (understand?)

"Si, Papi, yo intiendo todo." (Yes, father, I understand everything)

The drive back to Glennville was time well spent for Mateo. He, again, sorted through his feelings. After the talk with his father, he was certain that he could put this behind him, and move on with his life. He finally felt that things were starting to change.

As he was driving he heard a song on the radio. "Wow, that's a great song." he said to himself. He memorized the title and told himself to stop at the music store to purchase it.

He then had a great idea and picked up his cell phone and made a quick call.

Jacob and Dot were just coming in from a early evening walk, when the phone began to ring. Jacob hurried to the phone and picked up the receiver, "Hello?"

Mateo finally arrived home about 11 that evening. His body was stiff from the long ride, and he wanted nothing else, but to take a shower and crawl into bed. He crept into the dorm room. He didn't notice any light on, so he was careful not to make any noise, incase John was sleeping.

He was right, he spied a little ball, wrapped up in blankets, on the bed. He smiled to himself as he undressed. He loved that sleeping boy so much. He grabbed a towel, and quietly left the room for the dorm showers.

Done with his shower, he was back in his room. He was ready for bed. He slipped his body between the cool sheets and released a small sigh. He turned onto his side and noticed two eyes watching him.

"Oh babe, I didn't know you were awake. Did I make too much noise?" he whispered.

John released a huge yawn. He looked so cute. He smiled, his blue eyes seemed to glow as he spoke.

"I always have a hard time sleeping when you're not here. I heard you come in earlier. How was your time with you dad?"

Mateo leaned over and kiss his tender lips. "Everything was great. He sends his love. I'm glad he made the trip to see me. I'm sorry you couldn't come with me."

John knew that Mateo needed some time alone and the visit from his father had been perfect, "I'm glad you had a good time. Maybe next time. These orchestra rehearsals on Saturdays are murder." John stretched his arms above his head. Mateo took the opportunity, and wrapped his arms around his lover's chest.

"I've missed you Guerito." He said as he kissed John's neck.

This sent a jolt of electricity through John's body. Mateo continued to kiss his neck, as John moved his hands over him. "I've missed you too."

Those were the last words he was able to get out, before Mateo's body was pressed up against his. The two kissed as John rolled on top of Mateo. Now it was John's turn. He kissed and nibbled on Mateo's tender neck. He felt Mateo's body react to the stimulus.

"Oh that feels great baby." Mateo said, as his hands moved up and down John's body. His hands found the waistband of John's boxers, and began to pull them off.

Once free of his boxers John laid his body back down onto the naked Mateo. Their hips met, and both of them took in deep breaths of air, as their hard members touched. John felt the heat radiating from Mateo's cock against his own, as their bodies began the dance of love. Mateo's hands roamed over his lover body as he passionately kiss his lover's lips. His hands came to rest on John's bubble butt. He kneaded the globes in his strong hands. He loved the feeling of John's ass in his hands.

Their bodies turned together as Mateo moved to the top position. John looked into the dark pools of his lover's eyes and smiled.

"I love you so much Mateo."

Mateo's eyes sparkled as he released a huge smile. "Te quiero mucho mi amor." (I love you very much my love).

Mateo's eyes took in the beauty of his love. His eyes showed the passion he felt in his heart. He began to kiss his way down John's chest. John released a small whimper, as he felt Mateo's mouth on his sensitive nipples. He gently kissed his way down his body. He played in his belly button for a minute, before taking John in his mouth. Mateo loved the way John tasted. John's head went back into the pillow, as he felt the warm mouth surround the head of his cock.

"Oh baby, that feels so good." Mateo's only response was a small groan, which John felt on his cock. Mateo's hands massaged John's balls as he continued his oral pleasure. Soon his tongue found the smooth ball-sac. He took one at a time into his mouth, giving John's balls a good workout.

John was going crazy as he felt the tongue on his balls. He was getting close, and didn't want it to end so soon. He moved his body into a 69 position. He had Mateo's hard uncut cock near his mouth. There was a huge drop of precum on the tip. John took the huge member into his hand, and guided in into his waiting mouth. The taste of his lover was sweet, and together with his manly smell, turned John into a hungry animal.

Mateo took his mouth off John's balls as he felt the hot mouth on his cock. John's hand wrapped around the hard cock, jerking it as his mouth continued to suck.

"Oh babe that feels good! Don't stop!" Mateo managed to say, between huge gulps of air. John continued, as his other hand began to play with his lover's shaven balls. He loved the smoothness of Mateo's balls.

Both were giving each other more pleasure. Mateo began playing with John's smooth hole. He lubed up his index finger and inserted it into the tight hole. He heard John's reaction, "Oh fuck, that feels great babe. Yeah, do it." This gave Mateo the green light, and he began to insert his finger even deeper. John's hot ass was driving him crazy. He wanted to be inside him. Mateo moved his body, so that he was, once again, positioned over his lover. He began to kiss him, hungry for his lover's body.

Both of their bodies were wet with sweat. The manly smell filled the room as both of them fed off each others essence.

John wrapped his legs around Mateo's body. He wanted it, just as much as Mateo. He looked deep into his lover's brown eyes.

"Make love to me Mateo. I need you inside me."

Mateo's eyes took in his lover's face. "John, I love you so much. I want to make love to you all night long."

John pulled Mateo's lips onto his. Their tongues dueling each other. His hands found his small nipples and pinched them. This sent a shock wave through Mateo's body. "Ahh, yeah!" he said as he responded to John's touch.

John smiled, "Like that?" he had a devilish smile on his face.

"You know I do." Mateo chuckled as he kissed him again. "You ready for me?" he asked biting John's earlobe.

To answer his question, John positioned his body to prepare himself for Mateo. "Do it baby."

With out another word Mateo moved his body into position. John spread his legs apart as Mateo reached for the lube on the night stand. He applied lube to his cock and then to John's hole. Once done, he placed his cock at the entrance, and pushed in.

John's eyes glazed over with pleasure, as he felt Mateo enter his body.

Mateo released a low moan as he felt the hot walls of John's ass surround his hard cock.

He looked down at John, and watched for any signs of pain or discomfort. After all this time, Mateo never wanted to hurt him. Seeing nothing but pleasure in John's face he continued. John's legs closed around his waist. With John's help he was buried up to his balls. He rested there a minute, giving him the chance to calm down before resuming.

He felt John's ass contract around his member, giving him unbelievable pleasure.

Once again, he looked into John's eyes. He saw the hunger in them, as he began to move his body. He withdrew his cock, and then plunged it back in. He continued to long stroke John. John's body loved the feeling of Mateo's huge Latin cock inside him. Every thrust was heaven.

The slow deep thrusts slowly began to increase in speed. Mateo's body glistened with sweat as he plunged in and out of his lover's body. John looked up into his face seeing the intense pleasure on Mateo's face.

John felt Mateo hit his prostate. This was driving him closer and closer to the edge. Mateo's face was hovering over him. John reached up and brought him down to his lips. The two kissed. Mateo pulled back, looking down at John. His body moving faster. John felt he was getting close. He felt his own balls begin to rise up in his ball-sac.

"Oh baby, I'm going to cum!" Mateo groaned. His eyes locked on to John's azure eyes.

"Oh yeah babe, cum inside me! Give me your love."

John's own body reacted, "Oh Mateo I'm cumming!"

John's cock exploded between their hot bodies, spraying both of their chests and abs.

Mateo felt John's muscles squeeze his cock. The feeling was too much, and he followed John to reach his orgasm.

"Oooooh!! I'm shoooting! Mateo yelled, as he released his seed into his lover.

John felt his insides bathed in hot cum.

Mateo collapsed on top of John. Their bodies were spent from the passion of love.

Mateo's soft cock plopped out of John's worn ass. He moved to his lover's side and caressed his lips.

"Wow, that was great babe." Mateo said as he kissed John.

"Yup!" John replied still trying to recover.

They made their way to the showers. They stole a kiss as they soaped up each other's body. Mateo helped John wash his back and ass. John's cock reacted to Mateo's touch.

"You want more Guerito?"

"Maybe." John said, as he stroked Mateo semi-hard cock.

Two minutes later they were back in bed.

To be continued?

Next: Chapter 19

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