John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Oct 15, 2004


Okay here is another chapter of John and Mateo. The usual disclaimer. If you're under age or not supposed to be reading this then please stop. This story is about gay sex. If you're offended by two guys kissing and having fun then shut this page down. For others that enjoy this kind of story. Please read on.

Special thanks to Ray. Always there when I need him.

John And Mateo

Chapter 19

John and Mateo sat quietly at a table in the library, pouring over their anatomy text books. They both enjoyed the class, solely, because it was the only class they shared. Their final exams were next week, and time was running out.

John usually studied with Mateo, or sometimes, by himself. He'd dropped his study group when he realised that he didn't have the time for it; with his music lessons with Jacob, and orchestra rehearsals, his time was very limited. Also, he was sure to spend time with Mateo. John's life had changed so much in the past months.

He didn't worry too much about the final exams. He knew the subjects thoroughly and excepted to do well on his exams.

Mateo's work load was a bit lighter. He had the same amount of classes and handled them with great finesse. Mateo, also, expected to do well, despite the stereotype typically associated with jocks. His coach had lightened up on the weight training, and things were beginning to slow down as the end of the current semester approached.

The two young men had been in the library since 10 o'clock. They would soon break for lunch, and head over to meet Gino and PT at Dominick's.

The silence of the library was interrupted by the growling of Mateo's stomach. John looked at him with a smirk on his face.

"Will you please hold down the noise. I'm trying to study here." He whispered while snickering at the Latino hunk.

Mateo smiled his best smile and replied, "I'm hungry babe. Sorry. I didn't eat breakfast. What time are we meeting the guys?"

John glanced at his watch, "Um..we have to meet them at 12:30. We have about 20 minutes before we have to be there.

Mateo's smile faded, as he realised he would have to wait. He knew John had the study habits of a scholar. It was almost impossible to pull him away from anything once he had his mind on his school work.

Mateo slipped his hand under the table and placed it on John's thigh. He began to rub it, trying to distract his boyfriend. He felt John's body react.

John looked at Mateo's face. Seeing the devilish grin, he knew what his boy wanted. He closed his text book and reached for his book bag.

"C'mon you. I don't want you to starve to death."

A huge smile spread across Mateo's face. "Thanks babe."

John leaned in for a quick kiss. "You know I can't resist you." He sat back in his seat, releasing a small sigh. He looked into his eyes, "I love you." At that moment, John felt so happy to be with Mateo. He still wondered how he was so lucky to find love with the sexy boy sitting at the table.

Mateo slipped his hand further up John's thigh until he reached his crotch. He gave it a little squeeze. "I love you too." They shared another kiss.

John playfully slapped at his hand. "I'm not that kind of boy." He said taking Mateo's hand from his crotch. "I thought you were hungry?"

With a serious look on his face Mateo looked into John's eyes. "You're all the food I'll ever need." John didn't know what to say as he stared at his boyfriend. He saw the corners of Mateo's mouth start to form a grin.

At that moment, they forgot where they were, and erupted in laughter. Somewhere near them, they heard an annoyed "Shhhh"

The boys gathered their books up and started walking towards the front door. As they walked past the librarian's information desk they glanced at the white haired man shaking his head. They left quickly, trying to avoid any more bursts of laughter.

Dominick's was busy with the usual lunch crowd. Mamma and Pappa were hard at work in the kitchen, as usual, and didn't notice the red headed boy when he came into the restaurant. Snake was seated at a table amidst the other hungry patrons. He wanted to eat, but he was also hoping to run into PT and John while he was here. He hadn't been in Dominick's since before the attack on John.

Snake sat there sipping his water as he waited. He finally spotted PT near the kitchen entrance. He was hoping to catch his attention but soon realised that PT had already seen him. PT approached the table with apprehension. He waved his hand at Snake as he stepped up to the table.

"Hey dude. What's up?" PT said as he stood there not knowing what else to say.

Snake stood up and extended his right hand towards PT. "I just wanted to come and say thank you for what you did for me. I know you didn't have to do it." He shook hands with him as he spoke. He stopped the handshake but didn't let go of PT's hand. Snake looked into his eyes, "Thanks dude."

PT flashed him a big grin. "Dude, we're cool, OK? If John can forgive you, then why shouldn't I. We all need people in our lives. I hope I'm still a part of yours."

Snake nodded his head, "You're still my friend PT. You always will be."

Snake looked around the restaurant nervously, "Is John around? I'd like to talk to him and thank him too."

PT looked at his watch, "They should be here any minute. We meet here almost every day for lunch. I'll let him know that your here, and looking for him"

"Cool dude, thanks." Snake said as he sat down again.

PT pulled out a chair "Do you mind if I sit?"

Snake shook his head "Nah dude, go ahead."

The two friends talked for a while. Snake told PT all that had happened in his life. Starting with the courthouse and his new dads, ending with how his own dad had rejected him.

"Dude that totally sucks, what your dad did to you."

Snake slowly nodded his head in agreement. "I'm just glad Carl and Ted were there for me. They saved my life. I don't know what I would have done if they hadn't come along."

PT looked at him and smiled, "Dude, I didn't even know you were gay. You hid it so well." PT said.

"Yeah, I know. But I am. It's what I am, and I have to start living with the truth. I'm tired of living a lie." He looked at PT as he continued, "I wish I were straight, but I know I'm not, so why try and be something that I'm not?"

PT nodded his head in understanding. "Yeah, I know what you mean." When I first realised I was gay, I tried to deny it. But you know what really changed my mind about all of it?"

"What?" Snake said as he shook his head no.

"It was the love that I saw between John and Mateo."

Snake looked at his friend, "Really, you changed your way of thinking because of them?

PT grinned, "Dude, you don't even know do you?" Snake looked at him with questioning eyes, "Don't know what?"

PT did something he'd never done before. He placed his hand on top of Snake's. "Dude, some of that love was shared with you, when John forgave you. Don't you know that after what you did, that takes a lot of guts, and I'd say, some pretty heavy love, to be able to forgive. Wouldn't you?"

Snake looked down at the white and red chequered tablecloth, "Yeah I know what you mean Bro" Snake moved his hand from under PT's hand and placed it on top. "Um..You didn't have to write what you did. It means a lot."

PT grinned at his friend, "Dude, it's all true. You're a good guy. You just don't know it."

At that time John and Mateo walked in. Snake immediately spotted them and began to feel the nervousness return to his body. John didn't notice him sitting there but Mateo did.

Mateo stopped. John looked at him with questioning eyes. He came up to him, "What's wrong? Looks like you lost your favorite toy." John followed Mateo's gaze and realized what had happened.

"Mateo, please don't be upset. Let's sit down, and don't let this ruin our lunch."

Neither of the boys noticed PT sitting with Snake, until he stood up. He walked towards them. "Hey guys what's up?" He smiled, bumping fists with John and then Mateo.

"We're both starving. What does Mamma have on the stove?" John said trying to distract Mateo's thoughts from Snake.

Mateo turned to John and PT, "Stay here. I'll be right back."

Not waiting for any reply from them, he walked off in the direction of Snake.

Snake saw Mateo approaching, and became nervous. He stood up, anxiously, and wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans. Mateo didn't look too happy to see him.

Snake began to speak, but Mateo held up his hand, "Follow me."

Mateo turned and walked towards the back room. The boys had been using the back room as their personal lunch room.

John and PT followed close behind Mateo and Snake, as they made their way to the back room.

Mateo walked in to see the table where they usually ate lunch. The white tablecloth and napkins looked elegant. Even though it was just for lunch, Mamma always used the best for family. He stood behind one of the empty chairs and pulled it out.

With all his strength and will power Mateo turned to Snake. "Sit, please have lunch with us."

Snake stood there wondering if he heard right. "You want me to have lunch with you guys?"

Mateo nodded his head. Almost instantly, Mateo's face softened as he looked at Snake, the feelings of hate and anger gone. Mateo gestured towards a chair, he spoke, his words barely above a whisper. "Please sit down." He motioned for him to sit.

At that moment Mateo looked at John. Tears were rolling down his face. Mateo walked over to him and pulled him into a loving embrace. "What's wrong babe?" He asked in a tender voice.

John looked up at him with watery eyes. "I love you so much. Thank you." John closed his eyes and kissed him sweetly. "I'm so proud of you."

Mateo blushed, as he remembered there were other people in the room. He was going to reply to John, but before he could, his stomach growled with another pang of hunger.

This caused everyone in the room, including the bewildered Snake to laugh.

At that moment, Mamma Anna and Gino appeared in the doorway with lunch. Pizza was on the menu today, and they came in holding four huge pizzas. Gino hesitated a bit when he saw Snake at the table. He looked at PT with questioning eyes. PT returned his look with an "it's OK" smile.

"Prego, prego boys!" (welcome) Mamma said, as she set the pizzas down on the table, with a little help from John. She looked at Snake and smiled.

"How are my boys today eh?" She stood back with her hands on her hips.

"We're good Mamma. John spoke.

"Good, good." She smiled big. "Sit, sit, before the food gets cold, eh?"

Once everyone was seated, Mamma stood behind Mateo and Snake. She placed one hand on Mateo's shoulder and the other on Snake's.

"Today boys it's a celebration. School, she's almost over. Time to start for summer break time. It's eh time to enjoy with people who are friends and eh family. She squeezed both boys' shoulders. She smiled down at Mateo and Snake. They couldn't resist returning her smile. "I'm es so happy to be here with my boys." She stepped back from the table "Now, eat. I want to see all pizza gone." She waved her hands in the air as she walked to the door.

She didn't receive any argument as the boys quickly reached for the hot pizza.

Mamma looked back once more at the group at the table. She said a silent prayer for each of her boys. She sent one up especially for the newest boy, with the flaming red hair.

During lunch, everyone talked about the upcoming class finals, and their plans for the summer. John and Mateo were planning to visit Mexico, again. John said his tan was fading, and needed the time in the sun. Mateo quickly agreed with him, and playfully called John a ghost. Mateo got a stern look from John, which turned into a cute grin.

After a few weeks in Mexico, they planned to spend some time in Tucson, with John's parents.

Gino and PT were planning to stay in town, and help with the operation of the restaurant. They both wanted to give Mamma and Pappa some time off. They were actually going to send them on a mini vacation. Mamma had a sister in Florida and was always saying that she wanted to visit her. With the college on summer break, business at the restaurant slowed down a bit. Gino was confident that he could handle things while Mamma and Pappa were away.

It was a surprise, so he told the guys not to mention anything to the older couple.

"What are you doing this summer?" John asked Snake.

"I'll be going to summer school. I have some credits that I need to make up. I'll be taking two classes, "World geography, and Music appreciation." If I don't pass these two classes I wont be able to play ball in the fall. Other than that, I don't have any other plans for summer. I'm looking for a job too. I need some spending cash. I don't have a bank account anymore.

Gino spoke up, "Hey, you can always come work here. We're losing a couple of guys. They're going home on summer break. We could use the help."

Snake smiled, "Really? That would be cool Gino. Thanks man." He said. "I'll have to check with my dads."

"Cool. Let me know. I'll talk to Mamma and Pappa."

"So the school is going to let you play football in the summer? Mateo asked.

Snake told them that he was allowed to return next year and play football. The coach had talked with the Dean Henderson, and told him that Snake could lead the team to state finals. The Dean had agreed to let Snake play, as long as he kept himself out of trouble. Mateo agreed that the team really needed him back.

They began to talk about getting together Friday night, for dinner at the restaurant. "Sort of like a last super before school is out." PT said between bites of food.

"Sounds good. Why don't we invite everyone? Have a big `finals are over-summer break' party." John said with excitement in his voice.

"That sounds like a plan John. Don't worry about the food guys, I'm sure Mamma will insist on cooking it." Gino said.

"Don't let her do all the work dude, we want her to enjoy the party too, and she wont if she's tired from cooking." Mateo added looking at Gino.

"No worries dude. Big hunk here and I will help." Gino said as he placed an arm around PT.

PT looked at him, swallowing his last bite of pizza, "Thanks babe. I'd love to help." He said as he rolled his eyes and shook his head..

Gino reached around with his free hand, and pinched PT's right nipple. "You'll help, and you'll enjoy every minute. He released the nipple from his vice-like grip.

PT's body reacted, and doubled over, as he felt the iron grip of his boyfriend. He sat up, rubbing his nipple. "I'll enjoy it, if it's as good as what you just did to me. You gave me a woody." PT smirked.

"Perv!" Gino shouted as he slapped PT's arm.

This sent everyone rolling in laughter.

"C'mon guys, get a room." Snaked joked.

"Yeah, get a room." Mateo agreed. He turned to Snake, "If it was up to them they'd be doing on the table right in front of us."

PT looked at Mateo. "You're totally right dude." He laughed while placing a passionate kiss on Gino's lips. He looked into his eyes with love. "Isn't that right babe."

Still under the spell of PT's kiss, Gino mumbled something that sounded like, "Oh yeah."

Another burst of laughter filled the room as everyone stood up.

Snake walked over to John and Mateo. "I almost forgot. I wanted to thank you for what you did. Writing that statement saved my life. If you ever need anything. All you have to do is ask. I mean it." He looked at John and then at Mateo. He extended his hand. John took it and smiled, "Thanks Snake, but you don't owe me anything. All I ask it that you remember this time in your life, don't forget it."

Snake nodded his head, "I wont ever forget any of this." Finished with his hand shake, he extended his hand to Mateo.

Mateo looked down at his hand, and then into Snake's eyes. He took Snake's hand in his. As they began to shake , Mateo pulled the surprised Snake into a hug. Mateo knew all about the problems and hurt this boy had gone through. He didn't know why but he tried to hug some of that pain away. He no longer hated Snake.

Snake's arms slowly surrounded Mateo's body. Snake began to cry, and Mateo felt his body begin to shake.

Mateo squeezed a little harder, trying to tell Snake that he understood.

For a full minute, they embraced. John's hands held them both. Mateo and Snake slowly broke apart, they both wiped away tears and smiled.

"Those'd better be happy tears." John said as he wiped a lone tear from his own face.

Snake smiled, "Yup, these are happy tears."

"Good, cuz those are the best kind." John replied. He slipped an arm around Mateo's waist.

"How you doing babe?" He asked with concern in his voice.

Mateo pulled John into an embrace, "Perfect." He said as he kissed him.

The rest of the week John and Mateo worked on packing things away and shipping them off to storage. They both thought that putting their stuff in a local storage unit was easier than shipping everything home. Mateo didn't want to bother with customs. They both decided to pay the three months storage in advance and travel lite. They decided to drive to Tucson in John's truck and spend time with his parents before flying down to Mexico. Sheila and Adam were happy to hear that their two sons were coming home.

Both of the young college men felt that their final exams went well. They would have to wait for their grades, but neither one of them was worried.

Friday finally arrived. Mateo's surprise for John was all set up, and he couldn't wait to see how John would react.

As always, John was anxious for the party to begin. Mateo told him to take a "chill pill" before he exploded.

John had no clue to what the surprise was, and Mateo didn't share it with anyone but Jacob and Chris.

Earlier that day they loaded up the last of the boxes in John's truck and took them to storage. The only things left in the room were their suitcases and the bedding on the bed. They planned on leaving Saturday morning after breakfast.

When it came time to leave for the restaurant Mateo sent John on without him.

"I'll meet you at Dominick's. I need to drive the Mustang over. Gino and PT are going to take care of it for the summer." He said hoping John would leave him without any questions.

"OK babe, I'll see you in a little while."

"I'm just going to check the oil and fluids. It shouldn't take too long."

John kissed his man, sweetly, and headed out the door.

As soon as John's truck was out of sight, Mateo ran to his car. He grabbed a bag out of the trunk, and went back to the room. In a matter of minutes, he had filled the room with candles. He placed candles near the bed, on the floor, and on the desks. Next, he changed the sheets on the bed. He replaced the ordinary white sheets with red satin sheets. He borrowed a ice bucket from the restaurant. He placed two crystal flutes along with an ice bucket near the bed and placed a bottle of champagne in it. When he was done he stood back and smiled. "He's gonna love this." He giggled as he thought out loud.

He grabbed his cell phone and called Jacob. After the second ring Jacob picked up.

"Hello?" Jacob said as the answered the phone.

"Hi, it's me. Are we all set for tonight?" Mateo asked. He was starting to feel nervous about tonight.

"Oh hi Mateo, yes it's all set. Chris and I will be there.

Mateo was glad that Jacob and Chris were getting along so well. They had been dating since John's concert back in April. Jacob suggested to Mateo that Chris accompany them on his guitar. Jacob shared with him about Chris' talent with the guitar.

"He has very fast fingers. He's good on the piano but he's a genius on the guitar."

They had practised over the last month. Mateo wanted this surprise to knock John off his feet.

They all worked very hard and the song that he was to sing was perfect.

Mateo smiled, "OK Jacob I'll see you and Chris there tonight. You guys are the greatest."

"OK babe, we'll see you there. Remember it's a secret."

Mateo laughed, with excitement in his voice. "I know. I just hope he likes it."

"Don't worry, he'll love it. Bye. See you in a little while."

Mateo said his goodbye and headed out the door.

People filled the back room of Dominick's restaurant. The room, as usual looked very elegant. There were four tables set up, all with gleaming crystal, and sparkling silverware. Gino and PT took charge of the room, and it looked wonderful. Mamma commented that this room looked better than the front of the restaurant. The comment was well received by both boys, and resulted in huge grins.

People started arriving around 6 o'clock.

Snake came in with Officer Collins and Dr. Stewart. They looked different in their street clothes. PT and Gino greeted them.

"Sup dude? PT asked as he bumped fists with Snake.

"Not much PT. You know my two dads?" He gestured behind him.

" Hi I'm Pierce Turner, PT for short and this is my boy Gino."

"Prego, nice to meet you. I already know you." He looked at Carl with a smile.

Hand shakes were shared all around.

Snake pulled PT aside, "I have two more guests coming. Is that cool? They're my attorney David Carson and his fiancée, and Ted's sister, Judy.

"It's cool dude. The more the merrier. I'll tell the guys out front to keep an eye out for them."

"Thanks dude." Snake said, as he placed a hand on PT's shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

Soon, everyone had arrived. The room was filled with chatter and laughter.

"I hope the food comes soon, I'm starving." Mateo said, as he munched on his third bread stick.

John gave him a cute smile, "Dude, you're like a bottomless pit. I don't think anything can fill you up."

Mateo glanced around him, he leaned in towards John's ear, "I know something that can take away my hunger." He looked at John with raised eyebrows.

John blushed at his remark, "Yeah, I know what you need." He leaned over and gave his boy a quick kiss. "You horn dog. Don't you ever think of anything else?"

Mateo smiled, "Not when you're around."

At that moment the waiters brought in the carts of food. The tables were set up in a buffet style The aromas quickly filled the room, and stomachs reacted with growls for the tasty meal.

Mamma Anna stood up, and clinked her glass. The room became quiet.

"I want to thank you all for eh coming tonight, to celebrate the end of the school. Pappa and I want to wish you all a happy time. You all are eh family to us." Mamma's voice was filled with emotion, "We had some good times and some bad times. Eh? But we-a have a family to love us. I'ma very happy. Thank you boys eh? You all bring joy to my life." She raised her glass, "Salute" Everyone raised their glass and echoed her thoughts. "Now let's eat!" she said bringing her hands together in a single clap. Applause filled the room.

Dinner was fantastic and the room quieted down as people were soon busy eating.

After dinner, Jacob walked over to the table where John was sitting, "Are you going to play for us tonight?"

John looked at his teacher, "I hadn't planned on anything. Should I?"

Jacob smiled, "Oh, I think you should."

John walked up to the platform. He walked up to the mic, "Um.. hi guys, I've been asked to play. I want to play one of my favorites. It's called, "Clair de Lune" by Claude Debussy.

John walked to the piano bench. He noticed the guitar and amp but didn't think too much about it. He figured someone else was going to play.

He seated himself on the piano bench and took a deep breath. There was not another sound in the room as all eyes were focused on him.

The music began softly. John's body moved to the rhythm. His eyes were closed, as the wondrous melody filled the room.

Everyone in the room was pulled into the magic of his music. The soft music relaxed them as they listened to John's wonderful playing. Some were reminded of summertime, others imagined calm ocean. Still, others were reminded of childhood fairly tales.

Mateo sat, his heart filled with joy for his John. His heart was touched by every note struck on the piano. John locked eyes with him, for a moment. A smile across his face as he played for Mateo. His eyes spoke of the immeasurable love he had for him.

The music faded. Everyone was still under it's spell. The room was quiet. Pappa Mario stood up. "Bravo, bravo." His clapping was joined by the others in the room. John stood up from he piano, and took a little bow.

"Thanks guys." He said.

John walked back toward the table. Stopping on the way to shake hands and receive other thank-yous from people.

Jacob stood up and quickly stood up at the mic.

"We have a very special surprise for you tonight. Chris, will you join me on stage?" Chris stood up and walked up to the platform. He slipped the guitar around his body, and sat down on a chair next to the piano. Jacob turned to Chris, "Are you ready?" He asked. Chris nodded, "Yup."

Jacob turned back to the room. "OK let's do this."

That was Mateo cue to stand up and head for the platform. John's eyes were filled with a million questions, as he wondered what Mateo was up to. Mateo stood at the mic.

"Hi, I want to sing a special song tonight. I first heard it while driving home, after visiting my dad. I knew, when I heard it, that I needed to share it with John."

He turned to John, "Babe, I love you so much. We've had some great times together and also some rough times. I don't know what I'd do without you. You're my life and my heart. I don't know how I ever became so lucky." Mateo saw a single tear roll down John's face. "That first day I saw you sitting at that table in the cafeteria I fell in love with you. I want to sing this song for you. This is my promise to you." Mateo turned and nodded to Jacob who was now sitting at the piano. The piano began, the melody was light. Chris joined Jacob, the guitar playing a beautiful melody. Looking at John, Mateo's beautiful baritone voice filled the room.

Tomorrow morning, if you wake up

And the sun does not appear,

I...I will be here.

If, in the dark, we lose sight of love,

Hold my hand and have no fear,

Cuz I...I will be here.

I will be here

When you feel like being quiet,

When you need to speak your mind,

I will listen,

And I will be here,

When the laughter turns to crying,

Through the winning, losing, and trying

We'll be together,

Cuz I will be here.

Tomorrow morning if you wake up

And the future is unclear,

I...Iwill be here

As sure as seasons are made for change

Our lifetimes are made for years.

So, I...I will be here.

I will be here,

You can cry on my shoulder,

When the mirror tells us we're older,

I will hold you,

And I will be here,

To watch you grow in beauty,

And tell you all the things you are to me,

I will be here,

I will be true to the promise I have made,

To you and to the one who gave you to me.

I...I will be here.

And just as sure as seasons are made for change,

Our lifetimes are made for years.

So, I...

I will be here.

We'll be together,

I will be here.

(Words and music written by Steven Curtis Chapman)

During the song, Mateo had closed his eyes as he sang to John. He opened them to see his love, happy tears flowing down his face.

John moved to the platform and ran into Mateo's arms almost knocking him down. John wrapped his arms around Mateo to show him how much he loved him. Their bodies pressed together as Mateo gently caressed John's hair.

"Oh babe that was great. Thank you so much." John said looking up into his lover's brown eyes. Mateo smiled down at John, "I meant every word Guerito. I'm here no matter what." Ignoring the rest of the room, Mateo placed both his hands on John's face. He leant in and kiss his boy passionately. They hugged. Mateo whispered in his ear, " I want to grow old with you."

John squeezed him tighter as the words filled his mind.

"Oh babe, I love you so much. I will always be here for you. I promise."

The room seemed to fade back into reality as they both stood there. Everyone had heard their words and knew that John and Mateo's love would last a very long time. Tears were shed by others, as they watched the special love, that only true lovers can share.

Mateo heard someone blow their nose and turned to see who it was. He saw Jacob wiping his nose. "I'm a sucker for a good love story." he said as he wiped his eyes with a tissue.

Everyone seemed to agree with Jacob, as they too realised they had witnessed a true love story.

Later that evening, Mateo led John into the dorm building. He had given Gino and PT instructions to come back to the room and light all the candles. They stopped outside the door and kissed.

"Did you have a good time at the party?" He asked John.

"The best time of my life. I wish this night didn't have to end."

Mateo took John's hands and lifted them to his lips. "It doesn't have to end."

Mateo opened the door. The fragrance of roses filled their senses as they entered the room.

"How?" Was John's only question.

"I did this when I sent you to the restaurant. Plus I had a little help from PT and Gino."

Mateo looked at John in the glow of the candle light. His azure eyes danced with the flames from the candle light. He kissed John tenderly as he undressed him. John stood naked before Mateo. His skin flawless. Mateo picked John up in his arms and carried him to the bad. He gently placed him on the cool satin sheets and kissed his lips and neck. This drove John wild as he felt his lover's lips caressed his neck.

Mateo stood up and smiled down at John as he undressed. He stood naked before him. His muscular body catching the candle light. John's breath caught in his throat as he saw his beautiful Mateo stand before him.

Mateo lowered his body on top of John's body. The two kissed as both their hands began to roam over each of the others body. Their tongues duelled as Mateo inserted his tongue into John's mouth. "I love you John Clark." He whispered.

John's eyes looked into his with pure love as he answered him, "Oh Mateo, you are everything to me." His words were lost as Mateo once again kiss his tender lips.

They rolled over so that John was now on the top of Mateo. His hands caressed the hard muscles of Mateo's chest. He felt John's warm tongue on his left nipple as John played with the right.

"Mmm, that feels great babe." He said as he ran his fingers through John's blond hair.

John kissed and licked his way down Mateo's body. He played with his navel and tongued his black treasure trail. John wrapped his fingers around Mateo's nine inch cock and gently began kissing the shaft. He rolled the foreskin up and down over the huge head as Mateo moaned with pleasure. John slide the tip into his warm mouth. The musky smell of Mateo flooded his nostrils. John slid his tongue under the skin and tasted the precum which collected there.

Mateo moaned as he felt John's tongue lick at his cum slit.

John opened his mouth and took his cock down his throat. He moved up and down on the shaft. Mateo began to breath harder. The air rushing in and out of his lungs.

"Babe if you continue like that I'm going to cum." He warned his lover.

John slowed his manipulation on Mateo's cock. He began to lick the low hanging balls Mateo had between his strong legs. John took one and then the other into his mouth.

"Ah yeah, that feels great!" Mateo gasped.

He reached down and pulled John up to him kissing him on the lips tasting his own precum.

He looked into John's eyes, "I want you to make love to me Guerito. I want to feel you inside me."

"Are you sure? You've never had anything up there but my finger.

Mateo nodded, "I want you so bad. I need to feel you inside me."

John silently nodded and soon began kissing his way once again down Mateo's body. Mateo lifted his knees to his chest. John looked at the exposed hole. He gently ran a finger over the tight hole causing a low moan from Mateo. John lowered his head and began licking around the hole. He kissed Mateo's hole. He looked up into Mateo's face to see the pleasure he was causing. The tip of his tongue touched Mateo's hole.

Mateo felt an electric shock run through his body as John's tongue licked his virgin hole. He tongued his hole getting it wet with his spit. Finally out of desperation Mateo spoke.

"John, baby do it." he said. "I need to feel you inside me."

John positioned the head of his 7 inch cock as the entrance to Mateo's hole and gently pushed in.

"Tell me if it hurts and I'll stop." John said as he increased the pressure on Mateo's hole.

He slipped into the warmth that was Mateo's hole and let out a low groan. "Oh wow, this feels fantastic." John whispered.

Mateo felt some discomfort but it passed quickly. "Go in deeper babe." He instructed John.

John's cock was buried up to his balls inside his lover. The feeling was nothing he had felt before. His body began to take control as he moved his hips. His cock slid in and out of Mateo's tight hole. They both were groaning in pleasure at the new feeling they were experiencing.

Soon their bodies were cover in sweat. The light from the candle reflected off the sheen of their bodies.

John reached down and began to stroke Mateo's cock. He kissed his lover gently as he increased his thrusts.

"Oh John! I'm gonna shoot! Mateo yelled as he released his hot seed in between their abs and chests.

John was soon on the verge of exploding. He felt Mateo's muscles constrict around his cock. Stroking him as he slid in and out.

"Oh baby, I'm going to cum." He said as he released his cum into Mateo's ass.

Mateo held John's body as he felt the hot liquid fill his insides.

John collapsed onto Mateo.

Five minutes later they finally moved. Their bodies stuck together by dried cum.

"That was great John. I've never cum so hard in my life."

John smiled at Mateo as he slid off his body and onto the sheets. "Yup, that was awesome."

Mateo moved onto his side facing John. He played with John's hair as he spoke, "I'm the luckiest guy in the world. I hope you know that."

John looked into Mateo's brown eyes. "I know what you're feeling. WE are the luckiest guys on the planet.

John placed his hand on Mateo's chest. He found a nipple and squeezed it, "C'mon babe, we need to go clean up."

They wrapped towels around their bodies and walked to the showers. They shared a single shower head as they washed each others bodies.

"We should really think about getting our own place in the fall." John said as he soaped Mateo's back.

"I was thinking the same thing. I'd love to have our own place."

The boys finished their shower and were soon back in their room. They shared a glass of champagne. They snuggled naked on the bed. Their bodies still bathed in candle light.

"I could get used to this." John said as he rested his head against Mateo's chest. "Couldn't you?" John didn't get a response. He looked up to see Mateo sound asleep with a content look on his face.

He quickly went around the room blowing out the candles. He crawled back into bed and snuggled against Mateo's body.

"Yup, I sure can get used to this."

A moment later John was sound asleep.

Well, that's number 19. I'm sorry it was a bit long. I was trying to tie everything together. I hope you enjoyed it. The song that Mateo sang is beautiful. If you can fide it, buy it. I can e-mail it to anyone that would like it. Please write and tell me your thoughts of my story. Thank you. David S

Next: Chapter 20

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