John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Jan 22, 2004


Hey guys this is my first attempt at writing and I hope that you enjoy my story. I'm not the best on spelling and grammar so please don't bother with the emails telling me I can't write. I do this for fun and that's all. All comments are welcome. If you want more let me know and I'll write more....This story will move slowly... Thanks!My email is:

The usual disclaimer don't read this if you're too young or it's against the law where you live. This story is about gay men.

Thanks for all the e-mails. I hope you all enjoy.

John and Mateo


The two young college students left the cafeteria and headed back to John's room. John needed to pick up his messenger bag which he used to carry his music. He used the same bag for years and he knew it was time for a new one. He checked his bag to make sure that he had his music and swung the bag over his shoulder. The music department was huge compared to the high school John had attended. It was a four story building that held everything from a performance hall with a full pipe organ to a recording studio. Mateo had never been in the building a wondered what else he had missed. He was always on the football field, or busy with his friends and really didn't have time to just walk the campus. He was glad that he was here with John and he felt that this guy was very special. Mateo had hoped that he and John would become friends. He worried that John would catch him staring. When he first saw John sitting alone at the table he knew then that he needed to meet him. John was so cute. His blond hair and blue eyes seemed to look right through Mateo. His smile was contagious and his laugh was so sexy. John's slim build and graceful body instantly caused a stirring in Mateo's groin. He hoped in his heart that they could get better acquainted and maybe become more than just friends. Deep in his heart he felt a strange connection to John. He had no idea that John was feeling the same thing.

They entered the practice room. There were two Yamaha baby-grand pianos in the sound-proof room. The pianos were placed so that each player faced the other. As he sat at the piano John was actually nervous and he hoped that he wouldn't make any careless mistakes. Other than with his piano teacher John always practiced by himself and never would have imagined himself in the same room with a sexy Mexican stud. As he sat on the piano bench he seemed to disappear behind the huge instrument. He wiped his sweaty hands on his pants. Why was he so nervous? He asked himself. He opened his bag and pulled out his music of Mozart's Piano concerto No. 26. This was the piece he was practicing for his performance at the next Alumni's concert. These concerts were held each quarter and John was surprised that Professor Graham, the head of the music department had approached him and asked him to perform. John was excited about being asked and was confident he could perform the piece easily. The professor had provided him with the orchestra track without piano for practice. John slipped the CD from his bag and handed it to Mateo. "Can you please put this in the player?" he asked. "When I give you the signal press the "play" button. It's all set up, just press play and the player will do the rest." Mateo took the CD from John and walked to the sound system. He turned the power on and ejected the tray which would hold the CD. After placing the CD on the tray he press the open/close button and the tray slid closed. "All set." he said giving John a "thumbs up."

"Is he cute or what?" John thought to himself. "Okay John, concentrate" he whispered.

"What was that?" Mateo asked. "Nothing I was just talking to myself." John replied. "He probably thinks I'm a nut case now." John thought.

John took a deep breath and released it. He began with a series of scales and arpeggios to warm up. After about five minutes he stopped. He looked over to Mateo and nodded. "Okay, you can hit the play button." John said in a low voice. Mateo then pressed the play button and the music began. The most beautiful music erupted from the speakers. It started low and soft. The violins, violas, and cellos started softly and then the wind instruments joined in. As it filled the room the music grew stronger and stronger and then again it softened. Mateo watched John intently. His eyes were closed and his body seemed to move with the music. The wonderful music filled the little room with rich sounds of melodies . The melodies were so powerful. The music seemed to flow through John`s body. John's eyes opened and he placed his hands on the keys. The piano joined the other instruments. The wonderful sound just flowed from the piano. The moving music caused moisture in Mateo's eyes. The music seemed to surround him with a comforting feeling. At that very moment he felt John's soul. Mateo could not explain it. Words could not describe what he was feeling at that moment. It felt as if his mind, body and soul were somehow joined with John's. He let his tears flow. He wanted to hold him, to kiss him to be one with him. He wiped his eyes not knowing if John had seen him. He looked to see if John had noticed him but John was in his own wonderful musical world.

John's hands flew up and down the keys of the piano. His body seemed to move with each emotion of the music in which he played. His face a window into what he was feeling. Joy, love, sadness. Lost in the spell of the music John played on. Mateo had noticed that John had not looked at the music. John's eyes were closed and his hands were a blur. Mateo walked around the piano and stood behind John. Mateo's breathing had increased and he continued to allow the music to flow through his body. He had never felt like this. What was happening? The music was causing such a wonderful feeling in his body. The rhythm of the music seemed to keep time with the beating of his heart. The music filled him. His body started to move in time with each passage of music.

Suddenly it was over. John sat there almost breathless. The sound of the music still in his head. He felt his heart beating wildly. Slowly he lowered his hands into his lap and opened his eyes. He didn't see Mateo. He suddenly was nervous and afraid. "Mateo?" His voice barely above a whisper. "Where did you go? Are you still here?" John was about to stand when he felt hands on his shoulders. "You were amazing." Mateo's voice broke the silence in the room. John looked up into Mateo's face and saw the tears in his eyes. "What's wrong Bro.?" John wanted to cry too when he saw Mateo's tears. "Was I that bad?" John joked trying to get a smile from his friend. It seemed to work as Mateo's face lit up with a huge grin. "That was incredible." Mateo whispered. "I can't even begin to describe the feeling that you caused within me. It's like you were speaking to me through your music." the grin now lost from his face, Mateo turned around and walked a few steps from John. John knowing he had to do something went to Mateo and placed his hand on his back. "Thanks, I'm so glad that I touched you with my music." John said as he rubbed Mateo's back. He could feel the muscles in his back and unknowingly began to massage them. "Are you alright?" he questioned as he continued to massage his back. Mateo turned to face John. His eyes still moist with tears. John reached out a wiped a single tear drop from his face. "I'm sorry." Mateo said as he tried to regain his composure. "I don't know what happened. I just heard that beautiful music and it touched me in here." he said pointing to his chest. "Thank you John." John smiled as he looked up into Mateo's beautiful brown eyes. "That's what friends are for." He said. "C'mon. he said, "I want to hear you play now." Mateo stopped. "Me? I can't play." he laughed. "Anybody can play if they're taught" John giggled. "and I'm just the one to do it too."

The rest of the afternoon, ignoring his own practice, John spent his time teaching Mateo the simple song of "Heart and Soul." After many attempts they finally were able to get through the song with no mistakes. "We did it!" John exclaimed as he lovingly rubbed Mateo's shoulder. "Yeah, I CAN play the piana" Mateo said in a very bad southern accent. "I thought you said you were from Mexico?" John asked with a raised eyebrow. "I am," he said. "From southern Mexico, ya`ll" Mateo joked as he poked John in the ribs. The two boys erupted in laughter. "C'mon Tex, I'll by you dinner." John said as started to collect his sheet music from the piano. "Sounds good." Mateo said as he began to play "heart and soul" for the millionth time. "Oh, and another thing, don't quit your day job!" John snickered. His remark was answered by Mateo flipping him the "bird".

Pizza was the choice for the two now starving students. There was a family owned restaurant called Dominick's right near the campus. Mateo had been there before with his team mates, but this was the first time for John. Mateo knew a few of the family members and was greeted like a long lost relative. Mama Anna was the hostess for that evening and greeted Mateo with a kiss on each cheek. Mateo blushed, but seemed to soak up all the attention. Mama Anna was a small round woman, about five feet tall, with her black and white hair up in a bun. "Mama, This is my friend John. John may I introduce to you Mama Anna. She and her husband Mario own the place." Mateo said. The hand that John offered to Mama Anna was pushed aside and was replaced with a hug and kiss. "Is nice to meet another one of Mateo's friends." Mama Anna said in a thick Italian accent. "He is good boy." she said, as she cupped Mateo`s face in her hands. "It nice to meet you too, Mama Anna." John replied. "Please, jus call me Mama." she replied as she lead them to a table near the kitchen. "The best table in de house. Sit boys, Mama get you food." with that said Mama disappeared into the kitchen.

"I never have to order when I come here." Mateo said as he took a drink from his water glass. "I don't mind. The food here is always great."

"Well, whatever it is, it sure smells good." John replied.

It seemed like only minutes passed when a young man appeared with a tray full of food. He was about the same age as John and Mateo.

"Hey, Gino. What's up dude?" Mateo asked as he shook hands with the Italian stud.

"Ciao Mateo, nothing much dude. Anything new with you?" Gino asked, revealing a boyish smile to the two new friends. "Same-ol, same-ol, dude." Mateo said. "This is John, a friend of mine." He gestured towards John. John took Gino's hand into his own. Gino's hand shake was strong and firm. "Nice to meet you." John said as returned his smile to Gino. "Ciao, John. Welcome to the family." Gino said. "Family?" John asked as he cocked an eyebrow. "Mama has already adopted you Bro, you're family now. He grinned. "You're in for it now." he chuckled.

"Dude, don't scare him away." Mateo said as he smiled. "At least, not yet." he said as he gave John a dazzling grin. "Don't worry, he's safe, for now." Gino laughed as he turned towards the steaming tray of food. Gino then spread before them platters of food that not only filled every free space of the table but also guaranteed to fill their empty stomachs.

Spaghetti with meatballs, chicken parmesan, fettuccini alfredo, green salad, garlic bread, and a large bottle of the restaurants own Merlot. "Enjoy it guys." Gino said. Gino returned to the kitchen but not before John had a chance to check him out. Gino's tight slacks let nothing to his imagination.

The food slowly disappeared as the young men filled themselves. The two talked about family, friends and their interests in school. John felt more at ease as he and Mateo talked and ate. The two young men often caught the other staring. When caught the other would look away quickly hoping the other wouldn't notice. When all was done, there was nothing left but a piece of garlic bread. Mateo picked up the bread and pulled it apart giving John the other half. "Here, eat this. If there is a crumb left we'll upset Mama." John took the bread from Mateo. Their fingers touched and there was a moment that time seemed to stop. Their eyes locked and immediately they both looked down. "We wouldn't want to upset Mama." John replied as he ate his half of the bread.

"And how are my boys, eh?" The voice of Mama Anna broke the spell the boys were under. "Did you like? You want more,?" Mama smiled as she saw the empty platters on the table. "Oh no Mama! Please no more food. That was enough." Mateo said as he rubbed his full stomach. "It was delicious." John replied as he copied Mateo. "The best." he gave her his most sincere smile. "Good! Very good." Mama was pleased. "Well you boys come any time. Mama is always here." she said as she started to clear away the dishes. "We just need our check Mama." John said. "I told Mateo that I would buy him dinner. It's going to cost me a small fortune. I didn't know he could eat that much food. The guy must have a hollow leg." John and Mama laughed. Mateo crossed his arms and gave John an evil glare and stuck out his tongue. Another peal of laughter erupted from all three. "I can't take you anywhere." John said between fits of laughter. After the moment had passed John again asked about the check. "No check tonight boys. It's on de house." Mama said as she continued clearing the table. "Oh no Mama," John protested. "We want to pay you." Mama turned towards John and Mateo, "Tonight you boys are family, eh? No charge family to eat. They eats for free." she said in a soft voice.

"Okay, Mama. We understand." Mateo said. "We love you Mama." He said as he embraced her and gave her a peck on the cheek. "Thank you Mama." John added as he hugged and kissed her. "You boys come back and see Mama. Okay?" She said.

"We'll be back." Mateo replied.

John and Mateo walked back to the campus in silence. Each alone in his own thoughts about their new friendship. Each wanting to embrace and kiss. Each wanting to hold one another close. Each one empty of love. Each one feeling so alone with their hidden secret.

Finally John spoke, "Thanks" was the only word he uttered.

Mateo looked at John. His heart beating fast. His throat tight with emotions. "Your welcome." he said in a low voice. "It was fun hanging with you today John." he continued. "What are you plans for tomorrow?" Mateo asked. "I have a history final in the morning, more practice and that's about it." John answered. "I should be done about four o'clock. What about you?" he asked looking at Mateo. " I have a Biology final in the morning, and that's it. Mateo answered. "You wanna do something tomorrow?" John asked, hoping the answered would be "yes". "Sure we can hang out tomorrow." Mateo said trying to hide his excitement. "I'll give you my cell number." John said.

Mateo pulled out his own cell phone and the two exchanged phone numbers.

"Well, this is me." Mateo said as the two stood in front of a dorm building. "Thanks again for spending the day with me John. I had a really nice time."

"No problem dude. Anytime." John replied. "Thanks for keeping me company during practice."

"No problem Bro. that's what friends are for, right?" he said with a smile.

"Right." John smiled as he looked into Mateo's sexy eyes. "I'll see you later dude." Mateo said as he turned to leave. "Later." John said trying to keep his voice from cracking with emotion.

John stood and watched as Mateo entered his dorm building. He resumed his walk to his dorm and wondered what was to come with this new friendship with Mateo. As he lay in bed John's thoughts were filled with his new friend. He wondered what it would feel like to hold and kiss Mateo. "He'd probably freak if he knew I was gay." John thought as he turned out the light in his room. John fell asleep humming the tune of "Heart and Soul."

Please tell me what you think. I'd like to hear from all of you.

Thanks for reading. David

Next: Chapter 3

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