John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Feb 19, 2005


Hey Guys here is chapter 21 of John and Mateo. I hope you all enjoy the story. Please send me an e-mail. I answer all my mail. Hope to hear from you.

I want to say that this chapter was not edited by Ray my editor. He has been a great help to me and I just want to share with you guys that he's more than just my editor. He's a true friend. He needs a little break right now. So, Unc thanks for all your hard work on J and M. I truely couldn't have done it without you. Love you Ray!!

Ok, so now the disclaimer. This is a story about two young men that are gay. If you're too young to read this please close down the site and do your homework. If it's against the law then don't read. If you don't like reading about gay situations then please do me a favor and leave. Ok that's done! Whew....

And now.....back by popular demand John and Mateo

John And Mateo 21

Robert McNally stood and observed the two boys who stood on his front porch. He didn't notice the younger boy hidden behind them. He took a step toward them and stopped. He was not sure what they wanted. He didn't see the usual box of overpriced candy or the magazine subscription clipboard in their hands. These boys didn't look like boy scouts. He didn't recognize them from the neighborhood.

"May I help you?" He said with a watchful eye. Angelo, his best friend was with him. Robert had just picked him up. They were going to relax and spend the evening eating pizza and watching baseball on TV. Robert didn't have much of a life. His work as an instructor at the Air Force Academy took way too much of his time. He lived for the weekends. He didn't do much but relax on the weekends; but he loved the down time. He kept busy with the yard work and the occasional BBQ with friends. He didn't have a girlfriend or wife. He still felt that he was too young for a relationship. Being only 25, he was one of the youngest officers at the academy.

"Yes sir, my name is John Clark and this is Mateo Villasenor. Um, this is going to sound strange but did you know a Benjamin McNally?" John's body shook a little with nervousness as he spoke the name of Elijah's dad. He wanted this to be Elijah's uncle and not some stranger. He didn't want this to be just a dead end.

Both John and Mateo watched the young captain as his face changed. He looked off into the distance and then back at the two of them as he spoke, "Ben was my brother. I lost him in a plane crash about eight years ago." He looked up to John and Mateo. "How do you know him?" His question was almost as whisper. They saw the pain in his eyes as he asked the question.

Mateo spoke, "We didn't know him, Sir. We know his son, Elijah."

At the sound of Elijah's name Robert walked towards them, "You know Elijah? Where? I don't understand. I've tried to find him. After his foster family moved out of state he seemed to just vanish.

John and Mateo stepped to one side to reveal Elijah. Elijah looked at the man standing there. He knew immediately that this man was his uncle. Robert looked like his father, only younger.

He looked at the man with hope of a better life. A life that he yearned for. A life that seemed so out of reach for him. He just stood there and stared at his uncle. A single tear rolled down his cheek. He couldn't believe that he finally found him..

Robert McNally stood there stunned at the site of his young nephew. The instant he saw him he felt as if he stepped back in time. Elijah reminded him of Ben when he was a teenager. He stood there looking at him. Its seemed like an eternity before he moved toward the boy. The last time he saw Elijah he was 5 years old and only through photos sent by his brother. He had never met him personally.

"Oh Elijah, come here." He said as he opened his arms.

Elijah stepped off the porch and leapt into the open arms of his uncle. All the pain and loneliness he felt since Grams died overcame him as he hugged his uncle. Robert rubbed his nephew's back as he felt the boy begin to cry. His own tears flowed from his eyes as he held his nephew. "I can't believe it's you, son" He said to the young man who was in his arms. Elijah's body shook as his embrace tightened around his uncle's body.

John and Mateo stood back and watched. They all stood outside for a few more minutes before moving into the house. They all sat around the living room. Elijah had not left his uncle's side.

"Uncle Robert, I thought I'd never find you. I've wanted to meet you ever since I found out you existed. Grams wrote to me and told me after I moved in with my foster parents. I never knew you even existed."

Robert looked at his nephew with love as he tried to explain the reason for not being around. "I have to admit to you Elijah that I didn't have a very good relationship with Ben. We grew up separately. It wasn't his fault. It wasn't anyone's fault." He looked at his nephew with a pained expression, "Well, your grandparents, my mother and father sent me to boarding school. Ben and I were 12 years apart in age and mom and dad wanted to start their retirement. I was sent away to school when I was 10. I guess they wanted me out of the way." Robert hated to paint such a dirty picture about his dead parents. "During the summer I lived with our great aunt Connie. She was like a mother to me. Something like Grams was to you after your parents died. I returned for Ben's wedding and afterward I returned to my life at school. When I was 17 years old I received a summons from the head master at school. He gave me the message that your parents were killed in a plane crash. I wanted to attend the funeral but I suddenly came down with appendicitis and was in the hospital." When he saw the tears in his nephew's eyes he moved closer to Elijah, "It was only a year after we lost mom and dad in a car accident." He took his nephew's hand in his own. "After I graduated from high school I left to spend a year backpacking through Europe. I guess you could say I wanted to put my life on hold. It's hard to explain. After Europe I was accepted to the Air Force Academy.

Robert looked at Elijah with tears in his eyes.

"I was sent out of the country while at the academy for some special training. When I finally returned to Colorado I found that Grams became sick. Grams told me you were given to the state when she could no longer look after you. I was shocked when I found out."

"I tried to find you Eli. Every time I tried the doors were shut in my face. The people at the child services wouldn't tell me anything. They said that I was too late. I'm sorry I should have tried harder." Robert looked down at the carpet, "Can you forgive me?"

Elijah shook his head. "Don't say that. I don't blame you and nothing is your fault. I'm just glad that I was able to find you. When Grams wrote about you I was so excited. I thought I was completely alone in the world with no family. You are all I have. I hope I can stay here with you?"

"Of course you can stay here." He looked at his nephew with concern in his eyes. "But I have to ask about the family you were with. What happened? They didn't hurt you did they?"

Elijah was quiet for a few seconds before he turned towards John and Mateo. "Guys should I tell him?"

They both nodded at the young boy. "I think you need to be honest with your uncle Elijah." Mateo said. Elijah looked at John and saw the smile on his face. John spoke, "We love you Elijah. We're here for you dude."

Before Elijah started telling his story Robert suggested that they order some pizza, have something to eat and then afterward they would continue their talk.

The pizza came and was quickly gobbled up by the five hungry guys. While they were eating Robert shared with Elijah some of the stories of when he was younger. Ben had always watched out for him. He was a practical joker and was always playing jokes on his younger brother. Robert shared that it was very hard for him to leave his family and attend the school in Maine. His parents insisted that he live with his Aunt and attend the school. Looking back he wished that he hadn't left. In a way he felt that his relationship with his parents and brother was never the same again.

After dinner Angelo said he needed to go home. John and Mateo offered to drive him back to his apartment. He accepted their offer as he knew Robert and Elijah needed to talk.

After the three left Robert and Elijah sat in the living room. Elijah felt strange opening up to someone that he really didn't know. He put aside his fears and began his story.

He told him about the family that he stayed with once Grams had become sick. All the things that had happened once his family and school mates found out that he was gay. Inside Elijah was dying. He didn't know how his uncle would respond to having a gay nephew. Deep down he knew he couldn't take it if he was rejected by his own flesh and blood. A few tears were shed when he shared about meeting Mateo and John at the rest stop. He was so grateful to them for helping him with his search. He left out the part of having oral sex with the trucker and instead told him about going shopping and buying new clothes and shoes. After he finished his story he hung his head. Once again tears welled in his eyes.

"I'm just so glad that I finally found you." He reached for his bag. He opened the filthy bag and reached inside. A second later he pulled out a stack of letters. "These are all the letters Grams wrote to me while I lived in Kansas. I loved her so much. She knew about me. She never said anything to me, but she knew." He opened a letter and handed it to Robert. He read the letter and placed it on the table.

"She did know. Wow, Grams was one smart lady." Robert smiled.

"Once I read the letter I knew that I wasn't some kind of freak. I actually thought that I could handle the fact that I was gay. Her letter gave me hope. When she told me about you, I knew that one day I would try to find you. I just didn't know that it would be sooner than I planned."

He looked at his uncle, "So... What comes next." Elijah asked with uncertainty in his voice.

Robert McNally looked at the young man in front of him. He squeezed his hand. "We'll have to contact the child services in Kansas and explain to them what happened. Then I need to find a lawyer, I have someone in mind already. Once I contact him we'll get the ball rolling and make it legal for you to stay here with me.

Elijah's heart began to flutter when he heard his uncle's words. "You mean I can stay here with you?" His voice revealed his fear. He looked into his lap. He whispered, "You don't mind that I'm gay?"

Robert moved his hands to his nephew's face. He gently lifted the boys face so he could look into his green eyes. "Elijah it doesn't matter that you're gay. You understand? I love you, son. This is where you belong." Robert brushed aside the tears that began to fall from Elijah's eyes. He pulled him into his arms. "You belong here with me." He stroked Elijah's hair and rocked his body as the young boy softly sobbed. They stayed that way until the front doorbell rang out.

John and Mateo walked into the front room. They both could tell that some pretty heavy emotions were shared between the two family members.

"Everything OK?" Mateo asked looking at Elijah as he wiped his eyes with his hands.

Elijah looked up and his faced beamed, "Yup, everything is great. Just some happy tears. My uncle said I can live here with him. Isn't that great?"

They both smiled at the news. John was so excited that he turned at kissed Mateo. "Isn't that great babe?" He walked over to Elijah and gave him a hug. John turned around to see Robert looking a little strange.

Robert spoke, "So you guys are gay too?"

John realized what had happened. He didn't even think about the kiss that he gave Mateo until he saw Robert's face.

"Uh.. Yeah." He blushed. "We're a couple." He walked over to Mateo and stood next to him. He didn't know what to expect next.

Robert stood there and looked between Elijah, John and Mateo.

"Well, I guess I'm the only straight guy here. I'm out numbered!"

Elijah smiled at his uncle, "Don't worry Unc, we wont jump you." He began to giggle at his own joke. Soon everyone was laughing. The laughter that filled the room had a wonderful effect on everyone.

After the laughter died down Robert spoke up.

"Well, boys it's late. Why don't we turn in for the night. Elijah you can sleep in the guest room. Mateo and John that couch pulls out to become a bed. It's not much but it's better then the floor."

Finally everyone was settled into there beds. John and Mateo whispered about the day's events. "I hope that everything works out between them. It seems to me that they need each other." John said as he yawned.

"I'm sure everything will work out." Mateo said. His eyelids were heavy. "Good night baby."

John leaned over and gave Mateo a sweet kiss. "I love you John."

"I love you too stud."

John curled himself into Mateo's arms. They were asleep in minutes.

Robert padded into the kitchen in his bare feet. He looked at the two young men on the fold out bed. John body was surrounded my Mateo's larger frame. They looked good together. Just looking at them sent the message of love. A tinge of jealously filled his heart as he realized that he was without another person to share his love with. He knew it wasn't going to be the same as a relationship with a women, but he was looking forward to starting a life with Elijah. His heart filled with emotion as he thought of Elijah. He had almost gave up hope of ever finding him. He still couldn't believe that he was reunited with his nephew. He quietly walked past the sleeping young men.

He made some coffee and started breakfast. He planned on calling Derick Gold, a college buddy who had been his attorney. He wanted to do everything he could that would allow his nephew to stay with him.

The smell of bacon and fresh coffee awoke John. He opened his eyes to see the sun shining through the front window. The blue sky seemed to indicate the start of a beautiful day. The call of nature interrupted his thoughts as the need to empty his bladder overtook him. After untangling himself from Mateo he sat up. He saw Robert in the kitchen sipping his coffee and attending the cooking food. Robert turned towards John to say good morning.

John stood up. His morning wood poked out the front of his fly. He didn't realize he was on display until he saw Robert snickering. He looked down and quickly pulled his cock back into the folds of his boxers. His face went hot turning crimson. "Oops, sorry."

"No wonder Mateo always has a smile on his face." As soon as the words left his mouth Robert regretted them. He hope that John had a sense of humor. He continued to smile at John hoping that he wouldn't get angry.

John smiled, "Well, I haven't had any complaints." His face returned to normal as he walked towards the bathroom. In a few moments he returned. He slipped on his shorts and shirt and walked into the kitchen. "Do you need any help?"

"Yeah, can you scramed some eggs while I work on the pancakes?"

John nodded his head, "Sure."

Robert took out a bowl of eggs and milk from the ice box and set them on the counter. He pointed to a cubburd. "There's a large bowl in there that you can use."

"Cool" John said as he opened the door and took out the bowl.

"So, are you Ok with Elijah moving in here with you?" He ask anxious to hear the answer.

Robert looked at John, "Well, to tell you the truth I'm a little scared. I mean, I love Elijah. I have no problem with his sexuality but I have some doubts on raising a teenager. I don't have a clue."

John chuckled, "I don't think anyone is ready for parenthood. At least you don't have to potty train him."

Robert laughed, "Eww, Thank God."

John put down the fork that he was using to scramble the eggs. "From what I've seen already I think you'll do a good job." He smiled at Robert.

"Thanks John, I hope you're right."

Soon everyone was up and seated at the table. Robert and John had prepared a breakfast to satisfy everyone's hunger. Bacon, scrambled eggs, sausage, pancakes, hash browns, and toast.

"Are you guys in a hurry to hit the road?" Robert asked Mateo and John during breakfast.

"No, there's no rush." Mateo said as he took a sip of his orange juice.

"Good, I'd like to show you around the city. There are a few places I think you guys would like.

The "Garden of the Gods" is a cool place. Rock formations out of this world. We'll pack a picnic lunch at check it out. There's a cool gift shop there too."

"Sounds great Unc." Elijah said. His faced beamed as his looked at his Uncle. Robert's heart melted as he looked at his nephew. "I love hard things." Elijah blurted out.

Suddenly a spray of orange juice hit Robert. John was so embarrassed. "Oh my god I'm so sorry Robert." John's face was a mask of embarrassment. "It's just when he said that he liked "hard things"... John's voice trailed off as his face turned crimson.

Everyone just looked at each other in silence. Elijah was a little nervous. His comment was only meant to be a joke. He looked at his uncle's face.

Elijah was going to apologize when he heard a small chuckle from his uncle. A few seconds and that chuckle was an all out belly laugh. Elijah's fear vanished as he looked at the other three at the table. John was smiling and soon joined in the laughter. Mateo sat holding his side. Elijah giggled. His giggles became laughter, joining the others.

"You are such your father's son. Remind me to tell you a story later." Robert stood up and headed for the kitchen. He soon returned with a wet towel to clean up John's orange juice.

Once again John apologized about spraying Robert. He shook his head. "I haven't laughed that hard in years. Thanks John."

John looked at Robert and smiled, "Anytime!"

Cleaning the kitchen was next on the agenda. John and Mateo did the cleaning up as Robert and Elijah went to the grocery store to buy some things for lunch. After they were done with the kitchen John noticed a room off the kitchen. The room was bright with sunlight. The walls of the room were actually glass. The sun room was very inviting with overstuffed chairs, plush carpeting and a stone fire place. In the corner was an old upright piano.

John sat at the piano and ran his hands over the keys. He always did this before actually playing. The cool keys felt good on his fingers. It had been a while since he played and he was anxious to spend a few moments and play.

Mateo walked into the room. "Wow this is a cool room. I love the way it gives you the feeling of being outside."

John turned around on the piano bench and looked at his love. "Hey look at that." He said as he pointed out the window. "That's Pike's Peak"

Mateo looked at saw the mountain. "Wow that's pretty high. I think I see snow at the top."

"You're right. There is snow. Wow, I'd like to see the top." John said.

Mateo moved around his love. He placed his arms around John. John felt a gentle kiss on his neck. A shiver went down his body. He turned around and kissed Mateo mouth. Their tongues touched. "Mmm, you sure taste good." Mateo said as he looked into John's eyes. "Will you play me a song?"

John smiled at his boy. "Sure baby. I'd love to play and sing to you."

John sat down at the piano. He played a scale to get the feel of the piano. Pleased with the sound and feel he turned toward Mateo.

"This song is for you. You have completed my life. I never have to want for anything as long as you are with me. Your love is all I need Mateo." His smiled melted Mateo's heart.

Mateo smiled at John as he turned back to the piano. `How did I ever get so lucky?' he thought to himself.

Mateo moved to stand next to him. Mateo leaned over for one last kiss, he couldn't resist. "I love you so much John." He whispered.

John looked into his eyes with pure love. "You are the love of my life, Mateo."

Mateo was rendered speechless as looked at his lover.

John's fingers danced along the keys as the music began. The music was beautiful. John's tender voice began to sing.

I am amazed, when I look at you,

I see you smiling back at me,

It's like all my dreams come true,

I am afraid, if I lost you boy.

I'd fall thru the cracks and lose my track

In this crazy lonely world.

Sometimes it's so hard to believe,

When the nights can be so long,

And faith gave me the strength

And kept me going on

You are the love of my life,

And I'm so glad you found me,

You are the love of my life,

Baby put your arms around me

I guess this is how it feels,

When you finally found something real

My angel in the night, you are my love,

love of my life.

Now here you are

With midnight closing in

You take my hand as our shadows dance,

With moonlight on your skin,

I look in your eyes,

I'm lost inside your kiss,

I think If I'd never met you

About all the things I'd missed

Sometimes it's so hard to believe,

When the nights can be so long,

And faith gave me the strength

And kept me going on

You are the love of my life,

And I'm so glad you found me,

You are the love of my life,

Baby put your arms around me

I guess this is how it feels,

When you finally found something real

My angel in the night you are my love,

love of my life.

My angel in the night you are my love,

My angel in the night you are my love,

love of my life.

(Written by Jim Brickman and Michael W. Smith)

During the song neither one of the boys heard Robert and Elijah return from the grocery store.

They also heard the song John sang to Mateo.

Once the song was finished John looked up at Mateo with tears in his eyes. "Did you like it?" He asked trying to catch his breath.

Mateo own eyes were filled with tears. "John, you are constantly amazing me." Mateo shared with him his earlier thoughts. "How did I get so lucky to find you? Gawd, I love you."

Robert pulled Elijah back from the doorway of the sun room. He put a finger to his lips to tell his nephew not to make noise. He gestured toward the living room. He didn't want to interrupt the two young men. Once in the living room he whispered to Elijah, "Wow, that was a great song. I didn't want to spoil it by barging in."

Elijah nodded his head in understanding. "I have an idea." He walked over to the front door and opened it. He stood at the doorway. "We're home!" He yelled out. He smiled at his uncle as he tapped the side of his head; pleased at himself for coming up with such a brilliant idea.

Robert chuckled at his nephew as they both walked into the kitchen. Just as they were entering, John and Mateo emerged from the sun room. They moved to help with the groceries.

"I hope you guys weren't too bored waiting for us." Robert said as he placed a bag of bread on the table.

"We were fine. We found a piano in the sun room. John's a pianist, and we were just checking it out." Mateo offered an explanation.

"That was Gram's piano. When she passed away it was placed in storage with many of her personal belongings by her attorney. I was glad that I was able to hold on to her belongings. I was afraid that I'd lost all the family photos and other things of sentimental value. From what I understand that piano was my great grandmother's. Grams took piano lessons on it as a little girl. I remember her telling me a story. When she was a little girl during the depression she didn't feel that she should be using the family's money on her lessons. She told me her lessons were five cents for one hour. Back then, that was a lot of money. My great grandfather insisted that she continue her lessons." Robert looked at Elijah, "Did you ever hear her play Eli?"

Elijah shook his head, "No, I never did."

Robert's face lit up, "Let me show you something. I'll be right back."

He left the room and returned minutes later with a photo album. In the album were pictures of a beautiful lady sitting at a piano. She seemed to be in a concert hall. Elijah's eyes bugged when he saw something looking like a program. "Whoa, is this Gram?" He asked looking at the picture of the young girl in the program.

"Yes, that's her!" Robert smiled. "She was a concert pianist." Robert flipped a few more pages and found an old 78 record. He placed the record on his turntable and gently placed the needle at the beginning of the album.

The music seemed to be fuzzy but the sound of an orchestra playing came over the speakers.

"I know what that is. It's Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 22 in E flat." John said as he listened to the bad recording.

Robert grinned at Elijah, "That's your great grandmother."

They all sat down and listened to the music. Elijah smiled as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"That's cool." He felt pride in his heart as he listened.

An hour later they all piled out of Robert's Jeep Grand Cherokee. The Garden of the Gods was breath taking. John pulled his camera out at immediately began taking pictures.

They spent the afternoon hiking the trails and discovering the beauty of the park.

"An abundance of plant and animal life can be found though out its 1,340 acres, as well as the magnificent red sandstone rock formations, for which the Garden is best known. Many of these are over 300 million years old and were sculpted through time by erosion." Robert said as he read from the plaque seated in the ground.

They also learned that the park was purchased in 1879 by Charles Perkins. Charles Perkins was a railroad tycoon. After his death he requested that his family give the land to the city of Colorado Springs to be used as a park. The only stipulation was that park would be named "The Garden of the Gods" and that it remain free forever for all visitors.

Three hours later they stopped in the picnic area and feasted on roast beef sandwiches, chips, vegetable sticks and soft drinks. During lunch Robert told them of another place he wanted to take the boys. It was in the city of Cañon City. The Royal Gorge Bridge was the world's highest suspension bridge. It is a quarter of a mile long and stands 1,053 feet above the roaring Arkansas River. After lunch and a trip to the gift shop they left for the Royal Gorge.

It was a little scary as they walked along the bridge. Looking down they saw what looked like a tiny river flowing. The water was dark in color and looked very cold.

Another sign of information was posted at the entrance of the bridge:

Often compared to the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Empire State Building in New York City, the Royal Gorge Bridge in Cañon City, Colorado is both daring in its design and remarkable in its achievement. It's truly an engineering feat. The world's highest Suspension Bridge is over a quarter of a mile long and hangs 1,053 feet above the roaring Arkansas River below. Though it doesn't stand alone, the suspension bridge is the center jewel in a crown of engineering achievements all within the 360 acre theme park that some call "the real" Colorado.

After spending time on the bridge the quartet of males moved into the mini-theater to watch a short film on the construction of the bridge. They marveled at the amount of work that was involved in the construction of the suspension bridge.

After the film they decided to take the trolley down into the gorge. The almost vertical decent took about five minutes. They all stood on what seemed to be a pier. The roaring of the river made in almost impossible to hear each other. The brown churning water looked very cold as it sped by.

"Don't fall in." Mateo said to John as he wrapped his arms around John's body.

John smiled at his love, "Not as long as your arms are around me." John felt so safe as he leaned his body into his lover's chest. "Besides who'd take care of you?" John asked.

Mateo chuckled. His deep chuckle sent a shiver up John's spine. "I don't know. I think that's why I keep you around."

John felt another chuckle against his body. He leaned his head back onto Mateo's shoulder.

"Oh I see. Now I'm your maid." John said as he kissed Mateo's neck.

"Not just a maid. But a maid with benefits." Mateo laughed as he grabbed John's ass.

John spun around and faced him. "A maid with benefits." He tried to look angry at his beautiful Latin boy. He crossed his arms and tapped his foot. "You better take that back." He threatened.

Mateo looked at John with his dark eyes. John felt himself losing the battle. Mateo's eyes seemed to always put him under a spell.

Mateo pinned John's body against the rail which prevented anyone from falling into the fast river. His lean body pressed into the smaller form of John. He slipped his arms around John's body. Mateo leaned in a began kissing and tonguing John's neck. He could hear small whimpers as John fell under his power. "Is that better?" He asked, moving his hands to John's ass. He squeezed his ass as he ground his pelvic bone into John's. Mateo could feel John's hard cock against his own.

"Uh huh." Was all John seemed to say as his mouth was covered by Mateo's.

They were pulled back into reality as they heard Elijah.

"C'mon you guys. Save that for later. Geez it looked you're about to tare each others clothes off. He laughed. "I thought I was horny all the time.

John and Mateo looked at Elijah and Robert standing about three feet from them. They both blushed as they realized they had an audience.

"We'll have to finish this later." Mateo whispered into John's ear. He slapped his ass as he broke contact with him.

Mateo started walking back towards the trolley. The others followed. They were all getting tired from the day.

After dinner at a "Tex Mex" place they all went home exhausted from their day the Garden of the Gods and the Royal Gorge.

John and Mateo agreed to resume they trip home the next morning. John called home to tell his parents the plan. They told him the usual, be careful and drive safely. John said he would and that he would see them soon.

Sunday morning found John and Mateo packing the truck. Elijah tried to talk them into staying a little longer.

"Please, don't go yet. We just started having fun."

"We have to go Elijah, my parents are expecting us soon. I hate to keep them waiting." John said as he tried to comfort his young friend.

Mateo waked to Elijah and pulled him into a hug. "You be good. Don't give your uncle any trouble. You have our phone numbers and our e-mail address. We expect to hear from you." He said in an authoritative voice. He pulled the young man into a hug. "Be good Elijah. We love you."

Elijah returned the sentiment trying not to cry. "Thanks you guys. You really saved my life."

Elijah moved to John and wrapped his arms around John. "Bye John, I'll miss you."

John fought back his own tears as he returned the hug. "I'll miss you too Elijah. Promise me that you will keep in contact with us."

"I will." Elijah said as he released John.

Robert shook hand with both young men. "Thank you for bringing back my family. You guys are life savers. Thanks for caring enough to help my nephew." Robert looked as if he would start crying any moment.

"It was our pleasure." Mateo answered as he smiled at Robert. He looked at John. "You ready babe?"

John nodded his head, "Yup I'm ready."

There was another round of hugs. The boys climbed into the truck and drove towards the highway.

"We did good babe. I think Elijah's going to be OK." Mateo said as John drove the truck onto the highway.

"I think so too. I hope he can stay with his uncle. He seemed so happy." John said.

"I'm sure everything will work out fine." Mateo answered.

A few minutes passed and Mateo grabbed his laptop to check his e-mail. Recognizing the address he spoke, "Hey we got an e-mail from PT."

"Cool, what does it say?" John asked.

Mateo opened the e-mail and began to read aloud.

John and Mat:

What's up boys? Just wanted to send you an e-mail and tell you how things are here back home. First it's been soooooo hot! Running a restaurant is very hard work. Don't let Gino fool you, he's a slave driver. (Ouch, he just read what I wrote and pinch my nipple. Hehe) I was kidding about him being a slave driver. Things were a little rough at first. I never worked full time at a restaurant like Dominick's. I now know how to make pizza. Gino says that he loves my pizza. I think he's just being nice. We heard from Mamma and Pappa this past week. They are enjoying their time in Florida and plan to return right before school starts. That's cool for us as we're enjoying running the place here and actually haven't poisoned anyone. (YET)

Mateo, the mustang was in the shop for and oil change. The guy there looked it over and gave it a clean bill of health. He said to make sure to have the transmission serviced before winter. He really liked the car. He even made me an offer to buy it. I told him I'd relay the message. What a kick huh? I would never sell that car. Thanks again for letting us use it while you're on your summer break.

I know you have your laptop so I know that you'll get this e-mail. Where are you guys? Are you in Mexico? Don't forget to bring us a souvenier! I told Gino you were going to bring him a cute Mexican boy. He told me that he didn't need anyone else other then me. Isn't that sweet? How did I get so lucky with that boy? He's my world.

Snake has been great around here. After school he works until closing time. I told him that he didn't need to work that many hours. He told me that he didn't have anything better to do. He goes to school 8 am to 3pm, Monday, and Wednesday. He's really a different person. I think his new foster dads are having a good influence on him. He talks about them all the time. Gino and I were invited to dinner on Tuesday. We were surprised, The cop and doc really have a nice house. Officer Collins even has a wine cellar. He showed us around. Gino and I were impressed. During dinner Snake said that he met this guy at school. His name is Arron and he's Snake's lab partner for chemistry. He's an exchange student from Guam. From the way he described him he sounds like he's a stud. I told Snake to invite him to the restaurant one night and we'll have dinner together. I'm so glad that he finally found someone that he seems to like. He told me that he wants to go really slow with this new relationship. He's not sure if Aaron is gay so he wants to be careful and not ruin what's turning out to be a good friendship. I told him that I understood and that if he ever needed to talk, Gino and I were always there for him.

Well, I hear the whip cracking so I better pen-off. I hope to hear from both of you soon. Let us know how things are and when you'll be returning home. We miss you guys!

Later Dudes,

Pierce Turner (aka PT) hehe!

Mateo quickly sent a reply to PT. He told him all about Elijah and everything that had happened the last few days.

He closed his computer and closed his eyes. He took a nap before taking over the driving. They both decided not to stop until they reached Tucson.

There it is. Please let me know your thoughts.

Thanks David

Next: Chapter 23

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