John and Mateo

By David S

Published on May 22, 2005


Here is another chapter of John and Mateo. Please be aware that this story involves sex between males. If you're under age or reading this when it's illegal in your part of the country then please stop. Move to another part of the country and please continue to read. Hehe

Ok enough of the boring stuff.

I'd like to send out a special "Thank you!" to Jeff. He helped me with the last chapter. Please forgive me as I forgot to mention your much appreciated help.

Note: This chapter has not been edited. Please excuse the mistakes.

Ok, enjoy the next chapter of J and M.

John and Mateo 24

"Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" Douggie asked for the hundredth time from the back seat of the Tundra.

"You ask that one more time and I'm going to stop the truck and leave your cute little butt on the side of the road." Mateo shot Douggie and annoyed look in the rear view mirror. Their eyes met for a second, "We have at least another hours drive, OK?" Mateo said as he looked back at the impatient teen.

"OK," Douggie replied with a long sigh. He was anxious to get home to Riverside, California. He actually missed his family. He also missed his best friend Tommy.

John turned around to face Douggie. "You anxious to get home?" He looked at Douggie with understanding in his eyes.

Douggie nodded, "Yeah I want to see mom and dad," he smiled. "I actually miss my little brother and sister!" He exclaimed. "I didn't think that would ever happen," he said as he slapped his leg.

"You don't miss them until they're not around," John smiled. "It just shows that you love them."

The long ride from Tucson to California finally ended at 3 that afternoon. All three piled out of the truck at the home of Henry and Donna Clark. Aunt Donna and Uncle Henry came out from the house to greet the weary travelers.

"Douggie! Come here and give me a hug!" Donna was clearly excited to see her son.

"Ah Mom, don't embarrass me," replied Douggie.

"Teenagers!" Donna retorted, ignoring her son's comments as she pulled him into her bosom. "I missed you so much! How was Arizona.? Did you behave?"

"We had to kick his butt a few times Aunt Donna," John smiled. "But we kept him in line."

"Oh whatever dude!" Douggie snickered at John. "You wish!"

"Let's get your stuff Douglas," Henry Clark said as he gave his son's hair a tussle.

John's Aunt and Uncle hugged him. Mateo was introduced and was welcomed by The Riverside Clarks.

Minutes later they were all inside in the cool A/C.

They all sat around catching up on family matters. It felt nice to relax a bit before John and Mateo had to leave.

As they were saying their good byes the front doorbell rang. Douggie ran to the door and returned with another young teen.

"This is my best bud in the whole world." He announced to John and Mateo.

Tommy was a beautiful boy with dark chestnut hair and the bluest eyes. His cheeks were rosy and his lips were full and red. He clearly was going to be a very handsome man. He stood there in his cargo shorts, tank top, and flip-flops.

Tommy smiled big, "Hi, it's nice to meet you. Douggie has told me about you." He blushed a little while looking around the room.

"It's nice to meet you Tommy." Mateo smiled at the younger boy. He shook hands with Tommy.

Tommy lost his voice as he looked into Mateo's handsome face. He suddenly realized his hand still in Mateo's and quickly withdrew it. "Um, sorry...," he blushed, "It's nice to meet you too."

John shook his hand next. "You keep Douggie in line OK? He needs to be watched." John smiled at his cousin while talking to Tommy.

Tommy spoke, "I will John, you're right; Douggie can be a handful at times."

"Hello!? I'm in the room you know!?" Douggie said in a loud voice.

Everyone laughed.

Later that evening John and Mateo relaxed in their motel room at the Motel 6. Tired from their drive from Tucson, they both decided to stay in and relax. Their dinner that night consisted of fast food from the corner burger place. They were relaxing on the bed watching TV and digesting their food when there was a knock at the door.

Mateo went to the door. Standing at the door was a young man. He was about the same age as John and Mateo. He was about 5'11 with brown hair. He had his head covered with a cowboy hat. His hair was long, almost to his shoulders. He had green eyes and a small mouth. His clothes consisted of a button down plaid shirt with a t-shirt underneath and a pair of tight jeans which looked like he hadn't changed or washed in a couple of days. On his shoulders he carried a black backpack. He stood there looking at Mateo for a few seconds before speaking.

"Hi, I was wondering if I could borrow your phone. My cell died and I don't have a charger."

He had a thick southern accent. His eyes sparkled as he spoke. Compared to the rest of his body his eyes were the only thing that seemed to have life.

He looked so frail that Mateo immediately felt compassion for him. He looked back at John; seeing him nod his head Mateo stepped out of the doorway.

"Come on in," he said. "I'll get my cell phone."

The young man smiled, "Thanks." He walked past Mateo. Mateo's nose twitched at the smell of stale cigarette smoke.

Mateo extended his hand, "I'm Mateo and this is John."

John shook hands with the boy. "Nice to meet you."

The young man shook with a firm grip. He smiled weakly.

"I'm Kevin Jefferson Lopes. Nice to meet you boys. Thanks for the use of your phone."

"No problem," John said as he handed Kevin his cell phone.

Kevin took the phone and dialed, "Hi Momma." He turned and walked to a corner of the room.

The room was small and Mateo and John couldn't help but listen to Kevin's conversation.

"I'll be fine Momma don't worry."

"I'm in Los Angeles."

"I wont go back Momma. Not until Daddy says he's sorry. I don't think that will ever happen.

"You didn't hear the names he called me Momma! I can't come home. I don't feel safe there!"

"You don't know that Momma. I can't be sure."

"No I don't know where I'm going. All I know is that I had to get away from Daddy. I'll find work or something."

"I don't have a place yet. No, don't send money, he may use that as a way to track me down."

John looked at Mateo with concern in his eyes.

He pulled him aside, "Sounds like Kevin is in some kind of trouble. Do you think we should help him out?"

Mateo looked at John, "Let's see what's going on and if we can help then we will. But remember we can force him to take our help."

John nodded in agreement.

"No momma, please don't cry. I'll be OK. I'll try and call you in a few days. Tell Sandy that I love her and give Boxer a hug for me."

Kevin closed the phone and turned towards John and Mateo. He looked as if he would burst into tears any second. He tried to smile, "Um, thanks." He didn't know what else he could say to John and Mateo.

"We couldn't help but over hear your conversation," John began in a gentle voice. "We don't mean to get into your business but are you in any kind of trouble?"

Kevin looked down at the floor, "Yeah kinda. I had to leave home. I couldn't take it anymore. My daddy is a drunk. He beats me. I just had to get away from him. He's hit momma a few times but she's tuff and hits back. I..I couldn't." He raised his hands to his face, "I deserved it."

"Dude! Nobody deserves to be beaten," Mateo spoke. "Why would you say that?" He looked into Kevin's eyes.

"Well, I'm..I..I'm into guys and daddy didn't like that. Called me a cock sucker and put me in the hospital for five days." He blushed, "Please excuse my language. My daddy blamed my mother saying that she was too soft with me. Told her that I wasn't his son. He tried to beat her up but she fought him off. I wasn't so lucky." He looked at John and Mateo, "I don't know why I'm telling two complete strangers my life story?"

John smiled, "Sometimes it feels better to talk to someone about it. So what made you finally leave home?

Kevin cleared his throat and began speaking, "One weekend momma had to go to visit my grandmother in the next town and she was going to be gone until Monday. I came home from school to find my daddy in the living room drunk. He told me that his coworkers found out that I was queer and they teased him. Told him to bring his faggot son into the garage so they could have some fun." Kevin's body seemed to slump.

"Sit down." Mateo offered the boy the only chair in the room. "Would like anything to drink? I can run to the vending machine," John offered.

"Can I trouble you for some water?" Kevin asked as he settled into the chair. He sat with his legs apart. John and Mateo both took quick glances at the bulge in his jeans. He clearly wasn't lacking in that department.

"Coming right up. Be right back," John said as he shoved his feet into his shoes. "You want anything babe?"

Mateo shook his head, "No thanks."

When the door closed after John Kevin turned to Mateo, "Your boyfriend is cute Mateo."

Mateo looked at him, "How did you know we were boyfriends?" He was totally confused.

"Well, I guess I have some pretty good gaydar." Kevin smiled. "Plus he called you "babe" when he asked if you wanted anything to drink."

Mateo chuckled, "Wow I didn't even notice."

John was back in a minute with a bottle of water for Kevin and a bottle of apple juice for himself. As soon as he was seated on the bed Kevin continued his story.

"Well, I told my daddy that I wouldn't do anything with his friends at work. I told him that he would have to find someone else. I was mad as hell at my daddy. I went to bed."

Kevin's hand went to up to his head and he began to twirl a lock of his hair. His voice became soft.

"Later that night as I was in bed I was awaken by someone. I didn't know who it was. A pillowcase was placed over my head and my hands were bound behind my back. I was taken down stairs and into the kitchen and then down into the basement. I heard voices and I smelt cigarette smoke and booze. I heard my daddy's voice. He called me faggot, cock sucker, cock whore. Then I felt a hand come across my face and hit me. Boy it stung," Kevin's hand went to his face as if he remembered the hand across his face again. "I didn't know what to do. My daddy told me I better not cry. Told me not to cry like the sissy fag that I was."

Kevin looked at John and Mateo. "Right there at that moment I hated him. I determined that I would never give my daddy the satisfaction of watching me cry again."

He continued his story, "I was wearing a T-shirt and my PJ bottoms." His eyes met Mateo's brown pools. "I felt my clothes being ripped off my body. I was cold. I felt rough hands play with my ass. I felt another pair of hands on my dick. I didn't know how many were there." He shifted in his seat. "I called out to my daddy. I called out for help. I didn't hear anything. A few minutes later I heard his voice. I could tell he was standing on the other side of the basement. He told his friends to enjoy the fag. I heard the his footsteps climb the stairs and the door close behind him as he left." Kevin face clouded over with pain. "I can't believe he left me. My daddy left me to his drinking buddies in that basement. I was raped, and forced to perform oral sex.

Afterwards I was taken back to my room. I can still hear my daddy's words. He told me that his buddies said that I liked it. That I enjoyed it all." He blushed, "You know what's fucked up about it, he was right. I did enjoy it.

Kevin nervously took a sip of his water. His eyes scanned the room and then came to rest on the John and Mateo. Kevin saw the look of anger and compassion on their faces. He stood up, "Thanks for your hospitality and for your ear. I don't mean to keep you. I'll show my self out."

Both John and Mateo jumped to their feet, "No dude you're not going anywhere. "Mateo said as he placed his hand on Kevin's shoulder. "We have an extra bed. Why don't you stay here tonight and figure out what your next move tomorrow. We don't have much money but we can give you a few dollars." Mateo looked into Kevin's green eyes and smiled.

"Are you hungry? We can order a pizza or something." John quickly added hoping that Kevin would at least stay the night and get some rest.

"I don't want to put you to no trouble." Kevin said in a small voice.

It's no trouble at all. You'll stay here tonight." John said settling the matter.

A smile spread across Kevin's face, "Thanks, that would be nice."

Kevin stayed that night and the following nights. Although all the boys were close in age, John and Mateo unofficially adopted Kevin as their younger brother. The three of them played the perfect roles as tourist in the large city of Los Angeles. They visited all the sites; Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Venice Beach, and Catalina Island. It was great having Kevin there. Both John and Mateo were enjoying his company. Kevin would have them laughing with one of his stories from back home.

Two days before the end of their stay in Los Angeles Kevin had found a place to stay. It was a homeless shelter for teens and young men. He would live their and volunteer while at the same time look for work. Everything seemed to be working out for him.

Before their trip to Los Angeles John e-mailed Sophie Walker. He took her up on her offer to visit when they were in town.

John and Mateo met Sophie Walker at her travel agency. She was very excited to see her friends from the plane ride. John still remembered their first meeting on the plane from Mexico. They kept in contact with the occasional e-mail. She was looking forward to their time together. They planned to attend a Jazz club where Sophie sang every Friday night. She worked it out with the club owner to let the boys in. Normally you had to be at least 21 years old to enter. John and Mateo also cleared the way for Kevin to attend. It was going to be a going away party for John and Mateo and a "Good Luck" party for Kevin.

While there at her office she excused herself to take a phone call.

"This place is cool babe." John said as he looked at the many posters on the walls of far away places. He spent a second looking at a poster of Hawaii. Above the picture was the caption "Perfect Paradise" In his mind he pictured himself and Mateo walking down a white-sand beach, hand in hand.

"We should have used Sophie for our trip to Mexico she might have gotten us a good deal." John said as he continued to look around the office.

He glanced toward Sophie's office. It was all glass and didn't hide a thing. She was on the phone waving her hands. She clearly didn't look happy. She hung up the phone and stood looking at it with her arms crossed. She finally pushed her hair back and walked out of her office. Her face told them she was not happy.

"Anything wrong Sophie?" John asked knowing she wasn't happy at something.

"I can't believe it. My accompanist can't make it tonight. His wife is going into labor. I'm sorry guys. Looks like our night is ruined."

Mateo looked at John. "Why don't you help her out babe. I'm sure you can do it."

John smiled, "I'd be happy to Sophie. I might need a little time to go over the music but it shouldn't be a problem."

"Oh I couldn't impose on you John. You're on vacation. I don't want you to give up your fun to play for me."

John smiled, "No trouble at all. I would love to do it."

"Are you sure? I mean if it's not too much trouble." She said as her facial features seemed to relax.

"No problem Sophie; I'd love to do it." John smiled.

Sophie smiled big, " I knew there was a reason I liked you kid." She clapped her hands together. "I have the music in my trunk. I can call Jerry at the club and you can go over there and use the piano." She threw her arms around John, "Thank you John."

John's face was turning red from the pressure of her hug. He managed to squeak out a "Your Welcome."

An hour later, John, Mateo, and Kevin arrived at the club. The "Velvet Turtle" was located in the city of Long Beach. The interior had the normal bar and tables plus in the corners there were private booths. On the raised platform, used as a stage stood a baby grand mahogany piano. The red wood sparkled in the lights which illuminated the stage. The three young men walked toward the noise of laughter which seemed to fill every corner of the place.

They approached a table where three other men sat talking. They were all enjoying themselves and their drinks.

"Can we help you boys?" Came a voice from the table. "You boys look a little young to be in a place like this. I think the boys club is down the street."

A few chuckles came the from the table as the boys stood there a bit uncomfortable.

"Hi I'm John Clark. I'm here to play with the band. Sophie sent me," John said as he took a step closer to the table.

"Hey! Oh yeah she just called. It seems that Joey's wife went into labor." The man stood up from his seat. "I'm Mark Roberts, drummer." He gestured towards the table, "This is Grady Sparks, double bass." John received a nod from a bald man. "And this is Billy Wells. He's the one with a big mouth." Mark smiled, "Perfect for playing the sax."

"Nice to meet you John," Billy said as he took John's hand and shook it. "Sorry about that comment about the boys club."

"No harm done Billy, it's cool." John returned his smile. "It's nice to meet you all." John stepped aside and began the introductions. "This is Mateo and Kevin, boyfriend and friend."

John was prepared for comments about having a boyfriend or some gay comment but received none. He relaxed at that moment.

For the next hour they rehearsed the songs which Sophie planned to sing that night. John had no problems following along with the others and was praised for his talent.

They stopped for a break about thirty minutes into rehearsal. "Hey kid, you can play with us anytime." Grady spoke as he took a drink from his water bottle. "Joey's good but you're great."

The others agreed with Grady's comments and John grinned.

"Thanks guys. I'm glad I could help out."

John wondered around the club looking at various things which hung on the walls. Autographed pictured were placed through out the different walls. Some of the great artists were pictured in the photos along with their personal signatures. John thought of all the history enclosed within the walls of the old club.

He found his boyfriend and Kevin sitting in a booth near the back of the club deep in conversation. "Hey guys what's up?" John asked sitting next to Mateo.

"We're just talking.. Sophie just called. She'll be here in a little while so she can run through the songs with you guys in the band." Mateo said as he smiled at John.

"Cool. I'm hungry. I need to eat something." John said as he leaned in and gave Mateo a kiss on the lips.

"After you're done we can go eat. I saw a place down the street." Mateo smiled sweetly at his boy.

"Good cuz I can eat a horse."

Kevin looked a little sad, "I'm gonna miss you guys when you leave. You guys really helped me out. Thanks." He managed to get out.

Mateo put his hand on Kevin's shoulder, "We're gonna miss you too bro. This past week has been fun hanging with you."

Kevin moved closer to Mateo. "You guys were my lifesavers."

Under the table Kevin placed his hand on Mateo's bare thigh. He moved it up towards Mateo's crotch but stopped right at the hem of his shorts.

Mateo turned his head towards Kevin. His eyes locked on Kevin's green eyes. He felt Kevin's hand as it squeezed his upper thigh. Kevin smiled at him and moved his hand to Mateo's crotch. Kevin gently rubbed Mateo's bulge for a few seconds and then with drew his hand.

"Kevin we're both glad that we met you." John said as he smiled. He looked at his watch, "My break is over. I have to get back to the guys. See you guys in a few. John left Kevin and Mateo at the table as he walked back towards the stage.

Mateo turned back to Kevin only to see a smile on his face. Kevin's smile disappeared as he looked at Mateo's face.

"What are you doing Kevin?" Mateo's eyes were drilling into the young man

"Well, I thought you might like it." Kevin once again placed his hand on Mateo's thigh and began to stroke the muscular leg. His hand began to travel up Mateo's thigh.

Kevin's hand was stopped by the strong grip of Mateo's own hand, "Don't," Mateo said, looking into Kevin's face. The single word caused Kevin's hand to stop and he withdrew his hand.

Kevin's head drop into his chest, "I'm sorry Mateo. I shouldn't have done that."

Mateo quickly tried to convince himself that Kevin's touch meant nothing. Truth was it felt nice on his naked thigh and at that moment he was desperately trying to `will' away the erection growing in his shorts.

"I'm not mad Kevin it's just that you can't go around feeling up guys. You want to get your ass kicked? What if John had seen that? How would you explain it to him?"

Kevin didn't raise his head.

"I don't know. I don't know what came over me. You been so nice to me this past week."

A single tear rolled down his cheek, "I'm sorry."

Mateo's heart went out to the boy, "Hey." He moved closer to Kevin and placed his arm around the boy. "It's OK Kev, really."

Kevin laid his head on Mateo's shoulder, "Thanks Bro." Kevin innocently placed his hand back on Mateo's thigh.

Mateo's body reacted to Kevin's touch. `What the hell is going on?' Mateo asked himself. Kevin's hand didn't move. The mere touch was causing Mateo's dick to fill with blood. He didn't know what was going on. His cock snaked it's way down the right leg of his boxer briefs. His body stiffened, "I'm thirsty, do you want a coke from the bar?" He asked Kevin.

"Sure that's cool." Kevin said.

Mateo quickly stood up. He prayed that Kevin wouldn't notice his hard-on.

"Be right back." Mateo said as he turned to leave.

"OK," Kevin said. He placed his hand on the bulge in his shorts. `Damn, Mateo has a hard on. I want some of that.' He thought to himself as he closed his eyes. The plan was coming along nicely. If all worked out, tonight would be the night.

Later that evening the trio of John, Kevin, and Mateo walked into the Velvet Turtle. They had dinner and then went back to the room to change for the night.

John dressed in his black slacks and a blue button down shirt. The color of the shirt drew out the color of his eyes. The other guys in the band were dressed in a similar fashion.

Mateo had worn a pair of tight black jeans with a black t-shirt. He wore his DOC-martins to finish off his outfit. Kevin wore a pair of tight blue wranglers, a white western shirt, cowboy boots and his every present cowboy hat. Tonight he pulled his hair into a tight ponytail and tied it with a thong of leather.

Sophie came into the place dressed in an evening gown. Her dress was black velvet with crystals. She looked stunning with her auburn hair down. She came over to the boys.

"Well, look at you boys. If I was 20 years younger and a man I'd be all over you guys. Especially you." She looked at Kevin. "You look sexy in your cowboy outfit."

"Thanks," said the blushing Kevin. "You look fantastic."

"Thank you Sir!" Sophie said as she bowed her head. She turned to John, "Are you ready for tonight?"

John smiled, "Oh yeah I'm all ready."

"That's great. Thank again John. You saved my life tonight." She grinned.

"It's my pleasure Sophie. I'm always willing to help out a friend."

She stepped up to John and gave him a hug. "You're the best!"

Once again He was caught in her vice-like hug. "No problem, glad I could help." John managed to get out before he was released.

Sophie looked at her watch. "We start in about 30 minutes. I've reserved a table up front for you. All the drinks are on me tonight. Just tell Sammy at the bar. He'll put in on my tab." She held up her hand, "No alcohol."

They all feigned disappointment, "You're a party pooper," Kevin said.

Sophie smiled, "Thank you! And don't you forget it either."

The performance began 35 minutes later. The place quickly filled up with patrons of all ages. The tables were quickly filled and the Velvet Turtle was alive with chatter. They all came to see Sophie and listen to her music.

She performed "You're Just Too Marvelous" The crowd went wild when she finished. Her voice was low and very sexy. The girl had `soul'.

John could see Mateo and Kevin from the piano. Between songs he would steal glances at Mateo. Their eyes would meet and then each would smile. One thing John didn't notice was the way Kevin was looking at Mateo.

"I'm thirsty I'm going to get something from the bar. Do you want anything?" Kevin asked as he stood.

"Yeah, can you bring me a coke?" Mateo replied.

"Coming right up." Kevin said as he walked away. He reached into his pocket and withdrew a small plastic bag.

He walked up to the bar and ordered and Coke and a Sprite. The bartender served him the drinks and walked away. Kevin quickly dropped two small white pills into Mateo's coke. The pills sank to the bottom of the glass and disappeared. He used the straw to mix the drink. He returned to the table and placed the coke in front if Mateo.

"Here ya go." Kevin said as he sat next to Mateo. His leg touched Mateo's.

"Thanks." Mateo said. His body stiffened as he felt Kevin's leg brush against his. He inched away. "Sure is hot in here, huh?" Mateo said as he took a large drink from his coke.

"Sure is." Kevin said with a slight smile on his face.

A new song began and Sophie stepped into the spotlight.

"I'd like to dedicated the next song to a very special couple in the audience tonight. Well, actually that's not entirely true. You see, half of that couple is right up here on stage with me."

She smiled and gestured towards John.

"I have a very dear friend helping me out tonight on the piano. My regular accompanist is at the hospital with his wife having a baby. John was nice enough to help me out tonight. Ladies and Gentlemen may I introduce to you a very talented young man, Mister John Clark."

The audience clapped loud as John took a small bow.

"He and his partner Mateo are out here in Los Angeles on vacation. They both are college students back east and came out to visit Los Angeles and me. So I want to thank these two young men by dedication this song to them " She smiled, "The title of this song is called `Misty'"

Mateo's vision began to blur as he listened to Sophie. He managed to smile at John as she spoke of them. His body began to heat up. He took another drink of his coke. He could hear the music Sophie begin to sing.






Mateo felt a hand on his leg. For a minute he thought it was all in his imagination., he looked down at his leg and saw that Kevin had placed his hand on his thigh,

"What are you doing Kevin?" His words were slurred. His mind was clear but he didn't seem to have control over his mouth. Once again he felt a stirring in his pants as Kevin continued to slide his hand up and down Mateo's thigh. Each time getting closer and closer to his crotch.

"Are you feeling OK Mateo? You don't look too good." Kevin said as he looked into Mateo's face. Beads of sweat began to appear on Mateo's face. "Maybe you need to cool off. Let's go outside and get some air."

Kevin had to help Mateo stand. Kevin's eyes locked on John's as he stood and pointed Mateo towards the front door.





The cool air hit Mateo's body and caused him to shiver. By this time Kevin was supporting most of his weight. Kevin steered them to the side on the building. They were almost hidden from the view of the busy street.

Kevin managed to stand Mateo up against the building. "I've got you now pretty boy."

Kevin's hands worked quickly as he loosened Mateo's belt. Mateo tried to stop him but the drugs were working on his body. His attempts were in vain as Kevin continued. The top button of Mateo's jeans were undone and his zipper was lowered.





John began to worry when he didn't see Kevin or Mateo return. He knew something was wrong.

All sorts of horrible thing began to play out in his mind. He fought with himself to concentrate on the music he was playing. It would be over in a minute. All he had to do was to get through this song!






The room was filled once again with applause as the song ended. Sophie turned towards John to give him a hug and once again thank him for playing but she didn't get the chance as he rushed by her. She watched him go out the front door of the Velvet Turtle. She never noticed that Mateo and Kevin left the table.

Kevin knelt before Mateo. His mouth full of the Latino's hard cock. He was really enjoying the fact that he had power over this stud. Mateo's hands were on the back of his head. Kevin could feel the hands push his head down onto the large cock. Kevin's hands held Mateo's tight ass in his hands. He managed to slip a moist finger into Mateo's tight hole. This caused a low moan to escape from Mateo's lips.

"You like that stud?" Kevin asked as he slipped a second finger into Mateo's ass.

"Fuck yeah! Do it John, fuck my ass with your fingers."

Kevin laughed, "You don't even have a clue what the hell is happening do you?"

Mateo didn't answer the question. He didn't even hear it.

Kevin stood up and lowered his pants. His thick cock sprung up from the tight jeans. "You ready for my cock? You ready to get fucked?"

Mateo's body was turned around to face the building. Kevin placed a condom over his enlarged penis and placed in at the opening of Mateo's hole. He pushed at the entrance and finally the head of his cock slipped in.

"Uh ugh" Mateo grunted as he felt his ass stretch to admit the intruder.

John walked out of the bar and looked around. The Tundra is still here' he thought. His hand suddenly went into his pocket, I still have the keys.' "Where are you?" He said to himself. He turned to the right and began walking. He suddenly stopped when he thought he heard something from the other direction. He turned the other way and started walking. Once again he heard the noise. It sounded like a moan. He looked down the side of the building. He thought he saw something. He began to walk down the side of the building and once again heard another moan.

"Mateo? Is that you?" John's voice called out but he didn't hear any response.

He suddenly stopped. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Was this a dream? Some awful nightmare that he couldn't wake up from?

"What the hell is going on?" He tried desperately to sound mad or mean or pissed but he couldn't.

Both Kevin and Mateo were naked from the waist down. Their pants and underwear bunched at their feet. Mateo's body was against the wall of the building. Kevin stood behind him, fucking him.

Kevin's turned his eyes towards John. "Hey, we're just having a little fun, you want to join us?"

He didn't even stop as he spoke. He continued to ram his cock up Mateo's ass.

"You're boyfriend is sure enjoying it. Aren't you?" Kevin reached forward and pulled Mateo's head back by his beautiful hair. "You like getting your ass fucked don't you Mateo?"

"Oh yeah! I love it don't stop. I love you. Fuck me harder!"

John couldn't believe what he was hearing. Tears stung his eyes as he watched and heard Mateo ask for more. At that moment he was shattered. He looked one last time at Mateo and hung his head. He turned around and walked away. As he walked away he felt like running back to Mateo. He didn't want to leave him like this. `What's going to happen next?' His body was numb from the shock. He went to his truck and sat there. Finally he started the engine and drove away.

"I'm cummmmming!" Kevin shouted as he released his seed into the condom.

After a few moments his withdrew from Mateo and pulled up his pants. He turned Mateo's body around.

"You little fuck," he smiled. "I fucked the cum right out of you." He said as he looked at the cum on Mateo's legs. "You're a mess."

Mateo stared into nothingness still held under the power of the drug. He could hardly stand.

Kevin reached into his back pocket. He pulled out some cigarettes and his cell phone. He lit the cigarette as he dialed his phone.

The cigarette glowed red as he began to talk,


"Yeah it's done."

"John saw us fucking."

"Well, I imagine he's on his way back to the motel and then back home.

"OK, I'll see you in a few days."

Kevin closed his phone. By this time Mateo was laying on the cool concrete. His body was still.

Kevin took a last drag from his cigarette and tossed it away. "See ya around stud." He walked away never looking back.

Kevin walked a few blocks. He came to a bus stop just as the bus was pulling up.

"Does this bus go downtown?" He asked.

"I drive right through it," answered the bus driver.

"I need to get to the Hilton on La Brea"

The bus driver smiled, "Then tonight's your lucky night son, hop on."

Kevin smiled, "I am feeling lucky."

Ok there it is! I'm going to be working on the direction of the story. So please be patient with me as I sort out some ideas.

I hope that you're enjoying the story. Should I continue it? Send me your comments to I answer all mail.

Thanks for taking the time to read.


Next: Chapter 26

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