John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Feb 10, 2004


Hey guys this is my first attempt at writing and I hope that you enjoy my story. I'm not the best on spelling and grammar so please don't bother with the emails telling me I can't write. I do this for fun and that's all. All comments are welcome. If you want more let me know and I'll write more....This story will move slow... Thanks my email is:

The usual disclaimer don't read this if you're too young or it's against the law where you live. This story is about gay men.


As the four young men sat down at their table Mateo noticed that the restaurant seemed a little different. They weren't greeted my Mama or Gino as they usually were when they entered. Instead, another guy with hairy arms and a unibrow lead them to their table. As Mateo looked around the dinning room he wondered where everyone was. His three friends didn't seem to notice anything out of the ordinary. They were still discussing the movie. Mateo didn't enjoy the movie. His mind was occupied with thoughts of John. To Mateo the movie seemed to last 30 hours instead of 3 hours. As they were leaving, PT mentioned something about pizza and the others agreed. As he was walking towards his car Mateo turned his phone on. He had turned it off during the movie. He noticed a missed call from John. Seeing John's phone number on his "missed calls" list, Mateo felt really guilty. He debated weather or not to call him, but decided to wait until he was alone. Now more than ever he felt bad for standing him up. He checked his voicemail but no message was left. Mateo kicked himself for blowing another chance at seeing John. He sat quietly as he listened to his teammates talk about the movie. They all agreed that the Return of the King was the best of all three Lord of the Rings movies. As he sat there Mateo thought of the friendship between Sam and Frodo. He felt he needed a friend like that. A friend that he could be himself with. Some that he didn't have to pretend with. Mateo was so tired of wearing a mask. He needed someone that would know the "real" Mateo. A friend that would be there for him when he needed to talk. A friend that would help him with his struggles in life. A friend that he in turn would help in any way he could. He didn't have that with anyone here at school. He let his imagination wonder as he again thought of John. John's sweet smile and laughter. His beautiful face. Mateo's thoughts turned to his dream. He longed for John in a way that he never felt for anyone before. He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. His friends would probably think he was tired. At least that's what he was hoping for. In his mind he returned to his dream. It felt so real. He heard the music begin as he once again saw John at the piano. As he listened he imagined his lover dressed in white. This time in his mind Mateo was able to finish the kiss. He imagined how tender John's soft pink lips would feel against his. The music continued. Mateo felt as if he were again in the practice room with John. The music felt so real.

"Where's that music coming from?" PT asked as he looked around. "Did they get a sound system in here?" Mateo's eyes shot open. He straightened up in his chair. Now he heard the music. This was no fantasy. He looked around but couldn't find the source of the music. "That's John." Mateo thought to himself. Suddenly he became nervous. He didn't know what to do. Would John understand? Mateo's heart began to beat faster. "What was there to understand?" he thought. "It's not like we had a date or anything. My plans just changed that's all, No biggie." Before he could stop himself Mateo was stood. "I need to use the restroom. I'll be back." He said to his friends as he rushed off. In reality Mateo needed some time to think. He headed towards the restrooms. As he neared the restrooms he noticed a separate hallway. The music was coming from somewhere down there. Without a second thought Mateo turned into the hallway. He came to the door and looked inside. His breath caught in this throat as he saw John at a piano. Mateo's pulse increased. His breath became shallow and once again he was lost in the beautiful music. Sitting near him at a table were Mama Anna and Gino. From where he stood the only person who could see him had his eyes closed. Mateo's hands began to sweat as he stood there. He wanted to stay and listen. Again he felt John in the music. "god, I want him." Mateo whispered, sending up a silent prayer.

The music now over, Mama Anna and Gino surrounded John as he stood from the piano. They both were touched by his music. John was suddenly taken in Mama's arms as she hugged and kiss him. "My little John, That was "bellissimo." She said as she wiped a tear with her apron. "You will need to play for the customers eh? You are wonderful." John thanked her as Gino stepped up. "Wow, John that was amazing." Gino took him in a hug which seemed to last a little bit too long. John thought he felt something against his thigh. Stepping away from him John blushed as he realized Gino had an erection. John looked down to see the outline of Gino's cock against the black slacks of his uniform. Gino's face turned crimson as he realized John staring. John thought he heard him whisper an apology as Gino looked down.

At that moment they all heard a cell phone ring. They turned to see someone standing at the doorway. The hallway was dark so all they saw was a startled figure turn and rush away. The three just looked at each other. "I guess that was another music lover." Gino kidded as they made they way back into the restaurant. As they entered the main dinning room John turned towards his friends. "I need to get back to the dorm. I have some studying to do." John made up the excuse to leave. His feelings of being stood up by Mateo were returning and ruining his mood. "I'll walk you out, John" Gino said as he placed his arm around John's shoulders. As they moved towards the door John noticed the table where three footballs jocks sat. John knew that these guys were Mateo's teammates by the football jerseys they wore. He caught the eye of a red headed guy. The jock looked at John and snickered as he leaned over to his friend, a baldheaded Latino, whispering something in his ear and never taking his eyes off John. The other football jock looked at John and chuckled. As he passed, John felt about an inch tall as he heard the laughter. While he was leaving he heard one of the jocks say "fag". As Gino returned to his work he gave the three athletes a cold look.

Mateo's phone continued to ring as he made his way back into the restaurant. He walked past the table where his friends were waiting, he pointed to his phone without a word and walked outside to talk. He was a little nervous after seeing John. He didn't know what to do. "Hello?" He said as he stepped out into the cool night. "Hola Mateo." The voice of his mother came over the phone. Mateo smiled as he heard her sweet voice. "Hola Mama, como estas? (how are you) He answered. "I'm fine. How are you Mijo? (my son). Smiling Mateo answered, "I'm good Mama. Y Papa?"( and dad) She answered, "He is well. I'm calling because your father and I will be home for your Spring break. Also, your sister Angelica has arranged to come home as well. I spoke with her this afternoon and she is looking forward to seeing you again. I've already purchased your ticket and you leave Monday afternoon at four o`clock." For a moment Mateo's voice was lost as he heard the good news from his mother. "That's great!" He said. The excitement in his voice was not lost on his mother as she too chuckled. "We miss you so much mijo. Your father and I both are looking forward to seeing you again." Changing the subject she asked, "How were your final exams?" Mateo was about to answer her question when he saw John exit the restaurant. Their eyes met and John looked away. Mateo smiled at him. John didn't react. Mateo noticed the hurt expression on his face. Seeing Mateo was too much for John's emotions, after what happened in the restaurant he needed to leave. Without a word spoken, John turned and walked away from him, tears forming in his eyes. Once again the doubts began to invade John's thoughts.

"Mama, tengo que irme. (I need to go). I'll call you tomorrow." Mateo said. His mother asked if there was anything wrong. He gave her the excuse that his friends were waiting for him. They said a quick goodbye and Mateo closed his phone.

Mateo saw that John was about half a block away. "That boy sure can move" he thought to himself as he approached him from behind. "Dude, what's up?" Mateo asked talking to John's back. John didn't stop or turn around. A few more steps and Mateo tried again. "John!" He said in a louder voice. This time John stopped but he still didn't turn towards Mateo. "WHAT?" John shouted in a cold voice. John's body stiffened, "Why don't you back to your friends? I'm sure they're waiting for you." he spat over his shoulder. John's voice cracked as tears escaped from his eyes. The words stung Mateo. "John, please turn around and talk to me." he pleaded. Before turning, John's hands went to his face wiping the tears away. He turned towards Mateo. "What's wrong?" Mateo asked with concern in his voice. John could not hide the pain he was in. His eyes were red and his face was a little flush. "Nothing is wrong." he lied. At that moment John caught the beautiful image of Mateo. He released a small sigh. His heart ached for this young Mexican. Mateo wore his football jersey, a black Nike baseball cap backwards on his head and a pair of the tight jeans. John's heart began to palpitate. He wanted to run into Mateo's arms. "Everything is just fine." John said trying to keep his voice from trembling. Knowing that he was hiding something, Mateo asked, "Is this because I didn't call you?" Mateo took one step towards John. He felt like crying himself knowing that he may have been the cause of John's tears. "I'm so sorry" he continued. "Some guys from the team ambushed me into going to the movies. I should have called. I'm sorry." Mateo said. John looked into his eyes and knew that he was telling the truth. Mateo's eyes met his. Both of the young men eyes revealed their hidden secrets. The longing they both shared. The desire they both had to hold the other. At that moment Mateo's mind was in a whirlwind. He would give anything at this moment to step up to John and press his lips to his. John's heartbeat pulsated in his ears as he looked at Mateo. "Please God, let me have him." This prayer silent, John prayed yet again. Blushing, they broke their gaze and looked down. "I heard you playing for Gino and Mama." Mateo said trying to ease the tension of the situation. "It was beautiful John. Just like yesterday. What was the title of the piece you played?" He said with a smile. "Thanks Mateo." John said as he shuffled his feet. He felt like a kid on his first date, clumsy and fumbling over everything he did. "It was a piece by Beethoven, his Moonlight Sonata." John's eyes lit up, "Was that you in the hallway spying on us?" he asked. "Yeah it was me. I heard the music and I knew it was you. I don't know how I knew, I just did." This time it was Mateo's time to shuffle his feet. Losing his smile, John spoke, "It wasn't you I was pissed at Mateo." Mateo's face shot up as he looked at John. "So you WERE pissed at something." John looked away. Another wave of fear washed over his body. "Yeah I was pissed at something that happened in the restaurant." John's body tensed. He was about to relay the story to Mateo when they both heard a voice. "Mateo! What's taking you so long?" The voice belonged to PT. "C'mon dude the pizza is on the table and it's getting cold. What are you doing?" PT tried to see what was going on but was too far to see.

"Fuck." Mateo hissed. "John I gotta go. I'll call you later. I promise." John saw PT and couldn't hide his look of anguish. "Alright Mateo. I'll talk to you soon." John started to walk away but not before Mateo noticed the look he gave PT. "Talk to you later." Mateo said as he watched John walk away. John waved his hand in the air not bothering to turn around. Mateo whistled low as he saw John's tight body walk away. John's firm bubble butt was perfectly encased in a pair of denim cargo pants. Before turning around Mateo adjusted himself. He didn't want anyone seeing the evidence of his attraction towards John. He hurried back inside to his teammates. Suddenly he had other things on his mind besides pizza.

As he walked into the restaurant Gino waved him over. Mateo shook his hand. "Ciao Mateo. Listen, I need to tell you something." Mateo's eyebrows raised. "Oh, what is it?" he asked. "Well, I hate to tell you this." Gino looked very uncomfortable. "Gino, what is it dude?" Mateo asked. Gino continued, "While you were outside I heard Snake, PT, and Jose talking about John. Mateo's face looked at Gino with surprised interest. "What did they say?" Mateo asked, paying close attention to Gino's next words. "They were calling him names." Gino glanced at the table where the three jocks were wolfing down the pizza. "Names? What kind of names?" Mateo asked. He felt his face start to get hot. Gino looked down, "They called him a faggot. They said that he looked like a little pussy boy. Gino's voice was very low. "I know they're your friends Mateo. If they weren't I would have thrown them out already." Gino said. Mateo faced seemed to catch fire. He didn't bother trying to hide the anger in his eyes. He squeezed Gino's hand. "Thanks Gino. I'll take care of it." Gino's faced looked relieved. "Thanks Mateo." He said, smiling as he placed his hand over Mateo's.

Walking to the table, Mateo didn't bother sitting down. His face was a mask of anger. Snake noticed, "Dude, what's wrong with you?" Mateo took a deep breath. "That guy that just left was my friend. I heard what you were saying about him and that's not right." Three mouths stopped chewing. "You mean that fag?" Jose asked. "What, is he your personal cocksucker? All three began to chuckle. "He's a friend asshole! And yes that's who I mean." Mateo's eyes burned with anger. "His name is John and he deserves to be treated with respect" Snake spoke up, "Chill dude, we were only fooling around. You know, having a little fun." Mateo's hard stare turned on Snake. "Well, it wasn't funny! You all need to grow up and stop acting like little children." Mateo turned from the table and headed for the door. Before he reached the door he turned, "You guys are all assholes! I'm sorry I ever called you my friends." Before they could react to his last statement Mateo was trough the door, "I need to find John." he said under his breath. The three teammates looked at each other in confusion.

Gino came over to the table throwing down a to-go box, "You guys are done. Get out!"

John walked along the sidewalk on his way back to his dorm room. The anger he felt towards the three jocks at the restaurant was slowly leaving his body . Yes, he was gay, but was he ready to tell the world? He was about a 100 yards away from his dorm building when he heard the sound of an approaching car. He noticed Mateo as he pulled up alongside him. "John, wait up." Mateo called out. John stopped, a look of surprise on his face. "Mateo, What's up dude? What's going on?" He asked as Mateo stopped the car. "I need to talk to you about something. Can we talk in your room?" Mateo saw the look of apprehension on his friends face. "It's nothing bad John, I just need to clear something up." Now even more confused, John nodded. "OK, sure. My building is right over there." He said as he pointed with a nod. "Cool, hop in, I'll give you lift the rest of the way." Mateo said, smiling as he leaned over to open the passenger door.

The two young men rode in silence the short distance to John's dorm. Once inside the two looked very uncomfortable. John sat on his bed as Mateo pulled out the desk chair and straddled it. John stole a look at Mateo's hard body. Finally, clearing his throat Mateo spoke, "John, the reason I wanted to talk to you is about what happened at Dominick's. Gino told me what happened with the guys. About the names they called you." Mateo stood up from the chair and walked toward John. John braced himself, The fear on John's face caused Mateo to stop. "John, I'm not going to do anything to you. I just want to apologize for those loser friends of mine." John breathed an audible sigh as his body relaxed. "Oh, for a minute I thought I was toast dude." John said as he tried to catch his breath. Mateo continued, "Dude I'm so sorry. Nobody should be treated like that. It was totally uncalled for." Mateo's face showed nothing but sincerity. "And even if you were gay, that wouldn't be a problem with me." This brought John's ears to a perk as he looked into Mateo's gorgeous brown eyes trying to read his thoughts.

"Wow, that's cool Mateo." John said as he stood up. Mateo continued, "John I don't care if you're gay, straight, purple, green or polka-dot. I just know that I enjoy your company and your friendship. I hope this thing that happened tonight at the restaurant hasn't changed things between us. I'd hate to lose you as a friend." Mateo's looked deeply into the blue pools of John's eyes. Mateo took another step closer to John. His heart felt as if it would burst through his chest. He felt it difficult to breath. Never breaking eye contact Mateo hands reached out and found John's shoulders. The two young men were standing only inches apart. Mateo looked down into John's face. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that. John looked up into Mateo beautiful face. He saw that Mateo was close to tears. Without a second thought John's arms encircled Mateo's body laying his head on his shoulder. Their touching sent an electrical current racing through their bodies. Mateo gasped as he felt John's body pressed against his own. He immediately became hard. This is what he fantasized about. This dream of holding John was finally coming true. Mateo's arms moved to embrace his friend. John reached up to Mateo's face to brush away a single tear before it was about to roll down his cheek. John left his hand on Mateo's face, causing tingles to run up and down Mateo's body. He wasn't sure if John felt his body as it reacted to his touch. As Mateo was wondering about John's reaction, John felt the hard cock against his hip. With no more doubts in his mind Mateo spoke, "John, I've got to..."

Before Mateo could finish his sentence John interrupted, "Shh..." John placed his index finger against Mateo's soft lips. "No words" he whispered as he tilted his head up and closed his eyes. Mateo leaned in closing his eyes. Their lips touched. Each young man releasing an audible moan as they kissed. Mateo's hands moved. One to John's face the other to his lower back. Mateo caressed John's face as he continued to kiss his tender lips. John's mouth opened. Mateo's tongue slid in, tasting his mouth. John whimpered as he felt Mateo's tongue explore his mouth. John's hands were now on Mateo's chiseled chest. He found Mateo's nipples under his football jersey. As he squeezed a nipple, Mateo reacted with a groan. Mateo released the hold on John's body. He found the bottom of John's shirt. John raised his arms as Mateo slid the shirt from his body. John's smooth chest came into view. Mateo admired the body as his eyes scanned over every inch of John's chest. Mateo stepped back and took his shirt off. John stood in amazement when he saw Mateo's upper body. The smooth skin seemed to glow in the light of the room. His dark nipples each sat on a perfectly molded pair of pecs. Mateo's six-pack flexed as he moved towards John. "You like?" Mateo asked with a shy grin on his face. John's face lit up with a huge smile. "Oh yeah, I like very much." He said. John again kissed Mateo's soft lips. He took Mateo's hand and led him to his bed. "Lay down." He whispered to Mateo. Mateo stretched out on the bed. John smiled down at his new young lover. John lowered his body next to Mateo. Mateo opened his arms. To receive John's body. The two young lovers fit perfectly together in a loving embrace. Without knowing how, Mateo moved so that John was underneath him. "I never dreamt this would happen." Mateo said as he kissed John's face and neck. "I've wanted you ever since I saw you sitting at that table having breakfast." John's body reacted to Mateo's kisses by grinding his lower body into his lovers. John's hand reached down towards Mateo's denim enclosed ass. "Oh Mateo, I've wanted the same thing." John's mind was spinning. John's hand felt Mateo's ass as he continued to grind crotches with him. Mateo looked into John's eyes. The two lovers once again felt the connection. With no words, their eyes spoke tomes to each other. Mateo broke the connection as he lowered his lips onto John's little pink nipples. John let out a small moan as Mateo sucked on the right nipple and pinched the left. Mateo continued to kiss down John's body. He found the button for John's pants. He unbuttoned John's pants and pulled the zipper down. John lifted his ass as Mateo lowered his pants and underwear. Soon John was completely naked. Mateo's eyes scanned John's body. Every inch of this boy was beautiful. John's hard cock rested against his stomach, a little pool of precum near his navel. Mateo, still in his clothes and laying beside John, whispered in his ear, "You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen." John's eyes began to moisten as the words sunk into his mind. "Oh Mateo, I love you." John replied in a whisper. Mateo's eyes watered up as well as he heard those words. "I love you John" he replied as he continued loving John's body with his kisses. Mateo's hands were caressing John as he moved lower. He kissed his way down to John's blond bush. Mateo smelled his lover and released another moan. John spread his legs. Mateo began kissing the inner thigh of his love. John felt the tender kisses as Mateo traveled down one leg and up the other. Mateo looked up into John's face. John's eyes which were shut, opened to reveal the need for his Mateo. No words were needed for Mateo to know what to do. He began kissing underneath John's shaft. Moving up and down, he began to lick and taste John's hard cock. John's breathing increased with this new feeling. Picking up his cock from his stomach Mateo used his tongue to clean John's puddle of precum. The sweet taste filled his mouth. Mateo took his lover in his mouth. He wrapped his lips around the head of John's leaking cock. "Mmm, gawd that feels so good." John groaned as Mateo's mouth went further down his cock. Mateo with a mouth full echoed John's comment with a groan. His hands found John's balls. Lightly caressing them in his hands Mateo continued pleasing his John. After a few minutes John pulled himself from Mateo. In one move John was now on top, stretching his body over Mateo. He kissed his lips as he undid the buttons to Mateo's jeans. John could taste his precum on Mateo's lips. John invaded Mateo's mouth with his tongue. After a few moments of kissing, John raised his head as he looked into Mateo's chocolate brown eyes, "You don't know how long I've wanted this. I can't begin to understand how I feel for you. All I know is that this is "right". Mateo smiled as he placed his hand on John's face. Mateo replied with only two words, "I know." Mateo's hand moved from John's face to the back of his head as he drew John into another kiss. John hands were moving all over Mateo's chest. John reached into the waistband of Mateo's exposed boxer briefs. Mateo released a sigh as John's fingers wrapped around his hard shaft. John stroked his cock as his kissed his way to Mateo's sensitive nipples. John sucked the left nipple into his hungry mouth. After a few minutes John moved to the right nipple wanting to give Mateo as much pleasure as he had received. John kissed his way down Mateo's body. John's lips kiss further down until he came to Mateo's navel. John circled the navel with his tongue darting in and out a few times. John's hands were working on removing Mateo's jeans. After much effort, Mateo lied there with his white boxer briefs on. The tip of his cock above the waistband. John's eyes drunk in Mateo, his beautiful body against the white sheets. His hands on the waistband he lowered the boxer briefs down Mateo's legs. John gasped as he saw his lover's 9 inches of hard brown meat. He began to kiss at the base of Mateo's cock. His hands gently fondling the low hanging smooth balls. Mateo spread his legs as he enjoyed the touch of John's mouth and hands. Kissing up and down the shaft John was lost in the beauty of Mateo's body. John's mouth tasted the sweet precum as he took the smooth head in his mouth. Mateo's uncut cock filled his mouth. John's warm mouth caressed his lover. Mateo moaned as he felt this new sensation. John's hand reached for Mateo's chest. He pinched Mateo's right nipple as he increased his speed on his cock. Mateo's hips began to move feeding John even more of his cock. John was dizzy with desire as he worked on Mateo's cock. Mateo's balls began to pull up against his body, he was nearing his climax. John knew his lover was close. Mateo wanted to warn John - "John I'm going to cum" he said this so John would have a chance to move off before Mateo would shoot. John moaned as he continued to bob up and down Mateo's cock. Mateo's cock swelled as he released the first shot of cum into John's mouth. "Oh John!" Mateo screamed as the second, third and fourth load of cum shot out of his cock. John's tongue tasted the sweet load of Mateo's sperm. He swallowed quickly not to miss a drop of his lover's cum. Mateo's body relaxed. His breathing more even as he returned to earth. He opened his eyes to see John licking clean his cock. Mateo reached down and brought John up into his arms. "John that was amazing." Mateo kissed him tasting his own cum in John's mouth. Mateo felt John's cock against his thigh. He reached down and took John in his hand. Mateo stroked John's cock using his own precum as lube. Turning John onto his back Mateo slowly kissed his way down his body. Once he was eye level with John's beautiful dick Mateo took it in his mouth. John gasped as he felt the warmth of Mateo's mouth surround his hardness. Mateo lovingly swallowed John. He took three quarters of John's 7 inches. John seemed to purr as Mateo worked up and down John's shaft. The sensation was too great for John to last any longer. "Mateo I'm going to cum!" he shouted. Mateo looked up into John's face. "Give me your love baby." he said as he continued to pleasure his lover. John's hips had a mind of their own as they bucked on the bed. John took fists of sheets in his hand as he released his cum. Mateo was surprised that such a small guy like John could have such a powerful orgasm. The hot cum hit the back of his throat almost causing him to choke. He regained control of his throat muscles just in time to be blasted with another squirt of cum from John's cock. Finally John stopped moving. His soft cock slipping from Mateo's mouth. Mateo moved up and lied beside John watching his chest rise and fall. His placed his hand on John's chest feeling his heart beat. John turned his head toward Mateo. His blue eyes pierced Mateo's soul as the two locked eyes. "Oh Mateo. That was wonderful." he said as he cuddled next to Mateo's body. Mateo stroked John's hair as the two young college men relaxed after their session of love. John's breathing became even as he fell asleep. Mateo turned his head to kiss John on the forehead. "Good night my love" he whispered to the sleeping beauty. Mateo closed his eyes, as he drifted into sleep, Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" danced in his head.

Ok guys there is number five. I found this one a little harder to write. The love scene between John and Mateo took a long time and I hope I gave it justice. I hope you all enjoyed it.

Thanks again for all the e-mails. You guys are the ones who keep me writing.

Special thanks to my Italian friend Andrea for his part in this story. Ciao Andrea.


Next: Chapter 6

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