John and Mateo

By David S

Published on Feb 25, 2004


Hey guys this is my first attempt at writing and I hope that you enjoy my story. I'm not the best on spelling and grammar so please don't bother with the emails telling me I can't write. I do this for fun and that's all. All comments are welcome. If you want more let me know and I'll write more....This story will move slow... Thanks my email is:

The usual disclaimer don't read this if you're too young or it's against the law where you live. This story is about gay men.

Thanks for all the emails. I have to say that I didn't think I'd get such a response from my story. This is fun!

Please send an email if you like the story. I'm always open to suggestions.


The rest of the weekend passed without incident. Monday morning John went to the local Western Union office to pick up the money sent by his father. John was surprised by the amount. "I guess they want me to have a good time." he said chuckling to himself. He was all set for his trip to Mexico with Mateo. John walked around on cloud nine since he and Mateo were together. It was great to finally find someone that knew John for who he really was. He felt like the luckiest guy on the planet.

The flight to Mexico would leave at 2pm and arrive at 9.00pm that night. Traveling to another country excited John. He had never been out of the country and was looking forward to seeing Mexico through Mateo's eyes. There was only one thing that was on his mind that troubled him. He was a little nervous about meeting Mateo's parents. Although Mateo told him a little about his parents, meeting them still made John feel a little nauseous. Mateo's father was this important politician and his mother was some president of a local charity in Mexico. The impression that John had of both his parents were that they were very professional people. He wanted them to like him and he didn't want to give them any reason that might cause them to dislike, or not approve of him. John tried to shake off his nervousness by thinking of Mateo. For only being a few days since they had met, the love that they shared together gave him confidence that he could face anything that would come into their lives. He knew without a doubt that Mateo loved him and that's all John needed.

John returned to campus to find Mateo in his room. Mateo moved in for the weekend. He wanted to eventually ask John to share his room with him. Being on the football team he had a larger room then the normal dorm room. He planned to ask John while they were away in Mexico. Mateo was looking forward to finally seeing his parents. He was also looking forward to seeing his sister. Although he had other siblings Mateo had something special with Angelica. She was the only one of the five other siblings that he felt close to. He had two older brothers and three older sisters. Angelica was the youngest of the three. Mateo, being the baby of the family really never connected with his older brothers and his older sisters were already married with children.

"Hey." John spoke, pulling Mateo from his thoughts.

"Hi babe" Mateo's face lit up. "Everything set?"

John said, "Yup everything is good. Dad sent five hundred dollars. I think he wants me to have a very good time." Mateo took John in his arms. "Mmm you smell good boy." John returned his kiss. "You don't smell so bad yourself." The two held each other for a few minutes as they kissed. The phone rang interrupting the make out session. John picked up the phone.

"Hello? Hey PT, sup? Yeah OK see you in a few." Turning to Mateo, "PT is on his way over to take us to the airport. You ready to go? Taking John into his arms once again Mateo smiled, "I'm so ready. Let's do it."

The flight from Virginia to Mexico City was not as fun as John first thought. After a 2 hour lay over in Miami, once arriving in Mexico all John was ready for was a nice soft bed with Mateo beside him. He learned that Mateo's home wasn't actually in Mexico City. It was located in a town call Calpulalpan. Mateo had told him that Calpulalpan was about a thirty minute drive from Mexico City. His father didn't mind the drive in the morning. Rafael Villasenor had a driver that was provided with his job. It gave him plenty of time to read e-mail and go over work notes. Mateo and John would have used of a jeep while they were in town.

The two weary travelers step off the plane. John was tired but Mateo was bouncing around suddenly hit by a boost of energy once he heard the pilot radio that they were on approach to Mexico City.

The two young men were in the midst of passengers and other families as they made there way from the gate to the luggage claim.

"Mateo!" They both turn to see a beautiful woman approach at a half-run. Mateo's eyes lit up as he saw his sister. His sister was about 5`5" with long beautiful black hair. She and Mateo had many of the same features. The big brown eyes, the dimples, and the great smile. Her face was clear of any blemishes. By the look of her body John could tell that she was athletic too. "Angelica!" They both ran to each other. Mateo picked up the slim girl and twirled her around, her long dark hair flying in the air. He kissed her on the cheek as he sat her down. "You're looking really good Sis." He said catching his breath. "And you look as handsome as ever Teo. I was so excited to hear that you were able to come home. I've missed you so much." Her eyes looked up into Mateo's face as she kissed his cheek. "Mother and father will be so happy to see you again." Mateo spoke, "I'm happy to finally come home to see them and you. It's been so long. I was hoping that you and I can catch up on things. I want to know all about school and Spain."

John stood there forgotten as the brother and sister talked. He didn't mind. He was so happy that Mateo had this chance to see his family again. He smiled as he listened. Mateo finally realized and turned towards John. "John, I'd like you to meet my sister, Angelica Villasenor." Angelica's eyes turned towards John with a quizzical look. "I didn't know you were bringing a friend Teo, mom didn't mention anything." Mateo smiled. "I told them not to mention anything to you. At the time I wasn't sure if John could come or not, so I told them not to tell you." John spoke up with an outstretched hand, "Hello Angelica, I'm John Clark. Mateo has told me so much about you." Angelica took his hand and shook it while looking at Mateo, "Well John it's nice to meet one of Mateo's friends. He has told me nothing of you." She smiled as she continued, "That's OK John, we'll talk and get to know each other." Mateo cleared his throat, "Sis, John is more than a friend. He's my boyfriend." Angelica's eyes bulged. "Really? That's wonderful!" Her face beamed as she looked at Mateo and John. She stepped up to Mateo and took him in her arms. "I'm so happy for you hermanito. You deserve to be happy." She extended her arm motioning John to come over, he stepped into her embrace. "John, I'm glad that my brother finally found someone. To keep him inline." The three stood there laughing in a group hug as others passed by.

Finally the trio left the airport on their way to the Villasenor home. John and Mateo would be meeting his parents tomorrow as they were away visiting his Aunt and Uncle. They would arrive the following day sometime after lunch. John let out a silent sigh of relief. He wondered if he would be able to sleep knowing that tomorrow he would finally meet Mateo's parents.

The family car was waiting outside the airport to take them all to the house. John was introduced to Eduardo. A tall thin man with black hair, a thick moustache and a face that was scarred from acne. He gave John a warm smile and a firm handshake. He had been employed as the official driver for the family for the last ten years. The car was a Lincoln Town car black, which was an older model but well taken care of. The interior of the car had all the modern technology-cell phone, computer ports for you lap top, fax machine, and mini television monitor. It had a faint smell of tobacco, maybe cigars John thought to himself. It looked like an office on wheels.

The ride to the house lasted about thirty minutes. From what John saw from the window Mexico city was a very busy place. The streets were still alive at 10pm. People seemed to be everywhere. They passed a park with people enjoying the night air with a blanket and a loved one. It almost seemed that the city didn't sleep. John was anxious to see the city and spend time with Mateo.

The car drove up a long road to reach the circular driveway in front of the house. John's jaw dropped when he saw the huge house. The house was lit up with perfectly place spotlights all around it. The house was massive with white stucco walls with a clay tiled roof. There were balconies in the front with beautifully made iron railings. With soft touches of green from planters which sat on the corners of the balconies. From what John could see the front lawn was perfectly manicured with rose bushes, small palm trees and a few other small plants.

As they walked through the doors they were met by a couple of the staff. A small petite woman of about 45 years of age. She bowed her head slightly as she introduced herself as Rosa. She was the housekeeper. Another guy about 30 stepped up and introduced himself as Pedro. He looked like he worked out everyday. The muscles in his chest were well defined as well as his legs. He was the grounds keeper and handy man.

The interior to the house was rich with Mexican furniture, art, and pottery. There were many hangings of the walls of paintings and scenes from Mexican history. The floors were tiled with a light brown slate looking material. More touches of the iron work was also seen through out the house. The house reminded John of a museum. He chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Mateo asked as he was showing John around the house. "Mateo your house is like a museum, I'm afraid to move in here." John smiled. "Well John, first of all, it's not our house, it belongs to the Mexican government, and secondly try not to break something cuz it's not our stuff. Except for a few things, this all belongs to the government." He looked at John, "But don't get any ideas. If you break one piece I'll have to report you to the Mexican police. You'll end up in prison as someone's girlfriend." John's face dropped and he stuck out his lower lip, "You'd let them take me away form you?" Mateo took John in his arms, "Never babe, you're stuck with me for a longtime. I'd never let anyone take you from me." John's body melted into Mateo as his leaned in for a kiss. "Good answer." he said as he pressed his lips into Mateo's.

"Ah look at the two love birds." Mateo and John turned to see Angelica smiling at them. "I need to find a boyfriend too." Her smile was sweet. "Come to the study, we'll talk. Rosa has made us a little snack." She giggled "That is, if you can keep your hands to yourselves." She quickly turned and headed off. Mateo and John kissed one more time and followed her.

The three spent much of the night talking, laughing and snacking on fruits and veggies. For Mateo and Angelica it was a time of catching up on each others lives. John enjoyed Angelica's wit and her ability to push Mateo's buttons. He laughed along with them as if they'd been friends for life.

Finally about one o'clock they all decided to call it a night and retire to their bedrooms. John and Mateo's room was on the third floor, at the back of the house. Hidden away from the rest of the house. Mateo told John that he picked this room because he liked to play his music loud and it was the furthest away from his parents room. The room was large enough to be a small apartment. There was a private bath with a shower stall big enough for a family of five and an old fashion tub. On one wall there was a huge entertainment center with a television, DVD player, stereo, CD player, and Sony play station. On the other wall was a desk and chair with computer and printer. Next to the desk was a section of shelves with books, pictures, and many trophies and ribbons from Mateo's childhood. . One particular photo stood out to John. It was a picture of Mateo atop a horse with a cute cowboy outfit on. He had a huge smile of his face. "I look like a total loser in that pic." Mateo said. "No you don't. You look very cute." John argued with him. "It looks like you're having fun." Mateo stepped behind John and wrapped his arms around his body. "Not as much fun as I'm having now." Mateo kissed the back of John neck. John's body shuddered as he felt Mateo's lips on his neck. While he continued kissing Mateo hands found the buttons to John's shirt. Slowly he undid all the buttons, pulling off the shirt and dropping it onto the floor. John's smooth chest was exposed to Mateo's hands. Mateo slowly ran his hands over John's smooth skin. John's laid his head on Mateo's shoulder. Mateo's warm hands found John's nipples, he brushed the sensitive nipples with his fingers. John gasped as he felt the tingle in his body. Mateo continued to kiss John's neck, he needed more. He stepped back turning John around. He took him in his arms. Their lips met and the two kissed very passionately. They both were left breathless as they released each other from the beautiful kiss. "Mmm, that was good." John said as he rested his head on Mateo's chest. "How did you learn to kiss like that?" he asked looking into Mateo's sexy brown eyes. Mateo shrugged, "I think you bring it out in me babe." Mateo's arms encircled John's body once more drawing him closer. "Every time I see you, look into your eyes, I think to that I'm the luckiest guy on planet earth." Mateo's eyes moistened, "I don't know what it is about you. You have me under your spell John Clark." John voice cracked, "Oh Mateo, I don't what to say. I can't even start to grasp at words that would even come close to telling you how I feel right now. Sometimes I wonder if this is all a dream, that I'll wake up and be back in my dorm room alone." John looked into Mateo's eyes, "Are you a dream?"

A single tear fell from Mateo's eye. "No, John I am no dream baby." Mateo cupped John face in his hands, "This is reality. This is our reality." Mateo kissed John again. The young lover's hearts were beating wildly, their hands caressing one another in tenderness. John removed Mateo's shirt and pants. He stood in his boxer briefs while John removed his pants. John returned to Mateo's arms only in his boxers. The feeling of skin to skin contact was almost too much for John, as his body trembled. "Are you cold?" Mateo asked. John smiled as he answered, "No Mateo. When our bodies touched it made me feel so good. I couldn't help it." John blushed. Mateo only smiled and pulled John into his body once more. John felt Mateo's hardness on his abs. He began to move his body against the huge bulge in Mateo's underwear. His hands moved over Mateo's strong back. John loved the feeling of Mateo's hard muscles under his touch. His hands found the waistband of Mateo's underwear, pulling them down, Mateo was naked. John soon found himself naked as Mateo removed his boxers.

Mateo walked the king size bed. He drew back the beautiful silk bedspread. Turned off the lights and lit a candle on the night stand. Mateo returned to John's side. Once more they found themselves in a passionate kiss. Mateo's tongue explored John mouth. John whimpered into his lover's mouth at the feeling he was experiencing. In one move Mateo picked up John in his arms. He walked to the bed and placed John on the cool sheets. Mateo's heart felt like it would explode. He sat beside John looking into his eyes. "You're so beautiful." John blushed. John took Mateo's hand gently pulling him down onto his body. Mateo's body covered John. John opened his legs. Their cocks touched. Each one moaned as they began to rub each others dicks. Mateo began kissing and licking John's chest. John groan as he felt Mateo's lips wrap around his right nipple. "Oh that feels so good." He managed to say between moans of pleasure. Mateo's mouth traveled down the body of his lover. He found John's hard cock leaking sweet clear precum. His tongue licked the head tasting the sweetness. Mateo took John into his warm mouth. Slowly he lowered his mouth down the shaft. "Oh gawd! Mateo that feels so good." John said as he looked down. Mateo warm mouth caressed John's leaking cock. "Do it babe. Suck it." John hips began to move causing his cock to gently push in and out of Mateo's mouth. Mateo played with John's balls as he sucked. Pulling on them was driving John wild. John felt the familiar feeling of his approaching organism. He was going to blow. Mateo felt the same thing and stopped. John looked down in disappointment. Mateo smiled, "Not yet babe. I want to try something." Mateo kissed John's cock. He began licking his smooth balls. Taking each one in his mouth. Slowly tasting each one. This was driving John crazy. Mateo gently kissed under the ball sac as he raised John's legs. His kisses continued. John's knees were on his chest. He was totally exposed to his lover. Mateo's mouth moved into the crack of John's ass. He began by tonguing the area around John's tight pink hole. With all gentleness Mateo kissed John's hole. This wonderful feeling caused John to groan very loudly. "Shh, you're going to wake everybody up." Mateo kidded. John smiled, "sorry" was the only word he was able to get out as Mateo continued his assault on his hole. Mateo's tongue lick at his lover's tight hole. His tongue moved up and down John's crack. His tongue stopped at John's hole and he licked. John bit his lower lip to keep from screaming. This new feeling was out of this world.

Mateo's tongue slowly entered John's ass. John's ass relaxed allowing his lover tongue access. Mateo's tongue darted in and out of John's sweet ass. John's body shook as he felt the hot tongue. After a few minutes of loving John's hole, Mateo returned to John's cock. He licked the precum that had escaped John's purple head. While he was working on John's cock he began inserting his middle finger into John's hole. A low groan escaped John's lips as he felt Mateo's finger enter him. "Oh yes bade." John said. Mateo's finger slid in and out of John's ass as his mouth moved up and down his shaft. Within minutes Mateo found his prize. John gasped loudly as he felt Mateo's finger brush up against his prostate. His head moved from side to side as he felt again pleasure of Mateo's finger. John began to fuck himself on Mateo's finger. He wanted more of the feeling inside him. Mateo increased the speed on John's love button. John cried out, "Oh Mateo I'm going to cum!" Mateo looked up into John's eyes. "Do it babe!" He said, going back down on John's cock. John's body jerked, "I'm cumming!" John's hot cum shot out of his cock into Mateo's waiting mouth. Mateo felt the first shot hit the back of his mouth. He began to swallow, the wonderful taste of John's cum filling his mouth. John's moans excited Mateo. He continued to drink John's cum, lost in love. Finally after releasing eights shots of cum down Mateo's throat John withdrew his sensitive cock from his lover's throat. "Oh Mateo, that was unbelievable. I love you so much." Mateo laid next to John. He kissed him on the lips. John could taste his cum on Mateo's mouth. "I love you so much John." Mateo whispered.

John looked into Mateo's eyes. "You do, don't you? You do love me." Mateo smiled, "Oh yes, I love you John with all my heart." John smiled as he looked into Mateo's face. "Are you ready for your turn stud?"

Mateo shook his head, "No John, tonight was for you babe." John understood. He smiled, "Thank you." he said trying to hide his trembling voice. Mateo looked into his eyes, "Anything for you babe." John looked into Mateo's face, he could see the flames of the candles dance in his lover eyes. "How did I get so lucky?"

Mateo's face lit up, smiling he said in his southern accent, "Ah shucks, it wern't nothin

Sir". Mateo then tipped an imaginary hat, "I aim to please ya!" This caused John to roll with laughter. "You're such a nut Mateo." Mateo beamed, "Gracias amigo! Welcome to Mexico John. I love you." Mateo kissed him once more.

Mateo leaned over and blew out the candle. He brought the cool bedspread up and over their bodies. John settled into his arms, resting his head on his chest. They kissed once more. "Good night John."

"Good night Mateo." The two young lovers drifted off to sleep.

Ok there is number 7. Hope you all enjoy it....

Send me a note and let me know how you like my story. Thanks again for all the emails.


Next: Chapter 8

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