By Donny Mumford - Laureate Author

Published on Mar 15, 2024




Gary is driving to his apartment in John's pickup truck with John in the shotgun seat, glancing at fat Gary, feeling uneasy all of a sudden about being alone with Gary for two days and nights. Is that really something to be uneasy about, though?

That's what John asks himself, but he's not thinking straight because there's, eerily, been no talking since leaving his house, and the silence is roaringly loud in John's ears. John's trying to think of something to say that won't annoy Gary, it's Gary who thinks of something to say. With his voice sounding different somehow, Gary says, "You're all mine now. Your nurse isn't going to be running over to baby you when you start crying. Do you think you can handle me on your own, pretty boy?"

John frowned, feeling weirdly shy all of a sudden, as if a disciplinarian authority figure had caught John doing something wrong, making John feel like a little boy. He knows he's being stupid, but he can't shake his shyness. Blushing brightly for no reason, he asks earnestly. "Will I be alright, Daddy?"

Gary laughs out loud, then says, "You are so funny with the things you come out with. Jesus!" John goes, "What?"

Still snickering, Gary mutters, "Please tell me you're joking with that shit. That gave me creepy goosebumps."

Embarrassed, John's face feels on fire as it turns an even brighter shade of red. Gulping, he mutters, "Yeah, I was joking. Um, ah, don't get mad, but it's almost three-thirty, so can we please stop somewhere for lunch?"

Gary mumbles, "Why would I get mad? Jesus Christ, stop saying crazy things, okay? I can't keep up with you. Lunch, huh? It's almost impossible, but I'm trying not to think about food. My plan is to stay on a five hundred-calorie-a-day diet, take a ton of vitamins, jog my fat ass four miles a day, and do sit-ups by the hundreds."

John thinks, 'What's my problem? Gary's being nice. Everything h says is said in a friendly voice. I'm the one being odd.' Then John mumbles, "You don't need to diet, Gary. You're fine like you are. I like..."

Gary interrupts, "Thanks, Darling, you're being kind, but I've been telling myself to do this diet for a long time. You, on the other hand You, on the other hand, could use a little fattening up. You should work on free weights to get some muscle definition, do some exercises, being even more sexy and desirable than you already are... if that's even possible." And he smiles pleasantly at John.

John does a hesitant grin, "Thanks, Gary. I'll do that if you think I should."

They stop at a McDonald's, where John gets two big Macs, large fries, and an artificial, but still chocked full of calories, chocolate milkshake. Gary ordered a black coffee and then, after sitting with John for a minute, couldn't stand to watch him eat. He went outside to drink his coffee and smoke a cigarette, hoping the cigarette would deaden his hunger.

Ten minutes later, John, feeling more like himself, comes out of the McDonald's burping, then saying, "That hit the spot! Thanks for stopping here. Um, what are we doing now?"

"Oh, good, you're over that 'daddy' bullshit." Gary grins, then adds, "You know where we're going. We're going to my apartment and, you know what? We can get you started on a weightlifting program, and then I think I'll have you suck me off. How's that sound?"

There's that different-sounding voice again, so John gets that shy feeling again. Then he asks, "Did I do something wrong, Dadd, um, Gary?"

Nodding at the pickup, Gary mutters, "No, this is me trying to be nice. It's apparently not registering with you, so get in the truck, and we'll be on our way." Inside the truck, firing up the engine, Gary says, "Let me ask you a question. Do you think you did something wrong?"

Still feeling intimidated and shy, John quietly mumbles, "I don't think so, but I want to please you, so I asked to make sure. That's all."

Driving them off the parking lot, Gary mutters, "No, you're fine, um, don't worry about it. I'm not used to being this hungry, so I'm in a stupid mood. It's not you, Johnny." He reaches over to pat John's shoulder, adding, "I'm sorry, but don't be so thin-skinned, okay? I need you to toughen up a little bit, and thanks for not, you know, crying or anything. Everything will be fine."

Then, it's uncomfortably quiet in the pickup again until Gary mumbles, "Ah, diets are hard, especially at first, so you'll need to give me some slack."

"Of course, Gary. Can I help?"

"Yes, as I just said, you can help by ignoring my outbursts. Starving myself to death isn't fun."

"You don't need to lose weight on my account."

Rolling his eyes, Gary says, "For fuck sake! Don't flatter yourself. What makes you think I'm doing this for you?"

"I'm sorry I upset you, Gary.

Gary mutters, "Please, dear God, make my super sweet boyfriend stop saying he's sorry every five fucking minutes."

In his brain, John tells himself... stop talking. Do not say anything unless asked a question.

That works for a few minutes, and then Gary drives onto the parking lot of an old apartment building. He parks, then mutters, "Home, sweet home. Get our satchels, pretty boy."

Carrying Gary's satchel and his small suitcase, John follows Gary to the sidewalk. When passing by an old Dodge pickup truck, Gary points at it, saying, "That was my favorite mode of transportation right there. Too bad the pistons seized up in the cylinder. I've loved that truck since I was eighteen. My old man took it from a guy who owed him money and gave it to me for my high school graduation present."

"I'm sorry it broke down."

Gary puts his arm across John's shoulders, muttering, "Oh, you're sorry that my piece of shit Dodge broke down, huh? That's the hundredth time you've said you're sorry since we left your house."

Not struggling at all and not dropping the luggage, John staggers a few steps, and then Gary lets go of him, saying, "Ah, you're no fun. You surrender too easily."

Before John can say he's sorry, Gary chuckles and yells, "And do not fucking say you're sorry!" Then he pushed John's cowboy hat forward so it almost covered his eyes and said, "Actually, if anyone should be sorry, it's me. So, don't you say it!"

John says, "Okay, I won't. If you don't mind me asking, why don't you fix your Dodge? You work in an auto repair garage, right?"

Holding the door of the apartment building open for John to enter, both his hands carrying luggage, Gary mumbles, "It's cost more to fix it than the shit box is worth."

Inside, Gary holds onto the back of John's neck, guiding him to the left and around a corner to the building's bank of elevators. Pushing the button for an elevator to come down from the top floor, Gary says, "The next couple of days, you can start feeling comfortable in our apartment. As soon as I get back from Minnesota, we'll move your stuff in there, and you can put that house of yours on the market. Guys our age do not live in houses."

John doesn't respond, so Gary lightly taps the back of John's cowboy hat again, asking, "Okay, pretty boy?"

Nodding, "Yes, sure, Gary. Okay."

The elevator doors open, and they get into the empty car. Gary pushes the button for the third floor, and the old elevator jerks, then slowly starts going up with Gary, saying, "Or, we don't need to keep this apartment. With both of us working at the shop, both chipping in for rent, we can get a newer, more expensive apartment closer to work. You'll be only getting minimum wage, so I'll pay three-quarters of the rent, and you'll chip in the other quarter."

John looks at Gary, still feeling odd, and then smiles at him for no particular reason, so Gary grins, asking, "What?"

Still smiling, John mumbles, "What? That's what I always say."

Gary rubs John's head, knocking his hat off, but catching it, mumbling, "Yeah, I know you do," and then he murmurs, "Goddamn, but you're good-looking. It's been fun waking up the last two mornings and seeing your cute face."

John blushes as the elevator jerks to a stop, then jerks as if it's going to start moving again, then sort of dies. Nothing happens for three long seconds, and then the doors slowly begin opening. Gary grins at John, muttering, "Yeah, maybe moving to a newer apartment is what we'll do."

John nods and murmurs, "Whatever you think we should do, and thank you for that compliment a minute ago, Gary. My parents were both very beautiful, um, appearance-wise and I guess I inherited their nice-looking gene."

Almost directly across from the elevator alcove is Gary's apartment front door. He's unlocking it, saying, "Yeah, I saw that picture of you three on the mantel in the living room. You look like a male version of your mother."

He opens the door and holds out his arm as an invitation for John to enter. John mutters, "Oh, thanks," and goes into a surprisingly neat apartment.

There is the minimum amount of furniture you could get away with and still live here. Right inside the door is an antique hat rack stand. Gary takes John's cowboy hat off John's head and hangs it on the hat rack along with his hat. John looks at Gary and grins, unsure what he should do now. He looks around at one armchair, one small sofa, a small table next to the armchair with a lamp on it, and a TV on the wall. That's it.

Nothing was out of place, no dust on anything, and the floors looked vacuumed with nothing on the floor except what should be there, meaning a throw rug. The small kitchen off to the right had one window with the sun shining through it. Everything looked sparkling clean, so John, still holding the luggage, asked, "Do you have a cleaning service come in every day?"

Chuckling, Gary goes, "Yeah, me, and now you too. We're the cleaning service. Off to the left is our bedroom. Puts that stuff you're carrying in there."

John goes into the small bedroom, passing a small bathroom. There's a double bed in the bedroom, the bed neatly made up, a table next to the bed with a lamp, a small desk, a desk chair, a small bureau with only two drawers, and a closet. There's one window, and in it is a small air conditioning unit. Putting the two pieces of luggage against the wall under the window, John is startled, squawking, "Ahh!" when Gary hugs him from behind. Keeping his arms around John, he asked, "So, how do you like our apartment, pretty boy?"

His heart pounding, John tries relaxing in Gary's arms, "It's very neat and clean." Gary nuzzles his face against the junction of John's neck and shoulder, murmuring, "And that's how you'll help me keep it, right?"

Leaning his head back against Gary's shoulder, John relaxes because he likes being held. It's odd how Gary makes John uncomfortable while simultaneously makes him feel safe. Ever since almost dying, feeling safe is a wonderful is important to John. He says, "Sure, but I like your idea about that new apartment, too."

Still hugging John, Gary murmurs, "I'm sorry for giving you all that shit earlier. I'm going to try really hard not to let my bad mood, um, be your fault because it's not your fault at all. It's that I'm disappointed in my lazy-ass self for putting on weight over the past seven years. I'm sticking with the diet, which is going to make me grumpy. Luckily, I'll be grumpy in Minnesota for three weeks and only have another week on the diet when I get back here... I hope it's only one more week, anyway"

John nods and murmurs, "Could you hold me tighter, Gary, please?"

Squeezing him so that John's back is compressing his fat stomach, Gary says, "If I granted you one wish about a change, one you'd like me to make, what would it be? Then, letting go of John, he adds, "Be honest, Darling."

Shrugging, leaning against Gary again, John mutters, "Nothing, Gary. Don't change anything for me. Now that I'm used to your beard, I like it okay, and I think your old-timey flattop is okay, too." He runs his fingers through Gary's hair and rubs the side of his face against Gary's pitch-black, wiry, short beard, then puts his arms around Gary's fat waist, adding, "And you don't need to lose any weight as far as I'm concerned. I like being hugged against your, um, big body."

Hugging John again, which is what John was hinting for him to do, Gary murmurs, "Fuck," and then he chuckles, adding, "I didn't know there was anyone as nice, um, and as sweet as you. Christ, you're, ah..." and he hugs John tighter, then says, "Did you bring the K-Y Jelly?"

"No, that's Andy's lube. I could go out and buy some for us, though. Or we could use Vaseline."

Gary, still hugging John, kisses him three times on his cheek, then mutters, "Well, we don't have a dildo either. Dickie took his back, and, by the way, he's pissed off at you for not cleaning it."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

Gary goes, "Fuck it. Don't worry about it, and, you know what? Let's go get a brand-new dildo for you right now. It's only four-fifteen, and we can be in Colorado in a half-hour. The sex toy store I'm thinking of is open on Sundays and wouldn't close before six."

Squeezing his buttocks muscles, wanting to feel Gary's fat boner up there, John can't catch his breath. Trying to speak, he gasps, then grunts out, "Oh! Um, can't we use the Vaseline, please, Gary? It'd be okay... I don't mind if it's itchy afterward. If you'd go slow getting your really big- circumference boner inside me, it, um, worked before, okay. I'd really like that now. I was feeling, um, strange before in the pickup, but not now. I'll be okay taking your big cock without the dildo."

"Really? Oh, okay, I guess so." Letting go of John, Gary adds, "Yeah, why not? Okay, go ahead and get naked, and then get the Vaseline. I've already got a hard-on from hugging you."

Then he mutters, to himself mostly, "Goddammit, I need to buy some condoms online. They don't have ones that fit me at CVS. They're too long and not big enough around."

John does things backward from what Gary said. First, he rustles through his suitcase to get the tube of Vaseline and then strips his clothes off. Gary gets naked, too, and strokes his four-inch boner, holding out his other hand. John quickly squeezes a long roll of Vaseline onto his hand, then passes the tube to Gary.

Reaching behind, John pushes Vaseline inside his asshole and leaves a glob of it on his anus, then wipes excess Vaseline off his hand on tissues from a box on the table next to the bed. As he's spreading Vaseline on his hard penis, Gary says, "Hold onto the bureau. It's heavy and won't move."

John does that, moving his feet back, bending forward, and pushing out his ass, the lips of his asshole are quivering with anticipation. He takes a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest because he's excited and he's expecting some pain but anxious to feel it.

Pushing his finger into John's asshole, Gary moves it in circles pulling at the edges, loosening it up as best he can, but it resists, feeling tighter than he remembered it was. He mutters, "Huh, I thought your anus was a little loose, but it was the dildo loosening it, I guess."

His finger is massaging John's prostate gland, the fingers going around and around with pressure, John going, "Ah. ah. ahh, Oh, Gary, ahh, ah!" squirming and holding onto the bureau, moaning, "Gary, Gary, um, um... ahhh!" and he shoots off a small string of cum that splattered on the bureau, vibrations of pleasure surging around his groin.

Gary sees the spray of cum flying from John's hard-as-stone boner and mutters, "That's alright, pretty boy. No problem, I can still fuck another orgasm out of you." He pushes the wide, swollen, hard head of his boner against John's anus, feeling the lips quivering and opening slightly, then a little more pressure and the anus lips spread, then spread some more and some more as John goes, "Umm, ow, ooh."

Feeling unusually aroused, Gary then humps hard with his hips, and John screeches out, but the huge head is now past John's prostate muscles snuggling tightly inside his body. John held his breath for thirty seconds, Gary not daring to put any more pressure on John's rectum. He heard a sigh, then a quiet moan, "Oooh, umm, nice, aaahh."

John pushes his ass back at Gary a little, moaning, "Mmm, Gary, I feel unbelievably filled up back there. Is it in all the way?"

Only the head is in so far, but Gary says, "Almost," and slowly opens John's rectum up, moving his dinosaur-size boner up into John's bowels another three inches, John's moaning with pleasure the whole time. With his crotch now tightly against John's firm bubble-butt buttocks, Gary humps against the two half-honey-dew-melon-size butt cheeks with John still moaning, "Mmmm, oooh, yeah..."

Gary feels his cock getting harder, swelling fatter inside John Darling's rectum, so Gary needs to stifle a moan of intense pleasure. Dominant tops do not moan with pleasure the way their submissive bottom boys do. Dominant tops bring the pleasure train for the submissives to take a thrill ride on, so Gary pulls back his big, fat boner and starts thrusting it back and forth, listening to John moan and squirm in the type of pleasure that's too otherworldly intense to put into words.

The thrusting, "Slap, slap, slap," rocks John forward and back, his arms keeping his hard as granite boner that is now sticking straight out from hitting the front of the bureau.

Gary's eyes are tightly closed as he tries to appreciate all of the incredible sensations coming off his hard penis as it moves in and back of this tight sex tunnel. The pleasure is overwhelming, though, and grows more intense second by second until an irresistible promise of climax takes over. He starts harder, faster, thrusting in a race to beat his climax to orgasm. No, that doesn't make any sense, but nothing matters when the indescribable screeching thrill of climax is approaching.

If it was a race, it was with John's climax, and it would be a second-place finish because, with a high-pitched squeal so high-pitched that dogs in a three-block area began howling in response, John fired off his climax. It exploded against the top drawer of the bureau, just above his first finger-fuck climax a few minutes ago.

Gary made it almost a climax photo finish by two seconds later, firing his big load up John Darling's ass. John shuddered, noticing the extra warmth in his bowels for a split second there.

Both guys shake as Gary wraps his arms around John's stomach to pull John's back up against Gary's fat stomach, then thrusts his cock, sliding easily in his own cum, making squishy, wet sounds as John limply murmurs, "Oh, oh, oh," at each thrust, John stroking his cock as he murmurs, "Don't stop, don't stop..."

Gary doesn't stop, and pretty soon, his cock begins getting harder, as John's cock gets harder too. John's like, "Ah, ah, ah... yeah, umm," making desperate whining sounds, pushing his body back against Gary's fat belly, stroking his dick with each thrust of that fatter-than-shit boner, and it goes on as they float in the air, sexual pleasure flooding their minds until John shakes and meows like a cat as a watery climax sort of pisses out his piss slit at the end of his wooden boner, feeling like a gigantic load of cum shooting out for ten earth-shaking seconds.

John's so loose, feeling so satisfied, like there are no bones in his body. He sighs, "Mmm, ooh, that was the best... mmm..."

With a grunt, Gary's hips thrust, lifting John up on his toes as Gary's second climax joins his first one in John's bowels. Gray mutters, "Holy fuck, that was priceless. Un-fucking-believable, Darling." Then, "Hey, wake up!"

John mutters, "I'm awake. It feels so good against your, um, ah, your body, Gary. That was a really, really good fuck... I can hardly believe how good that felt."

Gary says, "I'm going to let go of you. If you fall, it's not my fault."

"Okay," and John stops pretending he has no bones and stands, then turns around to hug Gary's fat waist, saying, "That was special, Gary. What did you do differently?"

Shrugging, "I don't know... fucking you twice, I guess, is different. You're hard to satisfy, but our bodies are becoming familiar with each other and working together, or... Fuck, I don't know. We're getting in a good rhythm fucking, maybe that was it. It felt good, though, huh?"

John goes, "You know it did, Gary. C'mon, hug your boyfriend."

Gary hugs him, saying, "I never knew anybody who liked hugging as much as you do."

"Do you mind? Is it so bad?"

Gary rolls his eyes, "It's maybe getting to be a little bit much, ya know? A little less hugging might make it feel better to you when we did hug. Like it'd be a special thing."

"Um, nah, do the hugging all the time. That's what I like."

Gary lets go of him, "You're oversexed. Do you know that? Too much of anything begins to water down the power of whatever it is."

Stepping away from Gary, John mutters, "We're not doing too much of anything."

Gary, making himself remain calm, says, "Darling, when I give in an inch to you about something, you right away want another inch. Ya see, that's why I need to act like a jerk and say 'NO!' sometimes. There's no pleasing you anyway, so I'm not going to hug you all day as if you're a baby."

He puts an arm across John's shoulders, "C'mon, let's stop arguing. We need to clean up in the bathroom." Then, when John doesn't say anything, Gary sternly adds, "No tears!"

John, who has an arm as far around Gary's fat waist as it'll reach, says, "I'm not crying. I'm walking with you to the bathroom, and it might shock you, but I actually agree with your point that too much of something isn't a good idea. You're right about that."

"You're right; I am shocked that you agree. And that point is just as valid with having too much sex, too. Too much lessens its specialness."


Gary makes a face at John, then grins, mumbling, "Thank you for not crying. Whether you know it or not, I'm really good for you. I'm what you need to help you get better and better after the horrendous experiences you've been through. You and I have a unique attraction to one another. I've never experienced anything like it before. Let's take advantage of it."

They're standing in the bathroom now, Gary's arm still across John's shoulders, as John grins and says, "I agree with your hugging point as long as you replace the lost hugging with an arm across my shoulders and me hugging around your substantial waist. The too much sex comment, I'll assume you were referring to a group of aliens you read about who I don't know."

Gary lets go of John, "Well, you seem more yourself with you're smart-ass comments. I'll take the smart-ass attitude rather than whatever mood you were when we first drove away from your house."

John is unrolling toilet paper to use on the cum drooling out of his ass, "Oh, yeah. I did kind of freak out because you sounded odd asking me if I could handle being without Andy babying me, or it was something like that."

"You freaked out? I freaked out when you said that crazy shit calling me Daddy, and would you be alright or something."

Taking a washcloth off a short pile of them, John asks, "Can I use this?"

"Omigod! This is going to be where you live, Johnny; of course, you can use the fucking washcloths. You can use anything in our apartment. It's your home."

"What about Andy?"

"He'll need to get his own home, or you can let him live in your house. Hell, I don't know. I have enough to think about the two of us. With our strange relationship almost from the first second we saw one another, hell, we could fall in love over time, ya know? That'd be awesome, but for now, it's pretty awesome being brand-new boyfriends, don't you agree?"

Nodding, "Yeah, I agree, but it scares me too because I don't understand it. I hardly know you, but I feel very close to you, as if I knew you in another life or something. I have a lot of trust in you and this goofy feeling you'll protect me and keep me safe. Being safe is important to me. Safe against what, I don't know. As you said, I'm attracted to you, and I can't tell you specifically why other than what I've already said."

Taking the washcloth from John's fingers, Gary wets it and says, "I'll keep you safe. Turn around, and, for now, I'll clean your ass and legs. It's my cum, after all, so..."

John says, "Thanks, and, um, do you know what I mean about not knowing why I'm attracted to you?"

Wiping John's ass, Gary snorts out a chuckle, then mutters, "It's actually insulting that you can't think of a single reason why you'd like me. You're saying there's nothing about me that should make a pretty boy like you attracted to me. Why would a pretty boy be attracted to a fat guy who's always acting grumpy?"

John emphatically says, "That's not what I meant at all! You twisted my words. Hey, can you articulate why you want to be boyfriends with me, almost a total stranger?"

Drying John's ass and the back of his legs, Gary mutters, "Oh, turning the tables on me, huh? That's easy. What gay guy wouldn't want to be your boyfriend?"

"Oh, yes, I see what you mean by that... so true! You got me there," and they both laugh; then John says, "C'mon, give me another hug."

Gary mutters, "Fuck," and they hug tightly. Gary lets go and says, "I guess it's flattering that you like hugging with me. C'mon, let's put some pants on. Um, just wear your silk panties 'cause you're lifting weights now."


In the bedroom, Gary gets dressed, and John puts on the girlie panties, asking, "Oh boy, what should I do next?"

"I'll get the free weight out of the closet. Google to see what a beginner's lifting routine should be like. I mean, for a person of your size and age and whatever."

Nodding at his desk, "Go ahead. Google what I said, Darling. Use the computer on my desk. The password is, Knucklehead brainiac."


"No, just kidding. That computer isn't password protected. I have nothing to hide and, until you, no one to hide it from."

John opens the computer, asking, "How about Dickie Marshall. He used to be your boyfriend."

Carrying free weights out of the closet, Gary says, "Dickie and I had sex about once or twice a week. He was here like four times in his whole life, and like I said, there isn't anything on my computer I wouldn't want anyone to see."

John mutters, "Nuns and the Pope are probably the only other people who can make that statement and mean it." Then, Googling weight lifting, he whines, "I don't know what to ask. You do it, Gary."

Gary comes over and leans over John, who is sitting on the desk chair. Gary's tapping on some keys as John rubs the side of his face against Gary's short beard, murmuring, "There are many reasons a gay guy would want to be your boyfriend, Gary. Especially a wimpy, submissive, gay guy like me. I already told you that I feel safe with you, and I can't get enough of the confident way you, um, handle me so easily."

Getting overly emotional again, John wraps his arms around Gary's neck, feeling stinging in his eyes as they get wet and he realizes what he's saying is so true. "I'm lucky you want me as your boyfriend, Gary. Andy and I were both telling each other that. That we're lucky to have you and Dickie for boyfriends."

Gary says, "Okay, here's a starter program that looks good for you."

John kisses the side of Gary's mouth, and Gary says, "Okay, I believe you, pretty boy. If I start kissing you, though, I might not be able to stop, and I want to get you started on the lifting, and we will do that right now."

John says, "See, that is attractive as can be to me. The way you said no to me, basically."

"Get up, Darling, and I'm not going to say anything about those tears in your eyes."

They start with John doing sit-ups, Gary correcting the way John does them until he's doing each one perfectly. John goes, "My stomach hurts."

"For Christ's sake, you barely did fifteen! Alright, I'll get you going on pushups and then the free weights."

John forces himself to do fifteen shaky pushups. Then, with the free weights Gary tries having John match the starter program, getting the starter weighs okay, but John's not coming close to matching the repetitions. Sweat is pouring off John's face as Gary shakes his head, mumbling, "How in the fuck do you get through the day being as weak as you are? I'm not kidding... it's, um..."

John snaps back at him, "If you don't want to see my fucking tears, then stop hurting my feelings!"

Blowing his cheeks out, doing a noisy exhale, Gary says, "I've never known anyone who I fought as much as the two of us fight. Verbally, of course, a real fight would be embarrassing for both of us."

"Oh, great, you hurt my feelings even more now? Do you want to see my girlie tears? Is that it?"

Gary goes, "Lift the bar at least. And don't think I'm going to start hugging you because I hurt your feelings. I told you to toughen up and not to be so thin-skinned, and the first chance you get, you do both things."

John lifts the bar over his head, "Satisfied?"

"I'll be satisfied when you can lift forty pounds ten times in a row, and then we can add a tiny weight on each end."

They continue, constantly arguing until Gary is satisfied that John knows what he needs to do. Then he has John put the weights away, telling him, "So, every day, pretty boy, spend at least thirty minutes warming up with push-ups and especially sit-ups. Then, do the beginner weight lifting, following the program we printed out."

John goes, "It was fun, actually. At the end there, I lifted that forty-pound thing ten times in a row. That's four hundred pounds!"

"Over a ten-minute period, but okay, it's a start. Um, would it freak you out if we showered together? You've seen my fat naked body a number of times already."

Shrugging, John says, "Would I mind? No, I'd like to do it."

In the bathroom, both naked, Gary is getting the shower water to the proper temperature. Then, as they wait, he asks, "How come you're not doing any of your cute lisps when speaking, and you're not acting all girlie like your nurse?"

Shrugging, "Ah, that's only fun to fuck around with when Andy's with me. I copied him because he saved my life. I don't know what I would have done when I came out of my coma with amnesia, learning that my parents died in the accident, and how lucky I was not dying because we were near the hospital on the Mass Pike and they got me into surgery quickly after the crash. Andy helped me so much I'll never forget him. I love him as my savior and best friend in Massachusetts. Dickie was my best friend for the rest of my life, and then there's my roommate, Brian O'Neal, who was my only sex buddy. Lately, I've been lucky with guys in my life, and now you, Gary."

Gary steps over the side of the tub and then holds onto John as he gets in. Pulling the shower curtain closed, Gary says, "Yeah, now there's me, and we argue all the time. Lucky you!"

John leans against Gary, "Yeah, but I'm super attracted to you."

"Yeah, and you can't imagine why. Just stand there, and I'll shampoo your hair. Nurse Salsbury says I'm not taking good enough care of you, so I better up my game in that regard or be disqualified."

"What? Whaddya mean?"

"Nothing, I was being sarcastic. Close your eyes."

John mutters, Oh," and stands where Gary told him, his eyes closed as he savors being taken care of. He likes being hugged and taken care of, and he likes being liked. Even after regaining his memory, he was still an orphan without relatives and no friends in the Universe except for Andy. When he got right down to it, he only had one real friend in Wyoming. His best friend, Dickie Marshall. Then there was Brian, his roommate. And, sure, he knew some other people, but none of them thought he was special, so he's subconsciously trying to accumulate some friends who think he's special so he can be safe. So far, they've all been gay guys, but that's fine with John.

Gary's rubbing shampoo through John's hair, muttering, "This is not babying you, Darling. It's, um, doing something. um, friendly with you. Your hair is going to work very well for a flattop haircut. It's dense, like mine. Wimpy hair doesn't work with flattops." Using the handheld shower head, Gary rinses the shampoo out of John's hair, then mutters, "There you go. I got you started. You can do the rest of your shower yourself."

John squeezes body bath in his hand, deeply lisping as he mutters, "Boo, I like being babied by you."

Gary laughs, "It wasn't babying! Do more of your funny lisping..."

Still lisping, sounding exactly like Andy, John says, "Believe it or not, I'm kind of interested to see what I'll look like with an old-timie flattop haircut." Then, to please Gary, John carries on talking with Andy's lisp, saying goofy stuff that Gary laughs at. They bump into each other washing, fat Gary's body taking up a lot more room than John's. Finishing before Gary, John asks, "Is it okay if I get out now?"

"Goddamn, Darling! That right there makes no sense. You don't need to ask me that; you simply get out if you're done. Jeez, that makes me so mad..."

John gets out of the tub, saying, "You get too upset at the tiniest things. I was just being polite, not wanting you to think I didn't want to share the shower anymore. I was done... that's all."

"I know that. That's why you didn't need to... oh, fuck, never mind!"

Drying himself, John says, "Um, ah, don't get mad, but I hope it's okay using the only bath towel here. It's blue, and..."

The shower turns off, and the shower curtain is pulled back. Gary's fat body glistening with water as he says, "My fault. In that small closet, there are clean towels. The one you're using, um, I used that one after my shower last Thursday night. Um, sorry about that. Ah, could you please pass me a towel from the closet?"

John does that, saying, "I don't mind using a bath towel you used."

"Well, you shouldn't have needed to! I should have put out clean towels for us. You get me all discombobulated sometimes, and why are we arguing about this?"

"I don't know. Ah, Gary, you said it was friendly shampooing my hair. How about doing something sexier than that? I'm sure up for that!"

Wrapping the bath towel around his waist, Gary opens the bathroom door, saying, "That's one of the things I wanted to talk to you about."

Carrying the blue towel, John follows Gary to the bedroom, where Gary puts on underpants. John frowns, then asks, "So, you don't want to have sex now? You want to do it later, or what?"

Getting sweatpants from the bottom bureau drawer, Gary says, "I don't have sex as often as you want it, pretty boy. Not even close. Don't take offense, but you're irrationally oversexed, and that, to me, indicates a physiological problem of some sort that is probably not mentally healthy. As I said, 'Dickie and I had sex two or three times a week, and each time seemed special. You want it two or three times a day, and I think it'll get so routine after a while, it'll be like a chore."

"What? If I'm not mentally healthy, it's because of my horrid last four or five months, not because I'm obsessed about having sex with guys."

Gary smiles at John, "I like sex too, but there's more to life than just sex. For you, because you're special, we'll have sex every day for a few months and hope it remains special." He looks into John's eyes, "Will that be okay with you?"

"I don't know, but I'm not an oversexed fiend, as you implied. Anyway, I let my man, my dominant top, decide when we have sex. I just mentioned it to you now because I thought you'd want to fuck me, that's all. Oversexed, my ass, I'm just a regular gay guy and no different..."

Gary hugs him, going, "SHH! Please stop talking. Get dressed, please. I want a cocktail tonight to celebrate the first night with you in our apartment. What kind of alcoholic beverage would you like?"

"Oh, um, I don't know. Whatever you're having. Can we smoke in here? In OUR apartment?"

Gary laughs, "Um, no! We have a little balcony, though. We can smoke out there."

They get dressed and smoke cigarettes and drink rum and Cokes on the balcony, John wearing one of Gary's hoodie sweatshirts, that's way too big, and Gary wearing a coat because it's only forty-eight degrees. Gary brings out a radio, and they listen to country music. When not smoking and drinking, Gary accommodates John's desire to be held and hugs him as they sway to the tunes, occasionally dancing in the restricted space of the balcony as best they can. John in Gary's arms dancing, concentrates on following Gary's feet as he's learned it's his place to do.

Later, Gary defrosts a strip steak and grills it for John's dinner, along with a microwaved baked potato and frozen corn. His mouth waters when John lathers the potato with butter, salt, and pepper, then does the same for the corn. John has a two-hundred-calorie Lean Cuisine frozen entre for his dinner.

After dinner, they clean up the kitchen, and then John shares the small sofa, also known as a loveseat, with Gary as they watch TV with John snuggled against Gary, Gary's arm around John. At nine o'clock, Gary hits the remote, turning off the TV. "Time for bed, pretty boy. We need to get up early for work tomorrow."

John has three million dollars at his disposal and starts to complain about the minimum wage job Gary has for him, but stops himself because he wants to see what it's like to work. He's never had a job and it doesn't feel right to mention that he's rich to Gary. Getting undressed, he knows the answer, but John tries anyway, asking, "Would you consider a quick fuck before falling asleep?"

"No, I wouldn't. And we talked about that."

Nodding, John asks, "Well, do you mind if I sleep naked, please? It's how I normally...?"

"Yes, I mind. Wear your panties, at least. I usually wear underpants and a T-shirt to bed."

"I didn't bring any T-shirts with me."

"That's alright. Turn out the light and get in bed."

The light goes off, and John gets in bed and says, "At least hug me until we fall asleep."

"Gladly, pretty boy..."

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 25

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