By Donny Mumford - Laureate Author

Published on Apr 20, 2024




Andy waves as John drives away. Then, a couple of minutes later, John gets a text from Clarence Smith, but he can't read it while driving the pickup. Still, his dick moves in his pants, remembering Clarence fucking him. It was John's first experience with an African-American sexy top, and it went really well! Even with Clarence's BO, John felt it was a sexy, hot experience.

With Gary in Montana and Andy in Jackson Hole with Dickie this weekend, connecting with Clarence will be more than welcome. John's intrigued by Clarence's pitch-black skin and his cute European/Caucasian facial features. Plus, Clarence was a no-nonsense, dominant top, and that is, ooh, so sexy!

Yeah, well, Clarence's only drawback, and it wouldn't be a big deal at all, except John's used to Gary's fat, wider-than-wide cock head, and Clarence only has a dick like John's, meaning five inches with a normal girth. Still, John shudders and gets shivers thinking about Clarence fucking him fast and hard as he did the other night. He gets sexy shivers just thinking about it.

Then, inside Gary's apartment, John's very disappointed reading Clarence's text: 'Do me a big favor, Darling, and DO NOT tell Gary about me fucking you. It was a moment of weakness on my part. I know Gary would tell Dennis, and I don't want Dennis to know I cheated on him!'

Yeah, a huge disappointment! John bites his bottom lip, thinking, 'Don't give in so easily!' Then he texts Clarence back, 'Clarance, don't do this to me. I won't tell Gary anything, but I was really looking forward to having a date with you because you're sexy and hot! I really, really liked you! Please, Clarence!'

He was going to include something about Clarence's BO not being a problem, which it isn't, but decided to sidestep the issue altogether.

Well, obviously, John does NOT have an ego problem! He has no problem begging for sex. He knows his place in the world; he's not delusional... his good looks only get him so far. He knows he's no leader; he's not some cool, suave dude; he needs friends guiding him and teaching him, friends like Brian O'Neal, who showed John his true sexual nature, and thank God he did. Friends like Andy Salsbury, who will give in to a little begging/nagging from John. So, yeah, John can beg; no problem, he's not above begging.

Clarence texts back, 'You're the first guy to beg me to fuck him. Jeez, it almost gave me a hard-on. Let me think about it, Darling. If I can sneak away from Dennis... maybe...'

John encourages and reinforces the positive vibes he's feeling from the last text, 'Please, Clarence! You really turned me on the other night!' I had a dream about you, too...'

He didn't have a dream about Clarence, but John isn't above spouting out a little white lie now and then, either.

Immediately a return text, 'Do not fucking nag me! That's off-putting. Begging okay, nagging no! And don't text again until Saturday afternoon when I'll know more." Then another immediate text, 'And I'll want some serious cock sucking from you and, um, ah, oh yeah... ass rimming too before I fuck you!'

John has no intentions of rimming him, but there's no need to complicate matters by mentioning that now. The immediate concern is that John isn't sure if Clarence is expecting a reply to this latest text. Hmm, Clarence said don't text until tomorrow afternoon, so John settled on sending a 'thumbs up' icon.

He waits but gets no further texts from Clarence. Okay, now he has something to look forward to tomorrow.

Mostly, though, John misses Gary and wishes he wasn't at that stupid training facility, but he is. Sighing, he rolls his eyes, knowing he needs to do weightlifting. He did his exercises earlier this morning but never did his weightlifting, and even with Gary in Montana, John intends to do what Gary told him to do.

Getting the free weights out, John follows Gary's instructions, doing each exercise as described by Gary: deadlifts, squats, bench presses, biceps curls, and snatch lifts. Gary's note, in parentheses, reads. 'The last exercise is not a reference in any way to females!' John assumes that's a joke, even though Gary's not known as a jokester.

He does ten repetitions for each exercise at the given weight, but he isn't strong enough yet to do one exercise right after the other. He needs to rest in between sets, but he eventually does them all, dripping with perspiration after the first two sets.

After a long shower, John dries as he looks in the mirror, making a face when he notices how Andy plucked his eyebrows. They're very feminine-looking, but they also could be seen as natural. You could, maybe, assume that this is how John's eyebrows grew naturally. Hmm, or is John talking himself into thinking that?''

He shakes his head at the terrible way Andy has cut his bangs down to one inch. Then laughs, walking around the apartment naked, telling himself, 'Forget about that shit,' and instead thinks about Gary, feeling proud that he's doing everything Gary told him to do. Well, except on the sexual front. John has already exceeded the sex parameters set by Gary, which was one side fuck every other day.

He looks at the photo on his phone of Gary and him and squeezes his nuts. Studying the photo, John tries to picture Gary without the beard and can't decide if he wants Gary to lose the beard or not. He's fallen under Gary's spell with him having his short, stiff, pitch-black beard, so John thinks he might want Gary to keep the beard. Then he thinks, 'Pitch-black... what? That is maybe why I'm so taken with Clarence. He's pitch-black like Gary's beard... like Gary's hair, too. Hair on his head and body... pitch black hair."

Wouldn't it be something if his attraction to Clarence, in spite of Clarence's BO, is because of the pitch-black connection with Gary? That would elevate Gary's place in John's world way higher than just a possible boyfriend and maybe a longshot romantic relationship. Without trying, Gary is influencing John's perception of things. "Whaaat?"

Uh-huh, and another thing that's intriguing is John's changed attitude, his hundred-and-eighty-degree change of attitude about Gary's nineteen-fifties-style flattop haircut. He thought that haircut was horrible and laughable, but the more he became attracted to Gary, the more he came around to Gary's way of thinking about his haircut. C'mon... it's a classic!

John is fascinated by this revelation and tries to think of other examples of how Gary without trying, has influenced his opinion. "Here's another example," John says out loud, "Since when did I think a guy's gross body hair was cool? Since I've become attracted to Gary, that's when I changed my mind about that, too."

He squeezes his balls again and wants to jerk off in honor of Gary, but Andy did a good job of fucking him twice, so he puts off masturbating until later.

It's after six, though, so he starts thinking about a Friday night supper with lots of calories. After consulting Gary's list of heavy-calorie foods, John drives to Chik-Fil-A for a vanilla milkshake with whipped cream topping and drinks the 580 calories on his way to the strip mall in Cheyenne or Main Street, where there is a Panera Bread shop. He orders a two-cup portion of mac and cheese served in a sourdough bowl. Total calories...1600.

After finishing off that meal, burping and re-swallowing the occasional rouge elbow macaroni that's trying to start a major vomiting episode, John walks around town, smoking until he feels he's digested all those calories. Still, he feels sluggish driving back to the apartment. The sluggishness actually deadens his sex drive a little bit. That's a good thing, considering his hand is his only sex relief this evening. And that remains true until at least tomorrow afternoon when, hopefully, Clarence can slip away from Dennis for an hour or so.

After watching a Duke basketball game on TV, John does his nighttime bathroom ritual and gets to bed wondering why he didn't think of Brian, his old roommate while watching the Duke basketball game. That's puzzling!

Then, he has a tough time falling asleep because he misses fat Gary and fat Gary's fat body, which makes him wonder if he'll like Gary's non-fat body after Gary's weight loss from his heavy dieting for almost a month. Gary started his diet before going to his three-week training program. What will he look like after almost a month of eating only five hundred calories a day, dropping twenty-five pounds or so?

Hugging Gary's pillow, John finally falls asleep at midnight and doesn't wake up until eight-thirty Saturday morning. He jumps out of bed and grabs his cell phone to call Gary, only to see a text from him that reads: 'Pretty boy, you're probably sleeping, and that's okay, but if you want to talk for a few minutes, it needs to be before seven o'clock. I'm off for class before seven. I miss you...'

Muttering, "Fuck..." John gets back in bed and lies there fantasizing in his head about fat Gary and him making out, which is something Gary isn't big on doing. He's made out with him, but not routinely. That's why Gary's fantasizing about doing it, which leads to him jerking off twice, splattering the sheets with a good deal of cum.

John moves over on the mattress, avoiding the cum shots, and lies in bed daydreaming about Gary, still trying to discover Gary's secret attraction that he is so strongly drawn to.

Finally, with a groan, feeling heavy and sluggish, John gets out of bed at quarter to ten and has a big dump in the toilet, after which he feels a lot better. In a good frame of mind, washing his hands and face, he thinks about a date with Clarance this afternoon, then stares in the mirror over the sink, frowning again at his fucked-up hair and eyebrows. He has goofy one-inch bangs and uneven ridges cut in his hair on both sides, compliments of Andy's best intentions.

Rubbing his hair with both hands doesn't help or hurt the way it looks. John grins, saying out loud, "Don't forget to wear your Cowboy hat, Darling!"

He brushes his shiny-white teeth, and gets dressed, grinning again at how good his girlie panties feel on his cock and balls and shaved groin... nice! In the kitchen, he sticks a coffee pod in the Keurig machine and then, wearing Gary's hoodie, takes the cup of coffee onto the balcony and drinks it, smoking a cigarette in the forty-degree chill, staring at the puffy super-white clouds in a beautiful blue sky with snow-topped mountains way in the distance. Shaking his head slowly, he marvels at Wyoming's beauty that he's taken for granted most of his life.

Feeling good, John comes inside to dutifully do his exercises, leaving the weightlifting for later. Then, rolling his eyes, he's reading Gary's suggestions for high-calorie breakfasts, and not being hungry in the least, he nevertheless heads out for breakfast at Burger King.

Wearing cowboy boots, his cowboy hat, and Gary's too-big jacket, John drives to Burger King in his pickup and, again, feels proud of himself for following through with doing all the things he promised Gary he'd do. When he made the promises, he did the childish thing of crossing his fingers behind his back, not intending to do everything, but he is doing everything anyway, including ordering Burger King's Ultimate Breakfast Platter... 1420 calories.

He eats the 1420 calories inside Burger King and then tries walking off the lump in his belly, smoking cigarettes, and looking at the college boys from the Laramie County Community College. And, huh, it's shocking how few cute guys are attending that college. Unknown to John, he's always getting stared at by girls and the rare gay guy, although, as he's been all his life, he's oblivious to the effect his extraordinary good looks have on the casual observer.

It's noon by the time he's back at the apartment without a text from Clarence, so, pushing his cowboy hat to the back of his head, he thinks about what to do and decides he'll take the offensive and text Clarence, who told John not to text again until Saturday afternoon, but it's twelve noon right now. The text: 'You told me to text today at noon, Clarence. I'm very excited about having a date with you. REALLY EXCITED!!'

Staring at his phone, waiting for a reply, he squints because he sees where his text was received but not yet read, and it stays that way. "Fuck!" he yells out loud, groping his junk.

John stomps around the apartment, thinking stupid, negative thoughts about how unfair it is of Gary to be in Montana, leaving him behind when he, John, has been so loyal to Gary and blah, blah, blah, ranting and raving until John sits on the small sofa and laughs at himself. "I'm an idiot," he said out loud.

Hmm, looking at his phone, he sees where he added the phone number for Mark-somebody that Andy said was a gay friend of Dickie's, although they've never been intimate. Just a gay friend. John thinks about calling Mark but doesn't because what if Clarence calls and agrees to a date? Plus, Andy said something about Mark being twenty-nine, as if that's too old for John to be interested in. He'll hold off calling Mark until later this afternoon. The age isn't all that big an issue, though. John remembers the college professor from the bar in Boston fucking him in the men's room that time. It was HOT! Old guys know how to fuck young guys... duh!

And there's no sense texting Dickie or Andy because they're in some romantic Jackson Hole hotel. Gary's in Montana, and who else does John know? There is nobody else who would expect a text from him! Again, he thinks about flying to North Carolina and popping in on Brien O'Neil; then, he wonders again why that thought doesn't excite him at all.

What really excites him is the thought of flying to Montana and popping in on Gary Thomas! Yeah, except Gary would be mad at him, and that's the last thing John wants.

Lying back on the small sofa, John takes his dick out, closes his eyes, and pictures Gary and him with matching haircuts making out on this small sofa. Picturing that in his head, John jerks off, making quiet whining sounds, "Um, um, um, oh, ooh, ahhh!" cum flying straight up and quickly coming down, splattering wetly on the arm of the small sofa.

Looking at that, John gasps, his heart hammering away, and then with a sigh, he mutters, "Fuck," and gets up to find a cleaner that will work on the arm of the small sofa. Under the kitchen sink, he finds a bottle of Resolve Fabric Cleaner with a spray nozzle... perfect!

While cleaning his cum shot off the sofa arm, he thinks about how he's been spending quite a bit of time the past few days cleaning cum shots off the floor, bed, and furniture. He snickers at that, then gets pissed at Gary again for leaving him alone and, therefore, his need to jerk off all the time.

Walking around the apartment and not getting a reply from Clarence, John has an emotional crying jag because he's lonely, then thinks again about finding a therapist to help him. Going online, he finds a few possibilities in Cheyenne, but it's Saturday, and the ads indicate the offices are 'closed,' so John makes a note to call for an appointment on Monday.

It's after two o'clock, and he's still not the slightest bit hungry, but goes out and buys a New York Times and does the crossword puzzle while forcing down a McDonald's imitation milkshake made from a powder of some sort, a double cheeseburger, and a large order of French fries. Finished the puzzle in fifteen minutes, he ends up throwing half the fries out because he simply couldn't force them down.

Leaving his pickup truck in the McDonald's parking lot, John walked around town smoking and not thinking about food. Still feeling bloated, he takes out his phone to check for a text from Clarence. Not seeing one, he thinks about calling or texting Mark-Somebody when he hears, "Hey, could you give a Golden Eagle brother a hand?"

John looks over and sees a young-looking guy wearing a Community College hoodie struggling to put a large cooler in the back of an old pickup truck. The young guy pushes his eyeglasses up with his middle finger and adds, "This fucking tailgate won't stay down. Could you hold it for me?"

"Whaaat? Um, hold it for you?"

The young guy laughs, "That didn't come out the way I intended. Hold it for me, haha. I mean, hold the tailgate down."

John stares at this young, nice-looking guy with light brown hair cut short, wearing eyeglasses. The kid is shorter than John and, if anything, skinnier. Walking to the curb, John mutters, "Sure," and holds the tailgate in the open position so the young guy can slide the big, heavy-looking cooler into the bed of the pickup, saying, "Thanks, bro. Do you need a ride to the stadium?"

"Ah, no. Um, why did you think I was a Golden Eagle... a Community College student?"

The guy holds out his fist, and John bumps fists with the guy as he says, "Um, you've got a Golden Eagle patch on your coat, so I thought you were a student like me. Are you still in high school?"

"What? No, I'm a senior at Duke, taking a year off due to an accident and stuff, and, anyway, this isn't my coat." He takes his cowboy hat off and wipes his forehead because this young guy is very sexy. Not cute sexy, but youthfully macho sexy... and John's horny.

"Wow, Duke, huh? You look too young to be a college senior... no offense intended. I didn't bother even applying at Duke. I'd never have gotten accepted. What kind of accident were you in?"

John lights a cigarette because this kid is like Gary in that he has some magical, sexy something that makes John feel dizzy as his dick runs around in his panties. The kid says, "Well, that's none of my business. I'm Mac Jones, by the way, and pleased to meet you, ah..."

John says, "John Darling Junior, and nice to meet you too. I was in an automobile accident in, um, Boston," and this time they shake hands with Mac holding onto John's hand an extra second too long, asking, "Boston, huh? Can I bum a smoke off you, John? And that's quite a last name... Darling. I like that!"

John gives Mac a cigarette and lights it for him as Mac says, "Thanks, um, not to embarrass you, John Darling Junior, but I'll return the favor by fixing that bad haircut somebody gave you. No offense intended, but when you took your hat off..."

"What?" and flustered, John nervously goes to rub his head, knocking off his cowboy hat that Mac easily plucks out of the air, murmuring, "Oops! Yep, I've got it, John," and hands John his hat, adding, "I do about twenty haircuts a week for my fellow Golden Eagles charging only five bucks. I'm good at it, too, not like your friend, um... no offense intended."

"None taken, ah, you cut hair, huh? Can you fix eyebrows, too?"

Mac grins, "Eyebrows? Um, I don't know... what...?"

John mutters, "Nothing, I'm kidding, but, yeah, fix my haircut. You owe me big time after all the favors I did for you, holding the tailgate for three seconds and then giving you a cigarette."

They both chuckle, and then Mac says, "Well, hop in my piece-of-shit Chevy pickup, and we'll go to my dorm room."

Nodding, John mutters, "Yeah, um, Mac, instead of your dorm, would you drop me off at McDonald's, and I'll get my pickup? I left it there after lunch to, you know, walk around. That way, I'll have a ride after, um..."

After what?

Mac says, "No problem," and he drops John off, sensing John's hesitation to do this, so Mac mumbles, "Seriously, bro, no hard feelings if you don't want to do this."

"What? No, it's just that maybe you could give me your cell phone number so I could call you tomorrow. Now isn't the best time, but I'd like to get my hair looking a little better."

"Sure," and Mac tells John his phone number, saying, "Call any time, bro. I owe you a favor..." and he drives away.

John stands next to his truck, wondering why he backed out on that. Mac wasn't threatening and not big enough to make John do anything he didn't want to do. It wasn't Mac; he's more than fine, and nothing sexual was even hinted at anyway, so...

Yeah, so what? But, ya know, who invites a stranger back to their room to cut their hair? If Mac had hinted that he had sex on his mind, he'd be hard to resist, but there's that niggling thing in the back of John Darling's mind... he doesn't want to be a total slut, putting out for anybody and everybody. He has a sinking feeling he's already sort of a slut, but not an outrageously total one. At least, he didn't think he was.

Still, while driving back to the apartment, John was thinking about calling Mac after dinner; that's assuming he didn't kill himself wolfing down too many calories at dinner.

For the second day in a row, John takes a crap during the afternoon. Previous to the calorie intake insanity, John was a regular pooper first thing in the morning, and that was it until the next morning. Whatever, he felt better after his second shit of the day.

He drank his fifth glass of water today, then did his weightlifting, thinking about Gary, convincing himself that, to hell with Gary's reluctance to have John there, John was going to fly to Montana tomorrow and get a room in Gary's hotel. He can spend a while with him at five o'clock each morning and eat dinner with him. Maybe he could help Gary study, calling out test questions or whatever.

Picturing Gary in his mind, John got emotional, wondering if he was falling in love with him. Then he had to stop exercising after the third set to jerk off. First the lube and then a slow insertion of the dildo, thinking about Gary twisting it up John's ass. Gently sitting on the small sofa, his legs stiffly out in front and spread with his eyes closed, he pictured Gary fucking him while John was pulling his legs back with an arm wrapped around each one, and, "Ooh, ooh, ahh!" he shot off a nice string of cum that arched out about three feet and felt so good flying out of his hard cock that John had to squeeze his eyes closed even tighter and wait for a flood of warmth to flow up from his groin and finally out the top of the head on his shoulders, ruffling his hair leaving him shaken and dizzy. He sat, dazed and giddy, pulling on his dick, taking slow deep breaths, waiting for his heart to stop pounding.

"Oh, fuck," he muttered out loud, then got up and literally 'pulled' the dildo out, making a face and shivering. "That felt good!" he said out loud. Then, he opened another bottle of water, thinking nasty thoughts about Clarence for not answering his text. Out loud again, he mutters, "I waited until noon before texting him as he told me to do! Then he ignores me, the BO fucker!"

After finishing the weightlifting, John takes a long shower and, wearing only his girlie panties, watches a movie on Netflix, sets his alarm for five o'clock, and then goes to bed.

Sunday morning, the alarm goes off, and when John's eyes pop open, he says, "Gary!" Sitting up in bed, he clicks off the alarm on his phone and then calls Gary, who answers with, "Hey, pretty boy, you got up at this early hour just to talk with me. I'm flattered and impressed."

John smiles and says, "Hi, Gary. I miss you a lot, Daddy. How are you doing?"

Gary gives John a short summation of his first four days, adding, "Today's my sixth day in the program, and we have tonight off... no night class. Whoopee, we get a night off. Two guys dropped out; two older guys just didn't show up yesterday. It's not an easy course."

John tells Gary about Andy and Dickie at a romance hotel seven hours drive from Cheyenne, then how boring it is without Gary, blah, blah, blah...

After five minutes, Gary has to start getting ready for class, and they both say they miss the other, but there's no 'love' word used. Andy and John often threw the 'L' word around randomly when they were in a relationship. Since then, they've settled on being close friends who each loved the other as dear friends for life.

John has a smile on his face as he falls back to sleep, not waking again until ten minutes of nine. When he gets out of bed, the day plays out like yesterday. He takes a huge morning poop and then jerks off, without the dildo this morning while thinking about hearing Gary's voice and how nice Gary was on the phone. Washing his hands and face, John realizes how silly last night's idea about flying to Montana was. It would irritate the shit out of Gary, who has enough to deal with training and studying.

Done in the bathroom, he gets dressed and goes out, buys a New York Times at a CVS, and throws everything away except the crossword puzzle, then does the puzzle using a BIC pen while consuming the same 1420-calorie breakfast he had yesterday morning. This morning, he wasn't having much trouble getting all of it eaten, and he didn't feel overly full when he finished. After the better part of a week of stuffing himself with calories, it was as if his body was finally getting used to these much larger, higher-calorie meals three times a day.

Walking out of Burger King, John thinks, 'Well, Goddamn, it just occurred to me that I don't know how much I weigh, so how can I tell if and when I've put on a couple of pounds? Gary doesn't have a scale, so I'll buy one.'

And that's what he does. He buys a bathroom scale at Walmart in downtown Cheyenne. Back in the apartment, he gets the scale out of the packaging that seems designed to prevent a person from taking the scale from the packaging, then sets it on the floor and steps on it: 152 pounds. He goes, "What? That seems like too much!"

Taking his boots and clothes off, stepping naked on the scale, he weighs in at 146 pounds. Still naked, he goes online and Googles ideal weights for a six-foot male and frowns at the consensus ideal weight of one hundred sixty pounds. "Whaaat?"

He didn't weigh that much with his boots and clothes on! That's fucked up. Well. it might be fucked up, but it is what it is. Getting dressed again in the same jeans, western shirts, socks, and cowboy boots he wore earlier, he checks his phone and sees... blankness.

Horny as hell, John stares at his blank phone, wondering who he should call. He has phone numbers for Clarence Smith, Mac Jones, and Dickie's gay friend, Mark-somebody. He's as horny as a warthog, but he shakes his head and mutters, "No, Goddammit, I do not need somebody to fuck my ass every day!

To keep busy, he cleans the apartment again, then does weightlifting, cursing under his breath because he intended but forgot to ask Gary if he should be lifting every OTHER day, not every day. He remembers Gary saying something about it, plus he read something like that online.

Sweating, he took a half hour to do his exercises, then showered and took two minutes to shave his sparse beard while thinking about Gary's pitch-black thick one, and, all of a sudden, thinking about Gary had him scrunching up his face, needing to jerk off so badly he did it standing at the sink, again without the dildo, bits of shaving cream here and there on his face. "Aaaah, aaah, oooh, ummm!" His fists up and down his penis, "Ooh, ooh, oooh!" and he quickly shot off, grunting, his cum splattering against the front of the sink.

Groaning, he sat on the closed toilet lid and bent over for a few seconds as the weird, pleasant vibrations from sexual climax swarmed over his body. Standing and sighing, John washed shaving cream off his face and, from the bedroom he heard his phone ringing...

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 30

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