By Donny Mumford - Laureate Author

Published on May 10, 2024




Early Monday morning at Marshall's Auto Repair, John drank a coffee, talking with Dickie Marshall, and then he reported to his supervisor, Walter Sylvester, in the small garage out back.

"Good morning, Walter."

"I watched you take your good old time walking across the back lot, and now you're two minutes late... late AGAIN! The next time you're late, it's three strikes, and you're out!"

"Sorry, Walter..."

Nah, he's not TOO sorry. John knows that Walter is only tolerated around here because Dickie's father has been friends with Walt from years ago in the military. In reality, Walter is more likely 'out' before John Darling because John is best friends with the owner/boss's son.

"Dickie said you want me detailing something. What does detailing mean?"

Walt mutters something about nepotism, then says, "Interior detailing for cars, SUVs, etc. Where ya been all your life that you never heard of car detailing?"

John says, "I'm not a car guy, Walter. So, what kind of detailing do we do on the cars? I still don't, um, get it..."

"It's cleaning, basically." Pointing at a two-year-old Toyota, he says, "We'll do the Toyota together, and then you'll do the other three cars scheduled for detailing today. That Toyota was in for a yearly check-up, change oil, and so forth, which has been completed. The customer wants the interior to get a Marshall's deluxe detail, which will set him back $325, so it's ain't something you can half-ass, which I feel is your specialty for most things. The customer expects a new car vibe after the detailing."

"Walt, not to make too big a deal about it, but your grumpy-old-man-pain-in-the-ass act is getting hard to take. I haven't done anything to warrant being treated like that, and for the record, I've never done anything half-assed in my life. I'm overly conscientious, if anything. So, please explain the job without any more insults, and I'll do it the best I can."

Walter stares at him briefly, then says, "Okay, fair enough." He points to a cart with all kinds of cleaning supplies, "Bring that cart, and I'll bring the vacuum."

John pulls the cart to the other end of the bay, stopping next to the Toyota, and Walter says, "For three hundred and twenty-five dollars, the customer expects us to perform the art and craft of super cleaning the interior until it's like new. As I will demonstrate, that includes vacuuming seats, carpet, mats, and cargo bay or trunk. Washing and shining dashboard, console, and doors. Crystal clear washing of all glass, blah, blah, blah, and cleaning and shining all leather upholstery and, blah, blah, blah, and that includes deodorizing, as well as, blah, blah, blah and a new car smell, plus..."

Walt was holding a computer printout on a clipboard, listing details of all the items he mentioned so he could have saved his breath by handing the computer list to John. Nevertheless, John listened and then watched Walter start the first item. Walt mutters, "I'll do the first half, then you finish doing what I started." It took them a little over two hours to finish doing every item on the list... doing it to Walter's satisfaction.

Walter said, "Okay, now you're late for our morning break. Hustle and get everyone's morning break order."

John refrains from saying, 'It's your fault we're late'! Instead, he says nothing and gets a Bic pen and little pad, asking, "Do you want the same, Walter... tea and cornbread?"

Nodding, Walt says, "Yep, unless I tell you differently, I'll always want the same thing."

John takes everybody's order, then in the reception area, where Gary usually works the front desk, he asks Mr. Marshall, "What can I get you for morning break, Mr. Marshall?"

He smiles, "My usual, Johnny. It's so nice seeing you again. When you were gone, Dickie missed you something terrible, son."

Mr. Marshall says that every time he sees John. Nodding and smiling, John says, "I missed him too," which was a lie because he had amnesia, but Mr. Marshall just nodded and handed John the money from petty cash to pay for everyone's morning break, saying, "I'm sure you did, son. You two were inseparable from age four or five. You were following Dickie around everywhere he went... Pete and Repete."

Smiling at that, John goes across the street, where the girl in the coffee shop flirts with him as she prepares the order for five coffees, one tea for Walter, sweet rolls, donuts, cornbread, and whatever else. She knows the order better than John, except she is surprised when John asks for three chocolate glazed donuts for himself. He keeps piling on the calories.

Waiting, he eats the donuts, thinking about how differently Walter has treated him since snapping at Walter's rude and insulting manner. John believes, 'Walter was acting like a bully until I fought back, and like most bullies, he backed down when challenged. He's okay, though, poor old guy.'

"Here you go, Johnny," handing him a white bag full of morning break stuff. Walking back across the street, John notices for the first time, at the bottom of the MARSHALL'S AUTO REPAIR SHOP sign is a new sign: NOW OFFERING: DELUXE INTERIOR DETAILING AT MARSHALL'S

Ha, that's John Darling's job! They should put his name on that sign.

He takes his break with Dickie in the garage, where Dickie's putting new brakes on a GMC pickup truck. John removes his baseball cap, asking, "What do you think of my latest hairstyle, Dickie?"

"Holy shit, Darling! Who cut that for you? Um, it's okay, though, I guess. Um, isn't that usually a haircut you see on young kids?"

"Yeah, well, we're kids, ya know?" He tells Dickie about Andy trying to help by neatening his hair, then about Mac Jones, etc. "Anyway, you have no room to talk about weird haircuts! You and Gary with those silly old-time flattop haircuts that usually are seen only on old military men..."

Smirking, Dickie chuckles, then says, "Haven't you noticed, best buddy? I don't have a flattop anymore, but you'll have one pretty soon... haha. I'm six weeks since my last flattop haircut, and my hair is long enough to comb over to the side with help from some styling gel."

"Yeah, I noticed that. Um, it looks good, Dickie. It looks like it used to always look, except, let's be honest about it... nobody likes red hair!" They laugh, then Dickie mutters, "Ya prick," and then grins, saying again, "In a little over two weeks, you'll be looking like an old military guy with a flattop."

John mutters, "Oh, be nice... who's the prick now? Anyway, I don't care. It's good enough for Gary, so..."

Dickie finishes his coffee and donut, saying, "I've gotta finish this brake job, Johnny, so let's get back to work."

John nods, "Okay, boss," and Dickie takes hold of John's arm, saying sincerely, "Hey, bud, um, Johnny, I'm thrilled you and Gary are working out so well. You're a ten times better fit with Gary than I ever was."

Feeling his eyes stinging, John murmurs, "I'm so glad to be back home, Dickie. Remember that time on Renold's Bridge when I slipped off, and you saved me? I love you, bro..." and they hug as John gets teary.

Dickie murmurs, "I love you too, buddy. Um, get some tissues from the lavatory. Don't let Walt see you crying. He doesn't understand how much you've been through. Go ahead, Johnny, do what I said..."

John does that, then hurries back to Walter in the back garage. He expects to hear some shit from Walter since he got back ten minutes over the twenty minutes allowed for morning break. He says, "Sorry, Walter. I was talking with Dickie, and we lost track of time."

Walter mumbles, "Yeah, Dickie's dad told me that you two grew up together. All the car keys are kept at the desk next to the door. Please get the keys for the Toyota and the one for the blue Kia Telluride that's parked out front. Drive the Toyota out front and drive the Kia back here. You'll detail the Kia exactly as we did the Toyota. While you're doing that, I'll be putting cars on the lift to change oil and filters, so if you have a question while you're detailing the cars, I'll be right here. Just ask me."

"Yes, sir, Walter. Right away..."

Walt says, "And don't get offended, but I will inspect your work closely. This detailing is Richard's, um, Mr. Marshall to you. In the early stages, it's the boss's new pet project, which is why you were hired part-time in the first place. If it catches on, you'll be hired full-time, so it's up to you if you want a full-time job with good benefits."

Gary didn't explain that to John, but he pretended he knew, saying, "Yeah, I know. I'll make you proud, Walter. When I'm done with it, the interior of that Kia will be like a brand-new car."

Walter nods, pats John's shoulder, and mumbles, "Yeah? Good. I'll look forward to seeing that."

John finishes the Kia in a little over two hours; then, it takes another twenty minutes to correct the faults Walter felt needed re-doing. After that, Walt mumbled, "Not too bad for the first time."

After a quick eleven-hundred-calorie lunch of a sixteen-ounce container of clam chowder, a grilled cheese sandwich, and a large Coke bought from the food truck and eaten with Walter in silence, John detailed two more cars and got a rare compliment from Walter: "Nor bad. Not bad at all. See you tomorrow. There are three cars scheduled for detailing tomorrow. After that, you'll help me with oil changes and new tire installations."

John can't remember Walt ever calling him by his name. Maybe 'John' sounds too friendly, and 'Darling,' forget about that. Walt's never calling him 'darling.'

"Sure! Good night, Walter."

Leaning against John's pickup, Dickie and John smoke cigarettes, kidding one another, until Dickie says, "I've got to take off, Johnny. I promised my parents I'd go with them to have dinner with my grandmother. I didn't give them a hard time about going because they've been really good about treating Andy so nicely. I was worried that Andy's lisping and whatnot might put them off, but he's so sweet and sincere that they love him. Of course, they loved Gary, too. They've been wonderful to all four of my boyfriends. Andy's my fourth."

John says, "That's awesome. Your dad's been very nice to me, too. Um, does he know I'm, you know, does he know I'm gay, too?"

Getting in his car, Dickie says, "I don't think so. I haven't mentioned it. Do you want me to? I mean, Jesus, I only learned about it a few weeks ago."

Shrugging, "It doesn't matter to me. You know, if it comes up in normal conversation, of course, tell him I'm as gay as you. Maybe they'll wonder if you and I ever did anything gay together."

Dickie fires up his Chevy Monte Carlo's engine, "Yeah, okay, but I think you hit the nail on the head for the reason we never did anything gay together when you said we'd rather be best friends for life than play the Russian Roulette game of being gay sex buddies. See you tomorrow, bro!"

John watches Dickie drive away with a warm, loving feeling for Dickie. He's someone so familiar and fantastic.

Sighing, John gets in his pickup truck, thinking, 'Sure, it's understandable that I'd have this loving friendship feeling for Dickie, but I'm puzzled that I don't have similar feelings for my roommate Brian O'Neil. I can't visit him at Duke, anyway, considering my growing relationship with Gary Thomas.'

That got him thinking about Gary and about how hot having sex with him is. Omigod, taking that plug of a fat stubby hard cock up his ass... wow! Biting his bottom lip, he thought about that during the drive home.

Then, inside Gary's apartment, he goes directly to the bathroom, pulls his pants down, and lubes up. As he's twisting in the dildo, he remembers the cock ring but doesn't remember where he put it. "Forget it this time," he tells himself.

When the dildo has opened him painfully as wide as Gary's cock, John turns on the vibrato and gently sits on the toilet lid, whining at his horniness as he starts stroking his five-inch, very average-looking penis that gets extremely hard very fast. Grunting, he strokes, strokes his dick until "Ooh, ooh, oooh, ahhh!" cum shoots out at high speed. Feeling so good, John needs to hold his breath as he shudders at the unique pleasure of sexual climax.

Squeezing his pecker, "Oooh, man, I feel weak..."

After recovering and taking out the dildo, he takes some time to re-energize, then does a half hour of exercise. Later, in the kitchen, he makes a vanilla milkshake and sips on it, taking his time drinking it. He thought about lifting weights but decided not to. From now on, he'll lift every other day.

Pleased with that decision, John smokes a cigarette on the balcony, then feels the need to go number two in the bathroom. After that, grungy from cleaning other people's dirty car interiors and doing his exercises, he takes a shower. Drying, he weighs himself on his new scale: 148 pounds! Wow, he's gained two pounds already! But is it two pounds of muscle? Probably, two pounds of fat...

Hmm, he thinks about calling Gary to tell him about his weight gain, but he shakes his head. That would be a mistake, especially now that Gary is considering a visit from John. It'd be wrong to jeopardize that possibility by bugging Gary with a second phone call today.

The shower refreshed John, so he got dressed in some of the new clothes he and Gary recently bought, and now he's ready for tonight's dinner date with Andy.

While combing his hair the way Mac Jones showed him, John tries to pinpoint how many weeks it's been since he had sex and laughs because, of course, it's only been a couple of days, not weeks. Squeezing his dick, he remembers the last time he had sex was with Andy. John gets this super warm feeling for Andy, his eyes stinging again. He says out loud, "What a wonderful friend Andy has been! Omigod, what would I have done without him?"

Then, as strange as it sounds, John's on his way to his house to pick up his date who lives there. At the front door, John is again hesitant to walk in, so he rings the doorbell. Andy answers, grinning and saying, "Come on in, Johnny. Make yourself at home while I finish getting ready."

"Thanks, Andy." John takes off his cowboy hat and asks, "Is it okay if I grab a beer in the basement bar?"

Andy goes, "Oh, you've got a new haircut. Um, ah, instead of getting a beer, would you come upstairs with me? Um, I promised Dickie I wouldn't fuck you, but I was wondering if you'd like to suck me off. We're both horny with our main guys unavailable tonight, so... um, what do you think? I mean, if you're interested."

Gasping, grabbing his junk, "We're not supposed to, Andy, but if you think it's okay, um. Is it okay? I mean, I completely trust you, and, you're right, I'm horny as a toad..."

Andy holds his arms out, and John shivers with arousal as he lies against Andy, murmuring, "We won't tell... right? My dick is as hard and heavy as a bucket of cement."

Andy rubs John's head with both hands, murmuring, "You'll tell because I know you will fold like a cheap suit if Gary asks. That's okay, but who cut your hair after I took all that time doing a pretty good job of it? Well, didn't I?"

Without giving John a chance to answer, Andy's mouth is on John's, and John moans, "Andy..." as they get into a mad make-out. It didn't take long before, with a deep groan of sexual arousal, John humped his hips, cuming in his pants, his arms around Andy's neck as he moaned and went limp, Andy holding him up.

Andy murmurs, licking across John's lips, "I know you so well. You just shot off in your pants, didn't you?"

John gasps, then grunts, "Uh-huh, " and Andy sits John on the desk chair, mumbling, "Okay, I'll take care of it, Darling. Just sit here." Andy kneels and pulls off John's cowboy boots, then unbuttons his jeans, murmuring, "Lift Johnny," and when he does, Andy pulls down John's girl's panties, which are wet with cum, and his jeans, then pulls them entirely off, saying, "Good! I got your jeans off before cum could soak through the silky panties. I'll get a pair of your old underpants from my, um, I mean from your bureau."

He opens the top drawer, saying, "Dickie has moved his clothes in the bottom drawers, so I moved your clothes to the shelf in the closet. My stuff is now in the top drawers. I'm, ah, wearing some of your old underpants, but you can wear a pair. Haha, well, of course, you can wear a pair," and he brings out a pair of jockey-style underpants.

"Sit there. I'll be right back." Andy wet a washcloth in the hall bathroom and returned it to the bedroom. He wipes off Jon's shaved groin, cock, and balls, murmuring, "It's like old times, Johnny; me taking care of you. I love doing it. He dries John's crotch, and John mutters, "Thanks, Andy. Man, did it feel good blowing that load, though? Wow, I always had great climaxes with you."

Andy looks into John's eyes, asking, "Don't you have great climaxes with Gary?" Then, getting John's feet in the underpants' legs open, he says, "Lift up again, Johnny," and pulls up the jockey underpants as John says, "Omigod, yeah. Gary fucks me even better than you did, Andy, but I loved the way you fucked me, too. Ya know, um, don't be mad at me, but I think I'm falling in love with Gary. How can I tell for sure, Andy?"

Andy says, "Lift again," when John does, Andy pulls John's jeans up and says, "You can do the rest, Johnny. Pull up the zipper while I put your boots back on." He does that, mumbling, "I'm a terrible person to ask about love, Darling. As far as knowing when you're falling in love goes, well, you and I thought we were in love for a while there, so that will tell you how much I know about it. We realized our love was bro-love and friendship-love, which is better in some ways. Anyway, I don't know what to tell you about how to know if love is romantic love or some other kind. Sorry..."

John gets off the chair, saying, "I'll ask Gary. Anyway, I owe you a blowjob, Andy," and drops to his knees, then pulls down Andy's fly, adding, "Goddamn, I'm looking forward to doing this for you." His fingers go inside to hook behind Andy's penis, pulling it out through the fly, all six inches of it. Andy says, "Hold up, Johnny! Jesus, I'll pull my pants down so you can start by licking my nuts."

John nods, mumbling, "You should take your pants off, and I'll take off your boots and socks to start by licking my previous idol's feet. Get your foot fetish percolating."

Andy gasps, his penis moving to the side, getting a little firm at the mention of foot fetish. He goes, "Oh, Christ! Yeah," and sits in the desk chair, babbling excitedly, "We're excellent gay buddies, Johnny."

John pulls Andy's boots off as Andy pushes down his jeans and boxer underpants. John pulls the jeans and underpants the rest of the way off, then Andy's socks, saying, "Your skin smells nice."

"I think it's the bath gel, Johnny."

"Oh, yeah, probably, but other times your skin smells, um, good somehow. So does Gary's."

"Would you not mention Gary so much? I'm surprised to discover I'm jealous that you think so highly of him. I used to be, as you alluded to, your idol, your man, ya know?"

John, kneeling in front of Andy, sits on his heels and pulls Andy's left foot over to his mouth. He smells it and mutters, "Yeah, bath gel," and then says, "You did a nice job cutting and filing your toenails."

Andy mumbles, "Thanks. I was going to polish them but don't have the right nail polish shade."

"Oh, anyway, you have a lot of nerve being jealous of Gary when you fell in love with my best friend Dickie like instantly. It's a miracle Gary and I happened to be perfect for one another. so that worked out. Otherwise, he and I were left out in the cold because you and Dickie were selfish, only caring about yourselves."

"Omigod, that's so not true. You're the first person I thought of and explained the shit out of that circumstance. You have been my number-one priority for months! You still are, too. I love you like my little brother."

"I'm only six weeks younger than you, Andy," and John licked the sole of Andy's foot, making the toes on Andy's foot tightly curl, and his whole body was stiff as a board, "Ummm," moaned Andy. Then he relaxes, saying, "And the way I cut your hair looked better than whoever cut it since. Just saying..."

John, holding Andy's foot close to his face, says, "I have too much respect for you and love in my heart for you to argue with you. I apologize for whatever I've done or said that disagreed with you. You're right about whatever we argued about because I forget it. By the way, where are we having dinner, and can you indulge me in some urine play after dinner?"

Andy says, "I'm sorry too, and you're right about everything except the urine play. That's, um, icky. Um, I thought I'd take you to that French restaurant in Fort Collins and then take you dancing in the gay club two blocks away. I want to show you how Dickie taught me to slow dance, except you'll need to 'follow' as the girl partner like I am when I'm dancing with Dickie."

"Oh, okay, but would you please stop bringing Dickie's name up every two seconds." John opens wide and takes all of Andy's left foot toes into his mouth, swishing his tongue over the toes, and then he makes a wet slushy sound sucking on the toes, saliva running down his chin.

Andy squirms on the desk chair, the fingers of both hands in John's gelled hair, Andy's penis hard as bone. After kicking both of Andy's feet, John licked up Andy's right leg past the knee and up the thigh until his tongue was level with Andy's hard dick and hanging balls. By now, John's dick was hard again. He licked Andy's scrotum from the bottom to the root of the six-inch hard penis, then up the penis to the swollen quivering head.

A drool of precum slowly rolled down the shaft as John opened his mouth and then took Andy's cock in his mouth. His lips-covered teeth clamped onto the shaft just under the head, and John went down on that fat hard boner, down until the fat head was stuck, throbbing in John's throat. Then he did it again and again with Andy groaning and moaning, humping his hips and gasping as he shot off a long stream of cum, then a follow-up squirt, his body shaking, his fingers pulling John's short hair.

Andy fired off his orgasm as John was moving his head up, and the head of Andy's boner was out of his throat. The load of cum went partially down John's throat but mostly into his mouth. Pulling off Andy's softening penis, John sat back on his heels and rubbed his boner, saying, "After swallowing your load of cum I'm not hungry now."

They smirk and grin at each other, then Andy stands, reaches down to pull John up, and says, "You and I do good gay sex together that's sexy and fun. It's even more fun because we're doing it sneaking behind our boyfriend's backs. Don't you think?"

"I feel guilty, though. Gary's being so nice. Um, but since you don't want to do urine play, and we did the oral sex already, would you, you know, fuck me after dinner?"

Taking a deep breath and patting John's hair, sticking up because Andy was pulling it, Andy goes, "Nah, that's too seriously being disloyal. Some oral sex, though, we can sneak doing that once in a while. C'mon, Darling, I'll get dressed, and we'll clean up before heading out to dinner."

Watching Andy get dressed, John's like, "Are you sure we can only do the oral sex? I mean, we've already broken our promises to Dickie and Gary, so..."

Andy mutters, pulling on his cowboy boots, "I know you don't mean that, Johnny. We've done enough. You don't want to cheat on Gary any more than we've already done, and I know I'm not cheating on Dickie anymore tonight. That's my cheating for the rest of the week, actually."

"Oh, yeah, me, too! You're right; I was kidding. You didn't think I was serious, did you? Jeez, I hope not."

Putting his arm across John's shoulders, Andy murmurs, "I knew you were kidding. C'mon to the bathroom to clean up for dinner. Oh boy, though, I loved that oral sex..."

After cleaning up in the bathroom, Andy, who's in charge when it's just him and Darling, drives John's pickup to Fort Collins. There was no debate about it. When walking out of the house, Andy held his hand out, and John gave him the key fob to Andy as he was saying, "Are we going dancing after dinner? I'd like that, Andy."

During the ride, they talk about each other's boyfriends, subtly trying to outdo each other as to who has the hottest, best-looking boyfriend. John says, "Dickie was Gary's boyfriend for six months, so ask him how handsome Gary is under that beard, and even with the beard, Gary's one of the most handsome young men either of us has ever seen."

Keeping his eyes on the road, driving at eighty-five miles an hour, Andy says, "Keep telling yourself that, Darling. I think Gary's got awesome dominant charisma, but don't try to tell me he's better looking than Dickie's cute freckled face."

"No, Gary's not as cute as Dickie, but I'm talking about handsome. Gary is more handsome!"

Grinning, Andy mutters, "Okay, you got me there. It's impossible to be handsome with red hair and freckles, but my man is cuter than a basket of puppies."

John dead-pans, "But not as smart," and they laugh their nuts off. Then Andy goes, "Hey! He's smart!"

John mumbles, "I know he is, Andy. I love Dickie. We've been best friends for like fifteen years; no, it's been longer than that."

Andy and John have always been able to make each other laugh, so they have fun during the ride. Then, at the restaurant, after a discussion about it, they order one drink each, a Manhattan on the rocks. Andy said he'd tried one with Dickie, and thought John might like it. Then, they had a cold shrimp appetizer, a main course of fried soft-shell crabs, and a slice of chocolate cake for dessert. John had a side dessert of a bowl of chocolate ice cream. Andy helped John finish the ice cream using the same spoon since that was the only spoon left on the table, and they couldn't get the waitress's attention.

They danced at a gay club, Andy leading. By now, John was acting very girlie, lisping and hanging on Andy, and having a lot of fun. They were drinking pink cosmopolitan cocktails, with Andy acting as macho as he can be, which isn't very macho at all. He's in the role of the macho one between the two of them as he was John's leader during the amnesia period and then afterward until he, Andy, fell hard for Dickie.

At midnight, Andy said, "Finish your cosmos, Darling. We're leaving now. You have work tomorrow, so I want you sleeping on the ride back to Cheyenne."

"Yes, Andy."

Andy puts John in the backseat. John, pretty much drunk, goes right to sleep. Andy conscientiously drives under the speed limit and gets them home safely. Waking John and helping him out of the backseat, Andy says, "You'll sleep with me tonight. Johnny. I don't want you driving in your condition. We'll set the alarm early enough so you can get to work on time. Do not tell Dickie we were out drinking until midnight in Fort Collins. We stayed local. Right?"

Leaning on Andy, John mutters, "Yes, Andy," and snuggles against Andy as they walk into the house. After taking a piss, they wash their hands and face, then share Andy's electric toothbrush. They get in John's bed in John's bedroom, which Andy calls Dickie's, and his bed and bedroom. "Dickie's been sleeping with me three or four days during the week. And then on weekends. You're sleeping on Dickie's pillow."

Shrugging, John melds his body against Andy's like old times, and they kiss and squirm against each other during a five-minute make-out with John whining, "Please, Andy, let's do it. Ohh, please..." but Andy won't relent, sternly saying, "No, I said we're through cheating for the rest of this week... go to sleep! Stop it!"

Andy holds John tightly as John murmurs, "But you're supposed to be taking care of me."

"That's Gary's job now, remember? You paid me off for my nursing duties."

"Okay, Andy. You're right."

Andy kisses the side of John's face, murmuring, "We're loving friends, Johnny, and we always will be, but I can't keep having sex with you forever. We're kissing gay friends, okay?"

John gets his leg between Andy's and lisps, "When we're together, though, I realize I still love you, Andy."

"Shh! You're drunk. Go to sleep, Darling."

The alarm on Tuesday morning goes off at five-thirty, and Andy gets John up and walks him to the bathroom with John acting like a hungover zombie. John acts helpless because he loves being pampered and babied by Andy, who takes a shower with him and then gets him dressed in John's clothes left at the house before the accident. Showered and dressed, he plops John's cowboy hat on John's head, gives him three Tylenol tablets, and sends him to work. Watching John drive away, with a sigh of relief, Andy goes back to bed.

On the way to work, John buys two medium Donkin' coffees and still gets to work ten minutes early, nursing a hangover. After an excellent tight guy's hug, 'good morning,' he and Dickie drink coffee as John does what Andy told him to do and lies about his date last night. "Yeah, we ate dinner at that little Italian restaurant on Write Avenue. I drank too much and wanted to have sex with my old nurse, but he wouldn't go for it, so we kissed a few times, and I nagged some more, but that got Andy pissed off, so I stopped nagging."

Shaking his head, disappointed in John, Dickie mutters, "Do you want me telling Gary Thomas you're still hitting on my boyfriend? You're better than that, Johnny!"

"Come on, Dickie, don't tell Gary! Bro, I've been through so much," and John leans against Dickie, who wraps his arms around him, mumbling, "I know you have. I'm sorry for yelling at you. Hey, when Gary returns, the four of us will double-date. Okay? We're all going to be best friends for life, Johnny. Now, you better hurry over to the utility garage because Walter has three cars for you to detail. Go ahead, do what I said! Don't be late and pissing Walt off. That pain in the ass will come bitching to me about it."

They do another quick guy hug, with John kissing Dickie's cheek, "Thanks, Dickie, for, um, for being my friend. I love you..."

"Love you, too, buddy..."

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 32

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