Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on Dec 15, 2002


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zipcode because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

Author's Note: Hi guys and gals, sorry about some of the typos in the last chapter. I will do my best to try and not have too many of them. Thanks for the feedback.

====================================== Joint Affairs - Chapter 15 by JT Poole

  • Hotel Restaurant *

"Are you two guys okay?" Justin asked as Nick and Kevin came back and sat down.

"Yeah we are okay now." Nick spoke. "Justin, could you please forgive me for the way I have acted towards you and Kevin for the last couple of weeks?"

"Sure I can. It's okay; I understand what was going on. Seems Joey here was doing the exact same things you were. So I can let you off the hook this time." Justin spoke, leaning over to hug Nick.

"Thanks Justin, I am glad this is straightened out. Let's eat." Nick stated as he started eating his meal.

"Good, now we can be happy without too much trouble hanging over our heads." Joey stated. "I hope JC and Brian are this forgiving, I know we hurt them with our attitudes as well. I will have to pull them aside and talk to them, I hope they accept my apology."

"I hope they accept mine too. Brian is one of my closest friends, I should have told him how I was feeling." Nick stated.

"You should have told both of us. You knew we would have understood since we are all on the same team." Kevin stated as he winked at Nick.

"Yeah, but I wasn't ready to actually be that way then, now I am, and Joey is my reward." Nick stated, grabbing Joey's hand under the table.

"That is so romantic. Why you never said I was your reward Kevin?" Justin asked.

" are more than a reward to me, you are my everything. I love you, more than I love life itself." Kevin stated as he held Justin's hand in his.

"I want to kiss you so bad right now, but I will wait until we get back up to the room, and I will give you something more." Justin stated.

"You guys are too much. But it's okay with me. I am glad you two have each other." Joey stated. "I hope me and Nick develop the same thing."

"We will, don't worry about it, we will." Nick stated, as he took a sip of his drink.

  • David Gallagher's Room *

"I am so happy that you came. I was so excited tonight, I almost messed up my routines trying to hurry through my part of the show." Aaron stated.

"I know, I saw the way you were dancing, and I saw how your dancers were trying hard to keep up with the changes you were making through each song." David laughed. "When you were singing 'Bounce', I actually saw two of the dancers and Celia frown at you for the changes you made during the song."

"Yeah I know, she got on my case about that. But you are more important to me, so it didn't bother me." Aaron stated. "I love you."

"I love you too. I am quite sure you know that by now." David stated. "You touched some parts of me tonight that you have never touched before."

"You know that Nick freaked out when I told him that we were sleeping together, he said I was too young to have a boyfriend and that I was too young to be having sex." Aaron stated.

"Well if that's the case, I am too young too, my mother tells me this everyday. But as long as we love each other, I am okay and I hope you are too." David stated, as he leaned over and kissed Aaron.

  • Howie / Brian / JC's Room *

"Are you okay hon? You have been tossing for the last hour, is everything alright?" Brian asked.

"I am sorry Brian, I just can't sleep. I have this bad feeling, I don't know what it is." JC stated.

"What's on your mind? Is there something that happened, something you saw that upset you?" Brian asked.

"I don't know, it's like, every time I close my eyes, I feel like something is going to get me." JC said as he sat up and bed and leaned into Brian.

"Are you scared that I am going to do something to you? Is it because you are sleeping in the bed with me? Did I do something to scare you?" Brian asked.

"No baby it has nothing to do with you. You are keeping me happy, I just can't fight this feeling." JC stated as he laid his head down on Brian's chest.

"Just try and get some sleep baby, you know we have to get up at five so we can head out. Just close your eyes honey, I am here to protect you." Brian stated.

"I will try honey. Thank you for protecting me." JC stated as he closed his eyes.

"Anytime baby." Brian stated kissing JC on his forehead.

  • Kevin / Justin / AJ's Room *

"I don't know, but I am glad that those two got together, Joey has been so down lately, I hope this is what's going to perk him up." Justin stated.

"I am glad too. I hope this is a good thing for the both of them. Nick has always been the one to keep his feelings bottled up inside, now I fear that all of that stuff he had in his head will come out and hurt Joey some how." Kevin stated.

"What do you mean baby?" Justin asked.

"A long time ago when we first started out, Nick encountered some problems over in Europe." Kevin stated.

"What kind of problems? Did something happen to him?" Justin asked.

" keep this between me and you. You must never let Nick know that I told you. I don't want him to relive that, ever again." Kevin stated.

"Honey, you have my word, what ever you tell me about this, would never by spoken by me, unless you ask me too." Justin stated.

"Okay...while we were in Europe, Nick was attacked. After the concert one night, this guy kept trying to get backstage to see us. Security wouldn't let him back there and he did everything he could to find out where we were. He kept making up stories that he was related to one of us so that someone would let him backstage. So as a final move, he approached one of the crewmembers and turns out the crewmember was new, and told the guy where we were going. So the guy found out where we were staying and headed there to wait for us." Kevin explained.

"Oh my god. What else happened?" Justin asked.

"Once we got back to the hotel, me and the other's decided to go to the restaurant to get a snack before bed, but Nick said he was tired and that he would get something in the morning when we got ready to leave, so he headed to his and Brian's room. Nick basically didn't see it coming. The guy was lurking down the hall waiting for us, but when he only saw Nick walking down the hall, he got another idea. Nick stopped at his room to unlock the door, and once the door was opened, Nick walked in and the guy walked up behind him and pushed him into the room. The guy tried to force himself on Nick, but Nick started fighting him." Kevin stated.

"Oh my god, that's so horrible." Justin spoke.

"Yeah it was. At that time, Nick was only fifteen and basically he wasn't strong like the rest of us. The guy beat him up and knocked him unconscious. While Nick was out cold, the guy raped him, violently taking away Nick's innocence. Later when Brian got up to the room to turn in for the night, he found Nick on the floor of the room, still unconscious with blood all over his face and has butt. Brian ran down to my room and told me what happened, and we rushed Nick to the Emergency Room to save his life." Kevin stated, as he started to cry a little.

"Oh baby, I didn't know any of this happened. You never said anything about this before, and Nick looks and acts like nothing ever happened." Justin stated, leaning over to hug Kevin to his chest.

"The doctor told us that we got Nick there just in time. He said if we had been a little later, Nick would have lost too much blood and died." Kevin stated.

"Oh my god, that's just traumatic." Justin stated, holding Kevin's hand.

"Nick was in the hospital for a couple of weeks. During that time, he phased out and wouldn't talk to any of us. We had to cancel most of the shows that were booked in London and France due to that happening. When we couldn't get any responses from him, we called Nick's mom. Nick's mom flew over and she was the only one that he would talk too. She finally came to me, angry, trying to find out why her son had been brutally attacked the way he had been. She basically scolded me for everything that happened and then threatened to take Nick with her and have him removed from the band. That hurt me very badly, I started to blame myself for what happened to him, I had promised to protect him and I let that happen to him." Kevin stated, still crying.

"Oh baby, it wasn't your fault. You didn't know that freak was going to be waiting for Nick when you guys got back. You didn't know that was going to happen. You shouldn't have blamed yourself for that happening." Justin stated.

"Yes I should have. I promise Nick and his mom that I would do what I could to protect him. He had come to see me as a second father, and I go and let him down like that." Kevin stated.

"There is nothing you could have done to change the outcome of that baby, you didn't tell that guy to do what he did. It wasn't your fault, but I would say it was the fault of the crewmember that told him where you guys were staying." Justin stated.

"Well we found out who told the guy and we fired him, but that didn't make Nick feel any better or change what had happened to him. The guy was found and arrested. He was sentenced to a prison term for nine years. After Nick's mom talk with me, she decided that we couldn't take care of her child, so she took him back to the US and left us over there. Management decided that since Nick wasn't able to perform, that we should come back as well, so we left and decided to reschedule all the dates for a later time. Nick later started talking to a therapist and he soon started to return to normal. Three months had passed since that had happened and he rejoined us. We returned back to Europe to continue the tour and nothing else was ever said about what happened by him or us." Kevin stated.

"That could be bad, if he relives that. I don't think I would be me right now, if something like that had happened to me. I hope that if he does tell Joey, that he and Joey can handle it. I know Joey and sometimes his emotions get the best of him. Just Joey finding out that his dog had died while we were on tour, he stopped talking to us for weeks, he was so down all the time." Justin stated.

"All we can hope for is the best. Baby, we need to get to sleep, we will be heading out pretty early." Kevin stated, kissing Justin and laying down in bed. "Night baby."

"Night Kev. I love you." Justin stated.

"I love you too." Kevin stated, as he turned off the lamp.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 17

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