Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on Feb 18, 2003


Warnings And Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions or suggestions can be sent to ''. I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

============================== Joint Affairs - Chapter 21 by JT Poole

// Day 20 - Baltimore, MD - The Sheraton Hotel //

"I am so glad we are here, I thought we would be riding on those buses forever." Justin stated as he and Kevin walked into the lobby of the hotel.

"Yeah I know what you mean. I feel like just soaking in the hot tub to ease the tenseness of my muscles." Kevin stated, "Why don't we go find a hot tub and get in it once Celia passes out our room keys?"

"Sure baby, that sounds fun, I just want to be with you, it's been a while since we, you know." Justin stated, as Brian and JC walked up to them.

"What's up guys, what do you guys plan on doing before the concert?" Brian asked.

"We are just going to spend some quality time together and find a hot tub so we can relax a bit." Kevin stated, "What do you two have planned?"

"Well me and Josh were going to go have a snack and go for a walk, but I don't know what I want to do know, I think a nice warm shower and room service sounds good right about now." Brian stated.

"That does sound great, let's do that baby." JC stated.

"Cool, that's a plan. Check you two later Kev." Brian stated as he and JC walked away.

"Yo, what's up man, what do we have to do tonight before the concert?" AJ asked as he walked up to Kevin.

"Well we have sound check an hour before and that's it, the rest of the day is free, so chill out and do what you like, just be ready for sound check later." Kevin stated as Celia walked around handing everyone their room keycards.

"Lance are you okay? You look like hell, is there something wrong?" Kevin asked as Lance came dragging into the hotel lobby.

"I don't know, I am just tired, I think I need to go back to sleep." Lance stated as Celia handed him his keycard and told him where to go.

"Okay everyone, as you know, we have the whole day free, just take it easy and have fun, but be here to leave at 6 for sound check tonight." Celia stated, "Oh and Kevin, I need to speak with you about something."

"What's up Celia? Is there something wrong?" Kevin asked.

"Well I don't know you tell me. I have been watching all of you for the last couple of weeks and well I am trying to keep up with who's dating who. The last time I checked, Brian and JC were together, you and Justin and Joey and Nick. There is also Aaron and his friend, but what's going on with Wade and Lance?" Celia asked.

"Well I don't know, I didn't know there was anything with Wade and Lance. I thought Lance was straight as an arrow, or so it seems since he complains so much about Justin and I when we are around." Kevin stated, "If there is something going on, Lance must be drugged out or something, I don't think it's a relationship."

"Well just explain to me why is it that Wade spends a lot of time talking to Lance, and why is it that when we settle at a hotel, they are together the first night, but separate the rest of the stay. I don't know what it is, but I think there is something there." Celia stated as Justin walked over to see what was going on.

"What's up Kev, I thought we were going to find that hot tub?" Justin asked.

"We are going to find a hot tub, but first, Celia was asking me something about something, so I will be along in just a moment." Kevin stated.

"Wait Justin, maybe you can help me with this. Do you know of anything going on with Wade and Lance?" Celia asked.

"No, not that I know of. Why?" Justin asked.

"Well, I can't explain it all, but I think there is something going on between the two of them." Celia stated.

"Yeah right, you must be kidding. Lance and Wade don't get along at all. Not since Wade told Lance that he had a crush on him and that had that big fight." Justin stated.

"What big fight honey?" Kevin asked.

"Well back before all of this started, Wade sort of had this thing for Lance. So he basically got tired of hiding his feelings and told Lance how he felt. Afterwards, Lance told him that there would never, ever be anything of that, since he was straight and that Wade better keep his distance. He told Wade that if it wasn't related to work, that he didn't want him near or in his area are he would cause him pain. So after that, they just stay away from each other." Justin explained.

"Well I don't know about any of that, but I have witnessed other happenings." Celia Stated.

"I guess some light will be shed on this soon enough." Justin stated as he and Kevin grabbed their stuff, said their goodbyes to Celia and walked away.

// Joey and Nick's Room //

"Oh that feels so good baby. I wish you could have done this earlier when I was cramped up in that damn bunk." Nick stated.

"Well just think, we have tonight and tomorrow to not have to be on those bunks, we can have this bed for the rest of the time and enjoy it." Joey stated as he continued to massage Nick's back.

"Oh yeah, while I have this fresh in my mind, me and Aaron were talking about some plans and well we were thinking about telling our mom about our sexuality and the men in our lives. I was wondering would you...would you come with us when we go?" Nick asked.

"Sure baby, I would go anywhere with you, just as long as we were together." Joey stated, "Is Aaron's boyfriend going too?'

"I hope so, Aaron is supposed to ask him too." Nick stated. "We are planning to do this on the next break we get so that we can fly out and tell them in person and introduce you both to mom and the rest of the family."

"What about your dad?" Joey asked.

"Well since he's away on business a lot, I guess mom will fill him in when he comes back, but he's gone now and he won't be back for a while, he's handling some stuff with his company in New York." Nick stated.

"Oh, well I guess that's one less reaction to deal with. How do you think your family is going to take it that both you and Aaron are gay?" Joey asked.

"I honestly don't know, but it's something we are going to face sooner or later, we might as well go ahead and do it." Nick stated.

"Well I will do what I can to support and comfort you during all of this baby, what ever you need me to do, just ask me." Joey stated as Nick sat up and kissed him. "What was that for?"

"For being a cool boyfriend and for agreeing to come with me to give me support." Nick stated as his cell phone rang.

// Aaron and David's Room //

"Yo Nick, did you tell Joey yet?" Aaron asked talking into the phone.

"Yeah, he said he would go, have you talked to David yet?" Nick asked.

"Sure has, he said he wanted to go along too, so I guess we are all set. Are we going to meet after the concert tonight so that we can talk and stuff?" Aaron asked.

"Sure we are. When we get back we can start out by having some food in the hotel restaurant and go from there." Nick stated.

"Cool, well you get back to what you were doing, we are going to take a nap." Aaron stated.

"Alright, have fun, don't do anything I wouldn't do." Nick laughed as he hung up the phone.

// Brian and JC's Room //

After JC and Brian had walked around in the hotel and had something to snack on, they decided to go back up to their room. JC closed the door and then pulled his T-shirt over his head. He tossed it on the floor.

"Shit, I'm hot, hope I can find some shorts. I have to get into something cooler." JC said, kicking his shoes under the bed and started undoing the drawstring on his track pants. "This string always gets in a knot and it's a real pain in the ass especially if you're in a hurry to get to the bathroom."

"Here, let me give you a hand baby." Brian stated walking over to JC. "I'll help you get the knot undone."

Brian dropped down to his knees in front of JC and started to fumble with the cord of JC's track pants. Brian quickly got the knot untied and started to run his hands around JC's waist.

"There that seems to be a little better..." Brian stated.

"It sure is," said JC.

Brian got the impression that he could go a little further, so he slowly started to slide JC's track pants down over his slim hips. JC didn't say anything, but reached down and fondled Brian's curly hair. By this time, Brian had JC's track pants down around his ankles and JC was left standing in his tight white under shorts.

JC's big cock was still soft and lying along the bottom of his shorts, pointing towards the right. Brian slowly pulled JC's pants off over his right foot as JC lifted his foot so that Brian could get it off. Brian then did the same thing with the left leg. Brian was still on his knees in front of JC. His mouth was right in line with JC's still soft cock, but Brian was getting hard and horny.

Slowly, Brian ran his hand up JC's left leg. When he reached the pouch containing JC's balls he carefully cupped them with the palm of his left hand and slowly ran his lips along the outline of JC's cock as it showed thru his very sheer shorts. The once limp rod quickly started to grow. It quickly reached full erection in a vertical position, pointing up to JC's navel. It was so long that the knob popped thru the elastic waistband.

Brian was really turned on and started lapping at the knob that was peeking out at him, while slowly running his hands down the back of the waistband and massaging JC's tight buns. Brian slowly pushed the tight white under shorts down, freeing the proud eight-inch cock.

JC had both of his of his hands behind Brian's head and was anxious for him to get the shorts pushed all the way down. Finally the underwear ended up on the floor and Brian grabbed JC's stiff cock and stuffed it in his mouth. JC's cock was a real mouthful, beautifully circumcised and well veined.

Brian could barely get his mouth around it, and it was so long that he was gagging on it. He kept his right hand wrapped around it, giving JC a hand job on part of his shaft while swallowing the knob. JC urged him on, gently pushing on the back of Brian's head with both of his hands.

"Take it all baby...ooohhh, that feels terrific...." JC stated.

This action went on for about five minutes or so, and then JC told Brian to take his hand off of his cock, and just suck it. Brian quickly obeyed, and JC started to exert a little more pressure on the back of Brian's head. JC's cock was right down to the back of Brian's throat and he started to gag.

JC was pumping slowly. At the end of each stroke he would exert a little pressure on the back of Brian's throat.

When Brian got used to that and could take it without gagging, JC started shorter strokes, not backing off as much, while at the same time pressing the back of Brian's head firmly onto that beautiful stiff rod. JC stood up on his toes, which changed the angle of his cock ever so slightly, and giving a firm push, finally got his hot rod to slide down Brian's throat all the way until JC's loose bag was resting on Brian's chin.

Brian started to gag, but JC didn't back off. He held his weapon deep in Brian's throat until he was able to relax. JC was in heaven, and slowly started to pump back and forth ever so slightly. Within 30 seconds, he blew his load, and Brian was able to take it.

Tears were streaming down Brian's cheeks as he struggled to relax. He really wanted to give JC the best blowjob ever... After what seemed to be an eternity, JC slowly withdrew his cock, and Brian licked the remaining cum from the now limp knob.

"Damn!!!" JC said, "This was the best blowjob I've ever had. You were great Brian. I think we are going to have a great time together."

"Yeah, JC, I think that it going to be a terrific time too. How about we go and grab a shower?" Brian leaned back against the bed, smiling.



Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E -Mail: jtpoole9@ AIM: swainsboroguy1 Yahoo: swainsborogaboi ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 23

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