Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on Mar 26, 2003


Boybands - Joint Affairs - Chapter 23Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry about the delay, but this one wasn't my fault...


Joint Affairs -- Chapter 23

by JT Poole

// Day 20 -- Baltimore, MD -- Chris and Lance's Room //

"What? Who's there?" Lance asked, getting up to see who was at the door.

"It's me Chris open the door." Chris stated.

"I thought you were in the bathroom in the tub." Lance stated opening the door.

"I was, but after 3 hours of soaking I got bored and went for a walk." Chris said, walking into the room.

"Wow, I have been asleep for 3 hours. I guess I needed the sleep." Lance stated.

"I guess you did, I tried to wake you, but you wouldn't budge." Chris stated.

"Well I feel a little bit refreshed now. I guess I will go for a swim or something. I just feel like relaxing. You have fun, I will catch you later." Lance stated grabbing his backpack and a towel.

// Brian and JC's Room //

"Oh I feel so good JC. I didn't think we could have so much fun in the shower." Brian stated.

"Really. I thought you were the experienced one." JC stated.

"Well I am not that experienced. But I did learn something new today." Brian stated kissing JC.

"Hell, let's get into bed, we don't have to leave the room. Let's just stay here until it's time for Sound check." Brian stated.

"Let's do that, I would rather be here in bed instead of anywhere else." JC stated as the two of them kissed again.

"JC I love you so much. For the past couple of weeks, you have made me very happy. No one in my life has made me as happy as you." Brian stated as he and JC got into bed.

"Oh Brian, I feel the same way. I just don't know how I could have gotten along if we were not together." JC stated.

"Let's make love...I want to feel you inside of me." Brian stated. "I wanted to wait, but I think now is the perfect time."

"Brian are you sure you want to do this?" JC asked.

"Yes I want to do this. We have put it off for a long time. I feel ready for it now." Brian stated.

"Okay baby." JC stated as he got out of bed, walked over to his overnight bag and pulled out some lube and a condom.

// Kevin and Justin's Room //

"Justin...oh Justin...that's it right there...right there!" Kevin screamed as Justin was plowing deep within his ass.

"Oh Kev, Kev, I am going to shoot...oh...oh...I am almost there...oh god, oh god, there it is!" Justin screamed as he pulled out of Kevin and shot his sperm all over his chest.

"Justin, oh sweet Justin, I love you so much." Kevin stated, panting heavily.

"I love you more Kev." Justin stated, breathing the same way.

"I think we better go hit the shower again." Kevin stated.

"No, let's just lie here until it's time to go, I just want to be here in your arms." Justin stated, lying down on top of Kevin to kiss him passionately.

"Baby you know if we lie here, we will fall asleep and by the time we wake up, we might be late to sound check." Kevin stated.

"Why don't I just call down to the main desk and set a wake up call, so that we will be ready before 6pm, how about that baby?" Justin asked.

"Okay do that, and I guess we can lie here and just cuddle until then." Kevin stated, as he wrapped his arms around Justin's waist and kissed him again.

"Mmmmm. If you continue to do that, we might end up working out again." Justin stated picking up the phone to call the main desk.

// Wade's Room //

"Okay Fatima, I got that, but do you really think we need to have them do a double practice tomorrow? The guys will freak out. They are all dog-tired and basically tomorrow is an off day." Wade stated, talking on the phone.

"Well tonight's performance will make the difference. If they do a good job tonight, then they don't need the extra practice, but if the show is not up to our standards then they will be practicing tomorrow on an off day." Fatima stated, as there was a knock at Wade's door.

"Hold on Fatima, let me answer the door." Wade stated, laying his phone down on the bed and opening the door. "Yes may I help you?"

Opening the door, Wade stopped in his tracks when Lance was standing there in the doorway. Surprised that he was there, Wade invited him in into the room and before he could do anything else, Lance pushed him back towards the bed. Standing in front of the bed, not speaking, Lance pushed Wade down on the bed and started taking his clothes off. Trying to get up to stop Lance, Wade pushed Lance off of him and grabbed his phone the was next to him.

"Fatima, I will talk to you later, I have to deal with something." Wade stated hanging up the phone.

"Why did you stop me from what I was doing. Take off your clothes and get ready for me." Lance stated.

"Lance now is not a good time. I can't..." Wade trailed off as Lance pushed him back down on the bed and jumped on top of him and started kissing him.

Shocked that Lance was kissing him, for the first time since they had been hooking up, Wade let Lance continue to kiss him.

"Ah, I see you wanted that. Well I am quite sure you are going to want this even more." Lance stated pulling his dick out of his shorts.

"Look Lance I would very much enjoy this, but what has gotten into you?" Wade asked. "You have never kissed me before. You said that you would die before you would let me touch your lips."

"Look, don't worry about that. If you don't want me here right now then I will leave and won't come back, ever." Lance stated.

"No no, please stay." Wade stated grabbing Lance by his hips.

"So we are in agreement then." Lance stated kissing Wade again, which caught him off guard again. "How do you want it this time? Do you want it doggy style or do you want to lay on your back?"

"I would rather lay on my back. I would like to see your face while you are fucking me." Wade stated as tears appeared in his eyes.

"Are you crying? What's wrong with you?" Lance asked.

"I am happy about this." Wade stated, "I don't know what's come over you, but I am glad you are doing this to me."

"Well we will see about that when we are done. Are you going to really like this? I am going to fuck you until your brains pop out, I am so fucking horny right now." Lance stated as he pushed open Wade's legs and pushed his dick into his ass causing him to grunt a little bit. "Sorry, I think that lube on the condom dried, I just couldn't wait, so I put the condom on in the bathroom down the hall."

"It's okay just go ahead and fuck me." Wade stated as he gritted his teeth and moved with Lance's thrusts.

// Benjamin's Room //

"What do you want Celia? I don't really feel well right now. Can you come back later?" Benjamin stated, talking to Celia through the door.

"Look Benjamin, I am not going to talk to you through the door and I am not going to come back later. Either you talk to me now or we don't talk at all and you will be fired and sent back to Orlando." Celia stated as the door flew open and Benjamin pulled her into the room.

"What do you mean I will be fired and sent back to Orlando?" Benjamin asked.

"About time you started talking. Now that you are we need to know what you want to do. Do you want to continue on this tour or would you like to go back to Orlando?" Celia asked.

"Why are you asking me this?" Benjamin asked.

"I am asking you this because it seems that you are not properly handling yourself and it's interfering with your work." Celia stated. "For the last couple of weeks you haven't said as much a `hello' to any one, you just agree on what I say and do it. If you can't communicate, then you don't need to be on this tour." Celia stated.

"Well I am sorry that I haven't been talking, but I don't see the harm in me not talking." Benjamin stated.

"Look, if you don't start acting like your are supposed to, the way you were acting when this tour first started, or you can be replaced. It's your choice, stay here and be you, or go back to Orlando and be replaced. As a warning, if I send you back to Orlando, I don't know if you will have a job when you see Johnny." Celia stated.

"So you guys are forcing me to talk and interact with everyone is that?" Benjamin asked.

"Either you do or you don't it's up to you. But if I don't see a change before the end of next week, you won't have to worry about the decision, I will make it for you and send you back myself." Celia stated. "Are we clear on this Benjamin?"

"Crystal." Benjamin stated as Celia open the door and walked out, leaving him there to ponder what she had told him.

//David and Aaron's Room //

"How are you feeling now baby?" David asked turning over in the bed to face Aaron.

"I guess a feel a little bit better now, but I still feel that something bad is going to happen." Aaron stated as his cell phone started ringing. "Hello?"

"Hi son, how are you doing this afternoon?" Jane Carter asked.

"Uh mom...hi...I ahhh...ahhh...I am doing fine. What a surprise. I was just talking about you." Aaron stated, getting a panicked look on his face.

"You sound upset. Is everything alright?" Jane asked.

"Everything's fine mom. I am just resting until we get ready for the concert later." Aaron stated.

"Oh that's a good thing dear, you need your rest. I was just calling to check on you two since I haven't heard from you guys. Where is your brother?" Jane asked.

"Uh...uh he's in his room." Aaron stated.

"His room? I thought you two were supposed to be sharing a room." Jane stated.

"We were but, some extra rooms were available and well we opted to have separate rooms." Aaron stated, hoping his mother would accept that excuse.

"Oh well, I guess I will have to talk to him later. Would you tell him to call me so I can hear his voice, I would like to know that you guys are okay, you should keep in better contact with me, for god's sake I am your mother." Jane stated.

"I will mom, I will go down the hall and tell him right now." Aaron stated as his mother said her goodbyes and hung up.

"Baby are you okay? You look so scared." David spoke.

"I am okay, let me call Nick and tell him to call mom. I was so glad she accepted the excuse that we were not in the same room, or I don't know how I would have explained that." Aaron stated as David hugged and kissed him.

// Joey and Nick's Room //

"What a boy wants, what a boy needs, whatever makes you happy and sets me free..." Nick sang as he and Joey were in the shower having sex again.

"I just love it when you imitate Christina Aguilera. I think you should be one of her back up singers." Joey laughed at his comment.

"Very funny Joey. Next you will be looking for an Oscar for that poor performance." Nick stated as he kissed Joey again.

"Well we should get an Oscar for this performance." Joey stated as he pulled out of Nick and shot his cum all over his chest.

"Ewww, some of that got in my eye." Nick laughed.

"Well let me help you get it out." Joey stated as Nick's cell phone rang. "Hello Nick's phone, may I help you?"

"Joey, put Nick on, I need to speak to him, it's urgent." Aaron stated.

"Here baby, it's Aaron, he says it's urgent." Joey stated.

"What's up A?" Nick asked.

"Mom just called. She's upset that she hasn't heard from us." Aaron stated. "Also, she asked why you were not in the room with me and I told her that we were able to get separate rooms. I didn't tell her about Joey or David and don't you tell her either."

"Alright, alright. I will call her after I go shower." Nick stated, as Joey raised his head to look at him.

"Just call her, she's kind of mad that we haven't called her in a couple of days." Aaron stated hanging up the phone.

"What's that all about?" Joey asked.

"Mom's upset that we haven't called her. So after I get out of the shower, I will go call her." Nick stated, as Joey gave him a sad look. "What?"

"I can't come with you?" Joey asked.

"No. If you go in there with me, we will just end up having sex again and I will never get that phone call made." Nick stated.

"Yes you will. We will just go in there in shower. I won't do anything to keep you from getting out of the shower after you are clean." Joey stated.

"Who said you? I was talking about me. You just don't know how good you look dripping wet." Nick stated.'

"Oh well. I guess you will have to shower alone for now. I guess we can have more fun later after the concert." Joey stated.

"I guess so love. Besides, I won't be in there long." Nick stated as he kissed Joey on the cheek and walked into the bathroom.



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AIM: SwainsboroGuy1

ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 26

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