Jonah Got My Fix

By Z

Published on Jan 28, 2015


Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. It also features some scenes that are explicitly fantasy and should not be attempted. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

Author's note: New story I'm trying out. Please donate to nifty if able. Jonah's Got My Fix By: Z Gay Male Authoritarian

It was that time of the month I dreaded. The time of the month that many 19 year old guys in the dorm dreaded. The roommates and I were out of pot, and it was up to me to re-stock.

I'm not a doormat. I'm just the guy that has the connection. The other guys are too nervous, awkward or stupid to carry on a working relationship with a drug dealer. They're good dudes, they just don't have the finesse I do.

My name's Nate. I'm just starting the second semester of a great first year at college. It's been awesome living apart from the folks, partying when I want, and doing whatever the fuck I feel like. Right when I arrived I met my roommates Max and Zeke. We were instantly buddies and since then it's been a haze of house parties, immature vandalism, hookups and just good times hanging out.

This particular day found me in a rush. I had 45 minutes before my next class started and was completely lost in the concept we were covering. So I wanted/needed to be there. My loveable dealer, Jonah lived in his own apartment across campus. I promised the roomies I'd pickup before I came back to the dorms so we could head out in Max's car to the woods. With the little amount of time I had and the annoying process I knew I was in for with interacting with Jonah, I was sprinting as fast as I could across campus.

For some reason when you're running, you always think everyone is staring at you. At least that's what I figure. I probably didn't look too with it. I was in my dorm pant sweats in a tshirt and sneakers. I maybe could have passed for an active college kid running laps around campus, but I was huffing and puffing like I smoked four packs a day.

My sweaty blonde hair kept falling in my eyes, my back was covered in sweat, as I reached the end goal of Jonah's apartment door I put my head down and my hands on my knees to catch my breath. I was a pretty slender guy, no question about it. About 6', 150 lbs. I wasn't exactly in shape though. All me and the buddies did was drink and get high. I just had a very fast metabolism, but basically when chicks asked what I look like over the internet I told them swimmer's build.

I buzzed Jonah's apartment and waited. Step 1 – see how many times it would take before Jonah answered, acting like he had no idea who it was.

"That you, Nathaniel?" Jonah's voice immediately came through the speaker above the buzzer.

That was quick. Jonah probably had somewhere to be. I had a good chance of even being early to my next class if that was the case.

"Uhh, yeah dude it's me. Can you buzz me up?" I asked nervously.

"Sure bra, come on up." Jonah replied.

The lock buzzed. I opened the door into the apartment building. It smelled like college kids. Not necessarily weed but definitely like this building had seen its fair share of parties. Jonah's apartment was all the way at the end of the hall on the second floor. The hallway lights had been burned out since before I had been given Jonah's address from a kid in the very class I was worried about being late for. I reached the door with a crooked number 29 on it and banged on the door.

I waited for a couple minutes, listening to the rustling of Jonah moving about inside. It was common for him to take forever at this. However, this special day he only took a few seconds to get to the door and open it.

"Heeeey motherfucker!" He greeted, "get your stupid pothead ass in here!"

Jonah was part gangster, part surfer. He was wearing some baggy shorts, a striped tank top and his short hair showed severe evidence of bedhead. It was 2:30PM, still early for a stoner like him.

"Here hit this shit, go ahead and finish it all..." He said, passing me a small pipe already packed with some fresh green.

"Uhh thanks dude. Appetizer!" I said as I sparked it up. I've never been one to turn it down.

"Fuck yea man, you get first class service," Jonah joked, "just smoke that while I get you set up, then you can pay me and you can head out of here."

A cold chill ran down my spine as I was mid-hit. I exhaled in a flurry of coughing and weezing. I had forgotten the money. Of all the stupid shit I had done recently, I had forgotten the fucking money! I would never make it back to the dorms. I quickly checked my bank account on my phone, Jonah hated taking checks but he had done it before since I was regular customer. More bad news, one of my autopay bills had taken out money. I not only didn't have cash on me, I didn't have any money to back it up with.

Now I was starting to feel the weed. It hit me hard. My face felt extremely hot as I tried to think of what I could tell Jonah. I opened my mouth but got distracted watching him from the back. He was bent over his table, packing up a bag with his hairy ass crack showing. He must not be wearing underwear.

"Uhh you think I co-could pay you later man?" I asked nervously, "I don't got the funds."

Jonah stopped. His head lifted up. He took a deep breath and rose to his feet.

"Oh Nate, Nate, Nate..." he sighed, "This isn't the first time Nate's shortchanged me is it?"

My blood ran cold, " Jonah it isn't" I said, all of a sudden feeling very intimidated as Jonah slowly approached me. He was my height, but build much more solid.

"No it isn't," Jonah repeated, "you fucking dipshit. Do you think this stuff just grows on...fuck it doesn't matter! This shit ain't free!"

Jonah was getting more and more agitated. I got freaked out and took a few steps back, not noticing the big lazy boy chair and falling into it.

"Look here Nate," he signed, "I like you, but you're a fucking joke. You ain't got the money to pay me then get the fuck out and don't come back."

I quickly rose to my feet. I didn't want to find a new hookup. It was an even more irritating process then going through Jonah.

"No man. Come on, please. I'm sorry! Please, I don't have the money but let me make it up to you," I pleaded with him.

Jonah looked pissed but before he opened his mouth to give me another lecture, an idea came across his face.

"Well...actually there IS something I need. I picked up something off the web the other day. It's not something I use but I want to try it out and see what it's like. I guess I'm just curious haha. So if you agree beforehand to try it on, I'll let you have the bag and forget about the whole thing, deal?"

The whole deal seemed too good to be true. I just have to wear some stupid thing and I get a free bag of weed. My college life focused brain didn't think of the possibilities of what I'd be wearing, I just hastily agree.

"Cool," Jonah smiled, "strip off your clothes while I lock the door so nobody comes in and gets the wrong impression."

As I processed what Jonah had said, he walked over and latched the door. Jonah was a pretty paranoid dealer, so his door was covered in deadbolts. Typically when he had visitors he'd only lazily lock the one on the very top of his door, but if he was feeling extra crazy he would go down the line of deadbolts, six in total, to keep anyone out.

He turned around and looked perplexed, "Dude, I thought I said strip. You agreed. No questions, free bag of weed. What's so hard?"

He scratched his balls for a bit, then stood with his rather strong arms crossed over his muscular chest. Jonah was a tough dude. I didn't want to piss him off too bad. He looked like he worked out pretty regularly, and had a goatee and sleeve tattoos that convinced me he had seen his fair share of brawls. For whatever reason, I threw off my shirt and started unbuttoning my pants.

I have a thing for jocks. I wear them everywhere. Today was no exception. He was a little surprised to see me wearing the bright red jock, but it definitely didn't disappoint him.

"Yeah, take that off too dude. Hurry up, almost ready." Jonah rushed me.

I slipped off my jock. Jonah picked up my clothes and set them up on the couch. He glanced over at my crotch and smirked. I'm a little embarrassed about it, but I have some big low hanging balls attached to my 7 inch cock. Max and Zeke tease me about it all the time. Since, we're roomies, we've seen each other naked a bunch of times. This was the first time a guy besides them had ever seen me naked. I felt really exposed.

"Alright man, doing great. Take another hit of that bowl then just get on all fours. It'll be easier that way," Jonah explained.

After processing this, I took a big hit, held it in for awhile and slowly exhaled. Once the weed sank in, I sunk to my hands and knees and waited nervously as Jonah busied himself in a drawer behind me. I heard some weird clicking and then felt his hands grab my balls tightly. I yelped out but he held them tight and forced them behind me. I felt something enclose them and lock into place. Then, Jonah stood up and backed away.

"There!" Jonah exclaimed, "Fucking great! Let's see if it works!"

"What the fuck!" I yelled out and tried to stand up, only making it a portion of the way as whatever device he attached from me would have ripped my balls off if I stood up completely. I doubled over and fell back to my hands and knees.

"It works!' he laughed, "I can't believe it! It fucking works!"

I started to realize what was happening. The device Jonah wanted me to wear was supposed to keep my balls like this. It kept me from standing and effectively kept me on my hands and knees.

"So Nate, What you are wearing is called a humbler. It keeps you right where a broke ass beggar like you needs to be, humbled!" Jonah hissed as he circled me.

I realized I was in over my head. I was naked, with my pale, bubble ass exposed, my cock hanging free, and my balls clasped in this tight, unforgiving device. I tried to reach back and unhook whatever it was, but couldn't stretch that far.

"Nah dude, even IF you could reach it, I locked it on with a padlock, and I'm holding the key," Jonah said menacingly while dangling a key chain high over my head.

I started crawling hastily over toward the door. I figured I'd better find somebody to get this thing off of me before this psycho tried anything else. Once I reached the door, my knees were already feeling raw from the cheap apartment carpet. I reached up, turned the door handle and pulled. The door didn't budge. It was still deadbolted, and the lock was WAY out of my reach. After a few attempts, I realized it was hopeless and collapsed on the floor.

"Just accept it bitch. I got ya," Jonah laughed, "Now hurry up and let's get this over with so I can send you on your way with your fix."

My head picked up. He still planned to honor the deal? Was he just fucking with me this whole time? This was a pretty intense joke. Where did he get this thing from anyways? What kind of site had this type of equipment?

I slowly crawled back over to where Jonah was now seated. My vantage point and his baggy shorts gave me a quick look at his balls. They were big and slightly distracting. I almost forgot where I was going.

"Aw, poor Natey is all naked and pathetic," he feigned pity, "Look dude. You want that off you do exactly as I say. Now crawl over here here between my legs. You're gonna like this next part."

I hurried over between my dealer's legs. I was hoping whatever college sexual experiment I was about to partake in would not leave this room, but I figured what the hell, I'm still making out sort of OK by this.

Jonah shucked off his baggy shorts, revealing his strong hairy legs, huge bull balls and a truly intimidating rock hard 9 inch slab of thick meat. Next he reached over, grabbed an even bigger packed bowl and handed it to me with a lighter.

"Smoke it all while I jerk my cock dude." He growled as he took his fat dick in his hand and started jerking it.

I was already feeling really good from the bowl he gave me earlier, but I did what he told me. I took a huge hit with it and about passed out coughing. When my watery eyes were able to refocus and I could stand, lift my head up, my eyes were transfixed on his huge cock. I couldn't look away. I just started at this big piece of meat flopping around his hand a couple feet away from my face. It was the closest I had been to another guy's hard dick.

"Yeah, you like my dick, dude?" Jonah asked.

I took another big hit and exhaled, "Fuuuck dude you are one hung stud."

"Yeah dude I know it, hurry up and finish that bowl..." Jonah sighed as I took another big hit.

By the time I was done the room was spinning. I was just starting at Jonah's enormous dick and watching him jerk off. It was so thick, almost as thick as a beer can. I couldn't help but wonder if it tasted good.

"Look at you kneeling between my legs with your drooling mouth open," Jonah teased.

I didn't realize it, but my mouth was hanging open with a nice bit of drool sliding down my chin. What was coming over me? I tried to refocus but could only think of one thing, Jonah's dick. I watched as it leaked precum all over his big cockhead, making it glisten and invite me in.

"Ya see bitch, now that you're relaxed a little bit I think you know what you really came here for. Don't you," Jonah said in a sexy, hypnotizing voice.

I hazily bobbed my head back and forth and tried to follow the motion of his cock along. He was slowly stroking it, holding it at the tip of his cock so more precum would seep out.

"Poor little horny college boy love's seeing what a real man looks like doesn't he," Jonah continued.

I nodded my head in agreement but didn't say anything. I was still staring at his dick. There was a steady strand of precum hanging from it now. Just hanging there, begging to fall off. I kept staring at it, wondering how sweet it was.

"Good little slut, you're figuring it out quick aren't you? That stuff really helps. Tell you what, why don't you push the coffee table over so you can get on all fours and have a good view of my big dick," Jonah ordered.

I snapped out of looking at his dick to try and comprehend what he was saying. My foggy mind soon realized he wanted me to give myself more room between his legs. I tried just moving it with one arm but it was a fairly large coffee table. Looking over at Jonah I realized I was getting no help from him. He was just smirking and slowly stroking his fat cock that I wanted to resume looking at.

Moving the table was more difficult with this humbler thing locked on than I expected, I basically had to fall on the table and use both arms to push it forward. As it slid along the carpet, I almost face planted but regained my composure at the last minute. As stoned as I was, this task made me feel incredibly out of breath and I laid on the floor panting.

"Hurry up, bitch. You got work to do!" Jonah yelled before giving my bare ass a little kick.

I shot up and crawled over until my face was just inches from his cock. A strand of precum was still clinging to his cockhead, dangling like a written invitation. It didn't take long for my mouth jaw to drop again. I just couldn't fathom how great Jonah's cock was.

"Fuck yeah, you hurried over here like a good little queer didn't you," Jonah laughed.

I didn't know how to respond so I just meekly nodded. He smirked a little bit before moving his dick slightly closer to me until it was just an inch away from my lips. As it hung there, I got my first real good sniff of his dick. It was great. Musky, sweaty, it really was a man's dick. It was too close, too inviting. Unconsciously, my lips parted, my tongue extended and I slurped up that strand of precum and kissed his dick before he pulled it back.

I opened my eyes feeling a disappointment I had never felt before. Did I do something wrong? Did I misinterpret him?

"Awww, poor little faggot wants more dick?" Jonah teased.

"Look man, I do.." I started to explain.

"Fuck you with your little explanations. I know why you licked up my precum, plain and simple. Cause you want the real thing. You took one look at my big dick and decided that you needed it. You want it. And you'll be a good little whore and do what I say just to get it. Are we clear?" Jonah snapped.

"Ye-yeah Jonah...I just...just need to taste your dick. Is that OK, man? Please?" I begged like an inexperienced tool.

Jonah started laughing. Not just mockingly, but genuinely rolling over laughing.

"Fuck you queer. You want my dick? Then you are going to have to work for it. Some stuff women don't like to do for guys, that's where you come in. Cause the more nasty stuff I give you, it'll turn your faggot ass on," Jonah explained.

I stood there. Already naked, on my hands and knees with some device locking me in this position ensnaring my balls and I was rock hard. My own cock was leaking strands of precum. I was totally shocked, and started to see Jonah's point.

"So, if you want the pleasure of MY dick in your mouth there's something you gotta do for me bitch. You gotta pay for your disrespect. You gotta show me that you are my inferior little faggot bitch. You're not a man anymore, you're my faggot. Now crawl over here closer," Jonah ordered me.

I instantly took a few steps closer. My face was practically buried in Jonah's crotch. His scent invaded my nostrils and traveled all throughout my body, making my already hard dick throb.

Jonah took a deep breath, "that's real good bitch. Real good. You're going to make a great little sex bitch." Jonah growled, "Now make yourself useful and slide that tongue of yours all around my taint ans ass. I want to watch you lick it. Do it, bitch. Hurry up!"

I didn't have much time to think. Was this something I was into? I glanced down at his hairy ass as he spread his legs far apart. His hole did look inviting, almost like it might taste even better than his cock. I brought my face down to it before I heard a faint beep. I looked up and there was Jonah, recording me with his phone.

"Back to work bitch, do what you're here to do," He said, making sure he would be heard.

I sighed and looked down at his hairy hole and ass crack. It didn't seem dirty at all, just sweaty. I stuck out my tongue and dragged it up and down on his crack. I was afraid of the taste at first, but after Jonah used his free hand to forcefully rub my face in his ass crack, I realized I actually liked it. I started digging and darting my tongue all over his sexy ass. It tasted and smelled like a real man, something I was starting to realize that I really craved.

"Fuck yea, faggot, eat that ass" Jonah said.

I didn't need much more encouragement. I started tongue fucking his hole as hard and as deep as I could. It tasted so fucking good. Fuck, it felt good to just rub my smooth face on his hairy ass and let his scent get imprinted. My dick was rock hard and I wasn't even touching it.

Jonah turned the camera so it was facing him, "You see? This is what happens to bitches who don't pay up. They end up my personal asslickers. Miss a payment, and end up like this bitch!" Jonah explained before zooming in on my face soaked in ass sweat.

"Alright bitch, that's good enough," Jonah said pushing my face out of his ass.

I couldn't help but feel like I was missing out. I wanted more. I couldn't believe it, but I wanted more of his ass.

"Time for the main event," Jonah said, "Wrap your faggot lips around my cock and suck me until you're guzzling my man cream."

Just listening to him talk made me want to obey him. I leaned forward and took his hard dick into my mouth. Even though his ass tasted great, I immediately felt guilty for thinking it could taste better than his cock. It was like heaven, thick and long. The huge shaft filled my mouth up and made me moan just for the pleasure of sucking on it.

"Yeah, that's a good bitch. Suck my dick. You should be fucking grateful that a man has given you this blessing," Jonah moaned, clearly enjoying the work I was doing.

I started moving my head up and down his shaft, trying to take more and more of the monster cock into my mouth and throat. I tried like hell. All of a sudden I realized why girls had such trouble sucking cock and gagging on mine, and my dick wasn't near the dick that Jonah's was. But that didn't mean I was going to quit, I wanted to please this dick, I needed to earn Jonah's cum.

I made gagging noises, choked and drooled all over his cock and balls. The more I tried, the more I choked and gagged. Not that Jonah minded, he was taking video again of his personal fag slave gagging on his big monster cock.

"Look at this dirty little slut choking on my dick," Jonah said to the camera, "hungry little fag wants my swallow all my baby makers don't you?"

I moaned yes and nodded while frantically sucking on his dick. The more I practiced on it, the more I could take. I was starting to really get the whole thing in my mouth, I didn't even notice how turned on I was, but soon my body tensed and my dick started spewing a hot load of cum right on Jonah's feet. He had placed it there. It almost seemed intentional.

The cum made me come down a little bit and realize what I was doing. I started to withdraw from his cock but Jonah grabbed me by the ears and started skullfucking me at an impressive place. I choked and gagged but he held on. Soon he was spewing a hot load of cum down my throat. From the feeling of it, it was truly an enormous amount.

After I licked his dick clean, Jonah collapsed back on the couch and started panting. I was panting too, still on my hands and knees like a dog in front of his master. I felt so humiliated. Shame burned on my face at what I had just done. I looked up at Jonah, who had a huge shit eating grin on his face and his cum soaked foot extended in my face.

"Oh, look. The little cocksucker made a mess," Jonah said, "Clean it up, Natey."

I hung my head and whined a bit, but knew there was no turning back. I started sliding my already exhausted tongue up and down his feet to lick up all the cum I had ejaculated on it. Once I was done, Jonah inspected it to his satisfaction, reached over and picked up they keys to my humbler prison.

"Alright bitch, you're class started about ten minutes ago," Jonah said as he reached over and unlocked the device.

I felt instantly free when I was released, and sprawled out on Jonah's floor in a panting heap. I only came back to reality when a bag of weed hit me in the face.

"There's your fix, fag, now get the fuck out!" Jonah said.

To be continued?

Thanks for reading. If you have any comments please let me know. I'd like to continue on the story. Also if you want check out my tumblr at

Next: Chapter 2

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