Jonathan and Charles

By James Jenkins

Published on Jun 21, 2023


Jonathan and Charles Chapter 1

Jonathan & Charles

By: James Jenkins


Must be 18+ to read this and any other stories published on Nifty where you are, read at your own risk. This story is based on the short film "My 13" aka "13 Ans" (2008). This is my version of how I preferred the film had ended. The film and its characters are property of director/writer Rudi Rosenberg. I do not own the rights or know anyone who worked on the film. This story is 100 % FICTIONAL.

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People go outta their heads looking for "The One". For one, just turned 13, it was one boy only-it was Jonathan. He's one of the coolest kids at school. Plus, unlike others, he was the craziest. Bet lots of kids asked themselves if they'd have a shot at him, he was one of them. Still didn't have the guts to talk to him, but there was still a chance. In 3 days, it will be his sister Julie's birthday party, he had to invite him. At first it seemed an unlikely thought that he'd ever talk to him- Charles "The Ginger." Shit, they'd first met when he accused Charles of stealing his calculator. Charles almost laughed when Jonathan told his Dad to fuck himself after he came to school to resolve it. He fell in love with him that day! In three weeks, they were mates, but Charles wished they were much more. Did take some time to forgive Jonathan but still Charles thought he's kinda nuts. He's my best only friend. I see him on a bench at break, looking like his dog just died but knowing the real reason. Gotta be outta my mind, but I'm inviting him to the party. First, I give him a Peace Offering. Damn, will I have the balls to tell him the truth?

Jonathan wasn't the type to really hang out with people he didn't like. He sat by himself on the bench pondering certain events. He didn't seem busy as he stared into the sky.

"Here, take this." Charles held the calculator straight out towards him. Jonathan looked at him as if he had two heads at first.

"My calculator. I don't use it."

Jonathan read through it. "Why would you give me it?" he asked.

"Thought you'd have a better chance getting an A with it since you tried kicking my ass over it."

Jonathan nodded and took it "T-thanks."

Charles sat down next to him. If only Jonathan knew what was going through his head. Just then his brunette sister Julie and one of her friends, walked through the schoolyard right past them giggling over something. "Ginger!" the word came out. Fuck I hate when people call me that, now even Jonathan was giggling-his eyes on Charles sister. Wish I was invisible right now!

Jonathan giggled and then turned to look at him. "You...know it's a joke, right?"

The curly redhead shrugged his shoulders. "You don't get called it 24/7." Charles didn't want to sulk but couldn't help it being reminded how he's so dorky by almost everybody.

"I'd just shrug it off. It's not the end of the world."

Charles smiled back; he was right. Still had one chance at telling Jonathan. "Tomorrow's Julie's wanna come?"

"Hmm yeah, sure. I can tag along," Jonathan said. Once the calculator had been given to him, he seemed relatively tame.

"Cool, see you tomorrow." Charles bumped fists with Jonathan and left, he had a test to study for. He wasn't sure if Jonathan watched him leaving, but the thought made the freckled boy blush.

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