Jono's Journey Home

By Shy Guy

Published on Aug 22, 2017


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Chapter 10 - The Prince & The Prisoner

Whoever thought of these three suites clearly designed it for a man and his harem. The two master bedrooms in my suite were connected by the office which in turn connected to the lounge. The hallway on our side connected to Vanessa's suite. The other hall connected to the General's suite.

No sooner had the boys left and I started settling into the tub and really relaxing, The STU rang. I quickly threw on my fluffy bathrobe and ran into the bedroom answering the phone out of breath, "Airman Banks."

"Jono, this is General Mallory. Your special package in the Sea Stallion just took off. Well done son. You have everyone in the chain of command beyond happy. You were able to solve most of the problems without compromising either side, well done. You did stretch my order a bit, and I'm grateful you did."

"Thank you, sir. All I did was get both sides talking, and tell a story. I let them come up with a solution."

"We both know that is bullshit Jono. Given how loudly the Ambassador has been raving up his command chain, I would expect another phone call or two if I were you Jono."

I replied, "There is a new problem though I hate to be the one to point to the only cloud around the silver lining. The Marine we evacuated was the only translator the embassy has. You know who they're going to ask to fill that additional duty."

"I already got the request. Wally tells me that they can use a Saudi translator for most stuff. They only need you for U.S. only business. Their staff translator will be back in about a week, add to that the doctor directed that you need to be on light duty for at least two weeks."

"Sir, I really want to get qualified before you leave."

"Jono, Good news on that front, I'm going to be leaving Friday morning. Your team and I have been invited to a regimental awards banquet, formal dress on Thursday night. You'll be pleased to know the last of your trainees just got an HQ. In the initial cadre only one received less than a highly qualified. You and Vanessa are to be congratulated for what you did with the air surveillance technicians. Your results are practically unheard of. I have been on a full-court press to get Vanessa to reenlist. If she has found someone, please for the love of god, sour the relationship. We need to keep her on active duty." He laughed.

"Sorry, I could no sooner steal her happiness than I could exist without breathing. Please don't make that request in order," I teased, "I would hate for you to have to call the JAG back for me to surrender for court-martial." I joked back.

"Jono, the one truth about the military is, people come and people go. I just wish I had an entire command of people like you and Vanessa. I've got a couple whiny officers over in the weapons cell who had four troops that got unqualified or committed safeties. Have to go kick some ass now. Well done again Jono, on both fronts."

"Thank you General, I'm going to get a good night's sleep tonight. I am completely spent. How did Lt Nejem do in the AMC position?"

"I am told highly qualified. I'm also told that both you and Vanessa unofficially coached him as well. You guys sure as hell are multifaceted. On a side-note Jono some of the girls are being followed around inside the hotel. Can we move the four of them into Nessa's suite? If so, could you make arrangements with security to make sure that they are not bothered?"

"I'll take care of that before I turn in Sir."

"Jono, you need to start thinking outside your career field. Breakfast, tomorrow, my suite. That is you, Daniels, and I. For now son, take a nap. You earned it."

I hung up the STU and Pete was knocking on the door, "Is everything okay?"

"Pete, if you don't go fuck your boy friend right now, I swear by all that is holy, I will shoot you through the door!"

I heard Reza giggling in the background.

I went back to the bathroom, the water in the tub was starting to chill. So I drained it, grabbed my food tray, water bottle and returned to the bedroom. I started playing with the ribbon that Papa Omar had wrapped around the body of the Cello. the first thing I noticed it was about 10 inches too large for my waist. Just not fair, I thought even my cello's waist is bigger than mine. I found where the belt of the ribbon had been attached it was done with tape.

I unlocked the office door and entered. To make sure Pete would be happy with security; I immediately crossed and locked the doors to Tam's room and to the lounge. I found a roll of tape on the desk and scissors in the drawer. I also retrieved the doctor's prescription note from the safe and returned back to my room. I trimmed the belt size down. I reused the excess ribbon to make matching strings to hold the prescription in place. I tried on my handy work admiring it in the full length mirror. I am not sure if it was my small frame or the HUGE size of the bow and ribbon but the look was perfect.

The belt covered a six inch swath of my tummy covering my belly button. The ribbon tails from the bow stretched down to my ankles. I was tempted to run down the hall and see if Reza agreed but I did not want anyone to see me like this until Tam did. I looked down at the snack tray to find it empty, bummer. Finished the bottle of water as well. I was far too excited to sleep.

Fuck! How long have they been fucking? The clock said fifteen twenty-three. Crap two and a half hours. I thought Tam and I had some marathon sessions. Still it was their first time together. It probably takes longer just to figure out who gets tied up. I chuckled at the image in my mind.

The hotel phone rang evening snack. I chose the old standby yogurt, cheese, fruit, and bread. I knew they would be up in ten minutes. I threw on a gold running suit and tucked Pete's pistol in the jacket pocket and walked into the hall. I grabbed the step ladder that the guards found for me and stationed it in front of the door. I heard the chime for the elevator and out came the trolley. The guards approached the waiter.

He was a cute looking guy about five foot two, with a slim build. Apparently he moved a little too slowly for the guards liking. They grabbed him and forced him against the wall, while the others lifted the lid on the tray, the skirt on the trolley and examined every place that someone could hide a weapon. The waiter now completely in point of submission flat against the marble wall, and was aggressively pawed and searched. The Sergeant's hands lingered a little longer when it reached the young man's ass he parted one cheek and then the other.

When the guards were content they released the waiter. Who quickly smoothed his sharp fitted uniform. To make himself presentable and wrinkle-free again. He dropped his eyes when the Sergeant shoved his finger in his face.

The trolley was then rolled to the door. I stepped down off of my stool and waited. I knew because of tradition they would knock first, then they would ring the bell if no one answered. I was starting to get in on the sequence of events here. When is hand hit the door, I gave it a two count and opened wide the door.

The sergeant smiled and chastised me about not using the peephole. I pointed at the tiny ladder to the right of the door and promised him that I had. He pointed at the pocket apparently noticing how much it was sagging. I reached in and slowly turned my wrist to show the handle of the Derringer.

"That will not stop much." he announced.

I replied, "I have a habit of hitting what I aim at. Even if I only wound my attacker, this will make noise and you and your men will investigate swiftly."

"Like the summer wind young Prince."

"Sergeant, you know that I am no prince."

"To the men of your father's unit, you are the mightiest of Princes. You are his only surviving son, we must protect his legacy." He pointed to my eyes and said, "I like what you have done." He then gestured to the thick eye make up around his eyes, "Very commanding." Our discussion was cut short by the ding of the elevator. He pushed me back into the rotunda as his men swarmed around the opening.

Nessa put her hands up, "It's just me guys." She noticed the open door. "Let me guess there's some little miscreant on the landing who has everyone on heightened alert?"

I stuck my head around the corner, "Why are you home so early?"

She walked over to me, "The entire air surveillance staff is on stand down for the day, due to our outstanding evaluation results. All of the trainees were raving about their 'tiny giant' who was missing, and how they wished he was there to share their victory. Your trainees like you kid, and they wish you a swift recovery." I noticed the guards even puffed their chests out. I motion to Vanessa to come in.

"I have ordered a snack, they always send up too much. I would love to share it with you on the terrace."

We walked through the rotunda into the lounge. The waiter asked, "Did I hear you correctly, that you wished to be served on the terrace?"

I replied "Yes, I notice your accent isn't local. It sounds like you come from the Eastern province, but a touch of the South as well."

"I am from Bahrain. Your ear is as good as they say sir." Nessa moved to the other side of the young man and made a fanning motion with her hand as if to say he's hot. "I heard your meeting with the head of the Justice Ministry went well this morning."

"How odd, I was introduced to him as his Excellency the Judge."

The waiter replied, "Many in government power will downplay their importance to find out what you really think. He was praising your wisdom to Mr. Hassan, very loudly on his way through the lobby."

"Do you know Mr. Hassan?"

"Not personally, but he is a very powerful attorney in Bahrain and in Saudi Arabia. I am currently going to school to become a lawyer. I hope I have a small percentage of his skill. His words have toppled mighty men from power, and brought down governments."

I replied, "He is an imposing man. He is also one of my surrogate brothers. His Papa held me the very day that I was born."

The color drained from the young man's face. "You know Judge Hassan? He considers you one of his sons?"

Each day that goes on, I learn something about my new family. Omar was not only a lawyer of some renown, he was also a judge. Judging by the look of panic on our young server's face one of great power. I put my hand on his shoulder. "Relax to me he is just Papa Omar. Now let us set up this tray, I'm hungry."

He quickly set up the small table and transferred the contents of the trolley onto it. Then adjusted the sunshade to filter the light. "Please forgive my earlier candor, my family can only afford my school fees, I need this job to live."

"You have nothing to fear from me. It is very lonely being here. It's nice to have someone to talk to. I prize knowledge very highly, and you have taught me much." Nessa, went into belle mode. She started plating food for both her and I. I held up my finger and ask for Vanessa to wait just a moment.

The waiter cleared the rotunda, and the door had closed. I slowly walked to the front door. Heard the ding of the elevator and the doors open then close. I open the front door and motioned for the sergeant. I invited him into the rotunda and close the door.

"Sergeant who was that young man?"

"That was Naveed Yasin the most clumsy waiter you will ever meet in your life. I will make sure he never bothers you again."

"Sergeant please don't. In fact if you could convince the hotel quietly, when he is scheduled to work, have him bring my meals to me. If there is a way for you to do it, I would like neither the hotel, nor he know that I made this request. He knows and speaks well of my new family, I would like to learn more."

"I shall do as you wish Mister Al-Amin. Why do you only refer to me as 'sergeant'?"

"Because no one has made an introduction. I only know of you as sergeant because of the rank on your epaulet."

He laughed, "Then I shall introduce myself to you. I am Yahya Al-Ali. I would introduce you to the entire staff but, you should not leave such a beautiful woman alone. I am told you are her protector. That is what you should be doing. Later I will introduce you to the men." With that he opened the door and departed and I walked back out to the balcony.

Mama Bear gave me a great big hug and told me to sit. Then handed me my plate. "I'm told I'm going to be doing this a lot. Especially if things continue to go so well with that hunk of a Hassan you have me set up with. Jono, he is so gorgeous, thank you. I was hoping that the Captain would have brothers, but I was not expecting to get the best looking of the lot. Anytime you want to give me scraps, I will gladly catch them."

"Oh Mama Bear, I know you hate it but you're going to have to be in southern belle mode for a while. Najib Hassan does enjoy western women. I sense something a little more when he looks at you. If he desires a longer relationship, you will have to learn some of his ways as well, at least when you are in public together. This morning's meeting taught me he is a rising star. I would bet my bottom dollar that he is seeking a position in the Justice Ministry. That means an appointment as prosecutor followed by an appointment as judge."

"I heard you were able to get the Marine released. That was no small feat."

"Well if Tam's brother was able to get the head of the Ministry of Justice to become involved, I would not be surprised to find out that the prosecutor who was here was no small fish either. Which means today was a setup."

"Jono, that is very cynical of you. Why couldn't he just want to help you out?"

"Mama Bear, its part of the Intel gig. When you're analyzing Intel you take it all at face value initially. Then you pick it apart, you analyze it to see if you're being played. Even the truth can play a part in a misdirection. Now I do believe Najib to be an honorable man. That doesn't mean he's not above using me to his own end. Not a problem, it's how the game is played. I just like to know when I'm sitting up to the table."

I caught two shadows moving behind me. I pretended not to see them as I continued to talk to Vanessa. I walked out onto the pool deck keeping my back to the lounge and the door. The larger shadow lunged at me as I grabbed his wrist and did a shoulder throw, dropping him to the pool deck.

"Pete, I did tell you my big brother was very protective right? He knew he couldn't be there to protect me from the bullies, so he taught me how to do a few good throws. Never underestimate a tiny person." I kissed his forehead and helped him up.

"Jono! Don't be so rough with my new boyfriend." Nessa almost choked on the food in her mouth.

"Reza, I cradled this head so it didn't hit the concrete." With my right hand I reached into my pocket and withdrew the derringer he loaned me. "I believe this is yours. Thank you for the loan." He took it and shoved it into his inner jacket pocket. Then I pulled his Colt 1911 from my other pocket and returned it to him. "I believe this is yours as well. I relieved you of it while you were flying over my shoulder."

"Jono, it is quite clear I'm going to have to update the skills listed in your dossier to include pickpocket."

"Small hands are light and fast hands." I replied.

Nessa spoke, "Um Jono, did I miss something while I was at work? Agent Pete, you might want to check your holster before you try to put your weapon in it." She began laughing as he removed the cookie that I placed in the holster.

"Let me get this straight. You threw me, and while you were throwing me, you removed my loaded weapon from its secured holster, and replaced it with an oatmeal raisin cookie. All without me noticing."

I shrugged and gave a three word reply, "You looked hungry." Reza busted out laughing, then hugged his humbled lover. "If it helps Pete, I did the same thing to the special agent assigned to assist our home unit, Alex Fibrin."

"It's a good thing you know him, he is my relief. You should also know he is a lieutenant colonel. He is also as straight as they come, and a complete homo-phobe. He is a hunter, be on your guard."

"We have a good working relationship from the past. It's nice to know there are going to be boundaries. Did he tell you he's used me on a case or two in the past?"

"No, he did not." Pete had an annoyed look on his face.

"Well he was working with the Army CID on a drug case. A couple of specialists out of Frankfurt were smuggling large amounts of heroin into Bremerhaven. Then using the army supply system to distribute the smack throughout Europe. You'll like this part he and I had to go out as a gay couple. I'll be able to handle him."

Pete replied, "You said you worked a couple of cases with him."

"The other was an espionage case. We found the guy. The colonel took his own life rather than being taken into custody. I really don't want to talk about that one."

"I know that case, it was a tough one. I didn't know you were involved. Fibrin didn't even put your name in his case file, he just called you the listener."

"That was the point. He just needed my ear." I replied

Nessa looked at me in disbelief, "Jono, you're a spy?"

"No ma'am! I'm a patriot. The colonel was selling secrets to the Soviets. He was a coward who profited from his treachery and put our soldiers' lives in jeopardy. When he knew he was caught, he chose to take his own life, rather than stand up to the charges. As to the others they were dealing in death. I have absolutely no regrets about that case at all."

Vanessa rested her hand upon mine in a gesture of apology. I put my other hand on top of hers. "Forgiven Momma Bear, the technical term was OSI augmentee. Agent Fibrin trusted me, because he had already investigated me. He knows I have an obscene crush on my supervisor, but I'm too afraid to act on it. We have a tattle-tale in our Squadron."

Nessa responded, "Do tell..."

"When we deployed to Denmark she called the wives of any servicemen who cheated on them. She's a bible thumper and believes that her opinion was fact. Which is odd, because I wasn't dipping my wick into every available female in the squadron she labeled me as gay. Apparently she knew before I did. You'll be pleased to know Nessa, she's rotating back to the States. Master Sergeant Rhodes won't be bothering us anymore."

"That fucking bitch!" Nessa shrieked. "She was my tent mate on that deployment. I told her I had been flirting with you and you rejected me outright. It was my fault, I am so sorry."

"She will be gone before you get back, best to just let her go. Sadly looks like you're going to be getting some new roommates. The General wants to move all of the women posted to Riyadh into your suite." She told me it was not a problem in fact she was lonely in the six bedroom suite.

"It looks like my tomorrow is shaping up to be a meat grinder as well. My cup runneth over. I get to start my day having a private breakfast with General Mallory and Major Daniels. Apparently when he said that he wanted to have breakfast with me today, he wanted to have breakfast with me alone. He wants to talk about my future. You'll get a kick out of this Nessa, he wants me to break up your romance, to get you to reenlist."

Nessa and the men began laughing. "I told him I would not break your heart, and that he would have to charge me with dereliction of duty if he made it in order." She kissed my hand. The door opened and Captain Nelson stepped in with Lt Nejem. As they walked out to the Terrace I thought to myself those two are going to be harder to hide with Fibrin around.

"Nessa, could you make the rounds and invite your new roommates up." She gave me a shoulder hug and departed.

I asked Lieutenant Nejem why he wasn't being held back. "Because the Airspace Management Coordinator committed no error. It was all on the weapons cell. Thank you for teaching us how to protect ourselves from those weapons asses. You were quite right when you said their ego is only one step down from the fighter pilots they control. Sadly, whenever any section makes an error, it reflects on the senior director. Your Tamam is having a bad day."

"Adar, I will make his day better. I just wish I could get my head wrapped around this new problem, how to hide us from Agent Fibrin. This sucks, but solutions often come in nibbles. God I'm craving bacon." Both Reza and Adar turned their heads so fast that I thought they would get whiplash. "Guys I'm still American I grew up on it. Bacon is bubba comfort food, and right now I'm craving salt." Ben and Pete agreed that bacon sounded good right about now.

"So Reza, how are you going to keep the guys entertained while I am entertaining and reversing the ill temper of one Tamam Hassan?" He simply replied shopping and food. "Please do something about THAT suit. I promised to show him how to buy off the rack and still look good. With this new wrinkle I doubt I will be able to honor that promise."

Reza smiled as his eyebrow arched, "Oh yes, I can dress him."

"Just remember that move that I did on him. He may have to do on someone else. The suit must be loose and able to function, but not look like a sack. It has to be form flattering, but can't be form-fitting. It also has to hide his gun."

Reza teased, "I concur no one else should see his gun other than I."

"You know what I'm talking about, behave big brother"

Pete fired back, "Okay Jono, what the hell is wrong with my suit?"

Ben spoke up first, "In Jono's defense the suit does look like shit."

Adar added, "It is baggy, cut poorly, and the pattern is old and the fabric would be appropriate on an old couch."

Reza delivered the coup de gras, "In any nation it screams cop or spy."

"Which is how this whole fucking sleigh ride started." I spat out. "Maybe just a little ham. Oh wait that's not available here either. Big brother I don't suppose you know of a black market butcher who sells forbidden cured pork products? Crap can't go that route we have to keep a low profile."

"My poor, tormented, baby brother."

I went to talk to Sgt Al-Ali. I open the door and all of the men snapped to attention the sergeant was sitting in a chair next to the elevator and he to rose to attention. I acknowledge them and they relaxed. Then walked over to the Sergeant. "Yahya, have they returned?" I pointed to the door of the General's Suite and the sergeant shook his head no. "I tell you my friend I am having a truly crappy week. "Have you ever spoken poorly of your officers?" Again he shook his head no but his men laughed.

Daggers shot from his eyes at them, "What is the nature of your dilemma my little Prince."

"In their infinite wisdom, they decided to put the safety of the women assigned to Riyadh under my direct control. The lowest ranking person in the detachment, what are they thinking? A better question is are they thinking?"

I sighed, "Sergeant Gilmore is one thing, she is practically family. I'm having trouble with one sister, now I have five. What makes it worse is they all outrank me. Do you know where my favorite place is?" He shook his head. "Alone. That is my favorite place to be in this world, IS ALONE. My friend have you ever tried to be alone, surrounded by five nagging females?"

He and the men all laughed. "Young prince the women under your charge will be protected, as will their privacy."

"I am sorry for my outburst. Thank you for all you have done."

"Mighty Prince, you have had to adapt to much in a very short amount of time. I was waiting for you to lose your temper. I am grateful you did not lose your temper with us. Often times the subject of a security detail will lash out against his guards. You have made sure we are fed. You have made sure that we knew how much you appreciated us. That is unheard of. You've proven yourself to be bin Aban Al-Amin, the son of your father, and a worthy successor of his legacy."

He took me around and introduced me to his men. I thanked them again, and returned to my suite.

Reza was waiting in the rotunda, "You have been making sure they are fed?"

"I may have asked room service send up strong coffee and tea as well as some snacks through the night. It's the least I can do."

"That is unheard of, and very kind. Tamam is on his way. This is for you." He handed me a green satin bag. "It is flavored like cherry, and will extend your pleasure with my worthless brother." Reza kissed me, not like a lover, as a dear friend. "He likes cherries as much as he loves the smell of sandalwood on you. It was wrong of me to put my scent on you. If you go shower now you can remove it. Leave the eyes like this, he likes the kohl."

"Thank you Reza for your honesty. While you are out can you find me some kohl without the henna?"

"I know just the type. It will wash off clean, so that you will not be teased in uniform. Hurry, go prepare for your man." I slipped back into my bedroom stripping off all my clothes jumping in the shower to remove the jasmine from my body. Scrubbing and exfoliating every square inch of my body to remove the offending scent. I should be angry with Reza, but he cared enough to tell the truth in the end.

I performed four more enemas just to make sure I was sparkling clean for Tam. In the fourth I squirted in a little bit of Reza's magic elixir. I felt a warming feeling from my core. It felt so good I was having trouble keeping my ass clenched. My cock swelled as the solution ran over my balls and down the length of my shaft. It sprang to full attention. I lost control of my ass and the crystal clear fluid poured out. I rinsed my body in ice cold water but my erection would not subside.

Reza came into the bathroom with a large bath sheet. He open the shower door and told me, "Tam is in the lobby. You need to get ready." He started drying me aggressively making sure that all of the water was removed. Even under his rough ministrations my cock still would not subside.

He helped me put on the bow. Then posed me on the bed, facing the full length mirror and entryway. Telling me the whole time to quit squirming and to trust him. He showed me a pair of handcuffs with green fur around the cuff.

"These restraints are for play, and will show Tamam how much you trust him. It is not like it was in the hospital. You will like this, I promise."

I don't know why, but I did trust him and allowed him to cuff my hands behind my back. Not tight enough to hurt, but tight enough to say I am no longer in control and going nowhere.

He gave a tug on the cuffs. "These will make him desire you all the more as his little western prisoner. It is a common fantasy among many Arab men. Trust me Jono, I told you he will never take you face down. This way, you are irresistible."

He put three overstuffed pillows underneath my hips to raise my bottom up. He must have found a piece of the green ribbon in the trash because he fashioned a cute little ribbon and threaded the key to the cuffs through it. "This will tell him it is a game and you are his willing participant. Now where can I leave it where he will find it." He took the ribbon and tied it around the base of my cock and balls with the key resting on top of my painfully swollen sack.

Reza came in front of me and looked at my face. "You are so damned cute Jono, I am tempted to take you myself." I begged him not to. I told him I only wanted Tam. "Not to worry little one. I will not deprive my older brother from his fun nor yours from him. Now, close your eyes, and open your mouth. Trust me, Jono." He put what felt like a small rubber ball in my mouth I felt something soft against my cheek which quickly went tight. The ball was pulled until my jaws ached from the strain, as he locked the gag in place.

When he pulled back he saw the panic in my eyes. He kissed my forehead, "Not to worry little one this is just a game."

He walked around the bed behind me with two larger pairs of cuffs, he spread my legs wide and, fixed one to my left leg and tied it down to the bed frame and one to my right leg binding it to the bed frame. He stepped back adjusted the bow and admired his work. "Something is missing. Tonight must be something completely new." He walked around the bed again and kissed me softly on my cheek. "Do you still trust me?"

I shouldn't but I shook my head yes. "Good, I have an idea." He grabbed my key-chain and went into the closet. When he came out he had something up his sleeve. He walked around behind me I could only see what he was doing through the reflection in the mirror. He withdrew and object from the sleeve, a long thin dildo. He began lubing, and filling it up with his special lube, then gently pushed it inside of me.

"Jono, you're going to love this one as much as I do. It does two magnificent things. First, this has a small battery-powered heater in it that maintains the lube in the warm state, making it feel life like. It pumps fluid into the little bulb reservoir near the base that inflates, like the knob on a dog's cock, locking it in place and the wide base and fake balls on the end keep it from sliding all the way in. I know, Jono, I said it does two things, well here's the second thing it does."

He reached down and pressed a button then the dildo came to, life, gyrating inside me, then it would vibrate, and then it would give three or four deep pushes into my bowels.

"Not to worry little one, Tam knows how to remove it. When he does the pressure of your ass against the bulb will squirt all of that lube that is contained inside the dildo deep inside your bottom. Even if Tam doesn't use the lube, you will be able to apply it on him. Not to worry little one it's nothing that will hurt him or you. Its my own special formula encourages vascular action. Oh wait, I have some on my hands now. Maybe it would be better to show you what it does."

He slowly worked the remnant from his hands onto my cock. I didn't think it was possible for it to get harder but it did. He whispered in my ear, "The effect mimics priapism it causes an uncontrollable erection. This will guarantee you have hours of blissful sex with Tam. He will be very angry with me in the morning, but if you can walk after tonight's fucking you will love me forever."

Pete entered seeing me blush, "Sorry, damn you are cute Jono. Nessa is delaying Tam at the elevator. We have to go now, so these two can be alone."

"Almost ready my sweet Pete. Jono, and I must have a little chat, one happy bottom to another." Pete looked at his watch and tapped it and made a wrap it up sign.

Once he had left Reza whispered into my ear, "Now the medicine will fade on its own, but if you cannot wait for the effects to wear off, all you have to do is wash it off with soap and water. In about fifteen to twenty minutes the swelling will cease.

Reza kissed my forehead and told me, "My brother deserves only the best, and so do you. Enjoy the night." With that he reached down and tickled my testicles. Then he walked out leaving the door slightly ajar. I heard him greet his brother at the door. "I believe Jono may be napping, you should look in on him soon."

"Reza, if the boy is tired we should just let him sleep. He needs to recover. Add to that I have had a truly foul day. I do not want to ruin his good day with my bad one." I was now panicking. The last thing I wanted was to be discovered like this in the morning. I could imagine the general walking in to find out why I missed breakfast only to discover me trussed up like some kind of erotic turkey.

"Tam the boy has been looking forward to seeing you all day long, he has been lonely. He has some very good news for you. You should go look in on him. Doctor's orders."

"Need I remind you little brother, that you are not a doctor yet. Very well I will do a little paperwork, and then I will look in on my boy. Sheesh you nag worse than our mothers." I heard the door close. Then Tam's footfalls walked away from the rotunda, through the lounge, and into the kitchen. I heard a splash of some kind of liquid in a glass. He was probably having a scotch. He deserved it, he did have a bad day.

Mine wasn't ending so hot right now either. I heard his footfalls again as he walked back through the lounge, he was going to the office. Good the office was still locked from earlier in the day, I never got around to unlocking it. I heard his hand on the handle then a colorful metaphor being dropped. I heard his footfalls as he made his way through the lounge back into the rotunda and into the hallway.

My heart broke as he walked past the door to his own room. I heard the power in his stride as his heels hit the floor. I heard his hand on the handle of the office again, YES! I'd remember to lock his side as well. Another string of obscenities. He paused for a while I didn't hear him move. I just hope he didn't fall down on his bed and sleep. The action of the dildo in my ass was starting to become irritating, bordering on painful.

Oh how I longed for my loves pliant, long, hard cock. Tamam wanted to get into the office clearly. I heard his footfalls in the hallway again, as they approached the door. I heard the door slowly open he was trying to sneak by me without disturbing my slumber. Thanks to a few of Reza's well placed scented candles the room was thick with the perfume of sandalwood in cherry. I rolled my eyes up and saw Tamam framed in the door. The glass of scotch down below his waist line. For a moment I thought he was going to drop it from the shock of seeing me in such a compromising state.

"Clearly you and Reza have been busy. but this will not work until you are cleared from the doctor. I was in a panic again.

He reached down and found a note on the chifferobe he read it aloud, "'Please my Captain, take this worthless prisoner as a spoil of war. He has many talents that you will enjoy, Please review the menu of approved offerings covering his pussy.' Jono, I normally do not enjoy this kind of game-play, but my prisoner is so cute. How can I reject his advances, wait there's still no release from the doctor. I should leave you like this tonight to teach you a lesson."

He walked around behind me; I had to look at his reflection in the mirror. When he saw the prescription note covering my bottom he reached down and removed it. He read aloud as well. "Well with that gag in place clearly the first item is off the menu for now. So you will have to wait to swallow my seed. However I'm on this side of the bed now. I suppose I should start here and work my way up." He slowly removed his uniform and let it fall to the floor even via reflection he was magnificent. He took one last long drink and drained his scotch and set the empty glass down upon the chifferobe.

He climbed onto the bed next to me, his hand made contact with the dildo driving it in just a little bit further while it was on a deep stroke. I winced and arched my back. "Is this thing causing you discomfort little one?"

I shook my head yes. He turned it off and gave it a quick tug as the bulb strained against my ring. I winced again. "That's right we have to do this first. Tam hit the switch and I could feel the synthetic cock releasing its load of lube into my bowels. He slowly twisted and removed the synthetic member from my now tender bottom.

"Ooh, that looks tender. Should I stop?" I shook my head no. "Does my captive still want me to conquer him?" I shook my head yes, and grunted in the affirmative. "I do remember a certain physician telling me that you are raw down there, and I must use plenty of lube." Tam kissed by bottom then announced that I tasted of cherry, and he enjoy cherry very much. His mouth clench down on my asshole digging his tongue into the fruit flavored lube. "Does my boy like cherry?" I shook my head yes. "Good because after I make love to you, you may taste it for quite a while."

Looking at his reflection in the mirror was exciting. He removed the elaborate bow and tails from my back weaving the waist strap alone on me. He tossed the bow to the floor, then dug his fingers into my ass, finger fucking me with his index, middle, and ring fingers. When he thought I was sufficiently prepared, he withdrew them covered with a large amount of goo. He began stroking it on his long member.

He smiled at me in the mirror, "Is my boy ready to serve his new master?" I don't know whether it was simply a trick of the mirror, or Reza's magic concoction actually made his cock bigger but it certainly looked that way.

Tam gently leaned over me and pressed his leaking head against my tender bottom. He rested ever so lightly on me bearing all of the weight on his elbows and whispering in my ear, "I will obey the doctor; I will take you very gently."

The head of his shaft entered my ring. I don't remember it hurting like this, Beads of sweat begin forming on my forehead Tam whispered "Shall we continue?" I nodded yes obediently. That's how it went every inch or so, he would stop to make sure I was okay to continue. When he would stop, the pain would fade and become just massive waves of pleasure. It took almost fifteen minutes for him to completely penetrate me. The pain of entry was excruciating, I was starting to identify with a log being split.

I remembered the conversation with Reza that with increased blood flow I might experience more sensation. I wonder if this is what he meant. Still I had my man completely inside me that was no small feat. He started slowly, ever so painfully slowly, pulling his meat in and out of my ass. He was so tender, and gentle, I started to cry.

Tam saw my tears and stopped, "Jono, are you okay?" I shook my head yes. "This is stupid." he announced, "One of the things I love about you is your voice. Why should I deny myself that pleasure?"

He reach down between my legs and pulled the slipknot to release the key to remove the gag. The strap fell quickly from my neck. Then Tam gently pulled the ball gag from my mouth. I swallowed hard and took a deep breath suddenly the pain didn't seem so extreme and there was a great deal of pleasure down there. Then he uncuffed my wrists and let my arms free. Tam asked, "Are you okay little one."

"Tam, I am sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you. The large bow was my idea. Reza thought that you would never make love to me in this position. He thought a little role play would encourage you. It also gave him an opportunity to set up a little trap for the two of us."

"I take it I have wandered right into his, trap?"

"Considering the trap was inside my ass, I'd have to say, yes." I told him about the lube's special properties.

He laughed. "I was wondering how I was able to last this long. Do you wish to go shower and remove the affliction."

"Tam, I am fine, please do not remove yourself from me. I am not complete unless you are inside of me."

He resumed his slow and arduous thrusts in and out of my tight bottom. Two times this day stallions aided me. My stud was reaching a second and third orgasm. He removed himself from me and then removed the cuffs from my ankles freeing me completely. Apparently I was grinning ear-to-ear when he pulled me on top of him, and kissed my lips. "Jono, are you ready for dessert?" I cocked my head to the side and raised an eyebrow. "I promised you would taste cherries, do you wish to taste cherry?"

"No, I want to taste you." His tongue burrowed inside my mouth. He kissed me the same way that he had just finished fucking me, with restrained power. I could still taste the cherry lube on his tongue. His hand was still playing with my backside, except for now it wasn't just Reza's slippery goo, it was very full of his seed too.

"Jono, I don't know about you my beloved, but I'm ready to get this shit off of me. My cock is starting to hurt." he smiled and kissed me again and started to reach over to pick me up.

"Tam, I can walk. My legs aren't even a little numb right now."

"Jono, I want to do this. You have given me so much. I love every bit of you. I don't think of you as a small child. But I love the fact that you are mine and I can care for you so completely."

"Well, if you're going to carry me, you might want to get something underneath my backside, or I'll be dripping your cum and Reza's goo from here to the shower." He grabbed his wife beater undershirt and pressed it firmly against my ass forcing the fluids to remain inside. I started developing that warm feeling again. I moaned and ground against his hand through the shirt.

"My poor boy, my tiny foal, my brother has really outdone himself. You move like a cat in season."

"That's the way I feel, I want more of you."

He swept me up and carried me into the shower and began preparing the enema bottle with a soap and water mixture. When he inserted the tiny nozzle in my ass, I wanted it sliding in and out of me, I wanted him fucking me. Tam realize this was not going to work. He sat me down on the bench in the shower and let the water cascade off of me. Then he told me to sit still he would be right back. I started finger fucking my hole, anything would feel better than the empty feeling I now felt.

Tam came back with a piece of latex that looked like a dildo. "Because you cannot keep the wand and the fluid inside you, we must work around the situation. He attached the phallic wand to the end of the enema bag's hose and slowly inserted it in my backside; finally I had something causing friction in my backside. It wasn't him but it would be a good substitute. Tam lovingly held me up while he cleaned me out. I would have to hurt Reza in the morning.

After the sixth cleansing, I was feeling a little more normal, at least for a horny eighteen year old guy. Tam carried me into his room and pulled back the bed coverings. He laid me down and then lay down next to me I knew I was still sporting a hard-on. I assumed he was as well. I reached over and found out it was still true. I knew it was my responsibility to take care of it; after all I was the cause. After he initially blocked my attempt, I reminded him he promised me dessert. He allowed my head to slide beneath the covers. My lips greedily enveloped his pulsing cock. In very short order had impaled myself on his rod.

It took almost fifteen minutes of hard sucking and diligent mouth work to earn my treat, his fourth orgasm of the night. I swallowed every drop. After all I had to make the doctor proud that I followed his prescription so exactly. Tam's cock softened in my mouth; eventually I released it and climbed up next to him. I swallowed several times to make sure his seed would not be on my lips when I kissed him goodnight.

Tam surprised me by reaching down between my legs and grabbing a hold of my cock. I was expecting just a quick hand job after all he was the top. Instead he forcefully pushed me to my back. He kissed his way down my body and then began sucking my cock. It was awesome. I knew there was no way on earth I would last as long as he did. I asked him what I should do, he replied, "Act like you enjoy it."

My hand dropped to his shoulder and I uttered, "But I do."

"An outstanding start." Then he returned to his labors.

After about ten minutes, I knew I couldn't last much longer. "Tam, I am going to cum." He sucked harder. I repeated my plea, "Please Tam, I am about to cum!" he redoubled again. I could no longer hold back "I'm cuuuuummmmmmming!" He held me in his mouth until I finally, blissfully, went soft. Then he covered my body with his and pressed his lips to mine. I opened my mouth to receive his tongue. When his lips parted, my cum fell from his mouth to mine. He kept his lips connected to mine until we swallowed what he had shared with me.

When our lips parted, he looked deeply in my eyes and asked why I warned him twice. "Because Reza told me he thought you would never do that. I wanted to give you the option to just let it spill."

"And why did you allow Reza to tie you up like he did?"

"Because Reza thought you would never take me face down otherwise, because you couldn't see my face."

"Do you know why I returned your seed to you?"

"Because I am the bottom and you are the top. I must learn my place."

"I hope you answer your questions on your testing Thursday better. You answered all of my questions wrong. I shared my prize with you, because I wanted to show my boy his seed is as sweet as the fountain from which it comes. The answer to the error in the first two questions is the same. Any phrase that includes the concept of my brother using rational thought should be suspect. While I do prefer to be on top, I wish to make love to all of you."

His lips brushed mine again then he whispered in my ear, "Your entire body gives me such pleasure. I know that you are still a man, even though you very much enjoy being with me. I very much enjoy being with you, all of you. I knew there would be 'limitations' on our love making for a time after your procedure. Understand this, it is not a sacrifice. I very much love to be both with you, and in you."

He pulled back and looked deep into my eyes, "I will take with great joy whatever you are willing to give to me. I have loved you since the first time Naser spoke of you. Long before he ever showed me a photo of your beauty. Long before we ever met, I loved all of you. When you joined your military, I thought you were lost to me. My heart barely was contained within my chest, when I saw your name on the list of instructors. I am yours my beloved, just as you are mine. I will deny you nothing."

I was about to speak when he put his finger to my lips. "I know you have shown me you feel the same." He pulled me to his chest and I fell into a deep sleep.

  • Continued



Next: Chapter 11

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