Jono's Journey Home

By Shy Guy

Published on Aug 19, 2017


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Chapter 3 - Meet The Family

I awoke with the dawn's light streaming through the bedroom windows. The Friday sunrise was glorious. Tamam spooning me, we both were afflicted with the curse of morning wood. Naturally his was far more pronounced and currently resting between my butt cheeks, like a foot long hot dog in a coney roll. I slowly turned my head to look at his reflection in the mirrored canopy. I couldn't believe how beautiful he was when he was asleep.

Suddenly, I was hit with a series of realizations, so many firsts. Naturally being in bed with another guy was new. Being butt naked, I always wore pajamas or at least underwear and a t-shirt. Muscle aches were kinda new as well. I was expecting the soreness in my backside from being deflowered. I dismissed all of it as the price for last night's passion.

My giant moved, was he waking up? I heard a low guttural groan, as his hips ground into mine. He began dry humping me using my butt cheeks for friction. My man needed release. His eyes were closed as his pace quickened. Occasionally a string of words came from his lips. His dream must have been highly erotic based on the words I understood. The sheer volume of pre-cum oozing onto my lower back was a good clue as well. He said my name, he was dreaming of me!

His massive arm that was just draped over me a few moments ago now took possession of me. Pulling me tighter against his body, after 5 minutes his body shook. As his cum sprayed against my back and his stomach, I saw his eyes open as he cursed in Arabic. I rolled over and kissed him. "Tamam! Curses after such a beautiful way to awake?" Damn, even with morning breath he tasted good. He started apologizing for his mess. I put my finger to his lips, "Beloved, you were in need of release. I was pleased to help you." He smiled and softly kissed me. "I confess, I was more than a little tempted to try backing onto it. But, I am very sore. Add to that, I am paying for missing my gym work outs."

"Jono, you have been running every day. I have been watching. What gym work outs are you missing?"

"Nessa, is my gymnastics partner. We were told we couldn't work out together in either of the base or hotel gymnasiums"

"I will find a way to change that. For now we must clean up. We have a long day. What would you like for breakfast?"

"Mishi waraq enab, and kanafa? If not, I will be happy with porridge and a pastry. Oh, and coffee, please!"

"Jono, you are too easily pleased." As he picked up the phone he pointed to the en-suite bathroom. As I passed through the doorway I heard him pass on my breakfast order of stuffed grape leaves and fried phyllo dough with cheese.

The master bath was configured in, what I would later learn was the continental European fashion, just on a grander scale. An oversized jetted tub was against the far wall. It was tempting but, I got the idea we were pressed for time. There was an equally huge shower. I however, had more pressing concerns.

The voice in my head was screaming, "Where the hell is the toilet?!?" I was performing a frustrated pee-pee dance and eyeing the sink when Tamam entered. He laughed and opened what I thought was a linen closet. Contained in the smaller room was a toilet and bidet. I sat having an urgent need to poop. It burned as the contents of my guts hit the bowl. I had just flushed and after familiarizing myself with the jets, I straddled the bidet.

Tamam entered he had morning business to accomplish as well. When he finished draining his magnificent trouser snake he turned to face me and lean against the wall. "I only wish to admire my pretty boy." I blushed and finished my task. I stood and bent to turn off the water. Then Tamam told me to stop. There were traces of blood in the basin. He took me out to the sink and had me face it. He then bent and spread my butt cheeks and began examining my hole. More Arabic curses from Tamam.

"What did I do Tamam? I am sorry if I have done something wrong. Let me know and I will never do it again."

Tamam stood behind me and looked at me in the mirror, wrapping his arms around me. "Sweet Jono, it was I who erred, it looks as if I tore you a bit. Why didn't you tell me you were hurting?"

"I thought it was normal. Remember, I have a high tolerance for pain." I rubbed my scar.

He kissed the back of my head, and reached for a tube of hydrocortisone cream. He squeezed out a bit onto his finger then rubbed it into the tear. It was so soothing, the itching ended. "When the pain returns, and every time you bathe, or empty your bowels apply more." He then smacked my ass HARD. "Next time tell me you are hurt first!"

He spun me around and sat me on the counter. Kissing me passionately I found myself getting hard. There was an odd feeling in my prick; it felt almost like I was peeing. I dropped my left hand from his back to cover my tiny member. Tamam grabbed my hand and stepped back just in time to see the tiniest drop of clear fluid emerge from the end of my cock.

"I am sorry Tamam; I tried to hold it in." I haven't peed myself in years.

He wiped the fluid from my slit then rubbed it between his thumb and forefinger and inhaled the scent. "This is not piss; it looks as if someone's body may be catching up with his years." He stuck his damp finger against my lips. I allowed it to slide in. The taste was sweeter than Tamam's but it was definitely cum. How could this be? While I wasn't told it would never happen, I was told that it would be highly unlikely to ever occur. I wonder what else that urologist could be wrong about.

We showered together we scrubbed and lathered each other. I saw Tamam's cock twitch and started to reach for it. He stopped me saying we did not have time to play and playfully swatted my butt. I put out my pouty lip, which earned me my usual kiss and cuddle.

We emerged from the shower and dried each other and were about to reenter the bedroom. Tamam pointed to the counter at the tube of medication, then extended his index finger and made a wiping gesture. I blushed as he left leaving me alone to apply my medication to my aching back end.

To my surprise when I entered the room, there was an entire new outfit laid out on the bed. Camel colored trousers and a light grey long sleeved shirt. I knew it was mine because there's no way on Earth he could fit into it. Here I was ready to do the walk of shame. His tailor was really that good. "Tamam, they must have worked all night. Was this why the first outfit was ready so fast? To ensure my measurements were correct?"

"You think of the oddest things. Yes, they probably did work through the night. Yes, the first was the test. Jono, I paid them very well for this service, and they are grateful for my continued patronage."

"I'm sorry; I'm normally on an off-the-rack kind of guy. Sadly, that rack is more often than not in the kids section." Tamam smiled and rubbed my head again. Apparently his rubbing my head is going to be our thing, when I make (what is to him) a silly comment.

We dressed and passed through the living room and out on to the lower terrace. Two covered trays were sitting on the table. After sitting where he gestured, I lifted the lid on my tray his kitchen staff even remembered what I forgot to ask for, yogurt and pita on the side. I found myself thinking, "The kingdom must pay its junior officers very well."

"Tamam how is it your cook knew to have the fixings for Mishi waraq ready? I know it takes more than an hour just to cook, that's not even including prep time. I know because I make it. I was expecting the porridge."

"Is it unwelcome? A good host knows the needs and preferences of his guest, long before they are needed." He smiled slyly as he continued, "I forgot to mention. Your foster mother would like you to call more often."

"Tam, its kinda creepy asking everyone in my life questions about me. Here I am, I know almost nothing about you. I know you pulled my service jacket. I know you've talked to both of my past supervisors in some depth. Now I know you've talked to my foster parents. If I were to query the state of Florida would I find that you had accessed my family's records? As I said, kinda creepy."

"My young Jono, a man in my position must protect himself. I know there's no avarice in you. I know I can trust you, and now I hope to prove that you may trust me. Please eat sweet boy, my family is eager to meet you."

I couldn't believe he told them about me. I'm nothing special, nothing at all. We ate our breakfast and told some jokes. He teased me about my sugary dessert. We went back to the bathroom to brush teeth and run one last comb through our hair. I was surprised to see that he actually had a toothbrush for me. I would have been a little happier had it not been a toothbrush bearing a children's TV character. Then Tamam splashed on some of that magnificent cologne. I wanted to roll all over him, like a cat in catnip, to transfer his scent onto myself. I wished I had remembered to snag the bottle of matching scent Vanessa got for me.

"Do you even have to shave, little one?"

"Remember my blessing and curse? I guess that kinda goes on the blessing side. My sergeant in boot camp always admired how clean my safety razor was. Then day fifteen he opened it and saw there was no blade. Then the baby face jokes started. As if I needed a reminder of how tiny I am, or how young I look, or how no one takes me seriously. I really hate that shit."

The look on his face, I had wounded him. I reached up resting my hand on his cologne dampened face. "Tam, my sweet, I know you mean it playfully. I know there is no malice from you but, I must be honest, I am not fond of it." I held up my children's toothbrush. "Although I look like a child, I am a man. Even without the beard, that may never be able to grow, or hair one between my legs." I wiped my hand, and his scent, across my naked jaw line and neck. "I am however, the man who longs to be with you."

He bent and kissed me passionately, "It was not my intent to cause injury. I was not thinking, for that I am very sorry. Thank you for letting me know. I know you are a man, but in our culture you are still thought of as a child even at your age. Facial hair is often a sign of manhood."

Unconsciously, I started combing my hair into its usual military styled part on the side. Tamam scowled and squirted a bit of mousse into his hands and mussed up my hair again. Taking the brush from my hand he brushed my hair vertical again. "It really does look better this way litt-- (he stopped himself), Jono."

I flung my arms around him and tiptoed to kiss his neck. He was trying. "Thank you, Tamam. Nessa offered to shape it up a bit better so it is easier to maintain when I get back."

"Perhaps we can have a spa day and take care of it on Sunday." I fell in behind him as he strode through the suite to the elevator. "Tam, how long will we be gone?"

"I will have you back at the hotel Sunday evening. So you have a good night's sleep to start the week. I know your boss can be demanding." He winked.

"Don't we need to pack, or are we coming back tonight?"

He sighed and dropped his head, "Jono, I have prepared very well for you. You have nothing to worry about."

I dropped my head again. I knew he was proud and my questioning him hurt his ego, "Ana asef ma kan azdi ejrahak" (I'm sorry; I didn't mean to hurt you).

He summoned the elevator, and then kissed me softly on the forehead. "I am uninjured. I must remind myself you are new to all this. You have cared for yourself and others for so long it is difficult to release control, and have someone take care of you. I heard the affection you had for your foster parents in your voice, so I accessed your emergency contact information and called them. Initially I was just concerned about you as one of MY people.

The more I talked to the Ghorbani family; I knew I had fallen in love with you. Afsoon told me how you would go without sleep for days if one of the other children was ill. Caring for them all night, and working the ranch all day. Jono, she told me you abandoned your childhood when you lost your Uncle." He cupped my cheek, "That sweet boy, is tragic. I want this weekend to be all about caring and nurturing you. It is not pity, it is care and love."

The doors to the elevator opened and we rode down to the parking garage. He led me to a black SUV with dark tinted windows. He helped me into the vehicle. The leather seats were almost pillow soft. As I watched Tamam walk around the SUV, I saw the tops of 5 or 6 pieces of luggage. My little voice in my head said, "Damn he's good."

We exited the garage and reentered the controlled carnage that is Saudi traffic.

We headed south out of the city on Al Kharj Road. As we passed through the city of Al Kharj I turned to Tamam, "Why am I starting to believe regardless of where I ended up you would be there?" He continued driving smiling knowingly. I admired the farms that popped up along the road. It was so odd being in the middle of a desert country and seeing green. How they controlled the water and made the desert bloom was impressive. "Will we be swinging by the FACP to see Sasquatch?"

"It was not planned but if you would like this, I will stop." I shook my head no. I wanted as much alone time with my man. He continued "We must detour south. I change my route each time I travel, and there is trouble on 522 I wish to avoid. You will love our little home in Al-Umran." I could see the bulge rising and shifting in his trousers. He was occasionally tugging at it, trying to put it in a better, less binding position. My man needed release and relief again. I slid the seat belt behind me and leaned over gently stroking his crotch through his trousers.

"You need help with this, may I try?" He smiled and nodded. My left hand reached over and loosened his belt, while the right continued its task of playing with the throbbing member through the soft material. I unbuttoned his top button and slowly lowered his fly. I slid my right hand and stroked his cock through his sheer tight jockeys. I was tempted to return the favor of last night's amorous adventures and rip the sheer fabric from his hips. I was not sure how he would feel about going commando the rest of the trip. I chose to be good and slowly slid his long fat member from its silky prison. I wrapped my right hand around it and slowly gave it a few gentle tugs. I leaned further over, licking his bulbous head.

I had apparently been going too slowly because Tamam put his right hand on the back of my head and slowly drove my mouth onto his cock. Note to self this was about his pleasure. No dawdling if my man needed release. I sucked and slid my mouth up and down the end of the shaft. I was slowly trying to slide more and more of it into my willing mouth. I knew it would never fit all the way in but I was going to give it one hell of a try.

I tried my humming trick to get more and more of him inside my throat. But it was an odd angle and I could not overcome the gag reflex. So I would slowly slide my right hand up and down the portion of the shaft that I could not fit inside my mouth while I sucked the end, for all that it was worth. I liked my new mouth toy. I used my left hand to play with his massive orbs, dangling below his penis.

Eventually I got into a good rhythm of tugging and pulling on his ball sack while stroking him with my hand and mouth. He was groaning in pleasure. This went on for about 10 to 15 minutes I do believe we may have gone off the road a couple times. But I didn't care I wanted to taste him. Not just the precum, I wanted his entire load in my mouth. I felt his cock twitch I knew he was close and I buried as much of it in my mouth as I could as he exploded. I swallowed as fast as I could, but there was a little seepage. I couldn't contain it all.

It was salty and earthy and him. I licked and nibbled until he was clean and then he reached down and wiped the little dribble of cum that was dripping down my cheek and swept it back into my mouth as I sucked his finger clean. Then I tucked his penis back into his jockeys, slowly slid his fly up, buttoned his pants, and tighten his belt. Giving his now drained member a soft pat I asked, "Did I do that right?"

"Oh sweet Jono, if you had done it any more 'right' we would have ended up in the ditch. Now sit up and put your seat belt back on. We have more driving to do. Thank you my sweet boy." He leaned over and kissed my head. I felt overwhelming pride in my accomplishment.

As the miles clicked by, I became very relaxed eventually doing what I had never done in 8 years. I fell asleep in a moving car. I awoke to the sound of Tamam announcing "We are here." We entered the gate with his family's name stretched across the sign over the drive.

"Tamam, how much does your family know about me? How should I act?"

"They know you are special to me. They will care for you as I do. Just be yourself Jono. Both the Banks and the Ghorbani families are well known and admired here."

The light bulb suddenly went on when I saw the family crest on the banner over the drive... "You are of THAT Hassan family?!? Hassan Al-Umran Stables! Your family bought my white filly Juno three years ago! Do you still have her? Is she doing well? Has she foaled yet? Is Naser a cousin, or a brother?" Now I had done it, I went full kid at Christmas on him. I do believe I saw a glint of panic in his eyes, which I took as my queue to shut up.

"Did I not tell you 'YOU' were known to my family?" I nodded yes. "Naser is my younger brother." Now I understood why Tamam looked so familiar he shared his brother's eyes and jaw. "He still has Juno, although we now call her Habeeba Al-Umran Hassan. Arabian horses should not be named after Roman gods. As to the rest of your questions I will leave those to him. Naser manages the equine side of the family businesses."

My pouty lip slid out. "She wasn't named after the 'goddess.' I was there when she was born. She had to fight to come into this world, like I did. I was alone in the stable when her mother Fajera (Wicked One) came to foal. It was a difficult birth. Afsoon was out at another ranch on an emergency call, and the stable hand was in town picking up a feed order. I had to practically drag Juno out of her mother, or we would have lost both of them. Merhadad named her in honor of me. I can understand the confusion though. Juno is a dumb name, 'Beloved' is much better for a beautiful filly."

"Neither Juno, or Jono are dumb. I will have to tell Naser that story. My father tells me your mother's family raised thoroughbred horses, but Merhadad told me you preferred the Arabians why?"

"It's silly." Tamam pulled to the side of the drive, and rested his hand on my thigh. "Damn you can be stubborn. Okay, I love their faces. Uncle Jack used to say 'Arabians look like they needed to be fitted with water wings.' I like how their heads look like sea horses, and how they float across the grass when they run. Riding one is almost like flying. The Arabian is just more graceful. I told you it was silly."

"It is not silly, Jono. You simply understand." He kissed my forehead and began driving to the compound.

"Tamam, when did you know who I was?"

He laughed "Sweet Jono, how many brilliant, cello playing, small blonde boys lived with Iranian born foster parents who breed Arabian horses in Fluffy Landing, Florida?" I blushed and laughed at my own foolish question.

We pulled into a walled compound and stopped. Our car doors were opened by staff. As I exited I told him thank you. He looked at me surprised and closed the door. Tamam put his arm around my shoulder and warned me to refrain from thanking the staff.

"I am sorry Tamam. You can take the boy out of the south, but never the reverse. The way I was raised, when someone is of service you, say thank you. I will try to do it your way." He smiled and hugged me close.

My tummy rumbled, and his echoed. "It has been a long drive; let's get something from the kitchen. The trip back Sunday will be faster."

"Thank you Tamam. This was the first time in 8 years I didn't get violently car sick on a ride. I even fell asleep. It didn't feel like 3 hours. Thank you." The three young men started unloading the vehicle and whisking the bags into a side entrance.

We approached the main entrance. The building appeared to have a six sided central drum with a domed roof as the central structure. It had 5 wings flowing from it. Tamam told me that his father had it built several years ago. "There are 5 family wings. One wing is for my father and his wives. Each of the son's who remained on the estate had a wing as well. The central hub is made up of common areas and guest suites."

"Tamam, will I be staying in one of the guest rooms? Or will I be staying with you? Does your family know that we are, 'intimate'?" His head dropped again. I have got to quit disappointing this man.

He then turned and faced me. "Sweet Jono, you are both my guest, and the family's guest. If you wish I can move you into one of the guest rooms. I had hoped you would stay with me. The family knows that I have been pursuing you. All I ask is that you behave as you would normally. Most likely my father or one of my brothers will greet us. They will acknowledge me first and then you."

He turned and we entered the entry hall. There was a double wishbone staircase climbing either side of the hall. There were opalescent columns holding up a balcony level which had multiple rooms and hallways off of it. There were ornate blue oriental rugs covering the marble like floor. We walked beneath the twin staircases to the door on the other side and entered a magnificent great room. The room was filled with overstuffed leather furnishings.

An older gentleman rose and approached Tamam. They greeted each other and kissed each other's cheek. Tamam introduced me to his father Omar who also kissed each of my cheeks three times. "You are welcome to my home little one. If you desire anything, all you must do is ask, and it shall be granted." I thanked him. "Tamam what do you have planned for our honored guest today?"

"I was thinking we would have something to eat and then take the Range Rover out dune bashing." I could feel my stomach getting queasy. One of the videos at the hotel showed what dune bashing was. It tripped a primal fear. Tamam looked at me, "Are you okay Jono?"

"You may have noticed I'm not exactly comfortable in fast moving cars. I know I am safe with you, but cars still scare me. I know I'm stupid. I'll be good regardless of what we do. Maybe it's time to just get over this."

Omar Hassan replied, "Jono, that is not stupid, that is wise. Those things frighten me as well."

I looked up to his father who stood at least an inch taller than Tamam. "Sir, are there any short members of the Hassan family?" Both Omar and Tamam laughed loud and long. Tamam grabbed my hand and led me into the colossal kitchen. Damn, the man could raid an icebox. He pulled out yogurt, assorted meats, cheeses and fruits. He then demonstrated his prowess with a knife. He put together two matching plates. Then he led me through the French doors out onto the veranda that looked out over the fig groves.

"Your family's home and lands are lovely."

"Thank you, Jono. Both Sergeant Gilmore and Merhadad have told me of your fight to keep your family's home. It is commendable. Is it true you would not have taken this assignment if the financial status was not dire?"

"I regret to say, yes. The Air Force has broken a few promises. I was supposed to be in AWACS but they pulled it out of my career field one week before graduation. It is very likely that I would have kept my mouth shut when my DO asked, if Nessa had not told me to volunteer. But everything has worked out for the best. I am taking my first steps to rebuild our family's ranch." He reminded me to eat occasionally.

"The only lands that are not available any longer are my great grandfather's hunting lodge in Mississippi. Merhadad and Afsoon bought most of the open grounds in Fluffy Landing when they went up for auction. The Ghorbani's have given me first right of sale when I can afford to buy them back. They have also offered to sell me their property when they are ready to retire. First, I have to save the original homesite, it is where it all began. On top of all that, I got to meet y'all." I ended with a huge ear to ear grin, and a deep crimson blush.

Tam grinned as he replied, "Then I am again in all of their debt." Gawd I loved his smile.

"I never thought I would be grateful for the state going after my property. In a way, it is what led me to you. I learned a long time ago that a curse can be a doorway for a larger blessing." He smiled and ran his fingers through my hair.

We ate and then cleared away the plates. I was beginning to reach for a dish rag when he told me leave it be, the servants would be along to clean shortly. He led me by my hand to his wing of the home. Behind the double French doors was a long hallway with multiple doors off to each side. When we reached the end of the hallway we ended up in a very large great room with a private entryway from outside.

"Why didn't we just come in through there?"

"Father likes to greet us when we come home."

"Indeed he does." A booming voice came from the left side of the room I turned to see where it came from. Naser was grinning from ear-to-ear. The two brothers fell on each other and kissed each other's cheek. Then Naser walked to me then hugged me tightly. He kissed both cheeks, "Welcome my dear little friend. I understand that this worthless jackal and I are taking you dune bashing today. How did he accomplish this great feat? When I visited you I could not even talk you into riding with me in the sandrail."

"I have become a little braver in my older years." I winked at him. "As I recall, that damned sandrail almost killed you. If I was with you, I couldn't have ridden to your rescue." Shit! I saw Tamam raise his eyebrow. I knew instantly Naser had not told his family about the incident.

"Big brother, it was nothing. Jono came to my aid when I failed to heed his wise counsel, and a price was paid." He returned his attention to me, "I have no problem with dune bashing today Jono. Tomorrow, I want you to look at that vicious horse you sold me. She will not allow anyone to ride her. That and she bites. She does make attractive and gentle foals."

"What have you done to my horse? She was always so gentle with me."

"I will pick you up in the morning and we will go to the stables." I looked back at Tamam, wanting to know if it was okay. He nodded yes.

"Okay, I would love to know what happened to my girl. Before we head out would you guys mind if I stretched a little? I've been cooped up in that car for three and a half hours."

"Tamam, I will make sure the Rovers ready, while your little one prepares."

Tamam shot him a stern look, "You mean, while Jono prepares. He is not fond of size references Naser. Let's go in an hour." My chest puffed out not only had he remembered, he defended me.

"I am sorry Jono. I was just being playful. One hour is good." Then he tousled my hair. I smiled and nodded. Then he departed

Tamam looked at me, "How much time do you need?"

"About 15 minutes should work. I am really stiff from the car. Why aren't you?"

He smiled as he said, "Thanks to your intervention on the way, I am not."

I blushed, as he walked away. Without workout clothes readily available I chose to just strip to my briefs.

Five minutes had passed when he re-entered the room. I was in a deep split, legs straight out to either side of my body and toes pointing to the ceiling. I began a slow rotation of my torso lowering it slowly until my forehead made contact with my right knee. I then repeated the procedure to the left.

"Jono, it is just NOT natural for you to be able to do that!"

I smoothly turned my head towards him and smiled. "Does it offend? If it does, I will stop." He replied no and I continued. He stood back admiring how I was able to flow between positions. I couldn't help but notice the rapidly swelling bulge in the front of his trousers. I swiftly finished my floor exercises. Tamam approached, he reached down to help me to my feet. My hands however slid up the inside of his thighs to my prize. "It appears I'm not the only one who was stiff from the road after all."

He reminded me his brother would be waiting. To be honest, lunch was flying right through me. I emerged from the water closet to find Tamam leaning against the vanity. He motioned me to come to him, and my feet obeyed. He then examined my bottom for injury. "You heal swiftly, that is good to know."

He led me into the steamy shower and started scrubbing me clean. I thought this was a little foolish considering we were going to be going out into the desert and more likely to be sweating. But, he was Tamam, he was perfection, I obeyed.

I stole a kiss or two in between his ministrations. His shower was odd; it had all kinds of attachments. He pulled one from its holder and gestured for me to turn around. He gently inserted the nozzle into my bottom and gently allowed the water to flow. He told me to clamp down on it. I obeyed him. After several times repeating the same process we continue cleaning each other's bodies. I got several good kisses from him as a reward for my obedience.

We stepped out of the shower and he wrapped a towel around me and pulled me to him. Leaning down he kissed me. "Jono, I have a surprise, and a challenge for you, come with me. We return to the bedroom, and he pushed me face down over the edge of the bed. My legs where dangling while everything from my hips up were laying flat on the bed. He started lubing my tight ass. As he slid his middle finger deep into my bowel he made contact with my prostate which immediately caused my hips to thrust into the mattress. Slowly he added more and more lube and more and more fingers. I was wondering what the challenge was because this was sheer ecstasy. Suddenly he removed his fingers from my body. I felt so empty I started to rise and he put his hand in the middle of my back and told me to stay. I thought this odd, but he was Tamam he was perfection and I obeyed.

Tamam went to the closet and pulled out a wooden box, then set it on the bed. When he opened it my mouth fell open. It was filled with all sorts of sex toys. Silicon and metal objects in various phallic and other shapes. Then he slid open the drawer which contained strings of spheres of various sizes. He grabbed one string which contained 10 one and a half inch balls made out of some sort of metal. "I think you will enjoy these. Here is my challenge Jono. I'm going to put the entire string in your bottom. I will give you a reward for each one that remains when we return."

He saw the panic on my face. "Do not worry my sweet Jono; you took all of me last night. This string is only slightly longer than, and not as wide as I. I believe you will get great pleasure from this. If you do not wish to try I will understand. But remember, I promised I would not harm you, I hope you will trust me. I wish only to bring you great pleasure. Shall we proceed?" I nodded in the affirmative.

I was surprised to find how easily each sphere slid within my sphincter. By the time we got to the 6th ball the pressure was intense. Inch by inch, sphere by sphere, they went in. I was beginning to sweat as the tenth slid into my hole. My now hard five & a half inch penis was leaking on the sheets a few little droplets of clear fluid. The pressure within me was such that, there was an overriding urge to bear down. I knew if that happen it would expel the invading device and Tamam would be disappointed and that was something I would not do. He looked at me beaming with pride.

He reached back within the case. He removed a small cylinder with a plunge switch on the top. He laid the cylinder down on top of the bed and returned the case to the closet. The one truth about we OPS guys, when we see a button or switch it is hardwired into us to activate that button or switch to find out what it does. Curiosity overtook me as reached over and I pressed the button on the cylinder. When this was done the string of orbs within my bowels started to vibrate in a random series. It was almost like having little electric shocks pass-through out my central core. The level of pleasure was beyond words. I couldn't release the button. Tamam removed the cylinder from my hand, and then he swatted my butt hard. "You must never touch what is not yours."

I replied, "Anna asef, Tamam." I noticed how hard he was. He was excited just bringing me pleasure. That had to be rewarded. With a ragged breath I begged him, "Please my love, may I return the favor?" I pointed to his bouncing and throbbing cock.

"You have played with my toy without my permission. Why should I let you have yours?"

I lowered my eyes to the floor and replied, "Because I have taken the pleasure that was yours to give me. I should return that pleasure back to you."

He rubbed the back of my neck and told me to climb onto the bed completely. He spun me around so that my head was facing him over the edge of the bed at waist level. I was starting to understand all of the tall furniture. "You took what did not belong to you. Now you will take all that I give you without complaint or resistance." With that he pushed back on my forehead until my mouth fell open. He told me to put my arms to my side and leave them there.

"You will please me with nothing but your mouth. But unlike on the way here I will be controlling all of it." Then he told me to curl my lips over my teeth. He was in complete control and I was not going to disappoint him again. He pushed is throbbing member between my lips and deeper and deeper into my mouth. It seemed as if he was seeping gallons of pre-cum. I knew this was unlikely and attempted to suck and swallow as much of it as I could. But even still a mixture of my saliva and his semen slowly dripped from my mouth. He continued to push deeper and deeper.

When it hit the back of my throat I started to gag. I've been remembered how humming helped and I started moaning. The back of my throat felt as if it was going to split open as his cock slid deeper down into my throat. I heard him groan loudly. As inch by inch he took possession of my mouth, my throat, my body. At this moment I existed for only one reason, to bring pleasure to my man. Then it happened, my body fought back against me, and started to block him.

He told me to relax breathe through my nose, tears were streaming from my eyes I wanted to grant him entrance but, my body was betraying me. He reached down to the cylinder device lying on the bed. He pushed the button on top and spheres in my bowels did their magic dance. My throat again opened up to him as he sank it the rest of the way in. My nose was firmly buried in his pubic hairs and I could smell his musky scent. His cock began to twitch. I knew he would not be able to maintain much longer. I was hoping he would pull out just far enough that I would be able to taste his cum again. That however was my secondary concern I disappointed him and deserved my punishment.

He grabbed either side of my head and started thrusting in and out. He fucked my mouth hard so hard that I felt it slip. I fought so hard, I tried to clench down with my ass but the tenth sphere popped out as Tamam exploded down my sore throat. He slowly removed his softening member from me pausing just before the tip cleared my lips so that I could suck the last of his cum from it.

Once free, my head dropped over the edge of the bed as I began looking at the floor. I had failed Tamam's challenge. "Why do you look so sad sweet Jono?"

"I failed you Tam. I fought so hard to keep it inside me but at least one of the spheres came out. I am so sorry."

"That was not your fault. I was too rough with you. You have not yet learned control. This will improve in time. You did very well I am very proud of you." He reached over and slowly pushed the tenth sphere back where it was supposed to be. He pulled me up from the bed kissing me gently. "Now go clean that beautiful face, before my brother comes in looking for us." I nodded returning to the bathroom I washed my face, and then brushed my teeth with the children's toothbrush he had provided for me. If Tamam wished to kiss me he would taste mint not his own seed.

Once clean again I returned to the bedroom. He had clothes laid out for me tan trousers, a white long sleeve button down shirt that was very loose-fitting and soft. All of the fabrics he chose for me were very soft it was almost as if they kissed my skin. I was looking for my silky sheer jockeys but they were nowhere to be found. I looked at Tamam and asked if he wished me to go commando. He laughed and held up an athletic supporter. "Tam, this garment serves almost no function for me." He then pushed the magic button on the cylinder. With that I understood the jockstrap was for HIS access and pleasure, not my function. When he released the button I collapsed into his arms and apologized for doubting him.

He pulled my head up and kissed me. "You are learning sweet one." He sat me on the bed and knelt before me. He then recited an old Persian poem by Abu Nuwas:

"I die of love for him, perfect in every way, Lost in the strains of wafting music. My eyes are fixed upon his delightful body and I do not wonder at his beauty. His waist is a sapling, his face a moon, and loveliness rolls off his rosy cheek I die of love for you, but keep this secret: the tie that binds us is an unbreakable rope. How much time did your creation take, Angel? So what! All I want is to sing your praises."

He continued, "How could a man who lived so long ago describe you so well."

No one had ever called me perfect. No one had ever desired me. I leaned forward and kissed his forehead. He then rose and continued dressing. As I dressed, I reminded myself, Tamam is perfection. I will obey.

"Jono, after my brother visited you at the Ghorbani Farms did you dream of him?" I did not know whether to answer the question honestly or not. I sucked my lower lip into my mouth and nodded yes as I looked down. He lifted my chin up so that I would look in his eyes. "You were very young. My brother also dreamed of you. He talked about you very often. The night I met you, I saw why. You are as magnificent as he spoke of you. I would like to know however, more about this sandrail incident."

"Tamam, if anyone else had asked I would never answer. His visit to the Ghorbani's was on one of the coldest weeks in recent Florida history. I took him to the barn on the homesite just to show him around. I really liked spending time with him it was kind of like having Mike back. He saw my brother's old sandrail and really became enamored with it. He asked if he could go out riding the dunes. I told him no one had driven it in years.

What happened next was my fault. I should have just said no. I honestly didn't think he could get it started. I am so sorry. He was determined, and somehow he got the piece of crap running. He asked me to go along, I was too afraid. He set out on his adventure but got turned around on his way back. He was lost in the marshlands when the sand rail broke down. When the sun set and the light mist turned to sleet, I realized there was a problem. I set out on Fajera to find him."

I took a deep breath, "The good thing about the sand rail was that it was easy to track, it just took time. By the time I got to Naser he was soaking wet and already succumbing to hypothermia. He was so bad I actually had to help him onto the horse. Fajera actually knelt down so I could drag your brother across her saddle. You probably don't realize this; your brother is quite heavy.

It was too far to get him back to the main house so I took him back to one of the old cabins near the home site. I started a fire in the pot bellied stove and grabbed blankets and laid them out. Best way to fight off hypothermia is direct skin on skin contact sharing body heat. You have my word nothing happened. I have often dreamt about reliving that night. I have a question for you, has our being intimate caused difficulties between you and your brother?"

"First off Jono, Naser has always been reckless. He is enamored with danger and risk. Simply put, he would have never given up on the rail. The accident also was not your fault. I am grateful beyond words that you saved his life. As to how he feels about us, he is jealous, but he will obey your choice. I now understand his near obsession to return to Fluffy Landing in time for your 18th birthday. When you enlisted at seventeen, his plans fell apart. Yes, he still is very fond of you."

We finished dressing then we wandered back out into his great room and out the private entrance. Naser was waiting for us in the garage. The men spoke of extra fuel, tow ropes, and other provisions.

I asked why two vehicles for just three people. They both looked at me as if I had said something incredibly stupid. My head took its ritual downward dive. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tamam reach into his pocket. A moment later I felt the spheres work their magic again as my back arched, I gasped, and my lips trembled. He laughed and a befuddled Naser replied. "I forget you have no experience with the desert. There is no 'Auto Club.' One vehicle can break down; the other vehicle may be the difference between life and death."

Tamam helped me into the passenger side of our Rover. He gave me a quick kiss and told me to put my seatbelt on. "Please Tam, go easy on that button."

He had a simple reply, "I make no such bargain."

Twenty minutes later we were out in the open desert, it wasn't what I expected. Sand on my part of the Gulf of Mexico is a white fine powder. The sand of the Al-Hasa region had an orange tint to it, which was truly remarkable as the light danced along its rippled slopes. Tamam reached into the glove box and removed a pair of Oakleys, then handed them to me. "Your eyes are far too light for our sun's intensity." I put them on quickly.

We pulled to the side of the highway and stopped. The men got out of the vehicles and removed some air from the tires. Four other vehicles were doing the same. I climbed down to look around. I looked at Tamam and asked, "Why are there no women?"

He smiled; I must have said something foolish. "Women are for having children, men are for having fun. Please Jono, get back in the vehicle."

Again I had erred. Dejectedly I climbed back into the Range Rover and put my seat belt back on. When Tamam returned to the vehicle he looked at me and said, "You must be careful little one. Boys with fair skin and hair like yours are highly prized; the men in the other vehicles were noticing you. You could vanish quickly in the desert. There are many who would treat you poorly. Please obey me in these things." I nodded and apologized. "You will learn sweet Jono."

The four vehicles belonging to the other group headed to the east. While our two headed to the West. Despite the name dune bashing, it was much like being on a really big, slow moving, roller coaster. There were a lot of ups and downs and a few banks. The lack of speed suited me fine. I don't know whether they were holding back because of me but it was fun. The sun slowly sunk lower in the sky. After a few hours of driving up and down the dunes it was decided we should head back to the family home.

As we drove back to the ranch I asked probably another stupid question. "Tamam, why did Vanessa's necklace offend you so?"

"It did not Jono. Ours is a different culture. Wearing such jewelry openly in public with your build, might draw the attention of the Mutaween (religious police). Delicate jewelry like Vanessa's on a small boy, such as you it is viewed as suspect. They may assume that you are gay. That can bring about many negative repercussions.

I wish to protect you. So it is my responsibility to teach you how to act in public. The fact that, what the West calls, gay sex occurs in the Kingdom is no surprise. Many men turn to boys like you for release. It is often easier to find a male sexual partner then it is to find a female. The laws of gender segregation are not very conducive to finding a relationship with a woman."

"Will my father's ring cause an issue?"

"I do not believe so; it is easy enough to explain. I could easily get you a long chain to put it on and wear it under your shirt close to your heart." I shook my head no.

"I almost lost it once before that way, when the linked chain my Uncle gave me broke. Dad's ring fell into the training ring. It took three days for me combing the sand on hands and knees to find it. From that day on I wore it on my finger first with sizing bands, until it would stay on my middle finger. Aside from the homestead it's all I have to hold and remember them by." I removed the ring and showed the Arabic writing to Tamam. It read; the heart circles the family or the family circles the heart, depending on where you started reading. I then returned it to my finger.

"Then that settles that." He rested his hand on my thigh and patted it slowly. His hand slid up my leg, around to the small of my back, and then down into the waistband of my trousers he ran his finger between my butt crack. "Just seeing if they were still in there."

We arrived back at the compound and parked the vehicles in front of the family's garage. I must admit my lower back was hurting from clenching my butt cheeks to keep the spheres contained as we walked. I leaned against Tamam as we walked. Naser asked, "What is wrong Jono, are you tired?" I nodded yes in reply.

Tamam stroked my cheek and whispered, "Not much longer sweet Jono. I am looking forward to showing you my playroom."

Naser's eyebrow arched. "What have you done to this poor child?"

I stomped my foot as I replied sternly, "I am not a child Naser."

"Sweet Jono, would you like Naser to join us to see if you won my challenge?" I blushed and dropped my head. He raised up my chin. "It was not my intent to embarrass you. I know the two of you have burned for each other. It is only fair that I share. IF it is what you desire." Naser too was blushing. "There is no pressure, and I will never force you to do something you do not wish to do. But you must speak for yourself."

"I just do not want you, or Naser to think of me as a whore."

Both men laughed. Naser replied, "You were the perfect host three years ago. You cared for my needs of lodging, food, companionship, add to that the fact that you saved my life." He then told Tamam the sand rail story from his perspective. He made me sound braver than I actually was. "I did desire more as we lay beneath the blankets, but you were far too young. I also knew you were pure. I would not take that away from someone so young. If I can bring you pleasure nothing would please my heart more."

I stopped and looked at Tamam, "Are you sure it's okay? You will not think less of me?" He hit the magic button and the spheres in my bottom began to dance. My back arched my mouth opened he lifted me off the ground and kissed me passionately.

"Tamam, what have you done to this boy?"

Tamam turned off the remote and I collapsed gasping into his chest. "I asked Reza to select a few toys that Jono might enjoy."

Tamam slipped his arm under my knees and carried me like a small child. My arm draped around his broad shoulders and neck. In this position it was very difficult to keep my bottom clenched but it felt so good to be cared for.

Naser reached over and ran his fingers through my shaggy hair. "We must cut this, it is too long."

We entered Tamam's side of the building. I was carried down the long hallway to a small room with no windows. There was a huge bed in the middle of the room. Tamam set me down standing in front of a side chair that he then sat in. He then removed my shirt and dropped it to the floor. He repeated the process with my trousers. I was able to kick off my shoes and step out of the trousers. I was standing before the two men I wanted most in the world wearing only a pair of socks and a sheer jockstrap.

Tamam stood and walked to the edge of the bed. He then motioned for me to approach; it was very difficult to walk, especially after he triggered the button again. When I finally reached him, he grabbed my arms and pulled me over his lap as if he were going to spank me. Naser was standing off by the side of the bed removing his clothing. I had seen him almost naked once before. His body still looked phenomenal toned and strong. Why did these two gorgeous men want me?

Free of his clothing Naser walked to me and dropped to the floor. He started stroking my legs until he got to my ankles where he removed the socks from my feet. He kissed the backs of my thighs and massaged them. Between all of the physical contact in the vibrations coming from deep within me I was losing control. I could feel my cock swelling to its full five and a half inches. And I started dripping fluid from the tip. I was worried about staining Tamam's trousers. Naser's hands went up to my waist and slowly tugged the waistband of the jockstrap over my butt and down my legs; he was kissing each cheek as it passed. My head rolled up and as I looked at Tamam "Now shall I help you?"

He laughed, "I thought you were eager to get the torment over with."

"The only torment I have is not being naked with you."

"Naser play with our boy on the bed, while I prepare for him." With that Naser scooped me off his brother's lap and deposited me on the larger than king size bed. He then lay with his head up on the pillows and motioned for me to come to him. It was difficult to move with a string of balls vibrating in my bottom. I overcame the difficulties and collapsed upon his chest. It was overwhelming to have so much skin on skin contact with a man, other than my Tamam. He looked at me and pressed his lips to mine. His tongue slowly slid between my lips. Damn these Hassan boys had soft lips and powerful tongues. It was difficult to enjoy the passion that he was showing me. I liked watching Tamam undress. I felt guilty that I was giving myself to both of them.

That guilt evaporated as Tamam joined us on the bed. He slid my body off of Naser until our cocks made contact with each other. Tamam then turned off the spheres gyrations. My face was buried in Naser's thin line of tummy hair. Taman slowly tugged on the string connected to the spheres in my bowels. Slowly I felt them move from within me. I twisted and contorted as the first popped out. I thought it funny it actually made a wet plooping sound as it came out. Taman announced "10." Was he counting down?

With very little effort I was able to slide my head down a bit further on Naser until I was able to kiss and nibble the end of his cock. I was running my tongue from the base of the shaft to the glands when the second sphere exploded out of my ass "20." I was more confused but I was a man possessed. I ran my tongue around his cockhead; he was leaking precum by the buckets. Then the third and fourth sphere emerged followed by "30 then 40." I wrapped my lips around Naser's thickening rod, and sucked it like a vacuum. The fifth sphere popped free "50, you are doing very well Jono, halfway."

Naser's hands firmly gripped my head and pushed more of his hard shaft down my eager throat. I started to bob up and down on it pushing more and more of it in. I have only been down on one person before and he was busy playing with my bottom. I was eager to see if I could do it again. His cum tasted different then his brothers, it was a little bit bitter. I found myself wondering if it was a diet thing or genetics. I almost had his cock fully impaled in my throat when Tamam pulled two more out of me "60, 70".

I was cooing with delight. The 8th orb sprung from my bottom with a shout of "80" as my nose made contact with Naser's pubic hair. I was twisting and contorting. The stimulation was magnificent. My head was bobbing up and down with full abandon on Naser's cock fully impaling my throat. My lower body was thrashing as the last two spheres popped out of me. Tamam announced $100,000.

It took a second for me to register what he had just said, I was furious! I immediately stopped what I was doing. I removed Naser's still hard and needy cock from my throat and mouth. I sat up and glared with great rage at Tamam, "I am not a slut, or YOUR whore! I damn sure am not your prostitute! Do you think I am doing this for money?"

I started to climb off the bed. It was my intent to storm out of the room. Naser reached out and pulled me to him. "Easy little one; although my brother is an idiot, he does not trade money for sex. I know your rage is great, please set it aside and listen to him."

Tamam was cradling my face in his huge hands. He looked me in the face and began sheepishly. "I contacted Merhadad to find out how much the tax burden was on your home site. I also asked how much it would cost to purchase back the adjacent land from him. The two together came out to just under $100,000. He is willing to rent the property from you to keep the taxes current, and the property in good repair. I was not trading our family's money for your body. Please understand sweet Jono, for our family, money is as water. If you had a dear friend who is dying of thirst, would you deny him a drink?"

I began to weep as Tam continued. "I know how little an Airman makes. It does not take much to figure out, while you may be able to pay the tax debt, you would never be able to buy back the pasture lands much less buy breeding stock. Even if I were to never have sex, I would have found a way to pay your burden. Our family has made far more from just the breeding of Habeeba. Beautiful white Arabian horses are in almost as high a demand as boys like you are." He wiped away my tears and kissed my forehead.

I buried my face in his furry chest. "I am so sorry. You both must think I'm a fool. Please, forgive me."

Naser was rubbing my back and replied, "No Jono, there is nothing to forgive. You are no fool. This tactless jackal however, is often lacking in common sense. You are proud and you have a right to be. You have overcome much, and have not lost a gentle nature." He began nibbling and kissing the back of my neck.

Tamam was still cradling and caressing my face. "Ana asef, my sweet Jono."

I threw my arms around his neck, "There is nothing to forgive, other than my foolishness. You are perfection; I should have known better and shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. What can I do to make it up to you?" I pulled myself up to his mouth kissing him deeply. As Tamam returned my passionate kiss, Naser began kissing his way down my spine. What he was doing didn't feel right, it had lost the organic sense of play it had just moments before. I felt as if I was dirty somehow.

Once at the base of my spine he pulled my meaty globes apart and flicked his tongue across my butt hole. It was like an electric shock radiating through my body. I pulled myself up higher on Tamam. He released my lips to kiss and nibble the nape of my neck.

Tamam was trying to move into a horizontal position, while Naser was holding my hips as if his life depended on it, as his tongue burrowed in and out of my ass. He was alternating between nibbling around the rim of my formerly tight hole and digging his tongue within it. His chin strap beard was tickling my butt cheeks. I would later learn this was rimming, all I knew this day was that I loved it!

Tamam realized his brother was not going to release his great prize. He slowly slid himself further down the bed. As he slid further away, I was forced to slide down his body. It felt like the boys were playing tug of war with my body. I knew one thing for sure; I was going to be the one who wins. After what seemed like a lifetime I was flat on my stomach resting between Tamam's powerful thighs. My skinny arms where circling his waist. I realized I could rest on my elbows and hold his muscular ass cheeks one in each hand. I twisted my head to see Tamam's face. His smile told me all I needed to know. I stuck my tongue out and flicked it across his dickhead.

My man groaned, that was all of the encouragement I would need. "Tamam, you said all I had to do was ask... Please, lay back on your elbows. Let me pleasure you without your assistance." He complied with my simple request. Now I was committed, his ass pinned my hands below him the only tools I had to pleasure him were my mouth and eager throat. I slid my tongue up and down his shaft getting it wet and slick. When I thought it was enough I playfully kissed the tip and made a tight "o" with my mouth and began the long task of mouth fucking my man. The groans coming from him told me my technique was improving.

Naser stepped up his game, as his tongue occasionally danced across the flesh between the base of my cock and my ass. I had to TRY to push that out of my mind and focus on Tamam. I freely admit my throat was still sore from the earlier activity. It did however tell me that I could accomplish the feat. I was however determined to please the both of them. I started to open my mouth wider to relieve some of the pressure on Tamam's cock. It reached the back of my throat. On cue Naser hit that wonderful spot that got me grinning again as Tam's throbbing cock sank deeper into my throat. The sounds coming from me were part whimpers part groans but all pleasure. My throat was stretching around my man's swelling pulsing member. Saliva ran freely down my cheeks and into Tamam's lap. I could sense his muscles tensing he wanted to thrust into my mouth but he also wanted to see if I could do it, to bring him to orgasm with nothing but my mouth.

Back on the other end Naser was reaching between my legs, while he continued rimming me, he started slowly stroking my tiny cock, unconsciously I started moving to my knees to give him better access. I started bucking my hips back into him. Had to focus, had to focus on the task at hand. I had to get Tamam to cum. It was difficult to control my breathing Naser was doing a phenomenal job. Suddenly Naser stopped I was cursing the absence of his tongue. He began putting his fingers back inside my butt. I guess he figured I needed more work. I felt something odd when his finger broke contact with my prostate it's almost as if something was left behind but the feeling faded quickly.

I had almost impaled myself on my prize. I had just inches to go, when I felt Naser's cock pushing firmly against my yearning ass. With all of the tongue and oral work he had completed his prick slid swiftly into the ass. A couple quick pushes and he was inside. I inhaled deeply and suddenly I realized my mouth was resting within Tamam's pubic hair. I was whimpering and twisting. Trying to push hard back against Naser I wanted both of them inside of me so badly. I started sliding my mouth back and forth on Tamam's throbbing member, while Naser sank further and further into my bowels. I was starting to feel like a pig on a spit.

I was practically squealing when I felt Naser's soft pubic hair reaching my ass cheeks. Then he slammed home, I was fully impaled on both ends and my body was twitching and thrusting in full abandon. Naser reached around and began softly stroking my cock. Tamam was the first to reach release, I felt his cock twitching I knew he was close. I started backing off; I wanted to catch his load in my mouth. Naser was taking long deep strokes pulling almost completely out of my ass, only to thrust it quickly all the way back in. Tam's cock had just cleared my throat when he let out a guttural shout. Then spilled his load in my mouth, it was salty and sweet. He tasted so good I tightened my lips around his prick. I swallowed as fast as I could. I didn't want a single drop to fall into his lap and be wasted.

Naser did not want to be outdone. He was plowing into my ass with full abandon. He was grunting and I was slamming my body back against his cock with each thrust. My mouth now free of Tam's cock I was audibly squealing in delight. While my ass was making wet slurping sounds. Two or three more deep thrusts and I could feel Naser releasing his seed deep within me. I collapsed in a sweaty mess up on Tamam, and Naser collapsed upon me. The three of us were struggling to catch our breath. As Naser's cock softened and slid from my ass, I looked up at Tamam's face. He wiped the sweat from my brow and praised me saying I did well. Naser began nibbling at my ear lobe and whispered how beautiful I was. His cum slowly oozed out of my ass. I was playing with Tamam's soft chest hair like a kitten plays with yarn.

I must have made a slight grimace Tam wrapped his arm around me and asked, "What is wrong Jono?"

"I guess I was just a little too eager. Things are a little sore." I yawned.

Tamam pulled me up his body. "Are you sure?"

"Please don't spank me again I'm sorry. I didn't want you to worry." I deployed the ultimate anti-spank weapon, my lower pouty lip.

It worked; he pulled my lip into his mouth and sucked on it then kissed me. "I will allow it to pass this time." He tapped his index finger on my nose and repeated, "This time. You look sleepy Jono. Did we wear you out?" I blushed and the room began to spin, "I am sorry Tamam, I just... don't... feel... right..." and suddenly collapsed fast asleep on his chest.

When I awoke, Naser was gone. There was blood on the bed and backs of my legs. I had a moment of panic, had I been injured? I looked at Tamam he looked angry and his hand was injured. I saw the great rage in his eyes. "You are okay? I am so sorry for ruining our fun."

He forced a smile but I could tell something was wrong, "You did not Jono, you clearly need to sleep," he lifted me off the bed and carried me through the second playroom door into the master bath. The oversized Victorian slipper tub was already filled with scented water. I was groggy as the room swayed and spun. It was as if I was falling through a wall of fog when Tamam set my feet down on the warmed stone floors. He helped me into the huge tub. My legs felt like rubber.

When the hot water made contact with my aching backside I cringed and whimpered aloud. How could something burn and be soothing at the same time? I swear I must have fallen asleep occasionally as I leaned against him. He was caring for me like I was a small child. For the first time in a long time I didn't mind it. Just like I didn't mind the occasional "little one" comments, but only from him. It seemed as if we just gotten into the tub when he started getting us out. I knew some good amount of time had passed because the water was starting to get a chill.

I was feeling so completely wiped, it was as if my whole body was a limp rag. I felt like my body's strength was an open bottle that somebody had poured all of the energy out of. Tamam told me not to worry it was just a long day and I needed sleep. I leaned into him as he dried us with the large soft bath sheets. In the past I've been able to stay awake for three days solid during deployments only to return home, shower, and hit the town. Why was I so exhausted now? When we entered the master bedroom my legs buckled, and Tamam quickly caught me. He scooped me up and carried me to the bed. "I am so sorry Tam. I don't know why I am so tired."

"You have had a very long day Jono, full of many new activities. I would be surprised if you weren't sleepy." With that he dressed me in my camel colored silk jammies. He then pulled down the covers and tucked me into his bed. When he climbed in the other side I rolled over and asked if I may snuggle for a while. "To your heart's content sweet one." I rested my head on his shoulder and my arm slung across his furry washboard abs. His left arm stretched down my back landing on my left ass cheek. He kissed my forehead and I drifted back into a deep sleep.

-- Continued

Next: Chapter 4

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