Jono's Journey Home

By Shy Guy

Published on Aug 20, 2017


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Chapter 4 - Back In The Saddle Again

I woke Saturday morning with sunlight streaming into my face. I was alone in the bed, Tamam was missing. Damn I thought. I had only woken in his arms once but, it felt natural to have him spooning me. Having his powerful arms wrapped around me. My head tucking under his. Was this how it was to be now? We would have our fun at night and I would be alone in the morning?

My eyes scoured the room looking for any evidence he was returning. The clock alongside the bed said 9:30. I thought to myself crap, I slept through half the morning. Mother Nature's call was urgent so I waddled into the bathroom. What the hell I thought, I had so much sleep and I was still groggy. Then I was overcome with sudden waves of nausea. I dropped to my knees and worshiped to porcelain throne. Why was I throwing up, and when would I stop?

I finished taking care of business, and then brushed my teeth to get the taste of vomit out of my mouth. I started looking for something to put on. I remembered Naser wanted me to go down to the stables to look at Juno. My body was tight and sore from the evening's activities. My head still wasn't clearing, something was wrong. The waves of nausea still churned inside of me.

I knew if I went riding like this I would come home sore and bruised at the end of the day. Maybe exercise would clear my head I thought. I knew if I tried to stretch wearing my jammies they would rip, I also knew I was commando beneath them. What's a boy to do? I stripped off my sleepwear and put them on the bed I then began to slowly warm up and began deep stretching.

I had almost completed my full regimen when Tamam reentered the room; he was already dressed for the day. It was the first time I had seen him in a traditional thobe. I was in a vertical leg split with my body making a straight line up against the bathroom door frame my arms were pulling against the frame to make me as flat as possible. My left cheek was resting against my right knee as I saw Tamam reenter the suite. He froze and just looked at me with a smile on his face.

Someone had to break the silence, so I did as I broke pose and walked to him. "Damn you look so pretty, I wanted to just run and jump in your arms but I was afraid of messing up your thobe. Aren't you going riding with us?" He reached down and grabbing my 23" waist and lifted me so he could touch his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back hard. When our lip lock broke he lowered me to the ground and continued with a disappointing answer.

"No Jono, I must leave you in my father's hands. Naser made an error that only I can fix. You however, have made a promise to look at Habeeba." I could tell Tamam was annoyed, I hoped I was not the cause.

"Tamam, I am not feeling quite right this morning. I cannot clear the fog from my head, add to that I just vomited several times. If I caused your anger, I am sorry. Please let me know what I must do for your forgiveness. I tried to get dressed, but I cannot find my clothes."

Tamam hugged me tightly, "Jono, I am not angry with you. The fog in your head will lift, and the nausea you feel will fade. You clearly needed to sleep Jono. It is good you did not come out in your sleepwear; the main room of the house is filling with guests. They have come to ride with you and Naser today. This is your closet." He walked over to a cabinet in the corner of the room that I could not open. He reached up and pushed the top right corner and it sprung open.

"Is that the only way to open it? It is too high for me to push." As I reached for my comfortable blue jeans he smacked my hand playfully.

"This close to the King's stables you will need to dress appropriately. No American cowboy wear will do. You go take a shower." My stomach growled loudly. "I have neglected your needs so much. I will have some breakfast brought in for you; lunch will not be served until after the ride. When you come out of the shower I will teach you how to dress for the ride."

Hoping to tease him a little, I was swishing my ass back and forth as I walked to the bathroom, he did not take the bait. Dammit all, I must have lost my charm. I re-acquainted myself with the shower settings and started a warm shower. It took almost no time for it to get hot. Just in case he wanted pleasure before going to town, I reached over for the enema wand and slid it within me. I repeated the task four times just to be sure I was spotless for him. I turned off the water flow and return the wand to its holder.

There were two soaps in the shower one that smelled almost like lavender and his musk scented soap. It did not take a rocket scientist to figure out which one he wished me to use. To be honest I would have preferred good old dial to the floral scented soap. But Tamam was perfect, and I would obey. After showering I turned around for the door there was a towel and a robe hanging from a hook on the outside. Okay was I sleeping with some kind of Arabian Ninja? I didn't even see him come in. Repeating my new mantra Tamam is perfect, I realized he was also apparently sneaky.

I dried myself thoroughly and walked to the vanity. There was a note recommending I use a light dusting of baby powder especially from my waist down. Dabbing myself with the powder puff was a bit emasculating. But after a while it felt kind of good. Again I had to remind myself Tamam is perfect.

I rejoined Tamam in the bedroom. He had laid out my clothes for the day, a pair of tall riding boots, and the English riding wear he had discussed with tailor. I made a stinky face, wrinkling my nose. "You will learn little one. You may even learn to enjoy them. Be on your best behavior sweet Jono. Please, make me proud."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and lifted myself up and kissed him, "Yes my love. I thought you were going to town?"

"How can I leave you like this? I am completely captivated by your charms. I must look upon your beauty and make sure that you put on your apparel correctly." I blushed. "Put on your socks and your underwear first. Then you will find a pair of snug silk leggings with stirrups. Next the long riding shirt or the breaches, your choice. I find putting a shirt on first makes it easier to tuck-in." I put the long sleeve cream colored shirt on first and then the breaches over the silk leggings. I noticed the breaches were two tone fabric the dominant piece was a horseshoe shaped piece of tan colored leather that ran up the inside of my legs and up over my ass. The fabric portion was a lighter shade of tan.

I looked at Tamam, he was practically drooling. "Won't this pattern cause others to notice my butt?"

"They would have to be blind to miss your perfect ass. Now you have another choice, a tie or an ascot. I did not know which you preferred so I purchased both."

"Tam, no one, and I mean no one in the American military prefers wearing an ascot." I then pulled the brown necktie off of the rack tied a nice double windsor. "Must I wear the jacket?"

"Yes Jono, it is expected." I had to admit the silk under leggings did make me feel kind of sexy.

I noticed the tall leather boots had a snap at the top which I opened and saw the zipper beneath. I unzipped them and stepped into the custom footwear. It was almost like putting on a second skin. Tamam was impressed that I could pull up the zipper without any assistance. I did have a little trouble snapping the top piece though, but I managed. He made a spinning motion with his finger. I complied and turned slowly for him. As soon as my back was to him, I felt his hands reaching inside my thighs running them up to fondle my butt.

"I told you so. How many others are going to be fondling me today because of your choice?"

"The leather patches are not intended to draw attention to your butt. They are there to give you protection and comfort while you ride. The silk inner leggings are so that you do not blister and chafe. However, I must admit they do accentuate that beautiful bottom of yours." I quickly finished putting on the ensemble by putting on the matching dark tan vest and jacket. They matched the leather patch running down my ass. My hollow belly made itself known again.

Tamam reached over and cradled my cheek "Your breakfast has been prepared." He held my arm and walked me to his dining table in his private great room. There were two covered trays. I sat where he directed me. As he lifted the cover on my food. I was depressed when I saw it was mostly starches and vegetables. He saw the disappointment on my face. "What is wrong beautiful one?"

Tam, my love, if I do not get some protein, even a bit of cheese will do, I will pass out today. You have seen me eat. To keep the little weight I have, I must eat like a horse. You do not have to worry about me getting fat."

"I am so sorry Jono, I was not thinking." He lifted the lid on his meal and cut a third of his steak off and put it on my plate. He then leaned over and tried to kiss my forehead. I tilted my head back and made him kiss my lips. We finished our breakfast, cleaned up, and then walked through his private hall into the family's great room.

There was a large gathering of people in the room. How odd, I was the only MAN wearing the riding jacket. I leaned over and whispered to Tamam, "If they are all riding like that, this jacket is going to be left behind." He looked down and frowned at me.

Naser came to my rescue. As he approached us I saw his lip had been split, and the left side of his face and nose were swollen. I could tell he was sporting two black eyes behind his gargoyles as well. Suddenly the blood from last night and Tam's injured hand started to make sense. It wasn't mine. What had he done to piss of his brother that bad?

Naser weakly smiled saying, "Jono, you are a little overdressed. But you look good." As he hugged me and kissed my cheeks he whispered, "Lose the jacket, it makes you look like a member of the household staff, or one of the women. This is not competition; this is just a casual ride." With speed that would make a thoroughbred blush with shame, the jacket was off and a member of the house staff ran it back to the room.

Tamam stealthily patted my bottom, smiled and went off on his mystery task. Naser continued to speak softly, "Most of our friends here knew your family. The rest are acquainted with or are customers of Ghorbani Stud Farms."

"So we will be riding with both Arabian and thoroughbred horses. Oh joy, any bets on who will start the first race?" Both breeds have their benefits. Owners of these hot-blooded animals tend to think their breed is better than all others. Egos aside this should be a fun day.

We approached an impressive man. He was smaller than Tam and Naser, but had a nice physique none the less. "Jono, you asked me who would start the first challenge race between the thoroughbreds and the Arabians. This is he, Prince Aziz. My Prince, this is Jono Banks of both the Banks and Ghorbani Stud Farms. He is also with the U.S. Air Force members providing our King's Air Force radar training."

The prince grabbed my shoulders and kissed my cheeks three times. He extended the traditional Arabic greeting of peace be upon you, and I replied and upon you peace. "It was a great sadness to hear of your family's passing. My father will be overjoyed that you are still with us. We were told the entire family was lost."

"From a certain perspective that was the case, my Prince. I died twice on that day, God was merciful, and restored to me a small portion of what he had taken from my family."

"So, you have raised both thoroughbreds and Arabians. Which do you prefer."

"They both have merit, but I am my father's son on this topic. I do prefer the lines on the Arabians and how they walk. Though my uncle often mocked the Arabian horse, he did recognize their beauty and their value. He had a plan to start breeding them as well, to add to our stables fame. Life has taught me it's most bitter truth, no plans in life are certain. I was pleased that my foster family where the Ghorbani's. Through them, I was able to add to my knowledge on, the care and training of Arabians."

We chatted for a few more moments, then Naser led me away to continue the rounds. "You did well Jono. I know this is very uncomfortable for you. These are skills you will need when you restart the stud ranch. Being a horse man requires to not only breeding a good animal but to press the flesh, as it were."

I remembered how at ease my father, my uncle, and Merhadad were in these situations. Clearly, I am a poor shadow. "My Major often says that social occasions are only warfare concealed. Shall we return to battle?" I said in mock bravado.

Naser took my words literally, "There is no need for battle. Horse breeders are a close-knit community. These people admire your family, and you. Now it's just time to show confidence. You are doing well."

Since I arrived in country I have noticed Saudi men are a very tactile people. It's as if they look for any excuse to make physical contact with the men they are talking to. Looking back on Naser's visit to the Ghorbani Ranch I remember he was fond of putting his hand on my back, on my shoulders, or holding my arm. I know uncle Jack would not have approved. I was finding myself wishing I looked more like my father than my mother. Naser must have recognized something was wrong. Because he pulled me into his father's office and asked, "What is wrong little one."

"I am what's wrong. It's almost like my whole life is a mistake. Mikaeel should have been the one to survive the crash. He was like Dad and Uncle Jack; confident, and strong. I will always have people look at me as if I am a child. At most I'm going to grow another inch if I'm very lucky. Look at me who's going to believe I am a horseman. I'm going to become the punch line of a joke."

It was at that point Omar Hassan rounded the corner and walked up to me. "Sweet Jono, I have known your mother's family for three generations now. Did you know how I met your uncle?" I shook my head no. "His father had tried to let him close a sale. He failed miserably, and your grandfather had to step in to save the sale. At that time in his life Jack chose not to learn about the people he was doing business with. As a result he had his foot in his mouth more often than not. Confidence is a learned trait. Jono your grandfather once confided in me a wish that he had another son. Your Uncle lost many sales but the whole time he learned. Failure is not fatal little one; it is often the great teacher."

He paused to wipe the tear from my cheek, "The irony of that conversation with your grandfather is that your uncle repeated it. Mikaeel was a strong young man. He was very good with his hands. His mind however was closed, and he did not have the passion to raise horses. Life does not give us choices that go 1-2-3 often. Sometimes we have to fill in the gaps and rearrange the pieces. Jack knew that you had that skill. You were always his choice to take over the reins; that is IF your father's business did not interest you. Mikaeel was always his backup plan." Tears started to form and I fought them back as the old man pulled me into his thobe hugging me tightly. I was suddenly feeling very close to my family.

"Thank you Mr. Hassan, you have reminded me, I do have something to offer. I guess I just needed a little pity party. I'm sorry that you were invited."

"Pain is a part of life. You've endured much, but you're still here. I am delighted to be at any party where you are present. That being said I must return to our guests. Naser take Jono to the stables to have a look at his Habeeba."

Naser took my arm as we walked to the stable. As we approached he pointed to the exercise ring to a familiar face. It was Juno all tacked out and apparently ready to go. There was a young man rubbing his arm also in the ring. An older gentleman was approaching MY Juno with a long coiled whip in his hand. It was as if someone flipped a switch in my head, GAME ON!

I slid between the rails and approached from his rear. As his arm went back, uncoiling the whip behind him, I grabbed the whip ripping it from his hand and threw it to the ground. I angrily demanded to know how long he had been training horses. Arabians are known for their gentleness, unless they are mistreated. His only reply was to rub his arm and complain about being bit as well.

"Did you bother to check and see if the bridle was fit properly? Habeeba has a birth defect due to how she came into the world. Placement of the throatlatch was critical. If it rested on that spot for too long it can irritate and even become painful to the animal." I looked at Naser and said, "I am sorry, this should have been explained when you bought her."

"It was, Jono. I clearly did not explain it well enough for our stable master."

I removed the ill fitting bridle. Habeeba, my Juno, rewarded me by putting her head in my chest. As I strolled around the ring making adjustments to the bridle my sweet Juno walked behind me, occasionally touching her chin to my right shoulder. A crowd started to gather around the ring. The stable boy and Naser were impressed with her obedience. The older man was practically shooting daggers from his eyes.

A few short minutes later I gave Juno the command to drop her head. She complied and I put the adjusted bridle back on her head. No muss, fuss, or biting. I motioned for the stable boy to approach. I showed him the point of irritation, and the subtle alteration that was made to accommodate it. He reached up and rubbed her cheek. She reciprocated by putting her head into his chest. She liked him.

Naser interrupted with, "We are riding today right?"

I smoothly mounted Habeeba from the left. I wanted to see how much of her training she remembered. I rested the reins across her withers and extended my arms out. I gave the command step right. She complied; applause came from those around the ring. I continued step left, forward, back, circle right and left. She remembered everything. I again took the reins and rode toward Naser at the ring gate.

I nodded in his direction and commanded Habeeba to bow. Her right knee was raised and her left bent, as she dropped her head. Naser reached up and stroked her forelock. More applause. The angry old stable master's mouth fell open. Naser opened the gate letting us out of the ring. I leaned down and whispered pleading, "Please Naser, do not let the man with the whip touch Habeeba EVER again."

"Not to worry, father saw it all. He will be discharged before we return. He and I were very impressed by your restraint. The Prince rode along side me asking who trained this animal. I replied, "That would be me my Prince. Breeding only carries you so far. Training makes a truly prized mount." He agreed and rode off with his sister and their party.

Naser rode up next to me, putting his hand on the small of my back, he leaned over and whispered. "I believe you thought you had nothing to offer as a breeder. They know and respect you both as a breeder, and trainer. The bow was a nice touch. By the way you forgot your helmet." He pointed as the stable boy handed it up to me. Damn, I thought to myself. Still, I donned the dorky helmet and rode off with Naser and his buddies into the fig groves.

The trails in the groves seemed like they went on forever. Nothing however lasts forever, eventually the trees ended and the sand and low scrub began around the water of the Oasis. The contrast was remarkable. In the distance the land and sky blurred together within a dusty haze. The water was the color of bright aquamarine. Naser called it; the Prince was indeed taunting the Arabian riders to race alongside the banks.

We rode down to the Oasis where his father had set up a banquet tent. Servants approached and grabbed the reins of our horses and I looked down to see another on all fours underneath my left stirrup. I guess he was acting as a stair step. I had never needed one before. I thought to myself, "When in Rome" and dismounted using his back as a step. I gave Juno an affectionate rub and saw my step rise to his feet. It was the stable boy who Habeeba bit earlier.

Naser approached and grabbed my arm and led me towards the tent. I looked at him and said, "Is that step stool act really necessary, I've been getting on and off horses since I was very little I haven't needed a ladder or step in over a decade. Daddy taught me a man who cannot climb into his own saddle doesn't deserve to ride."

"Jono, my father has honored you with that 'act,' watch as the others dismount. You will find only the royals receive this treatment. Your groom is honored to provide this service. He is also very appreciative of the fact that you are so light. I have seen more than one groom collapse under the weight of our King."

"While we're on the subject of collapsing Naser. When we had sex last night, you played with my backside. Other than yourself, what did you put inside me?"

"I was hoping you would not have noticed Jono. I gave you a mild sedative contained in a quick dissolving gel capsule. Things didn't feel right; I realized I missed my opportunity to be your lover. It was wrong to join you and Tam. I just didn't know how to stop and walk way. It was my hope that you would have drifted off to sleep as soon as the gel released. I didn't count on your system being so energized by adrenaline. Then it finally acted so suddenly, I had to tell Tam what I had done. He was angry, for the first time in our lives he actually hit me. I can only beg your forgiveness, and hope that you will accept me back as a friend."

"Please do not do anything like that to me again. My body does not react normally, or well, to most sedatives. It's also quite clear you didn't get the dosage right for my body mass. I don't sleep long because I am not wired to sleep a lot. Papa used to laugh when my chores were done hours before Mikaeel even woke up. Dad and Mom always knew when I wasn't feeling well by my sleep pattern."

"I'm sorry Jono, I confessed to Tamam last night. He is making arrangements with the base doctor for an emergency script to be placed in your medical record in case you have a urinalysis Monday. It was foolish of me and I am sorry. My heart was in the right place."

I squeezed his hand and smiled saying, "All Is forgiven, Naser. Tamam however, is gonna get an ear full. He should have told me this morning when I asked. He knows, if I test positive for anything, guilt is always assumed first. I am required to report "accidental exposures" as well." I was laughing as I added, "Although I don't know how I could ever explain how a pill was accidentally shoved up my ass." This elicited an embarrassed smile from Naser.

"I have put you in a difficult place, I shall not again. Do not be too hard on Tamam either; he is often cleaning up my errors. He cares very deeply for you Jono." My lower lip tucked in between my teeth and I blushed dropping my head. "I see you are most fond of him as well."

"Naser while I do love both of you, last night's 'playtime' felt odd to me as well. I do love you and if 'it' happened three years ago perhaps things might have been different. I love Tamam with all my heart and I do not want to screw that up in any way. I also do not want to become a stumbling block between the two of you."

"That was part of the reason I knocked you out last night. Even Tam eventually said that it felt odd. As far as I am concerned, you are going to be the best friend, I could ever wish for. Perhaps another little brother, if father gets his way." The last comment confused me but I let it pass.

The banquet tent was divided into the men's side, and the women's side. There was a veil separating the two. It was a reclining table again. This time I didn't need someone sitting behind me feeding me. I had a clue, I just had to remember lean on the left arm and eat with the right. Omar Hassan was flanked by his son and the prince. My place was next to Naser.

The meal went on for a couple of hours, eating and talking. The whole time the Prince continued bad mouthing Arabian horses. It was beginning to grate on my nerves. Gawd I wanted to bring him down a peg. Omar could see me "chomping at the bit" and beamed a smile in my direction. After the meal, both Omar and Naser pulled me aside to praise my restraint.

With the gathering complete the guests began remounting their animals and began riding away. Omar asked for Naser and I to remain behind. He said Tamam could see to the needs of the departing guests on the other end. When I heard MY Tamam was back, I was tempted to jump on Habeeba and fly to him. Naser leaned over whispering in my ear, "Calm yourself little one. He will still be there for you." Damn that Hassan telepathy.

As Omar Hassan approached, my head dropped in respect. He softly pinched my chin between his right thumb and closed fist pulling my gaze back in line with his. "This you need not do any longer. You are part of my family now. The restraint you showed today was commendable. The stable manager has been fired. I am grateful you only threw his whip to the ground and did not strike him."

I replied, "Forgive me sir, when I saw the whipping scar on her chest I wished I had whipped him to death." His eyes were filled with great rage as he commanded I show him. Habeeba dropped her head into my chest as my finger ran across the smooth scar.

Omar Hassan was furious, Naser was equally enraged. Omar shouted for someone named Walid. As he approached, I recognized it was my young groom. The men began shouting at him demanding to know how this could happen. Walid was silently sobbing as he was rubbing his chest along the same pattern over, and over again, a cold chill went down my spine. I placed my hand on Omar's arm, "Please, may I?" Both men relented. I stepped forward and asked Walid to open his shirt. His hands were trembling as he undid the 4 buttons and the thobe fell open exposing several long narrow scars.

I lifted his head so I could see his deep brown eyes. "Walid, how did you get these?" Walid told the story of how he stood between the enraged stable manager and Habeeba. He was able to protect the animal from all but one of the blows. He said the stable manager was so angry with his intervention that he drug Walid to a post. Then the master bound his hands to the post and whipped his back bloody, then 'took him' several times. Walid slowly turned around and dropped the thobe to his waist exposing a mass of healing wounds.

My eyes watered as I remembered how just a day ago I was ashamed to show my tiny surgical scars. I reached down and pulled the thobe back to his shoulders. I turned him to face me again. Reaching up to his neck I pulled his head down and softly kissed his forehead. "Thank you for protecting my girl."

Omar put his hand on my chest and pushed me gently backward. He too kissed young Walid's forehead adding next time tell him or one of his son's. Omar turned and looked at me saying; "Now young Jono, part of me wishes you had harmed him a bit." As he kissed my forehead, Naser rubbed my back and neck. "Naser please supervise the crew here, and take care of things. I wish to ride back with Jono."

We took the long trail to the main house. Omar thanked me for my assistance with Walid. "It is always best to know the facts in these matters before one acts. Thank you for your wisdom." Riding with Omar was very reminiscent of the rides I took with my father as a child. He was pointing out various features along the trail. Things like; this well was dug by this ancestor, that house was built by his grandfather. About half way to the house the conversation got serious. "Jono, you must know that both of my sons are fond of you." I nodded yes. "I know this is not fair, or a situation of your making but you will soon have to choose one, or it will lead to conflict."

"That has been done sir. Naser is okay with me just being a friend or little brother. The last thing I ever wanted was to do was bring conflict or drama to your home. If you wish, I can remain in Riyadh for the remainder of my assignment. I am so sorry Mr. Hassan."

Omar Hassan laughed, "I will send both of them away, long before you. I saw it coming a long time ago. You did not create it. Innocence is a gift not to be taken, or given, lightly. I know you have an excellent head on your shoulders. I am proud to welcome you to our family. Jono, understand I love all of my children but, you should know Tamam can be selfish, be ready to stand up for yourself. Remember he chose to care for an American boy. Just as you must remember that you chose to care for an Arab man. It is a fine line the two of you have chosen to walk." He rode close to me. "Did you know I was there when you were born?"

My reply was communicated. Either through my shocked expression, or my shaking head. "I saw the pride in your father's eyes as he looked through the nursery ward's glass and pointed out his new young son to me. You were very premature, such a tiny morsel of life, the doctors were not sure if you would live through the night. There was such a spirit in your eyes, I knew you would. You're a fighter you should take great pride in that. I even know the story behind your name Jono." I was surprised Momma didn't even tell Jack how I got my name.

Mr. Hassan continued, "I have one more thing to ask of you; please stop calling me Mr. Hassan, Papa will do nicely. If I had known you were still alive all of those years ago, I would have eagerly sought your adoption. When I learned you were still with us, I sent Naser to look in on you. You were already established in the Ghorbani home. It would have been cruel to uproot your life again."

"Papa Omar. May I ask for something?" He then tousled my hair with his finger, "Can we send Walid to a doctor to see if anything can be done to reduce his scars? Some of those wounds are still fresh. He was injured caring for my girl."

He held up his hand and stopped me, "That is why I left Naser there. It is already underway. You care for so many people before yourself. That is a special gift."

We returned to the trail and to the tour. As we passed a small house he looked at me and said, "That is where my father said I was conceived. It was their first home together. I remember how his eyes burned when he saw her. I saw that fire today when I looked into Tamam's eyes. He burns for you."

After a couple hours on the trail we arrived back at the family compound. Tamam was waiting by the stables he had a very nervous look on his face. No doubt he was concerned with what his father had talked to me about.

Papa Omar dismounted in a fluid motion. Handing the reins over to one of the stable hands.

As my leg swung over Habeeba's back I felt Tamam's hands on the small of my back. So much for my impressive dismount. I felt like a child as he lowered me to the ground. I outstretched my index finger and motioned for him to come closer. I reached up with my hands as if I was going to caress his face. When he got close enough I took my index finger and flicked him painfully, right between the eyes. Hard enough that it made a loud audible thump, and raised red welt. He actually said 'OUCH' as he rubbed his forehead.

"Tamam, if I need help I will ask for it. Please don't do that to me again. I want the rest of the staff to know I can handle a horse."

I could hear Papa Omar chuckling as he walked away. I then grabbed the back of Tam's neck pulling his head down, and I kissed his boo-boo whispering, "Now my beloved, please take me to bed. If you still desire this willful beast."

"Naser was right you look better without the jacket. I heard about what happened with the stable master. You made me very proud. I wish I could have seen you put Habeeba through her paces."

I spat out with great venom, "After seeing what he did to Walid and Habeeba, I wish I had killed the son of a bitch." Tamam had a puzzled look on his face as he looked upon me. Clearly the news of the whipping had not returned to the compound. As we walked towards his private entrance, I quickly brought him up to speed. He was very pissed.

"Again you showed great restraint. We will have to look and see what can be done. You have my word, we will find a way to make this right with Walid."

As he was reaching for the door lever and I put my hand on his chest to stop him. I looked up at his gorgeous face and said, "Tamam, there is something else I need to talk to you about. I know where you went today, and it was to protect me. But this is my body; if someone has done something to it I deserve to know. I was very angry with you for dismissing how crappy I felt this morning, when you knew the truth. I have already forgiven Naser for his error. I beg that you do the same please. We have both agreed last night was a mistake."

His eyes didn't blink even once as I continued, "I am doing this here, because your home should be a place of peace, rest, and love, not conflict. If I have crossed an unforgivable line with you I am sorry. But please try to understand, this shell of flesh is one of the very few things I have a measure of dominion over. I know even that is an illusion. Everything else has been taken away or is in jeopardy."

I dropped my head and continued, "If I have offended you I am sorry. I hope you can forgive me, as I have forgiven you."

Tamam raised my head kissing my forehead. He kissed his way down to my ear. He whispered, "I am sorry my beloved. You are right, I should have told you."

I threw my arms around his neck and jumped into his arms. As he threw open the door, my legs wrapped around his perfect abs. I felt his muscles rippling under his thobe as he carried me toward his bedroom. I had my vest and shirt off and on the floor before we cleared the living-room. I then turned my attention to Tamam. I successfully worked my way down his thobe unfastening all four buttons before we made it to the bed.

Our mouths attacked each other in passion. The battle for dominance was over before it began. I was his completely mind, body, and soul. I could not imagine a universe without being by his side. My legs released their hold on my stallion. I kissed my way down his neck and chest as he lowered me to the floor. My brow furrowed and I bit on my lower lip. Tamam saw the look of frustration on my face and he backed away, "What is wrong my precious boy?"

"How in the HELL do I get you out of this DAMNED thing?" He laughed as he replied. "You have but to ask, my sweet." As he slowly pulled the garment over his head I dropped to the floor before him. As the thobe rose, I loosened then removed each of his sandals, kissing each of his feet in turn. I was kissing my way up the flesh of his inner thigh when his thobe dropped to the floor. Tamam was reaching for the waistband of his white boxers. My hands latched on to his oh so firm ass through the fabric of his boxers.

I turned my head upwards facing his while pressing my right cheek against his left thigh. "Please Tamam, let me do this for you. Let me be of service to your pleasure this time. Walid's wounds showed me how blessed I am that you were my first love and not someone who would violently steal my virginity." His right hand caressed the left side of my face.

He smiled and replied, "Jono, it is I who was blessed to find you."

I returned to nuzzling and kissing my mountain of a man pausing only to mouth each of his plum sized balls through the fabric of his shorts. My hands slid up the back of his muscular thighs and into the leg holes of his underwear. Each arm now rested from each of his magnificent ass cheeks. He was groaning as my mouth gently traced the massive hunk of meat that was beginning to rapidly swell within its fabric prison. My teeth latched on to the only piece of cloth covering my man. Using only my teeth and body weight I pulled the offending garment down.

Once the waistband popped over his firm bottom the fabric went slack, and his thick prime beef tumbled out onto my nose and forehead with a loud wet slap. My hands swiftly tugged the fabric passed his knees and gravity dropped them to the floor. My man was totally exposed before me, as the heels of my riding boots made contact with my butt. I patted the edge of the bed in hopes of encouraging him to sit. He didn't need much encouragement.

Still in my tight riding clothes from waist down must have been a hot sight for him, because he was rock hard even without any real effort on my part. I smoothly slid between his legs, kissing and nibbling the flesh of his inner thigh. My nose rested a moment under Tamam's scrotum and I inhaled deeply his musky scent. I then tipped my head back, flicking my tongue along his furry sack between his balls. I gave both fuzzy orbs a peck and sucked each gently into my mouth one at a time.

I turned my head slightly to the right and mouthed the base of his shaft. Slowly, I worked my way up his shaft. Loads of clear salty sweet precum flowed down his shaft and met my mouth half way up. Now I added new steps to pleasuring my man's cock; lick, suck, and then swallow. My man must be kept clean. At last I had made it to the tip of his spear. I deftly ran my tongue around his bulbous head. Making a tight "o" with my lips I plunged downward on his waiting rod of iron. I heard a loud groan of pleasure from Tamam as his hands rested on the back of my head. He did not force my head further, his hands just rested there.

After ten minutes or so I had Tamam's eleven inches of wrist thick meat engulfed in my throat. I felt it twitch as he begged me to stop. I was tempted to disobey him but he was Tamam "perfection," I could no sooner disobey him than I could exist without oxygen. As my lips cleared his still throbbing shaft, my lower lip went into full pout mode. I looked up his body to his beautiful face. Resting my chin on his thigh I asked, "Was I doing it wrong? If my technique is wrong, please tell me so that I may fix it."

He pulled his hand from the back of my head and stroked my cheek tenderly. "Jono, I do not want our passion over too soon. I am grateful you desire to please me, but I wish to give you pleasure as well." With that he tenderly pulled me to my feet. "How may I bring my sweet boy pleasure?" He motioned for me to stand.

As he began tugging at my waistband, I put my hands on top of his and pulled my lower lip between my teeth. "Is this a request Jono?" I nodded. He cradled my chin between his thumb and fist. Then he used his index finger to part my jaw releasing my lip. "That is so adorable, but it is impossible for you to answer me, let alone ask me for anything, when you are biting your lip like that."

I swallowed hard, "Tamam, I am so tiny, and your bed is so high, it inspired a fantasy. I have been thinking about all day long." Tamam's eyebrow arched encouraging me to continue. I slowly undid the top snap of my boots and slid down the zipper so that I could step out of them. I attempted to perform a slow seductive striptease of the remainder of my clothes. It was apparent that my attempt to please Tamam worked. He started to stand and walk towards me.

I held up a finger to stop him and pointed back to the bed and asked him to sit. Simply put, I wasn't done showing off. One of the things I loved about his bedroom was all the space. I figured there was enough space where I was standing to the edge of the bed to do a slow double front walkover ending up next to him on the bed. I looked at him and said, "Patience my giant. I will be with you in a moment..." and began my walkovers.

There was a gasp from him as he was concerned I would fall. If he had interrupted, I would have. I was grateful he restrained himself. I used a sideways aerial cartwheel to end up on the bed with my head away from him. Tamam applauded my effort. I was on my side and I bent my legs 90 degrees, so my ass was right on the edge of the firm mattress. I extended my right arm and gave the international come hither gesture with my index finger.

As he approached me, I raised my right leg and draped it across his shoulder and my right hand rested on the small of his back. "Tamam, if it pleases you, please take me like this."

"You have given me so many pleasant surprises. You have asked for so little." He grabbed my right thigh with his left hand as he softly kissed my right ankle. I so wanted him to know my body was his to command, and was capable of providing him exotic methods of pleasure.

He reached down with his right hand and gave his python of firm shake ensuring he was fully developed. He slowly leaned into me and buried his fleshy sword in my anal scabbard. The feeling was remarkable as he buried his member to the hilt. He remained fully entrenched until a look of relief spread across my face. I was perspiring from my effort as he continued deep dicking me. Standing by the edge of the bed, piston driving his thick, long, hard cock in and out of my ass. He was slowly pulling it almost all the way out, only to slam it back in.

I was not laying there idle, my hips were rolling to meet his every thrust. On what I thought was his final thrust he plunged all the way in and slowly rolled me on my back and lifted my left leg to his other shoulder. His hands slid behind my back and came to rest on my shoulder blades. He kissed me full on the lips and continued kissing along my jaw line to my ear. Tamam sucked and nibbled on my ear lobe before whispering, "You have shown me your skill and flexibility. Now allow me to show you my strength. Slide your legs down my arms so that they lock in my elbows."

No sooner had I complied when he lifted me off the bed still impaled on his member. As he carried me across the room to the far wall. He would occasionally bounce my ass up and down on his long fat cock. I was not ready for the incredible power of the sensation. My back arched to the point where I almost fell from his arms. He maintained control with the incredible strength of his massive upper body pulling me back into his chest. "Easy tiny one..." I was trembling with all the stimulation.

At long last we reached the far wall. I didn't realize at first he was using the wall for my safety. He started using my body is a curling bar. I was his living weight set. As he flexed his arms up and down, he was raising and lowering my ass along his magnificent prick. I was biting my lower lip as my back arched so my shoulder blades could rest against the wall. My mind was screaming just a little leverage, so I could help my man reach his climax. Since a full climax was beyond my ability at least I could help him to have one.

Tamam began pounding my ass like a man possessed. I could tell he was close. I felt his seed filling my bottom. I was ready for yet another emasculating dry orgasm when suddenly, fluid sprayed from my cock, up my chest and over my shoulder against the wall. It took a moment to realize my man had given me my first real orgasm... I collapsed into his chest praising and thanking him for his wonderful gift. His cock slid from my ass accompanied with a wet "ploop" sound. I could hear his seed hitting the marble tile floor as he gently set my feet down. I couldn't stand on my own; it was as if my legs turned to rubber. I was gasping as my arms encircled my giant. "Easy sweet boy, your strength will return shortly. Just lean on me for as long as you have to."

"Forever should be just about long enough Tamam." I replied. I was walking like a newborn foal as he guided me to the shower. Slowly my legs return to normal function. My love was kissing me so tenderly. I asked him a question as he ran his soapy hands and wash cloth over my body. "Tamam, why are you so interested in me? Surely there must be a woman who would desire you as a mate. I know that is what your father would prefer."

He chuckled, "My older brothers have provided many sons and daughters to bless our family. My father knows though his youngest sons are Muslim, we are not a particularly good Muslims. We like the occasional smoke, enjoy alcohol, and very much enjoy the pleasure of men. Simply put, for myself, I do not see the appeal of a woman. Yes, it is true if I desired a wife, one would be procured for me. Add to all that, my father adores you. He does not believe either Naser or I are worthy of you."

I laughed. After all he is perfection I'm just the parts that are left over. Life is funny, just a couple of weeks ago I didn't want to come on this TDY. Now I can't imagine returning to Germany in five months. "What is wrong Jono? You look deep in troubled thought."

"It's just I only have five more months remaining in this TDY. There is a chance that command MAY extend it to eleven months but that is unlikely at my rank. I just don't know what I'm going to do when I have to return to Germany."

"I could always kidnap you and trap you in the house." He smiled wryly. "Perhaps you could resign and leave the Air Force."

"Tam, one cannot kidnap the willing. As to the second, it doesn't work that way in our service. Officers can resign their commission; enlisted people are locked in a contract. I have almost three years left on mine. Because of my security clearance, If I chose to leave the Air Force, and did not take employment with a civilian contractor, I would not be allowed to leave the United States for a period of two years."

"The problem is five months away. For now let us live in this perfect moment." Once again I found, how can I argue with his logic? He was perfect. We finished our shower and took a quick nap together on the bed. I fell asleep playing with his chest fur.


Authors note: Some of the Journey is true. Some is based on true events. Some based on true but embellished events. Some falls into the category of PF (pure fiction).

The character Jono is built on my physical template. The physical template for the character Tam, was built on my lover of thirty years Aza (OZ). I tried to capture his spirit and wrap it in "Tam's" skin.

Next: Chapter 5

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