
Published on Oct 17, 1998



Jordanna (f/f) by Archetypal Ophelia _____________________

Christina pulled the brush through her long reddish brown hair. She was getting ready to go over to Jordanna's place, they were having a little get together over there. Her hazel eyes turned to a golden brown as she pulled a tight black tee over her head. She twisted her hair up into a knot at the back of her head, put a touch of lip gloss on and was ready to go. She waited till she heard the honk at her door and peeked out to see Bryce's marroon compact pulled up out front. She grabbed her purse and jumped in the passenger seat next to the blonde.

Bryce was Jo's boyfriend of the past year. Kind of short, scruffy and teddy-bear cute, he was an odd match for Jordanna. He had a grown out buzz cut on his sun-blonde hair, a goatee that was usually accompained by a shadow on his jawline and sun lines around his blue eyes. The twenty six year old had a six year old daughter that lived with him and Jo for part of the year. But he was good to her, which was all that mattered to Christina. Chris was Jordanna's best friend since they were 6. Through thick and thin, punk boyfriends and psychotic stalkers, absent parents and their drug stage, they'd stuck together. They made a point to spend at least one day a week in each other's company, whether it be just watching tv or going shopping, whatever.

As the car drove along down the street towards Jeff's house, the two chatted idly about this and that. Bryce commented that they had to pick up Jeff and Jonathan before going home. The two young men piled into the backseat of the compact car and off the drove. They stopped at the liquor store and Bryce picked up two twelve packs then they headed to his house for the barbeque.

When they walked up to the door they found that Jo and Tanya were already out on the porch starting the steaks.

"Hey Jo! Gotta smoke?" Christina said.

"The first words outta your mouth? Not even a 'hi, how are ya?' Just 'you gotta smoke?'. Damn..whatta sweetheart.." Christina flopped down into a chair on the porch and lit the cigarette Jordanna handed her.

"Oh shut up, you know I love ya....if it makes you feel any better, here: Hiya Jo, how're you doin' t'nite?" Jordanna huffed in mock hurt and pulled on her black bikini top in a gesture of annoyance.

"Just fine thank you." She couldn't keep up the joke and dissolved in giggles a second later.

Christina sat in her chair and surveyed her companions. There was Jonathan, tall and dark with bright green eyes. He had been a friend of Jo's since the night she slept with him when she was between boyfriends. He thought he was a skater punk and dressed accordingly, huge wide leg jeans, baggy t-shirt.

Next her eyes fell on Tanya. Blonde and slightly more rounded than her friends, she was 18 and still carried her baby fat. It didn't look bad on her, gave her a voluptuous look to go with her shoulder length blonde hair, blue eyes, and killer smile. Tanya had been dating Jeff for a few months now, and he stood beside her, the next in Christina's vision. He was a Jonathan wannabe, basically. Dressed like him, talked like him and acted like him. The only difference was that Jeff was a little more sincere and he also didn't look like Jonathan at all. Jeff was about the same height as Bryce, 5'9" or so, with dark blonde hair and hazel eyes. Chlristina's eyes scanned past Bryce who was messing with the meat in the barbeque, to settle on Jordanna.

Jo was hot and she knew it. Chris had watched countless times as Jo got dressed in clothes that clearly showed off her body, walked with a provacative swing to her hips and stared men down with heated dark eyes. Today she was in ultra tight, short jean shorts and a black bikini top and noticed everyone who walked by checking her out. She tossed her head, letting her black shoulder length hair fall past her shoulders, then laughed as some guy stumbled while walking by.

Jonathan noticed Chris watching Jo and was curious, but he brushed it off.

"Haha....I've had a piece of that ass you're watching so close, Chris." he started laughing. Christina blushed, than got up and walked in the house with a flick of her wrist in Jonathan's direction, a signal that she wouldn't even honor that with an answer. Once inside she sat down at the table and pondered what exactly that got her upset for. It was just Jonathan being Jonathan. He was always like that. So why'd it bother her this time? He'd gone so far as to imply that her and Jo were sleeping together once, and it bothers her this time that she was innocently watching her friend? She shook her head to clear her thoughts and lit a cigarette.

Jo walked in a moment later and sat down next to her, taking the cigarette. She pulled slowly on it, making the tip burn brightly and regarded Christina through narrowed eyes against the smoke.

"So you were watching my ass, huh Chris? Should i stop dressing in front of you?" she asked with a smile. "You turnin' lesbian on me, might jump me in my sleep one'a these nights." The pair found themselves laughing in spite of it, and were soon joined by the rest of the crew in the apartment.

Each of the guys grabbed a beer and sat down in front of the tv, while Tanya joined Christina and Jo at the kitchen table with wine coolers chatting about nothing in particular.

The night dragged on in a slow blur of light alcohol, cigarette smoke and laughter filled conversation. Around 1:30 when they were all at least buzzed on the alcohol, the boys slightly more drunk, they all collapsed in the living room in various positions of lazy nonchalance. Bryce sprawled on the couch with Jordanna laying across his lap, Christina on the other side of the couch with Jo's feet on her lap and the other three in piled somewhat atop each other on the floor, they were discussing what to do now.

"I got it.." slurred Jonathan. "let's have an orgy!" he laughed a deep belly laugh at his own joke before getting punched and slapped by the two sitting next to him. A pillow flew through the air and hit him in the head and upon a second look he found it to be from Bryce.

"How about Truth Or Dare?" Tanya asked. "Y'know...go around the room, asking truth or dare....and then....then like.....truth-ing or dare-ing." They all looked around at each other and started laughing at Tanya's somewhat drunken speech, then found her idea to be an acceptable one.

"So who starts?" Bryce said, breaking the semi-silence of murmurs.

"I wanna start!" Jo gushed. "Hmmmm...lemme think...let's pick on Jonathan! Truth or dare, Jonny boy?" Jonathan thought for a short moment.

"Truth of course." he said wth a smile, his emerald green eyes dancing.

"Where's the most outrageous place you've ever had sex?" Jonathan tossed his dark head back and laughed.

"Hmm...outrageous, huh? I'd say that'd be the time i did it on a roller coaster ride. It wasn't sex, but it was mutual hand jobs. How's that?"

"Sounds good to me!" Bryce and Jeff both started laughing as they said the same thing. It continued on with simple stupid stuff like that for a while.

Around a half an hour later, they got into the dares. Things like go outside and pull down your pants, dial up a relative and breathe into the phone suggestively ..stupid things. Then it was Bryce's turn. He scanned the room of buzzed young people and settled on his lover Jordanna. A smile crossed his lips as she picked dare.

"Hehhehe....Jo, my love, I dare you to lean over to your good friend Christina there and give her a deep tongue kiss." He smiled at his own cleverness, it had been a fantasy of his for a long time to see his lover and her friend get it on. "It has to last at least a full minute, and we'll time you." Jo's face held a bewildered look. She'd done a lot of shit in her sexually active life, kissing girls (let alone her closest friend) was NOT on the list. The girls eyed each other warily, then decided to just make the best of it. They re-situated on the couch so that they were sitting next to each other, then laughed when they didn't know how to start. All eyes were on them and they were acting like a couple of embarssed school girls. They looked at each other for a moment, then laughed again and leaned in closer.

Their lips met in a tentative kiss, devoid of any passion or tongue and held that position until Bryce reminded them that the time didn't start till the tongue did. Jo opened her mouth slightly and touched Christina's lips with the tip of her tongue. They parted for her and ever so slowly she slid her tongue between them, meeting Christina's with a slight shock. Chris smiled inwardly as in the back of her mind she noticed Jo's tongue and lip rings moving against her mouth. After the initial touch, they grew more ardent in thier pursuit, tilting their heads for better access and finding that they couldn't get enough of each other's taste. Their arms found their way around each other and they kissed with passion and urgency, as if making up for lost time. Before either of them realized it, Bryce was saying "time...." and they broke apart, both breathing hard and their cheeks flushed. He was smiling as he recognized the signs of his girlfriend and her friend's arousal, they enjoyed it...a LOT. And he could tell. He wondered if now was a good time to ask for the threesome. He shook off the idea and went back to the game.

The girls were kind of shaken up but they tried to clear their minds and continue with the game. Everyone decided no one could top that kiss and that they were tired anyways. It was about two thirty now and everyone was buzzed and ready for bed. Tanya and Jeff retired to the back room together, closing the door behind them. Bryce said g'nite and headed into his and Jo's room, flopping over on the bed and snoring within moments. Jonathan watched the two girls for a moment, thinking about what he was gonna miss, then said "whatever" under his breath and took the middle bedroom which belonged to Abby, Bryce's daughter, when she stayed with them. That left Jordanna and Christina to do whatever.

They grabbed a pillow and cuddled up on the couch to watch tv like they always had. Only this time, their sense had been awakened to each other, and they noticed every touch, every brush of a hand. Christina found that she couldn't keep her eyes on the tv screen, she kept turning her attention to her friend.

She sighed, then kicked her shoes off and sat up to let her long hair down, it hung down to her ass when fully brushed out. Before she knew what she was doing, Jo moved behind Christina and started running her hands through Christina's hair. After a few minutes she allowed her hands to move to Chris' shoulders, massaging lightly before sliding down then back up her back. Chris laid down on the couch and Jo sat down beside her and began to give her a backrub.

"Mmmm..." Christina purred. "Very nice, thank you." she whispered. Jordanna laughed softly then slid her fingers underneath Chris' bra strap in back.

"Why don't you get rid of this for me, huh? Make my job easier." Christina sat up on the edge of the couch and while she removed her bra, Jo slipped behind her, one leg on either side of her body and began massaging again. She worked over Chris' shoulders, then slowly down her arms. She moved her hands back up her arms and then slowly down her back, roving over her ribcage. She scooted closer to Christina, running her hands up over her ribcage, and brushing the undersides of her breasts. Chris leaned back against her friend's body and allowed for easier access. Jordanna took the silent permission with glee. She slowly covered Christina's breasts with her hands, kneading softly. A quiet whimper told her that her efforts were paying off. Jo slipped her hands down to the hem of the black tee that Chlris wore, slipping her hands up underneath.

The feel of her friend's smooth, heated skin was like heaven. Her hands slid up the flat abdomen, reveling in the jump she felt in the muscles there before finding Chris' breasts again. She cupped them in her hands from behind, then ran her thumbs across Christina's nipples, causing an instant hardening of the flesh accompanied by a moan.

Christina's hands were tangled in Jo's hair behind her, clenching and unclenching as waves of sensation passed over her. She couldn't believe what the two of them were doing, all she knew was GOD she wanted it. She dropped her hands to the hem of her shirt and lifted it over her head, exposing her honey golden skin to the air. Jo dropped a few kisses at the back of her neck before shifting her body so that she was sitting next to Christina, facing her, with one leg still behind her. Their mouths met for the second time that night, this time there was no tentativeness. They met open and waiting for each other.

They kissed madly, tongues rubbing against each other in each other's mouths and hands roaming. Christina's hands went to the tie of Jo's bikini top and untied it, letting it fall to her lap leaving her topless. She kissed Jo's neck and collarbone, then her chest then between her breasts. She looked up into Jordanna's face before sliding her tongue across one of Jo's nipples. While she kissed and licked on one, her hand played with Jo's other breast. Kneading and massaging, taking the nipple between her fingers and squeezing lightly. Jordanna fell back against the couch, bringing her friend with her until she was laying down with Christina leaning over her, her mouth still attached to Jo's breast. Her hair hung down on either side of them, making a curtain almost and Jo ran her fingers through it, loving the silky feel of it. Chris moved back up to Jordanna's mouth and they kissed hungrily.

"Let's lose these..." Jo whispered while fiddling with the snap on Christina's cut-off jean shorts. In a moment they were gone, leaving a black pair of bikini panties. Jo's fingers went to Chris' stomach, slowly sliding down over the panties until she reached between her legs. She lightly ran her fingers back and forth causing Christina to whimper slightly in frustration and push her hips down, trying to find more of the contact. Jo leaned up and kissed her, then moved her mouth down a bit, beginning to suckle on Christina's breast. Her tongue played across the nipple, while her teeth nipped at it gently. Chris braced herself on all fours over Jordanna's body, her arms on either side of Jo's head. Her hips started to move back and forth in a pattern, following Jo's strokes between her legs. When it wasn't enough anymore she whispered "please...Jo, please touch me.." and sat back to remove her underwear. When they were gone, she took Jordanna's hand in her own and with their eyes locked, guided it back between her legs. Her eyes involuntarily closed in pleasure as Jo began to caress her. Jo slid one finger inside her and she bit her lip while moving her hips slowly against the other girl's hand. Within minutes she was pumping fast, moaning lowly. Jo slid another finger in alongside the first, and used her thumb to rub gently around Christina's clit, causing Chris to groan loud and long. They increased the pace until Jordanna felt Christina's insides clenching on her fingers. She slowly withdrew them as Chris laid down on top of her friend, resting her head on Jordanna's chest while she waited for her breathing to return to normal. In a moment of curiousity, Jo brought her fingers to her lips. Just as Christina looked up she reached out her tongue and tasted Chris on her fingers. Her eyes locked on her friend's with a heat Christina had seen aimed at men before, it gave her a thrill to think that it was for her this time. Jordanna slowly sucked her fingers into her mouth and cleaned them.

Chris raised up off of Jordanna's body and moved down, kissing Jo's breasts and belly as she went. When she reached the jeans she met Jo's eyes and began to remove them. With Jordanna's help they and her panties were gone and Chris situated herself between Jo's raised knees. She lightly touched her tongue to Jo's heated flesh, drawing a shiver. She slid her tongue in as far as she could, then pulled it back and started licking. When she licked across Jo's clit, Jordanna's hips jerked. Soon she was sucking on it while moving two fingers in and out. Within moments Jo came with a loud moan. Christina moved back up Jordanna's body, placing a soft kiss on her friend's mouth.

They snuggled together for a while, then Jo got up and got a blanket from the closet and covered the two new lovers and old best friends up. She thought with a giggle about Bryce's reaction in the morning when he woke up to the friends naked and cuddled together on the couch. He'd probably have an instant hard on and wake them up to do it again with him watching. She looked at Christina who was asleep already, she looked so peaceful. She sighed and kissed her friend's cheek before settling in to sleep. She wasn't sure where this was going, but for now, she just wanted to sleep.

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