Jordans Dare

Published on Dec 2, 2022


Jordan's Dare - Chapter 01

Jordan’s Dare

© 2021


Jonathan Longhorn

Copyright © 2021 by Jonathan Longhorn (jonathan_longhorn at yahoo dot com). All rights reserved. Except for the use of less than two pages in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means is forbidden without the express written permission of the author. Express permission is granted to The Nifty Erotic Stories Archive for storage, indexing, retrieval, and display of this work.

Disclaimer: The material in this work is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content and language. It is intended only for those aged 18 and older. All of the characters in this work are assumed to be at least 18 years of age.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and settings are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, names, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. In the real world having sex without using a condom can be very dangerous to your health. Don’t ruin your life or your future. Slip it on before you slide it in.

All trademarks used in this work are the sole property of their owners and have been used without permission or endorsement

Chapter 1

Jordan Pearson stared at his three friends. Lifelong best friends. So far anyway; he was unsure they would still be alive come sunrise. He sipped at his beer and snatched a chip from the bowl and dipped it into the salsa.

How sad is this? The four of us sitting here. Twenty-five-year-old eligible bachelor HAF stud muffins. Two Firefighters. Two EMTs. Going into a three-day weekend. And our pathetic personal lives are forcing us to resort to … this?

“I think I’m drunk,” Jordan said with a dull tone. “The combo of beer and tequila shots is kicking my ass tonight.”

“That’s the whole point,” Ty Hutchinson answered as he poured another shot in his friend’s empty glass. “You’ve been bitch ditched. She totally conned you and then she took flight on you.”

“Yeah, man,” Cameron Bachman interjected. “She totally scammed you, dude. She used you and got what she was after and then she disappeared on you without any explanation. You saw the charges on your card. They’re halfway across the country in a place you have never been. You ‘know’ it was her.”

Miles Thompson nodded as he watched their buddy down another round of tequila. He felt for Jordan. He was such a sweet, gorgeous guy. Always in control. Always on top of things. Jordan always took the lead role. What ‘she’ had done to him was dirty indeed. Criminal in fact. But he hadn’t been persuaded to go to the cops. Not yet anyway. Miles held out hope that he…they…could swing him in the other direction. His brother being a cop, they already had an ‘in’ with the local law enforcement guys. He really hoped that they could sway Jordan to go there. He needed to exact ‘safe’ ‘legal’ recourse for what she had done to him. He was hurting.

“We don’t go back on shift for nearly four days. We’re gonna be right here with you the entire time so you can get shit-faced and drown it out for a while.”

Jordan looked up at Miles and nodded. Yeah, shit-faced might work. At least for a while. She deserved whatever happened to her if he did finally go to the cops. The three of them had friends in the sheriff’s department—including Miles’ brother. Any of them would jump to help Jordan.

“Thanks, man.” Jordan gazed down into the empty shot glass like it was a crystal ball. He wasn’t even sure at this point what he was looking for but whatever it was, it was not coming into focus there in the glass. “I think I’m going to give up women for a while. It isn’t worth the….”

“Nothing wrong with taking a break, Jordan,” Ty advised. “Just pull back and regroup and let it get out of your system for a while.”

“Yeah,” Jordan said wistfully. He let out a snort.

“What’s the snort,” Cameron asked.

“I guess I’m not too old to just beat off and not get action any other way.”

Chuckles all around.

The guys were unsure if they were laughing at the idea of Jordan Pearson beating off or at the idea of him not ‘getting any’ at all. They all wondered how long that would last. Single, married, divorced…nearly every woman within hundred fifty miles would jump at the opportunity to hook up with the prince of emergency services. Hell—he had even hooked up with an exceptionally hot older woman who ‘wore him out’ one night only to find out the next day that she was the mother of the bride in the wedding in which he was serving as one of the groomsmen.

“You’re never too old to beat off, Jordan. I get laid and blown regularly and I still beat off more times than I should admit.” Ty grinned when he saw the nods from Cameron and Miles. Apparently, they did as well. “Like I said, pull back for a while and regroup. Get it out of your system. Nothing wrong with you just beating your little….”

Jordan’s head snapped up. He felt his face flush.

“If you say ‘boyclit’ I’ll kick your ass right here, right now. Witnesses or not. I do not have a…. Maybe it isn’t…. Okay, I know it doesn’t measure up to what you guys are packing between your legs but it’s more than adequate to get the job done,” Jordan announced defensively. He looked accusingly at his best of the best of his friends. Cameron was fighting to control a laugh through his toothy grin.

“Actually,” Ty said when he could finally get a word in edgewise. “Actually, I was going to say your little fireman.”

“Yeah. Right. Sure you were, Hutchinson. I’ve heard you guys and some of the others talking about it. I’ve heard you guys refer to it as my boyclit.”

“Hey, I’ve never said anything about your itsy bitsy teenie weenie little boyclit, Jordy. Not once,” Cameron said—holding his hands up to shield himself from the daggers spitting out of his friend’s eyes.

“Whatever,” Jordan groused. “Maybe I should pull back from three asshole best friends for a while as well. Maybe I’ll just beat my ‘little boyclit’ in the privacy of my bedroom or shower and to hell with the three of you. To hell with everyone. Thanks for that support by the way,” he said with a glare toward Cameron. “Really appreciate you having my back, ‘buddy’.”

“Any time, Jordy,” Cameron said with a roll of his eyes. Geez this was a pity party—table for one. “Relax, man. Chill. We’ll find ways to keep you occupied and you won’t have to worry about getting laid,” Cameron said. He was still fighting the grin. “Or ‘not’.”

Everyone fell silent for several long moments and then Miles’ eyes lit up. The twinkling caught Ty’s attention.

“What?” Ty grinned mischievously. “Spill it.”

“If there was a way that I could donate a few inches to you, Jordan, I would gladly give up some of what I have,” Miles said with a definitive tone of sincerity. “I would still have plenty for my own needs.”

“Thanks, Miles. That just shot you up to the top of my best friend list,” Jordan said with an appreciative smile. He shot another glare in Cameron’s direction. “At least someone has my back.”

Cameron’s mouth opened and then snapped shut. He swallowed the retort before it had a chance to come out into the open.

“I know how we can take Jordan’s mind off of things for a while,” Miles said as he looked from one to the other of his three friends.

“Okay. And are you going to share that idea with us,” Ty asked.

“Let’s play Truth or Dare,” Miles said with almost childlike innocence.

Jordan grimaced.

“Let’s play…‘what’?”

“Yeah, that’s a cool idea,” Cameron said with a nod. “When’s the last time we played Truth or Dare?”

“Um, middle school,” Jordan said with a snort. “That’s a game for middle school kids. Maybe 9th grade.”

“Perfect. So, let’s play. It’ll help take your mind off what’s going on and what she did to you for a little while,” Cameron said.


“It’ll be fun,” Ty claimed.


“Come on…,” Cameron chimed in.

“What—did we teleport back to middle school?”

“I’m game,” Miles said with a thumb up before grabbing chips and dipping salsa onto his plate.

“Of course you’re game, Miles,” Ty teased. “It was your idea.”

“Well, yeah. But still….”

“Me too. I’m game. Count me in,” Cameron said. He shoved a gooey glob of nacho with all the fixin’s into his mouth. “It’ll be a change of pace.”

“So, you in or not?” Ty’s question was tinged with challenge.

“Um, it’s just us guys….” Jordan doubted that fact would sway them against going with this lame game but he thought it prudent to point out the fact that there were no girls present.

Not that it really mattered. He and Ali had broken up twenty-one days ago; not that he was counting or anything. All because she didn’t understand why he was pissed off when he walked into the apartment—‘his’ apartment, mind you—and found her in ‘the act’ with a guy she worked with. Adding insult to misery, in their heated debate afterward he found out that she had been sleeping with the guy for months.


“So…,” Jordan said with a sweeping gesture of the room. “There aren’t any ladies here,” Jordan laid it out like he was talking to second graders. “It’s … just … us … guys.”

“Dude, it’ll be fun,” Ty said.

“Fun. Yeah. Right. Fun,” Jordan said with an eye roll before taking another swig from his bottle after downing another shot of tequila. He didn’t even remember anyone refilling his shot glass.

“Come…on…already,” Cameron said with a huff.

Jordan shook his head. Really? The guys wanted to play Truth or Dare? Just … the … four … of them? Alone? No girls in sight? Not that he really wanted anything to do with a girl right now after getting ‘bitch ditched’.

“This is ‘so’ lame.”

“It’ll be fun,” Cameron tried to reason.

“Yeah, it’ll be fun. ‘Different’. Come on, say yes,” Miles urged. “Grow a pair and jump in.”

Grow a pair? This coming from the little bulldog amongst them. ‘Little’ as in height. Not so little in other areas. Miles was known amongst those who had showered with him over the years to be exceptionally well hung with balls that could be used to ‘clap’ the bells at the local cathedral.

Jordan sighed as he looked around the table. He wasn’t going to win this; he could tell already that he didn’t have a chance. And those expectant puppy dog looks just made it harder to resist.

“My best friends are morons.”

“Well, they aren’t here. It’s just the three of us…. Hey…wait,” Miles said with a bewildered look. “We ‘are’ your best friends. Aren’t we? Or do you have more friends that we don’t know about?”

Jordan’s head continued to shake slowly as he considered that comment.

Best friends can be changed….

“Just save us all the misery and say yes already,” Ty said with a roll of his eyes as he raked the fingers of his left hand through his hair. “You know you’re gonna say ‘yes’ eventually. Sooner you agree, sooner we get the ball rolling.”

Jordan sighed. Unless he just up and walked out, he wasn’t gonna win this.

Coulda stayed at my new place and checked out Netflix, Hulu, YouTube … Pornhub….

He threw up his hands in defeat.

“Yeah. Yeah. Yeah,” Jordan said. He swigged at his bottle again. “Okay, fine.”


“Yeah,” Jordan sighed.



“You’re in?”

“Hell if I know why, but…yeah.”

“Say it.”

“Oh come on.” Exasperation was rearing its ugly head. “Seriously?”

“Say it.”

“Come on,” Ty said as he balled up a napkin and threw it across the kitchen island. He grinned inwardly as it bounced off Jordan’s nose. Score! “Say it.”

“Fuck you. All 3 of you.”

“As if,” Cameron snorted. “Say it.”

“Fine. Okay. Okay. I’m…in,” Jordan said with an exaggerated sigh followed by a barely audible—he hoped—mumble. “God help me.”




High fives were exchanged all around—except for Jordan.

“So…. Who goes first?” Miles asked excitedly.

“Here, spin this empty bottle. Whoever it points to goes first,” Ty said as he lay the bottle on the island between them.

“Seriously? Spin the Bottle ‘and’ Truth or….”

“You said you were in,” Ty reminded Jordan. “We certainly can’t flip a coin; there are four of us. A coin only has two….”

“Yeah. Yeah. Just spin it already.” Jordan grumbled deeply. “Spin the Bottle ‘and’ Truth or Fucking Dare…and…no girls in sight. Is this what my life has come to?”

“Your life is fine, Jordan,” Miles said. “We’ve got your back.”

Cute sentiment from a cute little bulldog of a guy. If he wasn’t on the other side of the island I’d give him a scratch behind his ears.

Ty held the bottle steady on its side and nodded to Jordan.

Lucky him. Jordan was elected to get the game underway. He reached out and sent the empty bottle spinning at the center of the island.

“Why do I have a bad feeling abou….”

The bottle began slowing, wobbling…slowing….

“… that I protested too friggin’ much….”

“It’s you, Ty. It’s pointing at you. You go first,” Miles said. He rubbed his hands in anticipation. “This is gonna be great!”

Everyone looked at him. He was as excited about the prospect of playing this game as a kid in a candy store. Or an amusement park. Or….

“Pick me and die, Hutchinson.”

“It’s just a game, Jordy,” Cameron said with a smirk.

Jordan glared at his closest friend. Cam was the only person on the planet who got away with calling him ‘Jordy’. Not even his mother or little brothers had ever attempted that.

Ty looked around the island. He studied each of his three friends and rubbed his chin in concentration.

“Okay,” he said finally. His gaze settled on their grouse puppy. “Jordan.”

Fucking game. This is going to go south real fast. I can feel it.

“You better hope that your Will is updated because you’re so gonna die,” Jordan warned through clenched teeth.

“Since you’re giving me such a hard time….” Ty smirked.

“Figures. You’re so gonna go through a horrible, miserable, painful death,” Jordan bitched.

“Mmm ‘k, Jordan,” Ty grinned. “Truth or Dare?”

Sigh. Double sigh. Triple even. Jordan would make Ty—all three of them for that matter—pay for this.

So lame. No girls. Middle School 203 for Post-College Guys.

“Fine. Let’s get this over with…. Um, Truth.”

“Pussy,” Ty said with a sarcastic grin.

“Wuss,” Cameron said.

“No. No. It’s cool, guys. He can go with either truth ‘or’ dare. That’s the way the game works,” Miles sniggered.

“Thank you for pointing that out, Miles,” Jordan grumbled.

“Yeah, we know,” Cameron said whispering into his tee shirt. “Pussy.” They all chuckled. Well, except for Jordan. He was shooting eye daggers all around. “We know the rules. Just do it. Give him a hard one. Nail the pussy to the bar stool with a crusher ‘Truth’,” Cameron prompted. “Nail him.”

“Yeah, man. Nail him,” Miles chimed in with a grin.

Jordan stared him down.

“Careful little man. I could squash you like a beetle,” Jordan said defiantly. “No offense intended.”

“None taken,” Miles said. “I may be lacking in height compared to your 6’1 1/2” but I more than make up for it in other ways.”


Jordan was unsure he should pursue that for fear of the answer. Miles was probably referring to his exuberance for life. Yeah, that had to be it. He quickly drained the contents of … what was it … his third beer already? Plus there had been those shots. It would take a lot more alcohol to get him through the night, he was sure of it.

Ty took several moments to think. Finally, the corner of his mouth twitched. The twitch widened. Widened. And then it burst into a full blown….

“Okay, Jordan. Here it is. Truth—give us ONE thing, buried deep down inside your psyche that you’ve never told ‘anyone’. Not me. Not Cameron. Not Miles. Not any one of us here or anyone else … ‘anywhere’. Something you would barely be able to admit to yourself. Something you’ve never even told Woofus over there,” Ty said with a gesture toward the rust-colored Irish Setter laying on the floor across the room. “Something deeply personal. Deeply private. Something that will make our heads spin and our jaws drop.”

The dog lifted his head on hearing his name. He wagged his tail and woofed softly.

“Hey, that isn’t fair,” Jordan complained. He swigged at his bottle—still empty—and glanced at the dog. He and Woofus sometimes had very long conversations. One-sided, he had to admit but Woofus was a very good listener. “I tell Woofus everything.”

The dog woofed out in agreement.

“Come on, Jordan. Answer up. And remember—if it’s not the truth and not deep from inside, you have to face a consequence,” Cameron said as he tried to steer them back to the game and the dare on the table. He poured a double shot of tequila into the glass in front of Jordan, making it a point not to refill the rest of their glasses.

“Yeah, what could be worse than this stupid game at our age? Kiss a dog? Been there, done that,” Jordan grumbled.

“Answer up, dude,” Ty said.

“Gotcha on the touché factor with that. Nail me to the bar stool, huh boys. Try this on for size,” Jordan said with a challenge of his own. Without noticing that his was the only glass refilled, he picked it up and drained the tequila in one fell swoop. No sooner had he slammed the glass down on the island than Cameron was already refilling it.

Okay. You guys want a deep dark secret? I’ll see your ‘nail’ and raise you ‘jaws bouncing off the table’. I’ll come up with something you’d never dream in a million years would come out of my mouth.

Silence. Eerie, expectant silence. A siren could be heard off in the distance. Maybe it was an emergency crew on its way to extricate Jordan from this game?

Thinking. Thinking. Thinking. Jordan was really putting thought to his answer. The guys could almost hear the wheels turning in his head. Yeah. He was going to shock the crap out of his friends. Even if it was a total fabrication on his part. ‘This’ would put them in their place. Nail ‘him’ to the bar stool? As … fucking … if.

Jordan inhaled deeply and let a slow sigh sizzle through his teeth. He picked up the glass and drained it. The tequila seemed to get better the more he put it away.

Ty started drumming his fingers on the marble surface of the island. Cameron and Miles held back fake yawns. If not for the fact that they could ‘feel’ as though Jordan was actually searching for that ‘deep dark secret’ they would have busted his chops by now.

Jordan let out more sighs. Sigh on sigh. Sigh on sigh on sigh on….

Finally, he looked up from the hole he had been staring into the marble surface of the island. He looked across to study each pair of eyes one at a time—Ty, then Cam, and on to Miles before he returned to his tormentor, Ty.

Whoa! That shit is strong. I better back off draining those shots for a while.


Everyone leaned closer.

Finally! He was going to say…something!

“Okay. You got me. This is hard, but…. I said ‘Truth’ and you nailed me with a fucking railroad spike on this and it’s obvious you aren’t going to let me off of it. So, um, here goes….”

Four heads tilted. Three human, one canine. Even Woofus seemed to be glued to Jordan’s words. All, waiting. Waiting for his deep, dark, never before revealed secret.

“Okay. So. ‘Truth’. I’ve always…. I’ve always wondered…what it would be like to….” He stopped and inhaled deeply. A very long pause ensued. “Um….”

Is it hot in here? Why am I the only one sweating? Why is the overhead light spinning like a disco ball? Maybe it isn’t. Maybe I’m spinning? No, I can’t be spinning. I’m still facing the guys….

Miles, Cameron, and Ty remained silent. They exchanged brief glances and then returned their focus to Jordan. Was he actually nervous? Shaking? Sweating? Either he was one hell of an actor or they were going to be astounded by his admission. They each prayed for being astounded.

They waited. And waited. And, waited.

“Come on Jordan. Finish it out,” Ty pushed.” “The New Year is only 4 months away.”

The guys laughed softly but cut it short with the words that next came out of Jordan’s mouth.

“Do a guy.”

END of Chapter 1

To be continued.

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Thank you to those of you who have taken the time out of your day to write me about my stories. The thoughts, comments, and feedback are VERY much appreciated.

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Next: Chapter 2

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