Jordans Dare

Published on Dec 5, 2022


Jordan's Dare - Chapter 03

Jordan’s Dare

© 2021


Jonathan Longhorn

Copyright © 2021 by Jonathan Longhorn (jonathan_longhorn at yahoo dot com). All rights reserved. Except for the use of less than two pages in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means is forbidden without the express written permission of the author. Express permission is granted to The Nifty Erotic Stories Archive for storage, indexing, retrieval, and display of this work.

Disclaimer: The material in this work is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content and language. It is intended only for those aged 18 and older. All of the characters in this work are assumed to be at least 18 years of age.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and settings are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, names, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. In the real world having sex without using a condom can be very dangerous to your health. Don’t ruin your life or your future. Slip it on before you slide it in.

All trademarks used in this work are the sole property of their owners and have been used without permission or endorsement.

Chapter 3

As Ty’s throbbing cock sank into his mouth, Jordan became distinctly aware of a shift in the dynamic of their friendship. He had always been the Alpha of the four of them. They were all fairly alpha but he had been the leader of the pack for so many years. Everyone usually deferred to him in most things…followed his lead.

But now.

Now he was here, on his knees with Ty’s cock in his mouth. And soon, Cam and Miles would be fucking his face, too. He could get up and walk out. But, no, he couldn’t do that. He wouldn’t do that. He would not give them any ammunition to use against him for having ‘wussed out’. No matter what the outcome, he had to see this through.

Ty pulled out and slapped the sides of Jordan’s face with his spit and precum dripping cock.

“Kiss it.”

Like hell!

But, he did. Jordan leaned forward and kissed the tip of Ty’s throbbing cock. Cameron and Miles gasped at the sight of that.

“Not just the tip, Jordan. Kiss down the shaft. Kiss my nuts. Kiss all of it.”

What the fuck? I am not going to….

But he did. Jordan kissed the tip again and then began pecking his way down the shaft and under and back up and down the other side and then his tongue and lips were on Ty’s balls. Kissing and licking.

“Good boy. That’s it,” Ty encouraged as he fingered his left hand back into Jordan’s hair and held his head in place. Forcing him to not only keep kissing and licking his balls but to breathe in his scents. He didn’t even have to tell him to do it this time. Jordan just automatically began sniffing and snorting Ty’s aromas.

Finally, Ty pulled his head back by that handful of hair and pointed his drooling cock at his lips. Jordan glanced up at his friend who stared down at him with…what? Dominance? Yeah, that was it. Ty was dominating him. And he was submitting. Ty was self-nominating to be the new Alpha of their little group.

“Suck it.”

Jordan opened his mouth and leaned forward and Ty slowly slid his cock back between his lips. He began rolling his tongue over the spongy tip. He tasted Ty’s precum—thick, pungent, sweet but salty. He relaxed, either because he was getting used to it or because those multiple gulps of tequila were really flowing through his system. He took more of Ty’s cock inside. He felt it sliding against the roof of his mouth. He felt the head brush the opening of his throat. He began bobbing on it. He began swirling on it. His tongue lapped more and more of that sweetly tangy juice flowing freely from the slit.

“Yeah, that’s it, cocksucker. Go down on it. Show us how much you want it,” Ty said—his tone even and smooth but still tinged with authority. His fingers still gripped Jordan’s hair and held his head in place as he began to fuck into his mouth. “That’s it. Take it, cocksucker.”

Cocksucker? I am not a….

But he was. He had a cock in his mouth. The cock of one of his best, closest friends was in his mouth. And he was sucking on it.

“Fuck, look at him go down on it,” Miles said hoarsely.

Cameron nodded and swallowed thickly. He stroked his hard cock with his free hand while he continued filming the scene playing out before them.

“He’ll be going down on us like that when he finishes Ty’s,” Cameron said. His voice came out as thick as Miles’ had. “He’ll be our cocksucker, too. Soon.”

Again with the ‘cocksucker’? I am not a cocksucker. I’m….

But he was. He was sucking Ty’s cock. He was tonguing at that thick, salty sweet nectar oozing from the slit. He guessed that he had to acknowledge it. He was a cocksucker. At least he was ‘here’. ‘Now’. ‘Tonight’, he was a cocksucker.

Jordan lost himself in what he was doing. There, on his knees. Servicing Ty’s huge cock. His lips were spread like he was taking a double-wide popsicle all at once. He bobbed and slurped and sucked and licked. He was surprised that there was no horrible taste. It was like sucking on a finger, actually. Well, a gargantuan finger that was leaking juice out the tip like crazy.

Jordan got lost in his head for a bit as all of these thoughts swirled around him. He sucked when he should have relaxed. He plunged when he should have bobbed. As a result, the bulbous head of Ty’s cock bounced against his throat. It bounced again. The third bounce and it pushed in and down his throat. Jordan started to panic the moment he realized what was happening.

“Easy. Easy. Breathe through you nose, buddy,” Ty coached. His free hand stroked along Jordan’s shoulder and up his neck. “Relax. You can do this. Breathe.”

Jordan followed instruction. He willed himself to relax. He willed his throat to relax. He breathed through his nostrils instead of his mouth.

“That’s it. That’s it,” Ty said softly. His cock sank to the hilt, Jordan’s nose buried in his neatly trimmed pubes. “Good boy. You got it. Just relax and breathe. You got this.”

Tears streamed down Jordan’s cheeks but he kept it up. He took it. He breathed. He didn’t pass out. He didn’t suffocate.

Finally, Ty slowly withdrew until the tip of his cock ‘popped’ from Jordan’s lips. Jordan gasped a few times and sucked in more air. He was surprised at the tender touch of Ty’s fingertips as he wiped the tears from his cheeks. He looked up into Ty’s gaze. His eyes sparkled down at him.

“Sorry. I got carried away,” Jordan said. He felt color flushing through his face.

“It’s okay. You’re new at this. You’re doing great,” Ty said reassuringly. He again rubbed Jordan’s shoulders trying to settle him. “Go back down on it when you’re ready. No rush. We have all night.”

Jordan nodded and adjusted his gaze back to the throbbing cock in front of him. Fuck that thing was huge! Double fuck! That thing had just been down his throat? He looked to Miles and noted the excited puppy expression sweeping across his face. Excited puppy. Yeah. If he had a tail it would probably be wagging 100 MPH right now. He looked over to Cam. His best and closest friend of these three best friends of his. Cam’s expression was…? Bewildered? Bemused? Astonished? Simmering with an awakening hunger? Because of their positions, he couldn’t really get a fix on Cam’s eyes.

He took several deep breaths in and held each for a long moment before letting the air slowly slide between his teeth. He leaned forward and took Ty’s cock back in his mouth and resumed sucking, licking, bobbing and swirling on it. His tongue explored the veins and ridges. His nostrils flared as Ty’s scents crashed against them.

He pulled back and kissed the tip of Ty’s cock and glanced upward. He blushed when he got a wink.

“Good boy,” Ty said as he once again slid his fingers into Jordan’s hair and held his head in place. Jordan leaned back in, his mouth opening as he got closer and his friend’s cock slid back inside his mouth. “That’s it. That’s my boy.”

Ty slowly began fucking into that sucking mouth. Fucking Jordan’s mouth. He was already looking forward to the future. If he had his way, this was only the beginning of their personal cocksucker’s career.

“Good boy. That’s it. You’re doing great.” He gripped that handful of hair tighter. He felt his balls pulling tight. He knew he wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer. Jordan was his cocksucker now but he was still one of his best friends. He knew he had to warn him of what was coming. “I’m going to cum soon. Do you want it in your mouth? On your face?”

Jordan kept bobbing and slurping and sucking as Ty’s question bounced around in his brain. ‘Did’ he want it in his mouth? He was already Ty’s cocksucker. Did he want to swallow it? If he did, he would have to swallow Miles. He would have to swallow Cam. ‘Did’ he want that? He was going to become Miles’ and Cam’s cocksucker just like he now was Ty’s. That was a given. But, their cum in his mouth?

After sufficient time without an answer, Ty pulled out of Jordan’s mouth. He slapped his throbbing cock against Jordan’s face.

“Look at me.”

Jordan stared straight ahead. He studied the glistening hard cock that had been taking his mouth virginity. He studied the huge balls that were ready to unload any moment. He barely even registered his tongue raking across his lips.

“Look at me, Jordan,” Ty said again. This time more commanding.

Jordan’s eyes raked upward along the treasure trail as it rose from Ty’s trimmed pubes up to his navel. His gaze roller coaster’d over his friend’s 6-pack and across those perfectly developed dinner plates with the hard nipples poking out. Finally, his eyes soaked in Ty’s handsome face. That strong chin with the faint dimple in it. His mouth—lips pressed sternly together at the moment. Up along the bridge of Ty’s nose with the faint right lean from taking a firehose in the face when the pressure surged unexpectedly. And then his gaze fell into those deep, commanding, intent eyes. Eyes that locked him in and held him in place more tightly than any rope or chain might ever be able to do.

When did he take off his shirt?

“Do you like it when I call you ‘cocksucker’,” Ty asked down to him. Down to where he kneeled submissively on the floor at his feet. “Do you like that?”

Strangely, he did. Jordan felt his stomach flutter every time Ty called him that. What was with that anyway? Of course, he was. He was Ty’s cocksucker. He had just had Ty’s cock in his mouth. He was about to take his load down his throat. Right? He wanted it in his mouth. Right?

Jordan nodded. Barely.

“Say it,” Ty commanded firmly. “Say you like being called ‘cocksucker’. It’s what you are now. My cocksucker. And soon you’ll be Cameron’s and Miles’ cocksucker.”

“Yes,” Jordan said in barely more than a whisper. “I like it. Being called a cocksucker, I mean.”

Cameron and Miles looked at each other, astonishment spreading across both their faces. What the fuck?

“Good boy,” Ty said with more cock slaps to Jordan’s face. “Now, answer my first question. Mouth? Face? Or…?”

Jordan looked back down at the throbbing cock just inches from his face. He studied the bulbous head as precum oozed from the tip to be whisked up by Ty’s gently stroking hand, spreading it down the shaft. Not letting any of it drop to the floor to be wasted. He looked between Ty’s legs and studied those huge balls. He could almost see the cum boiling and churning inside them, waiting to spew from the tip of Ty’s cock and down his throat. Or coating his face.

“Mouth,” Jordan said finally. He gazed back up that perfectly muscled firefighter body and into Ty’s eyes. “Cum in my mouth.”

“Good answer, cocksucker,” Ty said as he stepped forward and pressed his cock against Jordan’s lips. Lips that automatically spread themselves and wrapped around and sank down the shaft. Jordan began sucking and bobbing and slurping on it without being told. “Good boy. That’s it, cocksucker. Finish me off.”

Jordan knew it wouldn’t be long now. Soon. Very soon, he would be taking Ty’s cum in his mouth and down his throat. He would never be able to explain it to anyone, he thought. Hell, he was unsure he could explain it to himself right now. But…. But for whatever reason, he wanted Ty’s cum. He wanted him to cum down his throat. And when that happened? He would be Ty’s ‘complete’ cocksucker. And then, it would be Miles’ turn. Cam’s turn. He would be sucking their cocks. He would be taking their loads in his mouth. He wondered briefly which of the two would be next and which would round it out.

It didn’t take long, in fact. Another minute. Two at most. Ty’s cock swelled. His balls drew tighter. It was time to cum down Jordan’s throat.

“Get ready, cocksucker,” Ty choked out hoarsely just before cum erupted from the tip of his cock. It spewed in rivers, crashing against Jordan’s tongue and the roof of his mouth, the inside walls of his cheeks, filling Jordan’s mouth completely. He swallowed and swallowed as the river of cum poured down his throat and into his gut.

All too soon, it was done. Ty’s cock quaked and dribbled a few more moments and then it lay peacefully spasming on Jordan’s tongue. He released the vice grip he had been holding on Jordan’s hair and stepped back. His cock popped free from Jordan’s mouth, glistening and still spasming softly.

“Lick it clean,” Ty gasped out. He shuddered at the touch of Jordan’s tongue against the sensitive head and shaft of his spent cock. He waited as Jordan licked any remaining signs of cum from his cock and then his friend looked up at him. It was almost admiringly. It was almost worshipful. It was almost—needy. Like he needed to be told what a good job he had just done. Rather than saying anything he just offered a wink and a grin. He patted Jordan on the top of his head and then looked over his shoulder.


END of Chapter 3

To be continued . . .

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Thank you to those of you who have taken the time out of your day to write me about my stories. The thoughts, comments, and feedback are VERY much appreciated.

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Next: Chapter 4

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