Josh and Brad

By Matthew Stachkunas

Published on Nov 3, 2010


The story is completely fictional. Names characters and incidents are a product of the author's imagination and any resemblance to real people or events is completely coincidental.

This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions. If you are uncomfortable reading such material of are not permitted to do so legally, please leave this page now.

This story is the property of the author all comments are welcome.

Josh and Brad Chapter 1

Josh is 19 and his brother Micheal is 16. Micheal' best friend Brad is also 16. Micheal and Brad have been best friends since as long as they can remember. They live next door to each other and since Brad's parents are away a lot, Brad spends most of his time at Micheal's house.

By growing up best friends it was more like they were brothers. Josh on the other hand cares deeply for both his brother and Brad. But he sees Brad in a different way.

Josh has known for a long time that he was gay. He isn't ready for anybody to know just yet. But he has had feelings for Brad since they were much younger. For now he spends as much time with the boy as he can without it seeming to be more then friends. Since Brad spends most of his time at Josh and Micheal's house, it hasn't been so hard to see him.

Josh can remember the first time he thought of Brad in this new way.

It was Micheal's 11th birthday party. Micheal had a sleep over on a Friday night for his birthday. There were several friends of Micheal's sleeping over. Most of them were boys he knew almost as long as he knew Brad. They were all part of this group that were always found together. Where one boy was, no doubt you would find the others.

The party was as you would expect. The boys played outside until dinner. Micheal's parents had bought pizza and chips for the party and of course a birthday cake for Micheal as desert. The boys stuffed themselves on food and soda.

After the party, the boys went downstairs to the rec room to play video games, watch movies and just be boys. They had set up their sleeping bags so that they could all stay up as late as they wanted without keeping up the whole house.

Josh, even though he was a teenager, was very close to his brother and the others in the group. He was a welcome addition to the group, but felt like he would be intruding on his brothers fun if he slept with the group of boys. He joined in the fun, but before it was too late, he went upstairs to watch TV and allow his brother to enjoy his birthday with his friends and not have his older brother looking over his shoulder.

Josh had gotten engrossed in a marathon of his favorite show on TV and hadn't realized how late it was. He had been watching the show for several hours and it was now almost 2am. He shut the TV off and decided he would check on the boys before he went to bed himself.

As he made the trip down the stairs to the basement rec room the first thing he noticed was that all the boys were passed out. The TV was on some Sci-Fi movie with the volume down low. All the lights were off and it appeared the boys had worn themselves out.

As he turned to go up stairs to his room he thought he heard a small whimper. He stopped and listened again. Sure enough this time he heard muffled crying. He slowly walked around the room trying to follow the sounds. As he continued around the room, in a back corner of the basement, barely viable was one of the boys hiding in a corner behind a large stack of boxes that were stored there.

In the dim light from the TV it wasn't until he was knelling right in front of the boy before he realized it was Brad. Brad was huddled in the corner with his knees pulled up to his chest with his head down berried in his arms.

"Hey Brad, what is it buddy" Josh asked

Brad wouldn't speak, he just continued to cry. "Come on buddy whats wrong?" Josh tried again.

Brad looked up from his lap and look right into Josh's eyes. Josh felt, right then that he loved Brad. Not only that, but he was in love with him. Josh already new by now that he was gay. But he never felt for anyone like he felt for Brad. What ever the issue was, Josh was going to make it better. No MATTER what it was.

After a little more coaxing by Josh, Brad spoke "I wet my pants and my sleeping bag" he said.

Josh knew not to laugh. He knew that at 11 years old, no matter how good a friends all the boys were, Brad would have been teased. And at that age nothing was more devastating to a young boy, then to be known as a bed wetter.

Josh, of course, was relieved that this was all it was. It was something, with a little help from him, could be fixed with no worries. At least it wasn't something that Josh couldn't handle.

Josh reached out his hand to Brad. "Brad, come with me" he said.

Brad took Josh's hand and stood up. They made their way to the steps and picked up Brad's sleeping bag on their way by the boys. Still holding hands, the boys made their way to the laundry room first.

Josh took Brad's sleeping bag and loaded it into the extra large washer. He got on his knees and helped Brad take off his T-shirt and underwear and he added them to the washer. He set the washer, then went to take Brads hand again.

Even thought everyone else was asleep and they were alone, Brad looked very worried about being naked out in the open. Josh just leaned down, kissed Brad's cheek and lifted him up and carried Brad to his bedroom where he had his own bathroom. It was great that his parents where so well off. Each bedroom in their home had it's own bathroom and one downstairs for visitors.

To keep Brad's embarrassment to a minimum, Josh walked quickly to his bathroom and sat Brad on the edge of the bathtub. Josh quickly turned on the shower and toyed with the faucets to get the water to a safe temperature for Brad. While the water was warming, Josh sat next to Brad on the edge of the tub and spoke the first words they said to each other since the basement.

"Brad while your clothes and sleeping bag are washing, I want you to take a quick shower" he said. "I will go over to Micheal's room and grab a pair of shorts, underwear and a T-shirt for you to wear."

"Josh, thank you for doing all this. Your not going to tell the guys that I wet the bed are you?" Brad asked, already tearing up again.

"Hey babe" Josh said while wrapping the boy in a hug. "I would never do that to you. Sometimes these things happen. Nobody will ever find out about this. I promise" Josh said. Brad cried softly for a couple of minutes more while hugging Josh, then climbed into the shower to get all cleaned off.

While Brad was getting cleaned off. Josh went to his brother's room. The boys spent so much time together that Brad actually had some clothes of his own in Micheal's room. It was easy to just grab a set of his own clothes rather then having to explain why Brad was wearing Micheal's clothes in the morning.

By the time he got back to his bathroom, Brad was getting out of the shower and toweling off. Josh had left the bathroom door almost all the way open but didn't want to just walk in and make the boy feel any more ashamed. He softly knocked on the door frame as he poked his head in and waved the set of closed at Brad.

Brad, who no longer had a look of total devastation on his face, walked over and took the clothes from Josh and started to get dressed. Josh was so glad he was still awake to help the boy. He was beginning to realize he really cared for Brad.

He may have only been fourteen years old and he may not have know what it was truly that he felt for the boy. But he did know he cared about him a lot.

Josh noticed that, now that Brad was dressed, he was looking very tired. They still had to wait for the sleeping bag to finish washing and drying. So Josh took Brad to his bed and pulled his sheet and comforter back.

"Why don't you lay down with me while the laundry finishes." Josh said. "You might fall asleep so if anyone asks in the morning, we will just tell them that when I came down to check on the boys, you were the only one awake so I invited you to watch movies with me. While getting you ready to come upstairs with me, I spilled my drink on your sleeping bag and we needed to wash it. This way you can sleep with me and no one will ask any questions"

Josh was figuring that the boys wouldn't make fun of Brad for sleeping with Josh since they all had slept over at one time or another in Micheal's bed.

"But Josh, what if I wet the bed again?" Brad asked, starting to get teary again.

"No worries little man" Josh said. "Our washer and dryer were made to be used" he said with a little smile.

"But what if I pee on you?" Brad added.

"Hey, the shower likes to be used too." Josh said, trying to eliminate the boys fears.

Brad seemed to lighten up a little after that. He took his shirt and shorts off leaving only his white briefs on, and climbed into the bed under the covers, against the wall. He looked so cute and excited to be sleeping with the older boy.

Josh got undressed and climbed into the bed as well, sleeping on the edge. Once in bed on his back, Brad cuddled up under Joshes right arm and put his head on Josh's chest. Before Josh could even say goodnight, the boy was asleep. Josh just wrapped his arm around the back of Brad and put his hand on the small boys hip. Within a few minutes, he also was asleep.

The next morning Josh woke up to what he thought, in his grogginess was a giggle. As he opened his eyes, he saw his brother standing next to his bed.

"Hey, morning bro." Josh said to his brother.

"Morning Josh. Mom's got breakfast started. The rest of the guys are already up. Why don't you come down for breakfast? He said, still grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Sure sounds great. What are you grinning at?" Josh asked his brother, trying to figure out what the joke was.

"Nothing. When I got up I didn't know where Brad had gone. I was a little scarred this morning and was going to come wake you to help me find him, but when I came into your room I found him sleeping with you. The funny thing is, that was about an hour ago. I come in here now to wake you up and you two are sleeping in the same position as before. I just find that funny, that's all." Micheal said still grinning that grin. " Now hurry up before you both miss whatever food they guys have left for us." and with that Micheal was out the door before Josh could say anything.

As he looked over for the first time since he woke up he realized that, indeed, Brad was still asleep with his head on Josh's chest. Josh still had his arm around Brad resting on Brad's hip. They hadn't moved the entire night.

Josh wanted to just stay that way forever. But if he didn't get them up, his mother would be in asking what was going on. He trusted his parents but wasn't ready for the questions that would undoubtedly come. After all, his parents were quite a bit older then his brother and much more difficult to fool. So reluctantly he shook Brad awake.

"Hey babe, time to get up" Josh said, hoping the boy didn't catch the babe part. He had got to remember to be more careful and think before he speaks.

Brad for his part, slowly opened his eyes and tried to focus on Josh. Slowly the previous night came back to him and he remembered what had happened. The first thing he did was reach down and make sure he didn't wet Josh's bed. After finding he was dry, he quickly looked at Josh to see if he was noticed and embarrassingly found Josh looking at him.

"Not to worry my little man, all is dry" Josh said with a smile.

Brad felt better. He really liked Josh. Last night was just the last of a long line of nice things the older boy had done for him. Brad always felt cared for by Micheal and his family. But Josh always seemed to go out of his way to show Brad attention. He didn't understand it, but he knew he liked it.

The boys got up and dressed to see if the others had left them anything for breakfast. By the time they made it downstairs Josh's mom was putting bacon and eggs on plates for the boys. With the good mornings out of the way and a quick telling of the story Josh made up for last night, the boys were all themselves, one typical group of boys.

Now it's five years later and Josh knows now what he didn't no then. Not only does he love Brad, but he thinks he is in love with him too. He may not understand the difference, but he knows the love he has for Brad is different and somehow more then the love he has for Micheal, his brother.

Next: Chapter 2

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