Josh and Brad

By Matthew Stachkunas

Published on Jan 1, 2011


The story is completely fictional. Names characters and incidents are a product of the author's imagination and any resemblance to real people or events is completely coincidental.

This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions. If you are uncomfortable reading such material of are not permitted to do so legally, please leave this page now.

This story is the property of the author all comments are welcome.

This chapter is dedicated to my boyfriend Jon. Thank you for always being there when I need you the most.

Josh and Brad Chapter 10

Josh woke up scared and sweating. He wasn't sure if he was had dreamed everything or what was real. His first thought was, where was Brad. He realized he was in bed. There was light coming through through and he saw that he was in bed laying a with Brad.

He had woken up with a fright and had gripped Brad tightly, waking the other boy. Brad was lying there quietly waiting for Josh to get his barrings. He could see the confused look on Josh's face. He did not want to startle Josh. He just quietly waited for his boyfriend look at him.

"Hey babe" Josh said to Brad.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"I'm not really sure. I feel kinda sick but not sick. Really tired. Um...worried too.....I thank." Josh said still holding Brad tightly.

Brad still didn't want to say anything about Josh's grip. "Are you hungry or do you want something to drink?"

"No, not really. Why is the bed so wet. Did I wet the bed?" he asked looking embarrassed and worried again.

"No babe you didn't. The bed is wet because you have been sweating a lot. We laid down a couple hours ago and you have were sweating a lot in your sleep." Brad said.

"Oh man, I'm really sorry Brad. You must be covered in sweat from me." Josh said with a hint of embarrassment as he sort of looked down a bit.

"Hey, it's OK babe. Why don't you take a shower and get some of the sweat off OK?" He said to Josh.

"Ya, that sounds like a good idea"

Brad got up and watch Josh get out of the bed and start heading for his bathroom to take a shower. Brad needed one too but wanted to change the bed while Josh was in the shower. This way they could lay back down once they were both rinsed off. He could still see how tired Josh looked. The boy had held onto Brad while he was asleep but it was a fitful sleep and Brad was sure it wasn't too relaxing for Josh.

Josh headed into the bathroom as Brad went to the hall closet to get the sheets. The house was really quiet. He figured everyone was either outside or being real quiet downstairs. He knew the guys and Jeannie would not have left without talking to Josh and Michael's parents. He had his head in the closet pulling out the sheets when out of nowhere he heard it. He quickly dropped the sheets and went running for Josh's bathroom.

"BRAD......BRAD WHERE ARE YOU......BRAD PLEASE WHERE ARE YOU.....BRAD!!!" Josh was yelling from the bathroom as Brad entered the bedroom. He ran to the bathroom and yanked open the door.

"JOSH.....JOSH.....I'm right here babe." He said as he entered the bathroom and found Josh curled up naked in the fetal position against the wall next to the shower.

Brad carefully leaned down and placed his hand on Josh's shoulder and spoke softly "Josh babe I'm right here. It's OK, I'm right here.

Josh was crying and shaking. "I don't know what happened I just got undressed and turned on the shower but when I turned around you weren't there and I got scared and I didn't know what to do and you didn't come in and I was getting even more scared and I just kinda freaked out. I'm sorry....I'm so sorry. Where were you?" he said as he tried to talk while the tears were just flowing out of his eyes.

"Babe, I went to get clean sheets from the hall closet that's all. I'm not going to leave you. It's OK come on lets get in the shower." Brad said helping the older boy get on his feet.

Brad pulled down his boxers and helped Josh step into the shower. This was where they had started this day. He hopped that the shower would help Josh relax some. The water was nice and hot and they two of them stood under the stream.

Josh made no move to wash the sweat off his body. In fact he made no move at all. He stood in the water and just stared at Brad like he didn't know what to do. He was still crying some and Brad felt his heart hurt for his lover. He wanted to take this pain away from Josh. He hated that the older boy was in such emotional pain. He was dammed sure he would not let Steve's actions from today cause this type of pain. This would only mean that ultimately Steve had won. No, Brad would not allow that to happen.

Brad picked up the soap and washcloth and began to get a good lather going. He started to wash Josh's body. He started with the other boys face. He took the washcloth and started wiping over Josh's face and forehead. He could see that Josh was not going to close his eyes. He just kept staring at Brad. So Brad helped him rinse his face off.

Brad took his time. There was no reason to rush. He slowly and gently began to wash Josh's chest. He moved closer to Josh. He ran his hands over the boys shoulders and neck. Then he started to work down of his nipples. As Brad's hands washed over his nipples, Josh took a quick, deep breath in.

Brad continued to wash Josh's chest and abs. Ever so gently Brad turned Josh into the stream of hot water letting it cascade over Josh's chest to rinse off the soap. He washed across and down Josh's back. Slowly and gently the whole time.

He squatted down so he could wash Josh's butt and legs. They were both quiet at Brad washed Josh's butt and between his cheeks. He could here Josh breath a little deeper again as he ran his hands over the boys naked skin. He noticed how smooth and muscular Josh's but was. He didn't want to take advantage of this right now. He didn't want to make Josh any more uncomfortable right now. He knew how Josh felt about sex. He felt the same way.

Last night they had talked about how they wanted to wait to have sex for a little while. There would be time for that latter. But Brad couldn't help but take in the beauty of his boyfriend. He chose not to linger on Josh's but for too long.

Brad continued to was Josh's thighs, hips and legs. Still behind Josh, he helped the boy pick up each foot and wash them as well. Brad then stood and stepped up close behind Josh. His chest was right up against the older boys back. Brad could feel Josh's breath and heartbeat quicken. He could also feel his semi pressing against the boys backside. It was hot and smooth. Brad stayed like that for just a few moments to let Josh get used to this before he reached around from behind to wash Josh's crotch.

Brad reached his right arm around Josh and placed it on Josh's chest and pulled Josh against him. With his left hand he reached around the boys left side to his crotch and gently began to was the boys cock and balls.

Josh didn't move or say anything. Brad, again did not want to linger with this. He wanted to make sure Josh was clean, that was all. He soaped up Josh's crotch, witch was getting semi hard at this point and used his hand to move Josh's privates around so the stream of water could rinse the soap away.

Well, it couldn't be helped. Josh was, by now, almost hard. Brad too was getting almost fully hard by now, having his dick pressed up against Josh's butt. Both boys were breathing fast and Brad felt he better stop before this went to far. He removed his hands off of Josh's body and stepped back a few inches so he was not right up against Josh.

Josh slowly turned around. There were no more tears on his face. The look in his eyes was one of love for Brad. He raised up his arms and took Brad's face in his hands. He leaned in and kissed Brad.

As the boys kissed, they were running their hands up and down each others backs. Josh had stepped closer to Brad until they were chest to chest and crotch to crotch. The boys rocked against each other ever so slightly as they continued to kiss.

It wasn't a frantic horny kiss. It was a slow, sensual, loving kiss. They continued to make out in the hot water. Rubbing their bodies together. There was no doubt what was going to happen. It wasn't out of sexual frustration or desire. It was simply the reaction to the situation.

Josh lowered his hands to Brad's but and very gently pulled him forward while slightly pushing his pelvis forward at the same time.

Between their kissing, a low moan slipped out of Brad. He too had moved one of his hands to Josh's but. The other was on the back of Josh's head and stroking the hair there. He had his eyes closed and just let the moment happen. He know if this kept up they would have to rinse off more then the soap.

For the first time since they left the house this morning, Josh's mind was clear. He knew where he was, in the shower with Brad. He knew what they were doing, they were making out and slowly rubbing there bodies together. He know what he felt, he felt the love he had for Brad. He felt the love Brad had for him. He could feel their bodies rubbing together. He felt Brads hands on his body. This was where he belonged. In Brads arms always.

Brad noticed the difference in Josh's presence. He seemed more relaxed. Calm. At ease and focused. Mostly, Brad noticed how close he was to cumming. The more he kissed Josh, the more he rubbed against him. He was moaning outright now.

Josh could hear Brad's moans. He too was moaning a little. He really liked hearing those noises from Brad. He liked that it was he who was giving Brad this pleasure.

He wasn't thinking about the fights at school. He wasn't thinking about what he almost did to Steve Depp. He wasn't shaking or crying. He was with Brad, naked, kissing his lips and rubbing against him. This was where he wanted to be in his mind. He wanted to be exactly where he was.

" gonna......your gonna make me cum Josh!!!" Brad said stopping the kiss while he started breathing faster. His hips where moving with Josh's.

"It's OK babe your gonna make me cum too. It's OK." Josh said with a more relaxed and confident sound in his voice then he had, had in the last few hours.

Josh was standing up straight now. He was pressing firmly into Brad. Both boys were breathing hard now. Brad was moaning softly but often.

"Josh.....Josh....I'm...It's gonna....."Brad breathed out heavily as he tried to worn Josh about cumming.

"Go ahead babe. I want you too. It's OK I've got you." Josh said as he wrapped his arms tightly around Brad still keeping his hands on the other boys butt.

"Ughhhhhhh......ughhhhh...." was all that Brad could say.

At nearly the same time Josh too was cumming. It felt like never before. In all the times he had jerked off he had never felt this good. All he could think about was how much he loved being here with Brad. And nothing or no one would ever come between them.

Josh could feel Brad melt into him. Had he not been holding Brad, the boy would have no doubt fallen to the floor. Brad was breathing hard with his face tucked into the nape of Josh's neck. As he came down from his orgasm, he was kissing Josh's neck.

Josh too was coming down from his orgasm as well. He loved how it felt to have Brad so close to him. He liked being needed by Brad. How the boy let Josh support his body while they stood in the stream of water from the shower.

Josh slowly moved them directly into the stream so the water would rinse away the sticky substance between them.

"I love you Brad" Josh said

"I love you too Babe" Josh said to Brad. "Always and forever"

After a little time the boys separated and finished in the shower. As they stepped out and started to towel off, Brad noticed that Josh seemed more like himself. He wasn't sure how long it would last but he wanted to be ready if Josh slipped back into the shock he was in earlier.

"Are you hungry at all?" Brad asked him

"No, not really, but I am way tired. Can we go back to be for a little while?" Josh asked him

"Sure, I could use another nap myself. But we need to get the sheets from the hall and get the bed changed." Brad told him.

"OK, lets go" He said to Brad.

As the boys made their way back into the bedroom they noticed that something. The bed had been changed. There where fresh sheets and pillowcases on the bed. There was also a small tray on Josh's desk with two sandwiches and two sodas.

"Wow, I think we had a visitor." Josh said with a smile on his face.

Brad felt good about Josh's state of mind when he saw him smile and giggle about there unknown visitor. He know it was probably Michael that had brought up the food and changed the bed. But did he hear them in the bathroom? He didn't know, but knowing Michael, he wouldn't ever say anything.

Josh went over and grabbed the sandwiches and handed one to Brad. The boys ate as boys do.... FAST. And they each took a soda to wash it down.

"Wow, I guess I was hungrier then I thought." said Josh.

"I know what you mean" said Brad enjoying the fact that Josh was still smiling. "Would you still like to lay down for awhile?"

"Ya, I'm still pretty tired. Would you please stay with me?" Said Josh.

"Of course I will." Brad replied

As the boys moved over to the bed, they realized they were still only wearing their towels. Without much thought, they just pulled the towels off and climbed into bed.

Brad was once again by the wall and Josh was on the outside against the edge of the bed. Josh was facing Brad as the boy got comfortable. Brad was going to lay facing Josh but when he saw how Josh was laying decided to face the wall.

Josh did what Brad was hoping he would do. He curled up behind Brad with his arm around Brad's chest. He slightly pulled Brad into him until his chest was pressed against Brads back and his crotch was pressed against Brads butt. Within a few minutes, both boys were asleep.

Next: Chapter 11

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