Josh and Brad

By Matthew Stachkunas

Published on Dec 24, 2010


The story is completely fictional. Names characters and incidents are a product of the author's imagination and any resemblance to real people or events is completely coincidental.

This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions. If you are uncomfortable reading such material of are not permitted to do so legally, please leave this page now.

This story is the property of the author all comments are welcome. Josh had heard about the fight. Not everything, just that Brad had been beaten up by a Jock. Specificity by Steve Deppy the 18 year old senior. He is on the football team and is very big and strong.

Josh and Brad Chapter 9

Josh was angry. He couldn't find out what happened to Brad.

Michael was also in the fight as were some of the boys from the group. He was not able to find any of them.

The whole school was in the halls. Everyone had been at between classes when the fight broke out. Josh could barley get through the crowds of teens. While he was making his way through he saw Steve. He started to head straight for him. His anger building.

As he came up on to Steve he heard the teen laughing with his friends. Josh heard him say something about knocking the fag out. He grabbed Steve by the back of his letter men jacket and forcibly through him against the lockers.

Steve bounced off the lockers and spun around ready to fight, but he wasn't quick enough. Josh punched the football player square in the face knocking him back against the lockers.

One of Steve's friends tried to grab Josh. Josh had taken many years of self defense and easily deflected the attack while lining up a kick to Steve's gut. Steve once again was launched into the lockers and this time he hit the floor.

The other players on the football team that were around all tried to restrain Josh but he was to fast and to angry. He was going to make Steve pay for hurting Brad. Within seconds he had either deflected the attackers or confronted there attacks with his own. All the players quickly backed off before they too were victims of Josh's wrath.

Steve was just getting up from the kick to the gut, still out of breath. Eyes watery. Josh grabbed his arm spun him around and pinned him to the lockers, pulled the teens arm behind him but out straight back. He was ready to snap his arm.

Everyone had gathered around since the fight broke out. Teachers were now showing up trying to talk to Josh. They could all see that any attempt to stop Josh could result in Steve getting a broken arm.

Josh was quiet, shaking, posed to brake Steve's arm. He wanted to. He didn't know why he hadn't yet.

Only seconds had passed, maybe a minute. But in a fight that was a long time.

Why didn't he just brake the kids arm.

He didn't deserve any mercy. Did he show any mercy to Brad or his Michael?

"JOSH NO." a far off voice said.

Josh didn't move. But now he was listing.

"Josh don't do it." Michael said. He had come up through the crowds of teenagers all circled around the fight.

Michael was with Tommy. He could see that Josh was more angry then he had ever seen him.

He had been on his way to find Josh to let him know what happened.

He could see the look in his brother's face. He was going to break Steve's arm. Michael had to think fast before his brother was arrested for assault. He turned to Tommy who had gone with him to find Josh.

"Tommy, you need to go get Brad NOW!" Michael said, with a worried tone. " And you need to hurry"

Tommy didn't even try to be polite to get back through the crowd. He just used all his strength to push his way through and headed to the nurse's office to get Brad.

Michael turned back to his brother. He had taken the self defense classes with Josh. He knew the move Josh had used to get Steve in this position. He also new that the next move in the step was to break the arm and then strike the opponent in the back of the head to either knock him out....or kill him.

"Josh no." Michael spoke in as calm a voice as he could. He wanted to keep Josh as calm as possible for as long as possible. Maybe, just maybe if Tommy could get Brad here fast enough, Brad could talk Josh down. Michael's hope was Josh would calm down once he saw that Brad was OK for the most part.

"Josh listen to me, he's not worth it. He's not worth it Josh. Come on bro." Michael kept talking."

For the first time since Michael had gotten to the scene of his second fight today, Josh slightly turned his head to look at his brother without taking his attention off of Steve.

"That's right Josh look at me. I'm OK Josh. He didn't hurt me to much." Michael said. "Steve knows what he did is wrong, don't you Steve?"

In a small week beaten voice a crying Steve answered "I'm sorry Josh. I'm sorry I beat up your brother."

Josh still kept a tight grip on the boy's arm. He could see that his brother was OK. Even if he was only looking out of the corner of his eye. But were was Brad. He loved his brother and was relieved that he was OK but where was HIS LITTLE MAN.

He turned back to face the back of Steve's head. Michael could see what Josh was planning to do he was thinking as fast as he could.

Still in a calm voice as if he was discussing flowers Michael said "Josh, don't do it. Come on bro. Trust me, I kicked his ass pretty good. That's why he is waring his jacket. His arms and body are all bruised up from the punches and kicks I landed. Trust me he's hurting already for the thing's he did.

"He doesn't know what pain is....yet" Josh said through clenched teeth. He was calm. He knew what he was going to do. He didn't care anymore. Brad must have been hurt bad if he wasn't with Michael.

Just as Michael was wondering where the hell Tommy was he heard a quiet voice behind him.

"Josh no." said a shaky and bruised Brad Michel turned to see standing behind him being held up slightly by Tommy. When Michael turned back toward his brother, he could see that once again Josh had moved his head ever so slightly to look in the direction of the voice without taking his attention off of Steve.

Brad let go of Tommy and took a couple steps towards Josh and said "Josh I'm OK. This jerk didn't have a chance to really hurt me. Michael was close by when he decided to show his buddies what a big man he was."

Josh started to turn his head a little more towards Brad. He felt the anger start to light up inside him. He continued to listen to Brad.

"Josh....Michael, Tommy and I are OK. We were able to defend ourselves just like you taught us. We were able to get away from the jocks and get help. Don't do it. Leave him to the teachers and the kids that saw what he did." Brad said in still a calmer voice.

Josh started to feel less and less anger. Relief was starting to fill his heart as the anger faded. But before it was gone completely Josh spoke, not only to Steve but to all those standing around.


As a punctuation to his words he ever so slightly twisted Steve's arm as he continued to speak, "ME AND MY FRIENDS WILL BE WATCHING ALL OF YOU. WE WILL NOT TOLERATE BULLING OF ANY KIND TOWARDS ANY OF US OR OUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY."

With his final words he let go of Steve's arm. The boy first fell to the floor holding his sore arm. He looked up into Josh's face and he could see the hatred in Josh's eyes. He quickly got to his feet and began to run away from Josh, but didn't get far before two security guards and a few teacher took him to the office.

Josh was still standing staring at the wall. Trying to get his anger and his emotions under control. He was clenching and releasing his fists. The tears where fully flowing down his face. He was looking down towards the floor.

Brad walked around tho stand in front of Josh. Michael and Tommy along with Danny, Charlie, Brian and Jeannie began to form a circle around Josh and Brad. The crowd was still standing wanting to see what was going to be done about Josh.

As Brad stood directly in front of Josh, he placed his hands on Joshes hips, pulling him slightly forward until Josh wrapped his arms around Brad and rested his head on Brad's should and silently cried into the nape of Brad's neck as he said "I thought I lost you. I couldn't find you. I didn't know what happened. I love you so much" he cried on.

"It's OK babe. I'm OK and I'm right here." Brad said. He didn't care who was around or what they said about him and Josh. His lover was hurting more then he was. He knew how sensitive Josh really was and how much he cared about him. Not knowing about the fight or what had happened to Brad would have been like the end of the world to Josh.

The boys just held each other as their friends stayed standing around them, trying to limit what the crowd of students could see and hear. Just as Larry Hack came through the crowd.

"OK all you kids to your classes NOW, shows over" Mr. Hack one of the schools guidance counselors and one of the wrestling couches said.

He could see that Michael the boys and Jeannie weren't moving, but all the other students were beginning to filter down the halls.

Mr. Hack walked up to Michael "Michael I want you to drive Josh and Brad to your house" he said and then looked over at Brad who still had Josh in his arms "Brad, when Michael gets you boys to their house I want you to take Josh directly to his room. Help him get undressed and into bed. I want you to stay with him. Chances are he wont let you leave his sight. He is going to be in s type of shock for awhile."

"I am giving the rest of you boys and Jeannie the rest of the day off as well. I want you all to make your way over to Michael and Josh's house. Michael, I want you and the boys to stay out of Josh's room for the rest of the day. Leave them alone for the rest of the night unless Brad needs your help or Josh chooses to come out." Mr Hack said

"Michael, I also want you to give this envelope to your parents. They are old friends of mine. I want you and the rest of the boys to sit your parents down and after they read this letter I want you all to tell them what happened here today and what has been going on with Brad and Josh." he continued.

"But Mr. Hack, should we really be the ones to out Josh and Brad to my parents?" Michael asked.

"If this was any other situation, I would say no. You boys have always done a great job letting Josh and Brad work these things out for themselves. But the next few days are going to be hard on Josh. He is going to need all of you and your parents if he is going to make it through the stress and shock. Once it's all over, Josh will understand." Mr. Hack explained.

"But what is wrong with him?" Michael asked with a look of fear on his face.

"Michael it's PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Josh had so many emotions go through him so quickly that his brain wasn't able to keep up with them. He was afraid he had lost Brad and possibly you too. Then he was frustrated he couldn't get any answers. Then he saw Steve and got angry. That anger was compounded by the attack by all the other boys. He was under more stress as he was defending himself. Then there is the stress he was under while he decided whether or not to break Steve's arm." Mr. Hack tried to explain further

"Not just all that."said Michael. "The set of moves he used on Steve...the next move WAS to break his arm. But the move after that would have either knocked Steve unconscious or killed him."

"Knowing that just adds to the stress that he was under that he has to try and understand. All those feeling and emotions hit him in only a few minutes. He needs time to process all of that" Mr. Hack said.

Michael was able to get the keys from Josh with out to much trouble. He and Brad walked Josh to the car. Brad helped Josh sit in the back, then sat in the back himself. Since they started leaving the school, Josh had been holding Brad's hand and keeping him close.

Mr. Hack had said "he may not let you out of his sight for some time Brad. Just be patient with him. He is going to need your love right now."

Brad didn't even hesitate "he already has my love. I will make sure he's OK."

The drive to Michael and Josh's house was silent. The two younger boys didn't want to stress Josh out any more then he already was.

Once they got home, they saw that the other guys were already there with Jeannie. They all went in the house but only Brad went upstairs with Josh. The others felt they needed their time and Josh really need to be alone with Brad.

One upstairs, the boys still didn't talk. Josh was still in a type of shock so Brad decided to help him out of his close and into bed for little while. After all it was only 10 o'clock, but Mr. Hack had thought that, if Josh laid down for a bit, it might help him.

The whole time Josh would not let Brad go. But he didn't move at all by himself. Brad had to lift Josh's arms to get his sweater and shirt off. He then unbuckled Josh's belt and slid his jeans down his smooth legs.

Brad then helped Josh to the bed and to sit on the edge. Once Josh was sitting down, Brad helped him get his shoes and socks off. Once josh was completely undress, except for his boxers, Brad too stripped down to his boxers as well.

Brad then helped Josh under the covers and over to the wall side of the bed and then climbed in himself. It was Brad's turn to take care of Josh.

No sooner did Brad lay back onto the pill, Josh placed his head on his lovers chest and his left hand on Brad's belly and started to cry.

It wasn't loud whaling, just soft crying. Brad just put his arm around Josh's back and rested his hand on Josh's hip. He just let Josh cuddle up to him and cry it all out.

Through the silent tears and ever so softly Brad heard Josh say" I love you so much babe, I'm sorry."

Looking down at the top of Josh's head Brad said "Hey babe, what are you sorry for? You didn't do anything wrong."

In just as quite a voice as before Josh said "I was so angry. I was so worried about you that I was not able to control my anger. I'm not a violent person. Really I'm not."

"Babe, I have know you my whole life, I know that your not violent. Mr. Hack told us that only somebody who loved me with all his heart would have risked a fight with the ENTIRE football team." said Brad. "I know why you reacted the way you did. It's not your fault."

Josh was still crying softly but had stopped speaking. Brad knew, from Mr. Hack that the next few days would be very hard for Josh. He was going to need Brad's support. And right now, that meant just listing and being with Josh. He would talk when he was ready.

After about 10 minutes Brad could feel the rhythmic breathing of sleep coming from Josh. Brad just pulled him closer and held him. With all the excitement of the day, Brad also drifted off to sleep.

Michael and the other boys were all sitting around in the family room talking quietly. They were trying to figure out the best way to talk to Michael's parents. They knew how important this would be. And they wanted to be supportive to Josh and Brad.

Next: Chapter 10

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