Joshs Promised Land

By moc.rehtona@29nyllewell

Published on Oct 25, 2001


Author's Note: What you are about to read is a gay fantasy about a teen, and preteen characters from the TV show "Promised Land" Produced by CBS Productions, in association with MoonWater Productions, Inc. 1996, and created by Mary Williamson. The characters were used without permission of the creators of the show, it does not represent nor imply the true sexual orientation of the actors or the characters they play. If fantasies about fictional characters having a same sex experience offend you, if you are under age or if this type of material is illegal in your area, you should not read any further. This story has been posted at free adult sites featuring gay stories for adult entertainment only and may not be copied electronically nor in any other form for redistribution.

If the subject of teen/boy or boy/boy sex offends you, if this material is illegal in your place of residence, or if you are under the legal age for such material, do not read further! You have been warned! Read at your own risk!

Part two picks up where part one ended. It can stand on its own, but will make more sense if you read part one.

Josh's Promised Land; Part 3 by Llewellyn92

Cole went over to Nathaniel's bed and sat on the edge. He gently stroked Nathaniel's arm trying to soothe him. Suddenly Nathaniel rolled over sat up and embraced Cole, burying his face in Cole's shoulder. He sobbed for about five minutes, then lifted his face and kissed Cole on the cheek.

Cole was a bit startled.

"Thank you." said Nathaniel. You've tried so hard to cheer me up."

"Why'd you kiss me?"

"I didn't know how else to thank you." Nathaniel turned away and even in the darkness Cole could see he was blushing.

Cole took Nathaniel's chin and turned his face back, He looked into Nathaniel's eyes and pulled his face close. He wrapped his other arm around Nathaniel and pulled him closer and gently kissed Nathaniel on his lips. It was now Nathaniel's turn to be surprised.

"I've wanted to do that since the first time you started crying. Whenever you cry I hurt for you, I want to make everything all right. Please don't cry any more."

Nathaniel wrapped his arms around Cole pulling him close. This time there was a million volt charge between them. Nathaniel pressed his tongue into Cole's mouth. At first Cole resisted, then opened his mouth to admit Nathaniel's tongue. They Frenched for about ten minutes, Nathaniel growing feelings that were familiar, Cole feeling things he never felt before. Scary things, pleasant and frightening at the same time.

"Cole, would you do something for me?"

"What's that, Nathaniel?"

"Cole.....I ....what I mean is.....Cole??!! Will you.....I don't know how to say this, unh aaaa Cole!!!?????

"What?!!? What do you want? You can ask me anything."

"Cole...........Would you fuck me?" Nathaniel turned away, afraid of what Cole's reaction would be.

"How? We're both boys. Boys can only fuck girls. ...... At least that's what they teach in health class."

"If you could, would you?" Nathaniel asked, encouraged.

"Well, yea, I guess, but your dick would be in the way. There's no hole there."

"That hasn't stopped me before." giggled Nathaniel with an evil grin. "Take off your pj's."

"Uh...I...I don't...uh....know......"

"You said I could ask you anything, besides we're both boys."


"You'll like it, trust me."

Cole started stripping slowly. Nathaniel was out of his things in a flash. Finally Cole stripped the last of his night things off.

"Lie down on the bed, Cole. On your back."

Cole lay on his back, still very skeptical of how this was going to happen. His little 2 inch soft wiener lay to the side, not showing much promise.

"Have you ever done anything like this before?" asked Nathaniel. He was sporting a good 3 ½ inch boner.

", I've never been naked with another person before."

"Well, we gotta get you hard first."


"Will you let me do anything? I promise it won't hurt.


Nathaniel lay down on top of his new buddy, dick to dick and face to face. He started by kissing Cole on the forehead, then traced Cole's nose with his tongue. He Frenched with Cole for a few minutes, then lifted up onto his arms and traced down Cole's chin to the indentation below his neck. Nathaniel was thinking back to the last time he spent with Josh. Josh had tasted almost every bit of his body, driving him wild with lust. He wanted Cole's first time to be the best he could possibly make it. With the knowledge he'd gained from his father and Josh, he could really take full advantage of every erogenous zone he could find.

Nathaniel licked and teased Cole's nipples bringing them to hard little mosquito bites. He then gently drew his fingers down Cole's sides as he tasted the valley of Cole's abdomen. Being horny, eager and 10 (almost 11), Nathaniel wasn't as thorough as Josh had been with him, but he certainly was having success getting Cole turned on. He was about half way to a respectable 4 ½ inches. Nathaniel was glad that Cole was bigger than he was because with his experience, he needed some size to really "fulfill" himself. (pun intended).

Cole's breathing had increased along with his heart rate. His head got lighter as he started to hyperventilate. He couldn't believe how good he felt. His thin, frail looking body had never been stimulated to this height before. By the time Nathaniel reached his pubic mound, Cole was ramrod hard. Nathaniel circled his groin several times, then sucked one of Cole's little balls into his mouth. He rolled it around in his mouth, sending shivers throughout Cole's body. He dropped that one and took in the other. Cole felt sick, euphoric, scared and optimistic all at the same time. His pricklet throbbed with his racing heart. Every so often a tremor shook his body.

"I think you're ready." Nathaniel observed simply.

Nathaniel engulfed Cole's rigid pole in his hot mouth and got it as wet as he could. He realized that there would be no pre-cum for lube. Both of his previous lovers had been able to produce some lube, but there would be none here. He then spit in his hand and rubbed as much as he could into his butt.

Cole was almost too far gone to really appreciate what was happening. Nathaniel straddled Cole. Not difficult as they were about the same size. He relaxed his sphincter and lowered his well used love tunnel over Cole's turgid member. It felt strangely small after Josh, but 2 weeks with nothing made it feel damned good!!!

The spit was more than good enough. Cole slipped into Nathaniel with no effort. Nathaniel began his routine, rocking up and down on his well muscled legs. Cole for his part had NEVER felt anything like this. The foreplay had been more than he could have ever hoped for, now THIS!!!

Cole trembled. Again he trembled, and yet again. He was almost at to the point of vibrating. Nathaniel clenched his butt. Cole arched his back and gasped. Nathaniel started working harder and faster. He clenched again. Cole groaned. Nathaniel's hips were almost a blur as he worked up and down.

Cole started to feel a burning in his groin. He felt a need to pee and tried to tell Nathaniel. He was so keyed up he couldn't make any sound. Nathaniel would clench at the bottom of each stroke when Cole was embedded to the max. Then he'd clench at the top when Cole's glans was in his sphincter. The warmth started to spread throughout Cole's body. His balls were pulled so tight by his scrotum that they hurt. He couldn't get enough air into his lungs to satisfy his needs. He was getting faint as his body felt like it was going to explode. His back arched, his body stiffened, he instinctively thrust as deeply as he could into Nathaniel's chamber. Cole felt as though his body was turning inside out through his penis. Convulsions rocked his frame as his pole throbbed inside Nathaniel. Nathaniel for his part squeezed as hard as he could.

Cole couldn't see anything or hear anything. He felt like screaming, but he had no breath left to expel. His head spun and he could feel himself blacking out........... DARKENSS, SILENCE, PEACE, SATISFACTION!!!!!!!

Cole began to wonder if he'd died and gone to heaven. Slowly his hearing began to return.


He felt a gentle shaking of his shoulders.

"Cole, Cole buddy, wake up." The voice sounded urgent.

A couple of pats on each cheek. Cole stirred, his eyes flickered open.

"Oh Cole, I was so worried. I thought you died." Nathaniel was near tears.

"Wha......wha.....what........what happened?"

"You came." Nathaniel replied simply.


"You had an orgasm. You must have fainted."

"What's an orgasm?"

"That's what happens to make cum... er... sperm come out so men can make women pregnant. It sure does feel awesome."

"You aren't kidding! That's the most incredible feeling I ever had!!" Cole couldn't express what he felt any better. "Where did you learn how to do that?"

"Promise you won't tell anybody?"

"Are you kidding? My mom gets upset if I rearrange my dick to get it comfortable. I'm sure as hell not going to tell her about this!!!"

"Well, my dad taught me how to fuck. He started humping me when I was 7. I figured out that it would be better for me if I was on top. I never came when dad fucked me. He was either drunk of stoned and all he cared about was getting his rocks off. My cousin Josh gave me my first cum. Me and him didn't get along good at first after I started living with them. I decided that if we were going to live together we needed to be friends, so, one night when he was asleep, he was really horny..."

"What's horny?"

"You ever have a time when you can't seem to keep your dick down?"


"THAT"S horny. Well, anyway, I decided to make him feel good. He was dreaming about his buddy Jason, and I got in bed with him. I climbed on and got him fucking me. He woke up just before he came. When he did, it was the first time in about a year and a half since the last time with my dad. After he came he asked me if I did. I didn't know what he was talking about so he jacked me off while I rode him to another orgasm. We came together and it was awesome."

"What's jacking off?"

"That's when you rub your dick till you cum."

"That works?"

"Yea, that's basically what I did to yours when you fucked me. It's not as good as fucking or a blow job, but it feels good if you can't get the others."

"What's a blow job?"

"Boy, you don't know ANYTHING!"

"I'm sorry, I never talked about sex with anyone before."

"A blow job is when somebody sucks on it."


"It doesn't taste any different than sucking a thumb. The only thing is that when the person your sucking can cum, that gets in your mouth. It doesn't taste bad though."

"What's it taste like?"

"Kinda sweet and salty and a little bitter too."

"You're still hard. Wanna fuck me?"

"Maybe we should wait. You never did it before and sometimes the first time hurts. I know that the first few times my dad fucked me it hurt like hell. That was until I figured out how to make it feel good. If you wanna give me a blow job that would be great."

"What if I don't like it? Maybe just till you come?

"Ha, ha, oh don't worry about that, I can't cum yet. I can orgasm, but no cum yet. You gotta hit puberty to cum....... It doesn't taste bad."

"O....OK, I....I...I'll try it."

Cole bent down and tentatively touched his tongue to Nathaniel's hard little member.

"See, I told you it didn't taste bad! Kneel down it'll be easier for you."

Cole knelt between Nathaniel's legs. He wrapped his hand around the base of Nathaniel's pricklet, and licked the head again.

"Feels gooood. Put your mouth around it."

Cole slipped his mouth down over the small shaft. He had no trouble engulfing the entire 3 plus inches.

"Move your mouth up and down."

Cole did as he was instructed. His bottom teeth scraped the ridge on the bottom of Nathaniel's pricklet.

"Ahhhhhh!!! Watch the teeth! That hurt."

"Sttthhhowwwy!!" (It's hard to talk with your mouth full.)

"Curl your lips around your teeth. That way they wont get in the way."

Cole bobbed erratically on Nathaniel's spike. It was obvious that he needed more coaching.

"Well," Nathaniel thought to himself, "It is the very first time he's ever been with anyone. Hard to believe he's almost 12 and he didn't even know how to jack." Then Nathaniel thought about it a little more. He's been fucking for 3 years, and only learned how to jack 3 months ago. It made him feel good that he was able to teach Cole how to feel good, as only a boy can, and how to make a boy feel good also.

"Try to get an even pace going." said Nathaniel. "It feels OK the way your doing it, but it feels better if you get a sort of an even tempo going."

Cole tried to even out his movements. He was breathing through his nose and exhaling through his mouth as best as he could while moving up and down.

"Suck on it while you go up and down."

Cole pulled off. "Why is it called a blow job if I'm supposed to suck?"

"Beats me! That's just what it's called. I was wondering why you were breathing so hard through your mouth."

"I was trying to 'blow' you."

"Well I told you before, a blow job is when someone sucks you."

"I forgot."

Cole resumed his position, and added suction to his ministrations.


"You OK?"

"Yeah! Keep doing it!!......... Lick my dick with your tongue."

Cole added tongue work to the mix. Nathaniel spasmed and groaned again. He threw his head back and let another groan escape his totally satisfied lips.

Ooooooohhhhhhhhhh, Cole, man that's good. Do it just like that!!!!!"

Cole's jaw was beginning to ache slightly, but he wanted to give Nathaniel the same pleasure he'd experienced not 5 minutes ago. He'd keep it up 'til his jaw fell off if it meant that he could make Nathaniel feel good. Even if it was only for a little while.

Nathaniel was beginning to succumb to Cole's ministrations. He could feel the familiar burning tingle in his balls. He knew that this was going to be a big one. It'd been more than 2 weeks since he had last cum. He'd been so withdrawn that he'd not even masturbated since leaving the Greens. Even when he and Josh couldn't get together, jacking had made it bearable. He would jack anywhere from 2 to 5 times a day. He could do it anywhere as there wasn't anything to clean up.

Nathaniel felt the pressure begin to build. His balls hurt. His pricklet was on fire. The good sensations were spreading from his groin, consuming his trembling body. He was as, or maybe even more, strung tight as when Josh licked and teased his body that day when they'd played hooky. Cole's tongue, though not as talented as Josh's, was working it's magic. What he lacked in skill he made up for with enthusiasm. Nathaniel was literally quaking. Termors were rippling through his highly strung body. He was on his back now, his hands gently stroking Cole's black hair, his head thrashing from side to side. It's a wonder he didn't get whiplash, but kids are very sturdy.

Suddenly Nathaniel threw his head back, a silent scream from his gaping mouth. His back arched as he thrust his groin deep into Cole's mouth. His little clenching butt raised from the bed, dragging Cole up with it. His pricklet pulsed. Cole could feel it throb in his mouth. Instinctively Cole sucked harder. Nathaniel raised higher from the bed as though Cole was lifting him with his suction. Nathaniel pulsed again, and again, 4....5.....6....7....8....... Nathaniel was so gone he couldn't have kept count if he wanted to. Cole didn't think to, he just kept sucking as hard as he could.

Nathaniel, of course, was so into his orgasm that he forgot to breathe. Light headed already from orgasming, the lack of air in his lungs made him even more faint. He didn't loose consciousness, but he felt time slow. This was probably the longest time he had ever orgasmed, but it was only a little more than 2 minutes. It seemed like it was hours that his body was out of control.

Cole was concerned that he'd loose Nathaniel, so he stopped sucking and withdrew his mouth from the spasming cocklet. This caused Nathaniel's sweet 'pain' to subside a little, but he kept spasming for several seconds after Cole let his member go.

Nathaniel lay there for 2 or 3 minutes trembling, gasping for air. Cole lay down next to him, stroking his heaving chest. His little nipples were as erect as his still spasming pricklet.

As his breathing regulated, Nathaniel rolled over to face Cole who was laying facing him. He stroked Cole's cheek, then ran his fingers behind Cole's neck. Gently he pulled the boy to him and pressed his lips gently into Cole's. The kiss lasted for 10 or 15 seconds.

"Thanks, That was awesome. That may be the best cum I ever had."

They kissed again and embraced. The next thing they knew they were awakened by the sun streaming through the window.

"Shit, it's 6:40!" Cole hissed. "Mom's gonna call us in less than 5 minutes. Get your PJ's on."

The boys hurried to get their pajamas back on and dived into their respective beds. No sooner than they had assembled their best sleeping act, than the door opened and Mrs.. Cagney stuck her head in and called the boys to wake up.

As soon as she left, Cole jumped out of bed and ran over and pulled the blankets off of Nathaniel. He jumped on top of his new playmate and began to tickle him. Nathaniel, laughing in fits, tried to keep Cole's hands at bay, but was having no luck. Finally he reached up and surrounded Cole, pulling him down in a bear hug. Cole had two choices, struggle to free himself, or relent. He chose the latter and melted into Nathaniel's arms. In this position their heads were side by side. As one they turned to face each other. Their lips brushed as they turned. They brushed their lips past one another's several times, savoring the sensations. Finally Nathaniel grasped Cole by the back of his head and pressed his lips firmly into the other boy's. They played tongue tag for several minutes.

Then Cole said, "We better get up. Or mom will be back to see what's keeping us."

Spoken like a prophet. They heard footsteps in the hall.

"Come on guys, let's get going."

Soon they were having breakfast.

Mrs.. Cagney said, "Oh, I almost forgot. Tomorrow's Saturday. Mr. Palmer has arranged for your family to visit. You've got all day to visit with them."

"Really?" gasped Nathaniel, "Super!!! They coming here?"

"Yes. We all thought it best that they come here."

"Neat! Cole, you'll get to meet Josh and the rest of my family."

"Really?" asked Cole, "That'll be neat. I can hardly wait!"

"Cole, honey, you can't. You have a game tomorrow." reminded Mrs.. C.

"Aw Mom! I want to meet the Greens!"

"Sorry honey, you have an obligation to the team."

"Shit!" said Cole under his breath.

"What!" said his mother.


"I won't tolerate that kind of language. Go to your room!!"

"Aww Sh...."


"Yes mam."

Cole left and Nathaniel finished his breakfast in silence. When he was done, he excused himself and went to the room he shared with Cole.

Cole was laying on his bed, his face buried in his pillow. From the movement of his shoulders and back it was obvious that he was crying. Nathaniel sat by him on the bed. Cole turned his head away, he didn't want Nathaniel to know he was crying. Nathaniel lay on his back and nuzzled his ear giving it a gentle peck. Cole kept sobbing.

"You need a hug."

No response.

Nathaniel rolled Cole over and embraced him, kissing the tears away.

"I...I....I'm..........I'm sorry," choked Cole, "I'm nothing but a baby."

"I hate little league!" he spat the words out with venom. "I hate it so much....My mom made me join. She said it was good for my character. 'Builds responsibility' she says. Builds embarrassment I say. I'm always last to bat, I'm stuck in left field unless the batter is left handed, then they send me to right. Usually I don't get up to bat anyway. I pray that they will miss me in the rotation."

"So tell her you hate it."

"I have! She says I'm not trying hard enough. She must really hate me to make me do it. I think she has me in sports just so she won't have to bother with me on Saturdays. In the summer she sends me to day camp. The only time I see her is at breakfast and dinner. I think she thinks I'm in the way. She spends more time with clients than she does with me."

Cole sobbed for a few more moments. Then suddenly he stopped. Nathaniel was surprised by the sudden change in his demeanor.

"That's it. I've decided." said Cole flatly.


"I'm leaving."


"I'm running away."

"You're kidding."

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" he hissed. "I'll teach her. If she has no time for me, then I'll just leave."

"Where will you go?"


"What'll you do for money?"

"Dun-know........I'll take mom's credit cards. I know her pin numbers and I can get cash from machines."

"Well you can't go alone."

"Why not."

"You can't that's all."

The feeling of adventure was beginning to build in Nathaniel's mind. He liked traveling. He'd done it with his father and with his uncle's family.

"I'll go with you."

"You crazy??"

"No more than you."

"I'm leaving tonight. You won't get to see your family."

"I'm not letting you go alone. I've been on the road. I know what the dangers can be. You need me."

"Boys, it's time for school."

"OK Mrs.. C."

The day progressed uneventfully. When the boys got home Mrs. C. wasn't there yet. Cole jimmied the desk and took his mother's credit cards. Then he got on the computer and ordered airline tickets to Chicago. They ate dinner in silence, and Cole excused himself and went to bed. Nathaniel tried to be polite and watched some TV with Mrs.. C. then excused himself and joined Cole.

"I've ordered a cab. We have to meet it in two hours. We have a little time to play. I want you to fuck me. I want to know what it feels like."

The boys were out of their clothes in a flash. Nathaniel lay on the bed and Cole produced a jar of Vaseline.

"Good thinking." said Nathaniel.

Cole lubed Nathaniel's pricklet. No need to encourage an erection, it was hard as soon as Cole suggested they do it. Cole then greased his own rectum, gently pressing his finger into his hole. He winced slightly at the unfamiliar feeling of something going in. He didn't let his fear show. He was determined to let Nathaniel fuck him, pain or no.

Nathaniel sensed his fear.

"You sure about this?"

"Yes!" Cole said with determination. "NOTHING is going to stop me!"

"OK, get on."

Cole straddled Nathaniel as Nathaniel held his pricklet straight. Cole eased down on the hard little spike. He felt the glans touch his pucker and tensed.

"If you wanna do this you gotta relax. Pretend you're taking a crap. That'll relax your muscle."


Cole was still scared but he wouldn't stop even if his mother came in right now. He relaxed his sphincter and pushed down. Nathaniel's acorn entered the tight virgin tunnel. Nathaniel couldn't believe how tight it was. He'd only fucked Josh, and Josh was almost three years older than Cole, and much bigger.

The tightness was almost painful as Nathaniel's almost four inches slid slowly into Cole's still virginal territory. The incredible pleasure/pain was driving him wild. He wanted Cole to be in charge because he didn't want to hurt or scare him the first time. It took all of Nathaniel's will power not to thrust himself home. With a final groan Cole pushed the final inch in. He grimaced at the fullness he felt. It bordered on painful, but wasn't quite. Cole sat there with Nathaniel's pricklet embedded to the hilt. He let his stretched sphincter adjust to the fullness of the invading member.

"Ready?" said Nathaniel.

"Unh hunh."

"You want me to jack you while you fuck me?"

"Unh hunh."

"Go for it!"

Cole started to rock up and down on Nathaniel's impossibly hard member, drawing gasps from it's owner. Nathaniel wrapped his hand around Cole's four plus inch prick and started jacking. Cole, reveling in the sensations of Nathaniel's hand and his stuffed ass started rocking faster. As Cole's tempo increased, Nathaniel held his hand still and let Cole fuck it as he impaled himself on Nathaniel's spike.

Cole's pace increased. His legs were beginning to ache, but the ache in his groin out paced the ache in his legs. Cole's balls were tingling. He'd only felt that sensation for the first time the night before. The incredible warmth started to spread. He humped faster. Nathaniel was meeting his humping with thrusts of his own. He could feel the heavenly sensations beginning to spread through his loins, and thrust faster into Cole's abused rectum. Suddenly Cole spasmed. He threw his head back and gasped. Nathaniel could feel his prick throb in his hand while his sphincter clamped at the same pace around his own pricklet. Nathaniel couldn't take any more and convulsed as he drove his spike deeply as he could into Cole's rectum. They convulsed together for over a minute. Their immature gonads trying desperately to pump sperm through their pulsing pricklets. As suddenly as it stared the convulsions stopped. Cole collapsed forward onto Nathaniel's chest the movement causing Nathaniel's quivering cocklet to pull out. It spasmed several more times as its owner basked in the after glow of an awesome orgasm. Cole panted trying to regain his breath. Suddenly his right leg locked in an agonizing cramp. He tried to straighten it, then jumped to the floor, his prick still hard, trying to get the kink out of his calf.

"What is it???" asked Nathaniel half in shock.

"Cramp!!!" came the agonized reply.

"Let me rub it!"

Nathaniel started rubbing the knot in Cole's leg. As the pain began to subside, Cole started laughing.


"At least it waited till we were done." Cole chuckled. "Guess I better be on the bottom next time. ............. What time is it?


"Get dressed. We got 45 min. to get to the cab. It takes 15 to get to the pickup place."

They got dressed, gathered their belongings and crept out of the house. Off to adventure! Nathaniel wasn't sure about this, but he wouldn't let Cole go alone; even if it meant that he would never see his family again.

To be continued.........

Next: Chapter 4

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