Joshs Promised Land

By moc.rehtona@29nyllewell

Published on Mar 18, 2002


Author's Note: What you are about to read is a gay fantasy about a teen, and preteen characters from the TV show "Promised Land" Produced by CBS Productions, in association with MoonWater Productions, Inc. 1996, and created by Mary Williamson. The characters were used without permission of the creators of the show, it does not represent nor imply the true sexual orientation of the actors or the characters they play.

If fantasies about fictional characters having a same sex experience offend you, if you are under age or if this type of material is illegal in your area, you should not read any further. This story has been posted at free adult sites featuring gay stories for adult entertainment only and may not be copied electronically nor in any other form for redistribution.

If the subject of man/boy, teen/boy or boy/boy sex offends you, if this material is illegal in your place of residence, or if you are under the legal age for such material, do not read further! You have been warned! Read at your own risk!

I suggest that you read parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 as they will make part 5 make more sense.

Josh's Promised Land; Part 5 by Llewellyn92

The trip back to Phoenix was uneventful. Cole and his mother talked while Nathaniel and Russell napped. As he slept, Nathaniel dreamed. At first he was soaring through the air without the help of the airplane. He flew toward a cloud that had a large puckered hole in it. He folded his arms against his body and plunged into the hole. As soon as he entered, the hole closed behind him. The walls turned pink, they seemed to solidify. As he moved toward one side of the channel he was in, he touched the wall. It was warm and damp. He felt a stirring in his groin and looked down to see that he was naked. His almost 12-year-old pricklet began to expand, quickly reaching its full 3 1/2 inches. The hole opened again, and a large smooth purple cloud pushed its way in expanding the channel he was in as it entered. The two clouds remained separate and distinct as the purple one moved in closer and closer to him. It was rounded with a grove running vertically from the bottom to about the middle of it. As it moved in, the grove opened revealing a hole that seemed to be very moist. As Nathaniel floated toward the purple cloud, it moved back away from him. Just as he thought it would disappear, it moved back. This time it came farther in, compressing the surrounding pink cloud as it passed. This time Nathaniel grabbed onto the purple cloud and pressed his boyhood into the opening. The cloud was so firm that it seemed to be solid. It was moist almost to the point of being slippery. Nathaniel grabbed hold and started humping the hole in the cloud. It quivered as he humped, and the opening clamped down on his little peter. Nathaniel began fucking the purple cloud in earnest, hanging on for dear life as the cloud moved back and forth in the pink chamber. Nathaniel was drawing closer and closer to orgasm when he felt the purple cloud shudder. He fucked it harder. It responded by plunging harder and harder into the pink chamber. The walls of the chamber were quivering also. Nathaniel exploded, his pricklet pulsing at odds with his fucking motion causing him to quiver in ecstasy. Suddenly the purple cloud exploded, propelling Nathaniel back into the pink tunnel as it contracted and relaxed. Nathaniel was covered in a sticky white syrup. It was sweet and buttery, just like pancake syrup, but it also had a salty tang.......... Suddenly Nathaniel awoke. His whole body was quivering and his pricklet was throbbing. He was sweating profusely.

"Woah!" he said catching his breath.

Russell was still sleeping. At least Nathaniel hadn't disturbed him. The boy looked across the aisle to see Cole staring at him. Mrs. Cagney was asleep, so Nathaniel motioned toward the restroom. The two boys made their way back to the facilities, Cole giving Nathaniel wondering glances all the way. They entered and closed the door. "What happened?" "I had the most awesome dream! I never got off in a dream before." "I thought you got off, by the way you grunted and moved, but I thought you were jacking." "I dreamed that this cloud was fucking another cloud. I was in the ass cloud and started fucking the prick cloud. Just as I got off, the prick cloud cummed and almost drowned me. The cum tasted like salty pancake syrup." "You're sick, you know that?" the almost 12-year-old scolded. "Well I can't control what I dream, can I?" "You're still sick, and I love it!!!" Cole pulled Nathaniel to him and kissed him deeply. A knock on the door broke their passion. "We're making our final approach to Phoenix." came a voice from outside, "Will you please return to your seats?" They gave each other a quick peck, giggled and went back to their seats.

"You know, you're in deep shit." Nathaniel said. "Don't I know it." replied Cole, "But at least I know that my mom cares."

When the four travelers arrived at the Cagneys'. They were greeted by Claire and Josh. Claire gave Nathaniel a big hug and kiss then turned to Cole. Josh grabbed Nathaniel by the arm and crushed him in a bear hug. "You little twirp! You scared the shit out of us." When Josh realized what he had said in the presence of his elders, he blushed a deep crimson. The adults looked at each other in surprise then broke out an hearty laughter. They were rather impressed that 15 yr old could be so concerned about someone. Little did they know ho much Josh missed his little twirp. The two cousins embraced again this time Nathaniel nearly crushing the breath out of his older cousin as he realized just how much he had been missing even with Cole as a surrogate. Nathaniel was suddenly quiet. He was feeling conflicting emotions. There was no question that he loved Josh with all his heart and soul. But he loved Cole too. The poor 11 year old was torn between them. At least he had two weeks before he had to do something about it.

Then he remembered Lamar. "Yes, of course." "Of course what?" asked Josh. "Oh, unh, ahh....nothing, just thinking. Uncle Russell, could Josh spend the weekend with us........., Here?" "That's up to Sandra, ah, Mrs. Cagney." "No problem here." replied Cole's mother. "Just remember, Cole's grounded for the near future until I figure out what we're going to do about him. He owes me at least $700. And I don't think he's going to get off lightly." Cole rolled his eyes and groaned. He took Nathaniel by the arm and walked into the house. "I told you you were in deep shit." Nathaniel whispered as they left. Once they were out of ear-shot, the adults couldn't hold back their laughter any more. "You're really going to have him pay you back?" asked Calire. "He'll think so." replied Sandra. "I'll bank it for his use in the future, but he WILL know the value of a buck by the time this is over."

The three boys went to Cole's room, Nathaniel entering last. He closed and locked the door. Hearing the click of the lock, Josh turned around to see Nathaniel charging toward him. Josh opened his arms and Nathaniel jumped into them, wrapping his arms around Josh's neck and his legs around his cousin's waist. Nathaniel's tongue was practically down Josh's throat before he could take a breath from the impact of Nathaniel's jump. Josh staggered backward toward the nearest bed and fell back on it. Nathaniel was practically eating Josh's mouth. He was trying for the maximum contact he could achieve. Finally Josh pushed the 11 year old up and gasped for air. He looked at the beautiful freckled face with the mop of red hair looking back at him. Tears streaked those ruddy cheeks, and a booger hung from one nostril. Josh didn't know weather to laugh or cry at the sight. "I missed you so much!" sobbed Nathaniel. The impact of their separation hitting him like a ton of bricks. "Ditto, twirp." Josh replied with a crack in his voice. "Unh, Cole, do you have any Kleenex?" "Kleenex?" sniffled Nathaniel. "Yeah." "Why?" "I can't kiss you again till we get the booger off your face." At that both Josh and Cole broke out in uncontrollable laughter, Nathaniel looking at them with bewilderment. He reached up and wiped his nose, spreading the flem on his finger. "Eeyuck, gross." he said, and he joined the others in the hilarity of the situation.

When they calmed down, Josh said, "I think we should check and see what the 'rents are gonna want to do about supper, it's almost 6:00." "I can't wait to get you in bed!" said Nathaniel with a wicked gleam in his eye. "I want to get it on with both of you." he finished, not wanting to leave Cole out of it.

Josh and Nathaniel went with the Cagneys, and the Greens went to pick up the rest of the family. The met at an all-you-can-eat restaurant and stuffed themselves.

Mrs. Cagney was going to put Josh in the guest room, but Cole and Nathaniel finally got her to let him sleep in Cole's room. It seemed that the adults just didn't want to stop talking. When the conversation took another endless turn, Cole said, "I think I should be going to bed, after all I am grounded." Everyone looked at him. It was only 9:00, and there was no school the next day. Then Nathaniel piped in, "I wasn't exactly an angel either." "Maybe I should go with them to make sure they don't get into trouble." interjected Josh.

Russell looked at Josh with a question in his eyes, then the question turned to recognition and he smiled at his son, then winked. "I think they need some time to themselves." he stated simply. "They haven't seen each other for over four months. They have a lot of catching up to do." Josh looked back at his dad, did he know? Had he figured out what he and Nathaniel really meant to each other? Russell winked again, reached for his hat and ushered his women folk toward the door. "Don't keep this good lady awake all night. I know how rowdy you two can get." He tousled each boy's hair and gave each a hug, discretely whacking Josh on the butt when he hugged him. "Be gentle.", he whispered to his first born. "Always.", Josh mouthed back. Josh's heart soared. His dad knew and accepted his love for his cousin. He couldn't be happier, well, unless it was when he had his almost 6 inches buried in Nathaniel's butt. And that was not far off.

In the last four months, Josh's only friend had been his hand. That only happened when he couldn't stand the horniness that accompanies forced celibacy. He had had so little outlet for his raging teen hormones that he could practically taste the backed up cum in his system. He was afraid he was going to rape Nathaniel. The two younger boys went to Cole's room so Josh went to the bathroom to shower and brush his teeth. He had just gotten his head under the shower when he thought he heard a noise. He listened for a moment then continued to shampoo his shoulder length blond hair. He was facing the spray, eyes closed, when he felt two arms surround him from the back. He jumped, slightly startled. He hadn't expected anyone to get in with him. He felt a cheek against his back and the hands moved up his smooth abdomen to his nipples. They fondled and caressed the nubbins, bringing them to hard points, and sending chills throughout his rapidly heating up body. He felt a hardness the size of a finger poking at his upper legs as the body behind him pressed itself into him. Josh grasped the hands bringing one to his lips and kissed it tenderly. He raised them and turned to face his 'long lost' lover. Nathaniel's eyes were closed and he had a satisfied smile on his lips. Josh bent and gave him a gentle peck on the forehead. The smile broadened. He kissed each eye The lips parted. He planted a sloppy wet French kiss on that mouth he had been dreaming about almost constantly for the last four months. He broke with the lips and trailed his tongue down Nathaniel's chin. He knelt down dragging his tongue to each of Nathaniel's nipples, already hard with anticipation. He stopped at his cousin's three and a half inch prize. It had grown in the last 4 months. Josh looked at it for a moment then looked up at Nathaniel's face. His eyes were closed his mouth half open waiting for what he knew was coming.

"I'm afraid I'm going to rape you, twirp." Nathaniel opened his eyes and glared down at Josh. "Just SHUT THE FUCK UP and DO IT!" he snarled. "You ALWAYS talk too much!!!" "Sorry, I......" "Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Nathaniel's frustration was showing. Josh chowed down on the hairless 3.5 inch delecasy before him. As he suctioned Nathaniel's tool, the younger boy began to hump his face. Before either of them could have expected it Nathaniel's pricklet throbbed rythmicly in his mouth as the boy's knees went weak. He sounded as if he were strangling as he gurgled his bliss. Josh gently let him sag to the bottom of the tub as his body convulsed with the passion all males live for. To put it bluntly, Josh wanted to fuck the shit out of the boy in front of him. Then he realized that they'd been in the shower too long. "Hey twirp, get up. We don't want Mrs. C. to suspect anything." Nathaniel pulled his wits together, and rinsed off with Josh. They quickly got out and brushed their teeth. As they finished with their nightly ritual, Nathaniel asked, "What did Uncle Russell say to you when he left?" "Nothing much, He knows about us, and is OK with it." "Yeah, Really? I wonder if he knows about you and Jason." "Why?" Nathaniel was about to let the surprise slip about going to visit Josh's first love Jason, but caught himself just in time. "Nothing. You spent most of your time with him is all, and you were really sad till we hooked up. He's a lot smarter than you think." "I'm beginning to see that." Josh replied. The teen's eyes began to mist up as he thought about Jason. It had been two years since he'd seen his first lover and best friend. Jason was a late bloomer and didn't look much older at 13 than Nathaniel did now at 11. It had been so long that he now had difficulty separating the two. Both had round freckled faces. Nathaniel had red hair and Jason's was strawberry blond. They could have passed for brothers. Nathaniel sensed Josh's pain and enfolded him, hugging him close. "Things'll work out. I promise." Josh looked at him questioningly, then kissed his forehead. "I love you, twirp." Nathaniel looked up at him, a satisfied smile on his face. The smile changed to a smirk, "Come on, dick boy, Cole's probably beaten off 4 times since I came in here." Josh swiped at him as he ducked and ran out of the bathroom with his lover in hot pursuit.

"Took you long enough!" Cole smirked accusingly. "Worth it!" Nathaniel shot back with a smile. "When do I get mine?" "Right now!" shouted both cousins. They tackled Cole and tickled him till he screamed for mercy. A knock on the door made the three of them freeze. "You boys settle down now." "OK, Mom." "Shit." whispered Josh. "She won't come in unless she thinks we're being killed or something. She respects my privacy." "She scared the fuck out of me." "I hope not!" said Nathaniel as he pushed Josh onto his back and kissed him. "I need a good workout." "You the director or something?" "Yeah, at least this time." "OK, what'l we do?" "Josh, you fuck me while Cole fucks you." "OK, Who's on the bottom?" "Me of course!" "I thought you liked to be on top." "Shut up and fuck me, chatter box!" "What if I don't want to?" "That's a laugh. When have you EVER not wanted to?" "Got me there." "Not yet! Get to it!" "Got any lube?" "WILL YOU FUCK ME, ALREADY?!!!!!" "SHHHHHHH, do you want my mother to come back?!" "Well tell him to FUCK ME!!!!" "NO, you gotta wait now. I'm not gonna let you have my fat juicy 6 inches. You can have Cole's little dick first. "Hey, I'm not so little. I'm bigger than Nathaniel! "No offense, Cole, I just want him to wait." "Unh, wanna fuck me while I fuck him?" Cole asked uncertainly. "Have you ever had anybody as big as me?" "" "You sure you want me to?" " uh y...y...yes........Unh I don't know......I uh......." "It could hurt." "It did hurt a little when Nathaniel did it, but it felt really good after he started." "Well I'm just about twice as big." "Yea, I can see that. But I wanna feel cum in my ass. Nathaniel can't do that. Nathaniel didn't know it, but Fr. Phillip (part 4) wanted to fuck me and Nathaniel said no. I know he was trying to protect me, but I was sorry I didn't get the experience." "You knew?" "Yeah. There was a mirror behind you and I saw him come up behind me. Then I saw you shake your head. I don't think I was ready then, but I am now." "You sure about this?" asked Josh. "YES!!!" "It could hurt....." "DO IT!! If I can't take it, I'll tell you to stop." "OK, but I'm so horny, I don't know if I can stop." "I knew it." said Nathaniel, "You're always horny. You just want a fresh piece of ass." "No, I just want to deprive YOU. You can be such a pain in the ass sometimes." "I'm not big enough." "Oh, shut up." "Getting testy are we?" "Fuck off twirp." "Love to." "Will you two cut it out. We only have all night!!!" The cousins started laughing. Cole looked bewildered, then joined in. Through all of this chatter they still hadn't undressed. Cole and Nathaniel in P.J.'s and Josh in an oversized t-shirt and briefs. All had tents in their pants, Josh's an impressive 6 inches, Cole a respectable 4 inches and Nathaniel 3 and a half. Josh stood and removed his t-shirt, revealing his finely chiseled chest and abs. He was a runner and swimmer and it showed. He then slid down his briefs, his boner slapping his stomach as it was released. It bounced a few times coming to rest at a 45% angle. "Woah!" exclaimed Cole, not so sure about the situation now. Josh's blond bush almost completely covered his pubes. His balls were almost completely smooth. At fifteen, he was the ideal of most boy lovers. Still hairless enough for those who like them young, but developed enough for those who like someone who can play as an equal. "You still sure you want this?" asked Josh giving his boner a bounce. "Y......y......YES!!!!!!!" replied Cole, his eyes like saucers. "Get your P.J.'s off." As if in a trance, Cole rose and began stripping. Nathaniel had long since stripped, out of his clothes almost before Josh finished removing his briefs. Cole began to sit down, but Nathaniel said, "No, Cole should be on top. He can control what happens then." Josh lay down on the bed, and Cole got on the teen's stomach straddling his body. He's seen Nathaniel take Fr. Phillip and figured that was the best way to do it. He rose to his knees and was about to sit on Josh's pole, when Josh said, "You have any Vaseline?" "Oh, yeah." said Nathaniel. "Right here." He reached under the mattress of his bed and withdrew a small bottle of lube. He hurried over and greased Josh's throbbing member. It had been leaking pre-cum for a while now. He then got his finger covered and gently probed his young friend's rose bud, little by little pushing it in deeper and deeper. He finger fucked Cole's tight oraface for a few minutes, then pushed another greased finger in. Cole grunted with the added girth of two fingers, but accepted them without much trouble. A third finger followed the first two. Cole winced, and gritted his teeth as he strained to accept the third finger. "Just think about taking a shit." coached Nathaniel. "I know you can do it. I had one bigger than this when I was 8." "Brag, why don't you!" Cole shot back. "I'm not bragging. I didn't like it for more than a year, but Dad kept fucking me anyway. I didn't like it till I could be on top. By then I was loosened up enough so it didn't matter. I don't want you to hate your first big cock." "Sorry, I know you know what to do, I just....I don't know.... it just sounded like bragging." "You ready?" "Yeah, your fingers don't hurt anymore." "Good, they're about as big around as Josh's cock. I couldn't get them in as far as his cock will go, but it's only the opening that's a problem. Get into position, I'll pull my fingers out and push Josh's head in as quick as possible. Remember push out like you're taking a shit." Cole rose up again, and positioned himself over Josh's turgid rod. Nathaniel kept finger fucking Cole as he got into position. "Now sit back." instructed Nathaniel. As Cole sat back, Nathaniel quickly removed his fingers. He positioned Josh's member and guided it into the gaping sphincter. Cole continued to lean back, Josh's ping-pong ball sized head going deeper and deeper into uncharted territory. To Cole's surprise, it didn't hurt. Nathaniel's preparation had been so effective that there was no pain, only the fullness of a rod the size of a large carrot probing ever deeper into his abdomen. When Josh was just over half of the way in, Cole felt a jolt of electricity fill his body. At 3 1/2 inches, Nathaniel was never deep enough to reach Cole's prostate. The boy thought he'd pass out as the invading tool rubbed his maturing knob. When Nathaniel fucked him it had been very pleasant. This was sending him into orbit. Josh couldn't believe the tightness of the virgin territory he was entering. The entry had been easy. Nathaniel's fucking and loosening by finger had made the entry quite easy. He was still tighter than Nathaniel, but his cousin had been doing it with a man half again as big as he was, and had been doing it for 2+ years. Cole could not believe how full he felt, yet how wonderful it was. Every fiber in his body was tingling from the pressure against his prostate. He had never been more ready to do something in his life as he was for being fucked. "Awright!" said Nathaniel. "You done it!" "Yeah!!!", Cole half sighed, half grunted. "Awesome!!, said Josh, "I've never felt anything like this. You're the hottest tightest kid I ever fucked. Man, I want this to last forever!!!" Cole blushed at the compliment. "Nathaniel has to be better, He knows what he's doing." "Yeah, he sure does, but it's like you were never fucked before. He's good and does other things to make it even better, but you don't have to do anything. I could shoot just plugged in. It's all I can do not to blow." "Well when was the last time you jacked?" "Last week." "Well, you probably got enough cum stored for at least 3 fucks. Cole, you got your position right. Now rise up on your knees, and just move up and down." Cole rose and as he did the pressure against his pleasure bud caused him to shiver. His pricklet had never been so hard. He quickly established a rhythm, slowly sliding his rectum up and down Josh's incredibly stiff organ. Josh could not help but groan in pleasure. He hadn't moved at all, but he was so close that his toes curled and his fingers grasped at the sheets. He was straining to make it last, but his forced celibacy was not going to let that happen. As Cole slid down, Josh began to pump back, thrust meeting thrust. Suddenly Josh felt the spring snap! His balls were withdrawn so deeply into his abdomen that they were hardly visible. Cole felt Josh's instrument of pleasure expand and throb forth a blast of warmth. Again and again the warmth flooded his cavern. Josh's face was screwed into an almost inhuman contortion. His breathing had stopped and his body trembled, totally out of his control. As the first blast of warmth flooded his love canal, Cole felt his own spring tighten. Nathaniel, who was jacking himself furiously, sensed that Cole was close when Josh shot his first blast and dived on the turgid little pricklet between Cole's legs. He was about to engulf it with his mouth when he was shot in the face by a fine watery volley of first cum. There wasn't much, but it was enough to leave no doubt that Cole had had his first ejaculation. Nathaniel devoured the throbbing, spitting 4 inches and sucked like there were no tomorrow. Cole quivered, a rigid mass of orgasming flesh. Josh was in near pain as Cole's sphincter contracted just as his prick expanded. The tightness was almost so great that his cum was having difficulty being expelled. What pleasant pain. He remembered his first intercourse with Nathaniel and his attempt with Jason. This was so sweet. How could he be so lucky to find such willing partners? As Josh's orgasm began to subside, Cole was at his peak. Each volley from his quivering erection caused his anal muscles to contract milking the remaining fluids from Josh. Cole squirted blast after blast of watery boy juice into Nathaniel's expert oral massager. Nathaniel eagerly consumed the limited flow, savoring the salty flavor. As Cole began to descend from that plateau of pleasure, Nathaniel slumped back onto his hunches. His little love tool began to pulsate between his fingers. His little gonads tried to deliver the immature sperm, but failed as he had one of the best dry cums of his life. Knowing that the two boys he loved were experiencing such bliss, gave him all of the pleasure he needed. Cole suddenly slumped forward, falling onto Josh's chest. Josh, now somewhat recovered caught him and hugged him close. He kissed the top of Cole's head and murmured sweet little nothings to him. Cole didn't move giving Josh a slight alarm. Nathaniel now finished noticed that Cole was still and looked at Josh. Josh looked back with an expression of fear. "He's a fainter." "Yeah?" "Yeah. The first time I gave him a blow job, he passed right out. I thought he had a heart attack or something." "He gonna be OK?" "Yeah, I think so.......Look, he's coming around." Cole stirred. He looked disoriented, "Wh......what ......what happened?" "You passed out." "Again?" "Yeah. Must have been good." "I felt your cum fill me. It was awesome. It didn't hurt at all, and you hit something inside me that made me feel awesome." "There's a gland inside you at the base of your prick that's very sensitive." said Josh, I think it's called a prostrate...... no prostate.... Yeah that's it, prostate. I think it has something to do with making your cum." "I know what you mean about it driving you crazy." said Nathaniel, "Know what else?" "What?" replied the other two. "Look at my face." They did. "What about it?" asked Cole. "Look close." "Your nose is wet." "Yup!" "Why?" "What'a you think?" "I don't know." Cole was getting tired of this guessing game. "Did he?!" asked Josh. "Yup." "Did I what???!!!!!" "Should I tell him?" "Tell me WHAT!!!!!!?????" "You came, buddy." said Josh. WHAT???? Me?????" "Yup." "No,.......really?" "There wasn't much, but you shot about 4 times. The first hit my nose before I could go down on you." "I came," sighed Cole, "My first fuck with someone that can cum, and I came." Cole lay there on top of Josh, Josh still embedded in his love tunnel. He couldn't believe it. What a rush. Josh could feel his butt sticker begin to deflate. He wanted to stay in for as long as possible. He pulled Cole's face to his and kissed him deeply. Their tongues dueled for a few minutes then Josh pulled away and said, "Thanks, Cole, you were terrific. I'm honored to have been your second. Now I want to fuck the twirp. If you want, you can have him fuck you at the same time." "Awesome! I wanna be on the bottom. We can make a Nathaniel sandwich." "Cool!" said Nathaniel. Cole lay on his back. Just the thought of more sex had him raging hard again. Nathaniel, always horny, got into position and pressed his little member home. Cole grunted at the sudden invasion, then pulled Nathaniel down for a kiss. Josh, healthy teen that he was, was ready also. He got into place and gently entered his cousin/lover. He finally felt as if he were home. Nathaniel began to pump into Cole, as he did, the backward motion drove Josh deeper. Josh positioned himself so that he wasn't putting much weight on the two younger boys. He held still and let Nathaniel do the work. He knew how much Nathaniel liked to be in control, so this was his way of letting that happen. As Nathaniel pumped his dicklet into Cole's rectum, he rubbed his stomach against Cole's erection. Cole moaned and shivered under him, savoring the attention his most private places were getting. Nathaniel was doing his own shivering. It had been only a day since his encounter with Fr. Phillip, but he was with Josh. It had been so long that he'd forgotten how important love was to lovemaking. He loved Cole, but it wasn't the same. Josh was as much a part of him as he was a part of Josh. He knew that from now on, he was going to do everything he could to stay with Josh. Josh was everything. Josh was all that he wanted in life, and he knew that Josh felt the same way. Nathaniel picked up the pace. He was massaging his prostate on the greatest "vibrator" in the world. His pricklet was massaging the second most important cavity, as far as he was concerned, in the world. He felt surrounded by love. He shuddered, gasped and stiffened. His little organ tried again in vain to expel the seed that wasn't there. As he trembled and his pricklet pulsed in Cole's rectum, Cole stiffened sending a slimy wetness between them. Cole's loins burned as he trembled beneath his teacher. Nathaniel's convulsions caused his sphincter to contract, milking at Josh's 'udder'. Josh was slower to get there having just cum buckets a short time ago. Nathaniel began to relax to a post orgasmic state, but he was aware that Josh still hadn't cum. He kept contracting his muscles to stimulate Josh. Josh moaned and rolled his head from side to side. He had forgotten just how good the little twirp was. "Man, Nathaniel, ............ you ....... really know .......... what to do." "Thanks, cuz. Glad you like it." At that Cole pulled Nathaniel's face to his own. They Frenched as Josh rode Nathaniel's butt. The intensity of the situation had Nathaniel, who was still randy, hard as a rock again. As Josh pummeled Nathaniel's ass, the force drove Nathaniel into and out of Cole. Josh felt his balls tighten, "Here .......... it ......... comes ........... lover!" "Me.........too!" Josh exploded, sending his second load of the night into his little lover. He spurted and spurted sending his seed deep into Nathaniel. As Josh's warmth flooded Nathaniel, basting his innards. Nathaniel could stand it no longer. His irritated prostate sent him into yet another fit of convulsions. Cole clamped his anal ring tightly as he could giving Nathaniel fits of pleasure. As Nathaniel came, Cole kissed and made love to his face. Nathaniel had never experienced the passion he was now 'suffering'. Josh was descending from his orgasmic high. He began kissing Nathaniel's neck and shoulders. Nathaniel began to relax and sighed, "Wow!" He couldn't come up with words to express his feelings. How can you say what it feels like to be completely surrounded by love, and filled at the same time. Filled physically and emotionally. The only thing he could think, was how great it could be if his dad were there too. Yet, if he were with his dad, he wouldn't be with the two most important people in his life. Although he loved his dad, and enjoyed pleasuring him, Josh had taught him that he should expect loving in return. His dad had never pleasured him on purpose. It had all been for his own pleasure, not the pleasure of his partner, be it Nathaniel or the women he bedded. Joe Green was interested in only one thing. Getting his rocks off. If his partner enjoyed it great, but that wasn't his goal or his concern. "Yep." thought Nathaniel. "This is what I want. I don't need my dad or anyone else. I'm where I belong." ********************

Nathaniel woke with a start. He was in his bed in Cole's bedroom. He looked over to Cole's bed. His buddy was gently snoring, his back turned so Nathaniel couldn't see his face. He sighed and rolled onto his back. As he moved, a snort issued from the bed beside him. Nathaniel jumped a mile, then looked to his right. He smiled when he saw the tousseled blond mop covering the pillow next to him. He rolled over, spooning his body to Josh's back. He worked his right arm under his lover's neck and lay the left over his shoulder. Nathaniel kissed Josh's neck, then nibbled on his ear. Josh mumbled, "Nathaniel? Jason?" Nathaniel smiled. Two years ago it would have been the other way around. "Nathaniel." he whispered, and stuck his tongue into Josh's ear. "Morning, love." "Morning." Josh rolled over and embraced Nathaniel, "Love ya." "Not as much as me." "Hunh?" "I love you more!" "Yeah? How much more?" "This much!" Nathaniel attacked Josh's face and buried his tongue in Josh's mouth. As he did, he sucked on his lover's mouth drawing the breath out of him. Josh sucked back, regaining the air Nathaniel had removed. They passed the breath back and forth till they had to stop and get a fresh one. "Awesome, I almost passed out." said Nathaniel. "Made me dizzy." "Yeah, me too. .............. I wanna fuck again, but first I need a piss." "You go, then I will." "OK."

They took care of their needs, then went back to the bedroom. As they were about to undress, they heard an alarm go off. "Shit!" whispered Nathaniel, "That's Mrs. C's alarm. I wonder why she's getting up so early." "Maybe she needs to go to work." "Not on Sunday." "Church?" "Not since I've been here." "Maybe she forgot to turn off her alarm." "Not likely, she likes to sleep in when she can. ......... She's coming down the hall. Get in the sleeping bag!"

Just as Josh covered himself, the door opened. Mrs. C looked into the darkened room. As she began to leave, Nathaniel said, "Morning." Sandra Cagney jumped, "You're awake? Sorry to disturb you." "Your alarm woke me. You're up early." "Sorry. ..................... Since you're awake, could you come out here, I don't want to wake the others yet." "Sure." Nathaniel crossed the room and into the hall, "What's up." "I thought a lot last night. I think that what Cole did was as much my fault as it was his. I've spent so much time taking care of the problems of other kids that I ignored my own. I want to do something special with Cole. Just the two of us." "Great, what?" "That's just it, I don't know. I thought I knew what he liked, but now I'm not sure." "I know he likes animals, maybe it sounds a little silly, but how about the zoo?" "No! ................. You think he'd go for it?" "Yeah, I think he might. He was always saying that you never did anything with him. That's something." "You're right, it is something." "If he doesn't want to, ask him what he'd like. There's a lot you could do." "What about you and Josh?" "We could go home, or if it's OK, we could stay here. Josh IS old enough to 'babysit'. He's 15, and he is responsible, It was my fault this whole thing happened. He really thought I was sick." "Well,.........OK, it's settled. Josh can 'babysit' you here while we're out." "Allwwwwwrrrrrrriiiiiight!"

Cole and Sandra settled on the museum of natural history. Cole had gone when he was 5 with his kindergarten class, and Sandra had never been. It was like the first time for both, because all Cole could remember from his first visit was the dinosaur skeletons. Cole had pleaded for Nathaniel and Josh to come also, but Nathaniel convinced him that they would be fine. The look Nathaniel gave him said it all; "I want to be alone with Josh!" Cole gave a wistful look, then an ALRIGHT! look and he and his mother left for the day.

As the Cagneys pulled out of the driveway, Josh put his hands on Nathaniel's shoulders. "How'd you pull this off, twirp?" "She wanted to do something with Cole alone, so I suggested you babysit for me." "We got a whole house to ourselves for a whole day. You're good, twirp, you're good." Nathaniel beamed at the compliment and embraced his cousin. Josh took his chin and leaned his head back, then kissed him tenderly. "I love you, twirp." "I know." Nathaniel replied, looking away. "What's wrong?" "In three weeks, we leave, and Cole will be alone." "Oh." "I got an idea, but I don't know how to do it." "Lay it on me buddy." "Not now, I wanna talk." Both laughed and Josh said, "You sure have a one track mind." "Don't derail me again." Another laugh. "So tell me your idea." "There's a kid in our class that I think likes Cole, and I know Cole likes him. But, he's a jock and Cole thinks he's a nurd. He doesn't think Lamar even knows he exists. I've caught Lamar looking at Cole, but he looks away when he thinks Cole might see him. He's real cute and all the girls want to know him and date him. I don't think he's dating any of them. Since he's a jock, all the boys like him too. Cole's too shy to say squat." "So, you're living here, why don't you invite him over. Cole's got video games so that's good bait." "You think it would work?" "Whata you got to loose?" "Yeah, I suppose. ................. I'm horny." "Big surprise!" Nathaniel punched Josh in the arm, and Josh wrestled him to the floor. They tangled for a few moments, then, face to face, they consumed each other's faces. Mouth caught nose, ear rubbed eyebrow, you'd think they were lovers separated by years of war, reunited after a declaration of peace. Nathaniel was on top. Josh reached for the hem of his t-shirt and pulled and yanked till it got to his neck. Nathaniel struggled to remove his arms and they broke their passion only long enough to extract his head. They resumed their face lock and rolled over. Josh's shirt was removed in almost the same way. Their organs were straining in the confines of the cloth that obscured their middles. With Josh's shirt gone, Nathaniel turned his attention to his lover's shorts. There was no fastening so he pushed them down, pushing as far as he could reach. Josh's erection was being painfully bent toward his feet by the fabric and elastic waist band. Hi lifted his abdomen to allow the liberation of his tool. He helped Nathaniel by pushing it past where the shorter boy could reach. His fuck toy sprung loose slapping his belly and relieving the pain of being bent the wrong way. He kicked the shorts free and the boys rolled over again. This time Josh removed Nathaniel's shorts. With less to get caught there was less discomfort. Divested of the restraints of civility, their animal passion took over. They ground their turgid rods against each other's. It was as if they were trying to get inside each other.They broke their kiss, "Fuck me!" said Nathaniel huskily. "Please, FUCK ME!!!!!" Nathaniel rolled off of Josh and raised his knees to his ears. "You want lube?" "No!" "Spit?" "FUCK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "OK." Josh got into position and gently pressed his boner to Nathaniel's sphincter. "HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!" Josh pressed forward. "HARDER!!!!!!!!! RAPE ME!!!!!!!!!!!" Josh pushed hard and drove home. Nathaniel winced and groaned in pain. "You OK???!!!" "Fuck me HARD!!!!!!!!!!" "I don't want to hurt you!" "FUCK ME HARD YOU, FUCKING BASTARD!!!!! I WANT YOU TO HURT ME!!!!!" "Josh let his animal instincts take over. He pounded his lover's ass, pistoning like there were no tomorrow. Tears flowed down Nathaniel's cheeks his face screwed up in agony. Josh closed his eyes. He couldn't look at Nathaniel like this. He pounded away ravishing the hole that was his to ravish. Suddenly the hole tightened and quivered. There was a throbbing against his stomach. Josh couldn't take any more and exploded in his lover's chamber, pumping soothing, creamy warmth into the abused oraface. Josh opened his eyes to see Nathaniel sobbing beneath him. Seeing the pain he's caused stabbed at his heart like a bayonette. "Oh, honey, why did you make me hurt you?" The tears began to fall and Josh held him close. "I......I.......I don't......know. I guess........I guess.....I wanted to see if.... if you'd, you know, if you'd do anything I wanted." "But......but why did you want me to HURT you?" Josh was starting to loose his erection. Partially from having one of the greatest orgasms of his life and partially from guilt at hurting his best friend. As he withdrew there was a pinkness on his member that got darker as he removed more and more. Near the head it was red. Blood! Josh paniced. "Nathaniel! You're bleeding!" His tears turned to sobs. Nathaniel looked down with some alarm. Then got up and went to the bathroom to evacuate. There had been blood the first few times his father had fucked him. When he saw what there was in the fluid he had passed he realized that it wasn't serious. He returned to Josh who was sitting on the floor head in hands sobbing. He placed his hand on Josh's shoulder. "It's not bad, I'll be OK. You took my cherry." Nathaniel chuckled at his analogy. Josh wasn't quite ready to forgive himself. "Really, I'll be OK. I bled a lot worse when my dad first fucked me. It isn't anything to worry about." "Don't you ever ask me to do anything like that again! I WILL NOT HURT YOU. I love you too much." Josh was sitting Indian fashion. Nathaniel came around and nestled into his lap melting into his chest. "I love you no matter what. Nothing can change that." He lifted Josh's hand and kissed it. He then took a finger and drew it into his mouth. He sucked on it like like a baby on a teat. When one was well bathed, he moved on to the next giving each his ultimate concentration. He could feel the large 'finger' beneath his butt begin to expand and wiggled his little ass to encourage it. Nathaniel's own little crotch digit was stiff as a board. "I wanna fuck you now." "Same rules?" "No you on top, I want you to shoot all over me." Josh was, by this time, erect again. Nathaniel lay on the floor and Josh began to straddle him. "If I'm gonna shoot all over you, I think we should do it somewhere else. I don't wanna get any cum on the carpet. It'd be hard to explain." "Bathroom!" both exclaimed at the same time. They were off in a gaggle of giggles, the pain of the last session forgotten. Nathaniel lay down on the bath-mat, the floor being too cold, and waited for Josh to get into position. His little pricklet straining to better his 3 1/2 inches. Josh's 6 1/2 inches was pointing toward his chin as he eased down on his lovers canon. There wasn't enough of the little spike to massage his prostate, so Josh began a rhythmic stroking of the pole between his legs, rocking up and down the spike beneath him. Nathaniel played with the nubins on Josh's chest as Josh used his free hand to massage the pimples on Nathaniel's. Each began to breathe harder as their passions rose. Josh kept working his sphincter, massaging the pricklet lodged there, milking it for all it was worth. Nathaniel felt his scrotum contract, bringing his jelly beans tighter to his groin. Josh's hens eggs were being crushed to his groin as he felt the burning, churning sensation of pre-orgasm. "How could anything this good be considered bad?" Josh thought to himself. He decided that it couldn't and resolved not to let his doubts cloud his pleasure any more. Nathaniel was panting like a dog as he pumped his pricklet into Josh's willing tunnel. Josh felt a drop of saliva course down his chin, but was so far gone that he didn't care. The springs inside each boy tightened more and more, the pleasant torture of orgasm building to a higher and higher plateau. Nathaniel's fingers dug into Josh's chest. His toes curled trying to grasp anything available. His body stiffened and arched as much as it could. Nathaniel was too gone to control what was happening to him. He trembled, his body convulsing as his little organ pulsed in dry ecstasy. Josh threw his head back and let out an animalistic growl followed by pants as his spring sprung. His prick lurched as his hips plunged into his hand, driving as hard as he could. His seed spurted out in hot ropes, the first flying well past Nathaniel's head hitting the tiled wall and running in a slow dribble down to the floor. The second hit Nathaniel in the chin just above the curve splattering across his lips and onto his face. He licked all of the offering he could reach as his body continued to tremble in the last throes of his pleasure. The third, fourth and fifth issue from the howitzer between Josh's legs left criss crossed ropes across Nathaniel's chest and stomach. The last few dribbles ran down Josh's fingers dripping from his scrotum onto Nathaniel's pubis. Josh slumped backward, his arms just able to support his weight. He rested, panting, as his partner gasped for breath beneath him. As he regained some sense of himself, Josh returned to a sitting position and surveyed the 'carnage' of his assault. His seed was beginning to loose its creamy consistency and run across Nathaniel's body, pooling in the recesses. Josh leaned forward and kissed and licked Nathaniel's face, consuming the delectable nectar deposited there. They kissed and shared the ambrosia in Josh's mouth. Josh broke and as he lifted away, Nathaniel scooped some of the gism from his chest and let it drip like honey into his mouth. He swirled it around and swallowed. "Hey, I wanted some!" complained Josh. "You didn't leave a stingy load like Cole's, you know." his cousin replied. "There's still more. This is the first of I've been able to eat since we got back together. I got greedy." "What about Cole's." "That doesn't count. There wasn't enough to taste hardly." "Should I tell Cole that?" "NO, you bastard, I'll KILL you if you do!!!!" "I won't." "Promise?" "May my prick fall off if I do." "NO!!!! You can tell him before I'll let that happen!" "I don't think it will, and besides I'll never tell him anything that would hurt him. I think you know me better than that!" "Commere!" Josh bent forward and crushed his lips into Nathaniel's. They Frenched for some minutes, then Josh said, "I'm hungry." "Me too, Sex really takes it out of you." "Let's shower first, you're all sticky." They showered and played a game of crochya. They were so sexed out that there was no real physical reaction to the fondling. They dried each other then raided the refrigerator. Finished with a lunch of cold cut sandwiches, the retired to the bedroom and napped in each other's arms. ********** They awoke suddenly as the door to the bedroom closed. "It's a good thing mom sent me in first before she parked the car. You'd have a lot of explaining to do if she found your clothes in the living room." Cole tossed the bundle of clothes he had retrieved from the living room to his buddies, a broad knowing smile across his face. "Have fun?" "Yeah." sighed Nathaniel. "We got off twice." "That all?" "After lunch I guess we fell asleep." "You must have really fucked your brains out. It's nearly 5:30. Better get dressed. Your folks are coming over for dinner at 6:00. They'll wonder what's going on if you don't show."

"Thanks Cole, you're the best." "You got it, Nathaniel." Nathaniel pulled his second love into an embrace and kissed him. "Wow, Thanks would have been enough, but that's OK too." "OK?" asked Josh. "Only OK?" Josh pulled the 12 year old into a passionate kiss, practically bending him over onto the floor. Cole could feel his weapon begin to harden. Josh pulled back and looked seductively into Cole's eyes, "Was that JUST OK?" "Um, unh, ...... aaaah." "I thought so!" The cousins dressed quickly, leaving Cole sitting on his bed panting. He wanted more, now that he was heated up, but realized that it would have to wait.

After dinner Josh went home with his family, and Nathaniel stayed to attend school the next day as had been arranged. Cole wanted to fool around, so Nathaniel gave him a blow job, then they went to sleep. The next day at school, Nathaniel began to work on Lamar. The first class they had together was second period phys. ed. They played soft ball that period, Lamar was playing first when Nathaniel got up to bat. Nathaniel got a hit, then when he was running to first, pretended to be distracted, and ran right into Lamar. Nathaniel fell to the ground and held his knee as if he were hurt, giving an Oscar winning performance. Lamar was so concerned that he suggested that they go to the Health Office, and offered his strong shoulder to Nathaniel for support. "You living with Cole Cagney?" "Yeah. You know him?" "Yeah, well sorta." "Sorta?" "He doesn't seem to know I exist." "Really?" "The only time we ever talked, he was going to tutor me. He seemed like he wanted to be somewhere else. He would hardly look at me and couldn't concentrate on the subject. The teacher assigned Ashley to tutor me and that's the last time we spoke. I don't think he likes me." "Maybe he's afraid of you." "Me???" "Yeah. He thinks he's a nurd and that you wouldn't like him because you're a jock." "He say that?" "Unh,.....Yeah, sort of." "That's silly. I think he's got brains, but that's no reason for him to think he's a nurd." "He doesn't think he's good enough looking." "Him? He's I mean ....... unh ........ the girls think he's cute" "Yesssss" thought Nathaniel to himself, "I thought so." "You wanna come over tonight? Cole's got some awesome games." "You think it'd be OK?' "Sure, Mrs. C. said I could invite friends over, I just didn't have any friends to invite before." "You think Cole will be OK with it?" "Where's he going to go? He lives there too." Nathaniel saw the smile curl Lamar's lips. He thought he saw a hint of lust there. He hoped he was right. "I'll call Mrs C. at lunch break and see if it's OK." "Awesome. .......Unh, that'd be great."

Line cast, hook set, time to reel him in.

Riding home that night, Nathaniel turned to Cole and said, "I invited someone over for dinner and to spend the night. Your mom OK'd it." "Who?" "You'll find out when he gets here." "Come on, tell me." "Later." "Moron." Nathaniel crossed his arms and sealed his lips, a smug smile on his face. Cole pestered him the rest of the way home, but keeping secrets was one of Nathaniel's best assets. Cole puttered through the rest of the afternoon. He tried to do his homework, but couldn't concentrate. Cole prided himself on being able to wheedle secrets out of someone, and was frustrated at every turn. Even his mother wouldn't divulge the answer. Five o'clock arrived and a car pulled into the driveway. Cole ran to the window. A black woman got out and walked to the door. Cole opened it and the woman asked. "Is this the Cagney residence?" "Yeah, I'll get my mom." Cole ran to get his mother, then went to his room. "Must be a case worker to see my mom. Where's this mystery guest?" asked Cole. "He should be here." said Nathaniel, "I said 5:00." Sandra answered the door, and the woman said, "Hi, I'm Chandra Olson. I think we're in the right place. My son Lamar got the directions a little wrong, he's dyslexic. Is this where Nathaniel Green lives?" "Yes, we've been expecting you, come on in. ....... BOYS!!!!"

"That must be him." said Nathaniel. "The lady that came to the door was black, I don't know any black kids in school." The boys went down stairs to the living room. Sandra and Chandra were talking and a boy was sitting in the chair with his back to the stairs. ".................and my husband is Norwegian." said Mrs. Olson. "Here they are." said Mrs. C. As they entered the room, Lamar turned and Cole could see who it was. His face turned white, then red. He started to turn to leave the room but Nathaniel restrained him. "Let's sit down." he said, dragging Cole to the couch and forcing him to sit. "Mrs. Olson was just telling me that she is the daughter of an African Queen, and was sent to the US to study. She met her husband at medical school. He was here as a student from Norway. After they got married they decide to settle here in Phoenix." Lamar was unquestionably her son. He had her strong aristocratic bearing and slim but muscular limbs. She resembled Whitney Houston or Hallie Berrie. His father's Scandinavian genes shone in Lamar's caramel coloring, hazel eyes and wavy hair. "Well, I have to be going. I'm so glad Lamar will be staying tonight. He says he's too old for a sitter, but I hate to have him home alone. This really worked out well. Thank You." "Our pleasure. We rarely have anyone stay so it will be nice for a change." "Thanks again. See you after school tomorrow, Honey." she gave Lamar a kiss on the cheek which he promptly wiped off. "Yeah, mom, See ya. Cole, I hear you got some really neat games." The three ran off to Cole's room as the mothers laughed and shook their heads. "Forty five minutes to supper." Sandra called after them.

The boys gathered around Cole's computer. He gave the joy sticks to Nathaniel and Lamar. They started the game and Nathaniel put a lot of body motion into it. As he flew his ship, he would lean the direction he was steering. Lamar was standing between Nathaniel and Cole who was sitting in his chair. Nathaniel kept crowding Lamar making him move closer to Cole. Cole was so absorbed in the game, he didn't notice till Lamar's leg rubbed his hand. The leg pressed against him and though he wanted to be as close as possible, he was afraid Lamar would take it wrong. He thought of pulling his hand away, but if Lamar didn't know it was his hand, he might be embarrassed if he found out that it was. So, he left it where it was. Lamar knew exactly what he was leaning against. He savored the warmth and pressed harder. He could feel a hardness developing in his shorts. He was glad he'd worn baggy boxers and shorts so his 5 1/2 inches wouldn't show. Suddenly the game was over. Nathaniel lost. "I suck." he said in disappointment. Cole stifled a giggle. Nathaniel handed Cole the control, and sat on his bed. He let Lamar and Cole play for a while then crept up behind Lamar and tackled the 12 1/2 year old. Nathaniel was not small for his age, but he was almost two years younger. Lamar, because of his learning difficulties was left back a year, and Nathaniel was a grade ahead because of his aunt Claire's home schooling. Nathaniel was out of his league and was pinned in moments. "Help!", he called to Cole. Cole was not one to get physical, but when he saw his buddy pinned and helpless, he couldn't just sit there. He jumped on Lamar's back. Lamar, to defend himself, let his hold go on Nathaniel and spun under Cole. He wrapped his arms around the boy and turned them both over pinning Cole on his back. Lamar looked down at the struggling boy below him. He smiled at the pretty face and looked into the struggling eyes. Something told Cole to stop. He looked up into Lamar's face. He didn't see dominance or superiority or contempt. He just saw a smiling beautiful boy with caramel skin and hazel eyes. They continued to look into each other's eyes. Cole could feel Lamar's hardness pressed into his leg and he was sure that Lamar could feel his. He blushed and closed his eyes. Lamar, indeed, felt the hardness pressing into his lower abdomen. He smiled and moved closer to Cole.

"Do it." came a whispered voice.

Lamar had a flicker of doubt cross his face. Cole's eyelids flickered.

"I know you want to. Just do it."

Lamar leaned in and touched his lips to Cole's. Cole didn't flinch. Lamar pressed his lips to Cole's. Cole pressed back. Cole parted his lips. Lamar parted his. Cole pressed his tongue against Lamar's teeth. Lamar let him in. They kissed for a few more moments then broke. Each looked away guiltily. "Did you like it?" asked Nathaniel. "Yeah," sighed Cole. "How about you Lamar?" "Unh....... Yeah, .......unh, but.......but......but boys......aren't.......aren't supposed to do that." "Who says. You like Cole and Cole likes you. So what's wrong with showing it." "Unh, ......... I don't know........ Isn't it, ....... unh....weird. "Maybe it's a little different, but why is it weird to like someone?" Cole wrapped his arms around Lamar's neck and said, "I've dreamed about this since the first time I saw you." He pulled Lamar down and kissed him again. At first Lamar resisted, but then gave in to his instincts and kissed Cole back.

A knock at the door broke them apart. "Dinner is ready." "OK, mom, we'll be right down."

Lamar sat back and pulled Cole into a sitting position. He kissed him again then said, "I've been dreaming about this ever since you tutored me, or tried to." "I couldn't concentrate. I wanted you to like me, but everything I said sounded corny."

"I'm starved." said Nathaniel, reminding them that they weren't alone. "Yeah, we don't want to keep my mother waiting." They had a nice dinner and watched some TV. "Let's go and play some more video games." said Nathaniel. "G'night Mrs. C." "Yeah! "G'night mom." "G'night Mrs. Cagney, ............................ thanks for dinner." "Good night boys, remember 9:30, you've got school tomorrow. "Yeah, OK mom."

"The way you two were looking at each other, I thought your mom was going to think you were Looney-toons. You looked like two love sick girls." Lamar and Cole tackled Nathaniel and started tickling him unmercifully. Nathaniel begged them to stop, but couldn't be understood through his giggles. Finally they gave up and let him calm down. "That wasn't fair, two against one." "You asked for it saying we were girls." Cole shot back. Nathaniel began to open his mouth. "We'll do it again." said Lamar. Nathaniel closed his mouth. Cole lay his head on Lamar's shoulder, "I want you to sleep with me tonight." "Unh,..... um....I ..... I...." Cole kissed him. "I want you to fuck me." he said mater-of-factly. "What?!!" "I want you to fuck me." " You're a boy." "Duh. I didn't notice." "Y... you.... you don't have a cunt. How am I gonna fuck you if you don't have a cunt? Nathaniel chuckled and Cole looked confused. "A cunt, a vagina." said Nathaniel. "Oh!" said Cole finally getting the meaning. Then he chuckled. "I said the same thing to Nathaniel the first time he asked me." "Nathaniel has fucked you?" "Yeah, and I fucked him." "Yeah, but how?" "In the ass of course." "EYUUUUCK!!!!!" "As long as it's clean, there's no problem, and I'm clean." "Yeah, but ............ doesn't it hurt?" "Sometimes." said Nathaniel, "It hurt like hell the first few times my dad fucked me." "Your DAD fucked you????!!!" "Yeah, he started when I was almost eight, and did it for about two years, three to five times a week." "Yeah?" "I didn't like it at first, 'cause I was on the bottom. He'd fall asleep on top of me, and I had to stay there till I could wiggle out or he rolled over. Sometimes for hours. Then when I got on top I started to like it." "Wow, how big was he?" About 8 inches." "Wow." said Cole, "I didn't know that. No wonder it hurt." "Yeah, well after a while it didn't." "How big is yours?" Cole asked Lamar. "D'know." Lamar lied. He knew perfectly well, but wanted Cole to measure him. Cole got a ruler from his desk. "OK, truth time." "I ...... I...... don't......... I don't know. "Chicken?" "NO!!!!" "Let's see it then." "Welllllllll." "I'll whip out mine." said Nathaniel. "Me too." said Cole. "We're not bashful." Both younger boys pulled their pants down leaving their underwear. The tents there were obvious. Lamar pulled his shorts down. The fly in his boxers had only one button and that had popped when he kissed Cole before dinner. As his shorts came down, his weapon sprung through the fly of his boxers and stood at a 45% angle. "See it's not shy." Lamar blushed a deep copper color. Cole walked up to him and grabbed the waist band of his boxers. He pulled them down to reveal a fine peppering of hair surrounding the base of Lamar's impressive 5 1/2 inches. "Woah! He's almost as big as Josh!" said Nathaniel in admiration. "He's got hair." replied Cole, equally impressed. Nathaniel got up and walked over to Lamar. He took the hem of Lamar's t-shirt and pulled it over the boy's head. The sight of the naked 12 1/2 year old had both younger boys gawking. He was a sight to see. His face was gorgeous. His pecs were chizzled from the softest marble, golden and begging to be touched. His six pack was defined and tight. His ribs showed just what should show. His pelvis was finely worked each detail showing the right contour. And that organ! 5 1/2 inches long, slim at about 1/2 inch in diameter. Rigid and capped partially by a prepuce that revealed a purple glans peeking through. His thighs shaped by running and swimming bulged in all the right places, and his calves symmetrical, added to the poetry of the rest of him. His feet, large, size 10, but in proportion to the rest of him. If you've seen Jim Carey's jaw drop in 'The Mask' You know what Nathaniel and Cole were thinking. "It's big." said Cole, an understatement. "You still want me to put it in your ass." "YES!!!!, Hell yes." "Won't it hurt?" Nathaniel's cousin Josh fucked me Saturday night and it didn't hurt. He's 6 1/2 and almost an inch around. I'm sure I can take you." "I ...... I .....I'm not your first?" "I told you Nathaniel fucked me too. You're my third." "Oh." Lamar looked a little down cast. "He couldn't have taken you if you'd been his first." said Nathaniel matter-of-factly. "We got him ready for you." "Oh!?" "Yeah, I've known that you liked Cole and he liked you from the first time I saw you look at him. You've been head over heels since I've been going to school here. And when Cole and I talked about boys we liked, your name kept coming up." Suddenly Nathaniel dropped to his knees and swallowed Lamar's rigid pole. Lamar's knees buckled at the sensation of being deep throated almost immediately. All he had ever done before was solitary masturbation. This was unreal. He slumped onto the bed as Nathaniel continued to suck at the boy toy in his mouth. "Hey, that's mine." said Cole, partly joking and partly possessively. Nathaniel pulled off just long enough to say, "Just getting it ready, get undressed." He then continued to lave the organ before him. Cole was out of his clothes in no time. Nathaniel stopped sucking. Lamar was by this time flat on his back, his head rocking back and forth. "Let me get you ready. Get in position." Cole straddled Lamar and Nathaniel went to work rimming his friend. He thrust a finger up Cole's hole and went back to slobbering on Lamar's tool. He stuck in a second finger and finger fucked Cole, loosening him up. Then he guided Cole down on the rigid member and set them in motion. Cole moved his love tunnel up and down Lamar's joy stick. It was long enough to massage his prostate, sending charges up and down his spine. Cole couldn't believe it. All of his dreams were coming true. 5 months ago, he was hopelessly in love with Lamar, but didn't think the boy knew he existed. He wouldn't have known how to manifest that love anyway. Thanks to Nathaniel he now had the boy of his dreams loving him, and loving him in ways he couldn't have dreamed about had he not known Nathaniel. Nathaniel got onto the bed and positioned him self astride Lamar facing his head. He then did a handstand over Lamar so that he was facing Cole's groin. He put his legs on Cole's shoulders and said, "Suck me, and I'll suck you." Cole grabbed Nathaniel's ass and buried his face hi his buddy's crotch. He swallowed the 3+ inches as Nathaniel swallowed his 4+. Holding Nathaniel upright, the two younger boys chowed down as Cole moved up and down on Lamar. Lamar had never experienced such bliss. As Nathaniel sucked on Cole, Cole's sphincter twitched and clenched. The combination of Nathaniel's ministrations and his prostate being massaged brought Cole to the brink over and over. He was concentrating on making it last as long as possible. He sucked frantically on Nathaniel's small offering and began bouncing harder and harder. Lamar getting closer to that netherworld of orgasm began to thrust into Cole. His body was now in control and instinct was guiding every move. Both Nathaniel and Josh had restrained themselves so as not to hurt Cole. He was surprised at first at the thrusting, then pleased that he didn't have to work as hard. He began to concentrate on Nathaniel and let Lamar do most of the work. Lamar couldn't have stopped his thrusting now if life itself depended on it. Lamar had never felt anything like this before. Masturbation was fun, but if he could arrange it he'd never do it again. His balls ached and his member was so hard he could probably have used it to punch holes in a concrete wall. He felt the ache spread throughout his groin, sending tingles down his thighs and into his stomach. His knob burned and tingled at the same time. He grunted each time he drove his fuck pole home. Each thrust he made was accompanied by a squeeze from Cole's anal cavity. The ache was slowly spreading throughout Cole's groin also. The spring was getting tighter and tighter. Just as he thought that the spring was going to pop, Nathaniel shuddered. He almost bit Cole's pricklet as his own exploded, throbbing in Cole's mouth. Cole then blasted several healthy squirts of watery cum into Nathaniel's mouth. The clenching caused by his orgasm brought Lamar over the edge. He drove his rod home deeply as possible, and pumped several blasts of cream deep into Cole's cavity. The warmth flooded the tight chamber giving Cole a wonderful feeling of fullness and bliss. Nathaniel tumbled out of the way as Cole rocked forward. He was careful not to let Lamar slip out of him. He kissed his new lover deeply. Clamping his sphincter tightly around the wilting firmness lodged there. "I wanna do it again." "Oh, yeah!" "I wanna do it till you can't cum any more" Cole tongue fucked Lamar's mouth. He pinched Lamar's nipples bringing them back to little points. He could feel his lover begin to stiffen with in him. He began to rock, bringing Lamar back to rigidity. His own tool began to mimic that of his lover and was soon painfully trapped between them. Nathaniel went back to his own bed and watched, a satisfied smile on his face. He could leave now. Cole wouldn't be alone. They had several more sessions in the next few weeks, but although Nathaniel was welcome to join in, and Josh had a few sessions, Lamar and Cole were lovers. Anyone else was really in the way. That was as it would have been. NEXT TIME: The journey home, Nathaniel meets Jason, and Josh meets someone new.

Next: Chapter 6

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