Joshs Summer Job

By Sean Josh

Published on Apr 13, 2023


This is an explicit fictional account of homoerotic behavior. If you are offended by such material or access to it is banned in your community read no further!

The characters and situations portrayed are purely fictional and therefor(e) have no fear of catching or passing on STDs. If you are sexually active, play safe and use protection.

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Josh's Summer Job 16

Billy was worried at what he found. Josh' body bore the marks of his recent abuse. Welts covered his torso. A wide assortment of bruises discolored his creamy flesh.

"Looks like he took quite a beating," Danny said inspecting the welts.

"That's how he showed up." Jamie reported.

"He's wearin' the same stuff he had on when we were working."

"How'd ya know?" Billy wondered.

"That tear in the rear pocket had me mesmerized all day."

Billy grinned and shook his head, realizing he too had taken special notice of the tear.

Josh's body began to quake. His hands clenched hard at the leather material of the couch.

"Make it stop, make is stop, please, please I'm so tired." He begged and gasped.

"You're okay," Billy said kneeling by his side. "You're with friends."

Josh's teeth ground, his torso flinched. Billy took him by the shoulders and shook him.

"Wake up. Wake up Josh."

"I'm sorry Billy," he panted. "I'm sorry."

"Wake up!"

Josh's eyes shot open. He lashed out. Billy fell, landing hard on the carpeted floor. Josh sprang to his feet. He looked frantic, he tried to flee. Danny blocked the door, as Jamie tried to reason with him.

"You're at my house. My house, remember, you came here. You said you were tired and hungry."

He looked about slowly mastering his panic. When he realized where he was he fell to his knees at Billy's side. He gathered the boy into his arms.

"I'm sorry Billy. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."

Billy didn't know what to say. He returned the embrace. Josh was weeping on his shoulder.

"Forgive you for what? I hit you remember."

"I didn't mean it. I, I...can't help it, I just can't."

"You didn't do anything wrong. It was my fault. I should have never blamed you, or Mom. It's not like she's married."

"I should have been more discrete." Josh countered. "Should have taken her to bed, she deserved that, you deserved that..."

Josh shook and cried rocking Billy in his strong embrace. His eyes were still red rimmed and bloodshot. Billy guided him back to the couch.

"We should call your mother. She's been worried."

"I'll call. I can't go home, not like this."

"What happened? Where did you go?"

It was as if a switch had been thrown. The tears dried and the outpouring of emotion simply stopped. Josh sat on the couch, his knees drawn up into his chest. Perfectly still, perfectly quiet, eyes wide, breathing slowly and not saying a word.

The smell of cooking permeated the room. "Chow's on." Jamie called.

They sat to omelets and toast. Danny and Jamie made small talk. Josh ate sparingly, looking more like a trapped animal than the hearty youth he usually portrayed. Billy barely touched the food, all the while watching Josh, trying not to stare, not to pry, as the questions spinning in his head lead him to dark and foreboding conclusions.

Danny lent a hand cleaning up, allowing Billy and Josh some space after the meal. Josh took up his position on the couch. His arms wrapped around his knees.

"Do you want to wash and change your clothes?"

Josh looked at him for the first time since before eating.

"There's a change of clothes in your truck."

"Suppose I should."

"Do you need help?"



Billy hung his head. When he looked up Josh Billy knew was watching him with those intense blue eyes.

"Don't be sorry."

"But I am. I'm ashamed."

"Of what?"

"Hitting you."

Josh looked ambivalent, caught between amusement and sorrow.

"Get my bag. I'll be in the shower."

"I'll put it by the door."

Josh paused by the door.

"I might need some help. Why not bring it in."

Billy took his time retrieving the bag. As he passed the kitchen he spied Danny and Jamie swapping spit. The sight made his gut grind, reminding him of finding his mother and Josh.

"eh hem..."Billy said gaining their attention.

"Sorry," Danny blushed.

"Where'd you want me to bed him down?"

"The room just passed mine." Jamie said smiling sheepishly.

The bathroom was shrouded in steam as he entered. He could see Josh's long sleek frame through the frosted glass of the shower stall. He set the lid down and took a seat on the commode.

"Do you want to join me?"

"I, a..., do you need me to..."

"Just thought you might want to."

Billy cock began to fill and throb at the thought. The shower door opened. Josh looked out through the billowing steam. His eyes were wide and doe like. His face composed.


Billy shed his clothing. The stall was cramped for space with the two of them. Josh solved the problem by taking Billy in his arms. Billy rested his head on Josh's shoulder. He could feel Josh shudder as they stood there. Josh's nipple lay sheltered just beneath his chin. He studied it as he had two nights before. The area around the nipple bore tiny marks. They were evenly spaced.

"Have you washed?" Billy wondered.

"Not really."

He started by shampooing Josh's hair. As he worked his way onto Josh's torso he noticed a change. There wasn't a tuft of hair anywhere on Josh's body. The tawny clumps in his pits, the curly bush above his equipment, where all gone. As he continued bathing the boy, he took inventory of the injuries that mapped Josh's body. The welts differed. Some were thin strokes, others broad. Some of the bruises formed patterns. Billy slowly recognized some as finger prints. Other as places he'd been hit. Even the lightest touch caused Josh discomfort in some areas. His wrists were circled with subtle red abrasions. The area around the base of his cock was red and tender. The same roughened redness ringed his ankles. Upon careful inspection the marks that he found on Josh's nipples were located on numerous parts of his body

Billy shivered as the truth slowly came to light. He shut the water.

Josh looked puzzled once again.

"I thought..."

"Shhh," Billy counseled as he dried him.

Once he was satisfied with Josh's grooming he held out a clean pair of boxers. Josh stepped into them. He allowed Billy to lead him down the hall to the bedroom Jamie had indicated. It was a guestroom, there was a double bed. Billy had already turned it down. The sight of Josh sprawled across the bed made Billy ache. He restrained his inclination.

"Do you need anything?"

Josh nearly smiled. The flicker that crossed his face raised Billy's hopes. Josh held out his arms beckoning.

"I think you need rest."


Billy sighed and snuggled in beside him. He laid his head gently on Josh's chest. The relief of having him back, the comfort of having him near, washed over him and he fell into a deep and refreshing sleep. Josh caressed his shoulder, and circled him with his arms. He kissed the boy's brow, and closed his eyes.

"I'm sorry Billy," he breathed allowing sleep to take him once more.

Next: Chapter 17

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