Joshs Summer Job

By Sean Josh

Published on Jun 9, 2023


This is an explicit fictional account of homoerotic behavior. If you are offended by such material or access to it is banned in your community read no further!

The characters and situations portrayed are purely fictional and therefor(e) have no fear of catching or passing on STDs. If you are sexually active, play safe and use protection.

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Josh's Summer Job 24

"What ya doin' tonight?" Josh asked as they Billy joined him in the cab of the pickup.

"Thought I'd try and hook up with Danny."

"Haven't seen much of him lately."

"I think he's mad at us."


"Yeah well, ya know. We used to hang out like every day, and all that."

"And all that!"

"Yeah, all that."

"You two in love?" Josh teased.

"He's my best friend."

"That's not what I mean."

"I don't think so, not like romantic love ya know, more like brothers with benefits."

"Oh yeah incest, that I get."

"Cut it out."

Josh fell silent as they stopped at the intersection. His inquisitive mood evaporated, and he became fixed on a stately center hall colonial that graced the middle of the block. Bill realized he'd seen this happen before as they passed through this neighborhood.

"Know someone that lives there?"


"You're staring, I just figured..."

"...always wonder if they need lawn service." Josh broke in regaining his composure. "Gotta keep an eye for the nice houses, they've got the cash ya know."

Billy was beginning to get a handle on reading Josh. He was pretty sure something other than lawn service had engaged the stud's mind.

Josh caught Billy's concern and changed the subject.

"So Danny thinks we're a couple?"

"We're together every day."

"We work together."

"We work too damn much."

"You need a mental health day?"


Josh made a hard right into the gas station at the next intersection. He was out of the cab in a flash and wrestling the cooler out of the truck bed. He returned with it sloshing loudly from its perch atop his shoulder. A second stop took them by their favorite deli.

"Don't we have appointments?" Billy wondered as they motored out of town.

"We're on top of it, and a little hustle tomorrow will keep us on schedule."

The town slipped past them. Josh directed them into country lanes with which Billy was unfamiliar. The last turn led off the dirt track and into a densely wooded copse. Josh stretched as he stepped from the truck. Billy was slow to follow. The shadowy glade provided relief from the heat of the day, and he took a moment to breathe in the refreshing green fragrance. When he took notice it was to find Josh stepping out of his jeans.

Josh smiled devilishly at Billy's attention. The smile caused the pouch of Billy's cutoffs to tighten. Biting his lip Josh pulled the waistband of his boxers away from the ripples of his taught belly and took inventory. He shot Billy another provocative grin before dropping his boxers and heading into the trees.

Billy shook off his daze and followed, leaving his tee shirt and cutoffs in the cab. A loud splash revealed Josh's destination. A large granite formation led to a little falls with a broad clear pool at its base. On the far side a small sand beach was nestled into the edge of a bramble. Josh glided across the length of the pool in effortless strokes. The graceful movement rippled down his muscular frame and into the surrounding water.

It was deeper than it looked. The upper layer was cool, the lower strata frosty. Billy kicked off the bottom and broke the surface gasping from the shocking cold. Josh laughed at him from where he lounged on the sandy beach.

"Like you didn't feel the same," Billy laughed emerging from the water.

"C'mon, meeee?

"Oh yeah," Billy chuckled as he nodded to the shriveled monster between Josh's thighs.

"Alright, it's a little cold."

"I could warm it up for ya."

"Thought you were tired of all the work."

"Do you think of the time you spend with me as work?"

"I didn't mean it like that." Josh said quickly correcting himself.

"Do I need to pay you for that time?"

"I no...,ya don't, I didn't mean it like..."

Billy giggled hearing Josh so confused and nervous.

"You shit."



Josh was on his feet in an instant. He tackled Billy into the water. They struggled, wrestling in the cold pool. The contest devolved into a splash fight. Josh's superior size and strength gave him the advantage as they wrestled. When it came to the splash fight Billy's years on swim team served him well. The hours whiled away as they swam and dove and cavorted.

They retrieved the cooler. Sandwiches and pop followed. A slurry of pickles and mayo escaped Josh's sandwich and ran over his torso. Josh looked in vain for a means to clean himself.

Billy giggled at his helplessness, then leaned in and licked up the line of debris from Josh's navel to his chest.

"I'll just take a dip."

Billy quieted him with a sloppy kiss before continuing to cleanse his torso. The condiment enriched flesh was delectable. By the time he'd finished the task, Josh had added a layer of his own sauce to the mix; and Billy gratefully followed the drips and puddles across Josh's torso to its source.

He suckled at the flared head until Josh began to groan. He milked the big sack pumping up another dollop of the gravy, before moving the share it with Josh.

The summer sun and their effort conspired to anoint them in a halo of perspiration. Billy paused and lifted himself to arms length. Josh's golden lashes were lit like fiber optics in the slanting afternoon light. His sparkling blue eyes glimmered beneath. He shuddered as Billy's hand ran across his torso. Billy smiled at Josh's responded to the simple act.

His time with Josh had been eye opening. He'd learned things that inspired and disgusted him, about himself, and about life. They'd shared guilty pleasures, servicing each other, the customers, their friends. Last week late in the day they passed the high school football field. The team had just started summer practice. Josh couldn't help notice the attention Billy paid the sweaty mass of boys on the field. He pulled into the parking area and circled the facility. At the far end he pulled in under the bleachers and shut off the truck.

"What `er we doin'?"

Josh grinned and slouched in his seat. Billy watched him quizzically. He unbuckled his belt and drew down his zipper.

"Cut it out."

"They aren't hot?" Josh said slowly tugging at his sweaty cock.

Billy's gaze shot between Josh and boys on the field. His hand strayed into his lap to encourage the hardness already throbbing there.

"Which one makes you hottest?" Josh gasped.

Josh cock was already stretched high above his navel, both fist locked around its girth.

"Robbie Davies," Billy panted, "his ass is so fine."

"Not bad," Josh grunted, "but I want Randolf."

"Trevor!" Billy balked taking in the three hundred pound lineman.

"Oh yeah, he's a bull, I wanna wrestle him to the turf and turn him into my bitch."

At first Billy though Josh might be joking, but his determined look and trembling frame didn't support the notion. He watched Josh stroke, recognizing his determination and seeing the signs of an eminent release. His own libido was sparked at the sight. His gaze once more shifted between the stud laboring beside him and the boys laboring on the field. The sound of their effort filled his ears. His mind was filled with the image of Josh and Randolf engaged in a physical contest for sexual supremacy.

Josh was grunting as he grew close. His fists knotted around his throbbing cock, the bubbling ooze flowing through and over them as he pumped with ever increasing intensity.

"Take my load," he growled grabbing Billy by the hair.

Billy was surprised by the sudden demand. He was momentarily frightened, but found the focus to comply. His lips locked around the head of Josh's massive tool. The hand grasping his hair forced him down the length in short hard thrusts. The angle was wrong. The head swelled against his gullet. Cum filled his mouth and throat. He sputtered and gagged. Josh didn't care, he continued to pump, hips rising, fist pushing, feeding the spewing pole into Billy's mouth. When it finally ended Billy felt used and weak. Josh gathered him into his arms and licked the spilt and cum from Billy's face and chest, sharing long kisses flavored with same heat they'd just experienced.

By the time they'd composed themselves the team had left the field. Billy needed to cum. He began to pleasure himself, slowly reliving the experience. Josh took hold of his hand and stopped him.

"I need to nut, man."

"Don't waste it."

"Feelin' hungry?"

"Just put it away for a minute okay."

"What? Dude, I really need ta..."

"Have I ever left ya hangin', ever?"

They pulled away from the field and made a quick stop at the minimart. Josh retrieved them both an ice cream. He returned to the practice field and cruised slowly from there up one of the side streets. Ahead of them they could see a lone figure walking. Josh slowed the truck as they rolled up to him.

"Hey Robbie."

"Hey Josh."

"Need a ride?"

"Hell yeah."

The boy circled the truck and stopped short as he noticed the passenger seat was occupied.

"You know Billy Johnson, don't cha?"

"Yeah, uh, sure, look I'll just hoof it okay?"

"Sure you don't want a ride?"

Robbie's gaze flashed between the boys in the truck. He looked confused.

"It'll just be a really long ride!"

The pronouncement turned both Billy and Robbie's head.

The same golden light that had graced that afternoon now glowed over their naked torsos. Billy could feel Josh's long hard cock pulse between them. He took possession of it.

"What's the hottest thing you've ever done?" Billy wondered aloud.

"You don't wanna know."

"Why wouldn't I want to know, we've done stuff that's boiled my brain."

"Cause some shit's too sick, too wrong, for a sweet boy like you."

"Like I didn't play the pizza boy, or do the undertaker for cash, and we didn't jerk off watching the team, and tag team the starting halfback."

"Playtime bullshit, all of it."

"What the fuck."

"And I never meant for that shit with the funeral director to happen."

"And I did it anyway."

"Yeah yeah ya got your jollies and so did he, but that's not stopping by weekly, or making time to make sure your customers are satisfied."

"You think there's something desperately different about the two of us. That somehow I'm purer, more valuable, and you're tainted, because of the shitty hand life's dealt you."

"You don't know. You just don't know."

"So tell me. We're suppose to be friends."

"You know what, I think I can tell you."

"Okay I'm listening."

He pulled Billy into his arms and kissed him sweetly. His hands fluttered across Billy's satin skin like feathery fronds. Their bodies were in contact, with each other, the sun, the stone, the moment.

"This, right now, this is the hottest thing I've ever done."

The quiet admission made Billy shudder. His eye met Josh's only to find them glistening, as a single tear rolled across his golden skin.

Next: Chapter 25

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