JTT Meets A Deedle

By Michael Sullivan

Published on Jul 27, 2000



DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of pure fiction, and is meant for the purpose of entertament & fantasy only. Those who are under the age of 18, or are offended by a story depicting graphic sex between two men should leave NOW!

This story is set in 1998. The actors that are portrayed in this story did not actually participate in what you are about to read (although I'd like to think that they have).

P.S. If you like this story, please feel free to read my other submission here at Nifty entitled "Matt's Conversion". E-mail your thoughts to me at Mike 1363@WebTV.net.


It had been a long, hard afternoon on the set of "I'll Be Home For Christmas" & it's star. Jonathan Taylor Thomas, finally was able to shed the Santa suit that he had to wear for the past six weeks of shooting at Building 7B of Disney Studios. Boy, was he ever glad to finally be done working on THIS movie.

He dreaded going back to his trailer, as it would inevitably lead to another argument with his agent, Frank Goldblum. Since he had left "Home Improvement" behind, JTT wanted to break away from his image of "the boy every girl wants to bring home to meet her parents" to something more in tune with his liking. Something which no one would expect him to do. Perhaps the chance to do a film about gay romance, a movie about two young men exploring the trials and tribulations of their relationship, and it's effect upon their families & social lives.

Frank, of course would hear none of this. "Have you completely lost your mind?" he had screamed at Jon the last time he had tried to get Frank to pursue a project. "Do you realize how many young actors come and go in this business because of a bad choice of film scripts and role portrayals?" "ABSOLUTELY NOT!"

Jon walked on past his trailer. He didn't want to have to face Frank again tonight, so he decided to walk around the Disney studio lots for a while. As he turned past the corner of Building 6C, JTT was deep in thought about his future, Jon knew that he was gay; he had nearly been thrown off of the set of "Wild America" when he & one of his co-stars, Devon Sawa had been caught making out after rehearsal. It was while thinking about all of this & not payng attention to where he was going that JTT walked straight into a door that opened on the side of the studio building, bloodying his nose and knocking him to the ground.

Laying on the ground in a daze, his eyes watering & nose bloodied, Jon could hear a concerned voice in his ears, and barely make out a face of the voice as someone leaned over the top of him. "Oh, my god!" "I am so sorry!" said the voice. "I didn't know you were there!" "Let me help you." "I'll be OK", said JTT, sitting up. "It was my fault for not paying attention to where I was going" he said, as his vision slowly began to clear. Jon could now clearly see that the voice belonged to a young, blond haired man who was very handsome and well built, probably about his same age. "Please let me take you back to my trailer and we'll get you some first aid and clean you up." stammered the young voice, still obviously shaken from the incident.

"Not necessary," said JTT, "It was only an accident." "I'll just go over to the first aid tariler and they'll take care of everything." "But I feel so responsible," the young man said in a guilty tone of voice, "I'd feel a lot better about things if we went back to my trailer so I could help you clean up." "OK, OK, you win, we'll go to your trailer if it'll make you feel better.

When they got to the trailer, Jon could see that it was pretty deluxe, and was laid out in a similar fashion to his own. "Are you an actor?" JTT asked the young man. He answered "As a matter of fact, I am. I'm Paul Walker." "It's very nice to meet you," Jon replied politely, "I'm Jonath-" but was cut off by Paul's hand gently closing over his mouth. "We'll have time for names & all that sort of thing in a few minutes, but first let's get you cleaned up," said Paul. Not wanting to resist, Jon followed Paul to the bathroom.

There was a small stool near the sink, and Paul motioned for Jon to sit down. He got a wascloth & towel from the closet, & wet down the wascloth with some hot water & anti-bacterial soap. Then gently he began to clean the dried blood from Jon's face, being especially careful around his nose. It was then that a startled look came upon Paul's face as he recognized the face that he was cleaning up was of JTT himself! "Oh my GOD!," he thought, "I nearly killed one of America's most popular new young actors."

"I see now that yoiu've recognized me, but don't sweat it, everything's OK," said Jon. "I told you it was my fault for not watching where I was going." JTT got up, looking at his face in the mirror. "See," he said, "All cleaned up, no harm, no foul." "It was nice of you to offer to help me out after I was such a klutz." Paul replied "It was the least I could do after smashing you face in the stage door dude!" "How about a cold drink? "We could go into the living room & crash on the furniture for a bit if you're not in hurry." Jon said that that sounded cool and that an ice water would be fine. Paul got their drinks while Jon sat down on the large overstuffed sofa which ran down one wall of the trailer. "So tell me a little bit about yourself, Paul, what movie set are you working on?" Paul sat down opposite of Jon on the couch and handed him his glass of water. "Meet The Deedles," Paul replied. "It's about two California surfers that end up in Yellowstone National Park as Cadet Forest Rangers, & save a geyser called Old Faithful from being destroyed by an ex=Ranger that was fired." "Typiical Disney stuff." "How do you like it so far?" asked JTT. "It's OK, but I'd rather act in a movie a little less "nice guy gets the girl."

"Didn't I read that you were going to be in a movie with James VanDerBeek that had you doing a scene where you screw a girl on the trunk of a car?" asked Jon. "Isn't that a little more hard-edged?" Paul said, "Yeah, I guess, but I've really been kind of turned off by girls lately." Jon could relate to that; everywhere he went, nothing but a flock of screaming little teenage girls after him at all times. He was sick of it.

Paul noticed that Jon had finished drinking his water, and realized that in all their talk and getting to know one another that Jon's t-shirt was bloodstained from the accident. "Dude, you want me to wash your shirt." "It's caked in blood," asked Paul. "Sure," said Jon, "Why not." "Would you mind if I used your shower and borrowed a shirt of yours until it's clean?" "Not at all," Paul siad, "Right this way." Paul led Jon to the trailers' bedroom. Jon pulled the bottom of the shirt out of his shorts, then pulled it off, handing it to Paul. Paul stood there a moment, taking in the sight of JTT's nicely brozed chest and dark brown nipples. He could feel the bulge growing between his legs, and scooted quickly from the room, saying in passing "clean towels are in the closet, use any soap or shampoo that you like." Paul moved past Jon quickly, so he would not see his obvious hard-on."

JTT had seen it, and follwed Paul into the utility area of the trailer. Paul turned back and was stunned to see Jon standing right behind him. "I am so embarassed'" said Paul. "Don't be," said Jon, pulling Paul to his face for a hard embrece before the hot blond Deedle could react. "i've been hot for you ever since my vision cleared up'" "Would you like to join me in hat shower?" Paul almost fainted from their tongue to tongue embrace, and now THIS, a chance to shower with this bronzed young god? Paul returned JTT's embrace, then put his hand over Jon's & led them to the shower.

JTT began, reaching into Paul's shorts to remove his shirt. Jon marveled at Paul's well-toned surfers body. They embraced again as each reached the other's shorts and slid them off. Then, shedding shoes socks, only two sets of well-tented boxers remained between their already sweaty bodies. Their passion drove them onward & they removed that final layer, revealing their hot cocks and balls beneath.

They ground their hard cocks together, as JTT reached out and put his hand around Paul's firm, uncut 8". Paul gasped, as he was starting to set the water, & was taken by surprise at Jon's touch. "Cmon, water is just right," he said, pulling Jon into the shower stall with him. Paul got the soap, and began to lather down their bodies, as Jon got the shampoo and did the same to their heads. Paul soaped Jon from head to toe, pausing at JTT's 7.5" rock hard as he worked his way back up Jon's body. A shimmer of pure joy & lust went down his back as Paul began to run his hand up & down Jon's length. Precum began to seep from JTT's dick, and Paul wasted no time, bringing his mouth to lick it off Jon's head, & swirling his tongue around the sensitive underside of the tip. Jon was in ecstasy, and knew he would blow before long. "I'm gonna CUUUMMM!" he moaned as three large splashes of jizz erupted from JTT's engorged penis. Paul took in most of it, & sent Jon over the edge again by licking up and down his length, causing JTT 's throbbng dick to shoot twice more. Not wanting to waste any time, Jon grabbed at Pauls big cock and began wanking him off increasing the speed of his hands up and down Paul's shaft until he threw his head back and erupted, pouring hot, sticky jizz all over Jon's chest, cock and balls..

Part #2? We'll see.

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