Julian and Bryan

By Alekz March

Published on Oct 7, 2001


Disclaimer: If you are under 18 years of age, do not read this story. If you are offended by homosexual relationships, do not read this story. If you are looking for some quick jerk off material, do not read this story. If you are here to read the continuing story of two guys who fall in love, please read this story!

All characters and events in this story are fictional.

Copyright Alekz March 2001

Keep on writing me guys, your encouragement makes me want to keep this story going. I promise if you write me, I will write you back, so keep it up! :)

Also, Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadian readers. I'll be eating lots of Tofurkey, and I hope some of you are too. At least I hope some of you know what Tofurkey is. :)



Julian and Bryan, Chapter Three

My alarm didn't go off the next morning, and I woke up half way through my second, and last, class of the day. Deciding that the smartest course of action would be to simply roll back over and not worry about it, I proceeded to do just that. I was interrupted, however, by the hateful sound of some horribly mean person knocking on my door.

"Go away, I'm still asleep!"

The door opened, and I was surprised to see a handsome young black face peer in at me. "For a sleeping man, you sure are loud."

"You should hear me snore." I replied with a smile.

Dorian laughed and rushed through the door, jumping onto the bed, and me. Possessed by some hateful instinct, he proceeded to tickle me nearly to death.

"Knock it off!" I managed to choke out between wild laughter. I am the most ticklish person in the world, hands down. Unfortunately Dorian knew that very well.

"It's punishment for being such as slacker and sleeping through class." He told me, and kept on tickling. Suddenly he got a fiendish look on his face. "Are you naked under there?"

"Maybe." I answered. That proved to be a bad idea, because the next thing I knew Dorian was running out of the room carrying all of my sheets, and I was lying there naked to the world.

"Is this how you entertain all of your guests?" Justin asked, poking his head in.

"Fuck off." I told him with a laugh. "Why aren't you in school?"

"Teachers conference today." Justin answered me. "Why aren't you in school?"

"I'm lazy."

"And naked."

I sighed. "Not my idea, trust me. And stop leering at me you perv."

Justin eyed me up and down, pretending to drool. I got out of bed laughing and shoved him out of the room. I was in the process of finding some clothes when Dorian burst back in.

"For a straight boy, you seem to have a weird fetish for seeing me naked today."

Dorian shrugged. "Not my fault you're irresistible."

I laughed and gave him the finger. "What are you doing here man?"

"You weren't in class, so I decided to bring you over the notes you missed."

"That was sweet of you." I told him.

"I'm just that kind of guy, what can I say?" Dorian smiled. "Now when are you gonna get around to telling me about this Bryan guy?"

I sighed. "Been talking to Justin I see?" Dorian nodded. "That boy's got a big mouth." I told him.

"All the better to blow you with!" Justin yelled from his room.

"You're a sick bitch!" I yelled back at him. "And what's with all the incest jokes lately? I'm gonna drag you back to Dr. Anna if you keep this up!" Justin just laughed.

Dorian shook his head. "Sometimes I wonder about you two. Am I gonna have to warn Bryan about this?"

"You're just jealous." I told him. "I know you want it."

"Yes," Dorian said in his most sarcastic tone. "More than anything. I want it so bad. Oh baby. Woo."

"Don't get all bitchy just cause I'm putting some clothes on you peeping Tom."

"But baby I like it when you're all naked." Dorian whined. I started to take my clothes back off, but Dorian covered his eyes and protested. "Okay man, I was only kidding! Christ, you can't make a simple joke around this place."

I laughed and continued getting dressed. "Yeah, a joke, whatever. I know you're just a big latent fag."

Dorian rolled his eyes. "Yes, I'm such a big queer. I just want to shove my big black dick right through you."

"Ooh baby, you're making me all hot."

"Fuck you."

I batted my eyelashes at him. "Wanna?"

Dorian sighed. "How about going back to reality for a minute. Stop trying to turn me and tell me about the Bryan guy. Is he good enough for you?"

I couldn't help but laugh. Dorian may be a straight boy, but he's such a mom to me. He's very protective, and always looking out for me. We had met two years ago when we had our first classes together, and it was love at first sight. Well, at least from my end it was. Unfortunately Dorian already had a lovely girlfriend, Tascha. Still, he became my best friend, and I wouldn't have it any other way. One other way, maybe, but that's not a possibility, so I'm happy with things the way they are.

"Well, he punched out a guy in the restaurant for me, if that's what you mean."

Dorian looked at me like I'd gone crazy. "He punched a guy? What in hell for?"

I shrugged. "He was bothering me."

"Well Christ, remind me not to get on your bad side when he's around. Seriously, he hit a guy? Is he violent? Are you sure you want to get involved with someone like that?"

"What is this, twenty questions?" Dorian scowled at me, and I could see he was serious. I cursed myself for jokingly getting myself into such a situation. Now Dorian would probably never trust Bryan. "Look man, don't be like this. No, he's not a violent person, and yes, he hit a guy, but there was a damned good reason."

"I don't suppose you're going to enlighten me as to what that reason was?"

"Uh, not really, no." I could see he was getting mad, so I continued. "You're gonna have to trust me man. Really, it's okay, and he's a nice guy. Don't be all distrusting just because you're jealous."

Dorian smirked. "You're such a bitch."

"I'm your bitch."

"Don't you wish."

I smiled. "Yup."

Dorian shook his head. "I'm not going to continue this."

"Continue what?" I asked him, trying to look innocent.

"Anyway..." Dorian said, obviously dying to change the subject. "Tasch and I are going to Parade tonight, why don't you come and bring Bryan? That way we can meet him and see if we approve of him."

"Sounds like fun Dad, but you know if you don't give us your approval we'll just run away and elope, right?"

"You even think about eloping and I'll tie you up and lock you in your room."

"Kinky. I didn't know you were into bondage Dad."

Dorian laughed. "Just don't tell your mother."

"Now who's a sick bitch?" Justin yelled from his room.

A few hours after Dorian left, the phone rang and interrupted my pathetic attempt at studying. It was Bryan, and I told him about Dorian's idea for that night. He agreed that it sounded like fun.

"Just remember to comb your hair and stand up straight." I told him. "Dorian's going to be judging you pretty harshly."

"Should I be worried?" Bryan asked.

"Nah. He's harmless, for a six foot tall, muscle bound angry black man."

"Now I'm more intrigued than worried."

I laughed. "You stay away from Dorian, he's all mine."

"And what am I, the other woman?" Bryan asked.

"I hope not, you'd look damn silly in a dress."

"I guess drag is out for tonight then huh?"

"Maybe for you." I told him. "I've already picked out my pumps."

"Sweet, now I can slide my hands up your dress all night."

I sighed. "Why is it every man I know can't keep his hands off my?"

"Excuse me?" Brian asked with a laugh. "What men are these?"

"Oh just Dorian, and Justin too. They've both been staring at me naked all day."

"Sounds fun, maybe I should come over early."

"Then we'd never make it to the club." I told him with a laugh. "I'll see you at nine, okay?"

"Sounds great." Bryan said. "See you then."

Bryan arrived at the apartment that night just before nine. He had combed and tied back his blond hair, and was standing exaggeratedly straight when I opened the door.

"Very nice." I complimented him with a laugh. "Mom and Dad will be very impressed."

"You're mom and dad will be meeting us at a gay bar?" He asked me, looking amused and confused at the same time.

"Yep, just don't look too surprised that my dad's black and my mom's a Greek girl okay?"

Bryan shrugged. "Why would that surprise me, just because you're a pale Japanese guy?"

"Half Japanese." I told him. "And half German. I'm an Allied nightmare."

"Churchill's probably spinning in his grave." Bryan said with a laugh. "Seriously, you look more like a very good dream than a nightmare to me."

I blushed, and Bryan bent down and kissed me. He held me close to him and kissed me forcefully. By the time we finished I was breathless, and even a bit dizzy. Not to mention quite impressed.

"Ready to go?" Bryan asked.

I shook my head. "What?"

He laughed. "Come on, I'm not that good."

I shook my head again, and he laughed. He led us out the door, and I stumbled my way down the stairs.

The Parade Club is the city's largest and best dance bar. It's also, conveniently enough, the city's largest gay bar. Dorian and Tascha went there frequently, as did lots of other straight couples. Gay bar or not, it was still the best place to dance in town.

We found Dorian and Tascha inside, and I introduced them to Bryan. He was friendly and polite, and a perfect gentleman. I could tell Dorian liked him right away, despite the fact that he wanted to dislike him. Tascha took me aside while Dorian and Bryan talked.

"What's up?" I asked her once we were out of their hearing range, which was about three feet away from them, thanks to the house music.

"He's gorgeous, that's what's up!" Tascha laughed. "That and he obviously adores you."

"What do you mean?" I asked her, feeling a rush of warmth about what she said.

Tascha rolled her eyes at me. "Are you kidding? Please honey, look at him. Every time you're not looking at him he's mooning over you with those gorgeous puppy dog eyes of his."

I turned my head to the side, and saw that she was right. Bryan was looking right at me, giving me a lost puppy look that made me want to melt. When he saw me look, he looked back at Dorian and blushed. I smiled triumphantly.

"What's that look for?" Tascha asked me.

"Nothing." I was about to say something else to her, when my favourite song came on. I turned towards Bryan. "We have to dance!" I yelled at him.

Bryan shrugged and we made our way to the dance floor. He started out towards the centre, but I stopped him and shook my head.

"Up there." I said, pointing to one of the small raised platforms that ring the floor.

He shook his head. "No chance man. I dance badly enough without everyone staring at me."

"Big deal. I dance worse than you I'm sure, and it's way more fun up there! No one can see me down on the floor, I'm too short."

Bryan laughed. "So the point of dancing on the booty box is so everyone can stare at you then huh?"

I smiled. "Exactly, what else would it be?"

He sighed. "Okay fine. I'll do it just this once, but if I fall off I'm going to kill you."

"That's good." I told him with a smile. "Now come on, let's get up there."

We climbed on top of the booty box and started dancing. One thing I had neglected to mention to him is just how I become when I'm dancing. I am never as expressive and outgoing as I am when I'm dancing. I close my eyes, let myself go and just move with the music any way I want. Tascha told me once that I dance like a man possessed, and I think that's almost true. Dancing for me is a joyful, almost spiritual experience.

"I thought you said you were a bad dancer!" Bryan said to me, interrupting my reverie.

"I did, why?" I asked.

"You're an incredible dancer!" Bryan yelled. "I've never seen anything like it, you look like you're in a totally different place."

"That's a good thing?" I asked him. I wasn't sure.

"It's a great thing." He pointed down to the dance floor. "Just look at the people watching you."

I thought he was kidding, but when I looked down I saw that there were people watching me, and actually cheering me on. It was a very weird experience, one that I wasn't entirely comfortable with. I closed my eyes, ignored them, and felt much better.

Bryan and I kept dancing, occasionally grinding against one another pretty heavily. Several drinks and two hours later, we finally finished dancing for the night and sat at a table with Dorian and Tascha.

"You two looked like you were having a good time." Dorian said, grinning at me.

"I especially liked the part where Bryan pretended to tie your hands behind your back with his belt." Tascha said with a smirk. I blushed and Bryan laughed.

"Who was pretending?" Bryan asked her. "He kept almost knocking me off the box, I had to keep his hands out of the way somehow." I smacked him in the arm, and he laughed.

"I think we're gonna head out now." Dorian told me. "Do you guys want a drive home?" Dorian almost never drinks, so he usually plays designated driver.

"I'd like to walk, if that's okay with you." I said to Bryan. He nodded.

"Okay then, I'll be over to see you tomorrow." Dorian told me. He and Tascha bid good bye to Bryan, and we all made our way outside.

"They seem really nice, your parents." Bryan told me on the walk home.

I laughed. "Yeah, they're not too bad. I'm glad I got my looks from Mom's side of the family though."

"Oh I don't know," Bryan said. "Dorian's pretty hot too."

"Hey! I told you, he's all mine."

"You also told me you'd be wearing a dress. I'm pretty disappointed." Bryan pouted.

"And you promised to feel me up all night as I recall." I said, smirking at him.

He laughed. "That can be arranged."

Bryan made a grab for me, but I laughed and jumped out of the way. He chased after me, and we ran the last couple of blocks laughing and stumbling.

When we turned the last corner, I turned around and grabbed Bryan in a hug. He bent down to kiss me, but stopped when he looked over my shoulder.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"There's a cop car parked in front of your house." He told me.

I whirled around, and saw that he was right. My big brother instincts kicked in, and I immediately began worrying about Justin. I ran down the street and bolted up the stairs with Bryan close behind me.

I burst into the apartment to find Justin sitting on the couch talking to two uniformed officers.

"What's going on? Are you okay?" I asked, sitting down beside him.

Justin nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. These guys want to talk to you actually."

I was relieved that Justin was alright, but confused as to why police would want to talk to me. I soon had my unspoken questions answered however.

"Are you Julian Tadeshi?" One of the officers asked me. I nodded, and he asked a question I really was not expecting.

"Did you know a man named Peter Warren?"

I frowned. "Yes, unfortunately." I looked over at Justin, who looked very confused. I really did not want to talk to the police about Peter in front of him. "What's this all about?"

"Peter Warren was found stabbed to death in his home this morning, Mr. Tadeshi. If you'll come down to the station, we need to ask you some questions."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 4

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