Julie's Fantasy 1/3

By if.tenep.nona@253na

Published on Nov 22, 1994



Reply-To: an352@anon.penet.fi

This is my first attempt at posting a story, so i hope you find more than an empty screen inside. I've seen many requests for F/F bisexual stories. Since I took a challenge from a friend to try to write from a woman's perspective, I decided I'd share the results with the world.

The result is "Julie's Fantasy" in which Julie, a young coed, travels to meet her teacher/mistress Gina (my alterego).

WARNING: This story contains graphic lierary depictions of sexual acts.

TURN BACK NOW if sex offends you.

Hit "n" NOW if sex between two women offends you.

You have been duly warned. Continuing now provides no recourse for flaming me. Save it... I'll only dlete it as if it never happened.

Julie's Fantasy (c. N. Rample Feb '94)

The cab jolted to a stop at the entrance to the Palmer House, one of Chicago's premiere suite hotels. Julie wasn't used to all this attention. First the cabbie jumped out to open her door, his dark exotic eyes roved over her lithe body as they had been in the mirror all during the drive here from O'Hare. The wind howled sending dust and paper debris whistling round and round then out into the street with a woosh.

Such a decadant city, she thought. Here in the center of one of America's wealthiest cities the downtrodden hunched and beleaguered, clung to a precarious existence, while high above in the financial enclaves the powerbrokers traded such massive amounts of capital. Surely all of these poor could live with a little more dignity if just a fraction ever did trickle down to them.

Now, the opulence of this establishment shone forth as the doorman, whitegloved, parted the door for her. His red velvet long coat fringed with gold amulet and shoulderboards contrasted sharply with the dingy, threadbare overcoats the city's poor huddled close about them. He was an older gentleman of about 50 years and even his eyes admired her grace as she thanked him and strode past, chin high, heels clicking on the shining marble.

The cabbie accepted her tip and passed her garment bag off to the bellhop. Again, an eager male face met hers, full of desire and hope. If only they knew who it was she was meeting here! The thought of Gina somewhere upstairs, waiting for her arrival suddenly brought an anxious rush of heat into her face. Flushed and excited she announced "I already have a room, ummm, 1426."

"Yes ma'am, right this way to the elevators then" came the reply.

She followed the bellboy and chuckled quietly when she thought how much he reminded her of those silly flying monkeys in the service of the wicked old witch of the west from the "Wizard Of Oz". Why do they make these fellows dress so oddly?, the wondered.

The bell dinged as a car door opened and now, juct moments away from meeting her 'mistress', she almost felt panicky! Her face was still flushed and now her heart beat with a wild rythym. She entered the car with the sensation of being without air. Her lovely young breasts heaved beneath the sheerness of her dress, a new item she had picked out special for the occasion. It was all of satin and gathered in darts below her cups. The sleeves were short and puffed at the shoulders, the neckline plunged affording a devastating view of her cleavage. The skirt was a simple pleated style, and the cream color made a very lovely compliment to her red hair and tanned skin.

As the car flew up it's shaft she felt a fluttering in her tummy. Reminded of the ferris wheel or maybe one of the more reckless rides at the midway, she realized the excitement was having an overwhelming effect on her composure. Suddenly a warm sensation began to grow between her legs. No longer a casual young woman, she felt a hot flush in her loins and the realization that her sex was moist made her feel very sexy.

The car slipped quietly to a halt and the door opened. "This way, ma'am" the bellboy said as he led her down the corridor to the right. So plush the carpet was. The walls were tastefully decorated with what must be original oils. Definitely a classy outfit she concluded and gracefully followed. Her heels were sinking so deeply into the carpet as to make keeping up with this fellow a bit difficult, but she was determined to maintain her grace. Nay, her sensuality. She was stunning and she knew it!

Here it is, she thought, gazing at the bold numbers on the door, 1426. A heavy brass knocker was bolted beneath and when she didn't proffer a key, the bellboy quickly understood the situation and rapped the knocker sharply once, then twice and smiled at her as he backed away. She would prefer he get lost now, so she quickly slipped her fingers inside her clutch and handed him the five dollar bill she'd tucked so handy moments before just for this occasion. He accepted it gladly and with a slight nod and withdrew to the elevators.

Sure, she thought, he expects I'm meeting a man here. Probably thinks I'm some old fart's mistress. Ha! If they only knew! Her heart pounded dangerously fast as she heard the bolt slide and the doorlatch squeaked open.

When the heavy door swung open Julie knew immediately she had not dressed for the occasion. Her eyes befell a slender woman wrapped in a white terrycloth robe. It was tied tightly around the middle and showed her slim waistline. The robe was nearly floorlength, but still allowed a view of Gina's black ribbed stockings that ended in 6 inch stilleto heels.

Julie's breath caught in her throat as she began to introduce herself: "Hi... you, ummmmm (ahem) you must be Gina?"

"That's me Honey, come in, come in, let's get you inside and more comfortable. I love that dress, you look stunning it it!"

Julie picked up her garment bag and slipped in through the doorway as Gina held open the door. Once inside she could feel the atmosphere created within this room. Gina had apparently just finished a bath; the moist air smelled of a light French perfume. An enormous suite it was. From the vestibule opened up a comfortable lounging area with a cream colored leather couch, polished mahogany tables were adorned with cut flowers in fine porcelein vases. Just inside to the left was a walk-in closet and entry to the bath. To the right she could see the bedroom. Inside was a giant four poster bed on a pedestal. There was also a jacuzzi, second bathroom, and a fireplace!

"Wow!" was all she could muster at the gorgeous appointments.

"I had hoped you'd like it!" Gina said with a smile. "I've always wanted to treat myself to a weekend here, but now it's even better; I have you to share it all with!"

"Come, let's get these things sorted out and then I'll ring for some drinks. Do you like sherry? brandy? What poison is your pleasure?"

Julie handed off her garment bag and Gina flopped it upon the massive bed. As she bent over it to examine the closure Julie could see the shapely outline of her bottom. Gina was quite alot older than Julie, some 15 years, and she'd wondered how the age difference would play between them. She'd thought of a favorite aunt, but could not bring herself to entertain the thought of sex with her mother's sister even for an instant.

Now, she could see that, regardless of age, Gina was in wonderful shape and had a light, young-at-heart attitude. And, those heels! Julie wanted to try them on herself. Well, she thought, there would be plenty of time for that later. Plenty of time to try on all sorts of things. Right now, she felt a little silly dressed for dinner while Gina looked dressed to kill. Wonder what's on under that robe? she thought.

"Did you bring a swimsuit?" Gina asked.

"Oh yes, my favorite bikini, I hope you like it."

Gina stood back for a moment and surveyed her new friend. "Ummmm, mmmm Julie, I do believe I'll like just about anything you put on or take off!"

Julie felt herself blushing for the third time already. Well, she thought, I'll have to get over this!

"Here, let's get you unpacked, shall we?" said Gina as she began unzipping the bag. "Oh, you do have some lovely things in here!"

In a flourish Gina started pulling out lingerie Julie had recently purchased from Victoria's Secret. Lots of lacy panties in rose and peach, underwire bras that accented her ample bosom, and a lovely sheer nightie she just couldn't resist.

"Oh! This so pretty! Oh, Julie... will you model this for me?"

"Ummmm, you mean right now?"

"Oh yes! Sweetheart, I mean to have you for dessert. Then maybe we'll think about eating downstairs. Only to sustain our strength, mind you."

Julie's heart fluttered for an instant. Gina's eyes were sparkling as she continued to hold out the skimpy negligee. It was a very light pick chiffon, with the finest lace trimmming and a neckline that plunged all the way to her navel. This laced up with a thin tie. The shoulders were all of lace, and a tiny ruffle along the bottom was all that covered the thin strip that snapped closed at the crotch. Julie had admired her figure at home the day she bought it, and now another woman was about to admire how sensuous she could look too.

"See, my Dear One, I'm not dressed for the table yet either" Gina said as she pulled open her robe.

Julie was in a mild state of shock as she took in the sight of this. Gina's breasts were spilling over the top of a black bustier with red ribs and lace. A bright red garter belt snapped onto the tops of her black ribbed hose, and now from the pocket of the robe, as it fell to the floor in a heap about her heels, she produced a wicked looking long leather whip. With a practiced flick of her wrist the whip cracked and a pleasant, if somewhat sinister smile spread across Gina's face.

"You did say I could do anything with you, didn't you? You did say you'd be my sex slave? Oh Sweet One, I won't hurt you, I simply want to make you mine!"

Julie felt new sensations course through her body. Tantalizing fear mixed with lust, greed, desire... her cunt actually convulsed with the need to be touched. Her mouth dropped open and suddenly she became a automaton to be ordered, guided into this new dimension of passion.

Her hand reached out for the flimsy garment and Gina cracked the whip once more to underscore her order, "Strip for me, Girl. I want to see your nakedness" Gina commanded.

She strode confidently behind Julie then and opened the drapes behind the bed. The view was spectacular! Even from the 14th floor they had a commanding view of the city lights, just now twinkling on. Even the harbor lights shone from between the tall buildings. Anyone peering out their windows from blocks around would be able to see the two women. One standing dressed as a mistress of dread, the other now unzipping the back of her dress.

"Ahhhh, that's it my Flower. Show me how much you want to lick my pussy. Show me how wet you are!" Gina went on.

Julie's hands trembled with the garment. But, soon it lay on the floor beside Gina's robe and she stood in the warm basking glow of Gina's admiration.

"Julie, my jewel... you dazzle me!"

She could not take her eyes off Gina. Her gaze seemed to hold her own locked steady on this commanding woman. She began to notice the slight wrinkles about her eyes. Yes, older, wiser, but still so young looking. Their hair worn in much the same style, but the similarities stopped there. Gina had a rose tattoed above her left breast. Julie wouldn't have dreamed of obtaining such a mark. But, it excited her to think of this symbol of the other woman's sexuality. It seemed to proclaim her independence.

Her bra unfastened in the front with one of those slide-over snaps and this she opened now, feeling her pendulous breasts fall free.

"Exquisite..." came the lusty whisper of the older woman.

Sliding the straps over her shoulders, Julie now let the bra drop to the floor and cupped her own orbs of tender flesh, extending her nipples out to Gina. As if on cue Gina came to her, falling to her knees as she did so. Her arms encircling her small waist, sliding down along the curve of her back, down along the plumpness of her bottom, and cupping a cheek in each hand, Gina pulled her close against her heaving breasts.

Julie could feel the heat of Gina's breath now as her mouth sought and teased at her nipples. Never quite making contact, only drawing ever nearer, searing her flesh with desire. Then the room swayed and a rush of heat enveloped her left nipple as she felt wet heat from the other's mouth, suckling her gently at first, then more demanding as her ardor swelled. Gina's tongue was tracing tiny circles very rapidly round and round Julie's nipple. She would then suckle it deeply into her mouth and drag her teeth along the rough edge of the hardening flesh, nipping it sharply at the tip.

Julie was sure she might faint. Her hands had slipped inside her panties, but now they were firmly grasping Gina's head, holding her there, gently demanding she not stop. And, Gina continued, now pinching the first nipple, rolling it between finger and thumb as she suckled her lover's other nipple. Her other hand still cupping, kneading the tender flesh of Julies ass. And, then... ahhhhhh, yes... touch me... Julie whimpered to herself, as Gina slipped her fingers inside the band of her panties and carefully nudged along the wet lips protruding against the damp fabric.

"I must taste you my Angel!" Gina gasped as she let loose her savage mouth and Julie's nipple flared with the fires burning inside.

Gina stood now, eye to eye and lifted her wet fingers to her nose.

"Ahhhhhh, the succulant aroma of your sex makes me starved for you!" she said as she sucked her fingers into her mouth. Then without a moments hesitation, thrust them over the top of Julie's panties and probed inside her moist folds, so knowing, so purposeful, she found her swelling node.

Not too much too soon... Gina lightly flicked her clit, and then plunged two fingers among the slippery folds gathering up her juices. With her hand nearly dripping wet, she held it between them and seemed to ask with her eyes alone "take, eat, this is your wetness for me... let us share this sweet nectar." And, they sucked her fingers together then. Their tongues tasting the salty sweetness of the slippery fluid while they found one another and danced together, first along the sloppy wet fingers and then as their mouths met.

The kiss was so lingering, so touching. Not anything like a man's kiss. Nothing so hurried, so rushed. This was a tender thing, their lips pressing and yet fluid, moving, feeling, parting and joining together until the perfect fit was discovered and all the while their tongues dancing. First Gina's probing deep inside her mouth, touching the roof, playing along her teeth, coaxing her tongue to follow, to probe within Gina's mouth. And, once there, the power she felt as she suckled it, deep, deeper into her mouth, sucking it as if it were a man's organ.

Her knees felt weak, as if they were melting and Gina's strong arms encircled her once more. To her utter amazement the woman picked her up as a man would and carried her to the bed! Her mistress again in command. She plopped her down hard into the center of the bed and immediately pounced atop her, pinning her shoulders down with her knees.

Before she knew what was happening a silkened noose tightened about her wrist and she was being firmly secured to the bedpost! Then the other and wriggling down the length of her naked body, the ribs of her bustier poking her tender flesh, Gina slithered all the way down to her ankles, planting wet kisses and licks the whole way.

She felt the silk scarves tighten about her ankles and she knew she was Gina's captive. No amount of struggling would free her from her lover's trap. She was given up to this anyway.

"Gina, take me Lover! Take me and have your way with me!" she cried.

Then she felt a blindfold go round her head and all light was gone.

She felt the silk scarves tighten about her ankles and she knew she was Gina's captive. No amount of struggling would free her from her lover's trap. She was given up to this anyway.

"Gina, take me Lover! Take me and have your way with me!" she cried.

Then she felt a blindfold go round her head and all light was gone.

Now Julie was truly becoming afraid. Tied and at the mercy of her mistress was one thing, but being deprived of her sight was quite another. She felt panicky until a wisp of softness brushed her cheek.

"What was that?" she gasped.

"A butterfly my Angel, the wings of a butterfly..." crooned Gina.

Again, the soft trace along her jawline, only this time it continued. A feather? Julie wondered. Ahh, but of course! It's only a feather. Her body shuddered suddenly, both in response to the calm that swept over her and the sensation of the lightest touch she'd ever experienced. The tip of the feather was tracing the outlines of her breasts, working into ever smaller circles until it circumscribed a perfect oval round first one nipple then the other.

Oh, the trembling sensations this helplessness was creating made Julie want to cry. Not out of desperation anymore, but a sense of needing so much more! Julie had become a blank slate upon which Gina could write her poetry of love and all she wanted was for the poet to hurry!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh...." Julie moaned softly as the sensations moved down between her legs. Gina was lightly massaging the soft inner surfaces of each thigh, casting the tip of the feather up against the crotch of her panties every now and again.

Then, suddenly and without warning, Gina tossed the feather behind her and settled her face down upon the soaked material between Julie's legs. She nuzzled her nose into the moist cleft and nudged and sniffed deeply as she burrowed amidst her lover's thighs. One arm slipped under one leg, then the other as Gina attempted to climb under Julie. Each thigh lay across Gina's shoulders and now, with her tongue working so knowingly at the edge of the fabric she drank of the lovely bouquet of her lover.

She slipped the tip of her practiced tongue up under the band and worked it inside Julie's panties, tasting the musky saltiness of her young lover's cunt directly for the first time.

"Mmmmmmmmpphh..." Gina moaned as she pulled the edge up away from Julie's soaked cunny. Then, gripping the fabric in her teeth, she started ripping it, wagging her head like a mad dog and all the while groaning and growling. Julie wished she could see this spectacle! Why, this woman had become a wild animal! She sounded like a shewolf!

With a searing bite, the fabric dug into her flesh, then was torn asunder. Gina had chewed her way beyond that small protective barrier and now had her target in her sights; Julie lay spread eagle below her on the bed. Her mound heaving slightly with each breath, her pussylips parted and glistening in the low light shining in from the window. Julie's scent began to fill the room and Gina was overcome with the desire to suckle this tender, sensitive flesh.

One quick lick would have to suffice for the moment, however. She had other plans. She knelt once more and sliding her tongue as deeply inside Julie as she could reach, she pulled back and up very slowly, licking up along the cleft that lie between these lovely folds. So like the petals of a flower in bloom... what a wonderful work of art this young creature was! Nature's culmination of all that is tender, all that is beautiful.

Savoring the succulant nectar, Gina smeared her cheeks with Julie's wetness, then climbed atop her lover. Straddling her tummy, she bent forward till Julie could smell her own pussy on Gina's lips, and they kissed.

It was another lingering kiss, and when their lips parted, Gina gently lifted Julie's head. She slipped the blindfold off, nothing more than another silk scarf, then plumped up two pillows below her lover's head.

"I want you to be able to watch what comes next..." Gina teased.

Bounding up off the bed Gina's voice trailed off as she slinked into the adjoining bathroom, "We're gonna make your pussy as smooth as...."

Returning with a cart laden with barber supplies, she continued, "a baby's butt! Just like mine..." she finished.

Standing in front of Julie, she now started a slow strip tease. First the heels were kicked across the room. Then, Gina unsnapped the tops of her stockings and slowly rolled one of them down her leg. Stepping out of it, she picked it up and tossed it over to Julie who struggled to catch it in her teeth.

Ahhhh, she's warming to this now, Gina thought, as the stocking landed beside Julie's cheek. Next, off came the other stocking and again it landed with the first up against Julie's cheek. Now Julie could see how shapely Gina's legs were. Tight, smooth, and muscular like a dancer's, yet very slender. But, what she was dying to see was still hidden beneath the slinky, almost slutty looking bustier.

As if reading her mind, Gina delayed no longer. She reached around back and found the clasps holding the garment together and deftly unfastened them, one by one, slowly making the revelation dramatic. First the top loosened and Julie could see Gina's taut nipples peeking out over the edge. Then it fell completely open and to the floor. Gina was naked from her garter belt up.

Julie compared Gina's breasts to her own. Not nearly as large, but firm, pear shaped with a nice upward curve ending in unusually large nipples. The aereolas were a ruddy brown-red and puckered into quite obviously very hard tips. Oh, how she wanted to suck them! But, she was so anxious to see her mistress' pussy she gazed back down at what little material still concealed her sex.

The garter belt hung loosely, snaps dangling, and the tiniest of bikini briefs of bright, satiny red showed underneath. Gina unfastened the garter belt, then after letting it drop to the floor, started rubbing and massaging herself through the skimpy fabric of her panties. Her head was back and her shoulders swayed to a silent song of passion. Her hips were swaying too and she was doing a slow, undulating belly dance as her fingers slipped under the band of the material, pulling it up, wedging it up within the now drenched folds of her cunt.

Julie could see now, for the first time how bare her lovers mound was. Light glistened on the wetness spreading around Gina's crotch and the red material was turning darker with the moisture, with Gina's juices. With the panties thoroughly soaked, Gina finally peeled them off and tossed them atop Julie's face.

"There, Lover, can you smell me? Can you smell your mistress' hot and dripping cunt?"

And, Julie could. The musky dampness of her lover's panties lay directly across the bridge of her nose and Julie breathed in the pungeant perfume deeply.

"Can I lick you now? Please???" she begged.

"Now, that's my girl" Gina purred. "I like it when you beg! Ok, here it cums!" and with that Gina jumped up onto the bed and lowered her dripping lips onto Julie's hungry mouth. Julie was amazed at how smooth it felt. No hair there at all, her lover's pussy was shaved bare and so silky smooth. She suddenly felt jealous and not at all anxious anymore. Indeed, she wanted her's to be just as smooth.

The sensations were like ice-hot electricity flowing up into Gina's pelvis. Little fingers of delight spreading up, out warming her whole tummy, the center of the powerful pleasure in the tip of her clit. Julie's tongue darted back and forth, flicking at Gina's tortured node. With her knees bent and her ass lightly settled atop Julie's tits, Gina rode her lovers mouth.

Not to leave her stranded on this island of bliss, Gina arched her back so she could reach down between Julie's legs and massaged her clit with fingers and thumb, rolling the hardened nub back and forth, up and down. Now and again, she would offer those drenched fingers to Julie who would lap at them or suck them every bit as eagerly as she was lapping and sucking Gina's cunny. Loud slurping and smacking sounds mixed with the soft moans and little whimpers tumbled from their open mouths as they both neared the precipice of pleasure together.

Julie was writhing all over the bed like a snake tethered at each end but free to squirm all along the middle, and as she darted her tongue deep inside Gina, then slowly, teasingly licked up past her clit, only to suck hard on the return, suckling Gina's clit deep inside her mouth, she would then grasp at the enlarged, throbbing flesh and nibble. Nibble out to the very tip which she would nip sharply then lick until she could suck it back into her mouth.

Suddenly Gina's head went back and a low, growling moan pursed through her lips. The insides of her thighs were drenched, a mixture of cunny sauce, saliva, and sweat. And, with a deep shudder, that started in her legs, shook through her entire body making her feet feel hot, her fingers tingle and her breath catch in her throat--she came in a violent rush of waves rolling and breaking on the shore that was her sex!

The intensity of the moment combined with the artful way Gina's hands were clinging to, flicking and pinching her own clit, pushed her over the edge as well, and the two women orgasmed together in a flurry of shaking hot flesh, rocking and groaning, crying out "Lover! Julie, yes! eat my cunt! Ooohhhhhhh, I'm coming!!! Oh Baby! keep sucking, oh god, oh YES! it's sooo good, you suck sooo good!!!"

Julie soon joined in the cries of joy, "Gina.... mmmmpphh, slurp, ahhhh, unnnggghhh, oh shit! Oh Gina! OH god! OH YES!!! make my pussy ache! OH FUCK! I'M CUMMING TOO!!!!! UUUNNNGGHHHHH OH BABY!"

Panting and sweating together, they writhed and squirmed as the waves of pleasure rocked and shook them both. It went on and on until Gina thought she'd surly pass out! But, as the intensity waned, and the shaking slowed, their breathing slowly came back under control. They collapsed together as Gina hugged Julie close, feeling her rapid heart beat next to her own.

"Oh Sweetheart, where did you learn to suck pussy like that?" Gina asked, smiling into Julie's face. Their eyes met as their cheeks glowed. "That was simply wonderful! I hope yours was ok? I want to give you so much more!"

Julie felt such a rush of closeness, she just wanted to wrap her arms around her new friend and feel her heart beating next to her own. "Yes, it was very nice, Gina" she said simply in a lazy, almost sleepy voice.

Gina gave her a quick peck on the lips and rolled off. "Now, I have some unfinished business to attend to" she announced.

In a flurry of activity she proffered a pair of scissors and a damp towel. Before long she was busy at work, trimming back the bulk of the hair, smoothing it away with the towel. Julie had some trouble seeing her bush disappear, but she could defintely see the relish in her mistress' eyes. Gina was definitely enjoying this! Every now and gain she would bend over her work and tease Julie with a quick volley of flicks and licks, and sometimes, although, certainly not often enough for her tastes, she'd actually suck Julie's clit till it was aching for more.

But, the task had to be completed, and now Gina was applying shaving cream all around her mound. Now a little anxiety did settle in; that razor looked awfully sharp. She did trust her mistress, but... Soon, it was apparent Gina had plenty of experience shaving herself, and Julie resigned herself to her lover's ability. The scraping went quickly, and when Gina raised up a mirror, Julie could see for herself how lovely her sex looked so completely devoid of any masking hair.

It made her feel utterly exposed and so terribly sexy! Like it was as a little girl, only now the full, wet lips gaping open, her hood slightly pushed back revealing her glistening wet, turgid clitoris all fairly gleamed with lubricating juices. She was certainly all woman! She was near the peak of her sexuality and felt a warm rush of renewed wetness spread between her legs. Why hell, she even wanted to lick it herself if only she could. Growing more daring she asked "Will you eat me now?"

Gina had replaced the mirror, rubbed her lover's bare mound with a hot, steamy towel, and was now dripping hot oil onto her mound when her eyes locked onto Julie's.

"Will I eat you? I'm going to devour you, girl! I'm going to make a dessert of you we can both lavish on. See this?"

Now she reached down onto the lower shelf of the cart and brought forth a basket of fruit! With a wicked grin she began peeling a banana. Once peeled it was no matter of guessing where it would go. She spread Julie's lips between two fingers and slowly slid the banana as far inside her cunt as she dared push it without breaking it off.

"You do remember me promising dessert, don't you? Well, my sweet one, you're gonna be a banana split the likes of which we both can enjoy!"

With the banana still in place she quickly dialed roomservice and ordered two glasses of their finest brandy be sent up right away. My god, Julie thought, what if some bellhop sees me like this! Even that idea made her feel all the more sexy. She just wanted Gina to return and touch her, caress her, fondle her, to fuck her!

And, Gina didn't disappoint her. Replacing the phone on it's cradle, she climed atop the bed beside her angel and began adorning her newly shaved mound with all manner of fruit. First she ringed the banana with a large slice of pineapple. Then, all around this went a circle of strawberries. A few juicy grapes were mingled among the berries, then with a shake of the can, a cold rush hit Julie as a thick stream of whipping cream jetted out creating a very tasty looking topping. The finishing touch was a single cherry placed neatly in the middle of the creamy mound.

"Wahlah!" Gina exclaimed with unbridled pride, "you are now ready to eat!"

Just then the doorbell rang and Gina tumbled off the bed grabbing for her robe. "Watch me tease this poor guy to death!" she promised as she wrapped herself in the terrycloth.

She opened the door with a flourish and in walked a tall black man who looked her up and down. Her hair was all tousled and the robe was very loosely gathered in the middle. Julie realized the room must have taken on the aroma of female sex and this guy was certainly looking interested. In fact, he kept casting glances toward the bedroom, but, thank heaven he did not have a good view through the narrow opening Gina left as she partly closed the door.

"Thank you so much for bringing them up so promptly. Here, let me get something for your trouble" Gina said reaching out for the two snifters.

Gina bent over her purse and fumbled for some bills. Julie could just make out her left hand sliding down across the sash that held the robe closed. It was not completely unfastened now, but any movement on Gina's part would surely send it dangling to the floor. And, that's precisely what happened.

As Gina turned to hand the fellow the bills, her sash fell, her robe opened and her nakedness beneath proclaimed itself to this wide-eyed man. His mouth nearly fell open as he went bug-eyed.

"Uhhh, ummm, well... ma'am, can I help you with that?" he asked, coyly. Obviously he regained his cool quickly.

Gina feinged a blush and pulled the robe closed about her again, saying "Oh pardon me! I'm just about to bathe and should have waited till after you'd come to get so... umm, comfortable."

"Well, that's ok, I could help you get even more comfortable if you'd like" he said with a wink.

"That's quite alright. I'm capable..." Gina retorted. Not too brusque, but with just enough measured indignity to warn her suitor away.

Luckily the guy wanted to keep his job and backed out through the open door, but not without replying, "Well, you keep me in mind if you decide you need anything else tonight, won't you ma'am?"

Gina smiled and slammed the door shut.

Returning to the bedroom she asked, "Did you hear him come onto me? I guess I had it coming... that was awfully naughty of me, but I just love to do that!"

Julie giggled and asked "What'd he bring us?"

"Mmmmm, some congac to sip on. Would you like some?"

"Oh, yes, please" Julie replied.

Gina set one snifter down on the table beside the bed and carefully climed astride Julie again, the wetness of her pussy settling warmly on Julie's tummy. Carefully balancing the snifter in one hand, she slipped the other behind Julie's head.

"Her Sweetheart, let me help you. I'd untie you, but I'm not yet finished. How do the ties feel? They're not too tight, are they?"

"No, no, I'm fine... I just wish you'd fuck me with that banana!" Julie exclaimed. They both broke out in a fit of laughter at that.

"I always love a little brandy with my ice cream" Gina went on. Such a robust taste, mixing the alcohol with such a sweet confection. Here, Lover, take a sip and then let's dig in!"

Julie felt the warm fluid flow across her tongue, burning slightly at the back of her throat, but the brandy was very smooth. She would have welcomed a sip of cold water more, but as the warmth spread through her tummy, she decided she'd accept a larger sip next.

"Mmmmmmmm, that is so good" she said as the burning began to feel more like a mellow warmth spreading out and relaxing her limbs.

Gina smiled at her and took a sip before placing the glass on the table. Then she smiled again and asked, "Can I have your cherry, my Sweet?"

"Oh, please do" Julie answered, ready to partake of what lie ahead.

Gina looked down at the melting mound of goodies between her lover's legs and giggled. "You do look good enough to eat, ya know?"

She rolled onto her side and began suckling Julie's nipple while massaging the other one with her open hand.

"Ahhhhhhhh" Julie murmured softly.

Gina then licked along the pendulous surface of Julie's orb and leaving a wet trail licked her way up into the warm inner softness of her lover's underarm. Gina loved to suckle this much-overlooked spot since it always brought so much pleasure to her when her other lover's discovered how wild it made her become. Now she could see how hot it was making Julie. Growing worried her young lover might just melt their tasty treat into a sliding, gooey mess, Gina starting moving down Julie's lovely body.

Planting light kisses as she advanced, Gina lingered at her navel, tonguing it deeply, sending shivers through Julie. Then, as she positioned herself between her lover's legs, she knelt over her melting mound and picked up the cherry by the stem in her teeth. This she now brought back up to Julie's mouth and lowered it between her lover's teeth.

Julie sucked the sweet orb into her hungry mouth and crunched down. Gina pulled back on the stem and it snapped loose. With a flick of her head, her hair flying with it, the stem landed on the carpeted floor. Gina now kissed Julie deeply and probing with her tongue found the sweet fruit. They shared this as the first bite of what would prove an intoxicating dessert.

The next bite was into the tip of the banana. As Gina sunk her teeth into the soft flesh of it, Julie could feel the fruit quiver deep inside her cunt. A new flush washed over her as the whole mound of creamy goodies shifted. This first piece Gina chewed up and swallowed. But, grasping more of the banana between her teeth, she took care this time to pull back ever so slightly, easing the fruity cock just a little out of Julie. Then as she bite down, she shoved the phallic-shaped fruit deeper inside her lover and moved up to share this morsel.

This went on with nibbles and slurps as the whipping cream continued to melt. Gina would gather up a mouthful of strawberries and cream and, like a bird feeding it's young, she would move up to offer another bite to her captive. Before long they had devoured much of the delicious treat, but Gina was only now nearing the most delectable part; Julie's sex. Sticky with the remains of the whipping cream, Julie's smooth mound was covered in goo. Gina aimed to clean it all up!

Only the ringed banana remained now. Gina was lapping and licking all about Julie's crotch now. Every little trickle of melted cream would illicit a quick darting tongue diving to catch the trailing edge, then suck and lick all the stickiness back up to it's origins. In this way Gina made continuing advances on Julie's clit. Each time she lapped up along her lips she would dive in and suckle her hardened node.

The pineapple was next. Chewing and tugging at the top edge, nearest Julie's clit, Gina broke open the ring and ripped off chunk after chunk of the sweet fruit. Most she shared with Julie, but since she was so near to having Julie's most sensitive flesh completely exposed, she lingered after each mouthful to lick and nibble the tortured nub.

Now it was only the banana left. Gina put her mouth over the end and sucked as if it were a cock. Julie could see her mistress rolling her tongue round and round the end, flicking up across her clit occasionally. This was driving Julie mad! Gina would suck the banana out a few inches, flick her clit several times, then shove that long fruit back deep inside. Oh how she wanted to be fucked! If only Gina had a hard cock right now.

The doubts of being a lesbian came to Julie for the first time. Up until now she had enjoyed this tender sharing of female lovemaking, but the growing need for a thick, hard cock inside her was becoming overwhelming! She was gasping with quick, shallow breaths. Her chest heaved and her back arched. Gina pulled back and shoved in again and again with the banana, but it wasn't enough. Julie was about to scream to be fucked!

Then to her utter surprise Gina slipped off the bed and ran into the bathroom.

"What the hell are you doing?" came Julie's plaintive cry for mercy. "Please don't leave me like this, please! I need to be fucked!"

Gina returned with a bizarre looking contraption, the likes of which Julie had never seen before.

"I thought you might need that..." Gina began, "so I brought along a little friend just for the occasion."

"Little?" Julie asked as she saw for the first time what it was Gina was strapping on.

Suspended from a harness was a huge black dildo. The bulbous head must have been as big around as a tennis ball. It even had a pair of balls attached. When Gina tightened the belt of the harness and stood at the side of the bed, the threatening object made Julie shudder all over. All she could think about was the balck man who had only recently brought their drinks.

"My god, Gina! That thing is huge! You won't hurt me with that, will you?"

"I don't mean to hurt you, Darling, but I do mean to fuck you! I'm going to ram this into you the way I like to be fucked. I wanna stretch you to the limit. I want to make your cunt feel like this cock is splitting you in two!"

And, with that sweet threat still ringing in the air, Gina knelt one last time between her lover's legs and withdrew the banana. It hung from her mouth, wet and sticky. Gina climed up one last time and fucked Julie's mouth with it as they both nibbled and ate it, one bite at a time. The flavor was an exotic mix of sticky-sweet whipping cream mixed with Julie's scented cunny sauce and the subtle flavor of the flesh of banana. A very yummy blend to cap off one of the most satisfying desserts she'd ever eaten.

Then, without any warning Gina dropped to her knees between Julie's legs. She reached up with the tip of the dildo and split Julie's lips. Pushing lightly, she ran it along the length of her lover's slit, lubricating the length of it's long, hard shaft. With the head placed back against Julie's clit, Gina now untied the scarves holding Julie's wrists secured.

Julie's hands immediately went out to fondle Gina's small breasts. Her fingers caressed her mistress' nipples and the other hand cupped first one, then the other orb. Gina reached around and freed Julie's feet next. Responding to her freedom, Julie wrapped her legs up around Gina's waist and pulled her closer. The sensations were wonderful! Julie could feel the warm hardness poking at her opening. It didn't give the way a real penis did, it was very rigid. She was aching to feel it slide home.

But, Gina had other ideas. She wanted her lover to be ready first. Guiding Julie's hand down, she beckoned her to part her lips and hold back her hood. This made Julie's clit pop out and now Gina could really massage it. She rolled the head of that big, hard dildo round and round, back and forth across, and up and down along the slippery wet folds of Julie's cunt.

Julie was dying to be filled now. Her pussy almost felt like it was convulsing, aching, contracting in an effort to grasp at the big shaft still probing her pleasure node. Sensing how near she was to orgasm, Gina reached out and pinched both her nipples as she lowered the head against the opening. Knowing Julie would take it all when she was at the pinnacle of her need, she eased back, leaving the head poised for the attack.

Eyes open and nostrils flaring, Julie looked up into Gina's eyes. "FUCK ME with that thing, will you!" she screamed.

That was the cue Gina was waiting for. Julie's hands had sought and now found the soft curve of Gina's tight ass, and with a mighty shove, Gina plunging forward, Julie arching up and pulling her lover toward her, the emormous black dildo split her cunt and slammed deep inside.

"Oooohhhhhhhhhh god, YES! OH GINA OH BABY OH FUCK ME, FUCK ME NOW! FUCK ME HARD! OH GOD, SHOVE IT IN ME!!!" Julie wailed.

Gina knew she was teetering on the edge already. The buildup was extraordinary and she felt a moment's jealousy for how wonderful this must feel. But, that passed quickly becasue she wanted so desperately to give this to her new lover. She wanted Julie to be overwhelmed with pleasure so powerful she might pass out from overload.

Gina had never done this before, but she warmed to it quickly. She'd had several men in her life and many were good lovers. And, she knew exactly the way a woman wanted it when they were lost in the throes of this kind of passion. She plunged that rockhard cock deep inside her lover's cunt. Riding high so the edge would rub and further torture Julie's clit, she pummelled it into her pussy. Deep, fast, hard strokes. Over and over, splitting her cunny wide and holding her legs up over her shoulders.

Julie was utterly lost in the waves of pleasure washing over her. The first real release was a deep aching throb that grew from within. It made her clit feel hot, tight, tortured, and her pussylips flared open. The only way to lessen the ache was to grip, grasp and try to hold onto the hard shaft sliding in and out of her. Her stomach tensed, her legs ached, she was pulling at Gina's ass with her ankles crossed behind, trying to get more of that monster inside. She felt as if she needed to pull that cock, and Gina and everything in the room inside to fill her up, to satiate the ache inside.

And, then it was almost too much. She broke out in a light sweat and was aware of how slippery everything seemed. It was as if she needed to hang on for dear life lest this lovely stretching feeling might slip away. But, the convulsions in her cunt had begun and her orgasm swept her completely into oblivion. Radiating out into her pelvis and creating a deep throbbing pulse of energy, her clit twitched with the first waves. They grew and mounted, pounding on her shores. Her cunt was the center of the universe and a focus of all energy. It pulsed, it coursed through her. She felt as if she might explode and implode all at the same time. Sweet, glorious release... one powerful surge after another was making her gasp for breath.

Gina was loving this power too. Watching her lover writhe and shake on the bed below her, she plowed that big, fat dildo over and over deep into her lover's cunt. Julie was beyond recognition of anything but the waves of pleasure now. Her eyes were screwed shut and beads of perspiration broke out on her forehead.

"Oh Sweet Angel, yes, cum for me..." she crooned.

And, Julie did.

Before it was over, Gina reached down and placing her thumb against the tortured node, rubbed furiously while a renewed wave of orgasm passed through her lover. Then, before the flesh became too sensitive, she pulled the monster out and knelt there, lapping up all the succulant sauce spilling out of Julie's ripe cunt. One more time, Julie writhed through the mounting waves of ecstacy. Then it was time to let her settle into a rhthym more compatible with life.

Gina quickly unfastened the dildo and slid up beside her lover, holding her close. Nestled in her arms, Julie shuddered. She seemed beyond words, beyond recognition. She simply gazed into Gina's eyes as if seeing her for the first time.

They lay quietly together then, just feeling the slowing rythym of one another's heartbeats, breasts against breasts, cheek against cheek. Julie was exhausted and Gina was so very happy for her. What a lovely time for a fire she thought. A little more brandy, and then they'd go down for some dinner.

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