Junior Varsity Stars

By Jess Sudhir

Published on Jun 1, 2006


*********************************** Junior Varsity Stars III - "Worse and Worse" by Jess Sudhir ***********************************

"C'mon Chaz, you know you want some more of my magic milk!"

The moment I heard the words, I felt a thrill of excitement go through me. Had it only been a week earlier that I had seen my two star players here in this locker room? I flashed instantly back to that moment, under the bench, watching white boy Chaz's head bob up and down on Trey's dark meat. Since then I had hoped to catch the two boys together again, but I hadn't... not until now.

"Shut up, Trey," said Chaz sulkily.

"What's wrong?" said Trey. "Don't you want your dick to grow?"

Trey had told Chaz that swallowing cum would help him grow a dick as big as Trey's. I guess there's a sucker born every minute --literally!

"I talked to my older brother," said Chaz angrily. "He said what you made me do was faggy. He said not to do it again!"

I risked peeking out from where I was hiding behind the lockers, and caught the look of shock and disappointment on Trey's face.

"Nah man," he said desperately. "He just don't want you to know the secret!"

It was too late. Chaz had already turned and run out of the locker room (passing within a few feet of my hiding place as he went!). At first my disappointement mirrored Trey's own. But in the next moment a twisted plan had hatched in my head. Throwing caution to the winds, I stepped into the open.

"Hey Trey!" I said.

Trey's head popped up. "Oh hey!" he said with false cheerfulness. "How long you been there?"

"Never mind that," I said. "Are you busy?"

"Nah," said Trey sadly. "Why, did you want me to run some more drills?"

"Sort of," I said. "Here, come take a ride with me. It will be worth it, I promise."

It took a little convincing, but I had a good relationship with Trey, and soon we were on our way. Moments later we pulled up in front of Boner Boy's house. He was outside in the yard, trimming the hedge. He was wearing shorts and a tee-shirt, and there was a peaceful expression on his face. But when I stepped out of the car, his look turned to one of wariness and doubt.

"Oh hi," he said. "It's you." There was a distinct lack of welcome in his voice.

"Yeah," I said. "Aren't you glad to see me?"

"You almost got me in a lot of trouble with my mother," he said angrily. "I had to make up a reason why you were in the bathroom with me."

Just then there was a slam, as Trey got out of the car.

"Hey man, where are we?" he said.

"Who's that?" demanded Boner Boy. "Why do you have this black kid with you?"

"Yo, what's up with your friend?" said Trey. "He's rude."

"Let me do the introductions" I said. "Trey, this is Boner Boy. We call him that because he took a shower with the team one day and got a full-on stiffie."

Boner Boy flushed a bright red. "Why are you doing this," he hissed.

"Boner Boy, this is Trey. He's a star player on the varsity team. But the reason I brought him here today is because I caught him tricking his teammate into sucking him off last week."

"Yo, you was spying on us?" said Trey. "That's mad shiesty!"

"Look, come inside," said Boner Boy. "Everyone's nosy around here. If you're gonna talk about stuff like this I don't want anyone hearing."

Once inside, I helped myself to a soda from Boner Boy's fridge. I felt like I owned his whole house.

"You still haven't explained why you're here," said Boner Boy.

"Simple," I said. "Trey likes having his dick sucked. You're a fag. It's a perfect match. And I want to watch."

"Hell no," said Boner Boy.

"What's the matter?" I taunted him. "Racist? Too good for black dick? We both know you like to suck cock."

Boner Boy flushed red again, but didn't seem to be able to think up a reply.

"Hey man," said Trey. "This is kinda freaky. I think I wanna peace out."

"No you don't," I said. "You wanted to get your dick sucked today, and here's your chance. And you know what else? Last week this faggot let me fuck his ass."

Trey paused on his way to the door and his eyes got wide. I also saw a tell-tale bulge form in his pants. "Word?" he breathed. "He let you do that?"

"First of all," said Boner Boy, "I'm not a faggot. Second of all, I'm not going to let some random kid fuck me if that's what you're thinking."

"Yes you will," I said. "Because once you see this dick, you won't be able to resist."

Walking over to where Trey stood frozen by the door, I placed a hand on his waistband. As if he were hypnotised, he didn't make any move to stop me, as I tugged down his basketball shorts. With an audible "thwack", his dick sprung free. Like I remembered, it was a real monster for a kid that young --long and way stiff. Truth be told, it was kind of a ugly dick, lumpy and discolored, but that didn't matter to Boner Boy. Now he was the one who looked hypnotised.

"Man, that's a big dick for a kid," he said. Tottering forward, he put out a hand and touched it, making Trey shiver. Just seeing it made me feel like I was gonna shoot a load in my pants.

"That's right," I said, easing myself into one of the kitchen chairs. "Put your hand around it."

Boner Boy dropped to his knees. He seemed to be regarding Trey's dick with a combination of lust and fear. I pulled my own rod out, and started rubbing it as I issued instructions.

"Okay," I said. "Now taste it."

Boner Boy's toungue flicked out, licking Trey's rod like an ice cream cone, and Trey swayed a little.

"Man, this is crazy," he said.

"Okay," I said. "Put it in your mouth."

Boner Boy sighed, and then opened wide. After the briefest of hestitations, Trey rammed his dick home. Grabbing Boner Boy's blond head, he bucked his young black hips back and forth, mouth-fucking my former teammate until he started to gag.

"Yeah," I said, increasing the pace of my own stroking. "That's it! Fuck his mouth! Make him swallow that big black cock!"

Then, just as I was on the verge of shooting, Trey suddenly pulled out, leaving Boner Boy looking like a dog who lost his bone.

"Wait!" said Trey. "I don't wanna shoot yet. I wanna try... you know."

I nodded. "Do it," I said. "Fuck him up the ass."

"No," begged Boner Boy. "I can't! I've never taken one that long. I'm still sore from last week."

"Tough," I said. Going over to the kitchen cabinets, I looked around until I found a bottle of vegetable oil.

"Here, this ought to help."

Pulling off his shorts, Trey liberally doused his black rod with oil, making it look extra black and glisteny. It seemed like Boner Boy needed a little help, so I went over and roughly jerked off his shorts. He was as hard as a rock underneath.

"Okay," he said. "I'll do it. Just go easy on me, please."

Getting down on all fours, he stuck his butt into the air.

"Get him all lubed up, Trey," I ordered. Trey followed my instructions by emptying the bottle over Boner Boy's ass, letting the excess spill onto the kitchen floor.

"Remember," said Boner Boy. "Easy!"

His words were wasted. As soon as his dick touched Boner Boy's ass, Trey was like a boy possessed, his body jerking and thrusting wildly. Boner Boy moaned and groaned in reply.

What with one thing and another, it wasn't long before there was a great shout and the three of us all came at once, with my load spraying itself all across the kitchen. But as soon as he got his rocks off, Trey turned shy.

"Yo man, I gotta get out of here," he said, franticly pulling his clothes back on. "Take me home!"

So I did, and that's how we left Boner Boy, lying on the kitchen floor, with cum and oil leaking out of his ass.

I must have jerked off seventeen times that night, just thinking about the whole scene --the young black boy thrusting his massive meat into the ass of the older blond teenage. The next day was a complete loss for me as far as school. All I could think about was making the whole thing happen all over again.

But there was a surprise waiting for me after school. I was being summoned by Coach.

If it had been just an ordinary teacher, I would have blown it off, but Coach was my hero. I idolized him. He was a black man, in his mid-thirties, I think. He used to play pro, and he could have probably coached pro too, but he wanted to work with young players and help them develop. He always knew the right thing to say, he was tough but fair, and he had the most incredible body --tight and roped with muscles. There wasn't an ounce of fat anywhere on his body.

As I got to Coach's door, I started to get a bad feeling in my stomach. I could hear familiar voices from the other side. At first I couldn't make out words, but then I heard Coach's booming tones: "Thank you boys for coming to me. You did the right thing. I'll take care of the situation and make sure it never happens again."

A moment later, the door opened and Boner Boy and Trey filed out together. I gave them both my nastiest look. Stinking rotten tattletales. I couldn't believe they'd turned me in. We'd all had fun, hadn't we?

A moment later, my anger turned to panic. What was going to happen to me? Had I done anything illegal? And to top it all off, they had gone to Coach. I mean, I respected him more that I did my own father!

"Thank you for coming," said Coach. "Have a seat, won't you?"

I slumped down in the familiar leather-bound chair and stared blankly at Coach's trophies.

"I have to admit, I'm extremely disappointed in you. Not only have you always been one of my favorites, I also put my trust in you."

I didn't say anything, and I didn't look at him either.

"I assume you know the very serious allegations against you? And I take by your silence, they're all true."

I couldn't take it anymore. I exploded. "They were into it too! They liked it. And Trey isn't some saint either. You should have seen what he did to Chaz."

Coach's reply was just as angry as mine, but his tones were as icy as mine had been hot.

"It really doesn't matter if they 'liked' it or not. What you did was inexcusable. It's called abuse of power. In one case you took the trust of a^C young and impressionable adolescent and placed him in a situation he now feels terrible about. And in the other case, you exploited your own teammate's confusion and sense of guilt about his sexuality."

I looked up and saw Coach's eyes burning into mine. I also saw that he was naked from the waist up.

"Coach," I said evenly. "Why are you getting undressed?"

"Do you know what empathy is, son?" he asked. "It means being able to put yourself in someone else's place. And it seems to me you have a serious lack of empathy."

As he spoke, he unbuckled his pants.

"What do you mean?" I said.

"I mean you were always the one in the position of power," he said. "The abuser, but never the abused. The penetrator, if you will, but never the penetrated. Get undressed."

My heart sank to my stomach, but I was too much in awe of Coach to resist. I quickly shucked my clothes, but clasped them to me, feeling more naked and vulnerable than I ever had in my life.

In front of me, Coach had just finished undressing, revealing a body like an ebony sculpture, and a dick like a tree trunk. He made Trey look like the kid that he was. Worst of all, Coach was completely hard, his dick pointed at me like a club.

"And now," he said. "You'll see what it's like to be placed in a coercive sexual situation by someone in a position of power over you. Bend over my desk."

Almost crying, I dropped my clothes and lay flat against the top of Coach's big wooden desk. My dick which seconds earlier had been shrivled and limp was back to full hardness, and there was a strange expectant throbbing in my ass.

"Here," said Coach, thrusting a container of vasoline into my hands. "Grease yourself up good, and maybe it will hurt less."

Fumbling behind myself, I smeared a big wad of vasoline between my sweaty ass cheeks. As I finished, I felt Coach's huge cockhead thud up against my greasy pucker.

"All you can do now," he said, "is relax and try to enjoy this..."

I almost lost his last words, as I was swallowed by pain and pleasure beyond anything I had felt before.

"...I know I will."

Wow, I think I hit new depths of perverse with this one. Well, I hope you enjoyed the story. Wipe the screen off, you dirty fuckers!

Anyway, if you like my writing, I have many more stories on Nifty. My own favorites are "Farmboys and Ghettoboyz" (gay/interracial) and "Day of the Boner" (bisexual/highschool) but you can also find me on the frequent author page. Almost all my stories are interracial and involve youth. Two of them are true... see if you can guess which ones!

I enjoy receiving fan mail, and if you want, you can also send me pics. I prefer pics of you personally, not random porn (unless it's interracial and involves twinks!). But please don't send me anything illegal, because I don't want any trouble with the law.

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