Just a Little Submissive Boy

Published on Jun 30, 2022


Just a Little Submissive Boy 2

Experience is the Best Teacher – Chapter 2

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The majority of these writing are from my own person experience and are a true reporting of them, where there is some liberty in making the stories more vivid I will notify the reader of that. Some names have been changed to protect persons involved. It is important to remember that all descriptions are and continue to be completely consensual.

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After my first sexual experience and education in Tennessee at the hands of my neighbor's nephew, Billy and his friend Jerry I certainly thought a lot about my own sexual needs. But being the young age of 10 there was no outlet, all my friends were too young to even realize that you "weewe" could do more than just piss. But that certainly was not going to stop me from thinking about my new-found feelings.

Within a couple of months my next experienced happened. My parents left for vacation with another couple to the Caribbean. There arrangements for my sister and I was to stay at a neighbor's house for the week they were gone. The neighbor's had a daughter the same age as my sister and a son, Bruce, my age. Perfect arrangements for the week.

Bruce as eye friendly and although I couldn't explain it I thought he was pretty hot. Red hair, freckles, skinny, short, and energetic. I just wanted to see him with his shirt off and be able to check out his pail chest and perky nipples. As the week went by I also created a desire to know what his dick looked like, was it like mine or was it different, was it the same size as mine or was it bigger, or smaller? Did Bruce know the great feelings that it could provide him?

One afternoon while Bruce and I were playing downstairs and his parents and the girls were upstairs I started talking about dicks and how they were for more than peeing. Someplace in the conversation I told him if he would take his shirt off and pull his shorts down I would show him the other use for his wiener. After some coaching Bruce lifted his shirt above his head and lowered his shorts and underwear. Then climbed up on a chest type freezer and laid down.

Being the new cock sucker, I was, I immediately went to work sucking his little 3-inch dick. It was small enough that I could move it all around in my mouth and not have the feeling that it was about ready to violate my throat. It was a fantastic feeling for me as it touched all parts of my mouth and my tongue encircled his dick. My mouth worked his little dick up and down, up until just the head of his dick was on my lips and then all the way down until his dick was totally buried in my mouth.

It only took a couple of minutes for Bruce to start having he feelings. "Oh, oh, oh, what's happening, gosh that feels good", were escaping from his mouth in a whisper and encouraging me to do more and better. Soon he got the same feeling that I did when Billy was sucking me. "I got to pee, stop, I'm going to pee in your mouth unless you stop right now". I took his dick out of my mouth to explain that it wasn't that he had to pee, it was the feeling that was going to change his entire life. But Bruce wasn't believing me, he was convinced that he was going to piss in my mouth and it was going to get all over his shorts, the freezer and basement.

So that was the end of my new found oral skills on Bruce. We remained friends all though school, but never did we talk about what happened that afternoon in his basement.

So here I was, not even 11 years old yet, not even in junior high school, and already I had sucked 3 guys cocks and two of those guys had feed me their cum. I was well on my way to becoming a young cock sucker.

The summer I was getting ready to turn 11-year-old held a new discovery for me. Back in the days one of the ways boys of that age could earn money was to have a paper route. Although I never had a paper route myself my best friend Jeff had an early morning paper route. Each morning he had to get up at 4:30, ride his bike down to the paper station, where a truck delivered the newspapers in bulk, count out what he would need for his customers and pack them into a saddle bag that went on his bike.

Back in those days, in a small town, parents didn't have to worry about their kids being abducted, or beaten up or shot. Everyone was safe, kind like Mayberry USA.

It ended up that Jeff was going on vacation and needed someone to fill in for him the week he would be gone. He asked myself and the other person in our trio, Charlie, to do just that for him. So early one morning the 3 of us mounted out bikes and headed to the paper station. Jeff showed us how to count the papers out so we would have the right amount, how to pack them in the saddle bags and we headed out on his route.

When we finished the last customer, we were on the edge of town, where the state highway leads out of town. On each side of the highway was a ditch about 3 feet deep. Jeff and Charlie wanted to show me something that Jeff's cousin had taught him. It was obvious that Jeff had already shown Charlie whatever this new discovery was and I was the only one who didn't know.

Charlie being the most outgoing of the 3 of us started enthusiastically explaining what it was. "Well you know your dick can give you very good feeling, wild feelings", Charlie was saying. Little did he know that I already knew it could, but I wasn't about to admit to it. "Yeah, take your pants down and to do this you have to lay down", Jeff went on the explain. So here the three of us were, pants stripped down to our ankles, shirts pulled up laying half naked in a ditch of a highway, what a sight it must have been.

Jeff went on to explain and demonstrate, "take your hand and put it over top of your dick, like this, and extend your fingers down all sides". "Now go up and down with your hand making sure that the top of your dick hits your hand on each stroke". "My cousin showed me this, it's called jacking off".

The three of us lay there in the ditch for a good 10 minutes stroking our small dicks and watching out for any cars that might be coming down the highway. Within the 10 minutes Charlie and Jeff were saying how good it felt and how they could hardly stand the good feelings. For myself I have to admit, I wasn't feeling a thing. I don't know if it due to the fear of being caught or the fact that I know how to make a dick feel much better that they we are showing me. Either way, there was no way I was going to demonstrate or even talk about the skills that I had acquired.

In the months after that the 3 of us would spend much time perfecting the fine art of jacking off. Usually in Jeff's bedroom which he shared with his younger brother, Bill, who soon after became part of the jerk off crew. Occasionally in the town park hiding behind hedge rows. And of course, in our own bathrooms and beds.

As I look back I find it ironic, I learned how to suck a dick before I learned how to jack off.

Jeff and Charlie and I had many more jerk off sessions. In Jeff's bedroom, in the woods, at the town park, wherever we could find the time and the privacy. Charlie was the first to get his cum, Jeff shortly after, and I was the late bloomer. For some reason, I never exposed that I was a cock sucker and never offered to suck either of them. Well that was until Jeff's younger brother's birthday overnight.

Billy was Jeff's younger brother by less than a year. When he turned 10 his birthday party consisted of a sleepover in the loft of their garage. There were about 7 guys ages 10 to 12 years that spend the night. I always thought that Billy was cute, what I today would say HOT, and I always wanted to get into a jack off party with him.

Well tonight was the chance I had been waiting for, it was his birthday, I should give him a special present, right? A coming of age birthday present. I waited until I could corner Billy in private and asked him to go behind the garage, I wanted to show him something. We both escaped without anyone seeing us and slipped behind the garage where it was dark. "Billy you're old enough to learn about thing, things that really feel good", I started my presentation, "to show you this you have to drop your pants and underwear". After some more discussion and reluctantly Billy undid the button and zipper of him pants and let them and his underwear slip down just to uncover his uncut dick.

"Now this is going to feel great, this is what older guys do to each other, you just can't tell anyone, okay"? Billy agreed and here I was, on my knees with his small dick in my mouth, giving the pleasures of a blow job. He must have really liked what was happening, because before long he was humping is hips back and forth, and here I was getting another first as a cock sucker, getting face fucked. As he pumped my mouth with his little 3 ½ dick he started moaning. I knew I was doing my job well.

We were both so involved, me enjoying his dick and him enjoying his new-found pleasures, that neither of us noticed when 2 of the other boys that appeared to take a piss. Billy had his eyes closed, head thrown back, and was moaning in total bliss. I was concentrating on how wonderful his dick tasted in my mouth and his reaction. "WOW, look at that", Teddy said to Sammy, "man I don't know what they are doing but I sure want to do it", Sammy responded.

Before I knew it, Teddy and Sammy had run back into the garage and spread the word. Everyone was on a sugar high from the party and decided they wanted what Billy was getting. Like all kids a plan was setup. They spread a couple of sleeping bags down in the loft, I was sent up to the pallet, and one by one each kid at the party came up and got a blow job from me. Jeff and Charlie felt their orgasm approaching and tried to warn me, but I was having no part of it, I sucked the cum right out of their balls and swallowed it. Both were completely amazed that I would eat their cum.

So, in one night I went from a rookie cocksucker to an experienced cocksucker. The number of dicks that had invaded my mouth went from 3 to 10 in the period of less than an hour. Of course, in life I pretended to be the perfect innocent boy from a small Mayberry type town.

A couple of months later another good friend, Steve, who was 18 months older, and I began camping out in his back yard. It started off as innocent as anything, show me your dick and I'll show you mind, get your dick hard and let's see who has the largest one. Then Steve suggested took my young sexuality to an all new high.

He suggested that we go out into the cornfield behind his house and play Master and slave. The concept was one of us would be the Master looking for a new slave. The other was the slave, who would have to strip completely down, stand with his legs spread, hands behind his head and not move. The Master would have full access to the slave's body to rub, smack, and stroke any part of the slave's body. This play would go on for 10 minutes then we would change positions.

This surrender of my body to another person for them to have full access and do anything they desired to me was such a turn on that my little cock would be throbbing and bouncing just at the mention of the game. Of course, I didn't realize it at the time but the seed for my lifelong interest in BDSM had just been planted.

Next: Chapter 3

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