Just Another Day

By Jennifer Lankford

Published on Aug 13, 2001


Disclaimer: very few word needed. Fiction, dont know them or own them. Never met them, probably never will. Live with it. ~~~~~~~~~~* Just Another Day - Chapter 8

I'd fallin' in love with him. I'd fallin' in love with Brian Thomas Littrell. And I'd only known him two days. Keeping my arms around Brian, I turned my head and looked at the car clock; 7:15. We needed to get inside, Donny was probably going nuts by now wondering where I am. I turned my head back toward Brian and laid my head on top of his again.

"We should go inside, to see how AJ's doing." I said softly and kissed the top of Brian's head.

"Yeah, but I don't want to move, I like it here, in your arms." Brian said and turned more into me.

I didn't know what to say, I knew that whatever that came out of my mouth next was gonna be the most stupidest thing I could ever say. So I didn't speak, I just nodded, agreeing with Brian.

"Chad?" Brian asked.

"Yeah?" I answered, closing my eyes, enjoying the closeness we were having at the moment.

"Where am I staying tonight?"

"My house, unless you want to go to a hotel." I said and kissed his temple. That was a mistake, I knew it was, I shouldn't be kissing him, just made it harder on me.

"Your house, I like it there."

"Okay, now how about, we go check on AJ?" I said and turned his face with my hand to look him in the eye.

"Not yet, I wanna stay like this a little while longer." Brian said and brushed my bangs off my face. I closed my eyes as I felt him bring his fingers down the side of my face.

"Okay," I whispered. `How can I resist that face? It's irrisistable' I said to myself and kissed him on the forehead.

Brian laid his head on my shoulder again and sighed. I leaned my head on top of his and looked out the window at the hospital.

After about 10 minutes of utter silence we heard a knock on the window. We looked up and saw Donny staring through the window. Brian manually rolled down the window and asked what he wanted.

"Umm, I'm sorry for making you come out guys, really." Donny started. I looked at him oddly. "But, miraculously, AJ seems to come out of whatever it was that he had. He was asking about how everyone was doing Brian, I told him about everyone but you, `cause," Donny looked at Chad, "I didn't know how you were doing."

"Well, I'm fine, now anyway." Brian said and looked at me.

I took my arms away from around him and opened the car door by reaching across him. "Let's go," I said and waited for Brian to get out, then I got out and locked the car.

Brian took my hand before we were three steps away from the car. I looked at Brian and found him looking at me. I was staring so hard at him, I tripped and almost fell on the cement.

Donny, who was walking up in front of us, stopped and turned around. He looked at us questioningly. I looked around as if nothing had happened while Brian tried to keep from laughing. We made it to he door without any other mishaps.

Once on the 3rd floor we walked into AJ's room. He was fiddling with the edge of the blanket, looking a little out of it. I picked up his chart and looked it over.

"So, AJ, how are you feeling?" I asked, looking up at him.

AJ looked at me, and then at Brian. He raised his hands and crossed them while pointing at us. "What's up with you two?" AJ asked.

Brian and I looked at each other. "Don't know just yet, but I have a feeling that it's gonna be a long term thing." Brian said and looked at me.

I could have melted with that look he was giving me, that or push him up against the wall and rape him. I looked back at AJ. "Long term, defeintely." I said in a low voice.

Brian smiled at me and then looked at AJ. "So how are you doing AJ? I hope better now that you scared us."

"I'm doing better, I `feel' better anyway, I don't know about how I look, though."

"Have you seen the other guys?" I asked and pulled Brian closer to me. I just had an urge to have him closer.

"Yea, they stopped by earlier." AJ said and smiled.

"Good," I said. "So I take it that they are doing better too?"

"Yeah, mostly, they want to get out of here." AJ said.

"Good," I said again. "We are going to go see them and then come back and see if there is anything you need, alright?"

"Sure, that's great, see you too in a few." AJ said and reached for the TV control.

I slightly pulled Brian out of the room and down the hall. We stopped five doors down in front of Kevin and Howie's door.

I looked at Brian and saw him nod at me. I pushed the door open gently and took a slow step inside.

"Hey ya'll," Brian said to the rest of the guys.

"Hey," came a response from Nick, Kevin, and Howie.

I tried to pull my hand out of Brian's, noticing that it made Howie a little edgy. Brian noticed this and looked at me while he squeezed my hand.

"So, Chad, where is this steak that you promised me?" Kevin said with a smirk on his face.

"Sorry, I was a little sidetracked, I have the steak, but... it's at home, and I can't sign you out. I promise when everyone is out of here I'm taking you all to dinner."

"Well, I'm getting out in two days, and Howie in three, but I don't know about AJ." Kevin said. I could tell that he really liked knowing about each of the guys, it made him uneasy if something was wrong and he didn't know about it.

I smiled. "Okay, well, We are going to go check to see if AJ needs anything and then we're going home, we'll see you in the morning, alright?" I said and turned.

"Bye guys," Brian said, "Tomorrow at around, what?" He looked at me.

"9 good?"

"Yeah, I think we'll be up by then," Kevin said getting a nod from Howie and Nick.

"Nick," I said looking at him. "Why don't you come with me and I'll show you where you are staying tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah, that would be nice, I was hoping I wasn't going to have to stay in the sleep room again, it was, kinda..." Nick looked at me.

"I understand, it's not the best in the world. A piece of wood is better." I said.

"Well, we'd better get going, see you two in the morning." I said and left with Brian in hand and Nick behind me.

We walked back to AJ's room and looked in. He had fallin asleep waiting for us to get back. I smiled and looked at Brian, "I guess he didn't need anything."

"Guess not," Brian said.

The three of us walked to the elevator and then to the car. I opened Brian and Nick's doors before walking over to my side. I got in and started it up and put on my seat-belt. The radio came on when I started the car and I reconized the voices, not the song, but the voices.

Brian reached to turn the dial and I hit his hand away. "Don't turn it, my car, my rules, and besides..." I looked everywhere but him as I pulled out of the parking lot. "I've never heard the song," I said and looked over to see a stupid grin that both Brian and Nick were wearing.

They let me listen to the song, occasionally singing along to their own voices, and I have to admit, they actually can sing. I had my doubts that they were in it for the money and couldn't even sing or dance but, I was mistaken. Once I knew the chorus I'd sing along to it. We started into my neighborhood.

I hit the brakes in the middle of the road and made sure no cars were coming. I looked at Nick in the rear view mirror.

"There is a 17 year old fan that is hopelessly in love with you guys, and also me, but that's not the point, if asked who you are, say you are Gene Thomas. Corny combination but, it works, this here in the front seat is Thomas Richardson." I said and laughed. "She is very annoying at times but can actually be useful. Now, when she approaches you, which she will, make up some excuse about fatigue and start toward the from door." I said and turned back to the front of the car and headed to my house.

I turned into the driveway and stopped the car. I looked at Nick again. "You've been warned." I said and opened my door, getting out.

Almost on cue I hear Tiffany. "Hey Dr. Ray. How's it going?"

"Peachy, I had to pick up another friend, he just came in from New York and we'll all tired. How about I talk to you tomorrow?" I said and saw Brian and Nick running for the door silently. I smiled at Tiffany and walked past her, ignoring all the questions she was throwing at me.

"Nice house Chad," I heard Nick say as he looked threw the window.

"I try," I said and opened the front door. I looked over my shoulder and saw Tiffany heading home. I let out a sigh, `thank god,' I said to myself.

"Why don't I show you where you two will be sleeping?" I said and started up the stairs. I led them up the stairs and stopped. "To the right is my bedroom. To the left there are 2 spare bedrooms, both are clean, and neat, I think." I shook my head trying to remember.

Nick looked into the room closest to him. I watched him look over the room.

"Nick, I'd think you'd like the other room better, it has it's own bathroom." I said. I looked at Brian, I found him looking at me with wondering eyes.

"Where will I be sleeping, Chad?" Brian asked.


Notes: Nice ending, to this chapter anyway. Love the feedback if I get any, hint


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that sounded like a cheesy want ad... oh well

Till next time....

Next: Chapter 9

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