Just Another Day

By Jennifer Lankford

Published on Sep 18, 2001


Disclaimer: Don't know, don't own, to young? Offended? What are you doing here then.


Just Another Day - Chapter 9

I looked at Brian, "You know, I hadn’t thought about that." I said. Which wasn’t the truth, of course. I had been thinking about that in the back of my mind all the way home.

The look on Brian’s face looked disappointed, I think he expected me to know what he meant.

I smiled, "I have a lot of room in my bed, if you’re interested."

Brian’s face immediately lighted up and pushed me, "Then what are we waiting for?"

I laughed and tried to grab onto the wall to stop him from getting me into the bedroom.

"I’m not ready for bed yet." I said and felt Brian stop pushing me.

"You aren’t?" Brian looked confused.

"Nope, I want a shower."

"Oh, need adult supervision?" Brian asked.

"I think I may," I said, "Last time the soap tried to attack me, it was the most terrifying thing I’ve ever seen." I faked a cry and grabbed onto him. "Please don’t make me go in there alone."

Brian laughed and patted my head, "It’ll be okay Chad, I promise, I won’t let the soap attack you."

I straightened and calmed down, "Good," I said and walked through my room and into the master bathroom.

Brian followed, of course.

"Make yourself comfortable," I said and started taking off my watch and rings.

Brian sat on the edge of the whirlpool tub and watched me.

"So Brian," I said, trying to make conversation. "Where were you headed before the bus accident?"

"We were actually going to Charolette." Brian said.

I took off my shirt and turned on the shower.

"Really? I haven’t heard of you guys much, what kinda music do you sing?" I asked.

I unbuttoned my pants and dropped them, then stepped out.

Brian figitted, "Ummm, pop mostly."

"That’s nice." I checked the temperature. "Close your eyes a minute."


"Because even though I’m a doctor, I don’t like the fact that other people see me nude." I explained.

"Dr. Ray is scared?" Brain teased.

"Just close your eyes."

Brian did as I asked and I quickly jumped into the shower after taking off my boxers.

"Okay," I said over the water. "Why don’t you sing something for me?"

"Sing? Why?"

"Cause I’ve never heard you before." I explained and reached for the shampoo.

"I don’t really want to sing right now." Brian said.

I could see through the glass that he had made himself comfortable, lying in the tub with his head on the tub pillow.

"Just something small, the chorus to some thing, I’ll make you a deal, you sing something, and I’ll sing something."

After rinsing out the shampoo I reached for the conditioner. Pouring a good portion into my hand I rubbed it into my hair.

"Okay, deal."

Brian waited a few minutes, probably thinking of what to sing, and then he started singing.

"Oh I will love you more than that

I won’t say the words then take them back,

Don’t give loneliness a chance

Baby listen to me when I say

I will love you more than that."

"Wow, you have a nice voice," I said, rinsing out the conditioner.

"Thanks, not it’s your turn." Brian said.

Five minutes went by and I still hadn’t sung.

"Chad?" Brain asked.

"I’m thinkin’ I’m thinkin’. Okay, I’ve got it. I’m gonna sing the whole song."

She left without leavin' a number Said she needed to clear her mind He figured she'd gone back to Austin 'Cause she talked about it all the time It was almost a year before she called him up Three rings and an answering machine is what she got

If you're callin' 'bout the car I sold it If this is Tuesday night I'm bowling If you've got somethin' to sell, you're wastin' your time, I'm not buyin' If it's anybody else, wait for the tone, You know what to do And P.S. if this is Austin, I still love you

The telephone fell to the counter She heard but she couldn't believe What kind of man would hang on that long What kind of love that must be She waited three days, and then she tried again She didn't know what she'd say, But she heard three rings and then

If it's Friday night I'm at the ballgame And first thing Saturday, if it don't rain I'm headed out to the lake And I'll be gone, all weekend long But I'll call you back when I get home On Sunday afternoon And P.S. If this is Austin, I still love you

Well, this time she left her number But not another word Then she waited by the phone on Sunday evenin' And this is what he heard

If you're callin' 'bout my heart It's still yours I should've listened to it a little more Then it wouldn't have taken me so long to know where I belong And by the way, boy, this is no machine you're talkin' to Can't you tell, this is Austin, and I still love you

I still love you

By the time I had finished the water was beginning to run cold.

I opened the door and grabbed a towel off the rack.

"I swear you’re in the wrong business, Chad." Brian told me when he saw me get out.

"Nope, I swear I’m not." I said to Brian and smiled.

I walked into the bedroom and opened the dresser drawer. I pulled out some boxers.

"Close your eyes again."

Brian did as I asked and I quickly got into my boxers.

"Okay." I said and jumped into bed.

"A little energetic are we?" Brian said.

"Come on, come on, I wanna get some sleep, get in." I said and patted the bed next to me.

Brian stripped down to his boxers and climbed in.

"Comfy bed," Brian stated as he bounced a little on it.

"Yeah, I love it." I lay down and wrapped myself in the covers. "Night."

I felt Brian get comfortable and then I turned over and wrapped my arm around his mid section.

"Night Chad." Brian said and laughed.


I awoke to the sound of the telephone ringing. Seconds later my beeper started going off. I sat up and grabbed the phone.

"What?" I asked, with my eyes still closed.

"All doctors are needed, 20 car pile up on I-95." I heard Kayla say. "Good morning by the way." She added.

I groaned. I opened my eyes and everything was blurry.

"Okay, how long do I have?" I asked.

"Not much, get here as soon as possible." Kayla said.

"Okay, 20 it is." I said and hung up. I found my way to the bathroom and took my contacts out. I picked up my watch that was on the counter. 4:30 am.‘ Oh goodie!’ I washed my face and put my glasses on, then quickly got dressed and wrote Brian a note. I grabbed my wallet and accessories and was quickly down the stairs and on the way to McD’s to get some coffee.

I started up the car, which I had left in the driveway and backed out.

"Damn I hate early morning wake ups." I said to myself and yawned.

After getting some coffee I was on my way to the hospital. I walked in, coffee in hand, and found Kayla waiting at the emergency door for me. She already had my scrubs waiting.

"What took you?" She asked.

"Coffee." Was all I could manage.

Kayla slapped my face. "Wake up, Chad." She said and grabbed the coffee from my hand.

I pulled my coat off and put the top half of the scrubs on. Kayla handed my coffee back to me.

It was then I noticed the people that were lined up in the hall, some seriously injured.

"Damn," I said. That was a quick wake up call.

I started checking people out that were in the halls that weren’t to seriously injured, just some bumps and bruises, gashes, some out cold, you get the idea. We needed to clear out as much of the non-serious ones as we could, to make way for some of the worse.

My cell phone rang at around 11 am.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Chad." It was Brian.

"Hey Brian, what’s up?"

"What’s going on? I wake up and find a note on your pillow."

"I know, I’m sorry, there was a 20 car pile up and they needed every available doctor, and I am on call."

"Oh, how long have you been there?"

"Since 5, why?"

"Damn, have you had a break?"

"Nope, not yet."

"You me you are working on someone right now as we speak?"

"Literally." I said and laughed.

"Damn, well, me and Nick are bored. What’s there to do around here?"

"Well, have you looked over the house?"


"There, you have something to do, don’t get lost."

"I won’t, anything else?"

"Well, you can order lunch, you can go to the park down the street, there’s a mall not far away."

"Okay, I get the idea." Brian said. "I’ll call you later, when we run out of things to do."

"Okay," I said. "Goodbye."

We hung up and I went back to the emergency room, to continue my job.

The next time I had a chance to look at my watch it was 6:30. My phone rang again.


"Hey Chad, had a break yet?"

"Nope, getting ready to take one." I said and plopped myself down in an empty bed.

"Well, me and Nick just ate and we are going to play basketball, okay?"

"Alright, thanks for tellin’ me." I said.

We said goodbye and then I looked at my watch after hanging up.

I tried to call back, but the line was busy. Alex was supposed to be coming in at 7, and I couldn’t get away.


Well that 's it for this time. I'm very disappointed at the lack of response I've gotten. I actually didn't get any e-mail from anyone, do you know how depressed that made me? I'd really appreciate some e-mail, even ONE would be better than none. Don't let me down, yall.



Next: Chapter 10

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