Just Another Day at Work

By Paul Tenney

Published on Jun 24, 2004


The story below is a work of fiction. It may contain erotic or sexually explicit behavior between males. If you find this work offensive or are too young, please exit now.

The author reserves copyright privileges as of June 2004. This work may not be posted on any other website nor reproduced, except for personal use, without the written permission of the author.

If you'd like to comment or just say `Hi', my e-mail address is dpxeiv@yahoo.com.

Just Another Day at Work by DPT Copyright 2004

"Will you check that out?" Dave asked coming over to my desk by the showroom window, "if it weren't on a guy, I'd fuck that ass til my dick fell off."

"Geez Dave, for a straight guy you spend way too much time checking out guys asses."

"Hey, just trying to figure out what the attraction is for you, that's all my man."

"Whatever, he's your up, isn't he?" I asked realizing that Dave was right about the guy strolling around the lot looking at all the cars on the front line.

"Yeah, but I'll tell you what, I'll give em to you for your next two ups, but if you double fuck him, and close it by the end of business I'll give you my next three ups?"

I thought for a second, I really did need to bring my numbers up, and maybe Dave seeing me scam some ass would shut him up since I'd accidentally outed myself to him. "All right it's a deal!" I said, we knocked knuckles and I headed for the lot.

The `mark' was walking around checking out the sportier compacts on the front line. He was a hottie, stood between 5'8" and 5'10", narrow waist, tight jeans, bubble butt, nice shape from the waist down. Couldn't tell much about the upper body, because he was wearing a puffy white ski parka. He was also wearing sunglasses and a ball cap, so I couldn't really tell how old, or what his coloring was.

"Hey there, I'm Eric Jurdahl, how you doin?" I said approaching him with my hand extended.

"Uh, hi," he said sounding kind of shy shaking my hand, "I ah, need a new car, mine shit the bed."

"Oh man, that sucks," I said not releasing his hand. "So are you looking to trade that in?" I paused, released his hand, "what was your name again?"

"Mark," I smiled, Mark `the mark,' "ah, sure, I thought I was just going to have to have it towed away," Mark said.

"Okay Mark, we can take that off your hands, transfer the plates, and get you all set up," I said sweeping my hand across the lot, "So price be damned, what you want?"

"I can only spend like three grand," Mark said shuffling his feet uncomfortably. He took his sunglasses off to reveal the bluest eyes I'd seen in a while, "I don't really care what kind it is, I just need something that gets decent mileage, and I can put my board rack on."

"You board? Cool, me too, where you go?" I asked.

"Uh, I have a pass at Bolton," he said as he started following me back towards the showroom.

"Nice, I go there some, but I usually go to Stowe," I said as I held the door open to the showroom. Dave was on the other side sitting at his desk on the phone. "Why don't you have a seat?" I said pointing to my desk. He unzipped his jacket and slipped it off to reveal a tight mid section. Mark, `the mark,' was even hotter than anticipated. He was wearing a tight turtleneck across his pumped looking pecs, which made the soft fabric hang over a flat belly, and he was perfectly proportioned. He probably didn't have an ounce of fat on his body. "I'll be right back, let me go grab an inventory sheet."

I quickly ran back to the office, shed my coat, and checked myself out in the mirror. Under my bulky winter coat I was wearing the usual uniform for round here, a white shirt, lightly starched, tie, dress pants, and a concession to the weather, hiking boots. I stand six feet even, weigh one hundred eighty-four pounds, have a tight body; I've been circuit training for the last five years, so I'm pretty ripped, forty-four inch chest, thirty-three inch waist, and have six percent body fat. I've got a goatee, and wear my hair slicked back in a sort of DA.' So after I checked myself out, I grabbed a print out of the used inventory and headed back to where I'd left Mark, the mark' waiting.

"So Mark, you looking for standard or automatic?" I asked sitting down next to him at my desk.

"Ah, it doesn't matter," he replied.

"And you said three grand, right?" I asked as he nodded, "that would make a good down payment, how much are you looking to spend a month?"

"I'm not, well just insurance and gas," he said avoiding eye contact.

"What about maintenance, you're going to end up spending something when you buy a three grand car," I said scooting my chair a little closer to him.

"What do you mean?" Mark asked as he made eye contact with me for the first time.

"Bingo!" I thought, "Well, three grand isn't going to get you a young car, let's say around sixty to ninety `k' for mileage, so there are some key elements that are going to need to be serviced, like the timing belt, and suspension stuff, ball joints and the like." I said holding his gaze.

"I hadn't thought about that," Mark said. "So why don't you just show me what you what you got?" he asked glancing down at the inventory sheet that I was holding in my lap.

"Well, there's a slick Volvo 240 wagon out there," I said as he looked back into my face.

"Sounds all right, what year, and what's the mileage?"

"It's a 93, second to last year they made em, with," I consulted the inventory sheet, "109 k,' but that's nothing for a Volvo, five speed, new eight disk `CD' player," I noticed that his eyes were still on my lap where I was starting to throw some wood. "What do you think?"

"Sounds okay, how much?" he asked.

"It's listed here at thirty-six ninety-nine," I said, "Wanna go check it out?"

"Yeah, I'd like to check it out," Mark, `the mark' purred.

"Great, let me go grab the keys and a plate," I said standing up so that the outline of my stiffening love wand was in `the mark's' face.

I headed back to the office, grabbed my coat, the keys off the pegboard, and walked over to the phone and buzzed Dave on the intercom.

"What you going to stiff him with?" he asked picking up the phone. I could see from the office that he was sitting at his desk checking out the `mark,' who was waiting for me over by the door.

"My dick, and the Volvo wagon," I said.

"How much you gonna get for it?"

"I'm going to take three grand for the Volvo, my dick is not for sale," I replied.

"Dude, you took that in yesterday for $500, that's going to be like five hundred over book!" I could see him tapping away at the calculator in front of him. "That's four hundred fifty bucks in commissions and bonuses, I don't think you can do it, shall we double the bet?"

"And that would be, if I win, I get your next six ups, and if I lose you get my next four ups?"

"Yup, why you want to make it even more interesting?" he asked turning around and his chair and looking back at me in the office.

"Yeah, how about some cash incentive? Like a hundred?" I asked with wiggling my eyebrows at him.

"You're on!" he said.

"We're going out on a test drive, give me twenty, and then go down to the lookout by the fishing access," I said as I hung up the intercom, grabbed some lube and condoms out of the desk drawer and headed out to meet `the mark.'

"Ready to go Mark?" I asked as we headed out to the lot. "It's over here," I said pointing to the silver wagon parked around the side. "Here you go," I said handing him the keys. He went to the driver's door and unlocked the car; I opened the rear hatch and wedged the dealer plate by the third brake light. "Start her up!"

Mark climbed behind the wheel, inserted the key, slipped the car into neutral, and cranked her over. "Which way should we go?" Marked asked as we both fastened our seatbelts.

"Take a right out of lot and head towards the connector," I said as Mark slipped the gear shifter into first and eased the wagon forward. "These get pretty good mileage, like twenty-three to twenty-nine miles to the gallon, and look at all this room," I said pointing to the rear view mirror.

"It feels a lot better than my old Suburu, that's for sure, and I like the room," Mark said as he eased the car onto the road.

I flicked a switch on the console, "Check it out dude, heated leather seats."

"Nice," he reached over and turned up the volume on the after market JVC sound system. "Nice," he said as the sounds of classical music started to waft out of the speakers in the back.

"Yeah, the lady that traded this in said it belonged to her husband who was a big public radio fan," I said reaching for the stereo controls, "want me to find another station?"

"No, I like this," Mark said as he merged onto the connector.

"Okay, stomp on it!" I said as Mark quickly moved through the gears. The old wagon wasn't the fastest out of the gate, but it was pretty smooth as Mark got her up to highway speed. "What ya think?" I asked as I looked over at the speedometer, that he had the wagon cruising at seventy miles per hour.

"Not bad," Mark said with a smile.

"Why don't you get off here and we can head down along the lake," I said as Mark smoothly downshifted and eased the wagon into the right lane and exited the connector. I directed him to the town road that ran along the lake, and then into the fishing access.

We got out of the car and popped the hood, "Simply four banger, clean, new hoses and belts," I pointed out as Mark leaned in under the hood.

"You got a rag or something, I want to check the fluids?" Mark asked putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Here," I said fishing one out of my coat pocket and dropping it.

"I'll get it," he said bending over so that one of the cutest asses I had ever seen was wagging in my front of me. He backed into me as he stood up with the rag, so that his ass bumped against my hardening dick.

"Nice," he said, and then he walked around the side to check the oil.

I walked around to the passenger, and fished the manuals out of the glove box, "Wow, check this out, there is a complete record in here of every service the guy that used to own this had done since he bought it new," I said looking over the records. "Christ just about all of them were done at the dealership, including oil changes."

"No way," Mark said as came around the front of the wagon.

"Check this out," I said seeing the glint of a car pulling up to the lookout over the access. "Show time, Dave's here," I thought to myself.

"Wow," Mark said taking the open manuals from me as I walked to the back of the wagon.

I opened the back door, and quickly folded the seat down, and then walked to the rear hatch and opened it up, "check out all this space. Dude, you don't even have to put your board rack on this rig."

"No shit, that's huge, you could even camp back here," he said climbing into the back and reclining on his side.

"I couldn't have scripted this better," I thought as I climbed in next to him and mirrored his recline.

"So how much was this again?" Mark asked staring into my eyes.

"It's on the price list at thirty-six ninety-nine," I said holding his gaze.

"I think this could work," `the mark' said kneeing my totally erect dick gently.

"So do I," I said holding his gaze as I moved my face closer to his.

He leaned into me and opened his mouth as I thrust my tongue into it. We started a long deep kiss as our hands began to explore each other's bodies. I felt his hands undo my belt, and quickly open up my trousers. Then he broke our kiss and dove head first down on my freed, throbbing cock.

"Oh yeah, suck my cock Mark!" I exclaimed as I felt his moist lips slip down my shaft as he expertly took my whole seven inches. He bobbed up and down on my cock. He hands furiously opened up the buttons on his jeans, revealing that he was going commando as he slipped his jeans down below his butt while he tugged on his own cock.

He released my cock from his mouth and panted, "I want you in me now!"

"You got it man," I replied as I slide down and stood directly behind him with my pants and boxers around my ankles. Mark quickly kicked off his boots and then shed his jeans and got on all fours waving that glorious ass at me.

I quickly fumbled in my pocket for the lube and condoms I'd grabbed earlier and ripped open a condom, quickly sheathed my pulsing cock, then I opened the lube and sprayed some into the crack of Mark's magnificent bubble butt, and started working the lube into his waiting hole. I climbed back into the wagon and quickly mounted him sliding into his vice like ass. I started pumping him with a fury I don't remember feeling before.

"Oh yeah! Fuck me Eric, fuck me hard!" Mark screamed as the car started rocking. "Yeah, yeah, yeah," Mark continued to scream as he furiously pulled on his own cock.

Within seconds he was screaming and moaning, I could see that he was shooting all over the back of the wagon. When I saw his jizz flying I felt myself release in one of the most powerful orgasms. I sat up so fast that I hit my head on the roof of the wagon, and then fell back onto of Mark's spent body.

"Okay, now it's time for you to fuck me," Mark said when we finally caught our breath and were rearranging our clothes.

"Oh right, the deal?" I said as I straightened my tie, "you want this one, or do you want to test drive another one?"

We both laughed, "Actually based on this test drive I'll take the whole package."

"Great, so the asking price is thirty-six ninety-nine, I'll give you seven hundred dollars for the Suburu that you're trading in, so that will make it twenty-nine ninety-nine plus tax, title, and registration."

"Deal!" Mark said. We then cleaned up the wagon, climbed in and headed back to the showroom.

"Dude, I can't believe you," Dave said when I walked into the office.

"I believe you owe me a hundred bucks and your next six ups," I smiled victoriously.

"No shit, you sold him too?" Dave asked.

"Yup, gonna go do the paperwork now," I said as I grabbed some forms and headed out to the showroom where Mark was waiting.

"I hope you enjoy you're new Volvo Mark," I said he finished writing the check for three thousand, two hundred eighteen dollars.

"I'm sure I will," Mark said handing me the check and shaking my hand.

"Thanks, this was a lot more fun than when I bought my last car," Mark said with a smile as he headed out of the showroom.

"Tell all your friends," I said. I looked at my watch, "not a bad day, and it's only noon," I thought to myself as I watched Mark `the mark' drive away.

"Hey babe, I'm home," I yelled as I walked into my house.

"Hey, how'd your day go?" I heard from the kitchen.

"Not bad, I sold three, closed two. Mr. Hanson was very impressed," I said as I plopped down on the couch. "How was your day off?"

"Pretty boring, I finished the laundry, went shopping, and then kicked back for the afternoon."

"Get any good bargains?" I asked.

"I don't know, you tell me?" Mark asked as he came in from the kitchen and snuggled up next to me on the couch.

Next: Chapter 2

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