Just Another Day at Work

By Paul Tenney

Published on Jun 28, 2004


The story below is a work of fiction. It may contain erotic or sexually explicit behavior between males. If you find this work offensive or are too young, please exit now.

The author reserves copyright privileges as of June 2004. This work may not be posted on any other website nor reproduced, except for personal use, without the written permission of the author.

If you'd like to comment or just say `Hi', my e-mail address is dpxeiv@yahoo.com.

Civil Union Bells by DPT Copyright 2004

The turbo whined as I shifted from third to fourth and merged off the onramp onto the interstate. The sun was shinning, according to the thermostat on the dashboard it was seventy-two degrees outside, an absolute perfect morning.

"You're loving this," Mark yelled over the wind around as we drove with the top down.

"You know it!" I smiled and put my hand out. Mark took it in his and squeezed.

"This is going to be a perfect day for Anders and Leopold," Mark said letting go of my hand so I could shift into fifth.

"I hope so," I said as we reached our cruising speed of eighty miles-per-hour.

"It will be Bubba," Mark said turning down the stereo. "They went and saw Leo's shrink, they've talked to lawyers and signed all kinds of property agreements, they met with a minister, no one can accuse them of entering into this lightly!"

"I know all that, but come on," I said pausing to concentrate on the car I was passing. "They've only known each other five months. And jeezum, Anders has never been with anyone else."

"That's not exactly true," Mark said with a sly smile that I caught in the rearview mirror.

"You mean that day you took him shopping and taught him how to shave his balls and ass?"

"You knew?" Mark asked sounding sincerely surprised.

"Of course, I knew that there had to be more to the tutorial," I paused, "I figured that you'd tell me about it one day."

"Is today the day?"

"Nah, I don't want to have smile through my brother's civil union ceremony envisioning you two fucking like mad dogs," I said as that image invaded my thoughts.

"That's exactly what you're envisioning right now," Mark laughed. "For the record, it was a pretty simple and dispassionate tutorial. We didn't fuck, just some cocksucking study, and let me tell you, your brother is a very quick study."

"Ha ha," I said grossed out at the thought of my brother sucking my lover's dick. "And that's all, right?"

"That's all," Mark said.

"Hello Son," my mother said as she approached Mark and me as we came through the fence gate into the backyard of Anders and Leopold's new house.

"Momma," I said as I leaned down to let her kiss my cheek. A strange new ritual we'd recently begun. She never kissed me growing up, not even at my high school graduation.

"Mark," she nodded.

"Mrs. Jurdahl, you look fabulous," he said praising the semiformal pale blue dress she was wearing. I couldn't remember the last time I saw my mother wearing a dress, much less makeup.

"You do Momma," I added.

She blushed slightly, and then did a little curtsey. "All I needed was a special day for one of my boys."

"Hey guys," Anders said walking up to us. He looked amazing, since meeting Leo; he'd lost fifteen pounds, started going to the gym, and just had a glow about him.

"Hey Sprout," Mark said as the exchanged a quick kiss.

"Bubba," Anders said turning to me, we started to shake hands, and then Anders pulled me into an awkward hug.

"Ready for your big day?" I asked as he released me.

Anders had a tear in his eye, "Oh man, I'm so ready. I love him so much."

My mother started to tear up, "I never thought I'd see the day," she laughed, "That's for sure, never thought I'd see the day one of my boys marries a man. And now look I'm going to have two sons in-law."

"You are?" Mark asked in mock exaggeration.

"Still hasn't asked you yet?" she asked as she cuffed the back of my head, "What the hell are you waiting for boy?"

"Ah, where's Leopold?" I asked.

"In the house," Anders answered.

"You can run but you can't hide," my mother chided as I jogged towards the house.

I knocked on the bedroom door, "Anders, I told you..." Mrs. Smith started to say as she opened the door. "Oh, Eric, sorry," she smiled, "I just don't think it's appropriate for them to see each other before the ceremony."

"I get it," I smiled. Leo was sitting at a vanity plucking his eyebrows. "Hey Leo!"

"Hey Bubba, is Sprout dressed yet?" he asked looking up at me in the mirror.

"No, just saw him outside wearing shorts and T-shirt."

"He's going to wait to the last minute, isn't he?" Leo asked putting down the tweezers.

Mrs. Smith walked over and starts fixing his collar. "Mom, please," Leo said trying to wave her off.

"Sweetheart, your tie was showing in the back," Mrs. Smith fussed.

"Okay," Leo said still beaming from ear to ear. His teeth were dazzling, he'd just had them cleaned, and was three months smoke free.

"Well, I'll leave you two and go see if I can find your father," Mrs. Smith said squeezing her son's shoulders and briefly locking eyes with him in the mirror. Then she turned, and kissed me on the cheek and left.

"I can't believe today is finally here," Leo said standing up and coming over to me and hugging me into his chest.

"Giant, you better be good to my bro, or I'll have to get a step latter and slap your face," I said as I was still smothered against his wide chest.

"Eric, I can't even start to tell you how much I love that man," Leo said. I heard a catch in his voice, and when I pulled away I saw that he was starting to tear up.

"Christ, with all y'all tearing up at a drop of a hat, how's anyone to know that this is supposed to be a happy occasion," I teased.

"Go make your brother get dressed, we're supposed to be at the altar in twenty-two minutes."

"Okay, but first I wanted to give these to you to wear," I said fishing in my pocket. "These were my Dad's, and he wore them the day he married my mother," I said handing him the box with the mother of pearl cufflinks.

Leo opened the box, looked over at me and then more tears started, "Thank you Eric."

"Come on Sprout, it's not rocket science, it's just a tux," Mark said helping Anders with the studs for his shirt.

"Okay, okay," Anders said as he fumbled with his shirt.

There was a knock at the door, "I'll get it," I said opening the door.

"Hi," Mr. Smith said, "I have something for Anders," he said entering the room.

"Hi," Anders said looking up. Leo's father was maybe six foot five or so, not quite as tall as his son, but still a wall of a man.

"I was going to give these to Leopold, but Eric beat me to the punch," he said pulling a box out of his pocket. "These are the cufflinks I wore when I married Abby."

"Oh, thank you Mr. Smith," Anders said walking over and hugging him.

"Be good to one another," Mr. Smith said as the hug broke. "I need to get back to Leo and Abby, see you out there."

"It's almost time," Mark said looking at his watch.

Everyone started laughing, Leopold and Anders were having their first dance and Mrs. Smith and my mother started dancing together.

"This ceremony has been so fucking charming," this guy started saying to me, "I've been to quite a few of these and they get so hokey, you know?"

"I guess," I said shrugging.

"I'm Sam, I used to work with Leopold," Sam said to me extending his hand.

"I'm Eric, Anders is my brother," I explained shaking his hand.

"Oh right, Leo mentioned you and.."

"Hey Bubba, wanna dance?" Mark said coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my middle and nuzzling the back of my neck.

"Sam, this is Mark," I said.

"Hey," Mark said from behind.

"Mark, that's right," Sam said smiling apparently to himself.

"Let's dance," Mark said again, nudging me from behind.

"Eric," Sam said sitting down next to me at one of the banquet tables, "having fun?"

"More than I thought I would, and never enough," I replied as I picked at the remains of the plate of food in front of me.

"Where's Mark?"

"He's inside helping with the desserts."

"I have to tell you, Leopold told me all about the night he first meet you two," Sam said with a wink.

"Damn him," I said in burst.

"Don't blame him, he told me the day after it happened, long before he knew your last names, or that you were going to end up family," Sam said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"So why bring it up?" I asked still pissed at the situation.

"Well, because I'm a voyeur, and recently merged that hobby with my entrepreneurial spirit, and voil^È," he said producing a business card. "We do streaming video shows featuring playful couples. We've been online for six months now, just starting to hit a good stride, so I'm always looking for talent."

I laughed, "And you find much talent around here?"

"Oh god no," Sam laughed too, "I don't live here anymore, moved to New Jersey about eight months ago."

"Why New Jersey?" I asked.

"Because I can't afford to live in New York," he smiled, "yet."

"Jersey eh? What exit?"

"Funny, I'm in Hoboken. Anyhow, if you and Mark were interested we should talk," Sam said. "If you'll excuse me now, I think I'll go browse the dessert table."

"You're fucking serious?" Mark asked as we were trying to get comfortable in mine and Anders old room, now my mother's guestroom.

"Yes, no, maybe. I only brought it up because in abstract I thought it was kind of hot, that's all," I tried to explain, "besides I have no real desire to go to Hoboken."

"Yeah, in abstract it is hot, but in reality," Mark paused and rolled on his side toward me, "In reality it's just not a good thought, why would anyone do something like that?"

"What do you mean?" I asked absent-mindedly stroking Mark's upper arm.

"Put themselves out there online having sex for the whole world to find. It's not like those things ever truly go away once they're out there."

"What, you're worried that you won't get a promotion at the ski shop?"

"I don't plan on working at the ski shop forever, what if I decide to teach school, having appeared in a porno ain't gonna fly," Mark said sitting up and looking down on me.

"I guess you're right," I said reaching up and tracing the line of his jaw with my forefinger, "in the abstract it did sound really hot!"

"Yeah, you liked the idea of a bunch of strangers pulling their meat watching you take it up the ass?" Mark asked climbing over me and straddling my midsection.

"What about me giving you the high hard one!" I said reaching down and freeing my pulsing engulfed friend from my boxers so that it was resting against the cleft of Mark's boxer draped ass.

"Oh my," Mark said reaching back and firmly grasping my cock. "This was your room growing up, wasn't it?"

"Yup, that corner was mine, and Anders bed was over there," I said pointing to the alcove in the dormer.

"You ever have sex in here growing up?" Mark asked as he continued to stroke me.

"Just the football team, oh and the soccer team," I teased as I tickled the taunt skin over his ribcage. "You've got to be fucking kidding me, sharing a room with Anders, I was left to slapping my monkey in the shower, or my tree fort."

"You had a tree fort?" Mark asked.

"Yeah, it's out back, about half way down to the creek," I said.

"Is it still there?"

"Yes," I smiled.

"Let's go, I want to ride you like a huffy in your tree fort," Mark said releasing me and climbing off.

"Right now?" I asked.

"Right now, let's go," he said reaching down and snapping the waist of my boxers.

I led Mark through the darkness of the woods behind my childhood home. Our only concession to the elements were the boxers we were both wearing, and the trainers we'd slipped on in the mud room as we snuck out of my mother's house. It was pitch black because the cloud cover that came in after nightfall, it was still in the high 60's but there was a breeze so that my skin was covered in goose pimples.

"Here we are," I said as I found the old maple tree where my improvised fort was perched about ten feet up. It was a simple structure that I'd build the summer between fourth and fifth grade. With the extra lumber from the mud room addition my father had build that spring. I'd built an eight foot square platform with a trap door. Using old tin sheets and two by fours I'd fashioned some crude walls and a roof around and over the platform. Apparently I was a pretty good engineer at eleven, because it was still intact twenty years later, and looking exactly like I remembered it.

"How do we get up there?" Mark asked putting down the small satchel he was carrying that contained the condoms and lube.

I put down the blanket I was carrying, and turned on a small maglight and shined it on the trunk of the tree showing him the natural toe holds. "Follow me," I said as I put the small torch in my mouth like a cigarette. I quickly scurried up to the trapdoor, and pushed it open and pulled myself into the musty smelling structure. "Here, hand me that stuff?"

Mark threw up the satchel, and then started climbing up the side of the tree, handing me the blanket when he could reach. I moved away from the trap door, and Mark pulled himself up into my tree fort. I closed the trapdoor behind him.

"Wow dude, this is cool," Mark said, "So like, what do you do up here?"

"Just hang out," I said looking down feeling all self-conscious. And then I smiled reached over for the satchel. "Wanna get stoned?" I asked producing a joint that one of Anders' friends had given me earlier.

"Where'd you get that?" Mark asked.

"A friend of my older brother's," I said.

"Dude, I don't know, I've never smoked before," Mark said shyly.

"It'll be cool man," I said reaching up and unscrewing a peanut butter jar that's cover had been nailed to one of the beams in the ceiling. I fished out some matches and a tealight that were stored in the jar. I lit the candle, and then lit the joint and took a big drag, "Here!" I said handing it to Mark. "Just suck on it, and the inhale."

Mark took the joint and held it to his lips and took a long draw, and then for effect started coughing as he handed it back to me. "I don't feel anything," he said.

"Dude, it doesn't happen like, right away," I said taking another hit and handing it back to him.

"Hey man, I don't know," Mark said taking the joint, "My mom would kill me if she knew."

"Don't be such a wussy baby," I chided as him as I took another hit.

"Oh wow," he said with a goofy look on his face, "This is cool."

"Yeah man," I said lying down on my side.

"So like, do you think Susie is hot?"

"Susie?" I asked.

"You know, in science class?"

"Oh right," I said, "yeah, she's all right I guess. Why you like her?"

"She's cool," Mark said sitting with his legs crossed and his cock head poking through the fly of his boxers.

"Dude, you've got a boner," I said pointing it out.

"So do you dude," Mark said defensively.

"You ever beat off?"

"I uh," Mark fidgeted, "why do you?"

"Yeah, sometimes," I said, "you wanna?"

"Dude, what if someone catches us?"

"We'd hear em coming, don't sweat it," I said reaching down and rubbing my hardon that was straining against the fabric of my boxers.

"Okay, I guess," Mark said tentatively playing with the exposed head of his cock.

"It's better if we're completely naked," I said kicking off my trainers, and then kneeling up and pushing down my boxers. I laid down again and kicked my boxers off next to my discarded trainers.

"Okay," Mark said quickly shucking his trainers, and then kneeling up he lowered his boxers. Then he laid down next to me and kicked the boxers the rest of the way off.

We started playing with ourselves silently.

"You ah, ever touched another guy?" Mark asked.

"No, that'd be so gay," I teased.

"Aren't you curious?" Mark asked defensively.

"A little, I guess," I admitted not moving. Mark reached over and started tentatively jacking me.

"Wow, that's feels so cool," I said arching my body. And then leaning over and taking his cock in my hand and started jacking him.

We kept that up for a few minutes, and then Mark leaned down and swallowed my seven-inch pole down. He started bobbing up and down on my cock, occasionally letting it slip from his lips so that he could lick and slurp on my shaft and balls. He was kneeling between my legs, and lifted them so that they were resting over his shoulders, as he licked my shaft, then my balls, and then worked his tongue under my balls and found his way to my hole. He started licking my whole, with his tongue darting in and out of it, sending shivers through my entire body. I heard the condom package rip, and looked down to see him fumbling to roll it on himself while he continued to eat my ass.

"Roll over," Mark panted, lowering my legs. I rolled over and got up on my hands and knees. I felt Mark squirt some lube down my crack and start working it in with his fingers. He scooted up behind me, lightly pressing his sheathed love wand against my well lubed backside and slowly began to enter me. "You ready boy?" he asked in a husky tone.

I nodded, and started to push back against him. It seemed to take for ever as he entered me. Finally he was all the way in, he paused for a few moments, and then without warning he started to pump in and out of me with a lot of vigor.

"Oh fuck yeah!" I grunted, as we started rocking back and forth. The motion of our lovemaking seemed to make the whole tree sway.

I felt my ball sack pull up, and felt my body start the familiar tingling, "You're almost there, aren't you boy?" Mark barked.

"Yes Sir," I screamed as I started to push back against his assault on my ass. Our fucking became more frenzied than any recent memory. I felt Mark's body tighten as my orgasm erupted.

We didn't move for a few seconds, Mark's deflating cock still inside me, "That rocked man!" Mark exclaimed.

"You're not going to tell anyone, are you?" I asked trying to sound scared.

"Not if you do it again?" Mark teased.

"Right now!" I said excitedly.

"Gawd, if only we were fourteen again and could," Mark laughed as he sprawled out on the floor of my tree fort.

Next: Chapter 5

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